Clinton News-Record, 1953-04-30, Page 6> AQB CLINTON NEW$-RECO;itP 1 PERSONALS j Councillor and Mrs, Morgan J, and Mrs. E. Lawson last week, Agnew, spent Sunday in Stratford, Cpl. and Mrs, Len. Norris, Ay- John Gilmour, Toronto, attended inter, spent the weekend with Mr. the funeral of his uncle, Hugh and Mrs. Frederick Anderson, Jr. Gilmour, on Monday.• Ed and Mrs. David BairGrealis and Howard were troit, were visitors on Monday at in London on*Saturday attending George Baird's, Stanley township. the Grealis-Delves wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steep; Mrs. Clare Thornblison, Mervin Cole- Dick Steep and son David Mark, man, Burlington, visited with Mr. London, visited on Monday with EOR MOTHER'S DAY ]MAY 10th K. C. GOOLE FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton Specials kr April 301 May 1-2 TEA BAGS, Lipton's, 3Oc pkg. 29c jar 69c 1/2 lbtin 39c 3 lbs. $1.00 QUOFFY, 15 Tea Bags Free SALMON, Maple Leaf MARGARINE, Rose Brand TOILET TISSUE, White Swan 2 rolls 25c KLEENEX, Reg. 2 for 39c PABLUM, Oatmeal or Mixed Cereal, pkg. 43c JAVEX, 32 oz. btl. 25e WEINERS, M. Leaf lb. 35c SMOKED BONELESS PICNICS lb. 53c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s doz. 31c BEAD LETTUCE, lge. ea. 19c Tho:..pson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver Mrs, David Step, Mrs. Isabel McDowell, Lon- don, is visiting with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Frank McBwan. Dr, and Mrs. Gordon Struthers, Mr. and Mrs. bonald Struthers, Toronto, spent Sunday with, Mr, and Mrs. A, T. Cooper. Mrs. Bruce Cann and three children, Susie and Kathie, left on Friday to spend some time in Leeuwarden, Holland, there to visit with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs, J. Mulholland re- ceived word of the death of their son-in-law, Leonard Birch, De- troit. Mrs. Muriel Meyer attend- ed the funeral this week. Dean Courtice, Hamilton, was in town last week for n couple of days with his sisters, Misses Hat- tie and Sybil Courtice. He at- tended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs, Sarah Walter, Frank Fingland, Jr., has return- ed to his studies at the University of London, England, after a five Weeks Easter vacation in Germ- any?, Belgium, Austria, Switzer- land and France. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Charles- worth, Grand Forks, North Da- kota, flew to* London and arrived in Clinton, to spend a few days last week with Mrs. George Rob- erton and Mrs. George McLennan, sisters of Mrs. Charlesworth. Senor Lucho and Senora Mary Mejia, Lima, Peru, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ball dur- ing the past week. Senor Mejia is employed by the Bano de Lon - res y Peru, in Lima, where he and Doug lived together some years. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig, Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Riley, Londesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grealis, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schoeder, Dash- wood, attended the wedding of their brother, Frank Grealis, . to Miss Shirley Rose Delves, in Lon- don, on Saturday, April 25, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray were in Hamilton last Wednesday, April 22, attending the ninth an- nual concert of the International Harvester Company. Feature of the program were musical num- bers by the Harvester Male Chor- us made up of 42 men, and the Lester Choraliers, a girls' chorus made up of 22 girls who were ap- pearing for the first time in pub- lic. The Harvester Male Chorus is well known, and has won many first prizes in competitions dur- ing the last ten years. Mr. Mc- Murray suggests that it is possible that there may be a chance of hearing these choristers locally within a short time. r -i There's nothing like handsomely designed, quality luggage to start you off in fine style. Make your •selection from our stock. - JUST ARRIVED -- ENGLISU LUGGAGE Ladies' Pieces ' 5.50 to 9.50 Suitcases from 16" to 28" sizes - 3.25 to 11.50 9 CLEAN UP/PAINT UP See • McMaster Painters MATILDA STREET, CLINTON