HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-05, Page 9"'HURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 CLINTON MEWS -RECORD '44og mNI Laughing Through Clouds A Story of the R,C.A.F. By SEYMOUR ROBERTSON Copyright 1952 19TH INSTALMENT Graydon paused after making this startling disclosure, fully expecting the storm to break on :him, But the only effect of his con ession was to bring a tiny smile to Barbara's lips.. "Go on," she murmured. �t� Then you knew all the tune . he asked incredulously. She shook her, head. "No. Not until—but let's hear the story. Jack drew a long breath and, beginning with a recital of his first meeting with Hyde in Ilia latter's barrack -room, recounted his misadventures in detail up to the time he had °dashed upstairs to conceal the tell-tale photo- graph behind the books in Peters • bedroom. Barbara proved . to be a good listener; barring an un- derstanding nod at intervals she made no comment, although her -texpression alternated between grave and gay. At times her eyes flashed with indignation; at other points in his narrative they spark- led with merriment. "Well that's all of it," he ccn- eluded, "Now you know." Id' like to wring his neck!" Barbara declared through clench- ed teeth. "Oh, dont+ be too hard on him,; Jack pleaded. "After all, he is in a bad jamb and---" "The devil with him" she snapped. "I suppose you are car- rying your own identity card? You'd hardly be able to get by without that." For the third time that dRy Graydon submitted his card for inspection ,. Its a positive libel," the girl said, as she compared the tiny photograph with her companion's very red face. "I suppose it is you. I wonder what he looks like?" "Not much like that, I can tell you," Graydon admitted, "Hmm. Thisexplains a good many things. Yes, a good many things that had puzzled me," she repeated. "All about the hotel last night and—What do they call you? Jack? Johnnie?" "Oh, either. Johnnie mostly," 1 Farmers. We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Cooperative H. S. HUNT, Manager ' PHONE—Day 9 Evenings 481W 48-9-b .-. • Barbara extended her hand to give his, a firm clasp. "I beg your pardon, Johnnie. But you . cart hardly blame me for thinking a lot of nasty things. I'm fright- fully sorry,,, Jack looked -down into the con- trite little face, "I don't blame you," he re- assured her. You see, at the hotel last night I—well, after the boob I Made talking to your naval friend I—" Barbara nodded. "Yes, Bi11 told me he'd met you in the bar:' She chuckled. "He tried to cover up but Bill's rather transparent at times and all he did was make it worse. Thats' why I set out to find you. I started to quiz you when we were dancitig and then that little blonde dragged you away." "I had no idea there'd be a dance on last night," Jack con- fessed, "and even less idea that Fd be at it." He explained how he had happened to meet Jerry and how he had come to join Jerry's party. "You mean you hadn't met that pretty little girl before?" Barbara was incredulous. "Never laid eyes on her." Barbara gave vent to two low whistles. "You weren't losing any time! I'll say this much for your taste, you do know how to pick thorn. Those twins certainly had plenty of 'it'!" "Are they really twins, do you think?" "How do you expect me to know? They're total. strangers to me. I can tell you this much; though: the one in the Alice blue frock has gone right over the deep end about Flight -Lieutenant John Graydon."' Jack flushed. In an attempt to change the subject, he said: "You nailed me top the mast when you started asking quest- ions about, the Middle East. I haven't the foggiest notion what it's like out there. How could 1? I did my tour of ops on Bomber Command over France and Ger- many. Of course I'll tell your people right away. I did start to when I first came but your moth- er cut me off and—then it'll be much better if I go." The dark -lashed eyes flashed. "Go where? You certainly will not go!" When fellow Canadians lose their homes and their hopes in disasters of fire or flood, you have a part in the work of relief. Though the victims be a thousand miles away, catastrophe makes close neighbours of us all. Red Cross moves swiftly to help the injured and homeless. With supplies and equipment that you help provide, the tragedy of ruin is eased. By helping the Canadian Red Cross carry on its work of mercy you become truly a part of the rescue team. Give generously . , keep your Red Cross strong. support your C os $5,310,600 is needed this year! Gifts to your Red Cross are wisely used. Each year the accounting is subject to audit by the Dominion Government Local Chairman: A. J. McMurray, Phone 159, Clinton, Ontario Name Qf "Tigers' Frightening To Child (By Mrs. R. G. Thompson) Unfortunately the early records of Goderich Township were not preserved. However, some of the stories of those days are still re- membered but if not soon record- ed they will ,be forgotten as have many others which would be very interesting and informative had they been kept. I heard one such when 1 was a very small girl. On his way home from Goderich my uncle Gabriel Elliott came in for a visit. He and my father used the name ""The Tiger" sp often that I became very frightened and climbing on my father's knee begged him not to let it get me, Noticing my fright the men stopped their conversation to