HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-04-16, Page 3TIIURSl)AV, APBII. 16, 1953 MINTON N WS- tECORD PAGE ' B E LADIES, this is your page .. . Education Fights Cancer Studies tell that women ate. more alert about health matters than men, Wives, in a way, are guardians of the family's .health and they leek after Dad long with the children. They can do this by urging their husbands to have regular check-ups with the physician. Recent statisics show a margin of deaths from cancer in men or women over the age of 50, panic• ularly in cancer of the lung and of the intestinal system. To counteract this incidence the Canadian Cancer Society plans an even greater program of education this coming year to reach the po- tential cancer patients among bus- iness people in factories and offie- Mer Wools Goo oI foq.00 toilful al wdronity M Taranto, "Fe. TW Diamond:' "Laths {Wena,' Onr 71 'MI M n�ti" dogs—I/10 price 0 a &meal• Wflt ars Is FREE abM11M. TANYA OEMS, DEPT t, 74 Ton, Tortola A precise and workable method for controlling cancer is through the showing of films, with a speaker ter discuss the film and answer questions -asked by the audience. Thirteen films illustrat- ing the importance and the means of cancer protection are in Con- stant circulation, Among these are special films for men such es "Man Alive," and for women, "Breast Self -Examination, While the program of public cancer education is conducted by the Canadian Cancer Society vol- unteers, preparation of films, leaf- lets and exhibits cost money and each division of the society must bear its own expense, This year, the Ontario Division has been able to apportion $40,000 to the 34 units of the society throughout the province in sup- port of their educational plans to save lives. But what of the lives next year the society will be try- ing to save? Let everyone in our community, our province, answer this with a generous donation to the Canadian Cancer Society Carr, paign. TO HELP SAVE LIVES, GIVE NOW. NOTICE To all Owners and Harbourers of Dogs within the limits of the Town of Clinton: As dog licenses are due and payable March 1st of each year, we have instructed the Police Department to impound any and all dogs hunting at large without a license tag. Captured dogs will be held for 48 hours, and if not claimed and Iicense and impounding fees paid within the above named time any dog so held will be destroyed, And further take notice that according to a Town By - Law any dogs found running at large during the months of May, June and July may be destroyed. By Order, W. J. MILLER, Mayor, Town of Clinton 15-16-17-b Mrs. G. Eagle's Words Challenge Ladies at VMS Thankoffering The Easter Thankoffering meet- ing. eet-ing• of the Woman's Missionary Society, Wesley -Willis United Church, was held in the lecture rooms of the church on Thursday evening, April 9, with a very good attendance. Guests were present from Bur- n's, Constance, Londesboro and Ontario Street, Clinton, churches, The worship service was led by the president, Mrs. Norman Shep- herd. The call to worship and prayer were also given by the president. The hymn "Christ the Lord is risen today" was sung. Mrs. A. T. Cooper read the Scripture lose son, Mrs. H. C. Wilson read "Med- itation on Easter." . Mrs. L. Jer- vis offered prayer. A quartette composed of Mrs. 13. Sutter, Mrs. P. Livermore, Mrs.. W. Jervis and Mrs. E. Hugill sang two lovely numbers, ".At Calvary," and "I Will Tell the Wondrous Story." Mrs. C. Nelson read some Easter poems. Mrs. McGill introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Mrs. A. G. Eagle of Ontario Street United Church. Mrs. Eagle gave a very inspir- ing and interesting message on "The Miracle of Easter." If we really believe in the miracle of Easter, we will believe in the power of the living Christ," Mrs. Eagle said. The address was a challenge to all present. Mrs. J. Vincent and her sister, Paige Phillips, Blyth, favoured with two instrumental