Clinton News-Record, 1953-03-05, Page 6IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'.11111III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Showing at Church St. Andrew's Men's Club axe sponsoring a superb calor pageant of British history in the auditor- ium of St, Andrew's Church on Friday evening, March 6 at 8:15. The filen will feature glimpses of such institutions as, The Tower of London; The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace; London past and present. It is an ideal presentation which is botn educational and entertaining for all ages. Salisbury Cathedral, Iona Cast- le and the Doone Valley, will also feature in the showing. TraSerr Fairlie, the maker of th e film "Ageless Britain", made col- or films of the first Goodwill visit of Eastern ganadians to the Cal- gary stampede.. Just back from an extensive visit to Europe he now presents his impressions of Britain through the ages. The film should be worth seeing. 0 A. J. McMurray 'Tells Ont, St. WA of Trip The Ontario Street Woman's As- sociation met on. Tuesday after- noon, March 5, in the church hall with president Mrs. L. Radford, in the chair. The meeting opened by singing hymn 405 and reading psalm 695 followed by Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Aiken took i the devotions, taking as her subject, "The Work- ing Christian," closing with pray- er and singing another hymn. The several reports were then read and adopted and business was discus- sed. Callers were named for the month of March. The WA will visit the County Home on March 17. Anyone wishing transportation should contact Mrs, W. S. R. Hol- mes or Mrs. M. Crich. $400 was donated to the building fund of Ontario St. Church. A. J. McMurray gave a very interesting talk on his trip to Florida, also showing some pic- tures of the places he had seen. It was much enjoyed by the ladies. The meeting came to a close when a trio of three ladies—Mrs. W. VanEgmond, Mrs. Harry Plumsteel and Miss E. Wiltse sang unaccomp- anied. This was much enjoyed. After singing a hymn and re- peating the Mizpah benediction a nice lunch was served by the ladies of St. James' Ward. 0 PAQ SiX -•+ * . 'Ageless .Britain' Film PERSONALS Donald Maclay spent Sunday et his home in Southampton. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Welsh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wallis.; L. E. Carter, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Derwin Carter, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Breakey and Richars , Zurich, were guests of Mr, and Mfrs. M. T. Corless Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, dames Walters, Pontiac, Mich., visited their moth- er, Mrs, Helen Dalrymple, over the weekend. Misses E .Davis, Marlene Jervis and Tone Forbes spent the week- end in Hamilton attending the CGIT conference. Pickett and Campbell are busy at present renovating their new business premises, at the former Shearing Grocery stand. Mr. and Mrs. John Neilans, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neilans and daughter spent Sunday afternoon visiting friends at Bright, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Snider and little daughter of Meaford, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Albert Street. Mr. and Mrs, George F. Jackson, Flint, Mich., visited last weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Gertrude Glaz- ier, Clinton, and with other rela- tives inn the vicinity. . Mr. and Mrs. G. N. McGill and Master Cameron, Hamilton, and Miss Kathleen McGill, Exeter, spent the weekend with her par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ebbett and Wayne, Mrs. Ruth Knox and Miss Wilma Schroeder motored to De- troit Sunday for the Barbara Ann Scott Ice Follies at the Olympia Stadium. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Whitmore and Mrs. Wilbur Welsh motored to Hamilton on Sunday to see their brother, Frank Whitmore, who recently . underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harton who have spent the past two and one- half months with the latter's mo- ther, Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, and other friends left for their home in Dodsland, Saskatchewan. Private William Cooper, Fort Leonardwood, Missouri, visited from Thursday to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper, Fred- erick Street, before leaving for Camp Stoneman, Pittsburgh, Calif. THE HYDRO SHOE Waterproof English Wax Kip all-weather boot with heavy double leather soles and heels. Many other styles to choose from AIKEN'S Luggage and Work Clothing Phone 2 Clinton Mr, Picot is able to be out again after an attack of the jaundice. Mr. and Mrs. Penson Sutter, ac- companied by Miss Shirley G. Sut- ter, Guelph, visited on Sunday with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, R. P. Robbins and fam- ily, Richmond Hill. On their re- turn they were accompanied