HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-21, Page 15IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilui IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FAGS SEVEN• WANT ADSJ ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now playing (May 21-23) "ROGUE'S MARCH" with Peter Lawford MON., TUES., WED. (May 25-27) "MEET ME AT THE FAIR" — In Technicolor — A colourful tale of the minstrel show days at the turn of the cent- ury. The song and dance treat you've been waiting for. Dan Dailey, Diana Lynn and Chet Allen THUR., FRI., SAT. (May 28-30) Rory Calhoun, Gene Tierney and Hugh Marlowe Here you will find a magnificent adventure spectacle, the story of the hard -riding romantic Gauchos. "WAY OF A GAUCHO" -- Filmed in Argentina — PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 Now: "STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER" — In Technicolor with Clifton Webb MON., TUES., WED. Barbara Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan and Ralph Meeker Suspense, and dramatic action abound in this story of a Mexican vacation and of a life and death struggle against the incoming tide "JEOPARDY" THUR., FRI., SAT. Cornel Wilde, Constance Smith and Fay Wray Filmed in Technicolor, partly on location in Guatemala, wherein a young French nobleman renounces a fortune for his lady's favor "TREASURE OF THE GOLDON CONDOR" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH -- Phone 47 Now: A Double Feature Program: "SEA. TIGER" and "JET JOB" MON., TUES., WED. Richard Rober, Christine Larson and Barry Kelly Negros and whites barely avoid a disastrous race riot when a little negro girl tumbles into an abandoned well. "THE WELL" THUR., FRI., SAT. Gerald Mohr, Rita Moreno and Lalos Rios • Present a romantic tale of the prize -ring and of a young Mexican who learns that friends and fort- une can be equally fickle. "THE RING" • AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Household Ef- fects, the property . of Mr. Frank Bennett, from the New Sales Barn, Bayfield Road, West, on the outskirts of Clinton, on Friday, May 29 at "1 p.m. the following: LIVESTOCK: 8 Leicester ewes with lambs; 1 Leicester ram; 1 gander; 3 geese with goslings; 50 ducklings. IMPLEMENTS, Etc:: Rubber - tired wagon and flat rack; root pulper; feed box; electric brooder; incubator with 150 egg capacity; sheep clippers; lawn mower; gar- den tools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mod- ern walnut poster bed and vanity; springs and mattress; 2 tubular beds, springs and mattresses; high boy; studio couch; occasional chair; upholstered rocking chair; 'other rocking chairs; dining room table and chairs; oak secretary; electric rangette; Beatty electric washing machine; .laundry tubs; clothes rack; card table; coal cir- culating heater; Quebec heater; cook stove; 50 ft. garden hose; dishes, glassware; cooking uten- sils; numerous other articles, in- cluding live stock. This will be the first sale held in the New Sales Barn and any- one nyone wishing to bring either live stock or furniture may do so. JOE COREY, Sales Manager EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 20-1-b No Effort is spared— No Wish is unfilled. Families find Beattie's Service completely Satisfying ce ttie. cfjixtrerai Aare IIIIIIIIIIIi'.IIIIIIIIIIIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111I11111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Frederick Edward Sturgeon, who passed away 15 years ago, May 27, 1938, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon, Bayfield: "We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own." —Ever remembered by Mother & Dad, Brothers and sisters. 20-b 20-b CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of the late Thomas Reid wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion for the kindness and sym- pathy shown them by their many friends and neighbours and for the cards and floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. Anne Graham, Rev. Goth, Rev. Pitt; also the special nurses, doctors. superin- tendent and staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 20-p We wish to thank all who were so kind and thoughtful after our accident on April 26, including Dr. Oakes and Dr. Yates, the Clinton Public Hospital nurses, and all who sent cards and flowers.