HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-04-23, Page 5'THITHSPAZ, APRIL 23, 1953. ogle. Tox _NE1NS* i corer# PAGE kw* • i1assified Rates CASH RATE (Ll paid by 4.We4T Msday following date of in- eerti m) ,-Two. Gents a woad first insertion (minimum 50 Cents); elelbseqUent insertions 1TYz rents a 'word (minimum 35. cents); 15 rents extra for box numlaer or, "'tier direction to NEWS-ItECORP 7ceCHAfiGED-•-15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- +y. (7t-41 —EVERYONE READS ANO USES ACCOMMODATION for RENT 11OOMERS WANTED, PHONE Clinton 298R. 16-b ' TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- rnent with garage. Private home, vicinity of hospital. Available May 1. References required W. V. Roy, phone Clinton 3242, 16-b THREE . ROOM APARTMENT, available May 15. Phone Clinton .694.7. 16-b TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, heated. Suitable for couple. Available May 1. Phone •clinton 429W, after 6:30. 16.1, ' OUR ROOM APARTMENT, Self-contained, complete bath, un- furnished{ recently decorated. Phone Clinton 460R. 16-p TWO APARTMENTS, lower and upper. Good location.Apply to • W. E. Managhan, R.R, 5, Clinton. Phone Clinton 624. 16-p ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO young gentlemen sharing. Phone 163R. 14-5-6-b FARM HOUSE WITH HYDRO, one mile and a .half from Clinton. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 13-tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED SIX OR SEVEN ROOM HOUSE wanted by a rural family, desiring to move to Clinton. Apply to Box "N", Clinton News -Record. 16-b ARTICLES FOR SALE MAN'S CCM BICYCLE, DOUBLE frame, in good condition; used washing machine with new motor, rolls; wickless, three -burner coal - oil stove, nearly new. Apply Max Carter, phone Seaforth 561W. 16-17-p ODDS AND ENDS, PAINTS, var- nishes, primer s, waterpaints. Greatly reduced to clear. J. W. Counter, Builders' Supplies. 16-p GASOLINE ENGINE, % h.p. Has been on washing machine. Apply 'to Box "N", Clinton News -Record. 16-b BABY'S STROLLER, GREY, just like new. Collapsible. Ph o n e Clinton 487W. 16-b 1952 - 7/55 McCULLOUGH Chain Saw, 46", excellent shape. Two chains. J. Fraser, Bayfield. 15-6-b HEAVY DUTY BENCH SAW, takes seven or eight inch blade. Complete with one third h.p, mo- tor. All in good condition. M. Maguire, North Street. 16-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1950 MAROON PONTIAC Sedan, air conditioning. A-1 condition. At a price that will interest you. Phone Zurich 168. 14-ttb 1951 CUSTOM FORD SEDAN, 10,000 miles. Apply to Bert Greer, RIt. 3, Bayfield. 15-6-b 1947 DODGE PICK-UP TRUCK. For quick sale, $475, at Leonard Cole's Shell Service Station, 16-p BABY CHICKS BUY CHICKS BY NAME—BRAY. We can supply pullets, started or daybed, at once. Wide choice of breed or cross. Don't put off, con- tact us for prices and particulars, Mrs, Alex Paterson, Brucefield, 16-b YOU HAVE CHICKS? Maybe not enough for production on the good Markets. Look at this Big -4 spec- ial---dayold pullets $23.90. For 'first' buying or `more'. buying, get Big -4. Variety breeds, crosses; daydld, started. Ask me for par - teeters — Chas. Scott, Auburn. Phone Blyth 4e r 23. 16-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 18USTNESS OPPORTUNITIES - business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc•- •ery stores; one Main St. build- . L. G. Winter, Real Estate; 'Mote 448. 14-tfb iV'I4t'i'E ROSE SERVICE Station In Clinton to lease at once. Good gallonage, Apply Box 320, Clin- taxi. Sam McDonald. •15-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE •GIRLS' NAVY BLUE COAT and red hat (size 6) ; Brownie uniform, only worntwice (size 8) ; some skirts, tunic dresses and other el thing (size 12), Phone MI - ton 4193. 16-p FARMS FOR SALE 65 ACRE FARM. Six -room brick `100 04, hydro, water. 40x32" barn. A lovely spot to make a niee in - dome, or to retire on. One and 'rate quarter miles to highway. :$4,260 dash total price, L. G. 'Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, Ortt. 1.5 -tib FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE DUCK EGOS FOR SALE, 60c a setting. I e1en Anderson, Clinton. Phone Clinton 631 r 5. 