HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-05-07, Page 1I Home I of 'RCAF r $04100. Ng,. 18—The Home Poper With the NpWs %A-111 i IVM� P .-V" # ^1N,v, l �Iu 1L;PV^ P r1�t f f, ! Val 6e a pqpy 4S0 gi. YegM Jr. Farmers Amateur Show I)i$plays Varietyof Talent As their first attempt i» pre- senting an amateur taletnt rA tt, Miss Jame Scott to Speak the grograrri the Huro coon y St. Paul's Parish MaU Junior Farmers presented. last Clinton women are to be Friday evening in Hensali Town favored on May 19 with a visit Hall, proved to be an even greater and address by one of Can- sttecess than had been expected. QE0RCW RY1MBALL RE-ELECTED AD OF )KINSMEN CLU$ The Clinton Kinsmen Club . their elections on Tuesday eve and -returned georgo Rumball SS No.! TEN COONS REQ."1Y, Ar/,rded TEACEiv NEEDED NEW P. �Cf.OIROOL meldop Honours With ten rooms of the nev Hing "' PublfG .School ready for octopi as " tion, as chairman of the Board A� H l� tt� t � year. _ u es �a, A, F Cudmore, stated last night; ,vere there. remains one vacap,, .,T the -...... ._ Keen cOmPe �tio;1_was shown at +e..,t,.,.,. alns .. . x rt,, a young folk belonging to the Jun. ads s most Qutstanding women writers. was also returned to orrice. The highlight of the evening for, Farmers, Junior Institutes throughout the County combined Through the efforts of the St. which marked the first complet efforts, and under the direction of Hob carbert, CKNX, Wingham, Women's Association of Paul's Anglican Church, Miss year since the club received it charter, was the presentation o As .a .genial master of .ceremonies, deemed Fane Scott, Toronto, will give an address on b'!a6ula for a huge birthday cakee complet+ with suitable, inscription ani =Fro was quite catcelient by the audience of over „ True Greatness", is bearing one candle brought in dor 250 persons. Several requests Miss Jane Scott well ing the latter part of the dinner the of the nightnInthe rfdifferent "Religious her Tboughttsy column,ch ,,rowook weiN e ted to drepFrank essen t t he club w centres throughout the county, appears in The Globe and the Coronation Convention of zone and, according to John D. Butler, Mail one to be held at Hamilton late, assistant agricultural re.presenta- The demand on her time Is this month. tive for Huron County, it is quite so great that though the St. Progress of the. park projeci *-obable that it will, be performed Paul's WA began contacting was discussed with the result that again, her in April 1952, the first work parties will be on hand al These are the young people who available date Was May 19, the park for the remainder of the book part: London Road Ram- 1953. She will speak in St, Paul's Parish Hall three week cleaning up the grounds ir. for lers Andrew Dougall (violin); at readiness pulldozing and grad. 'William Dougall (banjo); Maurice o'clock. ing. Love (guitar); all. of Hensall; a Invitations are being issued This will be the first month in Salo by Harry Lear accompanied by the WA of St. Paul's which a suit of clothes (ladies' or by Gail Manning, both of Bel- Church to all women In the men's) will be raffled and the grave; piano solo by Jack Cald- community to join in hearing tickets were distributed to those Nell, Seaforth club; solo by Pieta the address of this popular present. This draw will be made VanVliet, accompanied by a girls' speaker, on June 2. aiiorus including Doris Stevens, same meeting the two-point charge of Benmiller and Nile was members of the congregation of the Roman Catholic chapel Willis VanEgmond, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. Watson Reid, Kin- Ruth Keves. Mary Stevens. Isa- i split, Benmiller will join with Victoria St. Church, Goderich, at RCAF Station, Clinton. The body the Ball ■ Helen Johnston and Norma. Leem ing, .Seaforth; , Violin selection was played by Gerald Smith accompanied by Jack Caldwell, Seaforth; a read- ing by Clifford Coultes, Belgrave; A play, "Fetching Pa Around", staged by Colwanosh club, and re- cently entered in the Goderich Drama Festival, received a loud ovation. Those taking part were: Pavey