HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-04-23, Page 2PAGE TWO
Clinton. News -Record
First issue June 6, 1865
First issue (Huron News -Record)
January 19$1
Amalgamated 1924
An Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District
Population, 2,543; Trading Area, l0,OQ0;; ' Retail Market, $2,000,000; Rate, ,04 per line flat
Sworn Circulation -- 2,126
Home of Clinton RCAF Station and Adastral Park (residential)
MEMBER; Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association; Ontario -Quebec Division, CWNA;
Western Ontario Counties Press Association
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance—Canada and Great Britain: $2.50 a year;
United States and Foreign: $3.50; Single Copies Six Cents
Delivered by carrier to RCAF Station and Adastral Park --25 cents a month; seven cents a copy
Authorized as secend class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Published EVERY THURSDAY at .CLINTON. Ontario, Canada, in the Heart of Huron County
Our Police Force
Chief of Police Joseph, Ferrand return's to duty,
there will be an almost audible sigh of relief
go up from the townsfolk. We have all missed
the sight of his familiar blue uniform on the
streets of our town, which was within sight
at almost any hour of the day or night. It
will almost seem as though he had never left
us at all.
But not quite. His resignation came in
the first place because of unfavbprable work-
ing conditions. There were too many people
who wanted to tell the chief what to do and
how he should do it. His hours were long,
and his duties were almost too numerous for
one man to handle. Inquiries about the mileage
of his car for which he requested payment had
reached as far as the council chambers. It
was practically inevitable that the Chief would
• resign.
Remember that he was not an inexperienced
man. He had served twenty-five years as a
"bobby" in Liverpool, and regardless of what
you may say or think about auld England, they
know how to train a policeman over there. No
country that can achieve law and order without
arming its policemen, can have a poor method
of instructing those men. Chief Ferrand knew
much better than any of us, just what his
duties should consist of, and we believe he did
his utmost to fulfill his obligations.
Now, with two constables to assist him,
with a police committee in charge of the force,
and with a cruiser at the disposal of thepolice-
men, there is little doubt that the job of en-
forcing the law among more than 4,000 persons,
will be a better one.
It is up to us, the citizens of Clinton, to
assist these men to provide the best service
possible. Let everyone do their very utmost to
assist the police force, and for goodness sake,
if any of us has a complaint about the way in
which the policing is being done, let him con-
tact the police committee. They are the men
who are able to make any necessary changes.
Citizen Co=operation is Necessary
for permanently good and satisfactory police
protection, it is up to the people of Clinton to
see that the men they have hired have a good
chance to serve them. This business of policing
in Ontario has had a comparatively short life,
and has progressed a good deal from the first
paid force which was organized in Toronto in
1835 (just 118 years ago).
Originally, the chief duty of a policeman
"was to arrest criminals. But today, while this
is still one of his principal duties, more and
,more emphasisis being placed on crime preven-
tion. There is a growing awareness of the
factors which cause crime and some of the best
brains in the country are at work on them. An
increasing interest is being taken by the ordin-
ary citizen, who realizes that he shares a respon-
sibility in the solution of these problems and
the greatest encouragement the police receive
is from public co-opration. Their greatest dis-
couragement is from public apathy.
A .police force will only be as good as the
average citizen desires it to be. To be effective,
a police force must have wholehearted co -op -
ration and willing assistance at all times from
every .•citizen. Without this co-operation and
help a police force is beaten before it starts.
.Without teamwork between police forces and the
general public, our democratic way of fife would
quickly disappear and the only law would be the
law of the jungle.
The average citizen is apt to take for grant-
ed, the steps taken by the police to protect his
freedom and property, but it is important that
he should realize the necessity of co-operation
with the forces of law and order. The citizen
who is careless with his property; who neglects
to lock doors and windows; who leayes his car
unlocked and untended; who neglects to inform
the police of suspicious occurrences, has only
himself to blame if he is robbed or otherwise
suffers at the hands of wrongdoers.
The policeman cannot be everywhere and
see everything and he must depend upon the
law-abiding• public for assistance in holding the
line against crime and the criminal. The police
owe a duty to the public whom they have
sworn to protect, but, conversely, on the public's
side, there is a responsibility to the police. Law
observance is far better than law enforcement,
There can be true law observance only if the
public is awake to its responsibilities and ef-
ficient police forces are on hand to assist mem-
bers of the public to fulfill their obligations to
Canada as good citizens.