16-b :FURNITURE FOR�%� IT SALE N . ANTIQUE WALNUT SETTEE d'c chair, Mrs. M. Batli;in, Princess St., phone Clinton 3593, 16-p FLOOR SANDING OLD AND NEW FLOORS sanded and finished.Any finish you desire. Cree Cook, phone Clinton '233 or write Box 103, Clinton, 15-6-7-8-p HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP REQUIRED. Some experience necessary. Coin- mercial Hotel. 16-b HELP WANTED,FEMALE MARRIED OR SINGLE WOMAN wanted for work in lunch room. Apply Stan's .Lunch. 16-b WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment. Apply to Bartliff Bros. 16-b HELP WANTED --Male LABORERS, NEEDED, for con- struction in Clinton, Apply M. McAdam. 15-6-b MACHINISTS. EXPERIENCED lst class men required by Western Ontario Manufacturer, Good wag- es, excellent working conditions. Apply to Mr. Grace, Plant Super- intendent, The Dominion Road Machinery Co. Limited, Goderich, Ontario. 16-7-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLID. Jack McGuire, phone Clinton 802 r 5. • 16-b DURHAM HEIFER, two years old, due to freshen April 23; bred to Holstein bull. Apply to E. L. Bender , Varna, phone Hensall 699 r 12. 16-p TEAM of BAY GELDINGS, eight and ten years old; weight about 3,500 lbs. Keith Miller, R.R. 2, Bayfield. • 16-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED: OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb' DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. "For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb MISCELLANEOUS CEDAR POSTS, seven and eight inch tops, also end posts. Also calf suitable for vealing. Sam Flewitt, phone Clinton 906r42. 16-p MADAME JOSEPHINE, Transit Medium Cole's Service Station Trailer Camp. No phone calls please 16-b CRESS WART REMOVER—real- ly does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief. 16-b NEW 1952 NORGE, 9.28 cu. ft. refrigerator. $339.95. Phone Clin- ton 482. 16-b CLINTON FARM SUPPLY has been appointed local Surge deal- er. For Surge parts and installa- tions, enquire at Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 127. 15-6-7-8-b FARMERS. Arrange now for your help. Experienced Holland fam- ilies available. Write Corn. Bur - uma farm,RR 4,Clinton, or phone Clinon 807r2. When you have farms or houses for sale or for rent, let them know at the same address. 15-6-7-8-b CLEARING SALE of quality gladiolus bulbs at bargain prices. Large, medium and small bullas. 30 varieties. J. E. Pollock, Varna. 12 -til VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and 'delivery ser- vice. Al Lenfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb SURGE MILKERS ARE SAFER. and faster for your cows. For a demonstration call Lovell Mc- Guire, Surge Dealer, Winghain. Phone 593W. We specialize in milking cows, 13-4-5-6-7-p NOTICE ��� SALES and SERVICE for Viking cream separators. One Fleury- Bissell tractor disc, 8 ft., price re- duced. Phone Clinton 634 r 21. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. 16-b ANYONE FOUND Trespassing en Part Lets 41.51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order o£ owner, A, E. Parry. e- 15to25-p PIANO TUNING YOUR. PIANO carefully tuned, ,fust call G. W. Coe et Clinton 6953. 43-i fb PET STOCK BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS. Can- aries, goldfish, all feeds and sup- plies. Also, new supply of cages, just arrived. Call Barb's Pet Sup- plies, phone Clinton 631r14, Mem- ber of C.13.A. 13-4.5-6-7-ptfb MANCHESTER TERRIER. Pup- pies.. Phone Clinton 807r23, KeithTyndall, 15.6�b PASTURE FOR RENT 40 ACRES OF GRASSLAND for rent. Part of lot 23, concession 5, Goderich Township,, one half mile north . of Porter's hili, Apply to Roy •Tyndall, Road Superintendent Phone Clinton 907 r 3. .. 16.7-1) POULTRY FOR SALE 300 t X 'tri WEEK OLD Sussex pullets. erred Reber, Oliver Po - cock's farm, TU, 2; Clinton. 