HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-28, Page 1311111111111II111111111111 IIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111I111111Gdl1liilll II>IlllHll 'THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1953. -ETON NE V$-RECOno PAGE THIRTEEN Classified Rates CAST RATE — (If Pahl by Wednesday following date of in- 'iertion)--Two cents a word first Insertion (:minimum 50 cents), subsequent insertions 11 cents a word (minimum 85 cents); 15 vents extra for bex number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD `Offl e. IF CHARGED ---15 cents extra. DEADLINE—.12 noon, Wednese Astor, ACCOMMODATION for RENT ROOMS FOR RENT, ALL con- veniences, phone Clinton 419-W. 21-b GARAGE ON GORDON STREET for rent. Phone Clinton 334M 21-p ROMM FOR RENT, gentleman, Close to down town. Phone Clin- • -ton 673W. 21-2-b ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO young gentlemen sharing. Phone 'Clinton 163R. 21-b TWO NEW THREE-ROOM furn- ished suites, with connecting bath- room, ready for occupancy June 1. Abstainers only. Mrs. Kerr, Ingh Street, Clinton. 21-b TWO ROOM APARTMENT on Raglan Street, all conveniences. Phone Clinton 191 21-b 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT, with three-piece bath. Furnished. Available June 1. Phone Clinton 199W. 21-p FURNISHED SUMMER cottage, running water, electricity, two bedrooms, built-in cupboards, sink, fireplace, knotty pine lined living room. Reasonable rent. One mile east of Bayfield On Clinton -Bay- field highway in orchard. Apply J. Ross Middleton, phone Clinton 909r24. 21-b ARTICLES FOR SALE MEDIUM SIZED UPRIGHT pia- no. Mechanically Al. Phone Clin- • ton 447J. 21-p CCM BOY'S BICYCLE, next to new condition. Bill Dowson, phone Clinton 630r2. 20-1-p BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Fair condition, reasonable price. Apply at 33 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station, Clinton. 21-p GERMAN -MADE BINOCULARS and case, seven power, good as new. Phone Clinton 499J in even- ings. 21-h GREEN STORE AWNING, com- plete with fittings, used one year, in perfect condition. Also one tou- rist tent, complete with canopy, mosquito netting, door with storm flaps, canvas floor and ventilating window, excellent condition. Ap- ply G. R. McEwan's Book Store. 21-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE :1950 MAROON PONTIAC Sedan, . air conditioning. A-1 condition. At a price that will interest you. Phone Zurich 168. 14-ttb 1940 MAROON HUDSON, in good condition, radio, heater, good tires, reasonable price. Phone Clinton 585 between six and seven p.m. 20-1-b 1947 CUSTOM DESOTO SEDAN, in excellent condition. Built-in radio, heater, excellent tires, new battery. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Further information may be obtained by contacting W. F. Riley, Superior Store, Clinton. Phone Clinton 111. 21-b BABY CHICKS KITCHENER BIG -4 PULLETS. Day old $19.90. Canadian Approv- ed. Ask us for their special prices on started chicks, mixed chicks, 'broilers. Prompt shipment. Fine investments for future profits. Agent Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23, 21••b DON'T MISS THESE PULLET bargains while they last. Immed- iate delivery. Day old Standard quality Barred Rocks, Whit e Roeks, Columbian Rocks, Light Sussex, White Wyandottes, Black A.ustralorps, New Hampshires, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Columbian Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Rhode Is- land Red, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Columbian Reek X New Hampshire, White Rock X New Hampshire $14.95 per hund- red. ed. Rhode Island Reds $18.95 per hundred. White Leghorn, Black Minorca X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn X Barred Rock $28.95 per hundred, Assort- ed heavy breed our choice $13.95 per hundred' Money Maker Oriel - ley add $1.00; Extra Profit add :1$2.00; Special Mating add $3.00 per hundred. Started pullets 2 week old add $11.00 ner hundred; 3 week old add $17,00 per hund- red. Will shirr C.O.D. anywhere. 