HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-06-04, Page 8it Ili Ifllltl!{Illllilll�l lijj�llll[Illilllli(IIIIIIiIIIIiIIIIIIIiiIIIII If<I(IfI01111 g
+',Ac.. Six
The Lutheran parsonage, Mit-
obeli, on Saturday, May 9, Was
the scene of the wedding of Doro-
thy Jean Walters, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Walters, St. Colum-
olumban, and Maurice Henry Fink-
beiner, son of Mrs. H, Finkbeiner,
Zurich, and the late Mr. Fink-
beiner, Rev. J, Woelfe officiated.
The bride chose a gown of white
net over satin with lace panels
and long lace lily pointed sleeves.
The lace bodice was trimmed by a
yoke of nylon marquisette and her
linger -tip veil was caught by a
headdress of white flowers. She
carried a bouquet of red roses.
Miss Leona Finkbeiner, sister of
CX41117011 :NEWS-RECQRI.
rgIMSPAY., JUNE 4, 195,,` .
the groom, was her only attend-
ant, wearing a floor -length gown
of apple green net over silk. She
carried a bouquet; of yellow
Clarence Walters, brother of the
bride, was groomsman.
Receiving at the home of the
bride's parents, the bride's mother
wore royal blue and the groom's
mother was dressed in navy sheer.
Both wore corsages pf pink carna-
The bride is a granddaughter of
Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, Clinton,
The couple left on a honeymoon
to Akron, Ohio, the bride travel-
ling in a beige suit with matching
green accessories. Mr. and Mrs.
Finkbeiner will reside near Zurich.
Stamps and Stamp
The Ideal Gift for the Beginning Collector
* 2,500 pictures
* 4,300 spaces for stamps
* world maps, stamp identifier
* geographical and historical description of each country
* Packet of 100 all -different stamps
* Pocket magnifier
* 1,000 stamp hinges
* 82 full color flags of the world
* 72 full color coats of arms of the world
Train approaching,
whistle Squealing,
Stop, avoid that
run down Feeling.
If you car or tractor
battery is worn out or
run down, have it re-
charged or replaced at
$8.90 - $16.45
Western Tire -and
Auto Supply
Rattenbury St. East ' ' Phone 349W
"Where Your Dollar Has More Sense"
20 pc. Starter Sets
consists of:
* 4 cups and saucers
a 4 bread and butter plates
• 4 cereal bowIs
* 4 dinner plates
Addltiolnl Pieces IYi Olk,l Stock
"It Pays To Bay 'Oheit Stock'
Dinnerware Patterns"
Murphy Bros, Organized Trip To Motor Factory
Two Clinton businessmen with a group of Royal Canadian Air Force members from RCAF
Station, Clinton, are shown above as they visited the huge engine plant of the Chrysler Corporation
of Canada, Limited, at Windsor recently. In the photo, Fred J. Cowell (third from left), general
plant superintendent, points out a noteworthy fea ture of one of the engines on the production line.
The group includes (left to right) : F/S E. R. Hatch, Oak Lake, Man.; John Lavis, of the Lavis
Contracting Company, Clinton; LAC Verne Naylor, Peterborough; Joseph H. Murphy, of Murphy
Bros. Garage, Chrysler -Plymouth -Fargo dealers at Clinton who arranged the trip; Sgt. C. L. Spinney,
Kingston, Nova Scotia; and F/L A. E. Sturgess, Toronto.
Rain Forces Spring Fair To Be
Held On Main Street
(Continued from Page One)
Lorne Carter. Special prize, 4-1-1
club calf "Dairy", Don Lobb.
Bull, one year old, and under
two years, Lorne Carter, Seaforth.
cow, three years old and over,
Lorne Carter (1, 2, 4) ; Winston
Powell, RR 2, Seaforth (3). Heif-
er, two years old, and under three
years: Lorne Carter (1 and 2).
eifer yearling: Winston Powell;
Lorne Carter,
Heifer calf, Lorne Carter (1 and
2). Champion bull and cow: Lorne
Bull ,born before Sept. 1, 1951:
W. E. Parker and Sons, Watford
(1 and 3), R. C. Armstrong, Tees -
water (2, 4 and 5). Bull born be-
tween Sept. 1, 1951 and April 30,
1952: Melvin Taylor and Sons, RR
1, Belgrave; W. E. Parker and
Sons. Bull born between May 1,
1952 and August 1, 1952: W. E.
Parker. Champion bull: "Sunny
Hill Misty", W. E. Parker.
Female, born before May 1,
1950: R. C. Armstrong, W. E.
Parker; female, born between May
1, 1950 and April 30, 1951: W. E.
