HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-19, Page 811111111111111112115111111111 'AGE EIGHT'• ,w CLINTON .NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH I9, 1$33 News of Bayfieid Representative: %MS LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 45r3 David G. Dewar, Toronto, visit- ed his mother from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brisson, Grosse Pointe, Mich, are at -their cottage for a few days. Mrs. T. B. Mullen and Miss Anne Drouin, Detroit, were in the village over the weekend. Mrs, Frank Nelson returned home on Friday after having vis- ited in London from Sunday. Miss Kathleen and Bernard Reid, Windsor, were at their cot- tage, "Enfield," over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Davison, De- troit, visited the former's mother. Mrs. John Davison, over the weekend. Miss Ethel Blair and Charles Guest, London, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Finlay- • son, Dundas, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kingsbury over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston, and Mr. and Mrs. L. 13. Smith and Miss Maxine Smith, spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles W. Parker. Miss Lola Elliott was home for a few days recently. She was ac- companied on her return to •De- troit on Wednesday of last week • by her brother, Leslie Elliott, and Mrs. A. M. Bassett, who returned to; the village on. Thursday. George Bell, who has spent the winter with his . parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bell, left on .Thurs- day last to join the S.S. "Prind- oc" at Fort William, 'Ontario, on which he will sail in the capacity of third .engineer this season. Presbyterian WMS The regular meeting of the WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church was held at the home of the president, Mrs. C. W. Brown, who conducted the opening excr- cises on Thursday afternoon last. Mrs. Russell Heard gave the see- retary's report and Mrs, Bruce Menerey the treasurer's state- ment. Regret was expressed at th absence through illness of a faithful and beloved member, Mr,. • James Ferguson, and best wishes for her recovery were sent by the meeting. Mrs. Brown conducted the study of the book on Africa, Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Workers Plan Coronation Tea The Willing Workers of St. An- drew's United Church met on Wednesday afternoon, March 11, at the home of Mrs. Robert Wel- sh. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. John Lindsay, with prayer, and she also gave a few thoughts on the little things which lead to bigger things in life. Mrs. Reg. Francis, secretary, read the minutes of the last meet- ing and the treasurer, Mrs. Roo- ert Blair, gave the financial re- port. A committee of three, Mrs. It. Grainger, Mrs. Arnold Makins, and Mrs. Robert Welsh, was ap- pointed to send cards and flow- ers to the sick. It was decided to hold a quilting this week as one means of raising funds. Plans were also made to hold a Coron- ation Tea in the church basement in June. The Willing Workers was for - THE STANLEY TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE is holding a Meeting in the Varna Hall TUESDAY, MARCH 24 at 8:30 p.m., to organize a Soil Testing Project in the Township. Guest Speaker: G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural 'Representative for Huron County, who will show films. GEORGE L. REID, Secretary -Treasurer 11-b OLD TIME DANCE AND SHOW at the beautiful MELODY MILL (formerly the Blue Room), Stratford Now operated by LUCKY LOTT (Hell -Driver) KID BAKER and ORCHESTRA TUESDAY, MARCH 24 Show: S.30-9.30 — Dancing: 9.30-12.30 All for one low price—Adults 75c; Children 40c Enjoy this beautiful right spot featuring the smart lounge, balcony and snacikbar serving sandwiches, coffee and soft drinks. 11-b •-e-.-p-•-•r.-. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" At a recent meeting of the board of directors of this farmer owned and controlled, growing co- operative, non-profit enterprise, it was decided to pay for the long distance telephone calls when the customer is phoning in for service between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sunday and Holidays and 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on Week days. Therefore, when requiring service phone Clinton 242 collect, week days, 7:30 to 10:00 a.m., Sundays and Holidays, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Cows noticed in heat later than this would be more likely to conceive if bred on the following day. 11-b GRASS SEEDS Have a complete stock of -- CLOVERS and GRASS SEEDS PRICES THIS YEAR MUCH LOWER Clovers all Ontario grown. We specialize in— Permanent Pasture Mixtures Can make up for you best mixture for your need. You require a different mixture for dairy pasture to beef pasture or hen pasture. Let us make for you the pasture mixture most suitable to your land and your requirement. Prices for a Hay Mixture will be about $5.00 pet acre and for a Pasture Mixture about $10.00 per acre. Still have MALTING BARLEY Contracts available. FRED O. FORD GRAIN and SEED PHONE 123W CLINTON med at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. John Lindsay on January 14, when some of the young married women of the con- gregation felt the need of a club or some organization fpr work within the church, to which they could take their babies or .small children. There are 17 members and other officers not previously mentioned are: first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Grant Turner; second vice-president, Mrs. Fred Wallis; third vice-president, Mrs. Grant Stirling. The Willing Workers meet once a month on the second Wednesday. They are planning to have one woman responsible for entertain- ing the children each month, z sort of a nursery, so that the meetings will not be interrupted. