HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-12, Page 10pAGE TEN 32nd Anniversary Quietly Celebrated By Bayfield Couple Congratulations go to Mr. and. Mrs. L. H. MacLeod who on Sun- day, March 8, quietly celebrated their 32n.d. wedding anniversary at a family dinner at which alltheir children, two daughters-in-law and little granddaughter were present: Mr. and Mrs, Robert MacLeod and little Cathy, London; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacLeod, Clinton; John R„ and Misses Dorothy Ann and Margaret, at home, and Miss Janet MacLeod, London, The evening was a very happy one for all the members of the family. L. H. TD, (Louie) MacLeod serv- ed overseas in World War I with the 161st Battalion but it was af- ter he returned from overseas that he met the Scottish lassie from Stirling, who had emigrated to Canada in 1910, who was to be- come his wife, At the home of lois sister, Mrs. J. Brock, Port Dover, L. H, D. MacLeod was married to Miss Marjorie Russell, in a quiet cere- mony performed by the Presby- terian minister, the Rev. Mr. Rob- ertson, on the evening of March 8, 1921. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Brock. (Mr. Brock has since passed away). The following day "Louie" brought his bride to reside in his native village where he was engaged in fishing, and where they have continued to re- side. It was Mrs. MacLeod's first sight of Bayfield., She recalls that there was no snow on the ground. She thought then that it was the loveliest place shethad ever seer„ and the years have not changed her opinion. Through illness, "Louie" was forged to retire from the fishing industry a few years ago,. and Lake Huron lost the most skilful sailor on the east shore. If a boat were in distress,"Louie" it was wile braved the worst storms .to go to the rescue. He is well -versed in navigation and his knowledge of lake lore and marine matters is profound. He is widely known 10 these respects both by the many with whom he has come in con- tact, and those who have trade his acquaintance through Prof. Fred Landon's n o t e d boob, "Lake Huron." LONDESBORO Mrs. Olive Gaunt who has been quite sick for several weeks is now on the mend. We hope that site may soon be in her usual health. Mr. and Mrs, John Vincent, God- erich; 14Ir. and Mrs. Fred Toll, Auburn; Lorne Toll, Vancouver, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adams on Sunday. Mrs. John Nott and John Scott have both been quite ill with the fluand other complications, A number of others have been laid up with flu, but are around again, Walter Kerslake, who has been in serious condition, in a London hospital, passed away on Monday evening. Sympathy is extended to the sorrowing ones of his family. Those who were present to hear 1 Remember The Irish March 17 ST. PATRICK'S DAY send a w COUTTS "HALLMARK" or RUSTCRAFT ST. PATRICK'S GREETING CARD McEwan's Gift and Stationery Store the play put on in the Community Haal by the Londesboro Young People and the Belgrave troupe, fully enjoyed it all. Each part was well given. WA Will Meet The regular meeting of the Londesboro WA will be held in the Sunday School room of the church n u Thursday, March 19. The pro- ramme 0 Th Y, - r.T.a co]:nmit tee:Ms Fir- service and Mrs. W. Manning. The hostesses are; Mrs. W. Knox, Mrs, G. Radford, Mrs. J, McCool and Mrs. R. Riley. A cordial invitatslon Is given to all to be present. ►I B -L YP J Meet The regular meeting of the Burns-Londesboro YPU which was held in Londesboro United Church on Sunday night began with a sing -song led by Maruerite Lyon after which