Mathews, Fred Crawford, Sally Mathews, Mary Crawford; Tommie Mathews, Douglas Ath)ll; Mandy, Beryl Freeman; Willie Wiggins, Joseph McGee. A solo, "Walking to Missouri" was sung by Jayne Mary .Snell, accompanied by Ruth Clark; both of Clinton; the Siilery sisters (Dorcas and Alma) played a piano duet.; both girls are members of Exeter club. The Charleston (dance of the early 1900's) was performed by the Clinton Junior Farmers. Oizg- inally presented at CDCI Com- mencement last fall, those taking' part were Ken Gfbbings, Ronnie Waldern, David Oakes, Gloria Nott, Ken Carter, Marjorie Cur- rie, ` Mary Tyndall, Eugene Re- fausse, Betty Tate and Bob Fines. Harry Hern, accompanied by Agnes Bray, sang; Jim Scott, Bel_ grave, played a violin selection, accompanied by Shirley Ashton; Rosemary Adams, Howick Town, ship, gave a Scotch dance; the Clinton Junior Farmers Quar- tette, including tenor, Don And- rews; second tenor, George Tur- ner; baritone, Lloyd Holland; bass, Robert Allan; Harry and Bob Hern, accomp- anied by Frances Bern entertain- ed with humorous songs, made more so, because of appropriate costumes; a girls' chorus from Seaforth also; the South Huron Hill -Billies, Exeter, provided songs and fun; Howick Junior Farmers Square Dance team who were runners-up in the provincial Jun for Farmers competition in 1952 also performed. Ron McMichael, president of the Huron County Junior Farm- ers' Association and Jack Kins- man, of the Hensali Feeder Calf Club (the host association) made a few remarks at the close of the program. An enjoyable d an c e provided the end to a successful evening. o --- DUMPING GROUNDS FOR TUCKERSMITH AT JOHN McCOWAN'S Tuckersmith Municipal Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday afternoon, May 4, at two o'clock, with all members present and the reeve presiding. Council reached an agreement with John McCowan to lease ground on his farm to be used as a dumping ground for the town- ship. The lease will run for five years at an annual rental of $100. Township will supply wire and posts for fencing and the owner Will supply the Township with sufficient fill for roads to com- pensate for the cost of fencing materials. Council entered into an agree- ment with the Town of Clinton to furnish fire protection in the north-west part of the township Rates for the same will be $75 for the first hour and $25 for the second. A by-law was passed changing , the date of council meetings from the first Monday in each month to the first Tuesday of each month. Clair Haney petitioned council to have additional street lights installed on the street adjoining iris property and council will take the necessary steps to have the same installed, Reginald Allin was allowed ,$50 for damages to his property on account of bridge building opera- tlons at the Houston bridge, The road superintendent was instruct» ed to do brushing and levelling between Lots 35 and 36, Conces- sion 1, HRS, on the request of Bert Gibbings and Noble Holland. Drainage on the street adjoining the King property in Eghtondville will be undertaken. Council joined the Huron lation and fee of $15 was paid. n assessment of $93.82 was paid t,e Ausable Conservation Authority. The clerk was authorized to apply for subsidy on 1952 fire protection expendlture. The matter of put. chasing a new truck was deferred. 'I he Weather �t eC r .y 193 1g5.. I4igit TWow %iiglt 2.try April W 57 41 65 45 M'ay 1. 56 44 65 3:s 2 4'7 40 54 33 4 X69 44 57 3I1. 5 65 48 " 42 Rain, 69 1� lm5 f7zt.(; ,Goin s. . Rev. G. H. