HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-19, Page 10;PAGE TEN CLIN'Iorr NEWS -RECORD k. B THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1943 16 Clinton Community Merchants Offer Prizes 1 FOR YOU IN Words of Wisdom A MESSAGE FROM THE MERCHANTS We, the merchants of this community are co-operating wholeheartedly to give you, our customers the utmost for your dollars spent with us at all times. We will be publishing this feature each week and awarding $20 in merchandise certificates every two weeks. We trust you will not only find it entertaining but also profitable and that you will also take heed and remember the Words of Wisdom Proverb that will appear from week to week. Read the rules carefully. A Weekly Feature If you are planning A CORONATION SCRAP BOOK r Get Your Supplies at McEWAN 'S GIFT and STATIONERY .4-•4419444-•• •444 444•++•4-•4 Come in and See Our Chocolate Easter Novelties BARTLIFF B ROS. Bakers and Confectioners 14-4-4-4444444-0-0-0-4-0-•-•-• 4,44444. TOWING Day or Night SERVICE Phone 687R HOWARD'S SERVICE STATION Service Built Our Business .-4-•-�FO-4-4•-4-U. 9--4-4-•+•-4+4-4 44-44-4 Buy Your .HIAUGH'S Overalls Smocks Pants - AT - HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HARDWARE and Amongst 1 Electrical Appliances • Frigidaire C.I.L. PAINTS SUTTER-PERDUE Phone 147 --- Clinton -4444-.4?+44-94.. • -44+•4-0-4i.4 CHAPMAN'S Ladies' Wear Barber -Beauty SHOPPE LATEST SPRING STYLES SKIRTS -- BLOUSES DRESSES Etc, -0-44-4-4-4-•44-0444444.v.•*4-44+ • PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE Phone 14 Clinton 1 YES - SPRING COATS --- SUITS ALL-PURPOSE COATS DRESSES -- SKIRTS BLOUSES are here for your inspection VISIT a TODAY •4.444-40-&40+ What's Wrong With Betty? A Weekly Feature RULES OF THE CONTEST 1. Each week find the extra woad inserted in a number of these ads. 2, Arrange them in sequence to form a "Words of Wisdom" proverb. 3. Every second woek a pietcire of Betty Hutton appears .on this page, Write IN YOUR OWN WORDS what you think was said to Betty Hutton to make her look like that. THE PROVERBS HAVE NO RELATION TO TILE PICTURE. 4. When you have the proverbs for the first and second week and the picture title, write them out plainly, mail or bring your replies to The Clinton News -Record. Don't forget your name and address. Send as many entries as you like. Enter every second week. The person with BOTH proverbs correctly arranged and the most appropriate title will wine $29 worth of merchandise certificates every second week, good at any store advertised on this page.. MAKE THIS FISH WEEK at MODERN MEAT MARKET Few Suggestions Salmon Fillet Steaks - Sole Fillets White Fish Fillets Skinless Haddock Fillets Ocean Perch Fillets -- Cod Fillets Children Smoked Finnan Haddie Fillet of Fresh Herring Shrimp Herring in Wine Sauce Scallops and Oysters O. Stanley, Proprietor PHONE 76 CLINTON MOFFAT -- PHILIPS GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES REFRIGERATORS RADIOS -- T.V. SMALL APPLIANCES MERRILL RADIO and 'ELECTRIC Sales and Service .-4-1-.