The Wingham Times, 1885-11-27, Page 110,04 GHAM IMES. VOL. XIV. ---NO. 48. WINGITAM, ONT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1885 ittlting ant Eime$ •••• #.2 S.W.n4ALB RtTLI, Pacremeeen. Tfts Wisonsu Tam, published every Friday morn. big, is a livo local newspaper, mai has Alamo . circulation in Winglitim and ottrrounti• ins country, imiki tiff it valu- able advertising medium. 0 SUBSCREPTIGN RATES: 01.26 por yoar-81.00 per year if paid in advaneo. 11 WHOLE NO. 72/ A sANOTXXolvIOVS infrocan'E. morning Mayer Neelancis received A -One night last week seven io 4, a ita et) s lops, tie mell nus to se e ri from Own, au sue latter! yonug men in Kincard.ne roboed e, goods, as will be seen by large posters Happy Sig," Auburn r roves to bo a vas simnly (Int d "Michigan " but traveling Jew of a silver watch and he is seeding all over the country, 'Nu), GTOWIA Wolf in Sheep% Clothing. •'•' • the postmark showed that it had been $65 cash. They have all been arrest. and the prileic can always rely on. mailed at Port Heron on Saturday ed and committed for trial. whq be advertises, morning hast. In it. .A.uburn throws The two Presbyterian congregations4/as. G. Stevearb, our young blaek- out his opinion of the mayor in a most at Lucknow have deouleil to unite smith, brought home hie blushing reckless meaner, . for issuing tho their Sunday evening services, and bride on Monday. She is the soma. search warraut. His worship is des- services will be held in each chervil daughter of John Cloakey, of Morris. ignataii by such names as a, "miserable. every alternate Sunday eyeeing, - We wish the happy couple health, contemptible scoundrel," a "wretch,". The Londesboro butter Manufactnr- prosperity and long life ii our increas- ',Johnnie," and various other Pet in coin an has declared a dividend ing village. 1 tt f • A • ti 1 • • When it became known last week that Deputy Post Office Inspeetor Fisher was lit town on some particular business, ep.eculetion was rife as to what the nature of that business might be. The matter was kept gelet for a time, but the secret of his mission semi • Fi a 1 1 town got oat. i. .bisher rr TER in —.— ADVERTISING RATES: nit Wednesday evening and at 01106 Sista. 1 1 yr. I 6 mu. i 2 mot I I ino. rp necedpci to interview “Captain" Sid. ttey Auburn, otherwise known as olio mime 1 x;.Co tlo 34' 00 1 820 PO 00 0, 44 - (pater " Half " S3 03 20 00 I 12 00 6 nu nappy Sid," at the residence of Mrs. Qiie inch 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 5 00 1 3 00 2 00 i 00 Local notices 8 cents per lino for first insortion; cords per line for each subsequent Insertion. Dirths, marriagesand deaths inserted fro°. Correspondence of a newsy nature and edinmuni• . cations upon live topics respectfully, solleitcd. 'VIET ER Ai BARRISTERS, •ke &diatom for the Bask of Hamilton. Commissionos for War; affidavits for Manitoba. Private funds to ion n rivicift loans at lowest rates. Oakes - Run 'a Mac W ns icaa, Luckncw and Gorrie. ti. W. 0. MN riiR, 3. A. MORMON. J. A. ZIORTON, BARRISTER, Sze., Wingham, - • - Ontario. _ • - GEORGE McGILL, (Leto partner of Detonate, Black Ressor, Toronto,) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR OF SUPREME C.GUI1T, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFTIQX : DWAIN: BLOCK, Wixonsti, ONTARIO. Money to fotin at Iiiieast rates. Mortgages bought and farms sold. . 1-1WIETTICNE & YOUNG, - PHYSICIANS ANI) SURGEONS. *Mee, corner Centro and Patrick streets, Wingham •` Oil orto. ALEX: DEVI (IN S. M. D., W. J. YOUNG M. D P. R. 0. P. R. R. M. 0. P. 8. • 34.1!.. ICBM • -- DR ESSMAKElt, Booths over W. Holmes' store, 610E0040 Bkok• WISOIIAM ONTARIO. 'Ma ARE CIIANCE.-80 acre farni; some tim ler; the jkj making. of a nice home; delightful situation,. 3* Miles Bough of VOSSor,,Apitligan, sandy loan ;spring rook; school affil iftrite titan near ;14. C. Ry. switch on corner. .'..11401204,tores Southern Manitoba. 100 McCullough, on Minnie street, where he boarded. It seems that a couple of weeks ago a mail bag was robbed at Kippen, Auburn was suspeeted of being the rohber, and the inspector told him so, Auburn remained per- fectly cod, but was emphatic in his denial of the itemisation, and to prove his innocence he suggested that he should go to Kippeu with the deputy inspector in the morning and face those who hacl dared to suggest his ileum eonnection with the affair. He knew lie could free himself of the charge, eto., and so on. Kr. Fisher thought that Auburn was sincere to a certain extent. At all events he de- cided not to have him arrested until after they get to Kippen. Seven o'clock Thursday morning found Mr. Fisher at the station waiting, but no Auburn was there. The train took its dep trture without the two antici- names. The letter was badly written, g " f 15 per cont. on the paid-up capital. : Whitooburoh, the spelling was worse and the Ian oDuring the season, 42,000 pounds of — triage and sentiments expressed stamps 1 w"..shld at high figure. gravel DIA their yard. No one would ever dream that the the nuthor as a low -lived guttersnipe. butter ems manufactured, all of which The G. T. E. have been putting .A. man named Holmes. 