HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-06-04, Page 1• " .of RCA station Home THE NEW ERA -88th YEAR PIO No. 22 -.The Nome Paper With the News, CLINTON, ONTARIO, TH.UR$DA', JUNE 4, 1953 Large Crowd At Local Coronation Festivities Coronation Day activities in Clinton on Tuesday, June 2, were highlighted by a large and colour- ful parade, which formed early in the afternoon at the old Public School grounds on William Street, and proceeded by way of Victoria and Albert Streets to the Clinton Community Park for dispersal. Leading the parade was the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Legion, followed closely .by the members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion. Adding martial sounds and trim military air, was the bugle band from RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, and two companies, pne of airmen), and one of airwo- men alsofrom the Station. Taking the salute for the march. TAW. : the Town Hall, were Group. Captain H. C. Ashdown, MBE, Commanding Officer of RCAF Station, Clinton; Mayor W. J. Mil- ler,, and two scouts, Murray Mc - 'Ewan of the Clinton. Boy Scout Troop, and Jimmy Powell of ,the RCAF . Station Boy Scout Troop. "S7L Arnold 'also was at the re- viewing stand. • A small detachment of volun- teers represented the CDCI Cadet Corps, and they were followed by the Bannockburn Pipe Band, led smartly by "Cap" Cook. Cubs and Scouts from the Clin- •ton Lions Club Troop, and from the RCAF Station troop, and a arijare turn -out of girl guides and brownies were followed by the Fife and Drum Band of Clinton LOL No. 710, led by Harry Crich, and four smart drum majorettes. The Orange band, with their sparkling white uniform and gay orange touches, were followed by loyal members of the lodge, and made a sparkling addition to the parade. Judges of decorations on houses and business places in town were kept busy in the morning, though there were not as many entries in the contest as had been hoped for. Mrs. J. M. Elliott, K. 13. McRae and H. E. Hartley, won first, sec- ond and third prizes for their de- corated houses, while L, G. Wint- ers and the Ball and Mutch hard- ware store won first and second in the store decoration. Judges of houses were R. N. Irwin, U. L. Engelstad and C. Staniforth; of the stores, Rev. D. J. Lane and W. H. Robinson. Races were conducted at the park for children under the age of 12 years. Winners were: five years and under, (boys), Harry Cummings, Steve Maguire, Bob McNickle; (girls), Mildred Turner, Sharon Brown, Fay Carter; six years, and under (boys) Doug. Fremlin, Ricky Grigg, Gary Thom- as McKay; (girls), Sharon Sweit- zer, Jane Pfaff, Karen Steep; Seven years and under, Bobby Livermore, Doug. Macaulay, Lau- rie Hacking; (girls), Tneresa Goldsworthy Fay Johnson, Rose Turner; eight years and under, (boys) Donnie Fremlin, Raymond Hill, Douglas Mair; (girls) Denise Cicieri, Nancy Brown, Patsy Car- ter; Nine years and under (boys), Roger Cummings, Ronnie Turner, Billy Miller; (girls) Grace Flewitt, Carolyn Hoy; ten years and un- der, Wayne Abbott, Peter Garen, Lewis Ling; (girls) Grace Flewitt, Sybil Jean Castle, June Turner; Eleven years and under (boys), Michael Spiller, Murray McEwan, Kenneth Pratt; (girls) Evelyn Turner, Sharon Cook, Gloria Rum - ball; twelve years and under, (boys) Howard Edwards, Gabe Koldyk, John Sharp; (girls) Ruth Ann Moore, June Goldsworthy, Mary Howard. Mbe "trot 1OtUflW==n WITH THE UNPREDICTABLE weather, we've been fit to be tied • . not so much perhaps as those in charge of the spring show though , . . We decided last week to ask for early copy and publish as early as possible on Thursday morning . . Then, the rain on Sat- urday, postponed the show . . . With it re -scheduled for 'Thursday we re -vamped plans, and now hope to have the paper in the mail first thing Friday morning . . carry- ingas much as possible of the re- sults of the judging .. * ** FOUR BLOOMS ON ONE TULIP stem is considered wonderful . . . so states the Listowel Banner . , . and they offer their challenge: "Anyone care to redouble?" Well here's a Clintonian tulip that could easily take up the gauntlet Mrs. E. E. Gibson, Kirk Street at Townsend, tells us of a bronze tulip grown in her garden with eight blooms .