HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-28, Page 11THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1953 f Heirlooms and Antiques If you area hoarder, now is the time to rummage through those trunks in the attic, Mrs. Elsa Jenkins, manager of Women's Ac- tivities at the Canadian National Exhibition, needs your help in set- ting up the 75th Anniversary dis- play in the Women's Building. Dresses, coats, hats, shoes, blouses, skirts, lingerie and other items of clothing used 75 years ago — children's or adults' -- are needed to help create the atmos, phere of the first Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. Those whose articles are dis- played will receive bronze com- memorative plaques, Mark your parcel "75 years" on the outside, and send it immediately to: The Canadian National Exhibi- tion, Manager of Women's Activ- ities, Exhibition Park, Toronto 213, Ont. Be sure your name and ad- dress are written clearly both on the outside and on the inside of your package. If there is an int- eresting story' connected with the clothing, do send the details along, Mrs. Jenkins emphasizes that furniture and china are not need- ed, but if you do have household articles of unusual interest which are 75 years old, write and tell her about them, but do not send therm unless you are asked to do so—All articles will be returned at the conclusion of the Exhibi- tion which opens August 28 and runs until September 12. I�dlllIIUUIIIIIIU11UIIIil1111111111111NIIIIIIIitlill(IIIUNUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUINIIIIIIIIIilllllillllllllll11111111111111111111VUIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIi111110U1U16 Best Wishes To "Burt" Stanley It was our pleasure to supply building materials used in the con- struction of his new store. J. W. Counter Builders' Supplies Phone 120 Clinton IUI1111111111UIUUIIUUIU1111111111111M1114111111111111111111111U1111111111111111111UII1N111UIIIIIIIIIIh11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIUIIIIIIIIIUUIIUIUIUIIllll11U11111111111111111111110 Local Girl Feted Prior to Wedding. A large group of neighbouring ladies gathered in SS 10, Stanley Township, to honour Miss Audrey Baird, .whose marriage to John Stanley, Clinton, takes place early in June. The short program provided in, eluded a piano duet by Misses Irene and Elaine Taylor; a vocal solo by Misses Jean MQClinchey and Jean Rathwell; a piano solo by Jean McClinchey. A mock wedding was staged in which the bride was Leola Taylor; groom, Alice Caldwell; minister, Ina Tay,. lor; groomsinan, Verna Eyre; fa- ther of the bride, Marion Ross; bridesmaid, Olive Aikenhead; flowergirl, Ann McCowan; accom- panist, Mrs. Alton Johnson. The guest of honour was seated beneath a decorated watering can, in a prettily decorated chair, to receive her gifts, which were brought to her in a child's wagon complete with "just married" sign and small empty baby food cans which trailed along behind. Miss Milda Pepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pepper, and Murray Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor pulled the wagon, Miss Baird was assisted in open- ing her presents, by her mother, Mrs. Norman Baird, and her fu- ture mother-in-law, Mrs, C. L. Stanley. Misses Leola Taylor and Olive Aikenhead assisted by dis- playing the gifts on low tables. Final touch to the evening came just as lunch was over when mem- bers of the Bannockburn Pipe Band made their appearance, Pip- ing their way into the school room, and literally making the rafters ring. Pipers were Hee Kingswell and Ron Ross. Drum- mers were Wat Webster and Charlie Johnson. Get Insured. Stay Insured. Rest Assured., PHONE 454W II. E. HARTLEY CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE O. 11444444+444.+44++:+++++++14414+:+.4.4. IP!! r,,;111 fir }old' + m 0 II 1111111111011 1111111(U110111111111111111111111111111111=1111111UUU11111U1VUU[11111111111111I111111111UUVUU11111 IUUIUUUlU0111111IDlIEI111111111IIIIU11111111111)111111111111111111111111111111111111 Grand ODeni Grocery Specials FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY MAY 29-30 PHONE 410 or 420 Baxter's PORK and BEANS -2 20 oz. tins 25c Jello Jelly POWDERS 3 pkgs. 29c Freshly Ground COFFEE ib. bag 95c Carnation Evaporated MILK 2 lg. tins 27c Libby's Fancy Tomato JUICE -48 oz. tin 2'7c ROSE Margarine 2 pkgs. 63c California Juicy 288's ORANGES 2 doz. 45e Texas Fancy Ripe TOMATOES Ib. 23c New Green Firm CABBAGE 2 lbs. 15c Choice Large Head LETTUCE 2 for 33c theOREENESiPEAS/ yooV&aerseevt/ REEN PEAS 4 SERVINGS pkg. 29c ONE -YEAR-OLD CHEESE per lb, Meat -E.4ills 49c Featuring Milk Fed Baby Beef BONELESS PRIME RIB ROLL per 113. 59c ROUND STEAK per 113. 69c PURE PORK SAUSAGE per 113. 35c FRESH MADE JELLIED VEAL per 113. 