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, Confirms 12 at Middleton's Church An ancient rite of the Church spiritual side—the setting apart of England, the Order of Confir- of a person to be a minister of mation, was conducted on Sunday, Gal. Your pledges are solemnly taken as the Queen will take hers. May 3, in St. James' Church, The laying on of hands is the Middleton, by his Grace, George centre of order in the church. Luxton, the Bishop of Huron. The anointing of the Queen by Rev. Dr. Kenneth Taylor, St, the Archbishop of Canterbury is George's Church, Goderich, car- -the heart of • the service. Her ried the Pastoral Staff and acted head, heart and hands are anoint - as the Bishop's Chaplain. He also ed." read the three scripture passages, "She must be glorious in all The rector of the parish, the virtue as those confirmed are Rev. Eric Carew -Jones, presented sent forth to serve God and be a the following candidates to the force for good. She is given the Bishop for confirmation: James Bible by the Archbishop as it is Storey, David Middleton, Robert the 'royal book, the book of the Cluff, Kenneth Dutot, Ronald royal law of God'." Johnson and Richard Heard, Rosa- He urged the candidates to lind Carew -Jones, Victoria Cluff, establish the habit of daily'read- Mrs. Mabel Middleton, Mrs. Es- ing of the Bible and recommended telIe Wise, Mrs, Vera Miller, Mrs. the St. James version. "Let the Audrey Middleton. thoughts and words of Jesus "This is a new testament ser- Christ be part of your life. After vice straight from the hands of all the coronation sequence the Christ and this service dates from Queen takes communion, receiv- the earliest days," stated his ing of God's strength and life into Grace. The Bishop congratulated her life. So you should give the people on the appearance and Christian strength, stability and recent improvements in the backbone to the whole commun- church. "God's house should be ity," the Bishop continued. "I the best kept house in the com- cannot over-estimate the import- munity," he stated. ante of parental backing—religion The theme of the Bishop's ser- is caught as well as taught. Fol - vice was the close parallel be- low in the Christian's way and tween the confirmation service walk in the way of life. All your and that of the impending corona- life remember, 'the Queen and I tion of our Queen. "In both cases were confirmed within a month of there is open public acknowledge- each other in the same church ment of the fact of the supreme and in almost the same service'." lordship of Jesus Christ, She This confirmation service was pledges her life in God's cause as largely attended. Among those those now being confirmed. The present was Mrs. George Luxton, main part of the coronation is the the wife of the Bishop. I,O -.�• { 'I �` [/s x •: ', @ 7 .�- I.I'll i 1 , ,.y a I ,i.,. present time quite a light green, % <. , . 11 9. 4�. t Meeting in the Board Room of the Town Hall on Tuesday even- ing, the Clinton Community Ath- letic Field Board (Park Board), agreed unanimously that the grandstand should receive a coat of paint. A. J. McMurray was placed in charge of the project and will undoubtedly see that this is done prior to the annual spring fair to be held May 30, Charles Williams was re-engag- ed as caretaker and utility man. Since there is much work to be done, chairman W. E. Perdue sug- gested he be "on the job" as soon is possible, The secretary was instructed to forward a letter to Clinton Dist- :`iet Collegiate Institute and Pub- lic School boards asking that they ^equest permission a few days in idvance when desiring to use the nark grounds. This is not Intend - :d to curtail the use of the ;rounds in any way, but to pre- ient conflict with other organiza- tions that might be using the dark. Wilbur Welsh, representing the Turf Club stated they have •entatively claimed July 22, and ugust 3 for race meets. Although baseball plans are •ather indefinite at the moment, Ieeve J. W. Nediger was detailed :o have repairs made to the back - ;top behind the diamond. It was 'elt that possibly the RCAF mielit :vhich are available throughout :he summer, W. E. Perdue was appointed !hafrrnan of the board at the in- iugural meeting held April 7 and xeorge Knights as secretary- :reasurer for 1953. Regular meet- ngs are to be held second Tues- lay In each month. Members In attendance at Tues- lay evening's session were: A. J. McMurray (Huron Central Agri. 