—MR. AND MRS. A. E. RUMBALL, and MISS CORRIVEAU. 20-p 3% Interest -on Savings (No Service Charges) Savings Doubled. In Case of Death (no medical) .• Open a Savings Account in the Clinton Community Credit Union today... • Loans to Members at • Reasonable Rates • Enquiries Always Welcomed W. V. ROY—Manager t Head of WO PC's Elmer Bell, QC, Exeter lawyer, was recently re-elected president of the Western Ontario Progres- sive Association at its annual meeting held in Hotel London on Wednesday, May 6. It is the fourth year for Mr. Bell, who told the delegates it would be his last and urged others be nominated for the post. . �.e s •n F, , •,, �. ltbridowlv K. C. COOKS FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 CLINTON :NEWS -RECORD WANT ADS11,511001 Classified Rates ' CASH RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of In- sert}o'n)—Two cents a word first insei'fion (miniinum 50 cents); Isup)egzent insertions 1% cents a, word (minimum 35 cents); 15 •cerkts extra for box number or 'llor' iirection to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. -DEADLINE-12 noon, Wednes= .daa, ACCOMMODATION for RENT ROOM AND BOARD FOR SIX gentlemen sharing. Phone Clinton 163R. 20 •b TWO UPSTAIRS ROOMS, suit- able for light housekeeping, or as sleeping -in rooms only. Mrs. Roy McGhee, phone Clinton 419W. 20-b ARTICLES FOR SALE B'EATTY ELECTRIC' IRONER, four years old. In good condition, ' $75. Apply at 6 Regina Road, RCAF Station, Clinton. 19-20-b ,CCM BOY'S BICYCLE, next to new condition. Bill Dowson, phone Clinton 630 r 2. 20-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 FORD, FIVE PASSENGER coupe, in good condition. Phone •• Clinton 164W. 20-p 1950 MAROON PONTIAC Sedan, air conditioning. A-1 condition. At a price that will interest you. Phone Zurich 168. 14-ttb 1940MAROON HUDSON, in good «condition, radio, heater, • good tires, reasonable price. Phone Clinton 585 .between six and seven p.m. 20-p 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH, Al condition. Low mileage. $1,350. For information contact F/S • Jones, 30 Regina Road, Adastral Park, after five, or on weekends. 20-b BABY CHICKS "BRAY HATCHERY new spring ':price list. Pullets, dayold, start- ed. Order June broilers. Ask agent for prices. Mrs. Alex Pat- •erson, Brucefield. 18-9-20-b KITCHENER BIG - 4 CHICKS. Canadian approved. Dayold pul- lets $19.90. Ask about special prices on started chicks, mixed •chicks, broilers. Prompt shipment. Agent Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. ' 20-b PULLET SALE — Day old and started, while they last at these special prices. Immediate deliv- ery—Day old Standard Quality Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, White Rock, Light Sussex, White Wyandotte, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Light Sussex X Red @ $18.95 per 100; New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sussex $16.95 per 100; Black Minorca X " White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, White Leghorn @ $28.95 per 100; Assorted Breeds (our choice) $15.95 per 100. For Money Maker quality add $1 per 100; for Extra Profit add $2 per 100; for Special Mating add $3 • per 100. Started Pullets -2 week old add $11 per 100; 3 week old add $17 per 100. Day old Bronze toms (very special price) 39c ea. C. 0. D. anywhere. TWEDDLE Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 20-21-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES :BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — 'business trades listed: restaurants, gas .stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing, L. G. Winter, Real Estate; "Phone 448. 14-tfb FARMS FOR SALE 65 ACRE FARM. Six -room brick house, hydro, water. 40x32' barn. A lovely spot to make a nice in- come, or to retire on. One and one quarter miles to highway. $4,200 cash total price. L. G. "Pinter, Real Estate, Clinton, Ont. 15-tf b FARM MACHINERY MASSEY-HARRIS CREAM Sep- arator in good running order. Phone. Clinton 904 r 34. 20-1-b FOUR RANGE SHELTERS, 7'x9'. Red cedar with hinged, aluminum roof. Jack Cluff, phone Clinton 906r21. 20-b LIGHT TWO -WHEEL TRAILER in good condition, good tires; four- wheel platform bag truck, size 2%'x4%'. H. Charlesworth, Clin- ton. 20-1-p COCKSHUTT SWEEP -Type Rake bar :Haytoft.der, like new; two• furrow tractor plow, and Massey - Barris horse-drawn mower. W. E. Manning, R 1, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 24 r 4. 