'formerly All parties indebted, to Mr. James mealy-mouthed Sidney Auburn cot* resident of Brussels, subscribed $100 Gaunt, 'aro requested to settle up stoop to write such a, blackguardly towards paying off the indebtedness of epistle. The letter has been placed the Episcopal chureh there. He re - at our disposal to publish, but we de - moved from the village, the subscrip- cline to do so on the greeted that is tion was not paid and Holmes refused unfit to appear in public print. to pay its Finally suit was brought Auburn came to Canada three years against him in the division court to' ego, from London, Eng , where he recover the amount. The ea of de - bore the unenviable reputation of a fendaut was that the subscription was street Arab and trausient singer at conditional on the entire debt being variety shows. On his arrival at wiped off, which the plaintiff denied., Hamilton he joined the Salvation Judge Doyle gave his decision in favor. Army and remaitied with that body orAefendants for a dine. He then went to Toronto o' The long pending dispute between where lie joined the Lord's Army, tbe 'village of Brussels and the town - which he was appointed captain for ship of Morris as to their respective anci in May of last year he located Wingham. Ho appear. shares in the land improvement fund has been finally settled by an Order ed to be deeply in earnest over the in Council of the Lieutenant Gover- work he had underteken, had happy nor, on the basis of the assessment of smile and pleasant word for everyone the year 18G7. Brussel.) will get be - he met and earned for himself the forthwith. Found ikt Co. are erecting a com- modious office at the entrance to their mill yard where you can drop in and • leave your orders, Apple peering, bees are the order of the evening. The lads when return - mg therefrom will do well to go home and net keep parents anxious and lights burg till break of day. On the 10th inst., Rev. A. And- erson and lady entertained at the manse the young people of their con- gregation. ,A profitable and convivial evening was spent together. es.; itarnotilx. 9 • . . • The regular meeting of the liter- . ary society was held in the Presbyterinn pated passeeigers, and just about that sobriquet of "Happy Sid." Nt one tween $200 and $300 by the settle church on the evening of Friday, the tune it dawned upon Mr. Fishe.'s would hardly snspelt that any evil de- •nrent. Morris refused to pay more 20sh inst, The meeting- was an open than $85, hence the dispute. Had the one and the church was crowded to mina that he bad been fooled. He .eigns could enter his 11011(1, and several commenced to hunt for his companion, Suspicious circumstances in which he further council that settled with Grey the doors. The programme for tbe • .. at.d invoked the aid of a search war- was supposed to be concerned were adopted the eystern of this settle- evening consisted of a debate on the" •-• . rant, but all the hunting and search overlooked. For sotne time past be ment the village would receive $800 sabject : gResolved that women exert warrants in the world couldul find has taken a less active part'in Army or $400 instead of $100 as was the more influence on society than men." him ie Wingleetn. He had Skipped. matters, and some speculation has case. The affirmative was sustained by It is drawine it too mild . to say that been indulged in as to how he manage Recently a petition containing Misses Dunbar, M. Hanna, T. Robert - the deputy inspeotor wns angry when i ed to live, hut no one could tee]. It 2,472 signatures, addressed to . the son, and Bone, and the negative by 0 lie friend out how heautilikoily Ifs to be hoped that the sanctimonious , Honorable the Attorney -General of Messers Beeeroft, Plummer, Bone, and fille. tongued rascal had giVeri'litm threlip. t scamp will be captiteed•S40?4*arded : Ontario; asking for the appointment Arrustrong. The discision, which was He was mad the worst kind. : the punishment Wee richly deserves • without salary, of John Beattie, of given by a committee. of 4ve chosen ..,.,,, . Seafortle to the position ot police from the audience, was unhesitatingly Thera is no shadow of doubt but „ s_ that Auburn was the goilty ' party, ' bleighborhouAlcows. a as for_ in favor of the ladies. The