'ultural Society); Mrs. Mervyn gatkin (Women's Institute); Wil- ier Welsh (Turf Club); Reeve J. 9, Nedigezr and Caryl W. Draper (Town Council). Jae Murphy' (Public School Board) was un. able to be present. Gliltxtbn Men Appointed x'b BrothelrLood Off>ces aoi ted 'preesiden Clinton,fthBrothe - hood of Anglican Churchmen of 14"Von Deanery at the annual ipring dinner meeting in St. Geo- rge's Church, Goderich. ' Other officers are: seeretairy- treasurer, Herb Bridle, Clinton, vlce-presidents. R. W. N. `Wade, 3 .�ai'rie• 2nd vice-president, , Owen ktkimdn 9xeter• dir t t eC or„ 110-• 3ert Phi li b I s, Auburn; lwdwtitd Southgate, Seaforth; 'Mt. Strong, lorrie. Chairman for i.lie elecdon was rev. H, L. Parker, Wingham utal dean, Chairman for the ban' .0et was Gordon Wright, Sete- Ot th, Immodi'a•to past president, speaker Wei .Rev, Gi1ftim: Joties, �ayfieK "Could Have Sold It Three Times" We like to talk to the wise people who place classified advertising with us, and in- quire just how the advertising helped them. This week we called a lady who had adver- tised ababy's buggy for sale, and asked her if she wanted it repeated in the paper this week. We were not sorry to hear that she had sold the buggy. "Could have sold it three times," was the happy state- ment. That is just an idea of the success that a Clinton News -Record classified adver- tisement may bring you. For a fifty cent advertisement, you may be able to rid your- self of that article 'which is no longer of any use to you. Why not give it a try? STANLEY GRAVEL AWARD TO LAVIS CONTRACTING CO. Stanley Township Council, meet- in; at Varna Monday night, April 4, awarded the contract for crush- ing and hauling 5,000 yards of gra�,rnl to thn L avifi Cahtractine s 1' cents a cubic yard, with the township supplying the gravel. The usual grants of $50 and $25 mere awarded to the Bayfield Fall r air and the Hensall Spring Show espectively, It was decided to join the Hli- on County Municipal Officers' association, which will meet in Jensall on May 18. W. A. Orr, .)oputy Minister of Municipal Af airs, and oJhn Macinnis, chief nigfneer of Department of High- Ways, will be guest speakers. According to Fred Watson, :ownship CIerk, the township road expenditure by-law has been cut iy the Department of Highways .or Ontario, from $40,000 to a ,naximo n total expenditure of 681,000. A request was received from the lfnton District Collegiate Iiisti- Lute for ;$1.2,787.20, as Stanley tuwnshfp'fi share of expenditure, Me township's assessment is $2,- 364,000, for county purposes. A deputation was received from the Bayfield village trustees, re- guesting that ownership of the old Bridge over the Bayfield River be, transferred to them, The request c ,va..attted. Presiding at the meeting was teeve Alvin at, and present vete clerk Fred Watson, and 'cuncillors Harvey Taylor, Harvey Neman, Carl 'Houston, and Alvin tau. Mrs. Harry Johnson Walket- Orly of Clinton, visited kid, form vlth Mr. abil Mit. T bomas Leif ,ittgtotl, on Tuesday. held in Londes m. Uii . yesterday, +wh the proved that 1» crest 1; i val has grown considi last year. Sponsored jointly ` Federation .of Agricult Londesboro Women's 'the festival had entre; of '14 schools in the toi l church was filled to the evening, when the '"""' IIensall Public School for i the Testi» four years was hired to , ',ably since intermedlate grade, a pos by Hullett led last year by Miss Ma are and the ton, Ingersoll• Institute, Excavation for the a from each two rooms planned for tb Nnshi The east corner of the present capacity in was begun last week, and t of the classes comp the day, provided._ a was 1 I have are , On " workmen were r window frames ; ThreewYear=Old (hi"Id KilledatRCAFStation An inquest will be held to In. Heads Ourbn Presbytery I vesttgate the death of three-year, nstructor at Air 'ehool t C1i t by a 'r Dr, yid M. two Town q Of- is f is an regi for their efforts, and for - the fact that they were' so orderly. He the front of the school, The flat surface of the overhang is at the , *. .. a non N.%.