20 .p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE IRISH COBBLER POTATOES, seed size, $1 per bushel. George Colclough, RR 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 805 r 31. 20-p FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. 20 -1 -2 - FURNITURE FOR SALE . THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite,' in good condition. Phone Bayfield 15. 20-b WHITE KITCHEN CABINET with porcelain extension, trimmed with black; brown metal bedstead, three-quarter size. Mrs. Bell, cor- ner of Xing and Joseph Streets. 20-b "LOST YOUR ---"KEYS" ONE -MINUTE KEY SERVICE on all types of locks, Cylinder locks rce;et for original key, or combina- tion changed, "Your security for Tomorrow is our business Today!" hall and Muteh • 18-t1f WANTED e I ONE LARGE TRICYCLE, Wish to exchange for small Model, model, :Phone Clinton• 1'14, 2041 HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED, experienc- ed preferred, but not essential. Apply in person, Bartliff Bros. 20-b SALESLADY REQUIRED to work from 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., daily except Wednesday. .Apply in person to Martins Dept. Store. 19-20-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CALF SUITABLE FOR raising. Also Holstein 'heifer calf. Phone Clinton 904 r 4. 20-b FIVE YORKSHIRE PIGS, ready to wean. Phone Clinton 911r2. Ed. Grigg, RR 2, Clinton. 20-b TWO SHORTHORN BULLS, reg- istered, 13 months old. W. J. Falconer, RR..1, Brucefield, phone Clinton 629 r 12. 20-1-p. ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL for sale, 14 months old. Apply to Stewart Middleton, phone Clinton 906 r 6. 20-21-b JERSEY COW, PUREBRED and registered, eight years old, due to freshen .March 20. Frank Riley, Kinburn, phone Seaforth 841r32. 20-b THE 15TH SEMI-ANNUAL Grey Bruce Hereford Breeders' Sale is being held at Markdale• on Wed- nesday; May 27. All bulls offered will qualify for 20 per cent prem- ium. Catalogues on request. Jack Coulter, president;. T. Stewart Cooper,' secretary, Markdale, Ont. 19-20-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle.. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderibh. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES 011 cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth . 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STRAYED Polled Hereford Bull, six months old, or. May 15, from Lot 19, Bayfield Line. Phone Clinton 906 r 31, 20-p MISCELLANEOUS CORN PLANTING. Anyone wish- ing corn planted call Bill Hanley, phone Clinton 619 r 21. 20-1-b DOUG CLOW—PLASTERING & Stuccoing — Patching — Orna- mental work a specialty. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 342. 20-21-b ATTENTION FARMERS! Old' fence wire. removed. Contact Mur- ray Miller, phone Clinton 782W. 20-p CRESS CORN SALVE relieves quickly. Your druggist sells Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief too. 20 •b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb CLEAN UP! PAINT UP! Exter- iors or interiors, spray or brush painting. We whitewash barns, basements; clean brick. No job too small. Free 'estimates. Mc- Master Painters, Matilda St. Clin- ton. 18-9-20-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry. 15to25-p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE LARGE TRICYCLE. Wish to exchange for small model. Phone Clinton 174. 20-b TWELVE LOTS on TOWNSEND St., close to new Public School. A. E. Bond, phone Clinton 428. 19-20.h TWO ACRES OF LAND border- ing on Erie Street, Alma Street and Osborne Street. Good build- ing lots. Phone Clinton 795R. 20••b SEVEN ROOM INSUL-BRICK house, Mary Street. Modern con- veniences, garage attached. Extra lot, with cement block garage. Ap- ply to S. Schoenhals, phone Clin- ton 588J, 13-tfb NHA HOUSE FOR SALE, rug brick. Three bedrooms, built-in bathroom and kitchen. Beautiful living rdom, grand location. Pay- ments amorterized over the yearsl L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, Ont. 15-tfb SIX ROOM INSUL BRICK Cot- tage. All modern conveniences. Garage. Good garden, with fruit trees. Ideal location. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Clinton, Ont, Phone Clinton 251W, 19-tfb TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, in Bayfield, $5,000. Seven rooms and bath, hydro, hot and cold water, separate garage, lot about 100 ft. square, fully insulated, fur- nace and basement, conveniently located, one block from Main St. Short distance from excellent bathing beach, Immediate posses- sion. Box 312. Phone 10, Bay- field. 18.9-20-1-b STOVES FOR SALE WHITE ENAMEL HURON COAL or wood range, with duplex grates and reservoir, and shelf. Looks Iike new. Good range for farm home. Phone Clinton 576M. 20•b WOOD FOR SALE CEDATt, POSTS' CtOTIIES T INE 35ales and wood. Phone Clinton 9', very," Batkin, 204) BIRTHS BURUMA—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, May 18, 1953 to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bur uma, Clinton, a daughter. HORNE—In St, Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario, on Tuesday, May 19, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Horne (nee Amy Walt- ers), a daughter, a sister for Larry. MARTIN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May•19, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, Bayfield, a son. PARKS—In Clinton Publie Hospi- tal, on Thursday, May 14 1953, to Sgt. and Mrs; Allan 'Parks, RCAF Station, Aylmer (nee Mary Jervis) a son. PICKARD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, May 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickard, Clinton, a son. PRIESTAP — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, May 18, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Priestay, Clinton, a daughter. RIEHL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, May 20, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William Riehl, Clinton, a daughter, MARRIAGES EMMERSON—GARRETT—In S t. Paul's Anglican Church, London on Thursday, . May 7, 1953, by Rev. W. Jones, Doreen Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Garrett, R.R. 2, : Seaforth, and Eldred Currie Emmerson, Clin- ton, youngest son of Mrs. Mar., ion Emmerson, Clinton, and the late Sam Emmerson. LAWSON-GLIDDON- In Holmes- ville United .Church, on Satur- day, May 16,, 1953, by Rev. Stewart Miner, Florence, assist- ed by Rev. M. G. Newton, Holmesville, Phyllis Marie, eld- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Gliddon, Holmesville, and Harold Franklin Lawson, Clinton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -•M. Lawson, Clinton LEWIS-BOURQUE—In the Roman Catholic Chapel, RCAF Station, Clinton, on Saturday morning, May 17, 1953, by Father Perusse, Carman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Bourque, Mon- treal, and Albert Harold Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Saltford. ROBINSON—GRIGG—In Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, May 16, 1953, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Joyce Grace, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gladstone Grigg, Clinton, and Richard Charles Robinson, Port Hope, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Robinson, Brockville. SIMS—BAYLEY—In Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on Mon- day, May 18, 1953, by Rev. A. Glen Eagle, Edna Muriel, daug- hter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bayley, Clinton, and William Evan. Sims, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sims, Hensall. DEATHS ALLEN—At her home in Port Dover, on Friday, May 15, 1953, Grace MacDonald, (formerly cf Bayfield), widow of the late Hugh Allen, in her 64th year. Funeral from the Thompson funeral home, Port Dover, to Port Dover Cemetery, on Mon- day afternoon, May 18. MARTIN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, May 20, 1953, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, Bayfield. Fun- eral arrangements are incom- plete. SIMMONS—In the Ruston nurs- ing home, Mitchell, on Saturday, May 16, 1953, Alberta Vance, (formerly of Hensall), widow of the late John Simmons, in her 72nd year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensel], to McTaggart's Cemetery, on Monday, May 18. House For Rent NICE COTTAGE Available for Rent on June 1 Three-piece bath, hydro, hot and cold water on tap, Furnish- ed with oily -burning stove and new linoleum floor coverings. Five miles east of Clinton on Highway 8. Apply to JONATHAN HUGILL at the farm, or phone Phone Clinton 616r13 19-20-b CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb 4.41-111-11-44-41-4-111-44.4-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-• Non . 