by their mother, Mrs. John A, Sutter who had spent the last two weeAis with her son-in-law and daughter. BAPTIST LADIES HONOUR MR. AND MRS. W. COCHRANE At the call of the Clinton Bap- tist Ladies' Aid, members of the Church congregation, gathered for a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William .Cochrane, on the occasion of their 50th wed- ding anniversary, on Tuesday even- ing, March 3. In spite' of the in- clement weather, a large number turned out. The usual business period of the Aid was conducted during the first part of the meet- ing with Mrs. T. Leppington pre- siding. Hymns, "I Love to Tell the Story" and "Blessed Assuw- ance" were sung. The secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Reg Clifford, gave the report of the January metre ing. A donation of money was voted to be sent to the Baptist Headquarters in Toronto, then direct to the Baptist Flood Relief Agency in Europe. At the conclusion of the meet- ing, other members gathered, ap- propriate to the surprise of the evening. Piano music was played by Sherry and Alan Cochrane, grand- children of Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane. a duett, "Sweet Hour of .Prayer" was sung by Sherry and Alan. Mrs. J. E. Ostrom conducted an interesting contest, "Say It With Flowers." The couple was asked to take the place of honour; Mrs. Ostrom pinned a corsage on the bride of 50 years ago; Mr. Ostrom read an address and Mrs. Clifford present- ed Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane with a leather-bound Baptist Hymnary. Mr. Ostrom sang a solo "0 Per- fect Love", accompanied by Mrs. Ostrom at the piano and followed with a violin solo "Loves Old Sweet Song" and other classical selections. Mr. Ostrom led in prayer and a dainty lunch was served by the Ladies' Aid. Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane were presented with a beautiful anniver- sary cake, suitably decorated ler the occasion, bordered with lighted candles, one for each of the 50 years. Last year over 18,000 persons in 500 communities borrowed sick room equipment 'from the Red Cross Loan Cupboards. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Worldwide, K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W --- Clinton hlllllllfll!llyl iIlllihllliillllff1111®mmllll! lllftlIf111111111111 eee Specials. for March 5-6-7 PORK and BEANS, Libby's Deep Browned, 20 oz. 2 for 37c COFFEE, Maxwell House 1 Ib. bag 99c MARGARINE, Rose Brand 3 lbs. $1.00 CATSUP, Aylmer, 11 oz. btl. - 2 for 41c PEAS, Holly Brand, Fancy, 20 oz. tin 21c FAB Deal -- Buy Giant S.ize 75c -- 1 Ige. pkgfree SMOKED BONELESS PICNICS Ib. 49c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s--Exfro Special, doz. 25c CARROTS, New 3 bunches 25c GRAPEFRUIT, Extra Large, 70s 4 for 25c POTATOES, Ont., 75 Ib. bag $1.95 P,E.I., 75 Ib. bag $2.45 Thompson's Fo d Phone 40 arket We Deliver C1INTOIv NEWS-RECOilrD MR. AND MRS, E. PHILLIPS 58th ANNIVERSARY (13y our Auburn correspondent) Mr, and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillip:,, Auburn, observed their 58th wed- ding anniversary on Friday, Feb- ruary 27, when friends and neigh- bors called to offer congratula- tions, • Mrs. Phillips was the former Margaret Ellen Medd, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Medd, West Wawanosh. Mr. Phillips is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Ezekiel Phillips, Fordyce, The wedding of 58 years ago v � asolemt 'ze s si d at the Anglican Rectory, Lucknow. Eliza Phillips, now Mrs• Alfred Tebbutt, Goda- rich, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and James W. Medd, Auburn, brother of the bride, was best pian. Mr, and Mrs. Phillips have one son, Robert J., Auburn, and two daughters: Mrs, Thomas S. (Ellen) Johnston, Auburn, and Miss Laura, at home. They are members of St. Mark's Anglican Church. Afternoon tea was served by the daughters, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips and Mrs. R. J. Phillips, A/V/M HUGH CAMPBELL PUBLIC SCHOOL HOLDING ' OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT "Parents' Night" is being held at A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF Station, Clinton, this evening. Following an open house when parents are invited to go throughout the school and in- spect displays of their children's work during the year, films of suitable type will be shown. The Home and School Association will serve lunch. Young Relatives of Clintonians, Saved Two bridge workers plunged in- to the icy water of the Grand River near Elora last week to rescue three children who broke through the ice while on their way to school. Lois Tomkins, nine, and seven- year-old twins Jacqueline and Leon Tomkins suffered cold and expos- ure when pulled from the water by Stanley Smyko and Ross Shaw. They are the children of M. and Mrs. Thomas Tomkins, Elora. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Leppington, Clinton, are their uncle and aunt. e're proud to Shout it everywhere Our products come From cows who care. e. DOER S One Only -- FLOOR SAMPLE --- IHelagan edroom Suite consisting of Double Dresser with large Plate Glass Mirror, large Chiffonier, 416 Bed and Night Table. This suite is a modern design in walnut finish with " centre guided drawers and dust proof construction, Regular S279.00 for $199.00 Inspect this exceptional Special in our window today. BALL & MUTCH PHONE 195 CLINTON « 4#s-4 ►++,e— Kinsmen Entertain Lions Club to Dinner Members of Clinton Lions Club were guests of the Kinsmen Club of Clinton at a dinner held in. the Hotel Clinton on , Tuesday even- ing. This marked the first time that the two service clubs have held a joint meeting and with an the 60 in attendance enjoying themselves the occasion will no doubt merit many repeat perfor- mances. During the meeting many fines were assessed by Kinsmen Presi- dent George Rumball who was in charge of the meeting, with all monies derived therefrom being donated to the Huron County Overseas Flood Relief Fund. Guest speaker for the evening was A. Y. McLean, MP, Seaforth, who gave a very interesting talk on his experiences while attending the United Nations sessions. Lion Antoine "Red" Garon, companied by Lion F. Hammond, led the combined group in the rousing French ballad "Alouette''. Many of those present insisted that "Red" is a very capable danc- er but he refused to display his talents, complaining of old age. Kinsman Pete Macaulay proved to be the lucky winner of the draw for an occasional chair. 0 Ontttrio St. Holds Batismal !Service M the church service held on Sunday morning, March 1, in On- t irio Street United Church, these children received the rites of in- fent baptism: Miss Elizabeth Mary Ann Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller; Hugh Warren Aldis and Ann Elizabeth Aldis, children of Dr, and Mrs. R. M. Aldis; Frank- lin Thoma) Palmer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Palmer; Mary Lynn Forbes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Forbes; Connie Lynn Gib - binge daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Gibbings; Sandra Jean McBean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert McBean, In the evening service on the same day, an unusual baptismal service took place, when Rev. C. C. Washington, Auburn, and Rev. A. 3. Eagle, Toronto, baptised their granddaughtei, Susan Eliza- beth Eagle, infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Eagle, On- tario Street United Church. Together, the grandfathers con- ducted the service and the bap- tism, Then, Rev. A. 3. Eagle preached the sermon. • Bell Operator Feted • On Leaving Staff A farewell party was held in the girls' lounge at the Bell Telephone office, Clinton, recently, for Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, who is leaving the staff. Bowling was enjoyed et the bowling alley by many of the girls in the early part of the even- ing. Mrs. Ruth Knox expressed the best wishes of the staff and Mrs. Robert Managhan presented the guest of honour with a beautiful walnut finished end table. Miss Anne Crawford was in charge of the refreshments and coffee. . GODERICH TWP. TO CLEAN UP OLD CEMETERY A clean-up bee at the Holmes- ville Cemetery will be organized as soon as weather permits. This was decided at the regular meeting of the Township Council Monday night at Holmesville, at which Reeve Edward Grigg pre- sided. According to clerk R. E. Thompson, the cemetery is close to 125 years old, and has been dos- ed for some years. Bruce Volland, Goderich, was hired by Council to have charge of warble fly spraying, while Har- vey McCartney will be warble fly inspector. The road superintendent, Roy Tyndall, was instructed to call for tenders for 10,000 yards of gravel. Bert Harris, grader operator, was granted a minimum salary of $100 a month. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS MANSE HOST TO WMS The March meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society of Wesley - Willis United Church will be heid at the home of Mrs. Hugh C. WiI- son, on Thursday evening, March 12, at eight o'clock. Mrs. 7VIac- Laren's group will be in charge of the study period. Everyone is wel- come to this meeting. Best YPU Speakers: Miss !Shelton,, Senior; Ken Carter, Junior At Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Tuesday night, February 24, zone finals for the public speaking contest for the Huron Presbytery, Young People's Union, were held in conjunction with the monthly zone meeting. Successful in the senior group was Miss Mary Shelton, Ingersoll, on the staff of the Clinton Public GEORGE RADFORD RECEIVES 10,000 YARD CONTRACT Hullett Township Council, meet- ing at Londesboro on Monday, March 2, with Reeve W. J. Dale presiding, awarded the contract for 10,000 yards of gravel to George Radford, Blyth, at 67 cents a yard. Only one tender was re- ceived by Council. 