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Kathleen McNaughton, London, and Mrs. J. Leslie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell and Robbie, were Sunday visitors w'th Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Farm Forum Meeting The S.S. No. 4 .Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hebden, with nine members present. Following the regular radio broadcast there was a discussion, and the annual Farm Foruin Questionaire was answered. Plans were made for the final meeting of the season which is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson. Community Club The S.S. No. 4 Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Lorne Tyndall for the March meeting. The president, Mrs. Les- lie Pearson' presided, and the. Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was "Myr, grand- mother's maiden names and their birthplaces," which _ was respond- ed to by eleven members present. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $34.83. A nominating committee, Mrs. L. Pearson, Mrs. C. Tebbutt and Mrs. S. Farquhar was appointed to bring in a slate of officers at the April meeting. During the business session plans were made for the bazaar which is being held in Clinton in April. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted ny Mrs. C. Tebbutt and Mrs. W. Churchill. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Biggin. The roll call will be "Say something nice about the person sitting on yovr left." Attractive Farmsteads The topic for National Farm Radio Forum on Monday, March 7 was "More Attractive Farm- steads." This topic was discussed by the S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum, which met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb, Holmesville, for- mer members of the Forum. It was decided that the appear- ance of the farmstead is very im- portant, as it reflects the degree of prosperity of the property own- er; it gives an impression of the character and ability of the oc- cupants, and it raises the morale of people to live among attractive surroundings. It was suggested that farm people clean up rubbish, brush, old implements around buildings, weeds, etc., keep fences repaired, laneways tidied up, keep barn doors on hinges and glass in win- dows; also make a lawn; keep it in good condition; plant trees (those from the woodlot help to make attractive surroundings). More costly improvements niay be planned to cover two or three years as finances permit, setting aside the profit from some special crop or livestock. The Forum members have done some of this work in the last three years, and a rural beautification project would serve a useful pur- pose in any community. This pro- ject should include the school and school grounds in any municipality. It was decided that improve- ments to roads would also be an incentive to farmers to improve- ment of their farmsteads. At the present time No. 8 Highway from Stratford to Goderich is badly in need of improvement. There was a recreation period and lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hebden. A Play "ABIGAIL GOES HAYWIRE" Presented by YPU of Cavan Church, Winthrop in VARNA HALL Auspices of Brucefield IOOF Lodge on THURSDAY, Mar. 26 at 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION: '50e and 25c Proceeds for C.P. and T Fund 11-p CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB WISE and BATEM.A;N Phone 147—Clinton • "Best.Dressed" Skaters Win Awards JOYCE PERDUE, Clinton, in St. Patrick's costume, won the best -dressed title in the 8-14 years (fancy) class at the Clin- ton Lions skating carnival held in Clinton Lions Arena last Saturday night. With her are BEVERLEY (as Uncle Sam) and GARY MERNER, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. K. Merrier, R.R. 3, Bayfield, who won first place in the over -14 class and 8-14 (fancy) class, respectively. ..._.-.-...... BRUCEFIELD Mrs. O. Grainger, Ilderton, spent the weekend in the village. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dunn spent the weekend in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse and Eva are visiting in Glencoe for a few days. Miss Mary Gibson is reported to be quite ill, and her sister, Mrs. McMurtrie, Hensel, is with her. Both T. B. Baird and his moth- er, Mrs. Agnes Baird, are sick with the flu. Miss Shirley and Ronald Maines are able to be back at school again. