HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-11-27, Page 5Tun Tows Lima..•' -At ono time one town bell used to be run;; with some degree Of regularity each clay, when it proved a great convenience to the public. Now no system seems to bo recognized, and, in- stead of beim; a convenience, it has become an intolerable nuisance. I3esides its other variations, it i$ quite a common oceurroice for the boll to vary from ten to fifteen minutes at the noon hour alone. The council should see to it that some degree of regularity is observed in ringing the bell. It would be butter to allow it to re- main silent altogether than permit a con- tinuance of the present mode.. To FB'( I.4'nrp (}uownris.—Wo have made ar. rangernents with the Ontario fruit Growers Association, which recently met in this town, to club their publication, the Canadian Iiortioulturist, with Tiro Tiaras, at the small sum of 61.80 for the two Tapers. The Horticulturist has a first. class reputation, and is undoubtedly the best publication of the Bind in Canada. It numbers among its contributors the ablest horticulturists in the Dominion. The sub- scription price eutitles the subscriber not only to the paper for one year, but also to is copy of the annual report of the Fruit `Growers' Association for 1885, containing the discussions at the three meetings held during the past year, carefully reported by a short -Band writer. This report of it- self°is worth more than the sub 'cription price to any horticulturist. Besides this eaoh subscriber will receive in the spring, by mail, without cost, whichever of the followirg articles the subscriber may designate namely, either (1) three plants of the Ontario strawberry, or (2) a year- ling tree of the Russian yellow transparent dapple, or,(3) a plant• of he Lucretia" dew- berry, or (4) a yearling vine of the early Victor grape, or (5) two plants of the Marl, boro raspberry, ((i) a package containing three papers of seeds, viz: Gypsophila pauieulata, Aquilegia ccerulia and Del- phinium, mixed colors. This is an oppor- tunity that is rarely offered, and those interested in fruit culture should not be slow in taking advantage of it. Try '1u> TI1riCs and Ilorticulturist one year' for 6;1.80 Miss 1taggie :E. Campbell has been • on ;aged for next year as teacher of the secoud department. in the Tees- wAter public school at a salary of 1+320, and Miss ivlary. B. Sharp as teacher of the third department at $_60. The school. board has decided to pay there but half of the salary earned at the end of each quarter. The Kincarchne tLwu fathers are •diseussiug the advrsai ility of purchas- ing a chemical fire; endue for fire pro- trotion purposes. TUE TIMES would suggest that they save their money and utilize the big cannons recently sent there my the minister of militia. In ease of tire they could be filled with water and fired. at the burning 1tuilding, and thus they would prove useful es welt as ornamental. JAS. A. CLINE & CO., STONE BLOCK, 4 r 15aMOi auk T� 0 THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE AND THE TH OUG IITF UL HOUSE' HOLDER SHOULD PROVIDE FOR CHANGING WEATHER BY SELECTING 'THEIR GOODS NOW, AND INSPECTING —THE IMMENSE 13TO K DISPLAYED BY— WHITNEY tla DUFFIELD Give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in COAL, PARLOR, 130X AND COOK -STOVES F URI` ACES, AND RANGES, TINWARE, Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Woodenware And in fijet everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. AIC• oriean and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesale and retail. Eavetroughing a spocialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Also sole agents for the Celebrated Rochester Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but call and inspect our stock and get our priees. WHITNEY. &• DU-FFIELD, STONE BLOCK, W1NGHA111, n A. Fine and New Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laur One Spectacles and 13ye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographic Perls. Also a tine lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and lilver,ything in the line of drugs and Druggists' Sundries yen want at THE PHARMACY, Ur, T O LE ' UM STUD, RltfD, WINGII..&aez STEAMSHIP NOTICE.—Tickets issued at reduced fares to Europa• by the Beaver, State and Inman Lines of Steamships. To all points in Florida and 'Texas—very low --via ''The Mallory Line," the only through Noe from New York. rr. HARRY HISCOCKS,, G±OC]i E: CLEARING BALE S' C+TLEs-'0 l Wat:111:, ClockJv�ry, Silvnan Ea, } { IN ORDER TO MAIZE ROO'1 FOR MY LARGE Ci- ' _iPIS ( T- ( MAS PURCHAa �HAVES I DECIDED TO OFFER )' ) ABOVE GOODS AT AN ENORMOUS REDUCTION DURING THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CALL FOR BEST CHOICE. 1 HALSEY PARK. • ..... , ,.. ,..u.,. Tremendous Slaughter FOR 30 DAYS Twill discouuet any clearing sale ever mace 111 1Vin•.;li.Iin of WATCHES, CLOCKS —SILVERWARE,— Pipes, Purses, Violins, —ACCORDEONS,— • Spectacles, Cutlery, &c. My goods are bought for cash from the best firms in America, thereto.% you can save money by buying from a man who handles his own goods. Re ps,iring in all its Branches. Best and cheapest in Wingham, prices to suit tho times. I mean business. Call and see for yourselves. E. F. BLACK, WATCHMAKER. P. S.—Also Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sale notes discounted. Money to loan cheap. Nov. 5, 1885. Pr, hff ale of liagdz. COUNTY OF HURON, I. TO WIT r-■ By virtue of several Writs of Fiat Facids issued out of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and dolivered,against the Lands and Tenemontsef Charles Tait Scott at the suits of The Molson's Bank and William B. Hutton and Peter Fisher, I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title, interest and equety of redemption of the above-named defendant, Charlet Tait Scott, in and to the following lands and tenements situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County of Iluron, and Province of On- tario, viz.: let. Lots sloven, Fifty -Two, and Three IIundred and FortyFive, running numbers, Government Sur- vey. 2nd. Lot TwentyThroo, Foley's 1st Survey, Ed- ward Street West. Sid An undivided half interest in the West half of Lot ThlrtyOhe, Minnio Sltreet East, Griffen's Survey. 