0 ONT. ST. WMS TO MEET AT MRS. E. RADFORD'S The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario Street United Church will hold its March meet- ing at the home of Mrs. E. Rad- ford, on Tuesday afternoon, March 10, at 2.30 o'clock. 0 VARNA Sunshine Mission Band The Sunshine Mission Band op- ened on March 1, with everyone repeating the Mission Band Pur- pose, Ied by Joan McClinchey. The minutes of the last meeting were read by June Murray and their ad- option was seconded by Joan Mc- Clinchey. Roll call was read by June Murray. The Treasurer's re- port was given by Corine Dowson. The theme of worship service was "A Christian Tells Others of His Church." A prayer was giv- en by Joan McClinchey. The col- lection was taken by Doug. Me - Ash. A story was read and quest- ions asked on it by Mrs. Robert Taylor. Joan McClinchey closed the meeting with prayer. 0 POETESS EDNA JACQUES TO BE FEATURED BY GOODWILL CLUB The Goodwill Club of Wesley - Willis Church will hold its regular meeting in the church parlor on Tuesday evening, March 10, at eight o'clock. Group 3, with Mrs. L. Jervis and Mrs. J. Innes in charge, will present a character sketch and some writings of Edna Jacques. Would the members who have articles for the Jumble Table at the St. Patrick's Tea please bring them to this. meeting? erlJires SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1953 St. Paul's Anglican Ch urch REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7.00 pan.—Evening Service Wed., March 11, 7.30 p.m.—Lenten Service. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.---Church School 11.00 a.m.--Divine Service: Children's Story Period; Sermon Subject: "Justification by Faith" 8.15 p.m., Friday (to -morrow) eve Pageant of British History in film form— Aundera auspices ofeless Britain" Club 1Jumble recogiiitien of the Divine is good for all mon, Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGAII..D, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—•Sunday School 11,00 a.m,--Morning Service 7,30 p.m. --Evening Service Friday, 8,00 p.m.—Young People's Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOIVIE WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship "Peter's Confession" 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Church School and Catechumen Class Union Evening Service in the On- tario St, United Church. Come to the House of Prayer Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON One Block East of Albert Street, North of Par -Knit Sunday 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Communion Service 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee". Psalm 55 : 22 Huron St, Baptist Church Minister ----REV. J. E. OST OM Organist—Mrs. George Grant 11,00 a.m.—Woirshiif 12,15 rioon—Bible School 7.00 p.m. Evening Worship ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "'.I'HE PRIENL)LY CHURCH" PASTOR --REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, I .A., B.D. ORGANIST ---MRS, E. 1NDORF 11,00 a.Yn.- Moirning Worship; 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School, 7.30 p.m. ----Union Service, Service will be conducted by Rev. John Stinson and choir of Northside United Church, Seaforth urc , ea or s. urc rvce. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School, ' 2.00 p .m.—Church Service. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, ma School and a member of the 'XFJ of Ontario Street United Church, and in the junior group, Kenneth Carter, Clinton, of Wesley Willis United Church, Winners will advance to the Presbytery finals at Londesboro with March 13 set as the tentative date. Other contestants were: Senior, Miss Margaret Holland, Clinton; Bob Allan, Brucefield; Donald Campbell, Bayfield; Junior, Ann Haugh, Brucefield; Doreen Mc- Kenzie, Clinton. SEW and SAVE 1 Smart New Materials Are Now In Stock COTTONS — WOOLS— RAYONS NYLONS -- ORLONS and SILKS Order your BUTTERICK PATTERN Today at our Store -- and Sew Now. For Those Of You Who Do Not Sew Visit our store today and look over our racks of SHORTIES --- COATS — All -Purpose Coats — DRESSES and SUITS'. They are here now and ready for your inspection. IR IN'S Display of Arts and Crafts also COLORED MOVING PICTURES St. Paul's Parish Hall THURSDAY, MARCH 12 7.30 P.M. Auspices: Go -Getters Club Free Door Prize ADMISSION: 35c St. Patrick's Tea Saturday, March 14 Wesley -Willis Lecture Room 3 p.m. Auspices of W.A. and Goodwill Club -- BOOTHS — Horne Baking -- Fancy Work and Aprons .jumble Table AFTERNOON TEA -- MENU Jellied Chicken — Cabbage Salad — Relishes Bread and Butter — Light and Dark Cake Tea 45 cents Everybody Welcome TRY One of Our Delicious Turkey Sandwiches With a Rich Chocolate Malted HOT + BUNS Our Saturday Special--- Prom Our Stare Only-7- CHEItRY CHIFFON CAKES— 12i, , Reg. 4oc for ... , .. . BARTLIFF BROS. e + e -a a4 -e.