HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-06-11, Page 8AGE TEN CLINTt1N NEWS-RECO1 D It Andrew's W.A. Haid luccessfui Bazaar 'T'lle Women's Association of St. srdrew's Presbyterian Church eld its June bazaar and afternoon clad supper on Saturday, June 9. 'he schoolroom of the church was rettily decorated With spring lowers for the occasion and pre-, anteda lovely setting for the vent. Theseveral booths were well patronized after the guests had been received by the President, Mrs. William Shacldeck and :ltre. D. J. Trane. Mrs. Allan Max'Ivell made the tea, and arranging •plates were Mrs. W. Match, iters; G. W. Nott, Mrs, E. E, Gibson, Mrs.Clare tt Neilans and Mrs. tol;,ert Scott. Mrs, Ed Farquharwas overall convener, HERE'S THE WAY TO CURIO --Hostess Glassware Set, 8 fancy, 10 oz. glasses $3.30 Old Fashioned ---6% oz. (Coronation Design) ea. 60e Hi -Bali. -11 oz. (Coronation Design) ea. 60e Guest Set ----11 oz. glasses—set of 8 $2.95 Spun Glass Casting Rods $6.95 & $7.25 Whirlaway Spinning Rod (51/2 ft,) , $29.95 Fisherman's DeLiar $2.65 and $3.15 Hookmaster Hook Holders $1.25 Bronson Reels (Fleetwing and Altoona) $6.15 and $3.50 HEART Choose a Father's Day Card from our display of Coutts -Hallmark and Rustcraft Cards McEwan's 1111MlllillllllilllBlllllIBINIllfilllillluillu1111111111l111111111111111111111111 iinlllulil 11111llllllllllll1111111111llllll111011lullllluiililuVNIIiIlliil l llllliluluulllllllfill ll111111i We have just added a new BRUNSWICK SNOOKER TABLE This is the latest style of table with all features. COME IN AND ENJOY A GAME MMI 04. Bowl For Prizes All persons who bowl exactly° 171 points between May 29, 1953 and June 16, 1953 inclusive, will be eligible to enter a bowl -off on June 18, 1953. The winner of the bowl -off will re- ceive a new Wrist Watch valued at $25. Clinton Bawling Alley (Reg Cudmore) Smoker's Supplies, --- Magazines, Borden's Ice Cream LINTON ONTARIO 1111111111i1111111IIIdIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1111111UIIIIIIIlU1111111111111111111111111➢IIIIIINIl1N111III1I1111111BIiIN11111111111I11111111111111111111111i111111IC 11111111111III11111111NIlIIiIIfHIII111111111111P Mrs, Clifford Stewart Held Trousseau Tea For June Bride -effect Mrs. Clifford Stewart entertain- ed guests at a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter; Miss Betty Stewart, on Saturday, May 30. The bride -elect, with her mo- ther, and her fiances mother, Mrs. Millar, received guests at the door. Amid decorations of lilacs, tulips. and lily -of -the -valley, Mrs. Ed, Glen and Miss Isabel. Stewart poured tea in the afternoon and those serving were Mrs. Gordon Garrow and Helen . Stewart, younger sister of the bride -elect. Mrs. Frank Potter displayed the trousseau; Mrs. Glen Carter, lint ens and kitchenware; Miss Lillian Stewart, elder sister of the guest of honour, displayed the gifts, In the evening Mrs. Ed Glen and Mrs. Millar poured tea. Mrs, Bob Glen and Lillian Stewart served, Mrs. George Cantelon displayed the gifts; Mrs. Wally Mutters - head, linens and kitchenware; Miss Helen Stewart, the trous- seau. Mrs. William Sinclair prepared refreshments in the kitchen, as- sisted in the evening by Mrs. John McGregor, Bride -Elect Honoured Tuckersmith Ladies Fete Jeanne Gibbings A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. William Rogerson when friends and neigh- bours gathered to honor Miss Jeanne Gibbings, bride -elect of June 6. Miss Gibbings was seated under a parasol which when tip- ped provided a shower of confetti. A short program was presented, with several contests being given. Miss Carol Pepper rendered a piano solo. Misses Ruth Crich andel Mildred Crich sang a duet; read- ings were given by Mrs. M. Fal- coner and Mrs. W, P. Roberts. A song, "Tell Me a Story", was very touchingly sung by Mrs. W. Rog- erson and Mrs. Ed. Layton. Following the presentation of the many beautiful gifts, Miss Gib- bings thanked everyone for their kindness. After this a social hour Was spent and lunch was served. 