HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-07, Page 7'iTHUR!SDA' , MAY 7, 195a Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- °aertien)—Two yenta a word first insertion {minimum $0 cents)'; 'subsequent insertions 11 cents a word (raninimum 35 yenta); 15 cents extra for box number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEAD JIVE. -12 noon, Wednes-. a day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT ACCOMMODATION FOR either boarders or roomers. Phone 795R.. 18-b FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, un - 'furnished and heated. Phone Clin- ton 768W. 18-b ROOM AND BOARD for six gen- " tlemen sharing. Phone Clinton 163R. 18-b APARTMENT IN "BLYTH. Three large rooms, not more than one child. Apply to S, Kechnie, phone Blyth 165. 18-p HALF OF GARAGE FOR RENT. Apply to W. V. Roy, Box 310, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. 18-b APARTMENT AVAILABLE soon. Partly furnished. Also accommo- dation for roomers. Phone 368W. 18-p APARTMENT, THREE LARGE `rooms, unfurnished, heated, avail- able immediately. Phone Goderich 1382, or apply at 92 Britannia Road East, Goderich. 18-b INSULATED COTTAGE, cheap rates until July 1. All conven- iences. Johnson's Deer Lodge, phone Clinton 909r42. 17-8-9-b TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, heated, no extras; all cont veniences, adults only, available immediately. Also small apart- ment, suitable for couple, avail- able .immediately. Phone Clinton 73J. 18-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED IVOUR OR FIVE ROOM HOUSE. wanted by a rural family, desiring to move to Clinton. Apply to Box "°tel", Clinton News -Record. 18-p ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW RADIO, MANTEL MODEL, five tubes, six-inch speaker, price $35. Apply above old Williams Bakery, Albert Street. 18-p `GOODYEAR SUPER CUSHION Deluxe brand, new tire, 670-15, four -ply. Phone Clinton 424. 18-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1935 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, in Mining order. Priced for quick sale. Ray Johnson, phone Clinton : 330W. 18-p 1950 MAROON PONTIAC Sedan, sir conditioning. A-1 condition. At a price that will interest you, Phone Zurich 168. 14-tfb 1949 HILLMAN MINX in good condition. One owner, Apply to Box "J", Clinton News -Record. 18-p 1949 FLEETLINE• CHEVROLET, A -i condition. Terms if desired. Percy Carter, phone Blyth 28r8. 18-b BABY CHICKS BRAY HATCHERY new spring :price list. Pullets, dayold, start- ed. Order June broilers. Ask agent for prices. Mrs. Alex Pat- erson, Brueefield. 18-9-20-b ' ITCHENER BIG -4. PULLETS, See these new prices on dayold pullets $19.90. Prompt shipment Canadian approved. Just what you need to catch you the good egg markets, Other chicks too. Ask agent here for full particulars. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23., 18-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES husltiess tredes listed: restaurants, gas .stations, tourist camps, grbe- ery stores; one Main St. build- 'iii'. L. G. Winter, ].teal Estate; Phone 448, 14-tfb WHITE LOSE SERVICE Station in Clinton to lease at once. Gobd 'gallonage, Apply 136:t 329, Clin- ton. Sam McDonald. 15-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE GtftL'S WINTER COAT, imita- tion Leopard, size 14, Rose even - tug gown, strapless, size 14. Phone Gtinton 282J. 18-b MINK ScARVIS dark gild postal ».1ut,des. Phone Cil iton 907 r 5. 17 -S -b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE POTATOES, Green Mountain earµ tety, suitable for seed. Photic elltiton 902r4, M. Jones. 18.9-0 CLTNTON NEWS-RIC(7 ANT ADS1�'''',oR�' FARMS FOR SALE 65 ACRE FARM. Six -room brick house, hydro, water, 4042' barn. I. lovely spot to make a nice in- come, or to retire on. • One and one quarter miles to highway. $4,200 cash total price. L. (l. Winter, Real Estate, Clinto15- n O b FARM MACHINERY NATIONAL MILKING Machine in good condition. Apply to Clark Ball, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 802r6. 18-b R.1Jl3BER TIRE WAGON, with two new tires; International man- ure spreader in good working con- dition.. Alf. Buchanan, RR1, Clin- ton. Phone Seaforth 841 r 4. 18-p CLINTON FARM SUPPLY has been appointed local Surge deal- er, For Surge parts and installa- tions, enquire at Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 127. 