=.,,., The .driver of the truck which appreciated the interest shown b stated that the present time quite a light green, i w11 killed young David, was Arthur Leibold, R,R. 2, Clinton, who had parents, and child ren were fortunate to have such but it will need another coat of a paint before it .is finished.bage < �. been engaged to collecting gar. from the homes at Adastral fine accompanist as Mrs. E. Wen- dorf, who played the piano, and Out at the rear of the school, workmen were boring holes in the Park. Minutes before the fatal accident, Mr. Lelbold had noticed conducted most of the choruses, "I hear you are losing one of raw steel which will go into the new addition. Although the steelclose the youngster playing dangerously your teachers. One of the catast- work in the main part of the buil- N. W. lip " UTHA, to the truck, and had carried him to safety up onto a nearby rophes of today is that we have not yet seen At to spend enough ding was done by another comp- any, l3ali. Bros. are doing this part Well known Clinton man, is first laymarl to be elected Chairman of lawn. (There are no fences al - lowed on Adastral Park), on the salaries to keep our teach- ers from taking jobs in Industry. themselves in order to save time Huron Presbytery, United Church, It is believed that David ran We Canadians spend more on liquor, more even cosmetics, H W Trewartha Elected Chairman along beside an oil truck parked vehicle, and, beside the, Lehe c than we do on education. The a a then ran into the side of the gar - side scarcity of teachers is over 6,000. This is not exaggerated. We are ■ Huron Presbytery First Layman bage truck as it began to move. He then fell under the wheels of the truck, the not taking the situation half ser- and rear wheels fously enough. If you have a good An especial honour has been Willis United Church, Clinton, to passed over the upper part of his body. teacher now, hang on to her, for bestowed . upon N. W. Trewartba, make a two-pofht charge. Eben- The fatality was investigated by there are not enough recruits to the teaching profession to replace by the Huron Presbytery of the United Church of Canada, meet- ezer and Zion, until now with Holmesville Church and minister- provincial Constable Douglas Orr, all of those lost," concluded Mr.ing in Goderich on Friday, May 1, ed by Rev. M. G Newton, are Goderich. Surviving besides the -boy's par - Bender. A committee of four women as- Mr. Trewartha was elected chair- man of the Presbytery and is the joining with Blyth and Bayfield churches, respectively, At this ents, F/O and Mrs. Vezina, is a five-year-old brother. They are samed the major responsibilities of the Festival. They were, Mrs. first layman ever to hold this of- fice, in the Huron Presbytery, same meeting the two-point charge of Benmiller and Nile was members of the congregation of the Roman Catholic chapel Willis VanEgmond, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. Watson Reid, Kin- Mr, Trewartha will bring to his new office on July 1, a wealth of split, Benmiller will join with Victoria St. Church, Goderich, at RCAF Station, Clinton. The body the Ball burn, president; Mrs. Joseph Shaddick, who assisted the adjud- experience in organization and ad- ministration, He began municipal while Nile will go with Dungan- rested at and Mutch fun - eral home, High Street, Clinton, icator, and Mrs. Keith Tyndall, N. life in 1905 and served the Gode- non. Several other changes, some in until this afternoon, when Father J. L. O'Rourke was to officiate at SS 3 (Mrs. Sills, teacher) won the Hullett, Township Council rich Township Council, where he was clerk for seven years, was the southern part of the county are being considered, but as yet funeral service held at 2.30 pm and interment was to follow in Shield, awarded to the school win- fling the highest number of points. reeve for four years, and served a successful term as warden of have not been made effective, Clinton Cemetery. Other shield_s�"awarded were the Londesboro vYomen's Institute the County of Huron in 1922. He was reeve of Clinton for five CACI Cadets To Be Inspected Monday Shield for best two-part chorus years, in 1927, 1929 and 1930, 1939 p from schools of more than 25 pupils, won by SS 5 (Stewart and 1940, and was Clinton's mayor during 1932, 1933 and 1934. He Evening; Public