'I''VV'EDI3LE CHICII HATCHER, II�S, LIMITED, FERGUS, OMIT- .RIO. 21-b BIRTHS DALE -.-In Clinton Public Ilospi- tal, on Wednesday, May 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, William Dale, R,R. 1, Clinton, a daugh- ter. HANLEY •.-•-• In Greater Niagara General Hospital, on Friday, May 22, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert M. Hanley (nee Lois mistime), a daughter (Barbara Lynn, sister for Mark). HILL—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, May 26, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hill, Brucefield, a daughter. IRWIN--In _Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tbursday, May 21, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Irwin, Clinton, a son. TINNEY--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, May 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Homer Tinny, R.R. 2, Hensall, a son. MARRIAGES VAN WIEREN - LINSTRA — T n Caven Presbyterian Church, Exe- ter, on Friday, May 22, 1953, by Rev. G. J. • Hoytema, Clinton, Rita Marion, Hensall daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Linstra, Zuidhorn, Holland, to Elaas Van Wieren, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, Hensall. DEATHS CLUFF—In Goderich Township, on Friday; May 22, 1953, Jack O'Neil Cluff, beloved husband of Helen Scotchmer, in his 39th year. Funeral from St. James' Anglican Church Middleton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, May 25. EDWARDS—In Bayfield, on Fri- day, May 22, 1953, Florence Hannah England, widow of the late Frank A. Edwards, in her 84th year. Private funeral from her late residence, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, May 25. RHYNAS—Suddenly at the home of her son, 23 Botham Road, Lansing, on Sunday, May 24, 1953, Margaret Ferguson, widow of the late William O. Rhynas, Funeral from the Thorpe Bros, funeral chapel, Brantford, to Mount Hope Cemetery, on Wed- nesday afternoon, May 27. ROBSON In Clinton, on Satur- day, May 23, 1953, Alice M. Dut- ton, widow of the late J. W. . Robson, in her 102nd year. Fun- eral from the home of Mrs. Mabel Watt, Rattenbury St. West, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Tuesday afternoon, May` 26. 0 ONTARIO STREET TYROS WIN SOFTBALL OPENER The Tyro boys of Ontario Street United Church won the opening game of the softball schedule against Seaforth on Tuesday even- ing at the public school diamond. The game was a close contest with the Clinton boys clinching the game in the last inning. The final score: Ontario Street Tyros 19— Seaforth 16, The Clinton players were: Gerald Cox, Paul Schoen- hals, Paul Pickett, Ken Knights, Elwin Parker, John Slavin, David Cunningham, Charlie Snell and Don Cudmore, PLASTERING STUCCOING PATCHING • ORNAMENTAL WORK A Specialty • FREE ESTIMATES DOUG. CLOW Phone Clinton 342 21-p TENDERS Tenders for the Wiring of USS 2, Hullett Township will be received by the under- signed until June 10, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Keith Tyndall, Secretary, R.R. 4, Clinton 21-2-b PERSONAL "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! You're crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run-down feeling many men, women call "old", New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb SEED FOR SALE SEED BEANS, GOOD QUALITY Clipper Beans, $5.00 per bushel. Wilber Keyes, phone Seaforth 656r11. 21-b SEED CORN B ACHED 'BY re- planting agreement. Pioneer gives you free seed corn if you must disc un and replant for any reas- on. Order strong germinating Pioneer now. See or Call Clinton Farm Supply, Phone Clinton 127, 21-b STOVES FOR SALE WIiI'i'1**' ENAMET DIJll,ON COAL or wood range, with duplex grates and reservoir, and shelf. Looks like new. Good range for farm home, Phone Clinton 334M. WOOD FOR FOR SALE CEDAR POSTS: CLOTHES LIN poles and wood, Phone Clinton 359J, lVfervyn B3atkin, 20.1.-b DRY MAPLE AND BEECH )itnh wood, $4 a cord' at the farm. Bob Taylor, phone Clinton 90668. 