speeches ' magistrate of this county, whoa the particulars of the robbery warded to the Hon. Mr. Mowat, to- on both sides, and especially those of - The county cgether withan application ofthe ex- ouncil will meet at are taken iuto consideration, toee.lierthe ladies, were able, dear, and pint - with his nastyflight. Two- or °three Goderich on Dec. lst.ed, giving evidence of much study and • eoutive committee of the Herron Scott week) ago he went to Kippen to. Visit J. D. Ronald, of Brussels, has sold Act Association for his immediate ap. forethought. and the general opinion th f in'l f Al* Al .11s the oe- five of his celebrated fire engines this of the audience was that they earned poititment. In reply the secretary of mas er, with whom he had .s., ceived a communication from the At- their victory well. acquainted through'his nonnection ,,,,,,Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, is off on a '. torney•General, in which he eays: "At ..i. • with the Saved Army. Mr.. hunting tour through the wilds of the last ineetino. of the oouneil the .Thr_nberry. .., duty of attending' to the store and "'lax -collector Mooney, of Morris, is Government took the whole matter Roi,dobeamut: Fleming is come frefal the . Mellis was absent from home and .the Mueltoka. into consideration and ca,me to the le ef { and is shouting "Oor pum, ' ; tif post otliee devolved upon..Mrs. Mellis;'0`n the war path. He has seine $12,000 conclusion that it was 'advisable en , '-'• and her two daughters. The day on to collect. acres highlyriniproliallann, lot SO, can. 5, and 100 • acres lot 0, ton: 8, ((Wrest. Free deeds. Sale orear" the Scott Act Association has just re 'exchange ou °asylums. Oxo, P. S. -Private funds oereal ostato at 7 par cont; - no expenses. Wingbain, Oct. 0, '85.3.m. DENTISTRY, G. L. BALL, L. B. B., Senor Graduate, aid Member GI Rapt Natal gollotio. Toronto. Attends his office over Gordon tt MoIndoo's store every Wednesday: Best of reference and satisfaction given. The various anasthotics used in extracting tooth. Prices moderato. JEROME, L. D. S. 1911#01101. OPP oa-Stono Block. Oldest stand in .. ingham. Charges moderato. Can la {mind at his office, Stone 'Block, at all times except on tho first Monday and Tuutotay anu Mimi Monday and Tuesday of each month, when he will bo in Luoknow. All the latest anesthetics used in tile painless extraction of teeth. Office boors feel, 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. Gold filling a specialtt, t _ TICS CHEAPEST . • MONDY on the market. Private or compan.es' funds to Loan on farm somas, at0, es and 7 per cent. AWAY to E,. DAVIS, Opposite the Market Square, WinghaM. Exonaeune weeks WI10liAM, • ONT. • • Tido house has lately.beon ro•modeled tti 0, con *table ektent, and is thoroughly comfortable in every respect, Always sots a Good Table. Guests Well pleased and coma again. Rates reasonable. Good bl .tion and No 1 hostlet 3. PATTERSON; OUNTIML HOTEL, tATII 4.-!" 7:- • 11.iiitata• the whole to await the notion -of the ' . . which the robbery was committed was . ''.P. Wells and son are steering ahead. It is . said that 20,000 worth of nounty council, which meets on the „is. in the matter of steers for old count).7 -, very stormy, and Auburn gallantly' apples have been shipped from Clinton lst of December. The sante course Sun..."""" offered to relieve Miss Meths of the -------- sesonhas been taken in regard to similar duty of carrying the bag to the train, „....4m. Watson, a friend of the nine During his absence Miss Meths had last trip down brought 32,000 bushels ladies of Tranberry, is visiting friends of Manitoba wheat for Fair's mill at occasion to use the mail bag key, hut it was root in its usual place. On his Cli'r4n; Heury Graham; uf the 8th con., return Miss Mellis was surprised to find the key in the place sh Morris, has sold his 100 acre farm to' had previously sought in 'vain for it, a Mr. Macdonald, of Manchester, for and the supposition is that Auburn $5,250. took it with him to the train. The Dr. Tennant has been elected presi- • mail clerk on the train, when ho got dent and Wm.