Invited To Attend - Toll; teacher) , Hullett Township also was on Clinton Council as Federation Shield for best two- councillor for five years. Nine platoons of smartly turn- assembling a bren gun will 'be part chorus from schools of 25 A member of Wesley -Willis ed -out cadets will pass in review made. pupils or less, won by SS 1 (Miss United Church, Clinton, Mr. Tre- on Monday evening, May 11, when As a preview for the big day, Ida. Livingstone, teacher); a spec- wartha is clerk of the session of at seven o'clock the Clinton Dist- it is planned to have a route ial shield presented to the best elders. riot Collegiate Cadet 'Corps und- march through the downtown sec - rhythm band, awarded to SS 8 The meeting of Huron Presby- ergoes its annual inspection at tion of Clinton this afternoon, (Mrs. June Wallace, teacher); the tery last week saw several the CDCI campus. Inspecting of- with all cadets in uniform. Cadet Hullett Township Federation changes in the arrangement of ficer will be Lieutenant P. A. Major Eugene Refausse will be in Shield for unison chorus from different charges throughout the Rankin, London, who will be as- charge, assisted by Second in schools of over 25 pupils, SS 5 county. H o 1 m e s v i l l a United sisted by another* officer from Command, Shirley Proctor. Lead- (Stewart'Toll teacher); and the Church will join with Wesley- headquarters, ing the boys will be Company Hullett Mus%;:estival Shield for — All parents; -.relatives and inter- Sergeant Major W02 Arthur unison chorus from schools of 25� or less pupils, USS 12 (Miss Grace TOWNSHIP' COUNCIL bsted persons in Clinton and dist- riot are invited to attend this Tyndail, acid Sergeant Major Patsy Murney will be in charge Riley, teacher), PAYS FOR TWO colorful event. It is being held in of the girls. Certificate prizes were awarded+ to winners placing first, second RECENT FIRE CALLS the evening expressly so that more. people will be able to at- Platoon Commanders are Cadet Lieutenants Ronald Steepe, RR 3, and third in all classes. (Ed, note: Goderich Township Council, tend, It is expected that those Bayfield; Peter Jones; Murray Since it is impossible for us to meeting Monday night at Holmes- present will include staff mem- Colquhoun; Allan Mitchell, RCAF publish a complete list of all win- ville, in a discussion.: over fire pro- bers, graduates, board members Station, Clinton; Ruth Clark, ners this week, .you will find here tection for the township, took ex- and other officials, including F. Varna; Janice Morritt, Blyth; only first prize winners. The ception to a fire bill of $100 re- M. McEwan, president of the Donna McBride, Kippen; Helen completed list will appear next ceived from the Town. of Clinton Clinton Branch, Canadian Legion; Blair, Bayfield; Barbara Brandon, week,) Seven year and under; boy's for a recent fire of the farm of James Cox, Goderich Township. George' Falconer, chairman of the school board; and a representative Bayfield. Sergeants: Barry Youngblutt, Auburn; Berne Mc - solo, John Powell, SS 8; girl's solo, According to township clerk R. E. from RCAF Station, Clinton. Kinley, Varna; Kenneth Porter; Barbara Kaye Snell, USS 10. Nine under: boys solo, 'Thompson, the council is willing The usual routine will be fol. Ronald Livermore; Roni Waldron, years and Nickie Whyte, SS 3; girls solo, t„ pay $70 for the Clinton fire 6cpartment's first hour at the fire lowed, including inspection of the platoons by'the officers, a march RCAF Station, Clinton; Kay Sharp; Marjorie Webster, Varna; Jage Uyl, SS 3. 