HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-04-16, Page 6WAGE NIGHT News of Bayfield Representative: MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIEirD 45r$ E. A. Featherston, London, was here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, London, spent the weekend in the village. Misses A. Drouin and A, Fern- ette, Detroit, spent last week in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Goderieh, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Weston, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. N. McConkey, Kit- chener, were at their home in the village over the weekend. -Miss Jessie Metcalf returned to Detroit on Thursday after having spent Easter with her mother, Dr. and Mrs. E. L, ,Cooper arta three children, Detroit, occupied their cottage over the weekend.- Dr. and Mrs, R, G. Hunter and Sally Beth, Toronto, spent the weekend at their home in the vil- lage. 4r.. and Mrs. Charles .MacKen zie, London; visited the foriner's sister, Mrs. J. J. Richardson, on Sunday, Miss Rubio Fisher returned to 'cheer on Sundayafter hav- Krt n ing visited her aunt, Mrs. F. A, Edwards. Miss E. Logan, Hensall, and her nephew, Charles Keyes, Nashville, Tenn., called on Misses E. and M, Cameron on Easter Day. Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Reid return- ed to Windsor on Sunday with Miss Kathleen and Bernard who were here over the weekend. William L. Cameron, Detroit, visited his sisters, Misses E. and M., Cameron, over the weeken,l. Tlie'many friends of Miss E. 'Catn- eron who has been ill for' three weeks, hope that she will soon be fully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston, London, were with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wes- ton; over the weekend. Judy who spent the Easter vacation with her grandparents, returned to London with her parents. Daylight Saving Time At a special meeting of the Trustees of the Police Village of Bayfield, field in the Town Hall on Monday, April 13, a resolution was passed to adopt Daylight Sav- ing Time from April 26 to Sept- ember eat ember 26, Confine A11 Dogs A By-law was passed to the effect that all dogs in the village must be . confined on the prop- erty o$the owners from May 1 to August 31. This By-law will be rigidly enforced by the vil- lage constable under penalty of $2 for the first offense and $5 for the second offense. The By- law comes into effect May 1, 1953. Crokinole Benefit Miss Margaret Howard enter- tained three tables of crokinole for the Girl Guides on Friday evening and at the same time her mother had a table of bridge for the benefit ,The .girls each con- tributed a ` small -Sum and the prize money, won by Joyce Greer,arlene Scotchmer, added Charlene to the sum to be turn- ed over to the local association. April is Guides and Brownies month in Bayfield -- have you done your bit? The Annual Easter Carnival un- der the auspices of the Bayfield Agricultural Society was held in -the Bayfield town hall on Wednes- day evening, April 8. The atten- dance was good, though somewhat lower than last year. In the ab- sence of, the president, Carl Hous- ton, vice -Pres., acted as master of ceremonies, and music for the dance was played by Murdock's Orchestra. The costumes were of a high order and made it difficut for the judges: G. W. Montgomery, agri- cultural representative for Huron County; John R. Butler, assistant agricultural representative, and %ea aZ''c4 Gae'l "SALAD 19 EDE Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by Appointment Local Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH TOP -SEAL YOUR SILO—STOP FEED WASTE with the NEW silage * Shuts off air from silage * Reduces top.fill decoy * Lasts for years * Pays for itself B.F. Goodrich On a small, ten -foot silo, some 6000 pounds o}feed can be saved by ksing one of these Silage caps! ore on large silos. Usually the Goodrich Silage Cap will pay itself in one or two seasons. With it will last for years. It's &two-piece covering, 'Blanket" got over topflll, tube fits 'round silo edges. Filled with water, it keeps cap in place. Both "Blanket" and Orders now being filled... 