1t3 -p BIRTHS CRICII In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on -Sunday, April 19, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Crich, R.R.-1, Clinton, a daughter. GII3BS -- In Hamilton General Hospital, on Monday, March 23, 1953, to D. and Mrs, H. F. Gibbs, :Hamilton, a son, (Brian Douglas), brother for Sandra, Judy, and Frankie. JOHNS --In York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket, on Wednesday, April 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johns, Schomberg, a daughter, a sister for David. KOEHLER "-- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 18, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Koehler, R.R. 2, Hensall, a daughter, MERNER--In..Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, April 21, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Merton Merner, Bayfield, a daughter. POWELL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, April 17, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Powell, Clinton, a son. SCOTT—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, April 18, 1953, to Rev. and Mrs. Charles Scott, Blyth, a daughter. IN MEMORIAM WELSH In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away April 22, 1948: "Deep in the heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest. 'In memory's frame we shall keep it, Because she was one of the best." —Ever remembered by daughters, Helen and Donna and families. 16-p McCLINCHEY In loving memory of a dear son and brother, William McClinchey, who passed away, Ap- ril 20, 1950: "Many a day his name is spoken. Many an hour he is in our thoughts. A Iink in our family chain is broken. He is gone from our home but not from our hearts." —Sadly missed by mother, sisters and nephew, John R. Cook. 16-b PROPERTY FOR SALE NHA HOUSE FOR SALE, rug brick. Three bedrooms, built-in bathroom and kitchen. Beautiful living room, grand location. Pay- ments amorterized over the years. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, Ont. 15-tfb WONDai;RFUL OPPORTUNITY to purchase a fine new house, four large rooms with three-piece bath- room, built-in cupboards, 3 inch maple floors nicely decorated, full size concrete basement. Well in- sulated all round with three inch heavy insulation, heavy wiring. The low cash price: $4,700. You are invited to see this new home on James Street, south of railway track, Clinton. Apply at site of house, or to Eli Galachiuk. 16-p TWO HOUSES IN . CLINTON, ready for occupancy. One has two bedrooms; one has four bedrooms. Full basements, oil furnaces. Ap- ply to M. McAdam, phone Clin- ton 694J. 15-6-b SEVEN ROOM INSUL-BRICK house, Mary Street. Modern con- veniences, garage attached. Extra lot, with cement block garage. Ap- ply to S. Schoenhals, phone Clin- ton 588J. 13-tfb SEED FOR SALE TIMOTHY SEED; POTATOES; end posts and cedar kindling. Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5. 14-tfb CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. We have some real good red cloy er seed, fully matured' and well cleaned. Prices very reasonable. Phone Clinton 33. F. W. Andrews. 12-tfb FOR STRONG GERMINATING seed corn that's rarin' to grow, plant Pioneer. Place your order now. Call or see us. Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 127. 16-b CLINTON OATS, Grade No. 1; germination 99 per cent. Also Sebago potatoes. John Gibson, phone Clinton 907 r 23. 16-tfb RED CLOVER SEED. (Cleaned by Jones and MacNaughton, Exe- ter). Why pay more than $18 cash? Elgin Porter, Bayfield, phone Bayfield 55 r 21. a 16-7-p TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR USS No, 2, Hullett. Experienced preferred. Please state salary and qualification. School is two miles distant from town. Apply to Keith Tyndall, R.R. 4, Clinton. 15-6-b GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Area requires school teachers, Please state qualifications, exper- ience and salary expected, Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, RR 3, Clinton. 