HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-06-04, Page 6PAGE SX News of Bayiield Representative; *88 WE R. WOOLS rboue BATFIELD 4 r3 *$44-4$-4-$- LAC and Mrs. J, Greenaway are occupying No. 9 Jewett cottage. Ronald Poth, Kitchener, is home this week to study for his final exams. Leonard' Martin, ' Thamesford, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Reg. Francis. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baker and Gwen, London, were in the village on \Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas James, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' A, W. Reid. Miss Mildred Fraser, London, spent, the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser. Miss Roberta Raby, East Lan- sing, Mich., was the guest of Mrs, Ronald. Poth over the'weekend. ' Dr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, Hamilton, were guests .at the Al- bion Hotel on Monday and Tues - Canon and Mrs. H. M. Lang - Ford came on Wednesday of last week to spend the season at their cottage. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter and daughters, Toronto, were at their home in the village over the week- endCoronation Da .anand Mrs. William F, Buchan, Dunnville, were the guests of the farmer's sister, Mrs. N. W. Woods, from Sunday until Wednesday. Misses M. and R. Kruke, re- turned to Dearborn, Mich., on Wednesday, after spending a week at their home on Main Street, "The Village Guild." R. J. Watson left or Thursday' last for Sintaluta, Sask. Mrs. Watson accompanied him to Mal - ton Airport and returned to visit 4-+4-i'r44+ days. We are sorry to report that Keith Genleinhardt was obliged to enter Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday for treatment. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Hughes, De- troit, occupied one of the Jowett cottages over the weekend. They had as their guests, Richard Ellis and Dr. and Mrs, Goodman, Wayne University., MT. and Mrs. Reg. Francis were in London on Wednesday evening to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. James McDonald, Thamesford, who recently underwent a serious operation in St, Joseph's Hospital. The rector, Rev, E. Carew - Jones, celebrated holy communion in Trinity Anglican. Church on June 2 in the morning. There was a good attendance at this most inspiring Coronation Day service. For the month of June, 11!r. and Mrs, Gordon W. Cuningbame are occupying Cedar Nest their cdt- tage at Tuyle & Cameron Streets. Mr. and Mrs, Cuninghalne have recently returned from a year spent in British Columbia and Southern California. Miss Joan McLeod, who has been sailing aboard the John B. Richards • in company with her grandmother for the'past two and one-half months, left the ship at Weiler; Ont., and returned home on Saturday. She has resumed her former work at the Cities Service Station. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Nicholls, London, spent the weekend with relatives in Waterloo for a few the latter's mother, Mrs. F. W. Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMIT.H TENDERS are invited for the Construction of the Jackson Drain, Township of Tuckersmith. Approximately 5460 cubic yards of excavation. Tenders to be in clerk's hands not later than June 19, 1953, at 8.30 p.m. Marked cheque for 10 per cent of tender price to accompany each tender. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 22-3-b 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Coach 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Styline Sedan two-tone in color 1953 Chevrolet Styline Sedan 1952 Pontiac Styline Coach 2-1952 Pontiac Styline Sedans—one with custom radio 2-1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Styline Sedans 1951 Pontiac Styline Coach 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1948 Dodge Coach 2-1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coaches 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1946 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1941 Pontiac Sedan 1939 Willys Sedan TRUCKS 1948 Mercury 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1944 Dodge 1/2 Ton Panel AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. -- PHONE 73-X McEwen. They were accompanied by Gerald Bookie Oxford, Eng- land, Norman Oliver, Boston, Mass., and Alastair Valiance - Jones of Saskatoon University, all scientists attending a conference at the University of Western On- tario, Who were also her guests. Mr. and Mrs. S. Schuler, Mrs, Eudo Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and two children, Ray and Susan, Ken Westgn, Detroit, were with Miss E. Weston over the weekend. They, with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston, George Weston and Miss E, Weston attended the fun- eral of Mit. T. Q. Elliott at Hol- mesville on Monday. Coronation Day The Rev. and Mrs. E. Carew- Junes entertained the Guides, Brownies and Church Boys' Lea- gue on coronation day, The rect- ory was beautifully decorated with Union Jacks and flowers, and streamers in, red, whiteand blue, made gay the various rooms, The guests assembled about five o'clock and enjoyed group games on the lawn, after which they formed a circle around the flag pole, said prayers for the Queen and saluted the flag. The Rev. E. Carew -Jones asked all the Brownies and Guides to remember that the Queen at one time had been a Brownie, and later a Guide, and they had re- membered her with prayer on this day of coronation as she had re- quested. Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed in the house. The happy affair to mark this. special day came to a conclusion after a display of fireworks, United Church Tea St. Andrew's Uriited Church basement was decorated tastefully for the ,delightful Coronation Day tea given by the Willing Workers on Tuesday afternoon. The pillars were done in red, white and blue, and pictures of Queen Elizabeth r in red, white and blue panels, hung on the front and side walls, White lilacs and tulips were mas- sed throughout the room. Ten tea tables were centred with low floral decorations of Egyptian rose and iris. They were most attractive. Coronation route place mats with two sprigs of English ivy and silver cream and sugar were on each table. Members of the organization served dainty refreshments. Mrs. Peter Renner, wearing an attrac- tive robin's egg blue frock with matching hat received the many guests who attended: Did you know that„, THE MAN WHO JNVENTED THE FIRST GASOLINE -POWERED AUTOMOBILE, SAW NO FUTURE FOR AUTOS t 1 WITHOUT DOUBT, THE FAMOUS MARATHON TIRE BY GOODYEAR IS THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. IT'LL GIVE YOU LONG, TROUBLE-FREE MILEAGE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICE. GUARANTEED, TOO, LIKE ALL GOODYEARTIR $' SEE US RIGHT AWAY ! LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY X-56 *440 June Is Dairy Month :..•;exq:�r.'.': :.r......:..i f.. }}:•;•i. 'G•::{iYyir. .v:}tiP::•::... - ... .r: r } r .5....-rJ �. .. r.... �ri.:dn.: ✓h: i,::: $.;:.vii5,. �:•'r�f.,..'v:. ...}•}•.��... :l{•.'}':'.: ),... Good Eaten forII age At every age YOU need dairy foods to grow on, to go on! They're brimming with energy and food value. Such goodness in a glass of milk; such flavour in a hearty piece of cheese! Such enjoyment in ice cream, whipped cream, or buttered cinnamon rolls! With plenty of inexpensive dairy foods .,in your diet, you'll live better and feel better too. "Down Dairy Lane" Listen to this programme on Wednesdays 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. E.S.T, over the Dominion :Network of C.B.C. INION NAT11RI5 ,INI ,arms DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 Huron Sheet, %Fon#b cum mvia4tEcoRD LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs, Percy Whitely, TWillorgntoows M, wereountain. with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and MrS, Bert Lohb, Hol- mesville, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Harry Durnin's on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Napier, Detroit, were visitors with the lady's fa- ther, Bert Brunsdon, and her grandmother, Mrs. W. T. Bruns don, over the weekend. Miss Phemie Reid is leaving on a trip to Edmonton on Thursday, She will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Gooier and Mrs. Emmerson Hesk, who will also visit friends en route. Tornado Damage Many from here visited recently the scene of destruction when the tornado of a few days ago laid waste the Westfield district. Barns were completely demolished; large trees were uprooted and orchards rained. Roads had been blocked. Hydro and telephone poles were down. Fortunately no one was in- jured and the houses were not greatly damaged, The Westfield Church had one end blown in and damage to furnishings. Joint Meeting Planned The Londesboro Woman's As- sociation held its May meeting in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday, May 21. Fol- lowing the opening hymn, Mrs, A. Clarke read the scripture and the president, Mrs. B. Shobbrook, led in prayer. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted and the treasurer's report was given. Cards of appreciation were read from Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservice, Mrs. Lena Crawford, Mrs. Nellie Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe and Lorne Murch and family. A joint meeting is planned of the WMS and WA in June to be held in the parsonage. New car- pet is to be purchased for the choir loft floor. Readings were given by Mrs. F. Tamblyn and Mrs. B. Shobbrook. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. Lunch was served by the hostesses. HOLMESVILLE Nelson Brown, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson, London, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon. Fred Mulholland attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late Charles Gibson, in Detroit last week. Mrs. J. W. Smith and Miss May Jardine, Goderich; Miss Belva Howatt, Hamilton, were guests on Sunday of' Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCullough. Symphathy Extended The sympathy of the commun- ity goes to Thomas Elliott and family in the loss of a beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Elliott's death in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday evening was a shock to all her neighbours and friends. Coronation Service Rev. M. G. Newton conducted a special Coronation service in Hol- mesville United Church on Sunday morning. The order of service was followed according to the pro- gram prepared for the United Church of Canada, and the choir, under the direction of the organ- ist, Mrs. W. Yeo, sang as the an- them, "Newfoundland." ..yH +-lr a -9 s a -A -o'1►- r r'w. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Jim Livingstone and David and Ed Noonan, Lon- don, spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Zapfe. Bride -elect Honoured A very pleasant time was spent Monday evening when friends of Miss Marion Hill gathered to hon. orraher prior to her marriage next month, The gathering was held in No. 10 Stanley school where the bride -elect formerly attended. A program was presented. Mrs, Alton Johnston led in community singing. Mrs. J. Cairns sang two solos and Miss Eva Stackhouse accompanied by Mrs. W, Mcl3eath, played the violin. All took part In stunts, Miss Blanche Zapfe read an ad- dress and Miss Ruth Scott pre- sented Marion with many beauti- ful gifts. The bride -elect made a fitting reply, A social half hour and lunch followed. Visitors' Day for WA A large group of ladies, mem- bers of Kippen and Ontario Street, Clinton, United Church Wgman's Associations, joined with the Brucefield WA in a special Visit- ors' Day program held in Bruce - field United Church on Wednesday afternoon, June 3. Mrs, W. Douglas read the scrip- turenlesson following the opening hymn. Mrs. George Henderson sang a solo, and Mrs. Lorne Wil- son called the roll. The subject, "Purity in Heart" was given by Mrs. Clen Christie. Mrs. H. F. Berry and Mrs. W. Fotheringham took up the offer- ing, and after the singing of an- other hymn, Mrs. Douglas led in prayer. Miss M. McDonald ex- pressed a welcome to the members from the Kippen and Clinton as- sociations. The trio, composed of Mrs. Al - HAYFIELD PAVILION Dancing EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, I. __.ion.n.nnonno.insonnimmun, ton Johnson (organ); Mrs. Walter McBeath (piano); Miss Eva Stackhouse (violin) played two numbers "The 014 l ,ugged Cross" and "It as My Secret." Mrs. Rad- ford, Clinton, played a piano solo. Following an inspiring address from Mrs, Robert Allan on "Iia It Right?", a piano duet was played by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs, McLeod, Kippen. Mrs. Alton Johnson played the organ to accompany hymns throughout the meeting, A delicious lunch was served in the school room of the church„ which was decorated with .baskets of flowers, and centre of interest was a large photo of Queen Elizabeth II' at the front of the room. ODER ICH TOWNSHIP' R _., Miss Glover, Toronto, is visiting with Mrs, Howard Cox. The wet weather is holding up the farmers from. getting In their beans and corn.. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stirling are spending this week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and:. Mrs. Lewis Bailey, Amherstburg. Mrs, Alice Livingston, Godericdr,.. has been engaged as companion for Mrs, C, B. Middleton, Livingston recently resigned from. the staff of Alexandra Marine and. General Hospital, Godericn. Clinton Monument Mon:m eTlt ShO p Open Every Friday and by, Appointment Locai Representotivet'J. J. Zopfe, Phone ►03 T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — E FETER SEAfORTHH Lawn Grass Seed Can male up• mixtures' suitable for. your• re.- quirements in hordy, quickgrowing: grades:: Deep q complete stock of clovers and gross seeds sultpbilo for - in the shade or in the open. We:- recommee d . VJpgro Fertilizer for lawns. We carry a complete stock of PERMANENT' GRASS SEEDS and CLOVERS; les' us help. you make up o mixture suitable to your land. Do nut• sow grass seeds too deep, they require very little covering; FRED O. FORD GRAIN and SEED, PHONE 123W CLINTON 15 -tib 20-tfb T r'' NOTICE Goderich Township School Area Parents wishing to enroll children for next September for Grade One in the Gode- rich Township School Area, please notify secretary -treas- urer by June 15 in order for board to order supplies. FRANK YEO, Secretary -Treasurer R.R. 3, Clinton, Ont. 22-3-b Prosperous farmers. are installing DURO. PUMPING SYSTEMS., to save LABOUR anti! TIME with fresh run•• • nin' water at the tura of a tap . in the house . . . barns . . .. stables . . chicken houses. The fire pro- tection value, too, is, vital. BUY the BEST' BUY a DURO) Why carry water wheal you can have clean, fresh water anywhere you want it with a DURO Shallow or Deep Well Pump? The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing June 10, 1953 at 10 A.M. Ali accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 6, 1953. A. H. ERSKINE, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. Modernize your home with EMVICO Fixtures and Fittings for kitchen .. . bathroom . . . laundry. Add comfort and value to your home. Drop in and see us today! 4t J:`aoSav:a`d`s'u:Wkfi:;ATOai' µ:Y,,.'v'"�sR:;=ck�a�.fi�" For Sale By Wise and Bateman PHONE 147 CLINTON, ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONDON . HAMILTON - ST. CATHARINES • KITCHENER • TORONTO SUDBURY • WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER EC53A H. C.. LAWSON Rank of Montreal Building 1'liorw -- Office 201W --1(tc ;. 2513