We, in Clinton, will have a strong police
force, and we believe that it will be as efficient
as it is possible for one to be. We have the
men to do the job. Let's give them all the
help we can.
Courtesy Extended By Public Officials
WE WERE PLEASED, indeed, to be invited
to sit in on a meeting of the Town Council and
the Public Utilities Commission, held in the
town hall this week. We thoroughly appreciate
the confidence the men thereby placed in us.
Members of the press in Clinton have, as
far as we know, always received co-operation
from both of these bodies in the matter of
presenting true facts to the people of Clinton.
This is commendable, when we read so often of
the press being barred even from public meet-
ings in neighboring towns and cities.
In the city which is now "bigger than any
of 'em", (Toronto) the council has always wel-
comed newspaper reports to all committee meet-
ings. This is largely responsible, it is believed,
for the fact that no major scandal has yet been
reported in the public affairs of that city. Just
recently Mayor Lamport saw fit to call a caucus
of council members in his office, as a method of
getting even for what he termed unfair editorial
criticism. As one of the Toronto dailies corn -
merited, "This is a very dangerous precedent in
the public interest."
The columnist quoted above went on to say:
"A citizen has a right to know much more
than the mere result of a vote on any council
or committee. He has the right to receive
through the press an account of what his repre-
sentative said, or failed to say, on any given
question or appointment. This may be an im-
portant factor to the citizen in deciding how
he votes at the next election.
"And the whole procedure of a well-inform-
ed public acting at the polls on the basis of
public business publicly transacted will be weak-
ened if the public is unable to get information.
"The transaction of public business in a
public manner is often not convenient to public
men. That is unfortunate, but it is true. They
find it easier to go off in a corner by them-
selves and settle things in a gentlemanly way
than to have their remarks reported so all who
wish may read.
"But if they are unable to face this incon-
venience; if they are unable to endure constant
scrutiny, then they ought to retire and Iet some-
body else take over who is prepared to be candid
with the public,"
As we have said, we are pleased with the
step the public officials of Clinton have. taken
towards allowing their discussions to become
;nc:e public, They requested only that our re-
porter use discretion in the matter of handling
the account of the meeting. This we feel has
been done, and we sincerely hope that in the
future, like opportunity will be given us, to
serve the public: our readers, and the rate-
payers of the municipality. •
The Pinery Will Be A Playground
(St. Marys Journal Argus)
AS SUGGESTED in these columns as much
as four years ago, the Pinery, that last stretch
of strand along Lake Huron's shores which,
stretching from Grand Bend on the north to
Port Franks on the south, has not been tram-
.me]ed by the building hammers of avid cot-
tagers, nor encroached on by the ubiquitous
hot dog and pop stands of this commercial era,
is to be preserved as a natural park for the
people of Western Ontario.
The area, much of it in virgin bushland,
was until recently owned by the Canada Com-
pany but is now in the possession of a Toronto
syndicate. At a recent meeting of the Ausable
River Conservation Authority, that body appear-
ed to agree to take up the matter of acquiring
the Pinery either by purchase or by expropria-
It may take many years to develop the
Pinery but now that a start has been made the
matter will probably be carried through to
eventual completion. Thus the heritage of the
people of this part of the Province will be re-
tained. In other words their outlet to the lake
front will be preserved,
Young Old Mel at 65
(The Financial Post)
neither St. Laurent nor Churchill could ever
have led their countries. Smuts and King would
have been out of World War II, and Eisenhower
would now have but two years to go.
Retirement at 65 is outmoded. There can
be agreement with Saskatchewan M.P. Ross
Thatcher's complaint that civil servants should
not face compulsory retirement at that age —
although some extensions are now approved.
Thatcher asks that the age be lifted to 68, .
That would be a good start. But the whole
concept of a quitting age needs revision. Some
men are old at 50, some at 90.
Three score and ten is now very much a
reality. That toothless crying wonder in today's
crib and the husky boy on the merry-go-round
have life. expectancies close to 70 years,
M the other end of the age scale, it's not
just the absence of chin whiskers which makes
today's grandpa of .,'I0 look younger. He is
younger. He's enjoying his normal lifespan. Tn
1900, a 70 -year-old was 20 years on "borrowed
Today's man of 70 is no rare specimen to be
hung up in the closet with the worn out shoes
and the 1890 bathing suit.