Spray - Brush Whitewashing PAINT -Exterior and Interior on Buildings, Houses, Barns, Schools, Churches; also Roofs. WHITEWASHING -- Barns, Basements; Cleaning Brick. No Job Too Small Free Estimate 17-b ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Fitz- Simons wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Elizabeth Marie (Betty) to Edward ,lames Robinson, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Robinson, Robyn, Manitoba, The wedding will take place early in May, 17- p 0 ONTARIO ST. WA TO MEET TUESDAY IN CIIURCI! HALL Ontario Street United Church Woman's Association, will meet on Tuesday afternoon, May 5, at three o'clock, in the ° church hall, The program is in the charge of Miss E. Wiltse and Mrs, H. Ball. A picnic lunch will be served. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 195.3 )PERSONAL MAKEUP SUBJECT OF JUNIOR INSTITUTE TALK Members of the Huron County 1 Junior Institute, their mothers and friends, attended a special meeting in. Clinton, in the agri- eultural offipe board room, on Wednesday evening, April 29, When Miss Margaret Holland, Toronto, and formerly of Dublin, outlined and demonstrated in- dividual hair styles, the right types of make-up and also prop- er nail care. Miss Holland is a fashion director for a well- known cosmetic firm. 0 Mrs. C. Sturdy Elected President of Institute (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth, district president; conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Officers Elected President, Mrs. C. Sturdy; first vice-president, Mrs. Mervyn Bat - kin; second vice-president, Mrs. M. Wiltse; recording secretary, Mrs. H. Managhan; press secre- tary, Mrs. Charles Nelson; treas- urer, Mrs. Ronald MacDonald; district director, Mrs. Norman Tyndall; institute directors, Mrs. W, Ross, Mrs. Frank Layton, Mrs. Wes Shobbrook, Mrs. E. H. Epps and Mrs, Violet Habgood. The finance convener will be Mrs. Alex Inkley; social convener, Mrs, E. Jamieson; flower conven- er, Mrs. E. Epps; reception con- veners, Mrs. Thomas Deeves and Mrs. Douglas Freeman; auditors, Mrs. Derwin Carter and Mrs. Nor- man Carter; home economist, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; community ac- tivities stivities and public relations con- vener, Mrs. N. Carter; citizenship and education convener, Mrs. Nor- man Shepherd; agriculture and Canadian industries convener, Mrs. George Glazier; historical research and current events conveners, Mrs. Noble Holland and Mrs. W. Wise; song leaders and pianists, Mrs. Ernest Radford, Mrs. Ray Fear and Mrs. N. Shepherd. Cheerfulness Miss Luella Johnston gave a splendid address on "Cheerful- ness", and stated that cheerful- ness is an outward expression of an inward faith. "Wealth doesn't always bring happiness, variety adds jest. We all have had trials to bear at some time or other. We learn to appreciate life, the better after trials. One derives great satisfaction in knowing he has done a good deed." She gave rules of happiness: "Live a simple life; be temperate in habits; spend less than you earn; avoid extrava- gance; think constructively; try to see others' viewpoint. Begin the day with gratitude; give gener- ously. Work with right motives. Be interested in others. Live one. day at a time. Make the most of today. Have a hobby; and culti- vate something for relaxation." She concluded with a poem by Ed- gar Guest, "Keep Going." It was decided that the Insti- tute should endeavour to complete the Tweedsmuir History. A vote of thanks was extended to those taking part in the pro- gram. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, and a social half hour followed. Saleoar i�l� of SUITS -COATS SHORTIES We are offering the remainder of our spring stock of Suits, Wool Coats and Shortie Coats at a sav- ing to you. There is still a fine selection of styles, sizes and colors from which to choose - All Reduced 20% Nylon Hose First Quality ---54 gauge All in New Spring Shades Sizes 9 to 11-- 98 Regular value 1.50 pr. SPECIAL at only pr Children' s Dresses New Shipments of Children's Summer Dresses of Cotton, Gingham and Piquet -- have just arrived. Children's Pyjamas, Nighties, T -Shirts, Sport Shirts and Shorts are now in for Sprang Selling We Invite Your Inspection Ladies' Cotton Dresses SUN DRESSES and COTTON SKIRTS Materials are different -Styles are different and they are priced right for quick selling. WHILE UP TOWN LOOK OVER THIS FINE SELECTION OF SPRING MERCHANDISE. ismonassamossmesm WESLEY-WILLIS WA TO HOLD APRIL MEETING The Woman's Association of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet on Thursday afternoon, May 7, at three o'clock in the church parlours. Hostesses for the meet- ing will be Mrs. Clifford Cooper's group. N.F. SYN. Cur dairy foods Build muscles sfrong Try some today You can't go wrong, 44. Shoes and Leather Goods Phone 2 Buy the Best for Baby HERE THEY ARE .•.- A large selection of. SUNSHINE - DENDRON and LLOYD Strollers and PortACarts STROLLERS -Priced from $38.50 I ORT0A-CBIS- priced from $1195 Drop in and inspect these carriages to -day. BRAND N E W BALL & MUTCH 'hone 195 Cl!bICCS SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1953 �aylig"ht Saving Time Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGAR•D. Pastor 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 7.30 p.m. -Evening Service • Friday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's Social Evening. Miss G. Duns- ton will be showing films and slides. Program also will in- clude Scriptural quizzes and games. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Huron St. Baptist Church Minister -REV. 3. E. OSTROM Organist --Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.-Worship 12.15 noon -Bible School 7.00 p.m, --Evening Worship St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Choir Leader (All times a D.S.T.) 10.00 a.m.-Church School 11.00 a.m.--Divine Worship - Children's Period; Sermon: 'Me Christian Transformation" 2.30 p.m. ----Knox Church Bayfield Divine Service We invite you to tvorsliip God Al* mighty with tis. All Weleoime WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship "The Hard Way or the Right Way" 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 p.m. -Church School Union Evening Service in Ontario Street United Church. Come to the House of Prayer Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON' One Block East of Albert Street, North of Par -Knit Sunday 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School 10.45 a.m.--Comiffunion Service 8.00 p.in.--Gospel Service Friday, 8 p.m. --Prayer and Bible Study. "Cast thy burden upon the Lard, and He shall sustain thee". -Psalm 55 : 22 St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTELL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mr's. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.nf.--Stuhday School and Holy Coinniunioii. 7,00 p.m. --Evening Service Tues., May 5, 2.45 p.m. -. Ladies' Guild in Memorial Hall ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH F]i:Il;11iDLY C1itTRCE' PASTOR. --REV, A» GLEN 1iAGiE, 11.A.0 $,D. ORGANIST. -1401.5. E. WENDORF 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship; 12.15 pari. --Sunday School, 7.30 p,m.--- Evoniifi Services Rev, W. ,1'. Maines, Brucefield, guest preacher. A hior Choir it Charge of music. ¶4 tJR.lefElt'S OIXU1tIU 2.00 p.m. -Church Service. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School. 9 Caretaker Wanted FOR CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL HALL Kirk St., Clinton Apply, by May 9, 1953, stating hourly wage expected, to M. J. SCHOENHALS, Chairman, Building Committee 17.8-b NOTICE New Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk St., Clinton Is Available For RENTAL. PURPOSES For information, contact: M. J. SCHOENHALS, Chairman, Building Committee PHONES: Bus. 151 Res. G71W 17-8-b Remember S May 1Oth CHOCOLATES ,,, SMILES 'N CHUCKLES MOIR'S To give you Better Baked Goods, we are remodelling our Bake Shop. While doing this we are discontinuing our Sat- urday Specials. They will start again as soon as possible. BARTLIFF BROS. BAU.PitS and CONVEOTXONEIEIS -+-a-