4 +-•-•- -•-•-•-- v nrrres,nrNe,sw.ev Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI N-4 • 1 ••f4•H-+-•F •VARNA A number of local Orangemen are attending Grand Lodge in London this week. Rev, T. J. Pitt preached anni- versary service in Kippen United Church on Sunday evening last. A bus -load of ladies from Varna United Church spent an enjoyable day at Niagara Falls on Wednes- day of last week. At the Mother's Day service in the United Church, Varna, the sacrament of baptism was admin- istered to four infants. They were Debora Ann Stephenson; Wendy Lorraine Rathwell; Mary Lou Johnston, and Kenneth Gorden Coleman. Goshen United • Church Infant baptism was administer- ed to the following. on. Mother' Day during the regular morning service: Kenneth William and Keith Alexander Hohner; Cather- ine Ann McKinley, and Bonita Marie Armstrong. • Rural Life Sunday On May 17, Rural Life Sunday was observed in both the Goshen and Varna United Churches. An order of service in keeping with the day was used, the theme of which was "The Earth is the Lord's." SUMMERHILL s-•-•-•-•-•-•-•• Summerhill Ladies' 'Club The May meeting of Summer- hill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs, Clarence Ball with 20 members and four visitors pres- ent. The meeting was opened by singing "When you wore a tulip." Thank-you's were received from Mr. R. Smith and Mrs. M. Crich. There was an exchange of plants and bulbs. The • officers for the following year are: President, Mrs. Charles Merrill; vice-president, Mrs. Keith Tyndall; secretary, Mrs. Neville Forbes; treasurer, Mrs. George Wright; card committee, Mrs. Graydon Neal; lunch committee, Mrs. Olive Penfound; pianist, Mrs. Keith Tyndall. The program consisted of read- ings by Mrs. Chester Farquhar and Mrs. N. Forbes; solos by Sandra Merrill, Kathleen Blacker, Doug Ball and D. Gerrits; contests conducted by Mrs. Percy Gibbings were won by Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Mrs. Russell Good and Mrs. Wil- liam Lovett. A chorus was sung by the school children. The raffle was, won by Mrs. Arnold Dale. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of BYRON WALDRON All persons having claims again- st the Estate of Byron Waldron, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 27th day of January, 1953, are hereby•notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 13th day of June, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of May, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 20-1-2-b off--s4-o-e •+•-•• • • e. -•-•-•++-•-•-••*•- Seeding Is Almost Over but we still have a full line of grass and legume seeds avail- able for that late field. We also have for sale at a very reasonable price, a Grade 1 Mixture of Alfalfa and Red Clover—the ilieal mixture for a short-term soil builder. Now is the time to get your CHOREMASTER GARDEN TRACTOR—the one -wheel trac- tor that will work your garden and mow your lawn. R. N. ALEXANDER LONDESBORO Clinton Blyth 803-13 26-32 20-h 4 Casu. 1 Jackets Light in Weight Perfect in Fit For golf, fishing, or just lounging around. Buy + yours today. from 8.95 up SPECIAL RACK ODI) JACKETS 1/4 OFF PICKETT CAMPBELL ,THE SMART PLACE TO StrOP ARROW STEM'S STETSON HATS 11ION.E 25 --- 'MAIN +COnNE.E; •. OirANTON New Styling! Imagine a powerful, magnificently toned radio like this at such an un- believably low price! High fidelity, superior tone, extra range and power. Patented motor noise filter, automatic volume control, big speaker and control head adaptable to instrument panel of most cars. ONLY 69.95 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • •O / • • • 6 • • •• •• • • •• ••••••••••••••••••••o••••• 4 custom-designed radios made for your car. Choose the tuning you Want -- the power you want --the price you want! Here, for example, is the super "8" push- button tuning dual unit set "GOLDEN VOICE" with exceptional MODEL reception, range ann Golden Voice $ 95 tone quality! • •• GALBRAITH RADIO and TELEVISION "WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL" Telephone 482 Clinton, Out