•.Multi-tloral tul- ips bearing five and seven blooms are no surprise to Mrs. Gibson .. However, we feel that her eight blooms are certainly worthy of recognition. . * * * SO OUR QUEEN HAS BEEN crowned, Queen of Canada ... We surely enjoyed specially good weather here for that event, and wish her well in the future ... We understand that one of her latest honours is to be made honorary commissioner of the RCMP. . . * * * A TRICK OF NATURE WHICH brought bad weather to Clinton last Saturday . postponed the Spring Show until today ... and the weather doesn't seem to be much improved. . . We can brag about a midway which has been operating intermittently at the Community Park for the Last six days ... At Hensall Spring Show they had no midway ... but lov- ely weather and an excellent showing .. . • * * HOTEL CLINTON IS HAVING its face lifted . , . and the process which is accomplishing this much needed "lifting" , . is known as sand-blastng ... By means of el- ectrically powered equipment, the surface of the brick is being clean- ed . . . the whole building has a 'new look" . . • * * RUMOUR HAS IT THAT THE Public Utilities Commission is considering having the same work done to the PUC building ...Nev- er has a proposed public work re- ceived more hearty approval from us ... The PUC building has been e huge eye sore on the main Street of Clinton ... Witn a sand- blast treatment, and a coat of paint, the place would look quite respectable . We'd advocate like treatment to the town hall .. but we understand that build- ing is having a hard time stand- ing at all .. without having workmen blasting swift air in its direction .. . I k 1' ONCE AGAIN, THOUGH ;1"HIS is the age of automotive traffic the shed at Ontario Street U• nited Church, is today packed with horses. . The officials of the fair board has seen fit to hold the horse show there, rather than at the muddy fair grounds .. o. O1 FICER G. It. HARRIS MOVED TO WENTWOiIRTH G. R. Harris, son of Mi'. and Mrs. A. '. Harris, Clinton, con- servation officer in Perth County for the past three years, has been transferred to n e w duties in Wentworth County, effective im- tnediately. Mir. Harris has trade his home in Mitchell since his ap- pointment to Perth In Fobrttary, 1950. Before his posting to Werth he was conservation officer, for the fish end ,.wikllife dlvisioin 'of the Ontario Departnnent of Lands and •Forests, tit Liens ,Head 15 brie County. Donna Taylor, Brucefield Wins Princess Crown At Legion, Street Frolic Princess of Huron County, Miss Donna Taylor, Brucefield, was chosen and proclaimed at the town hall front steps. Douglas Thorn- dike presented her with a lovely bouquet of roses, and J. A. Anstett mad the presentation of a wrist watch. The draw for winners of the raffle which the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Legion has been holding, ,was made at the new Le- gion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, in the evening during the Corona- tion Day dance. Mayor W. J. Mil- ler made the draw. First prize was won by C. F. Ciccone, RCAF Station, Clinton; second, by Schaefer's Ladies' Wear, Clinton; third, AW2 B. M. Preston, RCAF Station, Clinton. Spokesmen for Clinton Branch No. 140, Canadian Legion, report that the legionnaires are well sat- isfied with the street carnival which they held on Albert Street, Clinton, on the evening of Corona- tion Day. The ladies of the aux- iliary operated a lunch booth, and did a rushing business feeding the hungry crowd, whose appetite was whetted by the chilly evening breeze. Several games, and a Iarge bingo table also were operated by the legion members, and a relax- ing social time was had by those who attended. 2,126 Copies A Week THE NEWS -RECORD -72nd YEAR 6c a copy $2.50 a YeOr "De Sc}.iolc.. Is Now on Sale" This is one of the many photos by a CDCI student, which with student artwork, dress up the latest edition of the CDCI year book, "De Schola".