0 ST. ANDREW'S WMS WILL MEET, JUNE 16 The Women's Missionary Society, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet on Tuesday, June 16, at .the home of Mrs. W. Shaddock. 0 LONDESBORO B -A'S DEFEAT HOLMESVILL 17-4 Londesboro BA's handed Holmes - vine a 17-4 defeat in Londesboro on Tuesday night in the first game of the WOAA Intermediate "C" series. Taras and Carter were on the mound for the winners. IIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllll Plan To Attend The Third Annual KINSMEN Dominion Day Celebration In EXETER Afternoon and Evening Performances 23-b IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilillil ather's Day Favorites from Herman's Everybody's Dad wants a Forsyth Nylon TricotShirt • It's a miracle of comfort, good looks, good wear. ANDSOME TIES by FORSYTH, CURRU $1.00-$L50-$2.00 ALL PURCHASES GIFT BOXED merman's Men's Wear HULEPROOF NYLON SOCKS Tony Day Sweaters. Rickock .Belts 8I.'.'[MOTIE H. 'TS hone 224W • J'ORBitit SHIRTS Clinton MR., MRS. P. GBIER TO CELEBRATE 50 YEARS MARRIED Mr, and Mrs, Peter Glazier, HulIett Township, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred H. Glazier, R.R. 3, Clinton, on Sunday, June 14. They will, be at home to visitors between the hours 6f two and four in the afternoon. Peter Glazier was born in Hul- lett Township, and op June` 16, 1903, married Elizabeth Cook, Clinton, They farmed in that township for some years, later moving to a farm in Goderieh Township, and now are fanning again in Hullett Township, on the cemetery road. Both enjoy good health, anandword Mks hisv..Glazierfaun, still man They have four children, Isobel, Mrs. Albert Kneeshaw, Godericlli Luella, Mrs. T. M, Falconer, Clin- ton; Wilfred H„ R.R. 3, Clinton and Russell R., Goderieh. They have 16 grandchildren and ten great grandchildren A grandson, Stanley Falconer, a member of the RCN at Halifax, N.S., is home, with his wife for the anniversary celebration. Oth- er relatives expected inetude two brothers of Mrs. Glazier, Len and William Cook, Clinton; twe.. silt- ers: Miss Flora Cook, Toronto, and Mrs, Fletcher Young with her husband, their son and daughter= in-law, Mr. a n d Mrs. Wesley Young and their three children, also of Toronto; Mr. Glazier's sist- er, Mrs. Minnie Parks, London, and his brother, Albert, Hullett Township. 0--- C. O. Martin Vacates Sec. -Treasurer's Post, Chamber of Commerce The past president of the Clin- ton and District Chamber of Com- merce, H. E. Hartley, on behalf of the members of that chamber, presented to Clayton O. Martin, retiring secretary -treasurer, a trim gladstone bag, at a meeting of the executive of the chamber on Tuesday evening, June 9. Mr. Martin had finished a term of over two years as secretary -treasurer, and had expressed his desire to resign, since other duties kept him occupied. Mr. Martin, will, however, not be leaving the services of the C of C, since before the evening was over he had been appointed as chairman of a new Education com- mittee, the main duty of which will be to promote and organize an Education Week within the town, at the time of the National Education Week next winter. Taking over the duties of Mr. Martin's old office are two per- sons. O. L. Engelstad, manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, Clinton Branch, and one of the directors of the chamber, will .as- sume the treasurer's duties, while Wilma Dinnin of the staff of The Clinton News -Record, will serve as secretary. Chairmen appointed at the meet- ing were as follows: Membership Committee, Carl Cox; Town Plan- ning, Bruce Bartliff; Retail Mer- chants, C. Staniforth; Constitu- tion, Walter Newcombe; agricul- ture, Arthur Aiken; RCAF Public Relations, H. E. Hartley; Indust- rial Promotion, L, G. Winter. Since practically the whole print- ing of 250 copies of the Town of Clinton brochures had been