HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-19, Page 5THURSDAY MARCH 19, 1953 LADIES, this is Coronation Grey . CLIFTON NEWS-RECORA your page ... Corning over for mthe Coronation? Don't be worried by the loam grey-haired women about. It isn't dollar gap fatigue, put a new fashion. A leading London hairdresser, whose customers include members of the Royal Family, reports: "One in ten of my younger clients is insisting on having her hair dyed grey." Roa- st= "It's more .sophisticated." Colours include pearl, dove grey and silver white and the treatment takes up to five hours to complete -- which is enough ' to -turn you grey in any case! One London woman who doesn't have to pay for grey hairs is Mrs, Rosa Hettlinger. Her telephone number is similar to the one at Buckingham Palace and an average of 20 calls a week get lis -routed to her home. The Hettlingers are getting used to having a general or two on the line, and mother often has a chat with one of Princess Margaret's boyfriends. Big drawback: "It's getting in the way of the housework." 'd. neat Day for Irish In Huron County Home The Ontario St. Woman's As- sociation paid a visit to the Hu- ron County Home on Tuesday, March 17, to make St. Patrick's Day more enjoyable for the old folks, Rev. A. G. Eagle was chair- man in the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. 3. Radford, who was ,Sick with flu. The meeting opened by singing three old 'hymns and Mrs. N. Car- ter singing a solo. Mrs. W. Van- Egrisond gave different Selections t on her accordion which were much enjoyed. Miss E. 'Wiltse, Mrs, H, Plum - steel and Mrs. VanEgmond then sang unaccompanied. Another hymn was sung and Mrs. Fear gave an Irish reading. Mrs. Van- Egmond sang, "Bless This house," accompanied by Miss Wiltse, Mrs. Treleaven and Miss Wiltse play- ed Irish songs, and some of tlie old folk joined in singing. More accordion music was faI- lowed by singing a special song for the matron, Mrs. Jacob, "Lot me call you sweetheart." Mrs. Jacob is certainly liked by her boys and girls. "Happy Birthday" was sung for one of the girls, and a treat ;lf cookies, candies and oranges weve given, Clinton Laundry has extended its services to the public of Clinton and District. We have installed the latest equipment in DRY CLEANING and are now open for business. NOW KNOWN AS CLINTON LAUNDRY AND CLEANING PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 2 -DAY SERVICE Phone 312W Beech Street (Across from Clinton's New Drive -In Theatre) 10-11-12-p Bunny and rear Attend Carnival, , s in .%• e Among the youngest costumed skaters at the Clinton Lions Carnival last Saturday evening, were Denise and Kenneth, Smith. Denise, dressed as a rabbit, was the youngest skater on the ice (four years old). The panda bear is her big brother Kenneth, six years old. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Smith, Clinton, Women of St. Andrew's ;Hear From Missions The Women's Missionary So- ciety of St. Andrew's Church held the March meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John Snider, Albert St., with the' president, Mrs. Robert McKenzie, opening prayer. After the singing of a hymn, Mrs. Ed Farquhar read the Scrip- ture from Psalm 96 . and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie led to a meditation on it. Mrs. William Shaddock offered prayer, and in the absence of Mrs. Robert Scott, the secretary's minutes were read by Mrs. John Snider. Twenty-six calls were reported since the last meeting. The treasurer, Mrs. J. Makins, gave her report and read. two let- ters from the foreign fields. One from' Miss Ida White, a Huron Presbyterial missionary nurse in India, gave her early impressions of India. The other letter from Miss Ruth Lawrie, West Africa, representing the American Pres- byterian Church there, told of the tremendous changes brought �r 3:Radio +r' ■ :3: 4 +=i +_+ +=r +=i +:+ _+ s epairs Prompt Service Guaranteed Work Pickup and Delivery OB WEEKS, Radia & Sound IS 1 'No, 8 Highway, 11/2 miles East of Clinton—Phone 633r3 at4ro 'eo•vAtkt lash teires� 3•%%�S$ ft IIIS is the latest - and most Luxurious o£ the new men's fabrics for Spring -' a really fine new pattern in Johnston s superlative selection of 100% British woollens. klave your splash weave; suit hand cut and .handsomely tailored to your measure hi the new► Spring colour of your choice. PICKETT IR CAM?BELL PHONE 25 (Cppotite the theatre) CLINTON about by Christianity in the lives of West African women. Current events in Europe, this side of the Iron Curtain, were given, by Mrs. D. J. Lane, who also spoke of the particular work of the various boards of the WMS, and the growth of the work in Hamilton and London Synodical. Mrs. W, J. Cook reported plans for completing a quilt for the - missionary bale. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ma- kins and Miss Kay Snider. Mrs. C. Nelson, Winner Of Clintonian Special The Clintonian Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Epps on Wednesday, March 11. There were 18 mem- bers present. The president open- ed the meeting and after the busi- ness Mrs. Epps and Mrs. Wise had charge of the programme. Mrs. Colclough won the contest and Mrs. Nelson the lucky prix,.:. The rest of the afternoon was spent making scrap books for hospitals. The hostesses served a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. MacDonald's on April 8. -+-.-.-r1-s•..-fes s-ae-rb- v-e-$++�ao KIN KENO The Game You Play At Rome $500.00 in Prizes Sponsored by Wingham Kinsmen Club Numbers Announced Daily Over Station CKNX at 12.24 Noon Wed., , March 11 I-18 Thurs., March 12 ... 0-65 Fri., March 13 G-49 Sat., March 14 N-33 Mon., March 16 1-30 Tues., March 17 B-7 Proceeds: Welfare Work r • •-•-•-•,• • *-•-•-s+-• Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tomo Tablets. Supplies iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen- tary doses Vitamin Bz, Introductory or "get - Acquainted" size only SOO. At all druggists. FOR QI/ICK STARTS THIS WINTER... LEE US INSTALL A CHRYCO* POWERLINE BATTERY Chryco butteries are packed with crackling power ... New Hard Rub- ber cases , . . designed for long life. Drive in regularly for FREE battery service. When you need a new bat- tery see us about o CHRXCO, *CHRYCO h a tradcmatk of the Chrytlet Corporation of Canada, Limited Murphy Bros. FIIONE 46 CLINTON' Ontario Street Girls dear Rev.., Cr, Eagle The regular monthly meeting of Ontario St. United Church (rids' Club was held Wednesday even- ing, March 11, at the home of Miss Lucille Grant, Mrs. Evelyn Olde, vice-president, was in charge 'of the ,meeting, The meeting opened with a hymn followed by the Scripture taken from Matthew 28, read in unison. Mrs. Edna Gilbank, in charge of devotions, read an East- er story and Mrs. Jean Radford read a poem "Let Me Keep Lent," Mrs, Ruth Knox sang a solo which was rnucll enjoyed. Follow- ing the singing of another hymn Mrs. Knox introduced the speak- er, Rev. A. Glen Eagle, who took as his subject "Women", pointing out the status of women in Jesus' day. Mrs. Evelyn Olde read the story of St. Patrick after which a St. Patrick's contest was held. Mrs. Doris Batkin presided over the business. Miss. Eleanor Plum - steel gave the secretary's report and also the treasurer's report in the absence of Miss Enima Plum - steel. It was decided to make a donation to the Flood Relict Fund. Lunch and a social hour follow- ed. A vote of thanks was made to the hostess and the group in charge and the meeting closed. Good -Will Club Receives Thanks For Donations Thee regular meeting of the Goodwill Club of Wesley -Willis church was held in the church parlor on Tuesday evening, Mar- ch 10, with an attendance of 20. The president, Miss W. O'Neil was in charge with Mrs. 3. Innes at the piano. The president opened the meet- ing with a few thoughts on the lenten season and the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. The secretary's report by Mrs. M. Steepe was approved. The fin- ancial report ,was given by the treasurer, Miss L. Walkinshaw. In the mail was a letter of thanks from the Unitarian Serv- ice Committee for the 18 quilts sent to Korea, and a letter of thanks from the committee ill charge of the building of the nc'v training school in Toronto for the donation to that project. A letter of thanks from CARE for . funds was received. Some final plans were discussed for the Twilight Musicale to bo held in the church on Good Fri- day afternoon, Mrs. Lorne Jervis was in charge of the program. A hymn "T'ie BRICK or BLO'CKWORK CHIMNEYS BUILT or REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES BILL HARRIS Phone Clinton 908r3 ART BELL Phone Goderich 934r24 11-tfb J. S. ° Scrutoll Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Lord Is My Shepherd" was, sung A dissertation on "The Basque Shepherd's Interpretation of the Shepherd Psalm" was read by Mrs. William Jervis. Miss L. Walkinshaw led in prayer. Miss Stone gave interesting c"r- rent events, a highlight of which was Stalin's death and burial. A solo "My Own Dear Land" by Mrs, Pamela Sadler accompanied by Miss Eileen Gliddon was en- joyed. A life sketch of Edna Jacques, a Canadian born writer and some of her writing was given by Mrs, L. Jervis, assisted by Mrs. 13. Stanley and Mrs. Don Jervis. Mrs, Sadler favoured with another solo "Bless This House." A hy- mn followed by the Mizpah ben- ediction closed the meeting after which a social half hour was en- joyed, PAGE FIVE WI Meeting to Cover Variety of Topics The Clinton Women's Institute will meet in the Agricultural