HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-26, Page 6PAGE. SAX MINTON NEWS- CARD IIIIJIISDAY, MARCH 26, 1903 News of Bayfield Representative; 41IISS LUCY R WOODS Phone BAYJ'IBLD 45r3 Miss Margaret Stirling, London, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Was home over the weekend. Parker, Mrs, J. H. Cobb, Toronto, re- Mr, and Mrs, H. Edwards, Jr , turned to her cabin on Delevan London, visited Mr. and. Mrs. T. Street last week. C. Bailey, The New Ritz Hotel, Fred Turner, Goderich, visited Aver the weekend. his son, Grant Turner and family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, El- over the weekend. rnvale, .came on Friday to spend Mr. and Mrs. T. M, Leckie and a few days with the latter's par - Donna, London, were at their cot- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. Cage over the weekend. Miss Janet MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston is in Goder- ich owing to the illness of her London, were with their parents, sister-in-law, Mrs.. Percy Johns- Mr• and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod, oV- ton, er the weekend, Mrs. (Keith Pruss and babe, CongratulatiAl London, spent the Weekend with Congratulations are extended to Mrs. E. Pollock who on March 1.2 passed her 88th birthday. She celebrated by attending the meet- ing of the W.M.S. of Knox church, held at the home of Mrs. C, W. Brown, at which She treated the ladies to her three -tiered birth- day cake, baked and beautifully decorated for the occasion by her niece, Mrs, Milton Pollock, Grass Fire Subdued The fire brigade was called out on Friday afternoon about five o'clock to extinguish a grass fire Which had gotten out of control at the home of Mrs. Agnes Mur- ray, Keith Cresent; Neighbours were trying to prevent its spread but it run quickly in the grass to the fence posts. With their usual efficiency the firemen. soon had it under control. St. Patrick's Social The Woman's Association of the United Church, Bayfield, held a St. Patrick's social in the base- ment of the church on Friday ev- ening, March 20. The first part of the evening was spent playing crokinole which interested both old and young. Those present were divided in - A Full Line of ' GRASS AND LEGUME SEEDS Money Saving Mixtures. Place your order for your... BRILLION GRASS SEEDER Lower in price this year R. N. Alexander SEEDS Londesboro -- Ontario PHONES: Clinton 803-r-13 Blyth 26-r-33 to two groups, with Mrs. Peter Renner and Mrs. Roy Scotchmer leading in contests relative to the Irish. These were very exciting as each side did it's best to beat the other. Miss Maude Stirling gave a very interesting talk on the b1ar- ney stone. She told of the old tradition of the people kissing it and the only way of reaching it was to hang by their feet. With Mrs. Don Kingsbury at the piano everyone enjoyed a Sing -song of Irish melodies. Gladwin Westlake entertained with pictures he had taken of people in the community. One of thein was taken as the con- gregation Came out of church one Sunday. A highlight of the evening came when every man had to fish for his lady partner with whom he ate a delightful lunch, Boys' League Planned The Rev. E. Carew -Jones has invited ell Anglican boys between the ages of 8-14. years to tea at the rectory on Friday afternoon at 4.30 pen. for the purpose of forming a Church Boys' League cr club for similar activity. The executive of the local as- sociation of Guides and Brownies met at the home of Mrs. Gaird- ner on Tuesday evening. It was decided to ask the clergymen of the three churches, Rev. E. Car- ew -Jones, Rev. Peter Renner and Rev. D. J, Lane, to join the ex- ecutive. Mrs. James Cameron is to assist Mrs. Gairdner as vice- chairman. During the month of April, the executive asks that citizens of the district support the Guides and Brownies, by having some small fund-raising activity in their own home and turning the proceeds over to the treasurer. Having friends in for dinner, or a game of cards, and making a charge for this purpose, was suggested, This is the first time an effort has been made to form a Guide Company or Brownie Pack in Bayfield, and the movement star- ted by Mrs. E, Carew, -Jones de- serves the support of the whole community. Trinity WA The Woman's Association of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods on Thurs- day last. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner presided. The meeting opened with the singing of the first and last verse of the WA hymn and the litany and members' prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Geo- rge King. Mrs. R. J. Larson read the minutes of last meeting and Miss Lucy Woods the treasurer's report. Mrs. J. B. Higgins gave a very interesting report of the meeting of deanery presidents and secretaries held in London in February. Mrs. E. Heard display- ed quilts and some of the outfit purchased for St. Paul's School, near Cardston, Alta. This year the new principal of the school has appealed for donations of good used clothing. These will be forwarded with the new art- icles of clothing but should be laundered or drycleaned before be- ing left with any of the members of the W.A. Mrs. R. H .F. Gaird- ner offered her home for an af- ternoon tea on