HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-03-05, Page 8'PAGE El[GfIT News of Bayfield Representative; RUSS I+UCY A. WOODS Phone BAXVIELP 45r3 Misses Margaret and Janet Mac- Leod spent Sunday in Detroit. Miss Ethel Blair, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 13Iair,. Mr. and Mrs. R, II, Middleton and Bobby, Iensa11, visited ted Mrs . N. W. Woods on Sunday; Mrs, William R. Elliott returned horde on Sunday after having spent three weeks in Stratford. William L. Cameron, Detroit, visited his sister, Miss Elizabeth Cameron, over the weekend, Mrs, Albert Leitch and daughter Marlene, of Goderich, visited her sister, Mrs. Walter W, Westlake, over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, H. Edwards, Jr., London, were with Mr. and Mrs,' T, C, Bailey, The New Ritz Hotel, over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Robert MacLeod and. baby Cathy, London, spent Thursday last with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mac- Leod. Mrs. J. MacKenzie returned home on Saturday after having spent three weeks with her dau- s-4 ghter, Mrs. Manley Thompson and family, Chicago, LAC Gerald and Mrs. Lamirande and five children who have been occupying J. E. Howard's house, left on Friday for Ottawa where the former hasbee stationed, , Mrs. Frank Anderson and small son Francis, who has been quite i11, have returned to Mitchell after having spent a week with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, J, Sturgeon. Jerry Sturgeon and Don Warner, Preston, spent the weekend with their respective parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon, and Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Warner, Blue Water Highway, Goderich Township, Trinity Club The Trinity Club met at the home of Mrs. Ross Middleton on Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened with prayer by the presi- dent, Mrs. Maynard Corrie, and the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Carew -Janes read the Scripture and Mrs. Corrie and Mrs. J, E. Hovey delighted the members with a vocal duett, "Spirit of God De- scend Upon my Heart." The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs, P. Worth and Miss Berthena Sturg- eon gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Ross Middleton gave a most interesting lesson in sketching in charcoal. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Carew -Jones, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Hiseler served lunch. Clinton Plumbing and Heating SPRING FLOOD TIME is near. Drain that wet cellar with , an ATJTOMATIC SUMP PUMP. Pumps now in stock at special reduced prices for quick sale. Let us give you a Free Estimate on that new BATHROOM this Spring. E. J. REYNOLDS -- PHONE 577-R 9-10-b For Implement or Garage Wall Enough 458 SHEETS % PLYWOOD boxed on 2x4's inter- locking for size 28x32. Could be used for form work; also "treated." 1-60 cycle 3/4 horse ELECTRIC MOTOR 1—BLACK and DECKER DRILL, %" chuck 1—GAS MOTOR (new), 1 horse 1—CONCRETE MIXER (2 cu. ft.) 1 --TRAILER, 4x6%x, box, complete 1 -=TRAILER FRAME, complete to tires All Sizes of USED TIRES, suitable for any purpose. If you are building a trailer, will supply front ends or any materials available. Fergus McKay Phone 373-M CLINTON, ONTARIO 9-10-11-b Attention 7 tuckers Your attention is directed to R.S.O. 1950, Chap- ter 167, Section 36, Subsection 4, 5 and 6 reLoad Limits during months of March and April; these sections will be strictly enforced on all County Roads. 8-9-b PETER D. PATTERSON, County Engineer HE$SML ' Three' Quilts Quilted Members of the Women's Miss- ionary Society of the United Chur- ch met in the church schoolrooms last week and quilted three quilts. par Stolen from Lot A 1951 Dodge was stolen from Hensall Motor Sales garage on Highway 4 from a group of cars on an adjoining used car lot .on Thursday tyas h s. The ear night last. not missed for some time after the theft because it was thought that an employee was using it, The proprietors .of the garage are T. C, Coates and Roy Campbell, Provin- lel Constable Elmer Zimmerman of Exeter is investigating. Minor Aeridents. Reported Three persons