HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-04-16, Page 10PAGE TWELVE leelemenionnmeneescomemoinsmr CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, AIPRIL 16, 1903 • tHoId Cad AROS FIight es Sports, Boxing Tournament bout was the fastest and one of the more aggressive events on the card. These boxers were both ap- plauded for a fast and furious bout which was won by F/C Dart- nell by a very narrow decision, The decision was unpopular and the large audience heartily booed this announcement. Exhibition Wrestling LAC Bourget and LAC Ledoux. These two wrestlers delighted the aud ience bytheir antics which in- cluded Irish whips, full nelsons, drop kicks, elbow smashes, illegal use of the ropes and every other foul trick employed in the grunt and groan game. This bout was very interesting and W/O Vernon had a busy time trying to keep law and order with the two grap- plers. Middleweight F/C Turner vs. F/C Manley. F/C Turner decisioned Manley in a close bout which featured good defensive work by both boxers. Pillow Fight Six contestants. Each contest- ant had his feet bound at the ankles and was equipped with a One of the most successful sport events staged at RCAF Station, Clinton, was held in the Recrea- tion Centre on Tuesday, April 14, when the finals of the Flight Cadet Boxing Tournament took place, The setting for this event was complete with regulation ring, overhead lights, public ad- dress system, seconds, trainers and medical .assistants and com- pared favourably with the larger arenas in Canada s the i For the past few weeks el flight cadets have competed in a boxing tournament to determine the finalists who would appear be- fore a station audience, The con- testants of Tuesday's bouts were the winners of many interesting and bruising preliminaries which have taken place in the gymnas- ium of No. 1 Air Radio Officer School. The results of the bouts are, as follows: F/C Pauley vs. F/C Cliffe for the welterweight championship, won by F/C Cliffe. Featherweight Championship F/C Dartnell vs. LeBlanc. This 1 i Spring House Cleaning SAL "LETTUCE WARE", Shorter and Son, Green China in Candy Dishes, reg. 65c for 40c Trays Bowls, reg. 1.75 for Double Trays, reg. 1.25 for 1.10 80c FANCY JAM JARS, reg. 3.00 1.50 GERMAN STEINS, reg. 4.50 3.00 COLORED POTTERY ICE -LIP JOGS, reg. 2.25 1.25 FANCY GLASS BUD VASE, reg. 1.49 95c FANCY CAKE PLATE and SERVER, reg. 3,75 - 1.95 BLUE TEAPOTS, reg. 89c 69c 1.00 FANCY CAKE PLATES, reg. 2.00 LAZY -SUSAN, reg. 3.95 2.50 Reg. Special 38 PC. SET DINNERWARE - Yellow and Green Trim 15.95 .... 10.95 38 PC. SET DINNERWARE - Blue band and leaf _border design 15.95 .... 10.95 53 PC. SET "AVON COTTAGE" - in rose shade 21.95 14.95 McEwan's COUTTS-HALLMARK & RUST CRAFT GREETING CARDS COME ONE - - COME ALL INGO NEW LEGION MEMORIAL HALL Kirk Street, Clinton Thursday, April 23 at 8.30 p.m. sharp /___-/.----/ 15 / /- 15 Games for $1.00 - $10.00 a game 3 SPECIAL GAMES SHARE -THE -WEALTH / / / ALL PROCEEDS FOR THE BUILDING FUND COME AND SEE OUR NEW HALL TAILORED TO PERFECTION JUST SEE WHAT A CUSTOM-MADE SUIT CAN DO FOR YOU( Successful men know the value of custom tailoring! A smart appearance is pillow as a means of defence and offense. This fight thrilled the crowd and produced many laughs as the fighters attempted to floor their numerous opponents. Th ,axe was no winner in this event be- cause all contestants ended up in one large heap and it was impos- sible to determine a winner. Light F/C'sHeavyweight F'C Perron and Barr. , . rr Barr was the winner of this bout by a close decision. Lightweight F/C Huggins vs, F/C Britt. Winner, F/C Britt. Blindfold Boxing Eight contestants with blindfold and boxing mitts. Theboxers were encouraged or discouraged by the continuallyat- tacked referees who W tacked various boxers by the use of a long stick which had a boxing glove attached to the end. This event was very hilarious and pro- duced some of the more lusty punches. , No decision. Exhibition