15-6-7-8-b STOP CLAW -RIDING, milk with genuine tug -and -pull, Surge Milk- ers are adjustable to the individual cow because of their hanging ar- rangement. Call Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, phone Wingham 593. 17-8-b FARM EQUIPMENT WANTED CREAM SEPARATOR for six to ten cows. Phone Clinton 800r31 after six o'clock. 18-p FURNITURE FOR SALE EIGHT- PIECE DINING - ROOM suite, good as new. Phone 693J, 18-p BED, SPRINGS and MATTRESS. Walnut. Phone Clinton 55. 18-b FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR. PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. 17-8-9-p FLOOR SANDING OLD AND NEW FLOORS sanded and finished, Any finish you desire. Cree Cook, phone Clinton 23J or write Box 103, Clinton. 15-6;7-8-p, HELP WANTED—FEMALE GOOD SMART RELIABLE GIRL to work in Food Market. Full time. Phone Clinton 40. 18-p GIRL WANTED TO WORK AT Clinton Laundry and Cleaners. 17-8-9-p COMPANION - HOUSEKEEPER for elderly widow in small country bungalow. Every convenience, in- cluding oil -burner. Washing out. Box "B" Clinton News -Record. 18-b PART TIME HELP. Require ad- ditional women for three to four days per week to work in new pcultry eviscerating plant. Phone Clinton 580. Canada Packers Lim- ited. 17-8-b HELP WANTED --Male MAN AS PART-TIME Gardener, and to cut grass. W. N. Counter, phone Clinton 230. 18-p "LOST YOUR KEYS" ONE -MINUTE KEY SERVICE on ail types of locks. Cylinder locks reset for original key, or combina- tion changed. "Your security for Tomorrow is our business Today!" Ball and Mutch. 18-tif LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NUMBER OF GRASS CA'i'I'LE, 18 months old. Apply to Frank MacDonald, RR 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 800r3. 18-p DUAL-PURPOSE RED POLL bull for sale, Three years old, at market price, $200. Also electric brooder stove, 250 chick capacity. Raymond Whitmore, phone Clin- ton 901r22. 18-b THE 13TH SEMI-ANNUAL Grey - Bruce and Huron Aberdeen Angus Sale is being held at Walkerton on Thursday, May 21. Judging starts at 12,30. All bulls offered will qualify for 20 per cent prem- ium. Catalogues on request. Mel. Marshall, president; T. Stewart Cooper, secretary, Markdale, Ont. 18-9-b ARE YOU SHORT OF HELP? Thinking o1 starting a Beef Herd? We invite you to inspect fifty head of Angus Breeding Stock "The World's Greatest Beef Breed" at our Spring Auction Sale, Fergus, Saturday, May 23, Write for catalogue to Don Black, Arthur, Secretary, Central On- tario Angus Club. 18-9-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, )36r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES 01Z cows removed free of. charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. parry. 15to25-p PASTURE WANTED -----!--- pAsTurtit WANTED for about 10 head of cattle or less. Also hay wantedo Phone Clinton 326,, PET STOCK BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS. Can- aries, goldfish, All feeds and sup- plies. Also, beet, supply of sage,, just arrived, Call Barb's Pet Sup - ;flies, phone Clinton 631r14, Mena. ber of C,B,A, PIANO 11 NING Y'OU'R PIANO carefully tuned. Su69t eai2 G. W. Cox of CIthto BLRTS CiU OL—In Summerside, P.E.I., on Wednesday, April 29, 1953, to Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. Dennis Carol (nee Barbara Steep), a daughter, CLAUSIUS — To Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, May 3, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. °. Albert Clausius,• Zurich, a daughter. KEYS --In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, May 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, James Keys, Varna, a daughter. MAY In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, April 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Al. May, Clinton, a son. MOORE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, April 30, 1953, to Able Seaman and Mrs. W. E. Moore, Clinton, a son. O'NEILL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, April 30, 1953, to. F/O and Mrs, Peter O'Neill, Clinton, a daughter. PECK In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, May 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peck, Zur- ich, a daughter. RILEY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, May 2, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riley, Londesboro, a son. RUMIG—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, May 1, 1953, to to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rumig, Goderich; a son. VALKENBURG—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Wednesday, Ap- ril 29, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Valkenburg, Clinton, a daughter. INMEMORIAM MANN In loving memory of our dear father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, who passed away nine years ago, April 28, 1944 and May 6, 1944, and dear sister, Lulu (Mann) Crittenden, who passed away August 14, 1948: "Time may heal the broken hearted; Years may make the wound less sore, But it cannot fill the longing F'or the loved ones gone before". —Lovingly remember'd by the family. 