HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-21, Page 11" UUTt DAY, Ntea 1r 1953 r,Lnv'cat NEWS-P,ECoRp St Andrew's Girls' Club Learn Rose Culture The regular monthly meeting Of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Piresbyteriarl Church, was held in, the basement of the church on Tuesday, MaY ,12. With an atten- dance of 17, The meeting open- ed with the singing of a hymri after which Jean Jacob read the scripture and Elva Mutch lead in prayer. C. V. Cooke gave a most in- teresting and instructive talk on the pruning .and care of roses and the thanks and appreciation of the club was expressed to the speaker by Mrs. D. J. Lane, The minutes and the roll call were read and the treasurer's report given. Phyllis Strong re- ported on the calls made by the visiting committee for the past month. The treasurer was instructed to pay . to the treasurer of the church :$150, at the spring anee iversary services„ and to invest a further* sum of $200 in bonds. Plans were'also made for a bazr aar to be. ;meld in October, in the church.. An invitation" from Mrs. M. b., McTaggart to have the June meeting at her home was ,grave- fully accepted and will be on- June 16. It is hoped all the mem- bers of the club will be present at that time. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn, repeating the Mizpah Benedication, and a de- licious lunch was served by the hostesses; Bea Murray, Margaret English and Mabel Harvey. J. S. Scruton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 37'I Phone Goderich 320-W CITIIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Early Spring Weddings Solemnized Mrs. G. Armstrong, New President, Hensall WI The regular meeting of Hensall Women's Institute was held in the Legion rooms, Hensall, on Wed- nesday night, May 13, with an ex-. ceptionally large attendance, Miss Phyllis Case and Mrs. W.. Bell were hostesses. The president, Mrs. G. Armstrong, was in the chair. Members answered the roll call with children's cute sayings. Mrs. Paul Doig, Seaforth, pre- sented an inspiring motto, "Teach us to know a trifle and treat it as such", taken from the story "A Man Called Peter". The secretary read correspondence from Mrs. L. Chapman, Mrs. A. McGregor, Mrs. W.. Johns, The Eastern Star, Exe- ter; Mrs. Eva Carlile, and the Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. It was disclosed that the quilt .is finished and is now on display in George Hess' window. Tickets will be sold; the draw will be in June. A nice thank -you letter was read from Mrs. Chaffee, superin- tendent of the Goderich Children's Aid Society. The complete list of Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by Appointment Local Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 T. PRYDE and SON casmiamwOLINTON .-- EXETER -- SEAFORTH ete Pictured at the left are MR, AND MRS. FRANK C. GREALIS, following their marriage in First Church of Christ (Disciples), London, on April 25. The bride is Shirley Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Delves, London. Her husband, is the son of Edward Grealis, Clinton, and the late Mrs. Grealis. They are living in London. At the right are MR. AND MRS. GORDON BROOKS CHAMNEY, RR 2, Auburn, who were married the same day, in the United Church manse, Auburn. The bride is Laura May eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, RR 1, Auburn. Her husband is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamney, RR 2, Auburn. knitted goods sent by the Insti- tute consisted of 11 sweaters, 17 bonnets, two pairs mitts, and one pair long bootees. The next matter discussed was the district annual in Hensall United Church Wednesday, May 27. Plans are well in hand for this event. Following are the com- mittees: Favors, Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs, G. Schwalm; decorations, Mrs. L. Mickle, Mrs. W. Spencer; menu, Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. R. Elgie, Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton, Mrs W. O. Woodwin Voting delegates were named: Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. A. Shirray and Miss A. Consitt in addition to Mrs. G. Armstrong and Mrs. F. Beer. Mrs, M. Drysdale gave an exceptionally interesting demon- stration dealing with Improve- ments and Short Cuts". Mrs. Carl Decker, Zurich, is presenting a recital in Hensall Town Hall on Friday, May 22, under the sponsorship of the W f. Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. J. Henderson were appointed to form a committee responsible for lunch. Mrs. R. Elgie took 'the chair and called upon Mrs. B. Edwards to present the new slate of offic- ers: Honorary president, Miss Phyllis Case; president, Mrs. G. Arm- strong; vice-presidents, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. W. Brown; sec- retary -treasurer, Miss Gladys Lu- ker, assistant, Mrs. C. Forrest; press reporter, Mrs. Maude Hed- den; branch directors, Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. R. Elgie, Mrs. A. Kerslake, Mrs. J. Paterson and Miss Phyllis Case; pianist, Miss Greta Lammie, assistant, Mrs, T. Sherritt; card convener, Mrs. G. Hess; district representative, Mrs. F. Beer; auditors, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Miss Mary Goodwin; Standing committees: agricul- ture and Canadian industries, Mrs. J. McAllister; citizenship and edu- cation, Mrs. R. H. Middleton; com- munity activities and public rela- tions, Mrs. A. R. Orr; historical research and current events, Mrs. W. B. Cross; home economics and health, Mrs. W. Henry. Mrs. F. Kling, Seaforth, favored with two vocal solos, accompanied by Mrs. J. McGregor. John Alex- ander showed an illustrated trav- elogue. Miss W. Gray moved the vote of appreciation to all. On behalf of the Seaforth ladies, Mrs. A. Pepper expressed gratitude. Re- freshments were served by the hostesses and their assistants. New Tempered Pyrex Baking Ware In Colour ROUND CAKE DISH $1.19 ALL PIECES AVAILABLE IN LIME GREEN and ,FLAMINGO RED CVD CASSEROLE — CLEAR LID $1.89 PIE PLATE 69c IDEAL GIFT FOR BRIDES AND SEASONED HOMEMAKERS Two Year Guarantee SQUARE .OARING DISH. $1.49 OELONG MAKING DISH, $1.59 BUTTER—PERDUE Three New members Join Legion ,Auxiliary The Ladies' .Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion met in the Le- gion Hall on Monday evening, May 11, with a fair . attendance, The president, Mrs, Grace Castle, Was in the chair. The meeting opened with the customary ceremonies in- cluding the silent minute of re- mernbrance for fallen comrades. Mrs.. W. Jervis read the minutes of the previous meeting, and out of which plans were completed to attend the Zone Rally convening in. Lucknow onfThursda.y, May 14. The bingo games sponsored by the auxiliary in the town hall pn Saturday evenings will be contin- ued with Comrades Cook, daddy, Inkley and G. Lawson, the com- mittee in charge. Lip -stick red colored curtains for the hall have been purchased by the committee appointed to this Work, Thanks were received and read from a veteran at Red Cross Lodge, for a parcel of treats, and a letter of appreciation was read from a former member of the RAF, from Middlesex, England. Three new members were re- ceived into the auxiliary, Mrs. Nellie Matthews, Mrs. Verna Mor- gan, and Mrs. Marie Schoenhals, and took the obligation pertaining to membership. The treasurer, Comrade E, De- nomrne, in submitting her state- ment, reported that $174.26 had been received .during the month into the general treasury, and $29.40 for the welfare fund, and that the bank balance stood at $580.50, The auxiliary decided to purch- ase gloves for the color party, which consists of Comrades Bis - back and B. Fitzsimmons. The auxiliary is to co-operate in attending church parade with the veterans at St. Paul's Church on Sunday, May 31 at 11 a.m., with the members meeting et the Le- gion Hall at ten o'clock. Mrs. William Perdue favored with two delightful piano selec- tions. Comrades Leppington, Mc- Pherson and Inkley were appoint• ed a committee to have supervis- ion of the checking room at the Legion dances in the hall. Mrs. Reg. Ball, guest speaker for the evening, chose as her sub- ject, a review of the book "The People of the Deer", and in a fas- cinating manner emphasized how much the deer means to the peo- ple of some sections of the world who depend on them for transpor- tation, food, warmth and for life itself. The president thanked . the speaker, and the meeting closed with the usual ceremony, followed by refreshments served by Mrs. M. Steep and her committee, M. Lawson, A. McKay, M. Proctor. Have a Coke "Coke" Is o registered lrode•mork Awborlred bottler of Coco.Colo wale, control with Cocc•Co o Ud. Esbeco Limited 658 Erie Street — Phone 78 Stratford, Ont. 'Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings -- deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call ItAYE B. PATERSON ?rust Officer Small, Ontario, Phone 51 101' any o, ice of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF' CANADA toltoNTO • MONTREAL orrA1VA . WINDSOR NIAGARA mita • mown= SAULT STU MARIE 1CALOARE r t&NeotrV IIK DRUG STORES cOeau/St/ Wair BRECK It's thrilling to have hair people admire! So, for, beautiful hair, use successful Breck Hair Cosmetics. You choose them as you choose make-up ... to suit your individual hair — dry, oily or normal. NRECK SHAMPOO . 4 Osla 8541 Lather 01/ Shampoofor normal to dry hair, Lacene Shampoo for normal and oily hair. BRECK HAIR LOTION 6 os. 1.50 _ 1-4 for dry hair. 1-B for oily hair. BRECK HAIR CREAM 2 os. 1.50 No. 1 before shampoo. No. 2 after shampoo. Special , . -for thinning hair. UNIQTOUE F. B. PENNEBAKER Pf-lO SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 NOTICE NOTICE The new PROVINCIAL PLUMBING CODE came into force on May 6th, 1953. It does'not affect simple repairs (leaks, stoppages, etc.). It does affect alterations and new installations in the following: 1. Places on a municipal or community water supply. 2. Localities in which the population density is three or more persons per acre (towns, villages, hamlets, built- up areas in the country or at the lake). 3. Public -access buildings (schools, municipal buildings, etc.). Please note that septic tank installations are still sub- ject to approval in every locality. For further information consult HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT, CLINTON. 20-b MERIGNIEENIMIRP WHY BUY A PIG INA POKE BUY FROM A RELIABLE COMPANY BUY KOOLVENTS with 'LAIR -FT AEI -Season • All -Aluminum • AWNINGS • COVERINGS FOR EVERY TYPE BUILDING WINDOWS •Y PORCHES \�•`Ili el. • I' PATIOS I ii l J‘. .I f DOORWAYS EFireproot • Windproof * Stormproof permanent • !Economical All,AIUMMUM Koolvents ate do: sibeed fbr ol1-season tervke. They protect apatn►i whiny blasta... pro- yids e;kcooIod comfort in summer, They're ecommeicai feet The first tint tR floe .airy hack boor choke of bNivMhrt toter corebinetione. fief swnj l.t. il.isd. NOW TREE B o o K r E T 1r..a- • Please sand FREE eater iI 1 an Xeehfent ventilated Morale** Aim. 1 MOM et MAlI COYPOlt TODAY Ne*e A+tdrna 0-N4t .r,..m►f+wennerYs+w:: e::k etes) err: KOOLVENT A.WNJNG SALES rtioNg 2415161 Kiang St. .ii'., Waterloo C O tr trr t C rr