HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-04-23, Page 7' .10JVP4-Tl !Mai19YW..r. '.Ci411,1l 1* NWB -A Laughing T ough Mu 1 tor sEracQvs, lfCt►>gltair$tot Cefrrriirbt >lsit� t! to INl9TAL1NiENT heartedly to the energy and drive #. 'i'i'f ld anenosrree, flowernw irethie deep thicket of Byford Copse, heralded, laic APprokeh of Cots- wold spring. Within a fortnight of the.,prot mulgation of Hyde's sentence, Which as he had predicted, Prov+ to be nothing. More than a _teepprimand, and his eager and boisterous departure for the if vy Convers-1 n Unit at Lin- Gvilh,^ 'the ^ chill eas of late l>rah was succeededbydays and nightsso Clear, so bright and So admirably. suited for, flying that tee of traii)ing wrs' aeeelifr- as �^ to a degree hitherto unet- tidnjb, e. CJcrews Were h avin' the ,' new tnt�sikee arTurn aimhtt . New f ccs a g l , �. n rf y pi 3 1' � the ` r-' for of ti�"e t. n ba p�' F�,•..�'i4 . � nage with Roosiie • the Pump barmaid. Trans-Atlantics as pre- judiced re judiced as„bifaeL*ren and Red Gib- son could be heard to acknowledge that Nature had muchto offer; even in. England. And Jack Gray don had difficulty concealing a, !smile W,hilev .he ,' bverhea rd Tex' Proctor tell a new, arrival, with. profane; , forcefulness,that he would alter his opinion of RAF as enough. •tohg ettbeehe tailor -Shop litre rubbed . off his recently- ,. • acquired wings. ' Not ''that• i^t. needed the Mori- OW M er i -can POWs out -spoken reproof to .;.• convince Graydon that there was a vast ixnproverrient in the Yiuplls'. Minnie, Their days and Most of their eMnies eeehecastthey, spqnd filled, a -. of, the„ slew Chief fnstructpr, Un- der Braithwaite s regime there was little cense , for discontent; grievances indeed, had any petty gri nces s enutined..ell renkcs were much; too occupied to voice thein, So there was little need for a Station Laa1- soil OffiGer, There was even less aced for- an Assistant Ground Instructor and when. ,Graydon learned that .,Yef- Frey would shortly succeed Arm- itege as CGI he had written a personal note. to RCAF Head- quartet Pointing out .this face tq the D,4'0ctor„ of Personnel. lv-. ing ilei. answer he hid follow OP his letter' with a blluntly-worded tl'legrern. • ' Obe urw g he reoieived a note from, Cl�! lice i yde. Which told tont that Witt r had talked m, .•., e. e, al w4? Mica ra. ! is Wit,everirthing was "all buttoned or. Clarity in correspondence was not Hyde's forte nor. Wa,. legIblllty' irl per} tranship and Graydon, was Iput : zling over some doubtful words as Wing-Comnumder Braithwaite en! tered+ and inquired if he was not getting. "a bit browned off". "And how!" Jack ; exclaimed., I've. never felt so blasted. useless in all my life.” . "You can put in for a eget ,of leave, if you like,",, the big 'Aust- riilian suggested.. .'You're about due for seven days, ,aren't you?" He crossed" the ROM, in three strides to stand by the window watching +1n ai Qraft coming in on; the far runway. 'After, a mom- eitt's, stienee and without se, much; ash gl iqe over his; shouler hp threw ° out a suggestion that 4rotwht Gravd9n. to hili feet irl. excitement. "How'd you like to log up some flyi�ngg time?" "rVvh t,( sir) I'm, not given/Wed? TF1 �Cwrt, ding ie Qn , ,5your, ruthtexact, I rtstatus' ,1'Johcnnie,l a 0 . but I had a call from your chief this morning and he told me there was no reason youdouidnu get up occasionally. . ' like you toput in some time withthe sprog crews. • Ot' jt; youwet to cruise. k Solo t o cep rat' h pct;. in, gq ahead. • COlways mark it down 'test flight': Graydon w, .,,elNltled,; , , illq Iokt n� time .in avar ing himself of the permission. On one such flight with a pupil Crew (it was a cross- eou ,try rexereise by way of