Yet that is what so many retirement plans
do arbitrarily five years earlier—when he is 65
--at the very time when skilled hands, fertile
mind and experience are probably still pretty
In business more and more stay on their
jobs either full or part time, voluntarily after
65. But government holds out. •
For most men, their job is their life --or a
very great part of it. To take it away from
them on a particular date based on an event
that happened 65 years before, is often short-
sighted, cruel, and economically wasteful.
With a steadily increasing proportion of our
population hi the over -65 group, Canada should
look for a better policy.
From Our arly e5
The Clinton News -Record
April 24, 1913
Mr, Alex Leitch of Hulled has
just purchased the residence of
t latethe
he Mrs. George Allen on h
corner of Dunlgp Street and will
move his family into town almost
Prof. and Mrs. Bristowe have
leased Mrs. Hanley's residence on
Frederick Street.
Mr, and , Mrs. Will Collyer will
move into the residence just be-
ing vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Harland.
Couch and Co, have leased the
rooms' above Chapman's shoe store
and have there opened out a house
furnishing department.
At 10.30 last night Detective
Whitesides, who happened to be
in town, received instructions from
the Crown Attorney to go before
Judge Andrews and swear out "an
information charging Robert Gor-
don of Tuckersmith with the mur-
der of his father, -Hugh Gordon.
The Judge issued his • warrant and
Whitesides left at once to make
the arrest.
. The Clinton New
April 24, 1913.
Dick Tasker left this morning
to join the St, Catharines baseball,
team at Brantford where they
play the Canadian League team of
that city on Friday and Saturday.
Miss Hazel O'Neil leaves next
week for Toronto where she ent-
ers one of the city hospitals to
train for a nurse,
Mr. Vern Cook, eldest son of
Mr. Josh Cook, has entered the
Union Bank at Goderich.
The local CCI football team will
journey down to Stratford to play
the Collegiate, there for the Hough
Cup. A return game will be play-
ed in Clinton on Saturday, the
winner to play either Wingham or
Listowel. The following will prob-
ably be the lineup of the local
team: goal, Caldwell; fullbacks,
Torrance, Beacom; halfbacks, P.
B. Moffat, Sparks, J. Smillie; for-
wards, McCrostie, Kilty, S. Smil-
lie, Kaiser, Blatchford.
Clinton News -Record
April 26, 1928
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg are
moving into an apartment in the
Normandie and Mr. and Mrs, J. T.
McKnight are moving into Mr.
Grigg's residence, which they re-
cently purchased.
Rev. A. McFarlane has resigned
as minister of the Clinton Presby-
terian Church.
Mrs. Helen Quinn, Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Her-
Miss Florence Cunninghame and
Miss Ruby Irwin visited in Ful-
larton this week.
Messrs. B. R. Higgins, W. H,
Hellyar, Loren Tyndall and Ira W.
Johns were amongst those ap-
pointed at the Presbytery meeting
the other day to attend the com-
ing meeting of the London Cone
ference of the United Church of
Canada to be held in Walkerville.
Reg. Shipley is sporting a new
Chevrolet coach.
The Clinton News Record
April 29, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seeley have
received word from their son, Flt.
Sgt. Harold Seeley with the RCAF
at McDonald, Man., saying that he
has been promoted to a Warrant
Officer and will be stationed at
Rockcliffe, Ottawa, in future.
A pretty wedding took place in
the Wesley -Willis United Church
manse on Friday, April 22, when
Federal Bldgs.—Province of Ont.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the undersigned and endorsed
'VENDER FOR COAL", will be
received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.),
WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953, for
the supply of coal and coke for the
Federal Buildings throughout the
Province of Ontario.
Forms of tender with specifica-
tions and conditions attached can
be obtained from the Chief of Pur-
chasing and Stores, Department of
Public Works, Ottawa, and the
District Architect, 36 Adelaide St.
East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders should be made on the
forms supplied by the Department
and in accordance with depart-
mental specifications and condi-
tions attached thereto.