16-7-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL I3E RECEIVED Up until the tenth day of May for a deep well pressure system to be installed at SS 3, Hullett Town- ship. For further particulars get in touch with Ken Thompson, R.R 2, Seaforth. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. t 16.7-b WOOD POR SALE CEDAR RAILS, CUT IN 12" lengths, suitable for kindling. $4.50 for single cord; $2.50 for half cord delivered. W. T, Forbes, phone Clinton 904 r 31. 16.7-8-9-p DELL "imperial" THRESHERS GET MAXIMUM OUTPUT Enjoy low upkeep with the high quality "Imperial" thresher, pre- ferred by .fanners who know ma- chinery. 13uy from the firm that 'specializes in manufacturing a better product for this one phase of farming, MACHINES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY We have a few bargains In good, used threshers. Robert Bell Industries Limited 8eaforthr Ontario Phone 238 - 269 1546.b MARRIAGES CARTMILL-BRUGGER--In First Presbyterian. Church, Seaforth, on Saturday afternoon, April 11, 1953, by Rev, D. Glenn Camp -- bell, Patricia Ann, •daughter of Mrs, Frances Herman Brugger, Seaforthe and the late Mr. Brag- ger, to F/L Howard Cartmell, RCAF Station, Clinton, son of Mrs. Norman Steinfield, Owen Sound, and the late Albert Cart - mill. MOORE-DENOMME In St. George's Anglican Church, God- erich, on Monday, April 6, 1953, Bernice Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Denomme, Clinton, to Eric Austen Moore, son of Mr. end Mrs. Elfred Moore, RR 4, Goderich, DEATHS KEEN In Seaforth, on Wednes- day, April 22, 1953, Gertrude Murray, beloved wife of the late James Keen, in her 68th year. Funeral from I3onthron funeral hone, Hensall to Maitlandbank Cemetery on Friday, April 24. LYON Suddenly, on Monday, April 20, 1953, William H. Lyon, Thorndale, formerly of Londes- boro, beloved husband of Mary Broyden, in his 66th year, Fun- eral from the Edward J, Jones funeral home, Thorndale, to Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, London, on Thursday, April 23 at 2.30 p.m. PRITCHARD--In Wingham, on Monday, April 6, 1953, Abigal Watson, beloved wife of the late William John Pritchard, Luck - now, in her 71st year, Funeral from Johnstone funeral home to Greenhill Cemetery on Wednes- day April 8. ROBINSON—In London, on Sat- urday, April 18, 1953, Emma Jane Ferguson, beloved wife of the late William Robinson, for- merly of Clinton, in her 75th year, Funeral from Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian Church, London, to Clinton Cemetery on Tuesday, April 21. WALTER—At the home of her son in Goderich Township, on Monday, April 20, 1953, Sarah Courtiee, beloved wife of the late Thomas Walter, in her 80th year, Funeral from Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Str- eet, Clinton to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Goderich on Thurs- day, April 23. 0 GOSHEN LINE Mission and Baby Band The Goshen Mission and Baby Band met in the Sunday School on Sunday morning. The theme was "A Christian can do Hard Things." "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" was sung with Donna Hayter at the piano. Merle Armstrong read Psalm 22: 27, 28, and Donald El- liott read Luke 10: 30-34. The minutes were read and roll call answered with birthday dates. A chapter from "Nyanga's Two Villages" was read by Mrs. Arnold Keyes, and Gail McBride closed the meeting with prayer. A pic- ture story book is being made by the members. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS From the home of Mrs. 1Vfartha Simon, corner of Fulton and Dunlop Sts„ Clinton, on Saturday, May 2 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Walnut couch (mohair) ; 4 din- ing room chairs; leather rocking chair; 4 rocking chairs; small table; rug 12'x9'; scatter rues: bed, springs and mattress; dresser and wash stand; bed spring and inner � spring mattress, dresser and wash stand; walnut chest of draw- ers; several small tables; drop- leaf table; Singer sewing machine; phonograph; sideboard; bar -room chair; 6 kitchen chairs; other kit- chen chairs; kitchen