Parker, Melvin Taylor, R. C. Arm-
Female born between May 1,
1951 and April 30, 1952: W. E.
Parker (1 and 2), R. C. Arm-
strong, Melvin Taylor. Female
born after May 1, 1952: R. C.
Armstrong (1 and 5), Melvin Tay-
lor (2 and 4), W. E. Parker (3
and 6).
Get of sire, three animals, bull
any age and two heifers: W. E.
Parker, R. C. Armstrong. Special
prize, champion herd, bull and 3
females:' W. E. Parker, R. C.
Armstrong M. Taylor and Sons.
Bull born before Sept. 1, 1951:
Emke Bros., Elmwood; Gordon L.
Riley, Underwood. Champion .An-
gus bull: "Rosebud Bandelier",
Emke Brbs. Bull born between
Sept. 1, 1951 and April 30, 1952:
Dr. Haigmeine, 'Medford; Stewart
Middleton, RR 3, Clinton. Bull,
born after May 1, 1952: Stewart
Middleton, Gordon L. Riley (2 and
Female born before May 1, 1950:
Emke Bros. (1 and 2), .Gordon L.
Riley. Female born between May
1, 1950 and April 30, 1951: Emke
Bros., both prizes. Female born
between May 1, 1951 and April
30, 1952: Emke Bros., Gordon L.
Riley, Dr. Haigmiene. Female,
bprn after May 1, 1952; Etnke
Bros. (1 and 4),` Gordon Riley
(2 and 3). .
' Get of sire,• three animals; bull
of any age and two heifers: 'Emke
Bros., Gordon L. Riley,. Special -
Prize champion herd, bull and 3
females: Emke Bros., Gordon L.
Special prize for Grand champ-
ion Beef Herd: Emke Bros., Elm-
wood; W. E. Parker; IV C. Wright
and Soni, Cromarty. •
HEREFORD$-, . • • • •
Bull, born before Sept. 1, 1951:
Howard Wright and Sons, Crom-
Phone 66W -•- Clinton
Get There Safely!
1 1 0
arty; George Kennedy, Lucknow.
Bull, born between Sept. 1, 1951
and April 30, 1952: James R. Coul-
tes, Belgrave; Robert Hern, RR 1,
Granton; Howard Wright. Bull,
born after May 1, 1952: George
Kennedy (1 and 3) Percy Willert
and Sons, Zurich (2), Howard
Wright (4 and 5).
Female, born before May 1, 1950:
George Kennedy (1 and 2), H. C.
Wright, Robert Hern. Female,
born between May 1, 1950 and
April 30, 1951: H. C. Wright, Jas.
R. Coultes, George Kennedy, H. C.
Wright, Robert Herh. Female,
born between May 1, 1951 and
April 30, 1952: George Kennedy,
H. C. Wright (2 and 4), Robert
Hern, James R. Coultes. Female,
born after May 1, 1952: Robert
Hein, H. C. Wright, George Ken-
nedy (3 and 5), •Percy Willert,
James R. Coultes.
Get of sire, three animals, bull
any age and two heifers: 11. C.
Wright and Son, George Kennedy,
Special, Prize Champion herd, bull
and three females: H. C. Wright,
George Kennedy, Jas. R. Coultes,
Robert Hern.
Senior Baby Beef, 710 to 850
lbs.: Robert Hern, RR 1, Granton;
Stewart Middleton, RR 3, Clinton.
Junior Baby Beef, 550 to 710
lbs.; Robert Hern; H. C. Wright
and Son; Gordon L. Riley, Under-
Finished Beef Steer or Cross -
Bred Heifer shown in halter: Mel-
vin Taylor and Sons, RR 1, Bel -
grave (1 and 2).
Special 4-H Heifer Calf, dairy
breed: Mervyn Lobb and Sons,
RR 2, Clinton.
LOBA No. 37 Entertains
At 32nd. Birthday Party
The 32nd anniversary of the
Clinton Lodge, LORA No. 377,
was held in the lodge room on
May 26, 1953.
The evening was spent playing
euchre. Prizewinners were: lad-
ies' high, Mrs. Earl Ciceri, Clin-
ton; ladies' second, Mrs. A. Har-
rison, Seaforth; lone hands, Mrs.
W. Shobbrook, Clinton; ladies'
low, Mrs. Marion Fowler, Mit-
chell; men's high, W. Shobbrook,
Clinton; men's second, G. Davis,
Woodham; lone hands, F And-
rews, Clinton; men's low, O. Jac-
ques, Kirkton.