11 years and un- der: boy's solo, Clarence Dale, SS but councillors protest the second past, and both platoon and section Mildred Fraser, Bayfield; Elaine 1; girl's Solo, Joanne Ranson, SS 5. hour. The owner called only one fire drill. Feature of the event will be music by the bugle band of 27 Grainger Varna. Following the address by the 14 years and under, boy's solo, Robert Phillips, SS 3; girl's solo, department to the fire, which oa curred in March. However, the pieces directed by Richard And- rews and Mae Taylor. Rhythmics inspection officer, and dismissing of parade, the cadets will have a Jane McCool, SS 5. Duet, Marilyn Taylor and John Jewitt, SS 3. Goderich, Clinton, and Bayfield Fire Departments were all on the by the girls to music, will be a demonstra- light snack, and end the busy day Double trio, (schools of over 25), scene and allegedly stayed need- novel addition, and a re- tion of dismantlingand with a cadet dance held in the CDCI gymnasium. SS 5. Double trio (schools of 25 SS 6. lessly after the fire was quelled, pupils and less), The contract with Clinton for St. Andrew's Ladies $3000 Will be peri Old Bayfield Bridge f;re protection calls for $75 for the first hour, and $25 for each Make :final Plans To Improve Docking additional hour. The Town of For Bazaar in June Facilities at Bayfield Sold to Ripley Man Goderich receives a retaining fee of $1w a year and $50 for each The Women's Association of St. Provision Yeas been made for the Tuesday, for $200 call while the Bayfield Fire De- Andrew's Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday at the home of expenditure of $38,000 on the ex- P tension of the retaining wail and - The old Bayfield bride which g parfinent which is privately own- p y Mrs. M, D. McTaggart, with the tying -up facilities on the south was replaced five years ago by High- ed, receives a retaining fee.g A request from a delegation of president, Mrd. William Shaddock, bank of the river at Bayfield. This the Ontario Department of ways, was sold Tuesday morning, the police village Bayfield, that in the chair. She read Psalm 98, with the members joining in file was made in supplementary esti- mates submitted to the House of May 5, by the Bayfield village g the old bridge over the Bayfield g a Lord's Prayer. Commons in Ottawa this week, A. trustees to H. A. Hodge, Ripley, ror $200. River be turned over to the vel- )age, was granted. The secretary, Miss O. Mcpher- Y. McLean, MP for Huron, re- ports. Monday night, both Goderich and Stanley Township councils At the meeting were Reeve Ed- ward Grigg and Councillors Clay- son, read the minutes, which were adopted, and Mrs, R. L. McEwen, For some time now the need for more accommodation at the har- agreed to turn over the bridge to ton Laithwaite, John Deeves, Wil- treasurer, submitted a g000d fin- bour has been more evident. The the village trustees for the latter mer Harrison and Ken C. Merner. ancial statement, Appointees for decorating the wash caused by high seas made to dispose of at their pleasure. P Following are the accounts a g p'docking proved for payment: Town of church were named for the month at the outer pier imprac- tical for pleasure boats, and the The bridge was built about 50 years ago by the Huron County Goderich fire calls $150; Town of Clinton, fire caIls,� $150; Bayfield of May. Mrs. Ed Farquhar, con- vener of the tea committee for north side of the river is almost completely taken up by commer- Councfl, which turned ownership aver to both Goderich and Stanley Fall Fair, grant, $25; Murray Forbes, fox bounty, $2; Bruce the, bazaar on June 6, requested her fellow workers to convene, to Cial craft regularly in operation out of the harbour. tartownship councils when the On- of Highways Volland, warble spraying, $482; make final arrangements for that The only place listed as safe builtDepartment built the new bridge recently over King Calcium products, warble fly powder, $37,62; Hat-ve Mc- event. Miss McPhet•son gave a paper port in a storm, between Sarnia and Goderich, Bayfield is serious - a different section of the river. Bayfield village trustees are Cartney, warble fly inspector, and Mrs. Farquhar read an inter- ly in need of better accommoda- Ben Rathwell, J. M. Stewart, and $290.7b; Monteith & Monteith, Howard Sturdy, esting selection on Laughter Mrs. D. J, Lane closed the tion for those craft that need to there. rohn Fraser, Unless some Tan is in the mak- Unless; auditing, $250; collecting arrears of taxes, $243.