18-b MISCELLANEOUS AFRICAN VIOLETS for Mother's Day. Phone Clinton 547J. 17-18-b CRESS BUNION SALVE relieves fast, wear stylish shoes soon. Druggists sell Cress Corn Salve too. 18-b DOUG CLOW—PLASTERING & stuccoing. Ornamental work a specialty. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 342. 18-9-p CLEAN UP! PAINT UP! Exter- iors or interiors, spray or brush painting. We whitewash barns, basements; clean brick. No job too small. Free estimates. Mc- Master Painters, Matilda St. Clin- ton. 18-9-20-b FARMERS. Arrange now for your help. Experienced Holland fam- ilies available. Write Corn. Bur- uma, farm, RR 4, Clinton, or phone Clinton 807r21. When you have farms or houses for sale or for rent, let them know at the same address. 15-6-7-8-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and ear tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Lenfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderieh 535. 10-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE FOUR APARTMENT HOUSE, double garage, centrally located, well rented, three bathrooms, new oil furnace. Newly decorated. Terms, or best cash offer. Box "A" News -Record, 18-b NHA HOUSE FOR SALE, rug brick. Three bedrooms, built-in bathroom and kitchen. Beautiful living room, grand location. Pay- ments amorterized over the years. L, G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, Ont. 15-tfb TWO HOUSES IN CLINTON, ready for occupancy. One has two bedrooms; one has four bedrooms. Full basements, oil furnaces. Ap- ply to M. McAdam. phone Clin- ton 694J. 15-6-7-8-b SEVEN ROOM INSUL-BRICK house, Mary Street. Modern con- veniences, garage attached. Extra lot, with cement block garage. An - ply to S. Schoenhals, phone Clin- ton 5883. 13-tfb TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, in Bayfield, $5,000, Seven rooms and bath, hydro, hot and cold water, separate garage, lot about 100 ft. square, fully insulated, fur- nace and basement, conveniently located, one block from Main St. Short distance from excellent bathing beach, Immediate posses- sion. Box 312. Phone 10, Bay- field. 18-9-20-1-b SEED FOR SALE RED CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. $17.95 per bushel. Cleaned. See Al Galbraith at Galbraith Radio and Television, phone Clinton 482. 17-8-b CLINTON OATS, Grade No. 1; germination 99 pet Cent. Also Sebago potatoes. John Gibson, phone Clinton 907 r 23. 16•tfb SEE OR CALL US for strong germinating, high yielding Pioneer hybrid seed corn, Choice of early, medium and late hybrids. Order now, they may be sold out later. Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clin- ton 127. , 18-h TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED TEACHERS wanted for Goderich Township School Area. Salaries to be from $2200 to $2600 depending on qualifica- tions and experience. Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, RR 3, Clinton. WOOD FOR SALE LUMBER AND CEDAR. 'Kindling for sale. rimer 'rack, phone Clinton 307 i 5. 18.9-b CEbAit RAILS, CUT IN 12" lengths, suitable for kindling. $4.50 for single cord; $2.50 for half cord delivered. 'VV. J. ;~'orbes, phone Clinton 904 r 31. 