HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-11-13, Page 1VOL. XIV. ---NO 46.
Neighborhood N tee.
L"/The Parkhill Gazette is now in the
c `L( tti*am (tflteg' + . o
S. W. G -LB tt,IITII, Pnoraiiroa.
Tt:l: \\']suint t Timms, published evory Friday morn -
lug, is a live t(,001 newspaper, and ht•s a largo /f
oireulation ill \Vinghaat and surrVynd-
ing country, making ita ttim.
111110 advcrtlsimg
$1.25 Ivor year -81.00 per year it paid in advance.
Spam. ( 1 yr. (0 oto. 3 mo. I 1. m'tl.
,,:1,s, oo see no es co Four young lads, of Exeter North,
20 00 12 001
0 00 had to pay $.1.50 each for tampering
a 00 7 00
13 00 2 uo 1 oo withsa man's property on Hallowe'en.
hands of J. W. Green, formerly of the
Gorrie Enterprise.
,aa' -'R. L. Stewart, teacher of No. 4,
Grey, has been engaged to teach No.
10,y,Morris, next year.
"The wife of Rev. Mr. Sperling, of
Clinton, has in use a baby's cradle
that has seen 80 years' service.
The morning train on the L„ H. &
B. struck and killed a valuable steer
near Hensall station on Friday.
Otte Column $li0 00
Half 35 00
Quarter " 20 00
One inch 5 00
Local notices 8 cents per I•no for first insertion; 5
cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Births,,
marriages and deaths Inserted free.
Correspondence of a newsy nature and communi-
cations upon live topics respectfully soficlted.
HAMILTON. Conunissi0nars for 'taking alflda
its tor Manitoba. Private funds to tend in straight
O;u1B at lowest ates. 011ioc—limit's Block, Wing',
lwnn, L'Icknc, and Gerrie,
Wintthant Nov. 18 1880 1 -Iv '
Wf ighalm Ont
plf).dei z Centro and - atrick streets, Wingham
O,t sario.
F. B. 0. F. S. K.• M. 0. F. .
RARE CHANCE. -80 acre farm; some tine tor; the
making of a nice home; delightful situation, 8
miles south of Vassar, Michigan, sandy loam ;spring
brook ; school and state road near ; DI. C., Ry. switch
on corner. Also 320 acres Southern Manitoba. 100
acres highly improved farm, lot 30,.con. 5, and 100
acres lot 9, con. 8, Culross. Frog deeds. Sale or
exchange on easy tering. GEO. MOISIBBON,
P. S. -Private funds on real estate at 7 per cent;
no expenses. . Wingham, Oct. 0,'85.3.1».
J G. t. BALL, L. D. S.,
Sonar Craikrfte, and Mewt r of Royal Dental Wage,
Attends his oalee over Gordon & DIcIndoo's store
evory Wednesday. Best of reference andsatisfactipn
given. Tho various anesthetics used in extracting
tenth. Prices moderato. •
on the market, Private or companies' funds to
Loon on tarot security atti, G and 7 per cent.
• Apply to
Oppooito the Dlarket Square, Wingham.
(nit rut
CHARLES SOnMIDT, Proprietor.
Joel \VILLIAus, Manager.
ALP.,BsteitARD,. Stable Mon.
This house has lately boen re -modelled
considerable extent, and is thoroughly
comfortable in every respect. Always
sets a GOOD 'TABLE. Gues s well
pleased and conie again. Rates reason-
able. Good stabling in connection and No.
1 hostler,
Notice is hereby given that the partnership hereto.
tore subsisting between ns, the undersigned, as
carriage and wagon makers in the Town of Wingham
has been dissolved by mutual consent since the 5th
day of October, instant. Ail debts owing to tho said
partnership aro to be paid to Samuel Nickel„ by
whom tho said business will be continued, and all
claims against the said partnership are to bo pre-
sented to the said Samuel Nickel, by whom tho same
trill he settled.
Dated at \Vinghant this 20th day of October, A. D.
/W. S. Holmes has already shipped
from Lucknow station over 4,000 bar-
rels of apples to the old country mar-
kets this fall.
The Ashfield Presbyterians have ex-
- tended a call to Rev. Kenneth McDon-
ald, of Belmont, The salary promis-
ed, jtf $1,000, •
i. --Seven persons at Goderich were
poisoned last week by eating canoe
salmon, and it was with difficulty
thei'r Lives were saved.
s: Edward Bruce, eldest son of Alex.
Bruce, of .Brussels, has been appointed,-
second plaster in the Ottawa model
school tit a salary of $800.