stool; 3 linol- eum rugs; couch; 2 trunks; cook stove; heater; oil heater; electric rangette; large table; large quan- tity of bedding; pillows; mantel clock; dishes; glassware and sil- verware; 2 laundry tubs; large quantity of fruit; lawn mower; step ladder; wheel barrow; garden tools; 2 hand saws; numerous oth- er articles. TERMS—CASH No reserve as property is sold. MRS. MARTHA, SLOMAN, ]Proprietores's EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auettoneer 16-7-b No Effort is spared --- No Wish is unfilled. Families fired Beattie`s Service completely a Satisfying wifie tole al "rum III111111111111111I01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iA111i1111 Flowers 'telegraphed AnYWhere► K. C. COOKE FLORIST • Phone 466W Okada il1111111I1I 111141li1I1111111Iiliililllil11illlll111111lllll1111 f ;di111i11111111111111 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now :Playing (April 23-25) "IROQUOIS TRAIL" with ateorge Montgomery MON., ,TUES., WED. (Apr.. 27-29) Hobert 'Taylor, . Eleanor Parker • WI James Whitmore The stirring story of Col, Paul - 'Abbets, the man who wrote atomic history over Hiroshima. "Above and Beyond" NOTE: Owing to its length the above feature will e.omnience at 7 THUR., X'RI., SAT, (April 30 -May 2) "DEADLINE U.S.A." .A taut, hard-hitting, action -pack- ed drama of newspaper life, which pulls no punches and has a tremendous impact, Humphrey Bogart, .Ethel Barry- more and Rim Hunter PARK THEATRE IGODEi41CH--P1one 1150 Nolo; "MGUTINX" In Technicolor Pattie Knowles, Angela Lansbury APRIL 27 -MAY 2: --- ONE WHOLE WEER -- "MA and ]PA KETTLE ON VACATION" Come on along as the Kettles go to Gay Paree for a howling holiday, where they have a dizzy involvement with a spy ring. It's all new ... all fun . , . and it promises you the most uproar- nous evening you've had in a coon's age. MARJORIE MAIN and PERCY' KILLBRIDE With Ray Collins, Barbara Brown, Bodil Miller and Sig Rumen. Two Shows Each Night All Week! CAPITAL THEATRE EATRE GODEllI<CYii 1Phone 47 Now: "ASSASSIN FOR HIRE'" A Howard M. Diets thriller MON.,. TUES., WED, Broderie4 Crawford, Vlaire Trevor' and Verne Gibson In Technicolor. You will enjoy this riotous mystery-eomedy tinct it's liberally sprinkled with•* musical interludes. "STOP, YOU'RE KILLINWx MIT' THUR., FRI., SAT. Wayne Morris, Rick Vailin and ,-seek Larson A new type western in which. the sheriff, dad burn him, turns out to be the guy you gotta watch! "The STAR of TEXAS" OBITUARY Harold Whitney Carter Funeral service 'was conducted on Thursday t fternoon, April 16, for Harold Whitney Carter, be-, icved husband of Ruth Elizabeth Redden, who died last Monday, in Victoria Hospital, London, in his 41st year. Rev, H. C. Wilson officiated at the service which was held in the Bali and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton. Pall -bearers were W. Glidd- on, Ray Chambers, Ben Moore, Edwin Cooper, Clarence laeilans and Frank Dixon, Flower -bear- ers were Bruce McDougall, Nor- man Livermore, Stewart Free- man, K. W. Colquhoun, A, Shanahan and. E. 3. Jacobs. Tne torment was in Clinton Cemetery I1orn in elinton, Mr. Carter was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cee ter. He lived in Clinton throughout his life, and worked for twelve years with the Wenrwell Hosiery Mills, three years for Canada Packers and the last four years were spent working at RliAF Station Clin- ton. Peceased was a member. of Wesley -Willis United Church. He married Ruth }redden, Her - sail, in ,April et 1940. Surviving besides his wife are six children, Catherine, Patsy, Rosemary, David; Michael and Janet, all at hc:me; five brothers, John, Joseph and Robert, Clin- ton; Lorne and Glen in Detroit; three sisters, Mrs. Bruce (Hazel) McDougall; Mrs. Stewart, (Fran- ces) Freeman; Mrs. Norman (Margaret) Livermore. CARD OF THANKS MR, LORNE MURCH and fam- ily wish to express their sincere thanks for the kindness and sym- pathy of friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement. 