Coronation Day. Following the benediction, the hostess, Mrs. R. J. Larson, served tea. GRASS SEEDS Have a complete stock of— CLOVERS and GRASS SEEDS PRICES THIS YEAR MUCH LOWER Clovers all Ontario grown. We specialize in— Permanent Pasture Mixtures Can make up for you best mixture for your need. You require a different mixture for dairy pasture to beef pasture or hen. pasture. Let us make for you the pasture mixture most suitable to your land and your requirement. Prices for a Hay Mixture will be about $5.00 per acre and for a Pasture Mixture about $10.00 per acre. Still have MALTING BARLEY Contracts available. FRED O. FORD GRAIN and. SEED PHONE 123W CLINTON ..r 1 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Styleline Sedan, equip- ped with radio 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Styline Coach 1952 Pontiac Styline Coach 1952 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan • 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Styline Sedan 1951 Pontiac Styline Coach 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Styline Coach 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coach. 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1947 Pontiac Coach with custom radio 1941 Chevrolet Sedan (completely reconditioned) 1938 Chevrolet Coach ' TRUCKS 1953 Dodge 1/2 Ton Pick -Up -- Below List 1948 Mercury 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1945 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pick-up AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. --- PHONE 73-X a News of Londesboro Spring is here, and everyone is very busy cleaning up outside as well as in. Mrs. Margaret Manning and Mrs, Bert Hunking were in Lon- don on Saturday. Wallace Allen visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Al- len on Monday. Miss Fern Watson and friend spent the weekend with Mrs. Charles Watson.. Misses Maxine and Delphine Hunking, students in Lpndon, re- turned with them for over the weekend. Herb Oakes returned to hs home in Goderich Township after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. George McVittie. Mrs. Laura Saundercock, wno for the past two years has been in Sebringville, has returned to her home in Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan and Phyllis and Shirley, Porter's Hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George McVittie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good and daughter, Londesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longman, George and Grace, Auburn, spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young- blut, Niagara Falls, visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Youngbiut, for two or three days last week, and re- turned home on Monday. The Londesboro Women's In- stitute will meet on Thursday af- ternoon, April 2, at 2 p.m. in the Community Hall, Londesboro. There will be an election of of- ficers and reports by various com- mittees. The program will be 'n the .charge of the Community Activity and Public Relations Committee. Sunshine Sisters' Banquet The Womens' Institute ladies are having their Sunshine Sister's banquet this Tuesday evening and will journey to Auburn, where they will enjoy a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Guides and Brownies A meeting of parents,, at which about 14 were present, was held at the rectory on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week to discuss the formation of a Guide Comp- any and Brownie Pack. The rec- tor, Rev.. E. Carew -Jones, presid- ed. The special speaker was Mrs. Hunter, Divisional Commissioner, Stratford, who outlined the begin- ning and growth of the guide movement, generally and in Can- ada. Her interesting talk was followed by a discussion on the cost of uniforms and ways and means of raising funds. A Ladies' Association was for- med with the following officers: president, Mrs. R. H. Gairdner; Monster BINGO at St. Peter's Parish Hall, St. Joseph (French Settlement) on SATURDAY, 1YIARCH 28 9 p.m. sharp $250.00 will be given away in CASH PRIZES 15 Rounds at $5 each 4 Special Rounds 3 of $25 each, and 1 round for $100 Special Rounds 25c a card or 3 for ,50c .ADMISSION $1.00 Everybody is Cordially Invited .MIDNIGHT DANCE EASTER MONDAY at 12.05 a.m. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, THEREAFTER 11-12-p Great News For The Residents Of Clinton Area 'Approximately 5,000 pers ons will be needed between the ages of 18 and 55 to carry out a gigantic program, now shaping up that will greatly help the residents of this vicinity. This huge public benefit will rock the entire area—the echo will be heard for miles. Every person will receive full details in mail about Mon. or 'lues, Dont t miss it r t r and others of hunting grounds in the North. All were very beaut- iful and interesting. Crokinole was played. A bount- iful lunch was served at the close. YPU Meets The regular meeting of Burns Londesboro YPU was held in Lon- desboro United Church on Sun- day night, The meeting began with a sing -song led by Gail Man- ning. During the business period, Harry Lear gave a report on his trip to Cincinatti. Grant Snell conducted a devotional period which began with the call to wor- ship. Hymn 197 was sung, fol- lowing which