dist- ributed, the industrial committee was instructed to proceed as they found necessary, and after the brochures had been brought up to date, to order a reprint of from 350 to 500 copies, President Mitcheal McAdam pre- sided at the meeting. BRICK or BLOCKWORK CHIMNEYS BUILT or REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES BILL HARRIS Phone Clinton 908r3 ART BELL Phone Goderich 934r24 21-23-25. BIM For DAD on FATHER'S DAY FASTER, CLOSER SHAVES than he ever thought possible w No beard too tough .., no skin too tencler.Twite-as-wide shav- ing surface gives double the beard coverage. Entirely new shape is smaller in the hand, easier tb hanle. More compact, more powerful motor than ever before. Comes in beautiful gift case. ,NOW AVAILABLE AT... S MERRI[L �-=, RADIO & ELECTRIC cS z&i c caiC S xuze PHONE 3i3 CLINTON Mother's Study Group Entertains Blyth Ladies The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church ent- ertained members of the Blyth Friendship Club in the church par- lours, Mrs. Percy Livermore was in charge. Opening with a hymn, Mrs. Livermore read an editorial from the Landon Free Dress con- cerning all the pleasant thin; that happen but never get in tiie newspapers. Mrs. Reg. Shipley rend the scripture following which Mrs. H. C. Wilson led in pr}r. Elmer Hugill took up the offering. Mrs, Webster, Blyth, introduced the Blyth ladies, Mrs. N. W. Tre- wartha introduced the hostess, Mrs. Freeman Tunney, president of the Friendship Club, explained liblurt r«othing like A dairy diet ' For growing ohtelren Why not try its Oar Bvdgee Plan makes it YTo (Jy one or -the greaf NEW 7 -CLIMATE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Refrigera-Fors It takes 7 different areas of cold -from 6° to 55°- to keep basic foods in prime condition. You get all 7 of these essen- tial "food climates" -all working at once in the new Iii Refrigerators. Buy on our Budget Plan Come in to our shop and SCE The New 1953 INTERNATIONAL HOME FREEZER McAlpine & Daw Your IH Refrigeration Dealer hew they ,conduct their meetings and the work they do, Mrs, Ade- line Campbell, Blyth, sang a solo, Vexby ara. Gn, e BadleynPanied, BlythCl, gave Mca owaread- ing entitled 1 know Something Good about You. Mrs. Fred Mil- ler gave a reading How to Bake a Cake". Mrs. Percy Livermore read an article on "Teaching your TI ?.11srim',:J'S,INE.I.1; . Children A pnxeciation." The. tweeting •closed With t hymn, a social time, and lurch served. by. Mrs, 'Wilfred Jervis and Mrs, Elmer Hugill, assiSted by others of the Clinton group. The • next meeting will be on June 16 - in the church parlour; Mrs. Dalen, arm Mrs, Haughton will be host.,. ess,es. "My tires are done„ What will 1 dor Said driver one To driver two For Value, Dependability, Protection and Appearance --bane them replaced with Super de Luxe Premium,quality Road Ring, triple guaranteed tires, . for cars, truck or tractors— Priced from -- $19.95 to $30:00 TUBES from— $2.35 to $4.10 -- AT --- BOB and HOWARD'S Western Tire and Autou apy (ASSOCIATE STORE) Rattenbury St. East Phone 349W CLINTON "Buy and Save with Confidence at Western" 20 pc. Starter Sets $9.95 consists of: a: 4 cups end saucers * 4 bread and butter plates * 4 cereal bowls * 4 dinner plates Additional Pie+:es in Open Stock "It Pays To B'ey Open Stook' Dinnerware Patterns" >;t SUTTER—PERDUE Ready For Work --- These Trucks Will Move Out Fast '52 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Express only 13,000 miles 1400.00 '50 FARGO 1/2 Ton Expresg Racks Included 1650.60 '46 FARGO 2 Ton $ 4 0� with extra good motor and racks ■ '47 WILLYS JEEP—O>ur price 550.00 MAKE US AN OFFER We Might Take Less! Try These Used Cars '46 FORD COACH $900.00 '47 FORD COACH 975,00 '47 MONARCR SEDAN 975,00 '38 FORD COUPE 350.00 Come in soon. At these prices you can't go rong. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CIEVROLET LDSMaeILE--Soles & some') PHONE 367 CLINTON