The Department reserves the
right to demand from any success-
ful tenderer, before awarding the
order, a security deposit in the
form of a certified cheque on a
chartered bank in Canada, made
payable to the order of the Hon-
ourable the Minister of Public
Works equal to 10 per cent of the
amount of the tender, or Bearer
Bonds of the Dominion of Canada
or of the Canadian National Rail-
way Company and its constituent
companies unconditionally guaran-
teed as to principal and interest
by the Dominion of Canada, or the
aforementioned bonds and a cert-
ified cheque if required to make
up an odd amount.
Such security will serve as a
guarantee for the proper fulfil-
ment of the • contract.
Acting Secretary
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, April 15, 1953.
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Jean, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce McDougall, became
the bride of Kenneth William
Colquhoun, RCAF Brantford, son
of Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Colquhoun,
all, of Clinton. Rev. Andrew Lane
Miss Barbara Thomson left 011
Monday for Washington, D.C.,
where she has a position with the
British Government.
Mr, and Mrs, Bill Leppington,
Toronto, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans,
Bert Gliddon spent the weekend
in Montreal with Fit. Sgt. and
Mrs. James Nickle and Pte, and
Mrs. Kenneth Pickett.
As Lewis Carroll wondered
about the sands on the beach, in
his immortal "Alice": "If twenty
maids with twenty mops, swept it
for half a year, Do you suppose
they would get it clear?"
Some such w o n d e r i n g s went
through our small mousy brain
yesterday morning, as we watched
the fellows trying to sweep up
the winter's debris from the
broadways of Clinton. The com-
petition was rather terrific, be-
cause just as a fairly good pile of
dust was collected the good stiff
breeze came by and swept the
whole thing helter-skelter, Then
the bit of a drizzle helped working
conditions not on .whit, except
that it laid the dust so sweeping
became unnecessary.
O 0 0
We had just • a bit of trouble.
ourselves trying to keep our tail
decorously in line as we strolled
down main street. We certainly
wish that spring would either
get here, or else winter would
come back. We never knew
whether to wear a muffler and
look sedate and stuffily wintry,
or whether to go off gaily with-
out it and freeze half to death.
O 0 0
There has been a bit of extra
excitement in the back shop last
week. A professional sort of
gentleman arrived last Wednesday
and fiddled about most of the day
with one of the typesetting ma-
chines. Really, he spent a good
bit of time with it, before he was
satisfied, and all the Men were
satisfied with the way it made
noises afterward. No one consult-
ed me. That's just as well, for if
they had, we would have suggest-
ed complete demolishment of the
whole thing, and then no one
would have gotten a paper last
Quick Canadian Quiz
.. from Quick Canadian Facts
1. Does Vancouver or Montreal
handle the largest total of for-
eign cargo in a year?
2. Where are the "Reversing
3. Was the total of immigrants
in 1952 more or less than in
4. What body regulates activities
of •privately owned radio sta-
tions in Canada?
5. Is a greater amount of Can-
ada's forest wealth harvested
annually for fuel, by the pulp
and paper industry, for lumber
and logs, or consumed by fire
and disease?
ANSWERS: 5. Annual forest
consumption is 29 per cent by fire
and disease, 25 per cent for lum-
ber and logs, 24 per cent for fuel,
22 per cent for pulp and paper.
3. 1952 total was 164,498; 1951
total was 194,391. 1. Montreal.
4. The CBC. 2.. At the mouth of
the St, John River, N.B.
Material supplied by the editors
of Quick Canadian Facts, the
handbook of facts about Canada.
week at all. You can't imagine
what a nerve-wracking noise the
thing can make when a mouse is
trying to get a bit of shut -eye on
Wednesday afternoon.
0 0 0
Yes, sleep on Wednesday is
quite the thing for us mice, We
realize, however, that all the mer-
chants on the main street go off
for long holidays on Wednesday
afternoon, and those who can't go
off are routed out of their easy
chairs to repair the sink, or weed
the garden, or shovel the walk,
all in season, of course. Mice
have it easy.
