HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-11-13, Page 2whose body he proposed IN FEAR UI' THE =SKINS.
YOUNG' FOLKS. his dead enemy,
to utilize; the entrance to' the neat was whore
the Orow a breast had been, and here the Fronitcr Telegraph Experiences.
WhojWas the Culprit? family of little wrens was reared. Tho nest
"Your sums are wrong again, Walters," was observed, and when its 000u1ants had Tho telegraph operators at some of the
said the master, "And the mistakes are flown away, Lord Suffolk had it carefully exposed pain in Ariz, na and other west
recieely the same as Leslie's, figure for removed and placed in his picture gallery. ern regions aro valiant fellows, but it fre-
quently happens that they cannot be con-
gare. You've been copying again, Standout, sir,"
Walters, a grave -looking boy, did as he
was cloaked,and the master took up his
" lxold out your hand."
John Leslie half rose ; he was trembling
and he coup not; speak, though his iipe
"Sit down," said the muter.
Leslie eat down mechanically, and James
Walters receivedthe punishment.
After a time he brought np hie sum cor-
" And yours, Leslie ? " said the master.
" I can't do it, sir."
" There is no such word as 'can't,' " an-
swered the master. " Yon will not go home
until it le done."
It was a half -holiday, John Leslle, look.
ed np in the school room, eat at one of the
tables, his face buried in his hand and his
elate beside him. �•:- •
"I'mstupid, and I'm a coward," he said
to himself. ice-"'
He was faint and dizzy, for he had:had
nothing to eat since breakfast time; and it
was now 4 o'clock.
Suddenly he heard a footstep in the next
room. Perhaps it was the master. He
shuddered. Suddenly a hand was laid on
his shoulder. He could bear his dread no
longer, and uttered a wild shriek.
" Do be quiet, Jack ; no one's going to
kill yon. The master is out, and I'll try to
help you," said J ames Walters.
" Jim," replied Leslie, " it's no use to try
to help me ; I'm stupid, and a coward. I
should like to die, and not be a trouble to
any one,"
" Nonsense,
In some ways,
in time."
"You've been caned twice for me now,"
murmured Leslie.
" And will be caned again," said the mas-
ter, who, having soddenly remembered John
Leslie, had come to look after him. " How
dare you come here ? "
And he turned to Walters.
But at that moment Leslie, overcome
7 a
Jack ; you're clever er (nighand you'll get over your fear
with fear, and faint with hunger, fell w Lee
"He's fainted, air," said James Walters.
Perhaps the fainting saved both the boys,
for when Leslie had recovered, the master
4- III.
"Jim," said John Leslie, "what do yon
think I can do ?"
"Why there ain't a fellow in the school
can draw as you can. You can make like-
nesses of us all, and the master too, with
ycnr bite of chalk, only you have to rub
them off the walls for fear of being seen."
John Leslie sighed.
He had wol ked away out of school hours,
and his BUMS were oftener right. He longed
to confess his delinquency, but did not dare
to do it, He sketched the scone on bits of
paper ; he sketched it on hie slate, and then
rnbbei it quickly away. Bat to -day, with
his great gift for drawing, he had sketched
it more elahorately ; he had become absorb-
ed in it, insomuch that he did not notice
that the master's eye was upon him, nor
that he had risen from his seat and was close
to him before he could efface the $ ketch.
"So thin is the way you spend your time
at school, Leslie—in drawing caricatures ?"
John Leslie went red and white. The
choking feeling came, but he made a great
"If you please, sir, it isn't a caricature—
it did happen—I was a coward. I copied
the sum ; Walters did not. He wouldn't
tell of me, so he was caned ; and I've been
trying to be braver. Will you cane me now,
air ?''
And the thin delicate hand was put out.
But the master was gazing upon the elate,
and every moment growing more and more
surprised at the sketch before him,
"I will take the caning now, sir," said
John. Leslie in a tremulous voioe.
"I'll see to it," said the master, taking
the slate and paying no heed to John Les-
lie's epesoh.
And he did see to it. John Leslie was
not caned.
And the governors of the school gave him
the advantages necessary to carry on his
education for an artist.
" It's all through you, Walters," said
John Leslie to his friend. " If you had not
stood by the poor coward, and taken the
caning, I should never have made that
drawing. If I ever am an artist, the first
picture I paint shall be of you and me at
wham], Jim, and the poor frightened fellow
who could not do his sums shall be peeping
at hie brave friends slate. And we'll be
friends for ever and ever, Jim Walters, for
you will have made a man of me."