•and make it well worth anyone's purchase. The first copies of this book are coming .off the press tomorrpw, and will go on sale in local bookstores and at the collegiate, immediately. if you haven't already placed an order for one of these books, you may still be able to obtain • ope. It is advisable however, to act swiftly, for they are printed in limited quantity. These are the members of the CDCI Glee Club which won first prize in the Huron County Music Festival held in Goderich last week. With a mark of 88, one more than 87 'Mailed by Goderich Collegiate, the CDCI mixed chorus was first. Other groups from the collegiate°.most of whom were recruited from the Glee Club, did well also. The male quartette (barber shop) -came first with 86 marks in each of the songs offered. The girls' .chorus was the only entry and received a mark of 86. The male chorus was second, 86, and the small vocal ensemble rated 87 and 85 marks, third place. Police Arrests Man; dmits Break-ins Chief of Police . Joseph Ferrand arrested a young man on Wednes- day, who admitted two break-ins sometime Friday night or early Saturday morning. He has also confessed to two other thefts,. those from the Clinton Public Library and the Clinton PUC building, Tuesday night, March 31. The premises of Merrill Radio and Electric was entered last week, from the rear of the store, entry to which was gained by means of smashing a window. Al- most $5 was taken from the till, and the intruder left by way of the rear door. Fingerprints were later obtained at the scene of this break-in. That same night the premises of Leslie Ball Auto Supply, was ent- ered. The man climbed onto a sill, from there to a 'direr on the second floor. He broke the glass; reached in and released the bolt, cutting his hand as he did so. Gaining entrance in this way, the intruder again departed with about $5 in cash. Next, he appropriated a car from the garage of Fairholme Dairy, at the rear of Leslie Ball's, later abandoning- it on Isaac• St, near the Bowling Alley. Policemen found bloodstains on the steering wheel of the car. On Wednesday, a man whose hand was cut, when questioned by Chief of Police Ferrand, concern- ing the thefts, admitted his guilt, and later confessed to the Library and PUC building break-ins, Two weeks ago arrest was made of a juvenile who was invclved in a theft occurring on Matilda St., late in March, and a week later another youth was caught in con- nection with two charges of theft occurring also in the latter part of March. Chief Ferrand states that in- vestigation of other thefts which occurred prior to his resuming his post on May 1, is still going for- ward. Hensall Feeder Calf Club Had 76 Entries at Hensall Spring Fair First and biggest' thing of its kind in Ontario, the Hensall feed- er calf project, was brought to its climax at Hensall Spring Show on Friday, May 29, with a smoothly staged display of beef on the hoof. Launched in the winter of 1951- 52, by initiative of the Hensall fair ',board, the show and sale, which brought out 76 home -raised calves at the Hensall Spring Stock Show was the second such event held in Hensall. The efficient ar- rangements made for putting 76 farm boys and their calves in the public's.,; eye showed , that lessons had been learned from the first show and salea year ago. Honors were distributed widely among the 76 farm boys from the Hensall district who were in the ring. at Hensall Community Centre Friday Iast. The calves were par- aded and judged, and the best 20 calves were picked by the judges. Then the showmanship of the 76 boys was assessed, and the 20 best showmen were named. The gains in weight made by the calves were calculated and the names of the nine boys Who had achieved the greatest gains on their calves were announced. Finally, the calves were auctioned, and the bidders made their own choices by the cash they laid on the line. Top price in the auction sale was 28 cents a pound, paid for Bill Etherington's first -prize calf, while next -best price was 273e cents, for the calf shown by Ro- bert Kinsman, RR 2, Kippen. The average price paid for the 76 calves auctioned was estimated at a fraction over 23 cents. The Hensall feeder calf project, unique in Ontario, is sponsored by Hensall Agricultural Society, which last fall backed enough notes at the bank to finance pur- chase of 76 beef calves in western Canada, and the freight on the two carloads of calves to bring The to Hensall. 