164$=9-p DEATHS BOYCE---At his home on South Street, Goderich, on Tuesday, May 5, 1953, James Boyce, be- loved husband of Ida Arm- strong, in his 74th year. Fun- eral from the Lodge funeral home, Goderich, under the aus- pices of the Masonic Lodge, to Baird's Cemetery, Brucefield, on Thursday afternoon, May 7, at 2;30 p.m. D.S.T.. FINLAY—In Wyandotte, Mich„ on Monday, April 27, 1953, John Finlay, brother of Bert Finlay, Goderich Township, and Miss Adele Finlay, Clinton. Funeral from the Gruback funeral home, River Rouge, Mich„ to Michi- gan Cemetery, on Wednesday, April 29. RAU—At the home of her son, Charles Rau, Stanley Township, on Tuesday, May 5, 1953, Phoebe LaPorte, widow of the late Henry Rau, in her 80th year. Requiem high mass was to be sung in St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph, and interment was to be made in the church ceme- tery. SPACKMAN—In Woodstock, on Thursday, April 30, 1953, Lil- lian Peck, widow of the late Robert Spackman, (both form- erly of Bayfield), in her 67th year, Funeral from the home of Mrs. F. W. McEwen, Bay- field, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, May 2, VEZINA—At Adastral Park, on Tuesday, May 5, 1953, David Arthur Vezina, beloved sun of Flying Officer and Mrs. Robert Vezina, in his fourth year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home to Clinton Ceme- tery, on Thursday afternoon, May 7, at 2.30 o'clock. GOOD -WILL CLUB WILL MEET ON TUESDAY, MAY 12 The Good Will Club of Wesley - Willis United Church will meet on Tuesday evening, May 12, at the home of Mrs, H. C. Wilson. Mrs. Reece Jenkins and Mrs. A. E. Bond will be in charge of the program. Mrs. Neville Forbes will be the guest, speaker, and Mrs. Harley, RCAF Station, Clinton, is to be guest soloist. 0 CARD OF THANKS MRS, N. WATSON, Londesboro, wishes to express her sincere thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Yates and the staff of the Clinton Pub-- lic Hospital for their kindness during her recent illness. Warm appreciation is also extended to all her friends who showed their thoughtfulness tin so many ways. 18-b HENRY MAY wishes to thank all friends in this district for kindnesses shown, including let- ters and cards, while he was a patient in Westminster Hospital. 18-b .41110,111101.11116, GOOD NEWS! To the People of Clinton YOUR- GARBAGE PICKED UP (Rain or Shine) EAST SIDE—picked up each Monday.. WEST SIDE --- Every Tuesday, oftener if needed. PRIVATE HOMES -25c per week WE GUARANTEE PROMPT SERVICE For SERVICE Phone 64o -w Arthur St. Arnans 18-19-p 4.4 ammi, aoforaaaorefeferefefororeforeaaaaaraionerera FOR SALE 1OXY THEATRE OI,INTO I4 Now P1aYing (ALL WEEK) "MA AND 1.'A KETTLE ON VACATION" ---Don't mi$s it; MON., TUES., WED. (May 11.-13) Donald O'Connor, Lori Nelson And Alice Kelley with Francis, the talking mule, You know a mule can ]lick. Come and match him coach a football team and graduate from military college with full mule-itary honours. "FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT" AT FISHER'S 'GARDEN NURSERY BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME By planting EVERGREENS & SHRUBS. A large stock to select from of Junipers tali growing and low spreading as follows: Sabin, Sweedish Jr., Virginiaha, Burke Pyramidals Ab or v i t a s, BIue Glouca, Colorado Semie, Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, White Cedars 3 to 4 ft. high and very! thick branched. In SHRUBS — Golden Bells, Spireas---5 varieties; Silverleaf Dogwood, Hydrangeas, Hills of Snots and Pee Gee. Red Leaf Barberry. In Red Raspberries, 5 varieties, true to name; also Black Rasp- berries. With every purchase of $5.00 you receive free one Black Cur- rant bush, Cornet, 2 yrs, old. Wald{ around and see what you buy. The prices are reasonable. Wesley W. Fisher • R.R. 5, Go.derich SALTFORD VILLAGE !t,'tH+ {H+ ,VH�N f4,i.{44~ THUR,, FRI., SAT. (May 14-16) Genuine suspense and excitement in this western drama of the days when the white men battled the Indians for the supremacy of "NEW MEXICO" Filmed in Ansco Color Lew Ayres, Marilyn Maxwell and Andy Devine Coming (May 18-20) i "THE MERRY WIDOW" Lana. Turner & Fernando Lamas PAGE' PARK THEATRE GODEIZIVIIPhone 1150 Now: In Technicolor, "STOP, To—wag KILLING 11' E" with Broderick 47rawford and Claire Trevor MON., TUES., WDD. FRANCIS the 'TALKING MULE, rets rns with Donald O'Connor, Lori Nelson, and Alice Kelley, in a new and hilarious tale centred in a great Military Academy, "FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT" TIME., FRI., SAT. "HI0I1 NOON" GARY COOPER in his. Academy Award performance as a western Marshall who has a midday date with destiny: Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly and Lloyd Bridges Coming; A truly great show, "Stars and Stripes Forever" with Clifton Webb onsainaana CAPITAL THEATRE GODIvRICII Phone 4T Now: "TOE SILVER WHIP" with Rale Robertson & non, Calhoun MON., TUES., WED. rail Henreid, Margaret Field and Robert Sherman A university professor