HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-07, Page 8PAGE ,sem' MANTON NENIM-RECORD ,URSDAX,. MAY 7, 1953 News of Bayfield Represpntatiye: css i.;reg It. woons M. and Mrs. Alan Millsap, Lon- don, are at their cottage in The Highlands. Mrs. F. W. McEwen spent Mon- day with her cousin, Mrs, H, E, Duncah, Sarnia.. Fred Turner, Goderich, spent the weekend with his son, Grant Turner and family. "Mr. and". Mrs, J. Davidson, Stratford, Were at their, cottage o'Ver the weekend. = Mr; andMrs, E. Flagg, London, occupied" theirs cottage on Main Street over the weekend. Mr ,andMrs. T. M. ,Leckie and Donna, London, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Harold, King, :Sar, niia,, visited the latter's mother, 1VIrS,I`Charles W. Parker, and the former's uncle, George Hing, on Sunday.• BAYFIELD PAVILION Grand Opening P For Sixth- Consecutive FRANK �'RANER S ORCHESTRA featuring Vocalist 'SOPPY" HOPKINS and Pianist Vincent Cusolfto Friday, May 8 AND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 18-b asiontosnamara >'bgna BAYEIEI.D 45r3. William L. Cameron Detroit, spent the weekgnd with his sist- ers, Misses E. and M. Cameron. Miss Cecil McLeod returned home on Monday after having spent the winter in Toledo, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ferg uson, London, were at their cot- tage in the village over the week- end. gr. and Mrs, Fred Davison, De- troit, were with the former's mo" they, Mrs. J, Davison, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs., William J, Hall returned to Bayfield en Monday after having spent the winter in Florida. Mrs. A. F. King and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas King, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. George King over the weekend. Mr. and" Mrs. S. Bryant and granddaughter, Jane Myers, Lon- don, are Spending a few days at their cottage. • Mrs. Harold ' Penhale was in London on Tuesday attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Her- man Johnston. • Mr. and Mrs. James Phinney, Detroit, visited the latter's sister, Mrs: J. J. itichardon, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr., London, were ;with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bailey, The New Ritz Hotel, over the weekend.- • Mr, and"Mrs" L. W. Burch have returned': to their' home at The Highlands, after spending the win- ter. in :Florida ` Misses Rubie Fisher and Barb- ara Pollock, Kitchener, visited the former's aunt, Mrs. F. A. Ed- wards, over the . weekend. Miss Jessie Metcalf, accompan- ied by Miss Agnes Savage, De- troit, spent the -Weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf. Seventeen members of the Bay- field Lions CIub attended the Wyoming Lions` .Club Charter Night in Wyoming'on Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Jowett and house- hold returned to her home at The Grove on Friday after having oc- cupied . her house on. Main Street. Mrs. Dalton Smith and Janet, accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Lawn Grass Seed Can make up mixtures suitable for your re- quirements in hardy, quick growing grasses. Keep a complete stock of clovers and grass seeds suitable for in the shade or in the open. We recommend Vigoro Fertilizer for lawns. We carry a complete stock of PERMANENT GRASS SEEDS and CLOVERS; let us help you make up a mixture suitable to your land. Do not sow grass seeds too deep, they require very little covering. FRED O. FORD GRAIN and SEED PHONE 123W CLINTON 15-tfb 1952 Pontiac Styleline Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Styline Sedan 1952 Pontiac Styline Coach 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Styline Coach 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan 1951 Pontiac Styline Coach 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan (fully equipped) 2-1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coaches 2-1948 Chevrolet Sedans 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1947 Pontiac Coach with custom radio 1939 Willys Sedan TRUCKS 1948 Mercury 1/2 Ton Pick-up AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM x russets Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers i BRUSSELS, ONT. --- PHONE 73-X Weir, London, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Higgins. Mr. and. Mrs,Robert MacLeod and Cathy anMiss Janet Mac- Leod, London, were with Mr. and Mrs, L. H. MacLeod over the weekend. M and Mrs. Norma ours Mr. n T Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Siddell, Port Maitland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms over the Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McLean re- turned last week to spend the summer in Bayfield. They are .oc- cupying Mrs. Pearce's cottage on Louisa Street. David Dewar and son George, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. David Dewar, Who accompanied them on their return to visit in Toronto and Kingston.. Bill and Bob Parker, Bob. Bran, don and George Telford were