The Seaforth creamery has disposed
of the remainder of its season's make
of butter at 201 cents for August and
23 cents for September and October.
There were 150 applications for the
six vacancies in the Goderich public
schools. Five out of -the six selected
received their training at the Goderich
high school.
W. D. Steuart, bolls keeper for the
Doherty Organ Co., of Clinton, was
presented with a diamond ring and
locket, by the employees of the
factory, previousto his leaving for
The other day Win: MOKKay;''of
Seaforth, rode from that town to near
London and back, a distance of 75
miles, on his bicycle.He made the
trip in
seven hours, including several
John Leckie; of Brussels;: formerly
warden of the county, and a parlia-
mentary candidate' in North Huson,
is lying seriously ill in Toronto. Ho
is, one of the most popular men per-
sonnily in the province.
.R.rs. Keane, of Bluevale, died re.
Gently at the advanced age of 80 years.
She was one of the oldest settlers in
this county, having come here with
tier husband from Ireland when the
country was comparatively neW.
An enormous quantity of apples
have been shipped from Goderich sta-
tation during the past month, The
season has been a goad one, andhuyers
many. Edwards & Whitley• alone
have already shiped about $11,000
wort t ; is fall.
s an evidence of pluck and perse-
serence of the pioneer settlers of this
county, we notice that the, tate Mrs,
Archibald Taylor, of Morris, who died
on the .20tH ult., on one occasion made
the journey from Brussels to St.
Thomas and batik on foot.
One night last week some scoundrel
placed an infernal machine, containing
two dynamite cartridges, with a clock-
work arrangement for exploding the
same, on the door step of John Esson,
reeve of the village of Bayfield. The
apparatus was discovered, just in time
to prevent an explosion.
kyle & Mu,at,rd, whose mitts were
recently destroyed by fire at Egrifond•
villa, express a willingness to erect an
80 barrel flooring mill, with saw mill
attached, the same its before, provid-'
ing the township will give them a
loan t,f $10,000 for ten years, without
interest. A petition is being circulat-
ed asking the council to loan the
amount asked for.
At Seaforth, on Sunday night, Wnl.
Carey, a Clinton rough, white intoxi-
cated stabbed in the ars John T1loinp•
son, who was endeavoring to release a
horse from the buggy Carey had
wrecked. Andy O'Donnell, Carey's
companion, struck Thompson on the
head with a whip handle, felling his
to the ground, On Monday inorning
in the police couxi, Carey was sent to
Goderich to await his trltil, and O'Don,
hell was run d $1 antl costsia
The uratersigned, In relation to the above, would
thank those who have so kindly dcaltat this establish-
ment in the past, and trusts by square dealing to
merit a continuance of the publio favor, not, only of
those who boo dealt with them heretofore bot of
numbers of others who will find it to their advantage
to trade with us. Any prouises mado to any of our
patrons by the arm, the Undersigned will consider
himself bound by. SA\ItiEj: NICs{Ei,.
Wingham, Oct. 20, 1885.
Mr Alfrod 11Vi11fams, tato of Bfriniug-
ham, t':ngland, having taken up his teal,.
ammo in town, is prepared to roeoive a
litnttod uultcber of pupils t'ot iiratruotiof
in instrumental music, pian& and organ,
For torsi% eto.. ripply at hisresidonoC,
Leo, 5olt1 stmt;.
The Brussels Post says that F. C.
Rogers, of that village, has received
the silver medal awarded by the Pro-
vincial show, at London, this year,
for the best dairy salt, The medal is
about the size of a trade dollar. On
the one side are the words --.Dominion
of Canada, London, 1885. F. C. Rog -
ors, Dairy Salt. 'There is also the re-
presentation of an angel blowing a
trumpet, and carrying a crown of
laurel and a wand. (This signifies
that when Mr. Rogers is through with
the salt business he will be an angel
and blow his own horn, we suppose,i
On the other side of the medal is the
coat of arras, a beaver and two sprays
'of maple leaves.. It ie avery handsome
article and is justly prized by its
ses 'Turnborry,
The council of this township is ask-
ing for tenders for the erection of a
bridge over the Maitland river, known
as tabb's bridge.
Miss Bertie Snell, teacher of No. 1,
Turnberry, has given mph satisfaction
that she has been re-engaged for next
yea, at an increase of salary.
. A. Fortune has leased his farm,
lot 6, con. 9, to Walter Yutherford, at
present on Win. Hastings' farm, kr a
term of three year "9" ' Mr. Fortune's
health has not beets very good, and he
purposes going at something better
adapted to his condition than farming.