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Munn, and children, London, visited on Tues- day, March 17, with Mr. and Mra. W. V. Dinnin. The occasion was Mr. Dinnin's birthday. Mrs. Charlotte Brock suffered a stroke on Tuesday afternoon at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc - Beath, and at present is in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. • Dinnin and Joan, Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dinnin. A. J. Dinnin, who is employed with the Bell Telephone Comp- any, has been transferred to the Montreal office and commenced work there on Tuesday. Robert Fettis, Tillsonburg, has purchased the hardware and plumbing business operated until lately by H. F. Berry. He plans to renovate the shop and put in a full line of hardware. Mr. and Mrs. Fettis are at present living in one of C. D. Simpson's apart- ments over Christie's store. H. J. Davidson has opened a collision repair shop in the old blacksmith shop formerly opera- ted by Gordon Hohner. Mr. Davidson, comes to Brucefield from Goderich where he has been a partner in the firm known as Blue Water Body and Fender Shop. "Herb", spent 5%/a years in the RCAF as a pilot instructor and on coastal command duty, and upon his discharge from the ser- vice went to Goderich. At the present time he will continue to reside in Goderich al- though he expects to move his yvife and two children to Bruce - field in the near future. Taste is the ]east developed of the five senses among the lower animals. All Persons Interested In Cleaning Up HOLMESVILLE CEMETERY Please be on hand Monday, March 23 at 1 o'clock If weather is unfavourable, phone Ed. Grigg and a later date will be arranged. 11-b i ,+1111 r . Z i. v. •.? 04444' UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE There will be no Evening Office Hours. Seaforth Clinic Seaforth, Ontario GRAHAM CHISEL PLOWS will be shown in a Motion Picture Film in -- VARNA TOWNSHIP HALL — OIi Monday, March 23 at 8 p.m. Also see the New GOODRICH SILO CAP that prevents spoilage in grass and corn silage. Sponsored by your local Graham Plow and Gehl Equipment Dealer R. M. PECK, KIPPEN Admission Free 10-11-b Free Delivery to Clinton On March 31 400 Ten Week Old Pullets On 600 Two Week Old Pullets ( March 1,000 Three Week Old Pullets ; 31 DAY-OLD PULLETS available March 19, and March 26 EGG PRICES 15e ABOVE A YEAR AGO Prices appear very promising for balance of 1953, Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Limited Phone 7 — Exeter, Ont. 11-12-b EBENEZER The W.A, of Ebenezer United Church met at the home of the president, Mrs. Frank Jones, for the last meeting. The theme song was sung, followed by the Creed and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. A hymn was sung and the de- votional period was taken by Mrs, A. Hebden. This was followed by the roll call. The chapter from the ,study book was read by Mrs. Newton. The meeting was .closed with the singing of a hYmn, f011010(4. by the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess., - The roll call for the next :meet- ing will be "A Bible Verse fie motto on Easter," The members are asked to bring flower plants and seeds to Oda meeting. These will be offered for sale. Apprentice Wanted A Willing Boy Age 15 to 21 to commence Apprenticeship Work mousag, YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT Duties to begin immediately HERB. J. DAVIDSON Brucefield, Ont.... TENDERS TENDERS will be received by S.S. No. 1, Mullett, up until March 3.0,, for the Re -painting. of Ceiling and Walls, of Classroom. One coat of good paint— Ceiling: approximately 875 sq. ft. • Walls: approximately 435 sq. ft. Work to be done during Easter holidays. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Elmer Dale, Secretary -Treasurer R.R. No. 4. Clinton, St.,. 11-p • TOWNSHIP OF' GODERICH Tenders for Gravel TENDERS will be received' by either of the and signed .until 1st day of April, 1953: Crushing and Hauling approximately 10,000 cu'.. yds. gravel. Gravel to pass through a 9/4 inch screen. Gravel to be delivered on township, roads where required. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the road' superintendent. Gravel to be taken from Township pits. Work to commence not later than June 1. Marked cheque fon $200 to aecomp-- any tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Robin Thompson Roy Tyndall Clerk R.R. 2, Clinton,. Ontario Road Superintendent R.R. 3, Clinton,., Ontario 11-12-b Canadians eat 90,00D hogs / weekly—and want them lean and tender! "NATIONAL" is packed with animal protein foe rapid growth, loaded with vitamins for health ani balanced with essential minerals. It gives you a fast, pork -producing grower with less grain... a grower that produces top quality bacon hogs, which means more profit for you. See Your NATIONAL Dealer to -day Look for the bright Orange and Black Sipa WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO F -It /L/CONCENTRATE "A QUALITY FEED -MIX" FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE' Fertilize your Crop with turtetIAI well -cured, properly -blended PFlaIUZER John Aldington Feed Mill VARNA ONTARIO Phone Clinton 626'* 5 RIDDICK'S Feed Mill CLINTON ONTARIO Phone Clinton 114 i.! N s-4.4-I-*+.4..•�►•N!A i s M;r+i. 4 .4 * 4 4 IitiF�� ! 1�M