Bay, field members, of the .CDCI Cadet Corps which paraded to service at Blyth United, Church on Sun, day morning. E. A. Featherston, London, was home over the weekend. He was accompanied to the village on Friday by CIarence Larson who is convalescingat the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lar- son. Harold Penhale, Bronson Line, Stanley Township, had the mis- fortune to fall off -the tractor driven by his son, Torn, about two weeks ago, and sustained a dis- location and fracture to his right shoulder. We are glad to report that Mrs. Agnes Murray who has been ill with pneumonia is making good progress towards recovery, Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. William Murray, Detroit, is caring for her, William Murray was here for a few days'last week and also over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George:Foote and family left last week • to reside in Arthur where the former . is on filet police force. Prior to their departure, Mrs. Oliver Hopson entertained school friends of Miss Beverly Foote who presented her With a cup and saucer. We wish them happiness in their new home. Miss Monica May, who under- went an appendectomy in Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday of last week was able to return home on Saturday and is recup- erating nicely. Henry May returned to his home on the Bluewater Highway the Last week in April after hav- ing been a patient in Westminster Hospital, London, for six months. F/L and Mrs. Robert Carey and two children, came on Sunday to occupy one of the Jowett cottages. F/L Carey has recently returned from a course at New Orleans. Other newcomers to Jowett cot- tages are LAC arid Mrs. G. M. Roddick and two children, Hali- fax, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spencer and Gary, Toronto. We welcome them to the community. Plant Exchange Next week from May 11-15, in- clusive, it has been arranged to hold a plant exchange on the triangle an Main Street, west of Clan Gregor Square. "Leave Pid you know that„, THE FIRST -AUTOMOBILE WAS BUILT IN 1769 -OVER IBD YEARS AGO! (IT WAS WRECKED WHEN IT HIT A WALL AT FULL SPEED... 2 MPH OIGGER,SOFTER SUPER•CUSHIONS BY GOODYEAR PROVIDE GREATER DRIVING COMFORT, LONGER MILEAGE.TWO PRICE RANGES,,. REGULAR PRICED DELUXE SUPER'CUSHION AN0THE LOW PRICED MARATHON SUPER -CUSHION. SEE US SOON FOR EITHER OF THESE BIG GOODYEAR VALUES LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH StGN" OF QUALITY X.51 {, YO itc HEy,ROLET` & Ol.'DSN1ORtl, ' D ALEit - Something. Take .Something," is the caption. If any of the citi- zens or school children have plants, shrubs or bulbs which have become too numerous fqr their gardens, they are advised to take them to this spot with roots well - Protected by moist soil in tins, berry boxes, or well -wrapped in paper, and take something home, Fair exchange is no robbery. What one person throws away may be a bright spot in another's garden! Guides and Brownies The Guide and Brownie Assoc- iation ssociation met at the home of Mrs: R. U. Gairdner on Monday evening. The association is most apprecia- tive of the. splendid response of many citizens for support in this work. Twenty-two donors con, tributed the sum of $3C The five private parties held •for this pur- pose realized $1530. And the persons who collected and sent in topsbox and • wrappers from Proctor and Gamble's products turned in $39. Miss Mildred Fras- er donated a Brownie • uniform. Rev. D. J. Lane and Rev. Peter Renner whowere present decided to appeal lir the churches for vol- unteers to drive those Guides and Brownies home who miss . the school bus. Mrs, James A. Cam- eron was appointed convener for the tea to be held after the en- rolment. Mrs. Fred Wallis, sec- retary, was present and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer, treasurer. Mrs. S. May and Mrs. E. Carew- Junes attended in uniform. Mrs. 'A. F. Hunter, District Commissioner, Stratford, will visit Bayfield on May 30 to enroll the children. The ceremony will be held in the Town Hall at three o'clock. There are 15 in the pack of Brownies, 13 new ones to be enrolled, and a troop of 11 Girl Guides with eight to be enrolled. Nine members of Hayfield Unit- ed Church YPU attended the YPU convention in Wesley - Willis Church, Clinton, last week. YPU Holds April Meeting The first meeting in April of the Bayfield YPU was held in the church basement 'on April 10. The meeting was opened by the faith and evangelism convener, Ray Scotchmer. A hymn was sung and the scripture was read by Ted Dunn. An interesting story was told by Anna Porter and a poem was read by Bob Talbot. After a discussion period the service was closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. A recreation period followed in the charge of Don Campbell. On April 24, the second meet- ing of the month was conducted by Gordon Porter, convener of stewardship and training. A hymn was sung followed by the scrip- ture, read by Gordon, and a