16-b Mr. sincere thanks to all who visited me and sent flowers, cards, treats, etc., and other kindnesses. during my stay in hospital.—TED CHUTER, Varna. 16-p MRS. FRANK PENNEBAKER would like to convey her sincere thanks to the Clinton Public Hos- pital, Miss Sinclair, and hospital staff. Thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Yates, Dr. Addison and Rev. Hugh Wilson, all who sent cards, flow- ers, gifts, treats or ifts and friendly visits, special nurses, Mrs. C. 0. Martin and Mrs. D. MacDonald, also Clinton Chapter No. 266 OES "and the WA and WMS of Wesley - Willis United Church. 16-p My sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their thought- fulness and kind acts at the time of my recent bereavement.—MRS. H. W. CARTER, 16-b PERCY RILEY wishes to thank the Clinton Fire Department and his friends and neighbors for their kind assistance in helping to ex- tinguish the fire at his residence this week. 16-b 4 -11 -4 -6 -4 -e -0 -0 -o -4+4 -ewe -40 -0 -e -e-4 CEMENT C +-nt �} dors CEMENT BUILDING an CHIMdNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb 4 4-4-0-4-4-1-0-4-4-0-4-4-4-4-4-4-0-4-64-4-4 co.", e•revriKodninansdNiNrOass.m"Meo.7 r✓� ' ,corm flEous Get There Safely! CALL ASIItON'S TAXI eilelMaairdialleellieeeleidellaekeiNtereeellea BOYS SCOUT NEWS Chief Scout Will Attend His Excellency, the Right Hon- ourable Vincent Massey, C.H., Chief Scout for Canada, will at- tend the annual meeting of the Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association in Ottawa on April 24. . Helping Their Brother Scouts By their own earnings, in a variety of special effort odd jobs, Canada's Wolf Cubs, Boy Scouts and Rovers have contributed more than $2,000 to the Flood Relief Section of the Scout Brotherhood Fund. An initial payment of One Hundred Pounds Sterling has been sent to British Scout Headquart- ers to assist Scout Groups whose headquarters and equipment were destroyed in the recent floods. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of EDWARD MURRAY MacLEOD late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Insurance Agent, who died on or about the 2nd day of Feb- ruary, 1953. 1 Creditors and others having claims against the Estate are re- quested to send full particulars of said claims to the undersigned, on or before the 14th day of May, 1953, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims that that have been then received. Dated at Goderich this 20th day of Aptil, 1953 by J, Kenneth Hunter, Solocitor, North Street, Goderich, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 16-17-1$-b Be Ye Also Ready For in such an hour as ye think not —The Son of Man cometh" . . . Matt. 24: 44 "The Lord Jesus shall be lrevealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" . 2 Thes. 1: 7, 8. "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found." Isa. 55: 6 Charles Fuller = 123 Los Angeles, Calif. --- Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) 16-20-24-1 . -r'+-ems+ 4.-s-.• * 4 4 4 4 as -•i -4 -..*.4-.- -4- -w 0r0.0000•QO®iis004DOGS©O•0616•0•••b•••• r eyes on a SEW 1953 • • 0 MODEL 17K14W 44 95 FREE ONE YEAR WARRANTY* an tubes and parts. *Warranty dons not include labour. wood or plastic cabinets. ,A standout value! Trimly -styled walnut finish console with popular n o P 17 inch tube. Available in mahogany finish and lined oak at alight extra cost. s Clearest, razor-sharp ttictures with built-in Lifetime. Focus, anti-rofaection Glare -Guard. s Super Selenium Circuits cut electricity costs. "WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL" TELEVISION INSTALLATIONS 40 ft.365 ANTEN$95 ROTORS ....20 $60 up RADIOS REPAIRED RADIO and TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" TEL. 482 — FOR GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIRS ••••••• Weeke d Special Thur., rri., Sat. Only SAN&PC RIZED DENIM Good weight. Zipper closings. Regularly priced at 3.25. . Ages 6 to 16 Special $2.50 pr. PICKETT CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS S MAIN COUNLR Phone 25 Ciintbin