Boxing Bout AC Leek acrd AC2 Knezacek. This bout was an exhibition and there was no decision given. Heavyweight Bout F/C Broome and F/ Bacon. F/C Broome used his heavy punching to good advantage and scored an eight -second knockdown early in the fight. F/C Broome was the winner of the event. The arrangements for this box- ing tournament were handled by F/C Broome, Sports Officer of the Flight Cadet Organization, Sgt. Frank Hamon, F/L Cook, Officer Training staff and F/L Sturgess, Station Sports Officer. The box- ing tournament was attended by approximately 500 fans and there is every indication that similar tournaments will be staged by the personnel at Clinton. The judges for the boxing bouts were S/L Baynton, OC of AROS, S/L Forrest of AROS and S/L G. Bury, Acting Officer Commanding R & CS. LONDESBORO Rev. J. W. Gandier had a pleas- ant visit from his son in Toronto over the weekend. Mrs. Robert Townsend has re- turned after spending Easter week with her daughter, Miss Dor- othy Little, Toronto. Harold Longman has bought Mrs. James Crawford's farm on concession 13, Hullett Township and takes possession soon. Mr. and 'Mrs. S.• YoungbIutt and son Steven, Goderich, were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Youngblutt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Radford and Mrs. Weldon Tyndall were in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Tyndall who has been in a Toronto Hospi- tal for an operation returned horri2 with them. We wish Weldon a speedy and complete recovery. Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon who has been staying at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vod- den, Clinton, was able to visit with her son, Bert Brunsdon, Sunday. Mrs. Brunsdon who has been suffering from a broken wrist since before Christmas, is still unable to use her hand as her fingers are quite stiff and unless, and we hope some improve- ment can be made. WMS Thankoffering The Londesboro W.M.S. held the regular monthly meeting and Easter Thankoffering meeting to- gether, on Wednesday, April 8, in the school room of the church with about 60 present. The pres- ident Mrs. F. Tamblyn, presided and opened the meeting with the call to worship, followed by a hymn and prayer with the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Bert Shobbrook read the Bible lesson; Miss E. Jamieson led in prayer. There was a shoat business period, Mrs. B. Alien act- ed as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Govier. Cards of apprecia- tion were read. Miss E. Jamieson and Mrs. Rob- ert Townsend were named as del- egates to the presbyterial to he held in Goderich on April 21. M s. Arthur Clark gave the Easter story in poetry form. "The Lord's Supper and the Negro's Version of the Crucifiction." Mrs. Webster and Mrs. T. Adams took up the offering. Mrs. F. Tamblyn gave the add- ress of welcome. Guests were members of the Auburn WMS and Mrs. Ilarold Snell, Exeter, was guest speaker. Mrs. Rogers, Auburn, sang a pleasing solo ac- companied by Mrs. Washington on the piano. Mrs. Tamblyn intro- duced Mrs. Snell who based her remarks on "Why seek ye the living among the dead for I am with you always." A trio "He Arose" was given by the Mission Circle, Londesboro, Mrs, C. Vincent, Miss Gail Man- ning and Mrs. A. Shaddick. Meet- ing closed by singing hymn 45 and the benediction. Lunch was served by the local society. Mrs. Albert Campbell voiced thanks from the Auburn group for their hospitality and gave invitation to Londesboro. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. assured when we tailor your clothes to your exact measurement from our fine fabrics. Stop in! CUSTOM TAILORING Rerman's Men's Wear a q 4r Biltmore Hats PHONE Z24W Forsyth Shirts 1 98 o our store You ought to come When your lights Are on the bum. RADIO it ttEGTt2IC PHONE 313 CLINTON News of Hensall Mrs. Herbert Blatchford, Exet- er, was a guest on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Miss Minnie Reid returned home last week after spending some months vacationing in St, Peters- burg, Florida. Mrs. S. Sararas has rented the residence of Mrs. G. Hudson on Main Street and expects to move in the latter part of the month. • Members of the Women's Mis- sionary Societies of Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches were guests of James Street United Church, on Wednesday afternoon, April 15, and were addressed by Mrs. G. A. Wheable, London, wlio spoke on Canada and the U.Iv. Mrs. Wheable recently attended U.N. meetings at New York. Anglican WA Plays Host The Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church on Thurs- day, April 9, entertained the Mis- sionary Societies of Trivitt Mem- orial, Exeter; St Thomas' Church, Seaforth; St. Paul's, Clinton; St- Jame's, Middleton, President, Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton, conducted the meeting.•Slides on the study book, "Thine is tele Glory," was shown, and a solo, "Green Pastures" was sung by Miss Jean Henderson. Rev. C. L. Langford closed with the benedic- tion. Tea was served and a social hour spent. The Women's Missionary Soc- iety, Carmel Presbyterian Church, met in the church schoolroom on Thursday, last, for their April meeting. The program was arranged by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Mt's. W. R. Bell, with Mrs. Dougall presiding. Members answered the roll call with the Bible verse "Faith." Prayer was offered by Mrs. Dougal], and Scripture les- son was read by Mrs. A. Logan. A talk by Mrs. 'Dougall on "Afri- ca", was illustrated with a color- ed picture map. Mrs. G. Walker and Mrs. S. Dougall were appoin- ted delegates to the Presbyterial to be held in Seaforth on May 4. The Ladies' Choir under direct- ion of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O. pres- ented a delightful musical concert to a large and appreciative aud. ience in the Town hall, on Tues- day evening, April 1411 Evening Auxiliary Mrs. H. Elder and Mrs. K. Elder were hostesses for the monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary held in the United Church on Monday, April 13, and presided over by the president, Mrs. L. Chapman. Mrs. D. Kyle, in charge of the devotional, read the Scrip- ture lesson and presented an int - High School Students Urged To Enter Ontario Letter -Writing Contest Students of CDCI and other high schools throughout Ontario are eligible to win $2,000 in a let- ter writing contest just announced by the Honourable Louis P. Cecile, Minister of Travel and Publicity for the Province. Mr. Cecile stated that the con- test is sponsored by his depart- ment to encourage Ontario stud- ents to write letters inviting friends and relatives who live be- yond Ontario, either in Canada or the United States, to come to On- tario this year. Contest rules are now being advertised throughout the province. First prize is $400, second $250, and $100 as third, followed by 50 prizes of $25 each. All students enrolled in Grades IX to XIII or their equivalent are eligible. Let- ters are not to exceed 200 words and may be written in English or French. Students must have their teacher certify that the letter submitted is their original work. There is no limit as to individual entries. • Mr. Cecile pointed out, however, that each entry to qualify must be accompanied by the name and address of a non-resident of On- tario to whom a free map and literature will be sent by the De- partment. The contest closes on May 15 next. Contestants are invited to ask the Department Of Travel and Publicity to send them literature if they feel it would assist them in preparing their letters. 'Mr. Cecile said that originality of thought and expression would be one of the principal points upon which the letters would be judged. Address of the department is Room BB 1, 67 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS 50 JUNE, 1953 Applications and foes must reach the Conservatory not Tater than MAY 1, 1953. 