2..b. GOSHEN_ UNE Mission. Band The theme of the Mission Band for May was "Being a •Christian changes you", with Merle Arm- strong in charge. The pianist was Donald Elliott. The program op- ened with singing "Jesus Bids Us Shine", There were 29 answered the roll call with their favourite flower. The minutes were read and the treasurer, Donna Hayter, gave a report, Allan Hayter read the scripture verse and the 23rd Psalm was read in unison. Mar- lene McClinchey read a prayer, and the offering was collected, Mrs. A. Keyes read the story which closed the program. Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson and little daughter visited with, the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Robinson, The Women's Missionary So- ciety will meet at Mrs. Clarence Parkes this week. 0 Average weekly wage in Cana- dian manufacturing at February 1, 1953, was $56.05; this compar- ed with $52.87 a year previously, $43.87 in 1950, and $20.14 in 1939. Northern Ontario has 20,000,000• acres of fertile, unoccupied farm land and Alberta has 30,000,000 acres, CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, flowers and treats sent me while I was a patient in hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Yates and the nurses and staff of Clinton Public hospital — MRS. WILLIAM TOWNSEND. 21-b Administrator's AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef- fects of the estate of the late Mrs. Harry Glazier, 58 Queen St., Clin- ton, on Saturday, June 6 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Do- herty player piano with a large number of music rolls; DeForest Crosley cabinet radio; Victrola & records; 3 bedroom suites; dining room table and 6 chairs; side- board; 4 rocking chairs; daven- port; couch; cherry drop-leaf table; kitchen buffet and kitchen chairs; clock; scatter mats; bed- ding; dishes; cooking utensils and numerous other articles, PROPERTY: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid (if not sold previous to sale date), the property on which is situated a 6 - room frame house with asphalt shingle siding with a large sun porch attached. On this property is also situated a small barn. Terms on household effects — cash. Terms on property: 10% down on date of,sale and balance in 30 days.. Immediate possession can be given on the property. Dorland Glazier, Administrator of the Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer F. Fingland, Q.C., Solicitor of Estate. 21-2-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of BYRON WALDRON All persons having claims again- st the Estate of Byron Waldron, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 27th day of January, 1953, are hereby notified to send in .full par- ticulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 13th day of June, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of May, 1953. McCONNELL St HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 20-1-2-b IIIIIAl1I1411111111Iilllllpll111111 IIIIIIIIII II►UIIIIIIIIIIII1111111II111111111111111111 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing P(May 28-34) �� XiAT R C1 G QRI' starring dames Cagney .and Dan Dailey -- A Technicolor comedy - drama, Furst show at 1.15 P.m. MON., TUES., WED. (luno 1-3) "WAY OF A GAUCHO" A g a i n s tspectacular Argentine background's, filmed in Technicol- or, comes a tale of the hard -riding romantic Gauchos. Rory Calhoun --- Gene Tierney and Hugh Marlowe THUR., FRL, SAT. (June 4-6) Charles Chaplin, Claire Bloom, Sydney Chaplin & Nigel. Bruce Hilarious comedy, touching drama, brilliant dancing, all in one great film. See the greatest comedian of them all in "LIMELIGHT" Note: Owing to its length the above feature will commence at 7 Coming (June 8-10) "FIVE FINGERS" --James Mason PARK THEATRE GODE•R,ICII--Phone 1.150 Now; "TREASURE QF THE GOLDEN CONDQR" In Teciuiieolor, with Cornet Wilde MON„ TUES., WED. CHARLES CIIAPLIN IN "`LIM[ LIT " GH The peerless little knight of the baggy britches returns in a classic tragi -comedy of the music halls. Don't miss it! THUR., FRI„ SAT, Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers and Marilyn Monroe Hilarious situations develop when a