59c FRESH MADE COOKED CORNED BEEF per lb. 59c For our opening Friday and Saturday, anyone without transportation, purchasing $5.00 worth of merchandise, taxi fare • will be paid within the town limits to and from our store. Come and See The Most Modern Store in Huron County The first thirty customers Saturday Morning will receive 1 113. of SWIFT'S IEWEL SHORTENING, Free. The first thirty customers Friday Morningwill receive -- 1 lb. of Sclmeider's CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING, Free. STANLEY'S ABATTOIR Burt's Little Food Market Burton Stanley, Prop, 2 'PHONES TO SERVE YOU •- - 410 — 420 1111iiiileIIgil11111111111111UII1111111I1il111111 NIUU1111111111MINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIITII111101111111((II[I011011111111nif 11111UlUCIMUIIHdIISIIUUIIUIIINIIII UIIlGI1WIMllllllllnlulllllUlNIIUIIIUUaIIfGMIIU1 ski ' °' jt► igc°uple will re - CLINTON NDWS-1t CORD ,000 Couple Wed in Wesley -Willis Church MR. AND MRS, RICII- ARD CHARLES ROBIN - SON, port Hope, are pic- tured at the left, as they signed the register fol- lowing their marriage in Wesley -Willis United Church, on Saturday, May 16. The bride is Joyce Grace, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. Glad- stone Grigg, Clinton. Her husband is the only sop of Mr. and Mrs. George; A. Robinson, Brockville, Upon their return from a wedding trip to Eastern Ontario, the young couple plans to live in Port Hope, where the groom has a position with the HEPC of Ontario. Clinton W[ Reviews Successful Year The Women's Institute met on Monday, May 25, in the Agricult- ural Office Board Room, with 43 members and three visitors pres- ent. With Mrs. C. Sturdy presiding and Mrs. E. Radford at the piano, the meeting ppened with the sing- ing of the ode and repeating the Mary Stewart collect and Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by each member telling who their Sunshine Sister was and pinning a corsage on same. The minutes were read and ap- proved and the treasurer's mon- thly statement given. Annual re- ports were given at this meeting: The secretary, Mrs. H. Manag- han, summarized the work of the year reporting 79 members with average attendance of 43 mem- bers. Nine meetings were held in the Board Room. Two meetings were held in homes. One of these was the Grandmother's meeting. Also several attended a July -pic- nic in Guelph. Delegates were sent to Officers Congress in Guel- ph in May and also to Area Con- vention in London in November. The Clinton W.I. was entertain- ed by Blyth and Londesboro Branches and Clinton W.I. enter- tained the Wingham branch. An- other pleasant event was a bus trip to Detroit in June when mem- bers visited Greenfield Village, the Zoo and the museum. Four interesting demonstrations were given during the year, and five guest speakers entertained. This year the Clinton W.I. cele- brated the 50th anniversary of the founding of this branch, by having a banquet, catered to by the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, when about 80 Institute members and their husbands attended. Donations were given to the Musical Festival and the Huron County Flood Relief and Boys in the sanitorium were remembered at Christmas. A wreath was pur- chased for Armistice day. Cards and flowers Nvere sent to sick or bereaved members during the year and 55 were sent Christmas cards, One quilt has been completed and another is in the making. Curtains and paint were supplied by W.I. for decorating the Ladies' Rest Room in the PUC building. Miss E. Collins of the Home Economics Branch Extension Ser- vice addressed the W.I. on "How to be a good officer," at a recent special meeting. Election_ of officers took place in April, at which time all mem- bers received their A.C.W.W. pin. Plans were made for delegates to attend the district annual meet- ing in Dungannon on May 28, and also for some of the W,I. memb- ers to attend the triennial confer- ence of the ACWW to be held in Toronto from August 12 to 23. The meeting closed with the singing of the Queen and a pot luck supper served cafeteria style was enjoyed by all, under the sup- ervision of the social committee. Sunshine Sister names were chosen for another year. Several members of Clinton W.I. as well as other branch members, have made and donated pot hold- ers, These are souvenirs for the visiting delegates to Canada in August. 