Ouse - worth and Stoke Holy Cross) he was filling in as second -pilot and as the pupil -Skipper was handling `ticentels le an peratio vCt r4x,hdr kfrom s pocket 'ata read for the third time a let- ter he had just received from ,BAMb irq. After giving him. the welcome newsbPeter, that a brother,was r out of danger Barbara went on to, write that she had not yet told her parents' of Graydon's imper- sonation at Halebridge. Althouji?, she had fully intended to do so lfore leaving for London, she had found her mother so werrit about, Peter's, condition that she decided. to pcistpone. the •' revelation until u • more appropriate time. Yet it was not a thing. (she. add- ed) that could be told" in corres- pbnalenee. She had a .much, better idea. On the completion of her. Sig-: trials course she was due for leave. It would coincide with the forty- eight Hyde would get• once,he had finished his BCU. Vitas there any ,chence of Jack coming to the Island with them so. "all three .could, at Halebridge together? ',Vooww, that's something like it!" Graydon told himself, He resolved to talk to Hyde at the first op- PortOnitY, It would lrte a Sura* ort, n :a e In o k xnelet at matter �' ,. needwould i all he do w 1 L in� be .to sehedele the »C)st On4)1 .flighe by, vItSY or..,. tat afl�iel it blathered little; where the flights went so Tong as the exercises were performed. Tt uaa lat'te' ttfternoon when their Aft UAW hed down at Stoke Hoy Cres$. Considerable servicing 'was needed which took so long that a a ght_rtop WAS Dairy Vow .la Ste; The Ward's. °Ply Perfect Milk + actory Scieince' and chemistry have achieved miracles. in AWAY fields during the past half century. Row - ever, ever. the cleverest of our scientists and Chemists must bow to the dairy cow as the world's. only perfect milk factory_ Never have our great seen of science ;necessitated. As a **suit Ode, tq beat the cow at ner shortly..after noQit, time following day when Jack returned to Mid; lands. He was no sooner in his 'office, in fact he was Still doffing his flying gear, when Braithwaite Su_nlrnoned him across the hall. He entered; the, Cht€;f' Ipstru . 'Is Of- fice to see the big Australian waving a aqugre :envelope in his hand. "Don't you bother to pick up your mail?".the' NVing-Command- er demanded. "This letter's been in your box for two days now." Jack fQoked euti. p ely at the heavy bond stationery. Yes, the letter wasaddressed to him. He h>tci seen it v alto he ' piokP4. 4p. Barbara's note but as the Band- writing .was. unfarrsliiatrt had re- turned it to the box marked 'G' lifter only, .a cursory `gland "I did see it, sir," he admitted, "I thought it ..Was fps. Johnnie vGrier•Son'' Meret wvas- ➢,,,' Flight.: Lieutenant of .that name .in . the Gunnery Section. "London, eh?? I wander vvho:.it'a from?", "One way to find out Is to open it," Braithwaite styggggested ironically, "But I can telt you that. The King wants to see you." "WHO?" "George. His Majesty." „God a?nughty,.l" "Not' yet, chum!"' Only 'George Sixth this time..Open it and see!" Graydon tore clumsily at the Gap, He did. npt notice two: small cards which fluttered to the floor; he was staring wide-eyed at Drive it ...seg haw much your money buys P1ymou+h53 tillW les N.I. swaIN! Newt More power. More pick-up. More re- serve for your safety. The new Plymouth givei you smooth, lively performance ... famous Plymouth long life and economy. SAMTY,,* M WHIM In case of o blow-out, Plymouth Safety -Rim Wheels hold the tire safely on the rim—heipinp you to bring the car to a safe, atrgight-line stop. AMAZING IALANCVD Ila1 New truly balanced sgspeniion coetrols roti— pitch---jounce... levels road three ways. Gives you the smoothest, softest ride you have over experienced. Mira, vita New one-piece windshield is optically curved to 'minimize reflections. 