chimp breaks loose in a chem- ist's lab and puts a secret formula into the drinking water. "MONKEY BUSINESS" Corning: "LURE OF THE WILD- ERNESS" in Technicolor, with Jean Peters -CAPITAL THEATRE GODERXGH - . Phone- Now: ho#te Now: "THE RING" The advent. Rrous story of a young Mexican prize -righter MON , TUTS„ WER. George Went & Marguerite Chapman A British made production which tells of a book -store owner who runs afoul of a blackmail plot, and barely escapes with his life, "MAN BAIT" THUR., FIE„ SAT, Victor Mature, Patricia Neale and Edmund Gwenn, A story of Washington, its lobby- ists and of a fight to save the California condor from extinction. "SOMETHING FOR THE BIRDS" Corning: "THE PROMOTOW'--A new, riotous Universal fun -show. • Ontario's New Bush Aircraft • This is The "Otter", Canada's newest and most serviceable bush aircraft, produced by de Haviland Aircraft Company of Canada. Three "Otters" joined the Ontario Lands and Forests Department's fleet of 4o "Beavers" when the forest fire .season opened on April 1. Tney will be engaged in fire patrol and aerial photography. The "Otter" is powered by a 600 h.p. air- cooled engine, will carry eight to 14 passengers or two complete fire -fighting crews with pumps and equipment. It can also be equipped as an aerial ambulance. AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Household Ef- fects, the property of Mr. Frank Bonnett, from the New Sales Barn, Bayfield Road, West, on the outskirts of Clinton, on Friday, May 29 at 7 p.m. the following: LIVESTOCK: 8 Leicester ewes with lambs; 1 Leicester ram; 1 gander; 3 geese with goslings; 50 ducklings. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.: Rubber - tired wagon and flat rack; root pulper; feed box; electric brooder; incubator with 150 egg capacity; sheep clippers; lawn mower; gar- den tools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mod- ern walnut poster bed andwanity; springs and mattress; 2 tubular beds, springs and mattresses; high boy; studio couch; occasional chair; upholstered rocking chair; other rocking chairs; dining room table and chairs; oak secretary; electric rangette; Beatty electric washing machine; laundry tubs; clothes rack; caxd table; coal cir- culating heaterQuebec heater; cook stove; 50 ft. garden hose; dishes, glassware; cooking uten- sils; numerous other articles, in- cluding live stock. This will be the first sale held in the New Sales Barn and any- one wishing to bring either live stock or furniture may do so. JOE COREY, Sales Manager EDW, W, ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 20-1-b r - Alf ti atiogit COuRIrtOas Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Depend on• us• for every printing need front a letterhead to a compkx adver- tising piece. Esti- Mates stamates given an request. ../k,,,t70, chill riui!iilli USS PHONE 4 for Estimates and Quotations Clinton News -Record 3% Interest on 'Savings (No Service Charges) Savings Doubled In Case of Death (no medical) s Open a Savings Account in the Clinton Community Credit Union S today... Loans to Members at Reasonable Rates i Enquiries Always Welcomed W. V. ROY—Manager f 1 i THERE IS A BEATTIE 4 SERVICE EVERY FAM- 4 ILY CAN AFFORD WITH ECONOMY AND PRIDE. eatti!e mural Amu BUSINESS OPPORTUNIXIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- business trades listed: restaurants, gas statipns, tourist camps, $roe- ery stores; one Main St. build - frig. L. Q. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and ret pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton, 20.1.2•p • FARM MACHINERY MASSEY-HARRIS CREAM Sep- arator in good running order. Phone Clinton 904 r 34., 20-1,-b CASE FOUR FOOT ONE WAY disc, $135. Gordon Gilbert, R.R. 2, Bayifeld, Phone Clinton 908r22. 21-b LIGHT TWO -WHEEL TRAILER in good condition, good tires; four- wheel platform bag truck, size 2'/a'x4Y2'. H. Charlesworth, Clin- ton. 20-1-p FURNITURE FOR SALE WOODS HOME FREEZER IN good shape. Nine piece walnut dining room suite, James A. Cox, phone Clinton 9041-34 or 680. ,. 