He will hold an auction sale on Mon-
day next, the 16th inst., when all
Ins farm stock and implements will be
disposed of without reserve. All the
stock is welt bred and in first class
condition, and those' in search of bar.
nine should attend this sale.
Boundary Line.'
rs.` W. J, McKinney started for
Manitoba., Wednesday . of last week.
, 'Mr. and alt.'s. Nortby, of Exeter,
'who have recently entered the wedded
state, are spending their honeymoon
ii1,lt pia. vicinity,
The Bluevale Order of Foresters,
Court Douglas, is erecting anew hall
which is to be 24x60 feet, and will
cost about $500.
We are very sorry to intimate that.
there Is a class of 511110 youths in this
northern part of the county of Huron,
noted amply for their pure wickedness:
When such hoodlums enter our
churches upon the Sabbath evenings
interrupting Divine service and try-
ing their level best to, assault our
worthy pastor, we thiols a legal force
shoyld be brought to bear upon then].
We deeply regret to announce this
week the death of Miss diary . Guest,
eldest daughter of Edward Guest, of
Bluevale. The deceased was taken
ill on Wednesday the 28th ult., and
on Thursday the 5th inst , she passed
away to that loth bourn whence no
traveler return The funeral took
place on Friday and was largely at-
tended. She leaves a loving father
and mother, also sisters and brothers
and many other sorrowing friends and
acquaintances to mourn her sad de
r/.' ho roads are almost impassible.
>VIr. Angus, of Wingham, is punch-
asiug potatoes here.
Farmers are busy taking in their
turnips. Crops good.
'''"James Found and family have re-
moved to Whitechurch. ,
%J .. W. iliobray, offers his saw and
shingle mill for sale at a bargain.
Thanksgiving services were held
yesterday in the Presbyterian church
at 10 a. m„ and ip the evening at 7
o'clock in the Methodist church.
' Abel Slneltzer, who, for the past
two months has been confined to, his
bed with abdominal abscess, is im-
proving under the skillful treatment
of Drs, Bethune &Young, of Wing -
hal s%
Thomas Miller, an old and esteemed
resident of this neighborhood, is now
comfortably settled down to village
life air. M. has added verandahs,
kitchen, outhouses and stabling td
his property,
Scott Act people claim their Act to
be a grand success. We don't see it.
Old tapers, tinkers and the village
youth are being supplied with strong
effervescence.. Your correspondent
had oecassion to be about the village
on the evening of the Brd, and noticed
sundry treating going ou. Following
one of the youths to the railway
station to catch the east train, we
found the poor fellow stretched out, so
besotted that the efforts of a passenger
and the stationmaster could not
arouse him' in time to take the train
for Lucknow. This is fearful refresh-
ment to dispense to a travelling
public. Temperance people state
that "the Dominion officials have
neither power or funds to enforce the
Scott Act." It is high time that
Huron and Bruce and other counties
put officials in power that will find
such. 1s the Act a "lie" to the Prov-
ince 1
Alex. Stewart, proprietor of the
hotel here, met with a terrible acci-
dent on Wedaesday, which, itis feared,
may be attended with fatal results.
It appears that Mn Stewart had pur-
chased a cow, a rather wild animal,.
and had just placed it in the stable.
The animal was almost frantic with
excitement, and when Mr. Stewart
was attempting to pacify it, it knocked
him (Iowa with a toss of its head. It
thea gored,him in the back, and about
the legs and groin in a terrible man-
ner, lacerating the unfortunate man
tire ribly. It also trampled upon his
chest and body. He was removed to
the,house and Dr. IticKenzie was
called in. Dr. Bethune, of Wingham,
was also sent for, and the two did all
in their power to relieve the poor
plan's sufferings. It is feared that he
has received internal injuries which
will prove fatal. At this writing
(Thursday) Mr. Stewart is very low.
A Young People's Literary Society
has been organized here. The officers
elected are Rev George Law, presi-
dent; Dr. McKenzie, vice-president;
C. McClelland, secretary and treas-
urer. The names of these gentlemeu
are a guarantee that the society will
be a success, if energy and ability
will make it successful. The members
gave their first entertainment on Mon-
day evening, 9th inst., and although
the weather was very unfavorable, the
hall was filled with an appreciative
audience. The president opened tue
Meeting with a very humorous and
instructive address. Messrs. Coates
and McKenzie gave readings and
Messrs. Bone, Clark and Cornyn reci-
tations, which were well received.