Of- fice board room on Thursday af- ternoon, March 26 at two o'clock., The topics, "Historical Re- search" and "Current Events' will be given by Mrs. Noble Hol- land and Mrs, W. Wise, respectiy,.. eiy Mrs, N, Shepherd will give the motto on the sixth verse of Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call will be answered by "Ideas for a Supper Dish," Programme conveners; Mrs, F. Layton and Mrs, E. Jamieson, Hostesses: Mrs, D. Freeman, Mrs. W. Shobbrook, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. G, Tay- lor and Mrs. N, Ball. Australia was formerly called, New Holland. r.....rrrr DRUG STORES laytex Lbmm don't cut circulation—they stretch all over for all-over comfort ...and how they wear, wear, WEAR! Made of liquid latex -Playtex Baby Pants are stretchier all ways than any other baby pants. They cling gently at leg openings and waist for complete waterproof - protection. Accurately sized to baby's weight; keep their shape and softness no matter how often you rinse them fresh and pat them dry. With Playtex Baby Pants you always keep your baby "socially acceptable."* At our Infants Department. Playtex Snap-On Baby Pants, arab, scrap -ons that stretch all P,tu over. 1n ail ctry gift be ., sl te, Durable Baby Pants, pink, white, blue. In silvery gift packages . . . . . Playtex Transparent Baby Pants, , extra -cool. In sit- 894 =NJ E. E. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DIWGG'LST PHONE 14 en e TENDERS will be received up to noon on April 10, for the wiring of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton. Plans may be seen at the Rectory on Rattenbury Street, or the P,U.C. 11-12-13-b BUSINESS AN CHIROPRACTIC D PR OFESSIONAL DI REC'T OR Y D. H. McINNES Chiropractic -Drugless Therapy Foot Correction Office Hours: Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Thursday Afternoons and Evenings VETERINARY DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 2103 Clinton INSURANCE Insure the "Co-op" Wsy W. V. ROY District Representative Box 310 Clinton, Ontario Phone Collect Office 557 Res, 3243 LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cdr, William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W -- GENERAL INSURANCE — Iiepresenteiive: Dom. of Canada General (Life) i#owiek Farmers" Mutual Fire Insurance Co. .1.E. HOWARD, Bayfield PhOne Bayfield 53r2 Car - Ii ire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance if yen need tnsttrance, I have a Policy. Be Sure • • Be insured K. W. COLQUHO'UN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assuntnce Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Rea. 9W H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHOIJES: Office 251W; Res. 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1953: President, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; vide -president, J. H. Metwing, Blyth; manager atxl secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; C. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E, J. Prewar- tha, Clinton; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; J. H. MCEwing, Blyth; J. E. Pepper, 13rucefield; Wm. S. Alexander, Walton; 3. L. Malone, Seaforth: Harv. Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. F. Prueter, Brodhag- en; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn 13aker, 1$ruSsels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. R. E. HARTLEY Life Insurance District Representative: Canada Life Assurance Co. North St., Clinton -- Phone 454W OPTOMETRY A. L, COLE, R.O. ;Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist 1028 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. .3. E. LONGSTAFF Clinton and Seaforth HOURS: CLINTON: 'Tuesday Evenings, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, SEAFORTH: Weekdays except Wednesday, 0 a.m. to 5.30 p.m, Saturday, 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. PI4pNE 791 SEAFORTH REAL ESTATE LEONAIItD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j Salesman --THOMAS A, STEEP, Phone Clinton 146•'-W OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT GUESS fm 1'ORCE0`rd li SHAViw!'/AWNI HOW Ar I HATE TO 1)0 it ,r4- 1 �` ` PLEASE n tot VOL) y LOOK) , seepy. c „ , YOU NEVER USED TO SE CARELESS ABOUT YoUF APPEARAhIGlw WHEN you WERE COL)RTING ME`! .YoU ve I100,0,, ., ,,, i 1 . 1 -OR YOU GROW SOME.- 'fiillNf3!" y �"":�, morurunn / , COULD �,n 1 , , t ",r' ..✓ t'Or �� ��js \ it 5u12E GPOW MUa�"TAe%d�'/ If ; .•.;., '' ;4. ,�%ii'!¢ 111 - I'L:L. A t%rq .,,,, ; • 1 LOOK! THINK LOOK L GABLE SIT HUH? HONEY? --� 1 r WON'T 1 LOOK! IKC-' HE HEVER A HEARD A WORD r SAID/ !ld•�,J�$4x�. J A : 4 ,-JUST GOT TOO MUCH THE ON YOUR HANDS! WHAT YOU NEED ; 15 A SPARE, ` `,`� TIME HOBBY/ 'IOU SHOULD" MARE SGME i, 4, 'THIN 411:1�' ,' 1 i// /, ', 44 -Cb•di.l,,1 .'J -a4,