21-2-p "LOST YOUR KEYS" ONE -MINUTE KEY SERVICE on all types of locks. Cylinder locks reset for original key, or combina- tion changed. "Your security for Tomorrow is our business Today!" Ball and Mutch. 18-tlf HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED, experienc- ed' preferred, but not essential' Apply in person, Bartliff Bros. 20-1-b SALESLADY WANTED FOR full time. Work to commence at once. Apply in person. Martins Dept. Store. 21-b TWO GIRLS TO WORK FULL or part time. Good wages paid. Apply to Brown Derby Restaur- ant. 21-p HELP WANTED—Male RCAF STATION CLINTON Re- quire the immediate service of a Mess Manager for the Officers' Mess. Preference for this position will be given to applicants who are single and who have had ex- tensive service experience. Address hand-written applications outlin- ing desired salary to President, Mess Committee, Officers' Mess, RCAF Station, Clinton, Ontario. 21.-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHT PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS old. Keith Tyndall, RR 4, Clinton.. 21-p 12 PIGS FOR SALE. ROY TYN- dell, RR 3, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 907r3. 21-p TWO SHORTHORN BULLS, reg- istered. 13 months old. W. J. Falconer, RR 1, Brucefield, phone Clinton 629 r 12. 20-1-p ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL, for sale, 154 months old. Apply to Stewart Middleton, phone Clinton 906 r 6. 20-21-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STRAYED—FROM the owner's farm, a yearling heifer, brindle, white face. About 500 pounds. Anyone knowing where- abouts please phone Clinton 328. N. W. Trewartha. 21-p MISCELLANEOUS CORN PLANTING. Anyone wish- ing corn planted call Bill Hanley, phone Clinton 619 r 21. 20-1-b MY BARBERSHOP WILL BE closed for holidays from June 1 until June 8. John Plumtree. 21-p CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Your Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover—leaves no scars. 21-b DOUG CLOW—PLASTERING & Stuccoing — Patching — Orna- mental work a specialty. Free, estimates. Phone Clinton 342. 20-21-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and ear tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry. ° 15i o95 -n PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO ACRES OF LAND border- ing on Erie Street;, Alma Street and Osborne Street. Goad build- ing lots, Phone Clinton 795R, 201 b SEVEN ROOM INSUL-BRICK house, Mary Street. Modern con- veniences, garage attached, Extr'r lot, with cement Meek garage, Ap- ply to S. Sehoenhals, phone Clin- ton 588J. 13-tfb TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, in Bayfield, $5,000. Seven rooms and bath, hydro, hot and cold water, separate garage, lot about 100 ft. square, fully insulated, fur- nace and basement, conveniently located, one block from Main St, Short distance from excellent bathing beach. Itnmediat:c posses- sion. 13ox 312. Phone 10, 13ay- Nola 1P.O...71).i.vh 1 BIRTHS DALE -.-In Clinton Public Ilospi- tal, on Wednesday, May 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, William Dale, R,R. 1, Clinton, a daugh- ter. HANLEY •.-•-• In Greater Niagara General Hospital, on Friday, May 22, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert M. Hanley (nee Lois mistime), a daughter (Barbara Lynn, sister for Mark). HILL—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, May 26, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hill, Brucefield, a daughter. IRWIN--In _Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tbursday, May 21, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Irwin, Clinton, a son. TINNEY--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, May 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Homer Tinny, R.R. 2, Hensall, a son. MARRIAGES VAN WIEREN - LINSTRA — T n Caven Presbyterian Church, Exe- ter, on Friday, May 22, 1953, by Rev. G. J. • Hoytema, Clinton, Rita Marion, Hensall daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Linstra, Zuidhorn, Holland, to Elaas Van Wieren, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, Hensall. DEATHS