- 18; Clinton News -Record, adver» meeting and refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by dock —0— i , Make Canada Bedcitiful ng, residents of Bayfield will find themselves makinga long round- g tising, $1.47; Londesboro Locker Service, for relief, $55.48; direct Mrs. R. L. McEwen and Mrs. pouring Lane, with the president urin Slogan, Taken U g i p about detour to reach the vfll>ige fsherles. relief, $35; road superintendent's tea. By Bayfield Villagers pay roll No. 5, $1,029.62. Council adjdurned till June 1, o Fish and Game Club May is "Make Canada Beauties ful" month, An effort Is being at 7.30 p.m, Hold Annual Election; made to arouse citizens in town COMING si v �. , Mayor W. J. Miller Made M'. McAdam, P resident and country to tidy up, and scrub up so that our land will I I . s `�� � O enin Luck Draw p y Huron Fish and Game Conser- present a shining face to visit- � � , 4c & Word, rnlnitnum 7sc At New Schaefer Store vation Association met at the club house, Clinton, on Monday, May 4, ors and be a joy to ourselves. in Bagffeld a project Is a]- Fridiiy, May S ---Fish and Game n Mayor W. 'J. Miller officiated at the lucky draw held Saturday when new officers for the year were chosen:; president, Mitebeal ready under foot amongst the school Childre`h with the slogan, e t club o „luh Dance a house; goal orchestra; everybody welcome. . night, May 2, in Schaefer's Ladies' MdAdam; first vice-president, ' Xeel Bayfield Clean", It is a 8,b Wear, just opposite the theatre, Louis Freeman; second vice-presl- coincidence that the movement Vliestiily, May 12 •--- Florence on the occasion of opening of dent, ...John Wilson; secretary, was commenced by a Ioyal tali 4 Yo • Day, u are invited to, visit Hospital to visit Clinton public Ho .the the store. Following three days fn which the public was invited to Lloyd Butler, and assistant treas- user, C. J. Livermore. zen without any knowledge of the Dominion wideeffort, but ft • and enjoy a cup of tea. 18-b the store, and free tickets were The club . decided to continue just goes to show that great Thursday# May 14�� •-�- play by handed to those Who wished them, levelling the following ladies were awarded parking and placing gravel, for purposes, and landscaping minds think. alike, Here,. the village trustees Wc1ey Willis YFU rfxe Honey- is Over".. Clinton, Town prizes. the grounds. The bulldozer was have decided to instal three noon. Flall, 8.115 P.M.Comedy, Tickets Mrs. Ross Millar, Xfog St., reported already to have started waste containers on Main St. 50c and 35c. 17.8'-x Clinton, won an all-weather coat; in Mrs, Noble Young, Goderich, was the levelling process. With help from the members of The children are asked to de - posit any waste paper therein. Tuesday, May 1.9 •-- Miss Jane the lucky winner of a grand mere the club, the trim on the building and to co-operate in advising of the Globe and Mai it raft, be a 1, will smoothie d&rdigan and Marilyn e will be, painted iii the near, fut- i o e otl era not t litter the streets. , ,, xe speaking on 'k ormula for True Shaddick, Clinton, won a lace ore, The club reported tor king Another growp, has asked that Jreatness" in St. maul's Parish trim nylon slip. the streams it, the vicinity with adults and children take their Mall. The public is cordfallyin. Owner of the store, Geo. W, speckled trout. rakes to Clan Gregor oft rated. l$ -p Schaefer, Goderich, reports a bud- The bulletin prize of the even* ,Square Friday, May $ and help clean It In the Merry Month of May, cessful three-day opening. His ing Was Won by Lloyd Butler. rip for the season, Swing and Sway in the Old Tyme sort, 13111 Schaefet, is the manager .. The ,raffled rizes went to Louis o lVay, to the tuneful , molodic�s of of the store, Freetna;t, Fre Andorson Jr,, and Hugh f t., Hawkitis, president of ;tztrence Petrie his --6— ,john W1196h the was In Toronto last And ,Night lawkg, Bvery 'LIday bight ... at Mr, and lt'lt§. Hector: Hingswell ,`Trees which have been ordered .WOAA, week6nd Attending the . annual lte,'CrystaY 1'alac'e 196llyroom 14I3tR are liolida rig Iii t"ltitlagts this for the planting w111 be set but in meeting of the Ontario Iioi key :holt. 17.84164,b We *k. thie cawing few days. Awelation,