At the close of the evening a
delightful lunch was served, This
was convened by Mrs. E. Bell and
Mrs. C, Freeman,' assisted by the
members of the lodge. The 32
candles on the beautiful birthday
cake were blown out by one of the
charter members of this lodge,
Mrs. W. Shobbrook. Congratula-
tions were given by the other
lodges present: Mitchell, Seaforth,
Woodham and Greenways. The
Worshipful Master of Clinton
Lodge, D. Freeman, was one of
the guest speakers along with
brothers from Seaforth and Wood-
Popular Local Girl
Receives Her Guests
Dainty Trousseau Tea
In a setting,• made colourful
with spring flowers, Miss Audrey
Baird, assisted by her mother,
Mrs. Norman Baird, and her
fiance's mother, Mrs. C. L. Stan-
ley, Clinton, received friends on
Coronation Day, June 2, for her
trousseau tea held at the home of
the bride -elect, on Concession 2,
Stanley Township.
Displaying the trousseau were
Miss Verna Eyre who showed the
wedding gifts; Mrs. Walter Baird,
shower gifts; Miss Thelma Baird,
wedding wardrobe; Miss Alma
Parrish, the linen and china.
The table was centred by a lov-
ely wedding cake, graced by small
lily -of -the -valley and forget -mer
not nosegays. Pouring tea in the
afternoon; were Mrs. T. B. Baird
and Mrs. Jean McQueen, while
Mrs. Stewart Baird and Mrs, Wal-
ter Baird, Misses Alice Caldwell
and Leola Taylor, served. In the
evening, Mrs. George Baird and
Mrs. Barbelle Thompson poured
tea, and Miss Margaret McQueen
helped to serve in place of Miss
Mrs, William Sinclair prepared
the luncheon plates in the kitchen
where she was assisted by Mrs.
Clara Dutot.
Over 125 guests were welcomed.
Surprise Shower
Last Thursday evening, May 28,
a group of the girls from the of-
fice at RCAF Station, Clinton,
where Audrey has been working,
surprised her with a miscellaneous
shower held at the home of Mrs.
Betty Maybe, Rattenbury St. East,
After the guest -of -honour had
opened her many gifts which were
brought to her in a prettily dec-
orated doll's carriage, a delicious
lunch was served.
The monthly meeting of the
Catholic Women's League was
held at the home of Mrs. Swin-
bank with 21 members present.
During 'the business session, pre-
sided over by the president, Mrs.
E. O'Brien, it was decided to hold
a bazaar in the fall.
The June meeting, which is to
be held in the basement of the
church, will take the form of a
strawberry social. The visiting
committee for this month is Mrs.
Lloyd Medd and Mrs. Clem. Rey-
The mystery prize donated by
Mrs. Henri, was won by Mrs. Sam
Spencer. The social committee for
next month is Mrs. George Car-
bert and Mrs. Arnold Dale, Mrs.
A birthday gift was'given to the
Greenways Lodge Whose 26th an-
niversary closely follows that of
the CIinton Lodge. '
Winners of the draws were: sil-
ver tray, . Mrs. W.. Oldfield, Sea -
forth; cup and saucer, O. Jacques,
Kirkton; vase, Mrs,. Stuart, Sea -
forth; • coronation cup and saucer,
Mrs. MacIlwain, Bayfield.
The next regular meeting will
be held in•the lodge rooms on June.
9 at eight o'clock.
Heavy Rains Hindering
Corn and Bean Planting
"Heavy rains with cyclone -like
winds caused severe damage in
five townships in the north part
of the County last Monday night,
Approximate estimate of the dam-
age," G. W. Montgomery, agri-
cultural representative for Huron
County reports, "includes 44 barns
and driving sheds partially dest-
royed and 13 barns completely
flattened. A severe storm and an
all-night rain Friday night has
left much of the low-lying land
partially tinder water. Farmers in
between rains are trying to sow
an increased acreage of white and
soybeans and grain corn.
"There were 162 contestants
taking part in the County Live-
stock Judging Competition held
near Seaforth, and in addition 250
girls were on hand on the same
day for the Homemaking Club
"Approximately 350 i eople at-
tended a "Farewell Party" for
John D. Butler, assistant ag'rleul-
tural re rese.ritativr, prior to his
leaving icor Renfrew County at the
end of last month."
The 'Good Win Club at Wesley-
Willis Ui>lt.ed Church will hold a
picnic tea at the bonne of Misses
W, and D. d'I4eil on Tuesday
cunning, June 9 at G.30 o'clock,
li'Irs, 5, Itiddiek and Mrs, (Aix are
In charge' with 1MCiss tueilaJohn.
Ston as etlest speaker rind Mrs, I1.