bade Walters take him home,
vinced that duty demands of them a etriot
THE LMIE-SIGN pLUB, attention to the oompany's business regard-
less of teff. One man up at Derriokville—
Knowing that all the local officers sod Tommy Dyer—lost a week's pay and exper-
oommitteea would be appointed at the first kneed oousiderablo hardship by abandon -
meeting after the annual pionio, the major- Ing his post, and three or four others of the
ity of the members have during the past boys have had trouble of various kinds since
week labored under more or h se excitement. the Apaohes set out on their last scalping
As the appointing power is entirely in the tour. A letter from Dragoon says :
hands of Brother Gardner there was but Laet week the operator here received a
little chance to wire• ulland to roll, Never- brief message from Dyer, saying : „I'm off,
theleas, several ins ances of devotion to Injuns two miles north," Nothing more
country cropped out, Sir Simon Rainbow was heard f: our that quarter for three or
called upon Pickles Smith and offered him a four days, though the operator'ebere called
dog that would sell on the weakest market the place regularly about once an hour. At
for V if he would use his influence to get the length one afternoon he got a feeble and
Rainbow family the position of librarian. uncertain sort of an answer, which, the best
Sir Simon can't read, but is a great hand to way he could make it out, was to the effect
look at pictures, that a detachment of troops were in that
Prof. Cauliflower Cooper made a midnight neighborhood, and that the operator, who
call at the house of Shindig:Watkins on pre- was nowhere to be found, had probably been
tense that his wife was 111 and must have carried off by the hostiles, as Indian trail,
mustard. After securing themuetard he of- wore everywhere to bo seen, The boys
fered Brother Watkins a wheelbarrow built here felt very eorrowful over Dyer's fate
on Corinthian ideas of - architecture if he and they were on the point of Bonding off a
would just drop a hint that the Cooper family flattering biography of the missing telegraph -
wanted to carry the key of the club safe dur- er, when a lively rattle from one of the re-
ing the next year. ceivers was heard. and everybody paused to
Judge Baokdown Johnson bought a pair listen. The ticking continued for a minute
of roller skates for the eldest daughter of or two, and then somebody ejaculated :
Waydown Bebee, and slyly intimated to her "That's Tommy, now. Where is he Y An
that if he was appointed janitor of Paradise inquiry or two over the wires sufficed to
Hall he would turn it into a roller rink for locate the missing operator at Talbot's Mill,
her benefit. about thirty miles from bis own office,
THE OPENING where he said he had gone for shelter
and found deserted by the operator. Tom-
Evemles of Paradise of the cluballa living within my's last message before closing his key and
Tom -
seven miles sounded d Brotherr was on hand am starting on his journey again created some
the triangle and Gardner amusement here, and was :
arose and said : " There hasn't bean an Injun within forty
"My frena, die While de kinbeglook of anoder miles of this plane, and yet the operator
s y'ar 'ar of, an' harmony, kin ook bank ober can't be found with a fine-tooth comb.
son six td believe
li emcees dat
we hey ren- look
They've got too many plugs in this country.
grater success an' me' perfeck understand- They're n. g."
in', Dia club was organized on de open The boys tried to tell him that he had de•
street one rainy day, an' i's fast roll -call in- hatted his own effioe without cause, but as
eluded six men an' a dog. At de present they got no reply they concluded he had
date our membership would make depopula- gone.
shun fur a city, an if ebery member Joan' The same night a new man at Pikestaff
own fo' doge it am not de fault of our con- edified the boys all along the line by send-
etituehan and by-laws. ing messages describing the progress made
"Doorin de past Sakai y'ar death has by the Indins in that neighborhood, and
bin busy in our ranks, an' de b'ar traps hev saying that it was his intention to stay there
never bin free 'from de insigne of mourn'n'. and sell his life as dearly as possible, After
Three memberswere devoured by alligators ; he had assure d everybody to this effect sev-
two were run ober by butcher carts ; three eral times. he broke in with
fell off de roofs of barns ; two died fur luv, Hostiles killing and burning east of
here. Think I'll go out and help clean
an'seben owed desk deaths mo'or less di- out."
reotly to rolleiiskatiq; rinks. them
hToward evening the next day he unouno-
"When . s in' organized endie club de charges ed that a squad of troops had arrived ; that
far aythirty
a kitchen oho' oaLged allc they had seen no Indians, and that, as he
de way from thirty cents to fo' dollars, ac-
cordie•' to de etandin' of de family in society was getting lonesome, Le would go along
an' de hardupness of de whitewasher. De with them.
charges fur blackin' a stove depended on de Speaking about the nervous condition of
state of de weather, If an eminent citizen the boys at these and other points, Henry
wanted a fence whitewashed he might hev Welter, an old operator, said to me : Of
to pay fifty cents or $5 a rod. If a lady course
of safety and ound an atinstrument fel
wanted some flower -beds in de side yard de lows, bute it's not y laugh at
these to f l -
r -nil might ccst her fiftyde cents ' miece,ght one of these (Floes all alone and feel that a
want de cull'd deed pofd de houseuo didn l spaItn' wasgde redskin or two may come in on yon at any
a af ti 'carpets fat. It ode moment. I had an experience two years
same , baa a abst an'drawin' layies out ago at Ponder, over in the Mo ollone which
down, an'de same about ashes g g '
of de back yard. We were in a state of an- I won't forget right away. The savages
archy an' wildness. had been moving around pretty lively for
"What was de status of culled society in several days, and nearly everybody had left
df s kentrybefo' de Lime -Kiln Clubwas organ- the country or was ready to leave. I didn't
ized ? Three millyon people war chucked in have any business to do except to answer
a hole, so to speak. Dere was no upper inquiries from citizens, newspapers, and
crust—no lower oruet. De wife of de white- soldiers. About.twice an hour I'dget a
washer could call on de wife of de barber an' `rush' message asking for Indian news.