duets. Miss Stone thanked all those who had helped to make the program so interesting and a special vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Eagle. Hymn 118, "The Head that once was Crowned by Thorns," and prayer by Mrs. N. Shepherd brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was served and a very happy social hour spent together. u �RTE1' suRc•POWER s-1 Radio Repairs Prompt Service Guaranteed Work BOB WEEKS, Radio & Sound No. 8 Highway, 11/2 miles East of Clinton—Phone 633r3 In Blyth contact Sparling's Hardware !n Londesboro contact Riley's Store In Brucefield contact Don Grey's General Store Ontario St. Women Meet For Regular Business The April meeting .o4f the Wom- en's Missionary Society pf Ontario Street United .Church was held at the home of Mrs, J, Radford on Tuesday, April 14, with the preel.. dent, Mrs, W. S. R. Homes, in the chair and20 ladies present. s The hymn, Faith of Our Fath- ers", Psalm 703 and the • Lord's Prayer were used to open the meeting. The devotional period was ably taken by Mrs. W. Van- Egmond using hymn 104, tile Scripture, Mark 16 : 1-8 and"The Real Meaning of Easter" as her subject. Two poems, "What Dees Easter Mean to You" and "If Easter be not True" were used. The minutes of the previous meeting were -received as reed, and also the treasurer's report, stating $22.80 taken in in March and the Easter thankoffering of $124, Thank -you notes were read by the corresponding secretayy. The community friendship ladies reported 22 calls made, The ex- pense secretary reported $15.89 on hand. The Watchtower talk was ably given by Miss S. Courtice on Rhodesia, the Crown Prince of Japan and the good will gifts of trees to -Japan. The study book chapter on Europeans in Africa and their problems was made very interesting by Mrs. N. Carter. A splendid Christian steward- ship talk was given by Miss H. Courtice. A solo, "The Old, Old Story is True"was nicely sung by Miss E. Wiltse. The president an- nounced the presbyterial at North St., Goderich, on April 21, and the May meeting of the local organ- ization at the home of Mrs. M. Aiken, A courtesy motion by Mrs. Wheatley and Mrs. Glazier was extended to the hostess and those participating in the program. Community Club Party At J. McGregor Home Exchange of Seeds Made The April meeting of the Stan- ley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. John..McGregor with a good attendance of ladies. The president opened the meeting with all repeating the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was given followed by the secretary's and treasurer's reports. The ladies made plans for en Easter party which has since been held, and $10 is being given to the Red Cross Society. The next meting is to be at the home of Mrs. Clifford Stewart and the roll call is an exchange of seeds and plants, and also any ideas on a bus trip. The meeting +. was brought ; to a close by the benediction, after which all enjoy- ed a lovely lunch. A very successful Easter party was held at which Miss McGregor showed very interesting coloured slides, which she had taken white on a trip overseas last summer, These were much enjoyed and were followed by lunch and later a dance. Tickets were sold on a quilt, the top of which was don- ated by Miss Billie Stewart a;:cl was quilted by the ladies. Mis. Frank McGregor was the lucky winner of the quilt. At the prev- ious party held in March, ticket:, were sold on a basket of groceries, donated by Mr. T. Riley, and these were won by Stewart Broadfoot. +=4 44 +ai '44.,/6/, ;4:0,fri.." a-re. - /7 p4Le- AZe.