C. Lawson as guest Wein.
Auburn Juvenile baseball team
defeated Clinton RCAF team in
the main attraction at Clinton
Community Park on Coronation
Day by the score of 2-0.
The Auburn team, made up not
last year's Ontario Midget champ-
ions -only three of which are now
too old for midget this year -
made a very impressive sheWing
in this their first start of the sea-
son. Bill Craig, Sr„ is again coach
of this fine young team, who will
be seen later this season in a
schedule with a Clinton juvenile
team. Ken Patterson and Bill
MacDonald shared pitching duties
for Auburn and gave up only four
hits to their older opponents..
BabAUBUYaunNgblut, lb.. 2 0 0 8 0
K. Patterson, p, 3b 4 0 1 0 1
G. Wright, ss 4 0 1 0 0
MacDonald, 3b, p4 1 0 0 1
Wilson, 2b 3 1. 0. 0' 4.
B'ry Youngblut, cf, 2 0 0 1 0
T. McPhee, if 3 0 0 2 0
H, Knox, rf 1 0 0 0' 0
BManleuchanany,,ss rf (6th) 1 0 0 0 0
Carter, c ... 3 0 0 8 2
Garrow, 2b 3 0 1 0 12 0 1 2 0
Fitzsimons, cf 3 0 1 0 0
Cassaboom, if , 3 0 0 1 0
Romano, 3b... 2, 0 0 0 0
Cameron, 3b (6th) 1 0 0 0 0
Plummer, lb 1 0 0 1 0
Jansen, 1b (5th) 1 0 1 3 0
Mrs. Fingland to Attend
Advisory Board Meeting
In Toronto This Fall •
The Women's Hospital Auxiliary
held its June meeting in the hos-
pital on Monday, June 1, with the
president, Mrs. D. J. Lane, presid-
The secretary and the treasur-
er gave their respective reports,
the latter showing a balance on
hand. A statement of the Tag
Day results revealed that. $126.10
had been realized. The auxiliary
recorded its gratitude to all who
had made the Hospital Day in
May a success.
A minute's silence was observed
as a tribute to the memory of
Mrs. O. W. Rhynas, who, for many
years had been instrumental in
extending hospital aid in the pro-
vincial, dominion and international
Mrs, Frank Fingland, past presi-
dent of the local auxiliary was
appointed to represent the auxil-
iary on the advisory board of the
Ontario provincial societies meet-
ing at Toronto in October.
Miss Sinclair, superintendent,
served a cup of tea to those pres-
ent with Mrs. W. H. Robinson
pouring, and Mrs. A. M. Knight
Stafford, c 1 0 0 12 0
Marshall, c (5th).•1 0 0 2 1
Rowan, rf.. • 3 0 0 0 0
Boyd, p... 1 0 0 0 1.
LeFluer, p (4th)1 0 0 0 1
Errors:' RCAF 4, Auburn 1.
.t burn 2 --Clinton Juveniles 1
In a four -inning game after the
Auburn -RCAF fixture, the Auburn
team defeated Clinton's Juvenile
entry 2-1. This was the first time
the local boys had been together
this year.
Bob Youngblut pitched for Au-
burn, while Muir' from Seaforth
pitched for Clinton: The 'Clinton
line-up was as follows:
Don Denorpme, c; Ron Muir, p;
John Hartley, ib; Rick Elliott, 2b;
Ron Carter, ss; Murray Colqu- •
howl, 3b; Harris Oakes; If; Gerry
Tebbutt, cf; Bob Brandon, .rf.,
Umpires of both games were;
Eddie Dale, at the plate, and Doug
Andrews on the bases, •both from-.
She'll w
Exclusive, BOWL•FIT beav-
ers for higher, lighter„ fines, -
textured cakes, creamier, -
fluffier mashed potatoes, er. -
a ((i and &Uri 2 ,,
Bowl For Prizes
All persons who bowl exactly 171
points between May 29, 1953 and June
16, 1953 inclusive, will be eligible to enter
a bowl -off on June 18, 1953.
The winner of the bowl -off will re-
ceive a new Wrist Watch valued at $25.
We have just added a new
This is the latest style of table with all features.
Clinton Bowling Alley
(Reg Cudmore)
Smoker's Supplies, -- Magazines,
Borden's Ice Cream
Woril' Tires
Are A
Driving Hazard.
Don't drive a car that is a menace to your safety and
the safety of others.
Attractive trade-in allowance on your old tires and
extra special prices this month on 570/15 Good-
year Marathons.
Those ear bargains advertised last week moved
S a I d Out therm o1ut. Extra special p]i lees on the USED Cabs
and Trucks left. Drop in soon. It pays!
,Larne Brown Motors Limited