•Melitii secretary of the to London, reported to the inspector Lucknow Curling club for the noming • that he had received the Kippen bag season.' , . with two bilis for registered letters, A. H. Manning is the popular care but the letters themselves were miss- didate for the mayoralty of Clinton ilea. They had neen abstracted some. next year and the prospects are that *nen between the post office and the he oill, "git that" wan. An investigasion was at once "One of the sides of the new brick started, when it was discovered that P'S' town ball at Lucknow has bulged out quantity of postage stamps had been four inches, and iron rods will be re- taken from Mr. Malls' safe. In the quired to draw it together. meantime Auburn had returned to Wingharn, and simple:on was finally ants, of Seaforth, have givoiStin order settled upon him, hence the visit of for.over moo worth of binding twine the deputy inspector. Another sus- picious circumstance in connection tor use in next harvest's operations. which offer was thankfully accepted. Tsteamer United En)pire on her applications from several other conn- muses, and a favorite of the young hereabouts. Report hath it he is fill- lng a precentor's bunker in Toronto. A Winaharaite dreamed thusly: A salt well at 'Wingham, a loop line to Wingleun road station, where I had a store. I kicked, Alnaschar like, basket full of eggs, and, alas!.found itiill a dream. Moral: Count the cost before undertaking anything. 'iettry Hawkins, of the Oth con., who has been ill for the past eight weeks, has finally succumbed to the fever and died. He wag interred ul the Bluevale oemetery on, NVednesdity. Henry was an honest. upright young. - man and was highly thought of in thisennighborhood. 'ties." Wcalf,tOrt5)10 SIDAZ t NUMMI' TO fit18 amuott PIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT, CrIAIILPS 811104110, PrOprlOtOr. Jolts MOnager. ALP. Bzionon, Stable Moil. ;BO. FOR SERVICE, _ the Midi/reigned IMO for Service on his WM, lets liffilS, Wm Sforriti, thcaenigabrod Borrahlre 600994 Woe winner wherever he las boaimillibited, wit.tota doubt ono of the bat iii the comity. TO11113, 31.06, payable at thno of sorvico, with privh• ego- of reiturifing if n000ssary t)ilAs. Proptieter. Mora*, 04t. SIsti 1$81, Reid & Wilson,hardware therelt- rteigrave. john Robertson is busy drawing wood to Winghain. Alex. Stewart is able to he around again, but the wound is not healed yet. It is reported that Thos. Nixon, harness maker, has bought Khartoum. What need The new tailor has several girls em- ployed now. He will move up street next month. The whooping cough now prevents children from going to school in every seCiion in this vicinity. chert AlcOlelland left on Monday last for Mildmay where he will work as assistant in the railway station there. There is a great demand for the Huron Expositor now around Bel - with the affair is the feat that n hi At Brussels last e,,eest the officers of grave, owing to several lettere and oe return Auburn offered to- sell Mayor the L. 0. L., of the distriet of Grey, re ies being published,therein. Neelands $6 worth of postage stamps, presented Rev. F. Ryan, past district • Geo.Goorlfellow andiFratitt Wheeler and he paid a number of accounts chaplain, with en address aud aro tanning the Queen'e hotel for sir, around town with the sante tender. Puree mitaining $20. Stewart, Geo. will attend to the When asked where he got the stamps The Teeswater boatel of health has stables all winter Rua a better man he gave the very !Mlle excuse 61.146 ft detided that, after on el .., _11,37141210de% no • could not be found. party who had left town owing him boy or girl bhail be allowed, to attend _ !jabs, Masters, eldeit son of Vim. sung by Rev. Father Cumming the St. Anettstino. v. , '.1:flf,SCISY morning of last week in the Catholic church, St, Augustine., Miss Ellen MeCourt, daughter of tho late' henry MuCcurt, was bitorificed. tut the altar of Hymen to Theinas Ctue• mins, of this place. The bride was assisted bY Miss Bridget Cum. mins, sister of the groom, .Ta. MeCourt, brother of the bride aflici. tsted as best man. High 'MASS was had sent the Mt/an in postage the public seheol unless clear and Masters, die I fit the Toronto hospital groom's brother, assisted by 'Ilev. ' distitiot signs of vaueination can be on Thursday last and was ieterred in Fathers West and Colovin. After the stamps i Monlre a's cemetery here on Saturday, cerniony the happy C0111110 together No trace of tbe euiprit bas as yet shown. been found, although it is the general ,Dr, Ellie, the government aealvst, OIL arrival of the limning train from with a large number of invited guest; impression that lie is somewhere in reports that he formdue poison. of any Clinton. repaired to the home of the bridee the Unitods, States. He had been kind in the stomach of oatherine A. Taylor has rented A. Haslet -nes metheryliero a sumptuous repast wee making arrangements for Some tune Triek, of Goderich, which was snub , large stare and will move iniortly in reedinest, after whieli the newly to go California, and is probably well hini%for examination, The death. ii. when he will bo able to shdd Ow his weed pair left for a trip to Detroit; on hie way there none On nimbly -from poison, theory is now quieted, 1 mammoth stock to better advantage Mich. - • •