15.7% more total glass ores eives:better oll•rqund viiibn. Electric wmd- ehield wiperis maintain constant speed. tb ISAVTWFNI IAtANC10 STYLING The new Plymouth is lower, sleeker, More beautiful, yet offers more head room. There is aver 8 inches more hip -room for rear scot passengers. . Naw NY•DStWN SAVU YOU a1A* *AN1?TNN Just. put in high. You can stop, go, drive in traffic without changing. Wonderfully 'Joy— simple—works from standard gearshift. Hy -Drive has ail -cushioned smoothness --first fluid -:torque pick-up. MORE THAN EVER, THE NEW '53 PLYMOUTHS ARE TOP VALUE IN THE LOWER-PRICED FIELD °My M,* IN option()! ecOpment of extra coat. Cen'ae lIIustraked include certain exfro equipment ikons, Check with your local •dealer for (nformotion on standard equipment. «»...r.►....�.�»,a',�....� Yeo CHR:YSLERTLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER'S MkvorACTUIID IN CANADA BY CHIMP* COIPORAT10N 0P CAWAbA, OM115D tle!relIgI.Four•floor,Sedan, Special Club gaups (N.tdtop). Crenbrook Foo -Door Sides, Club Coupe, Ceoverllble OouM, Sites -Suburbia. evades* Four -bear Seise, Out Coupe, Siktelen Phone 465 MURPHY BROS. Clinton eon ganrbs The chemist could compound a quart of mixture Containing def- inite amounts of proteins, carboh- ydrates, calcium, !ren and butter- fat plus specified amounts of ri- boflavin, vitamins and minerals found in milk. The result would be the compounded prescription of cow's milk but in ell probabibty It would be a terrible tasting con- coction. Even if it were ]faiatatjie: the cost of providing the • nutrients and of compounding the ingred Tents would be too far out of line with the cost of milk supplied by our dairies, Fortunately,such s h procedure is not necessary, On the pasture fields and in the barns of thee, tlaity farms across Canada there are hundreds of thousands of efficient milk factories. Like most other factories, the dairy cow requires .e constant, ad- equate supply of raw materials to . produce the finished product. In full production the cow's con- version plant uses daily in raw materials about 200 pounds of Iiq Lads stet solids. From this ma mat- erial she extracts proteins carboh- the vyords of the communication. It was from the Court _Ctparn'>er- lain and commanded him to. at= tend an investiture at Bucking- ham Palace, there to receive his Distinguished Flying Cross. The letter would admit him; the, ens closed cards would permit two friends to witness, the ceremony, "Right! And whose fault is that?" Braithwaite demanded, as he read the letter. "It's at two o'clock, 1' see. You'll want the morning in town .and if you get cracking right • now you'll just about make, the Paddington ex- press. Hey!" He shouted after Graydon as the excited lad leaped for the door. "You've forgotten the visitors' cards. Don't you want to take somebody?" He turned to Mrs. Shapley. "Here's two perfectly good tickets going to waste! What about it, Mike? Wouldn't you like to come?" The girl shook her head rue- fully. "I'd just love to, Johnnie, but there's no chance whatever. Keep the cards till you get to town. You're bound to run . into some one you know. By the way, you'Il need transport into Byford. I'll fix it. Call the MT section as soon as you're ready." (To Be Continued) Licht nuts are grown in China. A gill is one-eighth of a quart. ydrate, fats, and. ail minertps and viternies found _n milk, She pro- cesses and blends these ingred- ients- andtel delivers fror35. t9U pounds of the .finished product which, incidentally is never im roe ',yeti in qu ray alter it leavers perati n ua that. these: 'factories work a 24 trot r shift and a seven day week, dh ixy cow's product differs from a which the ^heniist PAGE SEM might. produce, It WM a fl;r,vcr that •ts highly palatable and. the COWS efficiency in production is s uCt that ,her (�fiaa keted .at a price that 'plapes ft w ithIn reach eac al a 1 ,pe Rif`, From the sterldpOint of uutrttto��na other f000 , ly so much in variety, quantitY and finality of the nutrients which can, tribute to the health of Caradiun children and grown-ups. Clinton qra Eery friday � by Ate,! LxW ligqresprNotive: J. J, Zapk, Phq�e 103 T. PRIME slid sor, C►1M70N .