'+ 0 0
We are proud, and with good
reason, of our name. We're al-
ways noting some new figure in
the news, who bears the name of
Peter, and with it makes a good
showing. The young lad who holds
the top scoring rung in the Pee
Wee Hockey Tournament this
year is named Peter 1>iasmith, and
he certainly has reason to be
proud. We understand that he
scored seven goals, the total of
the game, in the Wingham con-
test against the Seaforth Pee
Wees. The goals were all made
unassisted, and the only thing Pet-
er said about the whole thing was
that he guessed he must have
been lucky. 'Twasn't that at all,
Mr. it boy,was . Nasmi h, my it w s the
name you bear which brought you
Hospital Auxiliaries
Meet In Seaforth
Members of the Hospital Auxii-
iaries from Exeter, Clinton and
Goderich met with the auxdliaryr
to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
forth, at a meeting held in St,
Thomas' Church Parish Hall.
Mrs. H. G. Horning, president
of Ontario Hospital Auxiliaries,
explained hospital auxiliary work
and told of ways of raising money,
Mrs. H. E. Smith introduced
Mrs, Horning and thanks was ex-
pressed by Mrs. A. Y. McLean,
Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Mrs,
Frank Kling, with Mrs, M. R.
Rennie accompanying, sang solos.
The "mystery box" donated by
Mrs. John Hotham was won by
Mrs. Reginald Ball, Clinton.
Your toes will really twinkle when fragile nylons have been
swished for a minute in NYLAST. Reduces runs, snags, and
hosiery bills. Protects, washes and perfumes all at the same
time. Nothing ever before like NYLAST to make nylons last
longer and longer.
Regular Size enough for 36 Washings
For Washable Woollens
A tablespoonful or two in the washing machine, will moth-
proof your woollens for one year.
'75c and $1.25
2 lb. bag 59c
BRUSH, Nylon $1.00
with Chlorophyll—
Reg. 69c tube -2 for 89c
Reg. $1.20 for 59e
Reg. $1,08—Both for 79e
Mennen's BABY OIL and
Reg. 98c — Both for 790
W. C. Newcombe, Phm.B.
Chemist and Druggist
Furniture Specials
2 -Piece Davenport Suite
"Luxury Liner", covered in Decorator's shades of rayon silk.
2 Walnut finished End Tables •
1 Walnut finished Cof fee Table
1 Table Lamp
ALL 6 PIECES FOR $1+.9400
Used Simon's Studio Couch
Complete with arms—
Real Buy at $35OO
e ttie Furniture
b. ii. McINNES
Chiropractic -Drugless Therapy
Foot Correction
Office Hours:
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Thursday
Afternoons and Evenings
Phone 203 Clinton
Insure fhb "Co-op" Way
District Representative
Box 310 Clinton, Ontario
Phone Collect
Office 557 Res; 324J
Cor, William and Rrittenbury Sts.
Phone 691W
DOM. of Canada General (Life)
Hawick Partners' Mutual Fire
10isnranee Clo. t
J. E. I3Oi It B a field
'VA Iy, li ',V 1
Phone IE';a'fieid 534
Car ., Fite . I,ifES - Accident
Wind Insurance
If yeti heed Tnsuranee, t rave
n l"oli►,
Be Sure : : Be Insured
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Office: Royal Bank Building
Office 50 .. PHONES - Res. OW
13ank of Montreal Building
t'HOi:IES: Office 251W; Res, 251J
Insurance = • Real Estate
Agent: Mutual Life Assurance CO.
Bead Office: Seaforth
Officers 1953: President, J. L.
Malone, Seaforth; vice-president,
J. H. McEwing, Blyth; manager
and secretary -treasurer, M. A.
Reid, Seaforth, Directors: S. II.
Whitmore, Seaforth: C. W. Leon-
hardt, 13ornholm; E. J, Trewar-
tha, Clinton; Robt. Archibald,
Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth;
J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Wrrs. S.
Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone,
Seaforth; }parr. Fuller, Goderich,
Airents: J, F. Praetor, BrodhaE-
en; Wm, Leiper; .rr., Londesboro;
Selwyn Baker,. Bruslsels; Eric
Munroe, SegfortIr.
Life Insurance
District Representative:
Canada, Life ' Assurance Co.
North 8t., Clinton -- Phone 454W
A, L. COLE, R.O.
Eyes Examined sand Glasses Fitted
Goderieh Phone 33
1028 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Clinton and Seaforth
CLINTON: Tuesday Eveninga,
7 pari. to 10 p,m.
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 pan.
SEA9'ORTH: Weekdays except
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5.36 p,nt,
Saturday, 9 a.m, to 9 p.m.
Real Estate and Business Braker
Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j