Mr. Ross sang a solo in his usual good
style. 0. McClelland being called on
responded by singing "The Midship-
_ mite," for which he received the
hearty applause of the audience. The
next meeting will be held on Monday
evening, Nov. 23rd, when we expect
goocl speeches from Messrs. Bone, Van
Norman, Piurnmer and Wray for the
affirmative and Messrs. Cornyn,
Clark, McClelland and iiticCool for the
negative in the question: "Resolved,
that Canadian independence would
benefit the Dominion."
News Items.
John McCullough, the actor, is
The Dominion Parliament is to be
called for January 21st.
There were eight cases of small pox
in New York last week.
It is stated that Archbishop Tache
has written to the pope asking his
holiness to interfere in Riel's behalf.
'.Che mortality from small pox in
Montreal last week was 802, a decrease
of 52 as compared with the week pre.
Last Saturday's Canada Gazette an.
nounced tee' appointment of Sir Leon.
tad Tilley as lioutenaut-governor of
New Brttnswiok,
• The grain elevator at tho G. W. Il,
station at Norwich callapsed last Sat•
urday morning. It contained 15,000
bushels of grain.
Thomas Gaited, plasterer, of Lon•
dou has deserted his wife and family
and eloped With a young girl from
A deputation of brewers is at Ot•
taws to request the Government to
exempt blue rii,ben beer from the op
eration of the Scott Act.
It is said that Hon, Mr, Chapleau,
secretary of state, and Sir Hecto]'
Langevine, minister of publio works,
have threatened to resign in the event
of Biel being banged, •
The Methodist Episcopal Board o£
i.issioneries at itsmeeting in New
York on Saturday appropriated $17,-
500 for mission work in South India.
it also appropriated $71,200 for Inas,
sionary work in North India.
Capt. James Gordon, late of Both,
well, while visiting his son-in-law in
the township of Zone, hanged himself
on Monday morning in the barn. He
was over 80 years of age, and had be-
come despondent from sickness and
pain. His mind had evic]entty become
On Monday Mrs, Wm. Friend, the
wife of a prosperous farmer living
,near Napoleon, Ohio, gave birth to
five boys. Mother and children are
all alive and at lest accounts are do.
ing well. Mrs. Friend Is only thirty-
four years old, but is the mother of
twenty-one children, having given
birth to triplets on former occasions.
At Indianapolis, Indiana, ou Satur-
day, an undertaker was called to the
house of Wm. Stuart to embalm the
body of Mrs. Stuart. After making
some preparations the undertaker re-
turned to his shop, Mrs. Stuart re-
vived and will probably recover. She
says she was conscious while being
prepared for burial, but was unable to
move or speak.
The Government is having some
difficulty in settling the claims of the
French Canadian volunteers of Mon-
treal who served in the North West to
n land grants voted them last session.
!The 65th is giving great trouble In
' this respect. While the strength of
this battalion in the North West was
under 300 men, 1,200 applications
have been made foi land script.
Louis Rio] has been granted another
respite until Monday next, 16th inst.
It is generally believed in official
circles that this further respite is
given to enable the doomed man to .
prepare for death, and that the sen-
tence will undoubtedly carried out do
the date mentioned. It is said that •
the warrant ordering his execution
has been forwarded to- Regina by
special messenger.
A dispatch from Woodstock sage •
that an extraordinary occurranctr has
taken place in the house of a farmer
living on the Brantford road near the
village of Cathcart. A young girl, 18
years of age last August, gave birth a
few days ago to an infant whose
paternity is settled on a young nlan
of five and twenty residing in the
neighborhood. Tho unfortunate
mother died on Saturday but the child
is alive and likely to survive. The
professional gentlemen are much in-
terested in the case.
A Theory on Window Smashing.
Mir DEAR TIMES, -- Your rambling
correspondent had the honor of being
introduced to Thomas De Quincey,
better known as the "Opium Eater."
1•Ie classes murder among the exact
sciences, but in what category he
would have placed dynamite and win-
dow smashing oatra;es, 1 am unabld
to state, as that wonderful 'brain of
his, so saturated with laudanum, may
for aught we know be stopping up the
bunghole of a cronk barrel—cronit
that intoxicates and still does not in,
toxicaie. I1y theory as to the perpetra.
tor of the late windoty smashing out.
rage is this: He is a scape-grace, not
Out of his teens,who halj,.bus brain mud,
died with cigars and tipple before bus
tenth year ; that he often played the
truant ; that if ever in Euclid he
stuck on the apex of the asses' bridge;
that tho foolish son is the heaviness
of his another, and that on his rave
stone in Kingston will be found ea.
graved, "Here lies A, 13., who began
his career with breaking windows and
ended the same by breaking his
mother's heart.'
Snvn; ,
WingliGln, Nov, 0, 1885,