-.444-• Take Care of Your Hands And Feet! WIDE SELECTION OF MITTS AND GLOVES RUBBER BOOTS OVERSHOES OVER -RUBBERS - at - AIKEN'S LUGGAGE and SHOES -4-94,4-4-0-4..-1-0- 4.4 4.4 4004-4.4 JOHN A. ANSTETT • Bulova and Gruen WATCHES • Expert Watch Repair • All watches electronically tested an our new Watch Master • Clinton -Phone 562 .-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-+-.--.-.--+-+-.-+-e 4.4-•-•+44 4 CLINTON LOCKER SERVICE Locker Rental Custom Killing Phone 335 ---Clinton t-•-4-44+4- CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 : .-.-4-..-. •: Clinton Fitzsimons' Food Fair The Home of Inspected Meats Phone 162 - Clinton We Deliver '•'.-�f44-4 4-.'4 4 4-4- • 4-4-9-4-4+4- PLAYTEX GIRDLES -- PANTY GIRDLES Fab -lined - Adjustable Garters BABY PANTS -- CRIB SHEETS BIBS -- at Martins Department Store Phones -- 36W - 36J 4-• 4-4.4 .-4-4.4-4.4-.. 44- THIS + THIS SPACE FOR SALE for the next 12 weeks To be sold to the first person applying after March 5. 4-4-•-•4-•-•44404-•-0-•-•44-404 McPHERSON BROS. GARAGE OSCAR'S SERVICE Ford & Monarch Sales & Service 1 WASHING --- GREASING FRONT END ALIGNMENT . TIRES - BATTERIES and WHEEL BALANCING '1'O 'IgG Phone 492 LAYTON'S GARAGE CLINTON ONTARIO 4 PHONE 44 1 Sportsmanship '4'4-a-0 4.4-4-•4-4-.+ 4-4.4-4- 4 # l ID.A.KAY &SON Painters & Decorators PAINTS - WALLPAPERS VENETIAN BLINDS FLOOR SANDING Shop: Huron Street Phone 234W CLINTON ONTARIO CLINTON CAB Phone 660 "No Distance Too Great, You'll Never Be Late" 478W 360 Res. Phones SPECIALS HEINZ CATSUP 27c Sunkist ORANGES 288's 2 doz. 45c Cadbury's Drinking Chocolate (with plastic pitcher) 49c • W. L. JOHNSON and SON Phone 286 --- Clinton GLIDDON CLEANERS The Complete Service Dry Cleaning and - Pressing General Repairs Waterproofing Pick up and Delivery Hats Cleaned and Blocked One -day Service on Request Phone 466-W Clinton HOME COOKED DINNERS T-BONES 1.25 PORK CHOPS 1.00 VEAL CUTLETS 1.00 MiNUTE STEAK 1.00 VIRGINIA HAM 1.00 MIXED GRILL 1.00 FILLET OF SOLE 1.00 LIVER and BACON.80 CHOPPED STEAK .80 SAUSAGES .80 SOUP AND DESSERT INCLUDED BEVERAGE EXTRA Sunday Dinner CHICKEN 1.25 Commercial Hotel AND GRILL RESTAURANT C. Van Damrne, Proprietor 1 -t44 -04-44+4+44-..-4-.44-.4-e44 HENRI'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Specializing In COLD WAVING MVIACHINELESS & MACHINE PERMANENTS Make Your Appointment Early for Easter Phone 223 Clinton CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR Complete Radiator Cleaning and Repairing PAINTING BODY and FENDER WORK BY EXPERTS Phone 408 SHARP'S SERVICE SUBURBANITE TIRES WiLLARD BATTERIES PRESTONE ANTI -FREEZE Phone 556-W Clinton 0-4.4-4-44-•-4-.-W4+•44 4 ..44-4-.+4-4-. Best Quality at Lowest Prices • STANLEY'S ABATTOIR • FRESH and CURED MEATS Burton A. Stanley, Prop. Phone 410 .-hh4+44-- 4 1 4+•4-4*+h.-4.4--1-4-•'.