-,ts i-n-rs" 71-/Le/24;24-te. •If Extract from a letter written b our yiangger of Kemano 8 r• a; Since December 1951, The Royal Bank of Canada has provided banking service to construction crews working on the gigantic power and aluminum project now taking shape on B.C.'s rugged mountain coast. Branches and sub -branches are operating at Kernano, Tahtsa Bake, Nechako River tiatrisite, Kilclala, Skins Lake and other *trategie points in this great undertaking. Pioneering in remote areas is nothing new to the Royal Bank. It is a strong tradition. Today, kr example, we maintain offices at Churchill on Hudson's Bay, Mayo in the Yukon, and Port Radium on the fringe of the Arctic -the "farthest;north" bank in Canada. Whenever and wherever the need arises, The Royal Bank of Canada heads north with the men who are establishing Canada's new frontiers. 1 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA A IHC BANK SERVING A GROWING COUNTRY 0 The rutabaga is a Swedish tur- nip. Woolen's Institute Flans For April Meeting The Clinton 'Women's Institute will held its regular monthly meeting on" Thursday, ,April 23, at 2 p,m. in the Agricultural Of- fice Board Room. The motto, the seventh verse of the Mary Stewart Collect, will be given by Mrs. M. Wiltse. The roll call will, be an "exchange of seeds, bulbs and plants." The annual„reports are all to be giv- en at this meeting. Aisle an election of officers will be held. All members are urged to attend. The programme conveners, Mrs, W. Burton and Mrs. D. Carter; hostesses, Mesdames H. Jenkins, F. Miller, W. Ross, R. Wester, G, Glazier, j. Butler, Members are reminded to comp to the special meeting pn April 21 in the Agricultural Office Board Room to hear Miss Edith Collins of the Department of Ag- riculture, Women's Institute Brent%\. of Home Economics Ser- vice. This meeting will be held April 21 from 1.30 to 4 p.ni. Come and bring a friend., Girls at Ontario Street Hear About 'The Marys' The regular monthly meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. Un- ited Church was held Thursday evening, April 9, at the home of Betty Stanley, The president Doris Batkin presided. Group one, under the convener - ship of Betty Stanley and Rita Crittenden were in charge of the meeting. Hazel Plumsteel took the de- votions assisted by Edith Lobb. During the business discussicn it was decided to hold a "Daffod- il Tea” on Saturday, April 2i, from 3:00 to 5;00 p.m. in the Church Hall. Betty Stanley introduced tIle guest speaker Mrs, J. E. Ostrom who spoke on "The Ministry of Women in Jesus' Time". She based her remarks chiefly on the influence of the three Marys, Mary the Mother of Christ, Mary of Bethany, and Mary Magdalene, and showed that women still had great responsibility. Edith Lobb read two of Edna Jacques' poems. This was follow- ed by two contests which were much enjoyed. The hostess assisted by a few members of Grotto one served a lovely lunch. Gladys" Habkirk moved a vote of thanks to the hostess, speaker and all those who took part, and the meeting closed. There were 34 present. 0 The Boy Scouts of Clinton wish to thank Miss Bessie Simian, 84 Sickles Ave., New Rochell, N.Y., for her kind donation to the lat Boy Scouts of Clinton. BRICK or BLOCKWORK CHIMNEYS BUILT or REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES BILL HARRIS Phone Clinton 908r3 ART BELL Phone Goderich 934r24 11-tfb .-$-.-0.1-.-P-.+-0-.-+-*-0 •^.-.-h.-* . 0 -h1 -.-.-.-a NOTICE The TOWN DUMP will be closed after May 1st to the public, except Wednesday and Saturday of each week. On these days the dump will be super- vised by a town employee to regulate dumping. Papers must be bundled. Persons dumping outside of the dump will be prosecuted. Cooperation from the public is desired. (Signed) Clinton Town Council 15-16-17-b 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN (Dealer's Demonstrator) 4 1951 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Sedan. (One owner oar, ToW mileage) 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN (Excellent Condition) 1935 DODGE SEDAN 40 / SPECIAL!!! / / 1953 DODGE %z Tan Pick -Up / / reg. price$1800.00 / Special at r.e .,+.+,r r,. $1595.00 40 -_..,..