ex- plain that "The Tiger" was only a man's nickname. A nickname! That cleared the atmosphere won- derfully, for was I not sitting on Beardy Willie's knee and the names Wise Willie, Little Willie and Long Willie were very fel-nil- lar. However, before returning to my beloved Noah's Ark, I had ab- sorbed the salient points of this story concerning the incorporation of the municipality. At the meeting my uncle had been attending, a Mr.. Parsons (Benjamin, I think) told the fol- lowing story of the events leading up to incorporation: Whenever a group of men would meet and get into a discussion of public affairs, Dr. Dunlop would turn the conversation to the ..qual- ifications and procedure necessary for incorporating a municipality. In due \season the Goderich Township men, seeing they could meet all the conditions, prepared and presented the required petition to Dr. Dunlop, "The Tiger," in his official capacity in The Canada Land Company's office in Gode- rich. Here the difficulties and hardships of carrying out the township's duties were so ferce: fully pointed out that they with- drew to give this more careful con- sideration, lest they might be bit- ing off more than they could chew. "But I can't stay at Halebridge now that—" "Why on earth can't you?" she demanded. "Of course you're going to stay with us. That is, if you want to?" "Oh, I'd like to, but—" "What sort of people do you think we are?" "Yes, but—" ""Johnnie!" She turned to him with a smile that set his heart thumping madly. "I think you're an absolute brick! I don't know why you did it for that—" She bit back the derogatory epithet. "I simply can't let you down now. You've put up such a marvelous bluff I haven't the heart to spoil it. Father!" She laughed till the - tears came. "Father would have known you anywhere, would he?" "Oh, lord!" Jack breathed, "What will I tell him—and how?" "You'd best leave father to me," the girl said, after a moment's reflection. "Actually, I don't think we will tell them at home. Not yet, anyway." "They're bound to find out," he protested. "Mmm. I'm not so sure about that. You see, Johnnie, I was fooled myself until—until—" Bar- bara' flushed to the roots of her hair and drew her hand free of his. Up to that moment Graydon had not been conscious that he was holding it. "When did I give myself away?" he asked. "I thought you suspect- ed something when you mentioned that Security bloke and I was dead sure of it when you started asking about the S and G. Was it during lunch or in the tearoom when—?" She was gathering up the hors- e's reins and her face was averted. When she did speak her whisper was almost inaudible. "You weren't exactly—cousin]y —in the 'Crown' stables ... Come, Ginger!" She made a clicking sound with her tongue and urged the pony into a brisk trot. The trap came to a halt on the shingled drive before the great door of Halebridge. As he step- ped out, carrying several parcels, Jack turned to his companion ad- prehensively, "I don't think this is such a bright idea after all," he remon- strated. "I think it'd be a lut better if I tell them at dinner and—" "Tut tut!" Barbara chided, "Haven't I said I'd see you through? Now, if you don't mind taking those things inside I'll stable Ginger and join you in a sec." Her eyes, , sparkling mischievi- ously, gave him no choice but to murmur his agreement. For the first time that day Graydon was experiencing a feeling of light- hearted confidence. As he shifted the parcels so that he could open the door he was whistling 'Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunit- ion.' (To be continued) After several repetitions of this the petitioners felt sure they had given all sides of the matter very careful consideration and refused to back down. So that at last Goderich Township was incorporat- ed a municipality with power to govern its own affairs. It would•seem that, at their next meeting (unofficial) with "The Tiger," they listened to a Dunlop- ian classic over their stupidity, their cowardice and other undesir- able characteristics in taking so long to settle the question. o School of Survival Tough For Reporter While gathering material for a story on how the RCAF trains its aircrew to survive under sub -zero conditions, Ron Johnson, an Ed- monton newspaper man, proved it was no mere feat bathing outdoors in winter by taking a 15 -below - zero dunking in the McLeod Riv- er, 160 miles west of Edmonton. Fellow students who chopped the hole in the ice for Johnson also obliged with a pail of ice cold water over Johnson's shivering shoulders. But Johnson came through the ordeal and carried on gathering story material until the end of the course. Commented Johnson: "T he RCAF School of Survival is :o rigorous and realistic that to even survive it is a feat in itself, 'let alone ever having to really survive if they do get forced down in the Arctic." Overseas Personnel Get New . Style "Dog Tags" RCAF personnel serving over- seas are progressively being issu- ed with identification tags. They are being issued squadron by squadron and are a vast improve- ment over the wartime fibre disks. They are now made of metal that has special resistant properties. The tag itself is machined in such a way that it can be split two, one half remaining on the chain, while the other half can be used to gain essential medical and , personal information about