fell perfeotly to home. De barber went Sometimes the inquiry would convey Intel-
- ober to dee de headwaiter of de leadin' hotel ligence to me that I had no other means
an' feel on terms of soahnl equality wid him. of knowing, as, for instance, when some -
All am now changed. Our society am grad- body would say that the redskins had done
ed as shar ply as wid white folks. We has so and so, and then ask me for partioulare,
our patronizin' ways to our inferiors same as When I got those inquiries I would step out
if our complexion was of de purest alabas- in front, look around for a minute, and then
ter go inside and forward the particulars of the
"What did de cull'd people of dis kentry Indian situation. I wrote a good many
know about art an' soience an' hygiene when pretty fair war sketches fn that way, but
die club held its first meetin' ! Why, none at length I found that I was getting nervous
of us knowed a tea sto' chrome from a Item- and excitable. Every time the wind made
braudt an' we did not know as much about a noise rd jump. Then I would get up and
harmonlzin' colors in de house as a mule look out on the deserted country. Perhaps
does of music. Lots of fie would leave de a party of volunteers would call on me for a
parlor walls hare an' put a velvet carpet few momenta and advise me to olear out, be -
down on de kitchen floe'. We would hang sides giving me information of some atrocity
a Brussels lace curtain at one winder an' a perpetrated near at hand. I got so finally
chintz at de next. We all reckoned dat de that when my instrument would clink I
airtli was flat. We supposed dat de sun would almost fall out of the chair, and then
moved. We supposed dat de wind blowed I sent word to headquarters that if they
simply to dry out de clothes on de lines. wanted me to stay they would have to give
If anybody had told us dat de moon was me a couple of guards. This was done, and
inhabited we should have stepped on him. we got along all right after that,"
Think of de change a few brief ya'rs hev . • —4---asseer
wrought 1 De aiverage cull'd man of to -day ' IMPERIAL Cougar DROPS will give Positive
names his dog arter some prominent aetron• and Instant Relief to those suffering from
Omer, an' his mule am fed aocordin' to de Colds, Hoarseness; Sore Throat, etc., and
changes of de moon. Six y'ars ago we didn't are invaluable to orators and vocalists. For
know any better dan to sleep six and eight sale by druggists and confectioners. R. &
in a room an' stow oar doge under de bed. T WATSON, Manufacturers, Toronto.
We reckened dat sewer gas was good to kill
off do aiger. Wo enjoyed do smell of taller It is proposed in Spain to start a fleet of
dropped on a red hot stove, cps, representing all maritime nations,
"My frons, when we look back frew de omthe little port of Palos, in Spain, on
misty past, an' den ahead to de rosy fuohe r August 3, 1892, the four hundroth anni-
we can't help but feel dit it was a good versary of the sailing of Columbus, and to
thiug to be bo'n a cull'd pusson, While we have the fleet sail to San S tivador over the
may justly feed proud an' elated, I want to route taken by the great discoverer.
warn you not to dust your suspendete ober Several noblemen in England are in the
de faok. Doan' go and git de idea dat habit of giving special orders to makers in
white folks am poo' trash who hev no pe Virginia for their supply of smoking tobacco.
tickler rights in die kentry. Doan' emagi There is no doubt that by that mean they
dat all de sidewalks was laid down fur get the very beat tobacco to be had, but it
your benefit, an' dat de time has arrove far costa them $2 a pound. The we rkingmen of
do white man to sten' back an' speak ony Canada are smoking the very same quality
when spoken to. of tobacco at 60 cents a pound. and it is
• - known to them by the name of "Myrtle
" Told a Lie With His Finger."
A little boy, for a trick, pointed his finger
to the wrong road when a man asked him
'which way the doctor went, As a result
the man missed the doctor and his little boy
died because the doctor came too late to take
a fishbone from hie throat. At the funeral
the minister said that the little boy was
killed by a lie which another boy told with
his finger.
I suppose that boy did not know the mis-
chief ho did. Of couree nobody thinks he
meant to kill a little boy when he pointed
the wrong way. He only wanted to have
a little fun. Bat it was fun that Dost some
body a great deal ; if he ever heard the re-
sult of it, he must have felt guilty of doing
a mean and wicked thing. We ought never
trifle with the truth.
Curious Place for a Bird's Nest.
In the picture gallery of Charlton Park,
Lord Suffolk's place, hear Malmesbury, is
a glans case containing the akin and feathers
of a big crow. The creature had been naught
and nailed to a tree with other vermin, a
fate which so many thousands of crows phare
yearly that there is nothing in it, The ex.
traordinary part of the matter is that in
the shelter of hie wings, where his body
was before it decayed, a little wren had
built itself an exceedingly neat little nest.
With wonderful dexterity the tiny bird had
contrived to fasten together the wings of
'Am soli i
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