5111 US TODAYI tube are made of plastic material (not rubber). Reduces rotting, mould growth. Stands sun, air, sil- age juices for years. Easy toinstall and remove. Complete instructions with each cap. Now in use on thousands of American farms. ftoe/much feed did YOU lose last year? SIZE 511.0 *LOSSES PER FOOT OF DEPTH 10 feet 12 feet 14 fest 16 fait 4,000 lbs. 5,500 lbs. 7,500 lbs, 10,000 lbs. *ACREAGE WASTE 1/. 9 *Approxlmals (8 tone per acts) J. W. VanEgmond Clinton R. M. Peck Kippen Scott's Poultry Farm Seaforth Mathers Bros. .... , Exeter 11-15-21-b Orli iii it iii ill lli ill II II IN ■$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11/ 11. ill Two Runt Pigs at Clinton Farm Supply show good profit IIIfollowing figures indicate: Ill the farmer's brother, Ken. Mont- gomery, to make decisions, They awarded them as follows: boys and girls fancy, Jacqueline Weston (George Washington),. Mary Elliott (skater), Susan Nut- kins (Little Red Riding Hood) ; boys and girls comic, Stewart Greig (Iandyman), Elane Weston (absent-minded professor); Judy Weston (old-fashioned 1 a d y, ; youngest child in costume, Gary Elliott (Jack Tar); Best national costume, Beverly Heard (Japanese), Mrs, Roy Scot- chmer (Queen Elizabeth), Marg- aret Howard (Queen Elizabeth); fancy costume, Mrs. Nutkins (Gy psy), Mrs. L. and Mrs. A. Making (colonial maids), Mrs. J. B. Hig- gins (Winston Churchill); comic, Mrs. Ivan Torrance (hobo), Mrs R. H. F. Gairdner (coloured main - my), Mrs. J. E. Howard (Indian Chief,) Best couple, Mrs, Roy Scotch - mer and Kenneth Scotchmer, (Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh), Mrs. Grant Stir. ling and Mrs. Roy Elliott (clo- wns). The judges gave a special prize for the youngest couple on the floor which went to Gary El- liott (Jack Tar) aged three years, and Dianne Deseck (cow girl), ag- ed two years. The door prize was won by Ruth Clark, It has been suggested by a read- er that in future years an appeal be made to more persons attend- ing to wear masks which would make the affair more interesting. Serious Accident Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson were summoned to London early Thursday morning owing to the critical condition of their son Clarence, who was admitted to Victoria Hospital in an uncon- scious state at 7 a.m., following a motor car accident on No. 2 Highway, two miles west of Lambeth. He suffered fractures to his jaw and other undetermin- ed head injuries. He was ac- companied by Ken Lucas, Lon- don, who also is in a critical condition with fractures to his right shtlulder and Ieft wrist and other undetermined injuries. Provincial Constable Harold Howting, investigating officer, estimated that damage to the Larson car was $1,500, It had swept off a curve in the road and hit a tree before turning over, The impact had thrown Larson onto Lucas who was in danger of suffocation when passers-by righted the wrecked car, police said. The many friends of the -Larson family hope that both young men will make a complete recovery. R. Larson returned home on Sunday evening but Mrs. Larson remained to be with her son un til he is out of danger. Presbyterian WMS The WMS of Knox Presbyter - If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothhig seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills: Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Loots for the blue box with the red hand at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 t✓I,+ NTQ . '1`1EW3-43ECORP HOLMESVILLE Mrs. D. E. Gliddon spent Friday in London, with her daughter, Miss Marie Glidden RN. Miss Eileen Gliddon spent her Easter vacation, the guest of friends in Detroit, Mich. Master Jimmy Miller has re- turned to the village, .after spend- ing the Easter holidays at hie home in Goderich. Mrs. G. M. Elliott and family, Listowel, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. William Norman and Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Trewartba. Rev. and Mrs. Stewart Miner and daughter, Florence; Mr. end Mrs. Kenneth Langford and sons, Woodham, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha. The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Jack Yeo, in the loss of a beloved father, the late Char- les Bissett,, whose sudden death occurred early Thursday morning in Goderich Hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Ewan Ross and John and Mrs, J. B, McMath vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford, Ingersoll, en Sunday. On their return they were accompanied by Doti Collier, who is returning to Halifax, N.S., after a two weeks' course at Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Collier is visiting friends in this vicinity. San Church met at the home of Mrs. Bruce Menerey on Thursday afternoon last,- The meeting took the form of an. Easter Service with all members participating under the leadership of the presi- dent, Mrs. C. W. Brown. A mem- ber, Mrs. Charles F. Rogers, was welcomed back for the summer. The occasion was the birthday of Miss Elsie Thompson and a birth- day cake had been baked in her honour. William F. Buchanan who at- tended the meetings of -the Synod of Hamilton and London held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, as a delegate from Knox Presbyterian Church, Dunn- ville spent Monday and Tuesday nights with his sister, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Charles F. Rogers was taken to Clinton Public Hospital on Tues- day morning suffering from pneumonia. Hie son and daugh- ter, Harold Rogers, O,B.E., and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, arrived from Toronto at midnight on Monday owing to his illness. His many friends here join in wishing Mr. Rogers a speedy recovery. $ SAVE $ For your TIRE NEEDS of all sizes, come in and check our prices. 20% off all new tires and tubes Sto Joseph Service Corner No. 21 and 84 Highways 7-tfb onemlioniMegiMMINIMNINImr WHILE YOU THINK OF IT . . Check What You Need In.... WATER SYSTEMS HAY TOOLS STEEL STABLING LITTER CARRIERS STEEL ROOFING BARN DOOR TRACK We can fix you up NOW!! Howard Brunsdon Phone 15 Clinton MARKET PRICE 2 PIGS =-- $81.71 COSTS 2 Runty Pigs $ 2.00 400 Ibs, Pig Startena ..., 20.80 400 lbs. Pig, Growena .. , . 19.00 400 lbs, Hog Finisher 18.40 Total Costs 60.20 Profit on 2 Pigs 21.51 Profit per pig $ 10.75 Amount feed per pig --600 Ibs, as the REMEMBER—`these were runty,, folks the two culls (total wt. 32 lbs.) out of a pen of 35 pigs. You tart do better than this with your .good pigs on the PURINA programme, CLINTON FARM SUPPLY • a (itr; nlrg...!..•a� I dfUnitl,,j;l,,, „! ,,,_N ,j, I ! i + 1 l i 1 , 1 i i + � ,1 I (�iN� ,., ,� � .,t- ii iT � I � �I,I,:.,,...... i . , ,I,.l ,„,...,dP.�.,a.,ll,nlf,lil�7llilfuV�IClIIffl<lllilfll4.lI,IGBI�iI(111IViIflINIIIfUlllile<iI(IIiINlliiilllfl�ill►full(GlllllNl,dill{ildlil.iflNfifl(li�U,llillttilliElNilNhllllllul�Ill(flllllliliiflniNllfll(U�fmflGti,t<Iltlllil!(lull'(IiPlHlll,IIGIIGflII�H,�dllfflllUlIII�IIfil,ildN(Iltfllif„IINIII�,III,IIH�IIIIIIIIIIfUIdBCIfll�tll(lflfl(Illlllll i PORTER'S HILL YPU Croldnole Party The YPU of Grace church spon- sored a crokinole party held in the church basement on Friday evening, last, Ten tables were in play and prizes went to; high lady, Mrs, Donald Harris; high man, Robert Emmerton; low lady, Jan, et Harris; low man, Ralph Hart.- icon. Lunch was served by thi young people. WA Holds Quilting The Woman's Association of Grace Church held its regular meeting on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Renner. The presi- dent was in charge of the meeting which opened with singing 'Jes- us Christ is Risen Today” and prayer by Mrs, Bert Harrison. Mrs, William McIlwain read the Scripture lesson and roll cell was answered by an Easter verse. Two crib quilts were quilted during the afternoon and blocks for more handed out. The work committee had peiced the top of a flannelette quilt and it was decid- ed that they start cutting pieces for a "Bridal Bouquet" quilt to be appliqued on white broadcloth. The program was in the charge of Mrs. Gordon Manning and Mrs. William Cox. The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess. The May meteing will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Sowerb.?. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Muliens, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Mrs. James Johnston (nee Mar- garet McNaughton), who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mid- dleton, is celebrating her 91st birthday on Thursday, April 16. Her son, J. M. Johnston and fam- ily, Murney, Phyllis and Edward, Goderich, and her sister, Mrs. J. D. Leslie, Clinton, will be guests at a birthday dinner in her hon- our. VARNA The ladies' choir from Hensall, under the direction of J. L. Nicol, A,C.C.O., is presenting a concert in the Brucefield United Church on Friday, April 24, at 8,30 p.m., sharp. Admission, 35c and 15c. The program is being pre- sented under the auspices of Group 4 of the Woman's Associa- tion of the church. Mission Band in Varna United Church opened on Sunday, April 12, with everyone repeating the Mission Band purpose led by M':s. William McAsh. The minutes of the last meeting were read by June Murray, seconded by Gary McAsh. Roll was called by June Mur- ray and the treasurer's report was given by Coreen Dowson. Theme of the worship service was an Easter story. Mrs. William Mc - Ash read a hymn. Mac Webster read Genesis 8:2; Jack Coleman, Chronicles 16:9; Eric Tudor from Psalm 33:5; Larry Workman, Ec- clesiastes 3:11; Barry Taylor, Ps. alm 2:11-12. Gerry McAsh read an Easter poem and the lesson was taken by Shirley Johnson. Mrs. Robert Taylor read a story, and Mrs. Wil- liam McAsh closed the meeting with praper. KIN KENO The Game You Play At Home $500.00 in Prizes Sponsored by Wingham Kinsmen Club Numbers Announced Daily Over Station CKNX at 12.24 Noon Wed., April 8 , ... 0-62 Thurs., April 9 ... 0-75 Fri., April 10 , . , . G-59 Sat., April 11 B-1 Mon„ April 13 . , . 0-64 Tues., April 14 I-25 Proceeds: Welfare Work i TIiUE.SD4,X, APRA 4e, 1963 Tenders For Gravel TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Tenders will be received by the undersigned for Crushing and Hauling approximately 5,000 Cubic Yards of Gravel. Gravel to be taken. from township pits and crushed to 14 inch size; to be delivered on township roads under supervision of the road superintendent, Marked cheque of $200 to accompany tender. Con- tract to be completed not later than October 15, 1953, Tenders to be in hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, May 2, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED S, WAT$ON, Clerk, TOWNSHIP QF STANLEY 15-16-b deb' pretty COOLERS Frosty white and breeze light—yet these whisper -sheer fishnet and satin elastic Gossar-debs subtract inches, add to your glamour. And the waist -hugging band belittles your middle! Have no bones, no equal. Pull -on girdle, #576, or pantie, #676. Girdle $5.50 Pantie $6 .50 Our Corsetier— Mrs. Pearl Straughan, a graduate of the Gossard School' of Corsetery, will advise you regarding your foundation garment requirements. A properly fitted undergarment is the first essential for your new Spring and Summer ensemble. ---/ / This Special Service at NO Extra Cost at F. E. HIBBERT & SON'S Goderich Phone 86 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sedan ... .. . $2075.00 Clean, new car condition, new tires 1951 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN 1775.00 built-in radio, air-conditioned, extra clean 1947 . FORD SEDAN 1175.00 (New ear condition, new tires) 1941 MERCURY SEDAN 695.00 (ExceIIent condition, nearly new tires) 1935 FORD DELUXE COACH .... $150 1938 FORD DELUXE COACH .. 275 1934 FORD 50 1935 OLDSIVIOBILE .. 50 1953 x/4 TON FORD, 1952 Style, originally $ 1890,00 Now $1600.00 Phone 492 McPherson Bros. FORD L MONARCH .. FORD TRUCK Representative Front -Enid Alignment Wheel Balancing Clinton