were shaken up, but otherwise unhurt in a series of road crashes aver the weekend. Early Sunday morning Ralph Mill- is, Exeter, and Mrs, Alda Laidlay, Zurich, were in collision on High- way 4, a plile north of Exeter, The Laidlay car ended up in the west ditch, and the Bullis vehicle smash- ed into a hydro pole. Both drivers were shaken up. William Mills, Hamilton, receiv- ed minor bruises when his cor went into the ditch, and crashed into a telephone pole on Highway 2, two and a half miles south of Exeter. Damage estimated at $200. Poor visibility was blamed for a mishap when a car driven by Will- iam Higgins, Exeter, swerved into the ditch about half a mile south of Exeter and rolled over twice. The ear was wrecked to the extent of $500 but Higgins was unhurt. A truck driven by William Row- Cliffe, R.R. No. 1, Hensall, and cars driven by Vincent Morrison, Waterloo, and Henry Bennindyke, R.R. No. 3, Kippen, were involved in a three vehicle crash about a mile and a half south •of Hensall. Accidents were investigated by PC E. Zimmerman and PC Cecil Gibbons. Skating Carnival A very successful carnival was held at the Hensall Arena on Tuesday evening sponsored by the Hensall Park Board. Lovely fancy and comic costumes were• on the ice and were much admired. Over $50 in cash was given away in prizes. Judges were Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs, A .Clark, and William Fair- bairn, Following are the various winners; Girls under 10 (fancy), Sharon McBride, Peggy Goddard, Ann Mickle; girls under 10 (comic), Gwen Forrest, Dorothy Parker; girls 10 , to 16 (fancy), Geraldine Harburn, Norma Passmore; girls 10 to 16 (comic), Joyce Faber, Jean Noakes, Gwen Spencer, Gladys Moir; Boys under 10 (fancy), Bobby Middleton, Jerry Broderick, Robert McKelvie; boys under 10 (comic), Jack Chipchase, Brian Bonthron, Keith Anderson; boys 10 to 16 (fancy), Jerry McClinchey, David Noakes, Jack Bell, Wayne Mc- Bride; boys 10 to 16 (comic), Jim Baynham, Bill Kerslake, Don Mac - Laren; Best dressed couple, Elaine Bell and Mary Lou McLellan; Beth Goddard and Vera Tinney, Dorothy Monroe and Edna Deitz; youngest skater, Brian Fink; oldest skater, Mrs. Russell Broderick; ladies' fancy costume, Mrs. Russell Brod- erick, LDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it on 'nerves'=when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system --disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better. 136 Dodd's Kidney Pi iS It's here! Nowt 7/jE NEW CAN,40/'' CAR WITH THE EUROPEAN LOO/<1 1953 STUDEBAKER New, Champion 6it' New Commander V8 SPECTACULAR NEW STYLING TRULY THE CAR OF THE FUTURE! W. H. Dalryrnple Phone 618 r 4 BRUC 1 FIELD t)ontoh CLI iTO 1 NEWS-;1tE.CORD LONDESBORO . Miss Fern Watson, London, Spent the weekend with her mo- ther, Mrs, C. Watson, Cliff Saundercock has bought Mrs, Frank Woods house in the village and will move in shortly, Mrs, E. J, Crawford has been visiting with her sister in Brussels but was called home on Saturday owing to the sudden illness and death of her son, James Crawford, who passed away in Clinton r'ub- lic Hospital on Sunday night, Sympathy is extended to the be- reaved mother and family, also the wife who is left alone. I3ert I -Igniting is having an en- forced holiday as the result of having broken ribs in four places. He was hauling wood from the bush with the horses and sleigh, when the sleigh skidded throwing him off. It was fortunate he was not alone. Ted was kept busy with the horses and helping his injur- ed father, WMS Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the WMS will be held in the school room of the church on Thursday, March 12, at two o'clock. A cordial invita- tion is extended to be present. WMS Quilting Bee The Woman's Missionary Society of Londesboro United Church has been very busy making quilts and on Tuesday had a full day when four quilts were quilted in the basement of the church. A pot- luck dinner was enjoyed at noon. Three more quilts were done in the homes which makes a total of seven, all of which will be sent overseas, • Y.P.U. Meets June Manning, convener of the citizenship and community ser- vice commission, was