CLUFF—In Goderich Township, on Friday; May 22, 1953, Jack O'Neil Cluff, beloved husband of Helen Scotchmer, in his 39th year. Funeral from St. James' Anglican Church Middleton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, May 25. EDWARDS—In Bayfield, on Fri- day, May 22, 1953, Florence Hannah England, widow of the late Frank A. Edwards, in her 84th year. Private funeral from her late residence, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, May 25. RHYNAS—Suddenly at the home of her son, 23 Botham Road, Lansing, on Sunday, May 24, 1953, Margaret Ferguson, widow of the late William O. Rhynas, Funeral from the Thorpe Bros, funeral chapel, Brantford, to Mount Hope Cemetery, on Wed- nesday afternoon, May 27. ROBSON In Clinton, on Satur- day, May 23, 1953, Alice M. Dut- ton, widow of the late J. W. . Robson, in her 102nd year. Fun- eral from the home of Mrs. Mabel Watt, Rattenbury St. West, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Tuesday afternoon, May` 26. 0 ONTARIO STREET TYROS WIN SOFTBALL OPENER The Tyro boys of Ontario Street United Church won the opening game of the softball schedule against Seaforth on Tuesday even- ing at the public school diamond. The game was a close contest with the Clinton boys clinching the game in the last inning. The final score: Ontario Street Tyros 19— Seaforth 16, The Clinton players were: Gerald Cox, Paul Schoen- hals, Paul Pickett, Ken Knights, Elwin Parker, John Slavin, David Cunningham, Charlie Snell and Don Cudmore, PLASTERING STUCCOING PATCHING • ORNAMENTAL WORK A Specialty • FREE ESTIMATES DOUG. CLOW Phone Clinton 342 21-p TENDERS Tenders for the Wiring of USS 2, Hullett Township will be received by the under- signed until June 10, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Keith Tyndall, Secretary, R.R. 4, Clinton 21-2-b PERSONAL "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! You're crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run-down feeling many men, women call "old", New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb SEED FOR SALE SEED BEANS, GOOD QUALITY Clipper Beans, $5.00 per bushel. Wilber Keyes, phone Seaforth 656r11. 21-b SEED CORN B ACHED 'BY re- planting agreement. Pioneer gives you free seed corn if you must disc un and replant for any reas- on. Order strong germinating Pioneer now. See or Call Clinton Farm Supply, Phone Clinton 127, 21-b STOVES FOR SALE WIiI'i'1**' ENAMET DIJll,ON COAL or wood range, with duplex grates and reservoir, and shelf. Looks like new. Good range for farm home, Phone Clinton 334M. WOOD FOR FOR SALE CEDAR POSTS: CLOTHES LIN poles and wood, Phone Clinton 359J, lVfervyn B3atkin, 20.1.-b DRY MAPLE AND BEECH )itnh wood, $4 a cord' at the farm. Bob Taylor, phone Clinton 90668. 2..b. GOSHEN_ UNE Mission. Band The theme of the Mission Band for May was "Being a •Christian changes you", with Merle Arm- strong in charge. The pianist was Donald Elliott. The program op- ened with singing "Jesus Bids Us Shine", There were 29 answered the roll call with their favourite flower. The minutes were read and the treasurer, Donna Hayter, gave a report, Allan Hayter read the scripture verse and the 23rd Psalm was read in unison. Mar- lene McClinchey read a prayer, and the offering was collected, Mrs. A. Keyes read the story which closed the program. Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson and little daughter visited with, the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Robinson, The Women's Missionary So- ciety will meet at Mrs. Clarence Parkes this week. 0 Average weekly wage in Cana- dian manufacturing at February 1, 1953, was $56.05; this compar- ed with $52.87 a year previously, $43.87 in 1950, and $20.14 in 1939. Northern Ontario has 20,000,000• acres of fertile, unoccupied farm land and Alberta has 30,000,000 acres, CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, flowers and treats sent me while I was a patient in hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Yates and the nurses and staff of Clinton Public hospital — MRS. WILLIAM TOWNSEND. 