a Bible Quiz was con- ducted by Bill Cowan, The call to worship was given by Bert Lyon, following which hymn 134 was sung. Eileen Wright gave a reading and Bert Lyon read the Scripture, Bill Cowan gave the topic on the life of Lydia. The offering was taken up and Bert Lyon led in prayer. Rev. Gandier closed this part of the meeting with prayer. Following. a short recreational period, lunch was served and the meeting closed with "Taps." CI,INT4N .NBw-RBCoRD n CliMn o Kids Split t._ � Playoff Battles With e W 11 � a r. WI Appoints Delegates The March meeting of Londes- boro Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall on March 5. The meeting opened with the opening ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer. Several items of business were dealt with. Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. E. Knox were appointed to attend the convention in Guelph in May. Mrs. Arthur Colson, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs. Les Reid were named a committee to ar- e range for the Sunshine Sister Banquet to be held later this month. Mrs. Clarence Ball, Mrs. S. Lansing and Mrs. Harold Sprung were named a nominating commit- tee to bring' in the 1953 slate of officers at the next meeting. Mrs. Robert Fairservice gave a very interesting talk on Newfound- land. Mrs. Donald Sprung gave a reading. Lloyd Pipe showed two films, one on agriculture and Can- adian Industries and one on New- foundland, Rev. • Gandier gave a short talk and a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses. W. J. ATTWOOD (By our Bayfield correspondent) Word has been received in Bay- field of the passing of W. J. Att- wood, aged 75, son of the late W. A. Attwood and Elizabeth John- ston, Bayfield, in Calgary, Alta. , February 19, 1953. He is survived by his widow, the former Nora Florence Turner, and four '-sons, Cecil W., Vancouver; Christopher G., Dauphin, Man.; Ernest A., Vancouver, and Norman L., Calgary, and 13 grandchildren; also a sister, Florence (Mrs, Willis Allan), Watford, Sask., and a bro- ther, Arlington Attwood, Detroit. Burial took place in Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alta. i S Clinton Sr. Boys tonight defeat - first round Meafri to ed o d 48-27 n 11 p Of the basketball Pla playoff for the ,l right to go to London and the WOSSA finals. Aa a result Clin- ton have a 21 point margin io work on in the return battle at Meaford on Friday, Mitchell with 20 points and Gib- bings counting 13 were Clinton's big guns on the attack; Wheeler with 16 topped the Medford squad. Senior Girls Lose The Senior girls did not do as well, dropping their game 26-17 to go into the second battle having to make up 9 points. Tait and Castle led Clinton while Carby and Boyle were best for Meaford, MeafordSenior Boys: Ashby 6; Ellis 0; Joule 3; Wheeler 16; Rob- ertson 0; Douglas 0; Smith 0; Bak- er 2; Higson 0; Moore 0; total 27. Clinton Senior Boys; J. Howes 0; Mitchell 20; Wilson 4; Taylor 0; Steepe 0; Gibbings 13; Fines 5; Oakes 5; Tebbutt 1; Dunn 0; tot- al 48. Referees: D. Allen, B. Garnes, RCAF. r. 0 atin Party Auspices of Clinton Fire Department Clinton Lions Arena ay, a ch SKATING COMMENCES AT 8.00 P.M. ADDED ATTRACTIONS H O C K E Y BAND IN ATTENDANCE Clinton Lions vs. Everybody be there to skate to Clinton Fire Department '7,30 p.m. the music of the band ADMISSION: 35c and 25c aIIICIII81N111111�IIIVlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIININIIIIIIIIIIlIIII�IIIIII1111111111111111111111111NIIIIIIIIINllll11111111iIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIiiIiIIIiIiIIiIiIIIIIIIIII111NIiIIiIIIiIIIIIIIIIIiiIIlllillilllllliNllllllillllli1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 