in charge of the Burns-Londesboro YPU regu- lar meeting which was held in Londesboro United Church on Sun- day night. The meeting began with a sing- song led by Gail Manning follow- ing which June Manning gave the call to worship, Hymn 99 was sung after which. June Manning led in prayer The offering was taken up. The topic which was on temper- ance was in three parts with Donna McVittie, Beryl Pollard and Edythe Beacom taking part. June Manning gave a reading. This part of the meeting was brought to a close by singing Hymn 58. During the business period a public speaking contest was held and Bill Cowan was chosen to re- present the local union at the public speaking contest held in Blyth on February 24. Judges were: Miss Edythe Beacom and Mrs. Allen Shaddick. Following a short recreational period lunch was served and the meeting closed wth "Taps." cpderich Township Master Gerald Wallis is home with an attack of the mumps.. 0 Last year the Red Cross blood transfusion service collected 318,- 347 bottles of blood which was distributed absolutely free to 591 Canadian hospitals. $SAVE$ For your TITLE NEEDS of all sizes, came in and check our prices, 2070 off all new tires and tubes St. Joseph Service Corner No. 21 and 84 Highways 7-tfb Monster BINGO at St, Peter's Parish Hall, St. Joseph (French Settlement) MARCH 14 9 p.m. sharp $250.00 will be given away in CASH PRIZES 15 Rounds at '$5 each 4 Special Rounds. 3 of $25 each, and 1 round for $100 • Admission $ 1.00 Special Rounds 25c a card or 3 for 50c 9-10-p THURSDAY, MARC5, 11 Brillion .Rare -Stand Gran Seeder Meeting to be held in IONDESBORQ COMMDt4ITY NALL, Wednesday, March 11 at 8 p.m. You are invited to come and see how you can greatly reduce your cost of seeding Grasses and Legumes. A Film will be shown illustrating the Brillion Sure -Stand method of seeding, and there will also be an interesting film on Grassland Farming, This meeting is sponsored by • R. N. ALEXANDER Local Dealer for Brillion Sure -Stand Seeders s ► s ++ • sem+ i-a-s-rr+a Faulty Alignment and Wheel Balance are the big enemies of your car's tires. If they are not rectified they will cause excessive tire wear. Drop in today for a check on our modern equipment and save yourself money in the near future. McPherson Bros. FORD - MONARCH - FORD TRUCK Representative Front -End Alignment --- Wheel Balancing Phone 492 Clinton J J1liHNIHIIll}HHHIl@ !11 III 111 1111 I Ill 1 111 Ili 11111 11111 11111111 Hill 1111111111 1 1 1 1111 1 I I j<llnill1ll11111I111111111111l1(tll(IIffill IIlh1lh11011 I n•+-a�rrs lllllllllllllllllllll 11111 111 111 1 1111 1 IILIQIilH11111II11111I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI 11111 11 II 1 1 r ut141, a, ti Out goes all our winter merchandise. Real savings to our customers on all items listed here. Check these today and save not only cents but dollars too. Overcoats Complete Stock All Sizes All Shades 1/2 Price Save up to 35.00 Topcoats Special Rack All Sizes All Shades Some with zip -in linings 1/4 Off STATION WAGON COATS 1/3 OFA FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS 1/4off MEN'S UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE Penman's 95 Combs 5.95 Penman's 95 Shirts, Drawers 3.75 Penman's Preferred Combs, 4.50 Penman's Preferred Shirts, Drawers 2.75 Penman's 71 Combs 3.25 Penman's 71 Shirts, Drawers 2.00 Penman's Fleece Combs 3.25 Penman's Fleece Shirts, Drawers 1.95 Turnbull's "88" Combs , . , 4.75 Turnbull's "E 88" Combs . 5.25 Turnbull's "E 88" Shirts, Drawers 3.50 Stanfield's Blue Label Shirts and Drawers, 3.95 Stanfield's Red Label Combs, 5.95 Stanfield's Red Label Shirts and Drawers 8.50 SPORT SHIRTS Wools Corduroys Doeskin Iia FF ZIPPER OVERSHOES 395 ALL WOOL BBRSIE�' .... , .. , . , , . NYLON BOYS' KNEE SOX 1 OVERRt'�OTS Size 7-7 V3-8 ,,,,..,,.,., Sti A1tLIi�FG 4.15 LtNEt 7.95 PICKETT CA P�ELL I�jllljl { Ill(! I I ilii i(III(I Ij (JIJ�jIj LllWfisllj�Il�IlgiiP{hlIii{ul�piti{Ui{{Iiu+i++ll{{{iilhjl+�i;Ali{Ihl�l+ghll'lltl { Ili',I;:tis{'dl �Il{I�U{ lI{IIIIIIIIIIM{IllliulllllpUllllllllNllll�11111 Illlllilll IIIJII IIIIIMj1I lllI!IlIlilIN'�{iln 11' gH{ !t1f{ !i INAl{I{tnuliiiiiiii {IIUIMita! + ii 4.1 7'f