is disinis- sed on a false chargebut reinstat- ed when he .exposes the hazards of fraternity hazing. "FOR MEN ONLY" THUR„ FRI., SAT, Wayne Morris, Lola Albright and Alan Hale, Jr. Taut .. , terrific ... and tingling with tension, an unusual western yarn about a travelling minstrel troupe and, a boy bent on vengeance. "SIERRA PASSAGE" Conning: "THE WELL" 'starring Richard" Rober and Christine Larson 41111.1110111111.1111101 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of EDWARD MURRAY MaeLEOD late of the Town' of Clinton in the County of Huron, Insurance Agent, who died on or about the 2nd day of Feb- ruary, 1953. Creditors and others having claims against the Estate are re- quested to send full particulars of said claims to the undersigned, on or before the 14th day of May, 1953, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims that that have been then received. Dated at Goderich this 20th day of April, 1953 by J. Kenneth Hunter, Solocitor, North Street, Goderich, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 16-17-18-b Executor's AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef- fects of the Estate of the late Mrs. Margaret Green, from her former residence, ST. DAVID'S STREET, GODERICH, on Saturday, May 9 at 1.30 p.m. (DST) the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Six ladder -back walnut chairs; walnut love seat; walnut settee; 2 ped- estal tables; wicker rocking chair; leather rocking chair; other rock- ing chairs; Doherty 'organ and stool; two 3 -piece bedroom suites; mattresses; single bed and inner spring mattress; dressers and wash stands; large hall table (walnut); cherry desk (antique); sideboard (antique) ; pine chest of drawers; 2 pine cupboards; radio stand; electric cabinet radio; 2 kitchen clocks; mantel clock; 6 cane -bottom chairs; 2 pine chairs; 3 fire screens; several small tablas; 2 pine sidetables; exten- sion table; 6 kitchen chairs; Sing- er sewing machine; bar -room chair; cherry drop-leaf table; rose- wood jewel box; jardinere; trunk; ice box; gas stove; woollen blan- kets; quilts; linens; dishes; cook- ing utensils; dishes; numerous other articles. PROPERTY: At the same time and place, if not sold previous to sale date, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve. bid, the property with ta,n additional build- ing lot, being 74 acre of land Enore or less, on which is situated a 7 - room frame, one -storey dwelling, with hydro and 3 -piece bath, This house is suitable for a two-family apartment, Also on this property is a one -car garage. FRED WESTON, Executor of the Estate. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 17-18-b No Effort is. spored— No Wish is unfilled. Families find Beattie's Service completely Satisfying vtifie ct utter x1 Amite FOR MOTHER'S DAY 1MAY loth K. C« COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton FOR SENTIMENTAL REASONS An Item of LUGGAGE makes A LASTING GIFT or ' A Smart LADIES' BILLFOLD Priced from 1.50 up AIKEN'S • LUGGAGE and SHOES Phone 2 ♦-+-$-* a -r _ 4+ + 1 1 + t $-.-o- Specials for May 7 - 8 - 9 BISCUITS, McCormick's, Regal Mixed, 12 az. cello bag, reg. 35c Special 31c SALMON, Maple Leaf --Repeat Sale, • 1/2 lb, tin SALMON, Fancy Pink -1/2 lb. tin CORN FLAKES, Kellogg's, 12 oz. pkg. Food Saver WAX PAPER, per roll CAKE MIX, Robin Hood, White pkg. 27c MARGARINE, Good Luck, 1 lb. 38e ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s, doz. 33c HEAD LETTUCE, 24s each 19c POTATOES, P.E.I., 75 lb. bag $1.89 PINEAPPLES, size 12s each 31e 39c 19c 25c 33c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver SPACE GALORE! "MAGIC CYCLE" MODEL KAP•C Illustrated Above Pull 9.4 cu, ft, plus' Magic Cycle "defrosting at a touch" in this beautiful, new Kelvinator model! Cold -Clear -to -the - Floor construction offers maximum capacity for fresh -food storage. Frozen '.Food Chest holds 34 lbs., includes three Speedy -Cube ice trays. Roil -Out Dairy Shelf, three bonus- space Door Shelves, built-in Butter Chest, and tWin sliding Crispers give you storage space galore! Beautiful Colonial Blue trim. SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS Shelf Area, 18.2 sq. ft. Net Capacity, 9.4 cu. ft. Overall Dilnensions Width, 281/4"; Depth, 29 %8"; Height, 501/1" GALBRAITH RAMO and ', ' L I'VISION £4\V t SER ICI EVE] ,` TlING WE SELL" Telephone 48Z Cii><tto14 Ont TELiVISION ANTgNNAS INNSTALL1D