poem by Ted Dunn. The story of a lon- ely old man who found the way to serve Jesus every day was read by Anna Porter. Another hymn closed this part of the service. A sing -song then was led by Carol Campbell. A motion was made and carried that a canvas week ,be held dur- ing the third week of May to raise funds for the Five Oaks project. This is a Christian Lay Leaders Training Camp on the Grand River near Paris. This centre merits every support for it is one of the few lay training centres. The YPU is asking for plenty of support. .. LANE OPINES BEACH AUBURN .. s Mrs. Ivan Stevenson, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. T, Robison. Miss Margaret King is 01 at her home. Her many friends wish .her a, sPeedy recovery. The officials of the Canadian Bank of Commerce are building a vault at the rear of the bank here. Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. R. J. Phillips and. Mrs, Stanley John- ston attended a Baptist cgnven- tion at Strathroy last Thursday. Miss Margaret R. Jackson is supplying as teacher in SS 9, Hui- lett, for Miss McFarlane, who is ill •at her home in Brussels, Mrs. Ebner Fisher, • Benmiller, who has been a patient in West- minster Hospital, London, was able •to return to her home last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Craig and Brian visited friends in Parkhill. on Sunday. Master Allen Craig, who has been visiting his grand- parents in Parkhill, returned home with them. •The April meeting of the Wo- men's Association. of Auburn Unit- ed Church was held in the church. The devotional period was in the Charge of Mrs. Everett Taylor; Prayer was offered by Mrs. Earl. Wightman. Mrs. Robert Turner read the. scripture. Mrs. Emmer- son Rodger sang a solo. Educa- tional pictures were shown, Mrs. C. C. Washington, presi- dent of the Huron WA Presby- tery, gave a brief outline of Pres- bytery work. • Mrs. Bert Craig presided for the business period. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Albert Camp- bell, Mrs. Maurice Bean, Mrs. C. C. Washington, Mrs. K. McDougal and.Mi"ss Viola Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Husband, London, were at their cottage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnes, Lan- don, were to their summer home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Heitbohmer, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley, Wingham, spent Wednesday af- ternoon at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Detroit, spent a few days the previous week at their cottage af- ter a month's vacation in Florida. 1 Notice As Corn Borer Inspector for the North part Of Huron County, I urgently request all growers of .corn, which in- cludes garden plots as Well as field corn, to have all refuse of corn, either burned or bur- ied before the 20th day of May, Penalties are provided for the non-compliance in the Plant Disease Act. THOS. DOUGHERTY P.O. Box 027 Goderich, Ont. 18-19-b $ SAVE $ For your TIRE NEM, of oil sizes, coma insod, check our prices. 20% off all new tires and tubes t.r ose �' h S@r Corner No. 21 and 84 Highways ar We are shipping eattle every for United Co-operatives.. of -: Ontario . sat solieit your patronage. We will piek them' up at your farm, Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday. nights. , ti ° Seaf orth . Fazme frs Cooperaitihe IL S. JIUNT, Manager PHONE --Day 9 Evenings 481W > _ 48-9-b IS FOR THE MANY THINGS FOR... PIE PLATE PYREX WARE LOAF PAN -- 95c to $1.40 'PERCOLATOR 3 sizes 3.95-4.95-5.95 FRYING PAN Just Arrived! $1.25 Sewing Baskets - $2.25 - $5.95 SUTTER-PERDUE 29c to 95c CASSEROLE. CIci>g_ 411400 ,?, ....,. 55e, to $1.25 DOUBLE BOILER $5.95 Dependable Investments! GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY. - 1 Receive 4% on y$100 or more for 5 years, 33,4% for 3 and 4 years or 3% for 1 and 2 years. • Recognized, by law, as trustee investments. • Ask for our "20 Questions" folder on these investments. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation "Older than the Dominion of Canada" Head Office -- London, Ontario District Representative — Ii. C. Lawson, Clinton SO YOUR BIRDS ARE HOME ON THE RANGE, JACK' HOW ARETHEY MAKING OUT ? NOT 50 BAD, DOG. BVT THERE'S A LOT MORE. 10 11116 RANGE. BUSINE66 THAN MEETSTHt EYE. YOU BET THERE IS, JACK. PROPER HANDLING OF BIRDS ON THE RANGE. MEANS PROFIT OR L055 IN THE LAYING PEN. YE6, JACK. A GOOD RANGE IS MIGHTY IMPORTANT -- A COOP GROWING MAH 16 JUGTA5 IMPORTANT. 50 DON'T FORGET 10116E. ROE PIA-tROW, I'M ONE UPON YOU THERE, POC• 1 ALWAYS USE VI,TA-GROW. WISE MAN, JACK. HERE ARE A FEW TIPS; 6y Roe Farms Service Dept. 414 A'4,11644- YOOPI/aers,41/Kaaio 2. OPE4/511,6Z7:0541-44).2/61/7 Ar�ev HE'tr,� 541:4AYd/Gi/7 PREveN7' p/c-OwG 3. WArew FOR COCC/W/C,SiS trievoritie- if 0 ff Two Ways to Bigger Egq Poflis A 600D RANGE aifel k/taiv il✓��� O NEWS r <<�� OR J', _- _46,. _4-..411, .00 Oft lel 410 01011 Ihriva mom ow* o H. Charlesw,rtht CLINTON�'MUSTARD/ y) A. 1. MUSTARD/ RRUCEFIELD