76boy enlisted. in the project each bought a Calf. kept it and fed it over the winter, then brought it out last Fridayfor Show and vale. The financial side- of the project will be tidied up next week, when each of the 76 boys Will collect what prize Money he has won, and the auction sale price of his calf, and out of those funds will sette up for his share of the bank loan that financed the buying of the calves, The ealves were judged In the ring b y Ephraim Snell Clinton g Y ,i ,., , , and McKenzie I.1'a1 Ayr.. The showmanship judging Was don© by William Turnbull, Brussels; James Snell, Clinton; Lorne Hackett, Dungannon, and William Taylor, Belgrave. Auctioheer W. S. O'Neil, Denfield, auctioned the calves. Most of the detail work of sup- ervision and organization had been done during the winter. by John Butler, assistant agricultural rep- resentative for Huron, who visited every one of the 76 farms during the feeding period. Officers of the Hensall Feeder Calf Club, who helped with the staging of the day's events were: Jack Kinsman, chairman; Neil Campbell, secretary -treasurer; Al- lan Walper, Al Morgan, committee members. Walter Jarrott, Hensall banker, and Dick Etherington, secretary of the fair, helped keep track of the intricate detail of the finances of the show and sale. G. W. Montgomery, agricultural representative for the county, was the master of ceremonies for the staging of the show and sale. o--- HEI»C Social Club Has Gay Evening A very pleasant social evening was spent by the members of the Hydro Social Club in the agricul- tural office board room on Thurs- day, May 28. The evening was started off in the form of a progressive euchre party by its president Joe Hart. The winners of the ladies' prizes were Mrs. Jim Mair, Mrs. H. Mur- ney and the winners of the men's prizes were Harryo SehelIenberger, and H. Murney. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. D. Symons and A. B. ym Habkirk. The winner of the draw uonated by Mrs. D. Dale was Fred Arm- strong. A very tasty lunch was served by. the hostesses for the evening, Mrs, J. Mair, Mrs. W. Glazier, Mrs. J. Leppington and Mrs. D. Symons. Members were notified of a weiner roast that is to be held in July for members and their fam- ilies at the Summer. home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Hart. The date will be settled later. 0 ONTARIO STREET WMi WILL 'MELT ON JUNE 9 The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Ontario Street United Church. will hold its June meeting at the home of Mrs,'Clayton Mar- tin on Tuesday afternoon, June 3, at 2.30 o'clock, Mrs, H, Bail will take the study book. STANLEY. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL PASSES BY-LAW RE DOGS Stanley Township Council pas- sed a by-law at its regular meet- ing on Monday evening, June 1, to prohibit the running -at -large of dogs within the police village of Bayfield, during the months of June, July and .August. All mem- bers of council were present, and Reeve Alvin M Bride presided. Insurance on the new township truck was doubled, and usual grants were made to Hensall and Clinton spring shows and the Sea - forth fall fair. Clinton District Has Many Winners At Goderich Music Festival Jayne Mary Snell won second prize in the girl's vocal solo class, open, at the Huron County music festival held in Goderich last week. Jane McCool, Auburn, won the Maple Leaf –Chapter.••IOOF $25 scholarship award for tha compe- titor chosen from the girls' vocal solo class of 14 years and under. Jim MacDonald, Clinton, won third prize in the piano class for children, ten years and under, with 82 marks. A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF Station Clinton made a very good showing. The kindergarten class won first in their class with 87 marks; rhythm band, second, 88; unison chorus, second, 87; two part chorus, sec- ond),' 85; unison chorus, first, 87; three-part song, second, 86. Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, Winner, Final "Words Of Wisdom Contest" Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, Clinton is the winner of the final "Words of Wisdom" contest. Mrs. Colcl- ough will. receive $20.00 in nierch- andise certificates for her entry in the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth week contest. The proverbs were:- 25th. week "Distant Fields Are Greer. Close Ones Fertile." The . proverb app- eared in the following advertise- ments (Western Tire and Auto Supply, Superior Stores, Oscar's Service, Pennebaker's, Clinton Laundry, Henri's Beauty Shop, Melva Manor. 26th week—"Life Is Measured By The Yardstick Of Good Deeds." The proverb app- eared in the following advertise- ments- (Clinton Locker Service, Irwin's, Modern Meat Market, El- lwood Epps, D. A. Kay .ir. Son, Fitzsimons Food Fair, Sharp's Se- rvice, Clayton's Ice Cream Bar, Merrill Radio & Electric.) The title of the picture was: "Sing God Save The Queen Betty," Ladies Invited To Tour With Holstein Club Men Members of the Huron County Holstein Club have planned their annual bus tour to take place a week from Saturday, that is, on June 13. They will travel to the state of Michigan, USA, via Port Huron, and will visit the Lakefield Holstein Farms at Clarkston, Mich., during the morning. COMING EVENTS 4c a word, minimum 75c Friday, June 5 --Legion Dance in new Legion 1VIemorial Hall, Kirk St.; music by Frank Harron and his orchestra. Admission: men 75c; ladies 50c. 22-1) Fri., June 5 --Western Ontario Championship Fiddlers Contest, Hensall Arena, 8 p.m. Over $250 in cash prizes. Six classes for fid- dlers; step dancing, square danc- ing. Coronation Year Special. Ad- mission 75c, 25c. Hensall Cham- ber of Commerce: 22-b Fri., June 12 --Piano Recital, Community Centre Hall, Zurich, 8.30 pen. Pupils of Miss E. M. Love, ARC'''. All welcome. 22-b Thars., June 11 ---Table setting contest, Maple Leaf Chapter IODE, Goderich Pavilion. 2 to 5.30 and 7.30 to 10.30 p.m. Door prizes. Tea served: 50c. 22-b Sun., June 14, 8. p.m. ---Youth for Christ presents "Mr. Tv'xas" Billy Grafton, • sponsored Hollywood production in Roxy Theatre, Clin- ton, 22-b Two EIizaboths Arrive In Clinton Hospital . Coronation Day, Jane 2 Two young ladies born in Clinton Public • Hospital on Tuesday, June 2, will. bear the name .of Elizabeth in, honour of Her Majesty Queen Eliza- beth II, Joan Elizabeth is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Clow, Albert Street, Clinton. Judith EIizabeth is the daughter of Mn and Mrs. Morris Riddell, Blyth. Another proud parent of a. Coronation Day daughter, is W. R. Legg, Goderich, man- ager of the snack bar at Roundel Terrace, RCAF Sta- tion .Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Legg have 'named their dau- ghter Elizabeth Ann. She was born in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. The three youngsters will receive silver spoons, the gift of Governor General Vincent Massey. He is planning, simi- lar gifts to all babies born in Canada on Coronation Day. It is expected that he will don- ate about 1000 spoons. — o HULLETT TOWNSHIP COUNCIL IN FAVOUR OF ANNEXATION Hullett Township , Council has passed a motion in favour of the annexation by the town of Clinton of the strip of lots abbutting High- way 8 on the north east side. Re- quest for town annexation of this land had earlier been made by residents on that area. Hullett council • in in favour of more extensive annexation, prob- ably to include the whole of the McKenzie farm, If annexation of this is not done' when the small strip is annexed, there is a time- lag of 12 months before it could be accomplished, states Council- lor Stanley. Councillor Burton Stanley (chairman) and Councillor Dudley Pegg (member) of the general government committee, attended the meeting of Hullett Township Council held on Monday evening, June 1, in Londesboro Community Hall, • . Department of Health Mobile Health Lab