4th. Lots ThirtyFour, Thirty -Six, Thirty.Seven and Thirty -Eight, Scott survey. 5th. Lots TwentyNiue and Thirty -Five, on South side of Scott Street. 6th, Lot Four on West side of Josephine Street, save and except Ton feet In width sold off the North. orly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot 1• iso West side of Josephine Strout. 9th. That portion of Block t3 commencing one hundred and two foot in a Westerly direction along the South side of Victoria Street from the North. Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's Survey, hotter known as the Exchange Hotel property,thenco in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Vic - talc" Street, Twenty feet by Ono Hundred and Nino- teen foot, in a Sautherly direction and parallel with Josephine Street all said properties being in Scott' Survey, and are Subdivisions of a portion of Block 13 trove nnmcnt Survey. Which Lands and Tenements I shall Offer for sale, tet my office, in tho Court House, in the Town of Godorioh on Tuesday, the First day of December, 1995, at tho hour of Twelve of the cloak, Noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Iluron. SI'eri:f's Office eodorioh, Aug, 2:nd,1SN., 0 0 ct)catr NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. J_ 11i1AS01\T LEADING UNDERTAKER, - LATE OF TORONTO, begs to announce to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that he has opened a new photograph gallery in the premises tornnorly occupied by Mr. Cochrane, above A. W. Webster's store, and solicits a share of their patron- age. All work done in the highest style of the art. PRICES—Cabinets from 93 and upwards; Card Phots 51.50 and upwards ; Panels 94.50 and upwards; Ambrotypes, four for 50 cents. Special attent:on paid to tho photographing of residences, factories and machinery. Childrens photos a specialty. Remember the Now Photo. graph Gallery, above Webster's stern, opposite the Bank of Hamilton. J. MASON. Farmers&Landoncrs Do you want to borrow money? To buy moreland for Yourself or Your Sons. To build a House or Barn' To Fence, Clear Underclraiu, or otherwise improve Land To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0 for any other Purpose, If you do the un dersi ncd are able to Loan at the lowes rates of Interest and more reasonabl Terms than any one else in this section o the country. • MEYER LC,: DICEENSON, Barristers, Wingliam Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Get The Best ! THE WESTERN ADVERTISER London Ontario: Published alternately in eight and twelve•page form, and beautifully printed by one of the best web -feeding presses In America BALANCE o1 1885 FREE It is an undisputed fact that the regular circulation of tine WesTe,Y AnvenrrtsER, is the largest in Ontario, with only two Toronto exceptions, being over 25,000. Largest $ Paper, In clubs of four and uuwards 75e. each. POPULAR DEPARTMENTS Oflnterestto every member of the family. Note a few:•—First-class Agricultural Department; Special Market Department; Secular and Sure(' Music ; La• tcresting Stories; Ladies' and Youths' Departments; Curious and Useful Department; Talma e's Sermons ; Legal Department; and Alt the News by telegraph, mail and correspondence, HUNDR1;ID3 01[' V ALt1ABLE 7PREIYMIUMS For workers, and Ono Hundred Special Prises for the most successful agents. Agent's Package and sample copies on application, The most liberal inducements over offered in Canada to club.getters. Address— A.d,vertiser Printing Co. LONDON, .. . CA T4 A,. w i i G-1-1_ _ FALL IMPORTATIONS 0 O: Immense Bargains at the Corner, Store. c Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is complete, and at Greatly - Reduced Prices. In Dress Goods will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman= and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitings, Wool plaids. Special Bargains in Ulster Cloths, Blue, Brown, Black and Grey. A. large stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination, Suits. A fine selection of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. In l ady• Made Clothing a large assortment, Stylish and quality unsurpassed. A,. large consignment of Overcoats jut to hand in Men's Bovs' and Youths" Knitted Wool Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, &c. Boots duel Shoes from the best makers. A large stock of Pure and Fresh Grocer- ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in New Designs. Our• stock was never better assorted than at the present time. From now• - until the Ist of January we will give Special Bargains in everydepart-- ment. Don't forget to call and examine our stock before purchasing;; elsewhere. We mean business and will not be undersold. We have ar, large stock and want to sell the goods. W. ELLIOTT, Corner Store. WinghanT., IDOO It is understood that the sentence Riel has nothing to clo•with the fast. increasing business of the firm of-- • Messrs. Scott & Bell,. Y/h oI6sa1 & Retail Furniture M anufactu rr OF wiNGH.AM.. TIIIS FIRM HAS BEEN ENGAGED FOR UPWARDS OF 15' YEARS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF Office, Church, Lodge R. H.ousehold Furniture. We are now able to till all orders; wholesale and retail. We cannut- be under old, as we are- the largest manu faeturera, --in Huron. Ti'y us for -- BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES IN MA- HOGANY WALNUT cgc, MARBLE Tot S. Furniture orders for carloads.alwwiys lime our prclnptr attention. Saw log'. ; taken at our saw- mill in exchalrge for Furniture. SCOTT & BELL,, ilVINGHARL