� Howard's Service Station White Rose Products "SERVICS SUII.t OUR PUSINESS" PhOikt 687-R i Clinton St. Ali4*'ew's Girls' Club Healrs Miss II. Courtice The regular monthly meeting of the Girls' Club was held in the basement of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church with an attendance of members and "visitors of 25. With the president, Ruth Neilans in the chair, the meeting opened with the singing of hymj 19, The Scripture was read by ,Tan Walters, followed by prayer by Clara Macaulay. The minutes of the Last meeting and the roll call were read by Betty Sims, fol- lowed by the treasurer's report by Mabel Harvey. Arrangements were made with the Women's Association of the church for placing of flowers in the church each Sunday and a re- port was given that new tablee cloths had been purchased and .see rangements made for the making up of the same. A most interesting and mucn appreciated talk was given by Miss Hattie Courtice, returned Korean Missionary, of the work carried on there by the Christian church and of the advances made bythewomen f thatcountry, Q coon y, She was thanked on behalf of the club and women present by Mrs. Martha Wilson. Hymn 494 was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Jean Anderson, Marforie Carter, Ena Cook and Betty McDonald. • Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders for Thursday, Friday & Saturday I.D.A. Brand Specials Sold on a Money -Back Guarantee Aromatic Cascara East -to -take laxative, 3, 6 oz., reg. 30c, 50c...23, 39 Hydrogen Peroxide . 114237 37 4, 8, 16 oz., reg. 19, 29, 45 f Idasal Tablets Full 5 grain acid acetylsalcylic, 300's, reg. 89c • 6" Milk of Magnesia Tablets, Easy to take, 100s, 300s, reg. 39, 89 Witch Hazel .. • • . 23 59 An excellent lotion for rough skin, reg. 30, 75 White Embrocation ' • • • 23 39 White Liniment, 4, 8 oz., reg. 29, 49 • • • 33 69 T ime For Spring Beauty Care A new "you" for a new season . , . that's the feeling spring brings, and whether you've splurg- ed on -a brand-new wardrobe or not you'll. feel like a diffeernt person with a fresh new beauty schedule. Plan a program of skin and hair care . . try another fragrance , • new make-up shades. Now is the time, and .you'll find all the help you need at your nearest I.D.A. Drug Store. For a lovelier you, use POND'S Pon.des Cold. & Vanishing Cream .. 45c, 79c, $1,29 Pond's Dry Skin POND, Cream and ; ran CreaLiquim, 45c, � 79e � .e Pond's Face Powder, 43c, '75c Pond's Make -Up Pat . • 85c Pond's Angel Face .... 89c, $1.25, $1.59 Pond's Lipstick 45c, 85c LANOLIN PLUS Does wonders for the Skin and Hair Lanolin Plus Liquid 1.50, 2.25 Lanolin Plus Hand Lotion $f.50 Lanolin Plus Cleansing Cream for Dry Skin $2.00 Lanolin Plus Hard Water Shampoo $1.50 Lanolin Plus Hair Dressing $1.50 Noxzema "Skin" Cream Special . 29c Reg. 40c Cold Cream Special E ib. Reg.o89crd 69c Cutex �Hand Cream 2"Duo 49c jars 89c Special Shelton .S Liquid Petals and Toilet l� Water -3.25 value X_2.25 Cutex Nail Brilliance .. 35c Cutex Polish Remover, 21, 43 Nivea Cream ...63c, $1.10, $3. Woodbury's Cocoanut Oil Castile Shampoo—half price $1.20 for only 59e Woodbury's Face Creams 45c, 78c, $1.15 Jergens Lotion, 37c, 65c, 1.15 Lady Esther 4 -Purpose Face REVLON For Lips and Fingertips Lipstick 85c, $1.50 Indelible Creme Lipstick $1.00, $1.50 Nail Enamel 65c Aqua Marine Hand Lotion $1.25 Velvety Polish Remover 35c, 50c Cream .. 49c, 75c, 98c, 1.50 1DATONE -- Blood Purifier and Tonic — 16 oz. .... $1.00 I.D.A. I.D.A. ANTACID WRITING PADS Stomach Powder NOTE SIZE Reg. lOc .. 8c, 2 for 15c Positive relief • for upset LADIES' coLETTER stomach. An effective and pleasant antacid digestant. Reg. 15c 12e, 2/23c "Economy" Envelopes,25s, 8c 59c $1.59 PHO of F.. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST Daffodil Tea Ontario Street United Church Hall Under auspices Girls' Club SAT., APRIL 25 3.-5 p.m. LUNCHEON 35c 15-6-b CANADIAN FLOOR. SERVICE Toronto The only Canadian eompauy concentrating on treatments and machines for the eeonomdcai *nate- tenance of Targe floor areas. SANDING — FINISHING CLEANING Machines for Rent and Sale Harry McLeod 660-21 SEAFORT I - t.R. 3