Dennis Penfound read the scripture. Rev. Gaudier led in prayer and the Offering was taken up. The topic on "Paul" was given in three parts with Dennis Penfound, Grant Snell and Jack Webster each taking a part. This part of the meeting was brought to a close by singing hymn 152. Following a short re- creational period, lunch was serv- ed and the meeting closed with "Taps." United Church WA The W.A. held a social evening in the school room of the United Church on Friday, March 20, The meeting commenced with a sing- song led by Mrs. Clare Vincent with Mrs. T, Allen at the piano. Several 'old time ntunbers were sung ,followed by an instrumental by Marguerite Lyon, T. B. Allen, showed pictures, several of which were taken in Londesboro, some'in Niagara Falls treasurer, Mrs. Charles Scotch - mer; secretary, Mrs. Fred Wallis; badge secretary, Mrs. Fred Wes- ton. It was decided that Guides will meet on Thursdays at 4.30 p.m., commencing on March 26, at the home of Mrs, S. May. The Brown- ies will meet on Mondays at Trin- ity Church rectory, commencing on Monday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m. The company and pack will re under the leadership of Guiders with previous experience: Mrs. S. May, Mrs. R. J. Smith, Mrs. E. Carew -Jones, and Mrs. P. Worth. It was suggested that a rotar of women with cars lie set up to see that those girls who corn° in en the school bus, or from a distance get home. Following the meet- ing, Mrs. Carew -Jones served tea. 44444-44,44 4 44 44444f 444444 4- 4444- 4 4-44ir Farmers Woman's Association The Londesboro Woman's As- sociation held its regular meeting in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday, March 19. A hymn was sung and Mrs. L. ]dun- king read the Scripture which Was followed by prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Cards of appreciation were read from Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen, Mrs. H. Snell, Harold Cunninghame and Mrs. E. Gaunt. Mrs. N. Watson thanked the society for their help to quilt missionary quilts. The treasurer's report was giv- en and the roll call was answered by presenting articles for the bazaar. The April roll call will be the same. The program committee far April will be Mrs. J. Shobbrooit and Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. C. Vincent sang "The Holy City" and Mrs. W. Manning and Mrs. T. Fairservice gave humor- ous readings. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the benediction. Lun- ch was served by the hostesses. There were 28 present. BRICK or BLOCKWORK CHIMNEYS BUILT or REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES BILL HARRIS Phone Clinton 908r3 ART BELL Phone Goderich 934r24 11 -tib We .are shipping cattle every' Saturday' for United Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage., We will pick them. up at your farm. Please FRONE COLLECT not later than. Friday nights. Seaforth p r FannersCoo e ativve Ii. S. HUNT, Managers PRONE --Day 9 Evenings= 481W 48-9-b TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH Tenders for Gravel TENDERS will be received by either, of' the under,., signed until lst day of April, 1953. Crushing and Hauling approximately, 10,000 cu. yds. gravel, Gravel to pass through a % inch screen. Gravel to be delivered on township roads where required; .Work to be done to the satisfaction_ of the road' superintendent.. Gravel to be taken from Township pits. Work to commence not later than June 1. Marked cheque ,for• $200 to, accomp- any tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Robin Thompson Clerk R.R. 2, Clinton, Ontario Roy Tyndall Road Superintendent R.R.. 3; Clinton, Ontanio 11 -12 - Free Delivery to Clinton On March 31 400 Ten Week Old Pullets 1 On 600 Two Week Old Pullets March 1,000 Three Week Old Pullets , 31' DAY-OLD PULLETS available March 19, and March 26 EGG PRICES 15c ABOVE A YEAR AGO Prices appear very promising for balance of '1953. Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Limited Phone 7 -- Exeter, Ont. 11-12-b i I i'i' I! it 11 i, � m I I�i I1 1 i 491U18� I L.6111111,IIUIIIL.,IL:,!,Iu6hIIIIIIJIIIIIIIII,Illlltlllllilltllll,Illllllllll!I!91UiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll�91111111111111111111111111111111111111111ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllli111IIIIIIIiillllillilllllillllhlllllllllllilllliliiflllllilllllllllllillllllllliil111111111111111111111111111�1111fllllflllllfllllilllll11111811111111111 Helped Timny WinHis Five -Year Fight Against Paralysis;' �suw Xw'Id' d�E " EASTE,i SEALS: iineSeM You!Can Help Crippled &Handicapped Children By Buying Easter Seals Send Your Donations To DR. U. M. ALDIS 3. A. CAMERON Easter Seals Committee Easter Seals Committee CLINTON LIONS CLUB BAYFID LIONS CLUB 1 I I'I 1 I I 1'111111' , y P I I!I I Y 1 '11'1 I II f 111111111UIIIII1NhI111111ifILIILIUpIIlllllllRilli�,16�IIIi�lllppillllllllllllll(Il(1111411111,11(IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIC.IIIhIII,llllllll�l,..,�1(IIIIIfI,III,II,HIII Illl,l ],(illi UI LIl,I11gIBll �,lll�ll �ullllJ�IIIIIIIIIIUullllllllllllllllLllIII11111GIIIIIIII NId11111 iIIIIIIIIIIII11I111U1nIfi1Il UIIIhnnHll)1flII11III11O11I NtIB II i mflI�I1111111I IIMlhllt ll0110liII I ill$11110111111111011111101