Here For Three Weeks The Ontario Department of Health's fully -equipped mobile lab is spending three weeks with the Huron County Health Unit. Its staff includes a bacteriol- ogist and a technician, who also acts as driver. This service is provided to districts not in easy reach of its permanent laboratory facilities. Huron County sample -tests are transported almost daily to the Stratford General Hospital, and therefore the lab is not as essen- tial here as in other centres. Upon leaving town, the mobile lab ex- pects to moved to the Muskoka district. The mobile lab will be used to assist the local unit's authorities by making tests on milk, water, and swabs of restaurant utensils. Samples shipped to distant cent- res, the board learned, have often resulted in delays making truly successful analyses impossible. o --r Nancy MacDonald Wins Bicycle at New Store Nancy MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacDonald, Alma Street, Clinton, is proud owner of a bicycle (Just the right size). She won it in the Saturday night draw made by Mayor W. J. Miller at the Western Tire and Auto Supply (Associate Store). R. Y. Hattin and Howard Turner, proprietors of the store state that ,close to 1,000 entries were made in the draw. Mrs. Larry Haughton, Clinton, was the winner of a tri- cycle as the second prize in the draw. Rain Forced Fair To Be eld On Main Street Clinton's 49th Spring Fair cer- vin Glassford, Allan Knell, A. Al- pough, Single, under 1450 lbs.: H. Moore, C. Mathews, Calvin Glass - ford, Allan Knell, A. Alpough. tainly deserved a better break from the weatherman. After be- ing rained out Saturday, the dir- ectors re -organized for today, Thursday, June 4, despite this they came very close to being rained out again as the weatherman was in a very ugly mood and sent down heavy showers all morning. The sun came out in the afternoon but the fair had to be staged on Albert Street between Huron and Rattenbury Streets because of poor conditions at Clinton Com- munity Park, The showing pf livestock was up to the usual high standard of ex- cellence, but due to the postpone- ment and the inclement weather many entries failed tb arrive. M. L. "Tory" Gregg, Wingham, acted as master-of-cetemonies for the fair. ' He introduced Dr. Shaw who addressed the crrWd: President W. K. Lobb' welcomed all the entries and expressed the. disappointment ofthe members of the agricultural society in the weather conditieris. He pointed out that next year the fair would be bigger and bettert. Tribute to A. J. McMurray Mr. Grigg paid tribute to A. 3. McMurray, secretary -treasurer of the fair who has put so much time a d n effort i oto fair t the insure r o in ore that the people of Clinton and district will get one of the out- standing fairs in Western Ontario. Prize winners of all the classes are as follows: HEAVY HORSES In the special Township class for three heavy horses winners were: Charles Halliday, Chesley; Orval Bestard, Thorndale; Bruce Millar, Paisley. • HEAVY DRAUGHT -- Bruce Millar was the only entry in the filly or gelding foaled in 1949 and was awarded the champ- ion and reserve ribbon in this class. AGRICULTURAL— Brood mare: Charles Halliday, Chesley. Filly or gelding foaled in 1949 or previous: C. Halliday (1 and 4), Bruce Millar, Paisley (2 and 3). Filly or gelding foaled in 1950: C. Halliday; horse colt or filly foaled in 1952: Charles Halli- day. Agricultural team in har- ness: C. Halliday, Bruce Millar. Champion, Clydesdale: Charles Halliday. PERCIIERON— The champion Percheron be- longed to A. D. Robinson, Inger- soll and the reserve ter .Orval Bes- tard. Filly or gelding foaled in 1949 or previous: A. D. Robinson (1 and 3, Orval Bestard (2 and 4). Filly or gelding foaled in 1950: Orval Bestard. Team in harness: A. D. Robinson, Orval Bestard (2 & 3), BELGIAN— Elmo M. Pritchard, Lucknow, was the only entry in the filly or gelding foaled in 1949 in 1950, the Belgian team in harness, and he was awarded the champion and reserve ribbon. WAGON or EXPRESS HORSES: Filly or gelding, three years and over, on line, 1450 lbs. or over: George Jackson (1 and 