gg Kg Clinton Lions Club Skating Carnival Lions Arena Saturday, March 14 PEE WEE HOCKEY --7.30 p.n. NORTH CLINTON vs. SOUTH CLINTON QUEEN OF CARNIVAL $15.00 (May be any aye) List of Prize Events: BEST DRESSED (Boy or Girl) under 8 years ----COMIC $5.00 $g.00 $1.00 BEST DRESSED (Boy or Girl) under 8 years -FANCY 5.00 2.00 1.00 BEST DRESSED (Boy br Girl) 8 yrs. to 14 yrs. -COMIC 5.00 2.00 100 BEST DRESSED (Boy or Girl) 8 yrs. to 14 yrs. -FANCY 5.00 2.00 1.00 BEST DRESSED (Boy or Girl) over 14 years --COMIC 5.00 2.00 1.00 BEST DRESSED (Boy or Girl) over 14 years --FANCY 5.00 2.00 1.00 BEST DRESSED. COUPLE $5.00 YOUNGEST SKATER (unassisted) 2,00 OLDEST SKATER (unassisted) 2,00 Largest Family on Skates Racket of Groceries RACE EVENTS BOYS' RACE, 8 and under $1 50c GIRLS' RACE, 12 and under. $1 S0c GIRD' RACE, 8 and under 1 50c BOYS' RACE, any age 1 50c BOYS' RACE, 12 arid under.... 1 50c GIRLS' RACE, any age 1 50c ALL PERSONS IN COSTUME ADMITTED FREE jaa '11 SKATING AFTER CARNIVAL TO BAND I'VIUSIC Admis)orr: 35c eand 25c i1 ��,� +'.t' 'iP'l t,!{t t.;,p�,,�,} .W I. L_ il_. I� I . .. 11'I'1C11! it II . � 1 ,. i . _ I. �.,; NN,IIII:,I!V,{Ndt;Illalll,ildNlt'��.�h,ININ,,.1.I�J11��...1 . 418111111191111NI1111J111i111NIII1ILIII1N1111111.1,IfIlII1$111111111NIIN111Illi 1111 1111111011011111111.111ItUSiIIIIViIiNI111111111111111111111 1111111111,IiI11IlII11III1111NIIliI1111h111((1111111111111Np Clinton Juniors Take Big Lead Into Second Game Clinton Junior Boys today de- feated Walkerton 53-23 to take a 30 point lead into the second game of a two -game total point play- off. Don Ladd, Ken Porter and Tom Colquhoun led the Clinton team while Grant with 9 was the best for Walkerton. D. Allen and B. Gairnes, RCAF Station Clinton,. refereed a very fine game and drew praise from players and coaches of both teams. Walkerton: Grant 9; Paull 4; Winter 0; Davidson 0; Brown 0; Graham 2; Stevenson 0; Pattison 4; Whitehead 2; Kidnew 0; total 23, Clinton: Porter 9; McKay 6; Jones 0; H. Colquhoun 2; Higgins 0; Ladd 22; Pearson 0; T. Colqu- houn 9; B. Pepper 2; Snell 3; total 53. PORTER'S HILL -+-•-$•e )(PU Hears Helen Potter The regular meeting of Porter's Hill YPU was held on March 2 at the home of Mildred McDougall. The meeting opened with a sing- song in -song followed by the "Call to Worship" by Sandra Williams, The Scripture lesson was read by fred Hicks and hymn 356 was sung. Prayer was led by Kenneth Potter. Helen Potter read an interesting story, ' After the business period, Bev- erly ,Proctor and Hilda Hicks led the recreation period. Jim Em- merton closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. Card Party end Dance The Porter's Hill Community Club sponsored the card party and dance held in the school on Friday evening last. Prizes in euchre went to: high lady, Donelda Dale; high gentleman, Gordon Manning; low lady, Mrs. James • Stirling; low gentleman, George Henderson. In "500": high lady, Mrs. George Mathers; high gentleman, Douglas Stirling; low lady, Mrs. Ernie Little; low gentleman, Ernie Lit- tle. A lucky chair prize was won by Charles Anstay. Lunch was served after which dancing was enjoyed to the music of Stewart's orchestra. Spot dance prize was won by Mildred Mc- Dougall and Irene Bell. Best old-time waltzers: Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Miller; elimination dance, Raymond Scotchmer and Anna Porter; tallest lady on floor, Mary Scribbins; tallest man on floor, Harry Williams; oldest couple in