-4-4- 4 $ $ 44- 444 04 IMPORTANT 1+-4.4•.4••4-4-4-4 Contest periods consist of 1st and 2nd week; 3rd and 4th week; 5th and 6th week, etc. Note the number on this page. If it is on even number, the contest closes this week, therefore the previous week's issue will be needed to enter for that period. You can start the contest anew when the number of the page is an odd number. Every time a Betty Hutton picture appears the contest will close and will be judg- ed on the Monday after the Betty Hutton picture appears. Entries must be in by 5.00 p.m. on that day. Winner's name will be published on the following week. Judge's decision final, Clinton Electric Shop Anyone but an employee of this newspaper may enter. D. W. CORNISH If there are any Questions PHONE OR DROP INTO the office of The Clinton Phones: Bus, 429; Res. 558 News -Record. Do not write C. STANIFORTH Winter Footwear for All The Family ►-M+444-.44.+4+4+-4-.-.+.444-1 MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON, 7% oz. tin .. 39c QUICK QUAKER OATS, 3 lb. box .... 34e CLARKE'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. tin .... 29e GRANULATED SUGAR, 5 Ib. bag ... 46e GLEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS, 2 15 oz. tins 19e OUR OWN COFFEE, Ib. 92c CALIFORNIA ORANGES, size 288 doz. 23e POTATOES, 10 lbbag, 35c SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 111- Clinton FREE DELIVERY Reg. Ball, Prop. RILEY'S, GROCERY Large Kleenex: 35c: Medium Kleenex,, 2 for 39e. Chubby Kleenex,; 2. for: 39c. NEW CHEESE Ib. 48c. GIANT RINSIQ-Ereer Coupon for 20c 77c: SMALL RINSO-Free Coupon for,• t0c: 39e: Cohoe Salmon .... 2 for 53c: Lge Sausage: (fresh)` Ib. 35c: Celery Hearts,, Radish, Head Lettuce; Spinach and New' Cabbage PHONE 39 Free Delivery -44-4-444-94-0-44 c�s..a.-•...4-�O-4-4-4-4-O-0Y Fo t'%rG ; ear Smartly -Styled Large Stock Prices Low CLIFFORD LOBB STORE FAIRHOLME DAIRY dt PASTEURIZED and HOMO PRODUCTS Culture Buttermilk Chocolate Dairy Drink Phone 157W CLINTON 14-.-e.-44+ YOUR HEADQUARTERS For Sporting Goods of Quality C.C.M. BICYCLES and C.C.M. SKATES Spa iI'19 ,9oVCL U .7tLl1/IT`� r i S J ON TA 4 ft) Phone 42 144-444+4-4-4. !-4 The CLINTON PLUMBING and HEATING Oil Space HeatersPlumbing fixtures Repairs and Alterations Phone 577R E. J. Reynolds .-4-•-4.4-4•. •1 •-•-•-•-•4-444-04-41.4444-4..-44444.-• . 4!'4-+- 4* -*•.4 14-04+'4"ir'4.-.-4'4-+ Ir -4.4 s•4*44w4-4++4-4 C L t N r o N SHIRLEY'S BEAUTY PARLOR is Changing- Location, from, Princess St. to Albert St. Effective April '7 Encourage' No Business Calls Received After 6 p.m. nor on Saturday 0 PHONE 585 CLAYTON'S Ice Cream Bar Brick -of -the -Month MARCH SPECIAL Lime Pineapple Bricks 30c PHONE 766 -- CLINTON 4T--9 4-6.9-0 4-4-4;. ADMIRAL T. V. - The Leading Make -- • Ask for Demonstration in Your Home TERMS TO SUIT ALL GROVES ELECTRIC Phone 688J --- Clinton Hugh R. ugµiKlNS Plumbing Hugh R. HAWKINS Hardware Plumbing Heating Eavestroughing Phone 244 ---Clinton CLINTON a LAUNDRY "We Put Sun -Shine In Your Blue Monday" Free Pick -Up and Delivery Phone 312W .4--•-4--•+i-•.-•4-4-•-.-X4-•-'4'•-1-4- 4 THIS SPACE FOR SALE For the Next 12 Weeks To be sold to the first person applying For Whose Who Are Away From Home $2. �. 5oi per year anywhere in Canada or the U.K. Solid a Subscription ho }�1 clintoft Ne*eisaRecord$3.50 per year to the United States ""Plea H0100 Paper With The *xi" t-4?0000i0