0 WEDDINGS Van Wieren—Linstra Ca v en Presbyterian Church, Exeter, was the setting on Friday evening, May 22, for a charming early summer wedding, When Rita Marion Linstra, Hensall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linstra, Zuidhorn, Holland, became the bride of Elaas Van Wieren, Hen- sall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, Hensall. Rev, G. J. Hoytema, Clinton, performed the ceremony. Mrs. John Wiersema, Dashwood, played the organ. The bride was lovely in a tra- ditional full-length gown of White satin, styled with long pointed sleeves and nylon net yoke. A small crown held her full-length lace -edged veil in place. She car- ried a cascade of carnations and lily -of -the -valley with streamers. Miss Gertrude Wielenge, Lon- don, was maid of honor, gowned in purple with accessories in gray, The groom's sister,. Miss Bertha Van Wieren, Hensall, was brides- maid. Irene Van Wieren, another sister of the groom, was flower girl. Both were gowned in em- bossed cotton in cracked ice pat- tern in soft red. The trio carried nosegays of white carnations, The groom's brother, Herman Van Wieren, Hensall, was grooms- man. A reception for over 100 guests was held in the church parlors, where the groom's mother reeeiv- ed wearing a full-length dark blue silk dress with lace overskirt. The groom's brother, 13111 Van Wieren, Grand tapidfi, 14lich,, attended the wedding. On thein return from their wedding trip to points in Friendship Club,. Plans Early June Picnic The Friendship Club of St, Paul's Anglican Church met on Wednesday evening, May 20, with Mrs. J. Hart presiding. The meeting opened with the club prayer and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were given by the secretary, Miss Evelyn Hall and Miss Frieda. Schoenhals gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to hold only one meeting in June and that would be a picnic at the cottage of Mrs. J. Hart on June 10. Cars will leave the church at 2:30 p.m. A' lovely box was displayed of articles sent from Bernie McLay for the bazaar. Lunch was served by the hostesses,Bernike Henry, Vi Habgood and Daphne Johnson. Zurich WI Discusses Citizenship, Education Zurich Women's Institute met in the town hall, Zurich, with Mrs. E. Hay in charge of the program. The guest speaker, Mrs. John Soldan, gave an interesting and informative talk on "Citizenship and Education." Parents, she said, should guide their children at an early age towards a better educa- tion. Mrs. T. Meyers presided for the business session. Mrs. William Forrester and Mrs. Dave Meyers were appointed delegates to dist- rict annual. Mrs. Bryce Mack, district director, will accompany therm. An invitation was accepted from Grand Bend. Misses Kathy Kalb- fleisch, Marilyn Haberer played pianor duets and Mrs. Fuss and Mrs. Ken Breakey gave vocal duets. Mrs, Elmore Klopp con- tributed a reading. Luncheon was served. { , i 'AGD ELDVI Competitive .)'rices Plus Versonai Service DRUG STORES SPECIAL, VALUES and REMINDERS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday I.D.X. BRAND SPECIALS Sold on a Money -Back Guarantee BABY CREAM Quickly soo#hes irrita#ed shin S9 3 o;z. jar, regularly 50c e CA STO OI Mild cathartic for children and adults, 4 oz. bottle, reg, 40c ..,. 29C IDASAL TABLETS For headache, toothache, 300's, reg. 89c we STOMACH POWDER , o ind estion, 63c, $L69 SYRUP FIGS & SENNA 23e Pleasant -tasting laxative ,3 oz., reg, 33c Beautiful Hair is a Priceless Asset Care For Your Hair Give your hair the care it deserves. Beautiful lustrous hair is your crown of beauty. Below are listed a few of the numer- ous products your I.D.A, Druggist has in stock to help give you lovelier hair. BOBBI PIN CURL PERMANENT $1.75 BRECK SHAMPOO 85e, $1,35, $1.85 BRYLCREEM—FREE Comb with 69e tube 69c DRENE SHAMPOO 39c, 65c, $1.20 GLOVERS MANGE MEDICINE 68c, $1.13 HALO SHAMPOO 39c, 65c, 88e HOLLYWOOD WAVE SET 25c HUDNUT CREME RINSE ' 750, $1.25r, $2.00 LADY WILDROOT SHAMPOO 48c, 73c COMBS Bobby ss Pocket, reg. 10e 8c, 2 f or 15e HALO SHAMPOO 39e, 65c 98c COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 4, 8 oz, 33c, 49e Do Your Own "HAIR DO" with Hollywoods WAWAVE- SET Makes lasting, Lustrous waves. Leaves no flakes 25c Toni Products TONI CREME RINSE .. 59c TONI CREME SHAMPOO 39c, 65e, $1.00 TONI SPIN CURLER PACKAGE $1.29 TONETTE KIT $1.75 Bathing Caps, Semi head shape—range of colors 49c Clinical Thermometer Easy to read—Oval 69c Corega Dental Plate Powder 33c, 53c, 89c Mercolized Wax For minor skin blemishes 89e LD.A. Health Salts 1 pound can 59e I.D.A. Tooth Paste with lauryl 45 32c, 57c I.D.A. Shave Cream Large 2%% oz. tube 49c Idasorb Diarrhoea Mixture 75e I.D.A. Moth Killer Crystals, 1 ib. 59c uNHOTiQUEO E. B. PENNEBAKER P SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 74 May This Good Luck Sign Always Be mit You Burton A. t: -ley • We had the pleasure of Planning, Building and Finishing this new store. , —EARL R. DOUCETTE rOLEY POWF•It SAW SUARI'ENINO SERVICE For All Makes of szivg abd Jointer RIiu1es BUILDING CONTRACTOR The TWO EARL'S Earl Dou.cotte ---Earl Nivins THE Modern Houle Builders Etc, BUILT TO YOUR CI101C.IS SPECIALIZING in ITINISIf WORK ELECTRIC WI'RLING I LOCK LAYING SLOPE WOW( Etc.