- .F7fETtR. _.. WOOS Open e.y i�ridiay owl Appeinhvollt Locot i $presepniath'e; J. J, Zapfe, Phone 103. T. IC' RYME SON CuNTON ,- . IMIFFEli. -- H NOTICE The TOWN DUIlP WW be eieg$ lager Tdrap• let to the nubile, except We neodsy ;et eeeb week:. Otithere days Ate. Swop Will tw„ vlied by a town eusblgyeo, it eeaninie .lNurilpiMlt.. Pow*. stud be bundled. Person* duntrissg Meldde et the deter Will be prbecuted. Csoierstion .teem the public is desired. (dirtied) CIInton Town Council 15-15-17-b igeeeseese J r4 NOTICE To all Owner* and Harbourers of Dore within the :limits of the Tonn of Clinton: As dog.: license a ..e,. due and payable March 1st of each year, we have instructed the Police Department to Impound any and all dogs :running at large without a license tag. Captured dogs will be held for, 48 hours, and if not claimed and license and impounding fees paid within the above named time any dog so held 'will be destroyed. And further take notice that according to a Town. Law any dogs found running at large during the months of May, June and July may be destroyed. '15-16-17-b By. Order, W. J. MILLER, Mayor, Town of Clinton e' it's Side by side on the merchants' shelves — Caaadian materials and "imported” goods.1)o you get any advantage Whenyou go for "imported" products? In textiles, at least, the answer is simple. Canadian mills tsun.out, fabrics and yarnsthat naauch or better the, production ()limy other textile cos vary of the world in quality. They rare made by Canadians who Are paid good Canadian wages; they are designed to please Canadian tastes, meet Canadian needs. T'hiis is no plea to shun "imported" materials. They should be considered along with domestic products by every Canadian consumer, but on s S°t! stria wbat-do-I-get-for-srsy-dollar basis. Ask for Cenediies textiles if you want the beat for your money. 1 DOMINION. TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Manufacturers of Tap Outline Canadicu'Protlucte Whkh Corry The fam Tip** Nom* 4 Case By Roe Farms Service Dept. LA WANSOMETHING 10 WAt�TMORE All ! W. M W. r i ,, WAS let INSUL7Et? Mow I'M SURE it DOING MY BEST �"` • ..c. NOW ON AB(IUT t , WgRI(ANt) MORE MSS. ... —'eel vimo DOW NE`iNINK HE iS?' ..._ r LADIES, , LADIES. BEST. YBE YOU'RE BUT t ExPECt BETTER RESULTS Now THAT SNE BOSS is PEEDINC� WE VITA -LAY PELLETS. r r' 'rTHESE ROE PELLET'$ T V . ARE TeRRi PIC t FEEL BETTER 'r►� � ALREADY �i •CM ,� `♦ GiRLS, PRODUCTION-,„.,. A AM MPROUD WHOLE. EXTRA 1 CRO EGGS. 1 CROWING! , -�/ I OF YOU,WHAT A , ,C 1 . • I ? JOE, GE,T THE MOST OUT` OP TODAY'S E66 F RICES l(���}t3U 4`/R,GSST 6 leap i?f�eMt ,✓ A/i�Bri�E PPJ4bh a //�/t i1Ea t., .. ' �`• :.+°!/' :iiiit/./� . NUI L :ROE: 1441611J �V �, PELLETS /1 .,-.�s .�-w . L VITA -LAY p EYA(i ` ^v^ ANquo R `Ti? _ ��!1 /.au ri4 '�a a �N p , er6REill 1' , , !lilTAK ` 1 3. -kw E ANO ammo*, 'i" r 1 2f MA p.1 AK[ 411, + P , l�1 kOWLET'SSHOW '".'�A , 01* O` A THAT COCKY �.' ROOSTER �/r 00#.`` �s- li i� 11 N6%Ta:f ill Lk-. ,ee 1 i' 'i�� ✓ ., ' _ ---�/ . -�' � 'r1. h, t ilkJ. Preta ''" •- '1 `�rose„..„Qin/ �aW17r el 's:. .� , � { .. `, i �j / ,A top '�/' IN , � o.4 "`..,.. /tee i:: -•• . .. - , , , H. Chorfiesworthl CLINTON i?!��L,y�� tS,7.e sRR R