square dance, Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson. Peter Harrison acted as "caller"; Allen Betties was floor manager and James R. Stirling and Bert Harris were judges, During the evening a draw was made: first prize, a Kenwood blanket, was won by Barry Miller, Holmesville and a silver cream and sugar went to Donelda Dale, Sea - forth. Mrs. J. A. Torrance will be host- ess for the next meeting of the Porter's Hill Community Club to be held on Wednesday, March 18. Amonmonow (LINTON ARENA ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE COMING WEEK " FRIDAY, MARCH 13 3-4 p.m. -Public School Skating 8.15-10 p.m. -PUBLIC SKATING SATURDAY, MARCH 14 7.30 p.m. -PEE WEE HOCKEY -- North Clinton vs. South Clinton; 8.00 p.m. -LIONS CLUB SKAT- ING CARNIVAL -Prizes, Bands, Queen of Carnival. MONDAY, MARCH '16 3-4 p.m. -Public School Skating TUESDAY, MARCH 17 3-4 p.m. -Public School Skating 8 p.m.-CLINTON BOY SCOUTS AND CUBS SKATING PARTY. Everybody Welcome WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 2-4 p,m.-PUBLIC SKATING 8.15-10 p.m. -PUBLIC .SKATING THURSDAY,. MARCH 19 3-4 p.m. -RCAF Public School Skating FRIDAY, MARCH 20 8.00 p.m. -FIREMEN'S SKATING CARNIVAL FREE SKATING For all country and town Public School Children from 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. Every Saturday Morning Admission to Public Skating: Adults 35c; Children 25c IN THAT TIRED RADIO Has your radio lost its "pep" .. its new•set performance? If it has, call us- we'll diag- nose in - nose 'your trouble accurately . put new "pep" into your rad Our service is fast and reasonabie! All work guaranteed! MERRILL RADIO 6 ELECTRIC aJ" . and&ttri PHONE 3!3 CLINTON Kippen Gun Club .Folds Weekly ;Shoot At the weekend trap shoot held at Kippen, John Anderson was high with 67 out of a possible 75. In the doubles, Anderson and A. Gil- bert tied with 18 out of 24, Dr, J. Jarrott, Kippen, shot 7 at 100, broke 73. Shot at 75: W. LubY> Gode- rich, rich, 65; Hedley Prouse, Goderieia, 56; J. Anderson, 67; H, Mathers, Exeter, 56; W. R. Cooper, Kipper, 57; Lloyd Verner, Hensall, 63; Shot at 50; J. Gilbert, Goderich, 39; A; Gilbert, 40; Chester Lee, Hensall, 39; B, Wilson, Exeter, 35; H. Green, Exeter, 38. Shot at 25: Russell Brintnell broke 22, Excellent Exhibits Muskrat Season Opens Next Week In Huron The following counties north of Highway 7 are open for muskrat trapping from March 20 to April 21: Halton, Wellington, Perth, Huron, Bruce and Grey. Holders of registex'ed trapline licenses finish muskrat trapping on the same dates in their respective trapping areas. Wise trappers check their trap - lines daily thus reducing the num- ber that escape and the time an animal suffers in the trap. If the weather remains this way during the remainder of the winter season, the muskrat trapping on the opening days should be almost perfect. Flood water should net be extreme due to the lack of frost, snow and ice, Some years trappers set out all the traps they own, only to have them frozen in the ice for some- times a week at a time. A fast thaw then raises the water several feet over their traps and they re- main there until the water recedes. If muskrat are caught in traps as the water rises, and remain there for several days, the fur slips from the hide and is wasted. 0 THURSDAY, MAR Bed Clover; Donald B Londesboro; James Mci w es Knight; Grant `Webste Bros.; Stuart Keyes. Alsilte: James McEwan Keyes. Alfalfa R. N. Alexander Jamieson, Clinton; Waite Belgrave; James McEwan e. K Ye s Early at:Mrs, J son, Potatoes: oeRobert P Brucefield; R. E. Pooley, Gordon Knight; Norman Clinton; A. ',Turnbull; Keyes. Late Potatoes; Mrs, J son; Joe Gibson, Seaforth; might; Robert Allan; bull; Norman Carter; W. gall, Hensall; George Walk sail.