21-b Administrator's AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef- fects of the estate of the late Mrs. Harry Glazier, 58 Queen St., Clin- ton, on Saturday, June 6 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Do- herty player piano with a large number of music rolls; DeForest Crosley cabinet radio; Victrola & records; 3 bedroom suites; dining room table and 6 chairs; side- board; 4 rocking chairs; daven- port; couch; cherry drop-leaf table; kitchen buffet and kitchen chairs; clock; scatter mats; bed- ding; dishes; cooking utensils and numerous other articles, PROPERTY: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid (if not sold previous to sale date), the property on which is situated a 6 - room frame house with asphalt shingle siding with a large sun porch attached. On this property is also situated a small barn. Terms on household effects — cash. Terms on property: 10% down on date of,sale and balance in 30 days.. Immediate possession can be given on the property. Dorland Glazier, Administrator of the Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer F. Fingland, Q.C., Solicitor of Estate. 21-2-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of BYRON WALDRON All persons having claims again- st the Estate of Byron Waldron, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 27th day of January, 1953, are hereby notified to send in .full par- ticulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 13th day of June, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of May, 1953. McCONNELL St HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 20-1-2-b IIIIIAl1I1411111111Iilllllpll111111 IIIIIIIIII II►UIIIIIIIIIIII1111111II111111111111111111 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing P(May 28-34) �� XiAT R C1 G QRI' starring dames Cagney .and Dan Dailey -- A Technicolor comedy - drama, Furst show at 1.15 P.m. MON., TUES., WED. (luno 1-3) "WAY OF A GAUCHO" A g a i n s tspectacular Argentine background's, filmed in Technicol- or, comes a tale of the hard -riding romantic Gauchos. Rory Calhoun --- Gene Tierney and Hugh Marlowe THUR., FRL, SAT. (June 4-6) Charles Chaplin, Claire Bloom, Sydney Chaplin & Nigel. Bruce Hilarious comedy, touching drama, brilliant dancing, all in one great film. See the greatest comedian of them all in "LIMELIGHT" Note: Owing to its length the above feature will commence at 7 Coming (June 8-10) "FIVE FINGERS" --James Mason PARK THEATRE GODE•R,ICII--Phone 1.150 Now; "TREASURE QF THE GOLDEN CONDQR" In Teciuiieolor, with Cornet Wilde MON„ TUES., WED. CHARLES CIIAPLIN IN "`LIM[ LIT " GH The peerless little knight of the baggy britches returns in a classic tragi -comedy of the music halls. Don't miss it! THUR., FRI„ SAT, Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers and Marilyn Monroe Hilarious situations develop when a chimp breaks loose in a chem- ist's lab and puts a secret formula into the drinking water. "MONKEY BUSINESS" Corning: "LURE OF THE WILD- ERNESS" in Technicolor, with Jean Peters -CAPITAL THEATRE GODERXGH - . Phone- Now: ho#te Now: "THE RING" The advent. Rrous story of a young Mexican prize -righter MON , TUTS„ WER. George Went & Marguerite Chapman A British made production which tells of a book -store owner who runs afoul of a blackmail plot, and barely escapes with his life, "MAN BAIT" THUR., FIE„ SAT, Victor Mature, Patricia Neale and Edmund Gwenn, A story of Washington, its lobby- ists and of a fight to save the California condor from extinction. "SOMETHING FOR THE BIRDS" Corning: "THE PROMOTOW'--A new, riotous Universal fun -show. • Ontario's New Bush Aircraft • This is The "Otter", Canada's newest and most serviceable bush aircraft, produced by de Haviland Aircraft Company of Canada. Three "Otters" joined the Ontario Lands and Forests Department's fleet of 4o "Beavers" when the forest fire .season opened on April 1. Tney will be engaged in fire patrol and aerial photography. The "Otter" is powered by a 600 h.p. air- cooled engine, will carry eight to 14 passengers or two complete fire -fighting crews with pumps and equipment. It can also be equipped as an aerial ambulance. AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Household Ef- fects, the property of Mr. Frank Bonnett, from the New Sales Barn, Bayfield Road, West, on the outskirts of Clinton, on Friday, May 29 at 7 p.m. the following: LIVESTOCK: 8 Leicester ewes with lambs; 1 Leicester ram; 1 gander; 3 geese with goslings; 50 ducklings. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.: Rubber - tired wagon and flat rack; root pulper; feed box; electric brooder; incubator with 150 egg capacity; sheep clippers; lawn mower; gar- den tools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mod- ern walnut poster bed andwanity; springs and mattress; 2 tubular beds, springs and mattresses; high boy; studio couch; occasional chair; upholstered rocking chair; other rocking chairs; dining room table and chairs; oak secretary; electric rangette; Beatty electric washing machine; laundry tubs; clothes rack; caxd table; coal cir- culating heaterQuebec heater; cook stove; 50 ft. garden hose; dishes, glassware; cooking uten- sils; numerous other articles, in- cluding live stock. This will be the first sale held in the New Sales Barn and any- one wishing to bring either live stock or furniture may do so. JOE COREY, Sales Manager EDW, W, ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 20-1-b r - Alf ti atiogit COuRIrtOas Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Depend on• us• for every printing need front a letterhead to a compkx adver- tising piece. Esti- Mates stamates given an request. ../k,,,t70, chill riui!iilli USS PHONE 4 for Estimates and Quotations Clinton News -Record 3% Interest on 'Savings (No Service Charges) Savings Doubled In Case of Death (no medical) s Open a Savings Account in the Clinton Community Credit Union S today... Loans to Members at Reasonable Rates i Enquiries Always Welcomed W. V. ROY—Manager f 1 i THERE IS A BEATTIE 4 SERVICE EVERY FAM- 4 ILY CAN AFFORD WITH ECONOMY AND PRIDE. eatti!e mural Amu Ws that WONDERFUL. :.. m. ..:. .caw •• ' R ....of the YEAR! LOOK SMART! FEEL SMART! BE SMART! ill a pair of our new SLACKS All Shades and Sizes from 8,50 up SEE OUR LINES OF LUGGAGE TO -DAY FOR MEN AND WOMEN +� PICKETT CAMPBELL 'I''11E SMART PLACE 'rO SHOP ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS PHONE 25 MAIN commit otiNxoist HOLMESVILLE HOUSE FOR SALE The Trustees of the Holmesville United Church offer for sale, by tender, the Manse property in the Village of Holmes- ville, consisting of one-quarter acre and being Part of Lot 83, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township. The property consists of a 7 room frame house, in good condition. Installed therein is a three piece bath, furnace and running water; and attached thereto is a one car garage. With the property there is offered for sale certain furni- ture in the Manse that belongs to the Holmesville United Church. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until the 8th day of June 1953, and tenders may be submitted for the real property only, for the furniture only, or for both the real property and furniture. The property may be inspected by appointment with Rev, M. G. Newton, presently residing therein. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Possession will be given to the Purchaser on the 6th July 1953. On acceptance of a tender, purchaser will be required to pay down 10% of the purchase price and enter into an agree- ment to complete the purchase for cash on or before the date; given for possession as aforesaid. DATED this 16h day of May, 1953. Elsner T. Potter, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ontario, Trustee. 21-2-b Ws that WONDERFUL. :.. m. ..:. .caw •• ' R ....of the YEAR! LOOK SMART! FEEL SMART! BE SMART! ill a pair of our new SLACKS All Shades and Sizes from 8,50 up SEE OUR LINES OF LUGGAGE TO -DAY FOR MEN AND WOMEN +� PICKETT CAMPBELL 'I''11E SMART PLACE 'rO SHOP ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS PHONE 25 MAIN commit otiNxoist