the individual. The disk itself is imprinted by a special Graphotype machine that prints the individual's name, regi- mental number, religion, service, and bleod group. `Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 33/ % Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings -- deposits may be mailed For prompt attention can RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA VALLS • SUDBURY CALGARY • VANCOUVER Seaforth Ice Carnival Planned for .Marc'h 6 The third annual figure skating carnival of the Seaforth figure skating club will be presented at Seaforth Arena on Friday, March 6. Once again, as last year, the show will be staged in conjunction with members of the Stratford Figure Skating Club. However,.. due to the increased proficiency of I-lurowPerth Member Discusses es UN Aims The United Nations' principal problem from western countries is their impatience, Andrew y. Mc- Lean, Seaforth, MP for 13uron- Perth and member of the Canad- ian U.N. delegation, told the Uni- versity of Western Ontario Assoc- iation, last week. The ultimate aim of the U,N., the arrangement whereby all countries may live in peace, can- not be secured by seeking military engagements, he said, nor can It be had by reducing arms. The tough middle road is the only way peace can be achieved, he said, and that has made Can- adians and Americans impatient. Mr. McLean agreed there now was no proper balance of arms spending and technical assistance spending for the "underprivileged" countries. '"But," he said, "we must view in a realistic manner what is feas- ible for our countries and what is not, in balancing defence spending and assistance," Mr. McLean, who was • introduc- ed by Hugh McKellar, member of the university association, out- lined the work of the UN, and the part the Canadian delegation took in the day-to-day job. the Seaforth skaters, they, will take a much larger part in the production, skating nearly half the ,numbers in the show. Some of the numbers, to be per.. formed by the Seaforth skaters are as follows: Alice Christie in the authentic ".Highland Fling" on lee, Sheila McFadden in an interpre- Live solo to the beautiful "Because" sung by Jan Pearce. The junior section of the Sea- forth FSCwill befeatured in "Sleighride," �� The .Jazz Eight" skated to the popular "Plink, Plank, Plunk", will personify rhythm on ice. Featured numbers from Strat, ford will include a full-scale pro- duction of "Annie Get Your Gun" with a cast of 26, and the appear- ance of Lorraine Odbert and Wayne Graham. the 11 -year-old Stratford pair who were compel- ing in the Canadian championships in Ottawa on February 27, J. S. Scruton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 3'77 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by Appointment Local Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH When your muffler starts showing its age, install a new factory - engineered Chryco muffler. You'll enjoy more comfortable motoring and protection from dangerous exhaust gases. Chryco mufflers are six ways superior! They're engineered to the engine; fit perfectly; guard against backfire; last longer; give complete protection and are really quiet. Let us check the condition of your present muffler , .. now I *Chryco is a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited DRIVE IN FOR A MUFFLER CHECK TODAY! MURPHY BIOS. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH — FARGO TRUCKS Phone 465 CLINTON Huron St. 1, n� ntr arley l We are again taking contracts for Barley. To get good seed and a sure market for your crop, we feel growing under contract has a decided advantage. Contract forms are now available. They are different than last year—come in and we will explain the changes to you. FERTILIZER FOR CONTRACT BARLEY can be supplied with payment at Barley delivery time FRED O. FORD Clinton 4-tfb Phone 123W 4 Cam the Care Cam By Roe Farms Service Dept. „ i. _ _ `+� �� �y4 �►, I WAS NEVER 50 INSULTED !.ADI ES, FROI4 1 WANT SOMETHING TO CROW WANT MORE y. I'M JURE ' DOING � MY BEST ,.,_ NOW ON ABOUT. I WORK AND MORE EGGS. mow. ' , WHO Dols HETHI?K HE 1�a , ....- , r LADI ES, LADI ES. MAYBE. YOU'RE DOING YOUR BEST. BUT 1 EXPECT BETTER RESULTS NOW THAT THE BOSS IS FEEDING ROE VITA-LAYPELLETS. • .,.i --)) ... (. ., s ( .f ' fal 6 !"�• , j . \ ��� .. ... �``�� ,,,,, ;;, , " ,tJ ,, .....1.-..... ....1............ rTHESEROEPELLETS ! ARE E ROETERRIFIC P.Q GIRLS, I'M PROUD OFYOU. WHAT A PRODUCTION LINE! "`- b, ' JOE,.GETTHEMOSTOUTOF TODAY5 ECG PRICES. /(EEPYOURB/RDSST4tW6 AND ON6 h'A ii CEMB/T t ej WITH '1, // 0, s ,w RO E ,` yt it1lt��/ • wit p 'U a, pit4`.. ,' �� . �C �a E66 PELLETS 4e Ir:° II P LLEi� °0�:wonS�n�tucn:° •.� �� vt-lo �"' I FEEL BETTER �� i1/4,.�� `iii`' Al A WHOLE EXTRA CASE OF EGGS. AM I GROWING. / --. y , — / u �v�rA-LAYEG� pE�LErs ARE E , NSW R ro INCREASE pUCT/ONBYGREAT INTAKE S• PROTEIN /NTA ajCTio STWe15M NAHaconrn�r� 3 POR pp ERCOJy7ROG e MA5H.T0;,GRpIN A C N 4111111111 EGG YOU -- pR0- ER . P,�p, av, _ NOW,L TSShOW � THAT COCKY /�"I�I S4 ROOSTER �// --G �,`,I"'lfe -'-- fJr,,.,' � �� � ' `�=- `.. "�. `- i/� fl` ` � ` M • �' ,,, �' c �`. G� . a �� .r/,EAS/ i . ��i/i tl' . / o- :� IIS Miti r A►11, if r Awl. '• alt�iti�� E%'lllltl�� t �� /I/RW � i• w���� I _` ► / / i � ,� II ,--ar 6, --�\ _ � �- J � 4 11111111 H. Charlesworth CLINTON....., A. J. MUSTARD •......-,. ........1. ,:it .7 -