•.. Stuart Keyes; R. E Hybrid Corn: Kenneth Brucefield; Robert Campb lin; Robert Allan; All Brucefield; Gordon Knig Walper; Bill Clark, Turnips: Robert Allan; McEwan; Stuart Keyes; Webster. Ten -bushel lots of Oat Bros.; A. Turnbull; Stuar Bruce Tuckey; H. H. G. St N. Alexander Ten -bushel lots of Berle Keyes; R, N. Alexende Nott. One bushel, any other don Miller, Walton (whea Glen, Goderich (wheat); Johns, Seaforth (white sw er) ; Lorne Oke, Exeter Stuart Keyes. Feed' Grain: R. S. Mc Dublin;, Robert Allan; Knight;. Stuart Keyes; A bull; James Knight; Alto James McEwan. First -cut Hay: James Stuart Keyes; Bill Clark Bros. Second -out Hay: Robert Dick Proctor; John Grigg, Clinton; Elder Bros,; J Ewan; Stuart Keyes. Field Chopped Hay: Knight; Stuart Keyes; Knight; R. S. McKercher Proctor; James McEwan. Did you know that Re expenditures are carefull tinized by an independen ional Budget Committe" At Annual Seed Fair (Continued from Page One) (The first two named wilt com- pete at the Ottawa Valley Seed Fain) Barley; Stuart Keyes. Flax: John McGowan, Seaforthe Stuart Keyes, Buckwheat; Alton Bros. Field Beans: Alan Walper; South Huron District High School,, Exeter; James McEwan; Stuart Keyes. Soybeans: Elder Bros„ Alton Bros,; James McEwan; Stuart Keyes. Timothy: Alton Bros.; Dick Proctor; James McEwan; Grant Webster, Varna; Stuart Keyes. Winners of the exhibits shown by members of the three 4-H grain clubs in the county were: Howick Junior 4-H Grain Club: Ivan Campbell, Fordwich; Bill Strong, Gorrie; Tom Hastie, Gor- rie; Bob Hastie, Gerrie. Exeter 4-H Grain Club: Toon Hern, Woodham; Arthur Mitchell, Exeter; Edward Hern, Woodham; Jim Etherington, Hensall. McKillop 4-H Grain Club: Mac Bolton, Dublin; John McGavin, Walton; Neil McGavin, Walton; Robert Bettles, Seaforth. Grand champion in 4-H grain classes: Tom Hern, Woodham; Ivan Campbell, second; Mac Bol- ton, third. BOYS SCOUT NEWS First Clinton Lions Cubs Pack Despite the bad weather there was a good turnout of Cubs at the meeting on Monday, March 9, Dur- ing class work period Jimmy Dales passed his Union Jack and book balancing tests. Wayne Ebett pa:a- sed his Highway Code test, Bobby Watkins passed his time telling test, and Ken VanReisen passed his Highway Code. On Tuesday, March 17, there will be a skating party at the Lions Arena. All Cub and Scout supporters are urged to attend the party, proceeds of which willgo to assist the Cubs and Scouts of the town of Clinton. Skating will be from eight until ten o'clock. Don't forget make it a date to be at' the Lions Club Arena Tuesday night, at eight. 4 JUST ARRIVED! BOYS' WEAR FOR SPRING Handsome Spring Suits For that young man in your home! For boys ages 10 to 16. Priced from 18.50 to 24.50 all with 2 pr. pants Full Selection of t BOYS' SPORT COATS e SLACKS • SHIRTS • TIES. • BELTS Herman's Biltmore Hats We Can Solve All Your Car Problems If you're wondering why your car's performance is not up to par, drive in here -we've got the remedy. FREE: j1ME 10 THINK 0, 1. I51.t II en's ''ear PHONE 224W Forsyth Slrir We have purchased the latest in Test Equipment. You SRL where the trouble is. Ask for the Dial Check. Free for this month only. This test is absolutely free! No strings attached. Make your appointment NOW for a COMPLETE engine check. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET,-..OLDSMO01LE-4ales & Service PHONE 367 row 10.06 - CLINTON