135 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO 2B, ONT. RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY APRIL 26th, 1953 Pull information from agents eresting article dealing with Mis- sions. Miss M. Ellis offered prayer. Miss W. Gray, secretary, read a thank -you note from Mrs. R. S. Thurtell referring to her farewell gift, a hymnary. During the busi- ness period mention was made of a bake sale to be held in May. Committee named to make plans were Mrs, B. Kyle, Mrs, J. Flynn, Mrs. H. Elder. Mission rs ion Band leaders for May ay are Mrs E. Chipchase pc and Mrs. K. Buchanan. At the May meeting the Auxiliary members will enter- tain the WMS. Hostesses will he Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss Jean Armstrong; program, Mrs. J. Sim- mons. The Arnold Circle and the Anglican ladies also will be guests at this affair. Mrs. P. McNaugb,, ton and Miss Ellis will attend the Presbyterial in Goderich this month, Mrs. N. McLeod, Kippen, guest speaker, gave an enlightening ad- dress "God's Gift of His Only Son to the World." The speaker spoke of visiting a redemptive home in Calgary. Several touching exper- iences were recounted. Interest- ing stories were told concerning the growth of a Missionary Hos- pital in Lamont, Alberta. In dos- ing Mrs, McLeod referred to a Chinese nurse and her experiences. Luncheon was served. The April meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Car m e 1 Presbyterian Church was held at the manse Monday, April 13 with Mrs. J. B. Fox hostess, and Mrs. A. Kerslake and group in charge of program and lunch. Mrs. W. R. Bell conducted the meeting, and the devotional was in charge of Mrs. Roy Bell, with the theme "Prayer" used. Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Fox; prayer offered by Mrs,Bell, and d a poem, "Teach us How to Pray" by Mrs. Roy Bell, which conclud- ed the devotional. Thank -you notes were read from Mrs, R. Bell and B. Edwards. It was disclosed that group one, of which Mrs. Clarence Reid is the leader, realized $44 at the booth at S. IVIcArthur's auction sale. Mrs. J. E. McEwan was ap- pointed a delegate to the meeting of James Street United Church, Exeter, on Wednesday, April 15, at which Mrs. G, A. Wheatle of London, was guest speaker, She spoke of Canada and the UN, The group discussed the placing of artificial flowers in the church and repairing the pulpit chairs, The president displayed material for quilts to be made up by the mem- bers for sale at the fall bazaar, Refreshments were served, Try Bowling • , FOR GOOD HEALTHFUL EXERCISE TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS are - OPEN BOWLING NIGHTS at the CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY (WE INVITE AFTERNOON BOWLING) -- - • -- - Clinton Bowling Alley SMOKERS' SUPPLIES MAGAZINES ICE CREAM (Reg. Cudmore, Proprietor) Clinton Ontario LAMORENETM R " FASTER.:.' EASIER... LESSFMONEY 04.4.:ai °.+ta•51St0 44414104t.... Yt Try it today . . . prove for yourself that your carpets will come clean, stay clean longer gum, lipstick, drink and food stains all vanish like magic with Lamorene! Ready for instant use, Lamorene is safe, can't shrink your carpets tested and approved by famous York Testing Laboratories. targe Economy Size $2.59 CLEAN A`9 x"12' 'RUP:4FOR; $1.00;., AT I10ME. :: '1 For best results you should use the special LAMORENE brush! The long, sturdy palmyra bristles work LAMORENE deep into the nap. Carpets come clean and fluffy. LA/oat*/ $1.49 M E gee SUTTER -PERDUE ..460 CA NAD �J /A N NA 7/,Ar.(//VA L rakes Headlights ARE YOUR EYES AT NIGHT. For Safety, Let Us Check and Adjust COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! Do your part today, Enjoy life tomorrow. Our DIAL TEST EQUIPMENT Takes Out The Guesswork. We put new .life in your car. USED CARS- COME IN SOON, SELECTION WAS NEVER BETTER USED TRUCKS- NOR PRICES LOWER. Lorne Brown Motors Limited PHONE 367 CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE---Sales & Service MOO mos