3); Elmer J. Atwell and Son, RR 1, Belton (2 and 4), Allan. Knell (5 and 7), Calvin Glassford, Highgate. Filly or gelding; three years or over, on line, under 1450 lbs,: Car- man Matthews (1 and 2), H. Moore, Ridgetown (3 and 4), Allan Alpaugh, Dobbinton (5 and 8), Allan Knell (6 and 7). Team hitched, 1450 lbs. or over: George Jackson, Elmer J. Atwell and Son, Allan Knell. Single, hitched, over 1450 lbs.: George Jackson, Elmer J. Atwell and Son, Allan Knell. Team hitched, under 1450 lbs.: H. Moore. Carman Mathews, Cal - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Butler Honoured By County Junior Organizations A capacity audience gathered in the auditorium of Clinton District Collegiate Institute one evening last week to honour John D. But- ler who for the past two years has been assistant agricultural repre- sentative for Huron County. He left this week to assume similar duties in Renfrew County. Mr, and Mrs. Butler were the recipients of beautiful gifts from ten organizations in the county, connected with agriculture, and spearheaded by the Huron County juniors. An address was read by Bob Hern, Granton, after which a beautiful gold wrist watch and a cheque were presented to Mr. But- ler and a bouquet of roses to Mrs. Butler, while jointly they received a table and table lamp. The gifts were presented by the president of the county 4-1-1 Club leaders, Charles Coultes, Belgrave, Miss Dorothy Patterson, Wing - ham, president of Huron County Junior Institute, Maurice Love and Andy Dougall, both of Exeter. In voicing his appreciation Mr. Butler said that in the past two years he felt it a pleasure work- ing in Huron, and that the success of the programs undertaken was due to the cooperation from the people themselves. A splendid program was pro- vided by the county juniors with Ron McMichael, Wroxeter, presi- dent, as chaining); among these who spoke were It. G. Bennett, To- ronto, associate director, agricul- ture representatives for Ontario, in charge of boys' and girls' club work, and who is a former agri- eultural representative of Huron County; Tom Pryde, Exeter, MLA, South Huron; C. W. Montgoinery, agricultural representative, and R. S. McKercher, Dublin, president of Huron County Federation of Ag- riculture Also attending were A. Y. Mc- Lean, MP, Huron -Perth; L. E. Cardiff, MP, Huron North,and Bob Carbert, farm cointrlentator, Winght ni. NEW ASSISTANT AGR. REP. NOW RESIDING IN CLINTON Harold R. Baker, former assist- ant agricultural representative at Hamilton, who moved to Clinton this week to take up a similar post for Huron County. He suc- ceeds John D. Butler and will work with agricultural represent- ative G. W. Montgomery. Mr. Baker, 25, received his schooling at Merrickville, and studied at Kemptville Agricultural School, graduating in 1947. He studied animal husbandry at OAC Guelph, graduating from that school in 1950. While at OAC, he served on two judging, teams: the OAC live- stock team at Chicago, in 1950; and the dairy team of the college, Canada's only entry in competition at Waterloo, Iowa,, also in 1950. Besides his work in Wentworth County, he was student assistant in Peel and Halton Counties. 0 Stan Bryan Honoured Before Transfer To Oakville Branch The Ontario Street Young Peo- ple met in the . church basement on Monday evening for a Social evening in honour of Sten Bryan, before his departure. for Oakville, to the Royal Bank of Canada branch, there. The evening Opened with a sing song, foltoowed by recreation in charge of Margaret Porter, Short skits, a contest and musical games were enjoyed. During the evening Stan was presented with a pair of gold cuff links with the Young People's crest. Stan McDonald read the address and Margaret Porter made the presentation, Stan, who has been treasurer for the IPU and a faithful mern- ber, Will be r"rf atly rniseed both in the YPD and in the church, LIGHT HORSES Hackney stallion: Mrs..tvorman Smith, RR 2, Brampton (1 and 2). Single hackney on the line, Mrs. Lambertus; Norman Lambertus (both of Walkerton), Saddle horse ridden by lady or gent: Geo. Talbot; Penny James, Seaforth. Special Class—Palomino, open parade class: George W. I'aibot, RR 5, Woodstock. Palomino, western show class; George Talbot. PONIES. Single harness pony, over 12 hands: Mrs. Norman Smith, RR 2, Brampton (I and 2); ' Mrs: Nor- man Lamberus, Walkerton. Single harness pony, over 11 hands and not over 12: Mrs., Smith (1 and 2). Team harness ponies, •' over 12 hands: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lamber- tus; team harness ponies, over 11 hands, a ds, not over 12: Mrs, Smith. Single harness pony, not over 11 hands: Bob Bailey, Brampton (1, and 2). Team harness ponies, not over 11 hands: Bob Bailey. i S ngle pony, hitched, driven by child under 13 years: Bob Bailey, Special prize for best Shetland at show: Bob Bailey. Four -Horse Tandem Hitch At the evening performance in the four -horse tandem hitch, Bruce Millar, Paisley, and Charlie Halliday, Chesley, combined teams to win the special event; second was Elmo Pritchard, Lucknow and A. D. Robinson, Ingersoll; third, H. Moore, Ridgetown; and fourth, Allan Knell, and Elmo J. Atwell, from Belton. The best matched team in har- ness, went to Orval Bestard from Thorndale. SHEEP OXFORD— Aged ram: Emke Bros., Elm- wood (1 and 2), Donald Dearing, Exeter; shearling ram: Emke Bros. (1 and 2); ram lamb: Emke Bros. (1 and 2), D. Dearing (3 and 4) ; aged ewe: Emke Bros. (1 and 2), D. Dearing; shearling ewe: Emke Bros. (1 and 4), D. Dearing (2 and 3); ewe lamb: Emke Bros. (1 and 3), D. Dearing (2 and 4); flocks: Emke Bros., D. Dearing. LEICESTER— Aged ram: Emke Bros., Eph. Snell, Clinton; shearling ram: Eph Snell, Emke Bros.; ram lamb: Eph Snell (1 and 2), Emke i-3ros.; aged ewe: Eph Snell (1 and 4), Emke Bros. (2 and 3) ; shearling ewe: Eewe Snell ( amb: Eph Snell {Bros.; ll(1 and 3), Emke Bros.; flocks: Eph Snell, Emke Bros. SOUTHDOWN— Aged ram: John B. Kennedy, RR 4, Clinton (1 and 2) ; Emke Bros.; shearling ram: J. B. Ken- nedy won all classes; ram lamb: J. B. Kennedy (1 and 2); Emke Bros. (3 and 4); aged ewe: J. B. Kennedy (1 and 3), Emke Bros. (2 and 4); shearling ewe:• J. B. Kennedy (1 and 3), Emke Bros. (3 and 4) ; ewe lamb: J. B. Ken- nedy (1 and 3), Emke Bros. (2); flocks: J. B. Kennedy (1), Emke Bros. (2). DORCET— Ram lamb: J. B. Kennedy; aged ewe: J. B. Kennedy. SUFFOLKS— Aged ram: Murray Shoebottom, Denfield (1 & 3), Francis Powell, Clinton (2) ; shearling ram: Ray- mond B. Comfort, St. Anns (1 and 4) M. Shoebottom (2 and 3); ram lamb: R. B. Comfort (1 and 2), Francis Powell; aged ewe: Francis Powell, R. B. Comfort (2 and 4), M. Shoebottom; shearling ewe: M. Shoebottom (1 and 2), R. B. Com- fort (3 and 4) ; ewe Iamb: R. B. Comfort (1 and 2), M Shoebot- tom, Francis Powell; flocks: M. Shoebottom, R. B. Comfort. SHROPSHIRE— Aged ram: R. B. Comfort (1 & 3), Emke Bros. (2), J. B. Kennedy (4) ; shearling ram: R. B. Comfort (1 and 2), Emke Bros. (3 and 4); ram lamb: R. B. Comfort (1 and 2), H. L. Steeper, Ailsa Craig (3); aged ewe: Emke Bros., R. Com- fort (2 and 3), H. L. Steeper (4); shearling ewe: R. B. Comfort (1 & 3), Emke Bros. (2 and 4); ewe lamb: Emke Bros,; R. B. Comfort (2 and 3), H. L, Steeper. (4); flocks: R. 13. Comfort, Emke Bros. LINCOLN and COTSWOLD— Aged ram: A. W, Barrett,. Park- hill (1 and 2), A. D. Steeper, Ailsa Craig; shearling ram: A. W. Bar- rett, A. D, Steeper; ram lamb: A. D. Steeper (all prizes) ; aged ewe: A. W. Barrett (1 and 2), A. D. Steeper; shearling ewe: A, D. Steeper (1 and 2), A. W. Barrett; ewe lamb: A. W. Barrett (1 and 2), A. D..Steepeer (3 & 4), flocks: A. W. Barrett, A. D. Steeper. DAIRY CATTLE HOL'STEIN— Peter Simpson, RR 2, Scaforth, won all classes in the 1'-lolstein section. AvEsumE— Heifer yearling: Mervyn Lobb and Sons RR 2, Clinton; heifer calf: Mervyn Lobb and Sons (1st and 2nd). GUERNSEY-- Champion female: Peter Situp- son;; Lorne Carter, Seaforth. Graded herd, 1 bull, any age„ cow, two-year-old heifer, yearling heifer, heifer calf: Peter Simpson, (Continued on Page Eight) The Weather 1953 1952 :Ma28 g h LoW High Low y 35 29 60 40 62 30 55 45 88 39 3). 63 45 77 48 June 1 67 40 58 46 3 67 4 48 45 72 55 Rain; 1.45 ins. Rein: '.03 ins.,