The Wingham Times, 1885-11-06, Page 5M Addlttonal Local, PI tic's Svv, published at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is the most humorous paper in. America to -day. Geo. W. Peck, its editor and proprietor, stands without an equal as a humorist. He believes in making people happy, and no one can be otherwise who reads his most excellent paper, Our readers are invited to road the prospectus of Peak's Sun, in another column. Sample copies mailed free to any addroes. ' 0, P. R. BusiNEsa.—It is pleasing to note that since the opening of an agency by the Canadian Paoifio railway in this town the company has been doing a most gratify. 'ng business. About a year ago the agency was established with C. E. Williams as manager. For several months the busi- ness transacted was but limited, only from $25 to $30 per mouth being realized from the sato cf tickets. Mr. Williams hasbeen unceasing and untiring in his efforts in the coml any's behalf, with the result of great- ly increased business, Through his in- strumentality a stage was placed on the road between town and the siding, to meet every train, and a goodly portion of, the passenger traffic has been diverted in that ALdirection. The accommodation on the C. direction. R. it. is first-class and travelers appear to prefer it to the other roads leading into tbwu. The increase in ticket sales is the best indication of the growing business. As we have already said, a year ago the sales ran from $25 to $30 per month. In August of this year the sales amounted to $300; in September to $1325; and last month it hugged close to 11400. The Dominion Express Co., which operates on the line of the C. P. R., also opened an office here about a month ago, with Mr. Williams as agent, and it is alreadj doing a most satis- factory and paying business. Should the railway bo extended into towu there is little doubt but that it would do the great- er portion of our carrying trade; Personal. tom? judge Toms -f Goderich, was . on Wednesday, H. Coyne and family left town thisweiik for. Glencoe, where they intend to settle:` 'Geo. McKibbon, J. P., left on Tuesday for Pictou, Ont., where he will visit for a Month. dJohn Foster has returned from Muskoka istrict, where he has been engaged build- in$ifailway bridges all summer. / Mrs. John Gregory and family diave re- turned from Whitehead, near Brandon, Manitoba, where they spent the summer. Rockey returned this week from his •••-farrn near Turtle Mountain, Mauitoba,and wi 1 remain in Wingham until next spring. vs. John Norris returned, home on Tuesday, after a three months' Visit among Meads in London, Windsor, Chatham and otl>,er places. ,.,Mrs. Wm. Carter and family leave to- day for Muskoka, where Mr. Carter is in the brick making business, and where they ose living in future. ev. Wm. Davis, formerly rector of St. Paul's church, in tuts town, but now rector ' of Woodhouse, near Simcoe, was in town • last week on a short visit to his son, 11 Dfayi4' /The friends of Mrs. W. F. Brockenshire .' will regret to learn that she is in quite a critical condition and but faint hopes are entertained of her recovery. She hasbeen suffering some time from a tumor, which hpr8onfined he to her bed this week. , ✓' David Campbell, jr., returned home on Tuesday after a coupled months' sojourn in Chicago, Port Huron and other places. He reports business very dull all over, and he purposes remaining in Wingham over winter and will learn telegraph operating. • P Town Council. The regular monthly meeting of the council was held on Monday evening, all the members being present except Cours. Bowers, Smith, Black and Dawson. A communication from the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West and ac- knowledgment of its appreciation of the ad- dress of welcome presented said Lodge by the council et its annual meeting held here last February, were road. On motion the communication was ordered filed among the archives of the town. A communication from the G. T. R. in reference to the stopping up and sale Albert street, was also read. The matter was referred to the mayor, reeve and dep- uty reeve to arrange terms with the rail - Nva, 3 company on which said street might be closed. The finance committee reported reeom- mendiug the payment of the following ac- counts. Coutts & Inglis, sliarping saw and repairing branch, 550 ; Watt & Kerr, lum- ber for band house, $23.58; Meyer & Dick- inson, registration fees, $1.94; Jos. Coad, putting iu culvert, $1.25; Geo. Pettypiece, wood, 911.60; niayor,clerk and assessor, sel- ection of jurors, each $4. An account from Barkley & MoCrimmon was left over for further particulars. The report was ad- opted. The reeve read several communications he had received from Hon. John Carliug and Prof. Selwyn in answer to a request for geological information in reference to the salt well, • On motion a vote of thanks was tendered' these gentlemen for their prompt replies, and tlio correspondence of Prof. Selwyn was referred to a committee composed of the mayor, reeve, deputy - reeve and Coun. Willson to arrange with him for survey of the salt well. H. W. C. Moyer and Dr. Macdonald ad- dressed the council urging the immediate formation of a joint stock company of the citizens for the purpose of sinking another test well in case the present one proved unsuccessful, and advi iiug the obtaining of the opinion of Prof. Selwyn iu raference to the present well and the site for a now one. The mty w stated that if s alt woro not. found after it few days further experiotice, and after communicating aith Prof. Soh' wyn, he would call a speiial meeting of the council to consider the proposed sohonlo of a new well, The council then adjourned. Tuning Slaughter FOR 30 D&S 1 will discount any clearing sale ever made in Wingham of WATCHES, CLOCKS -SILVERWARE,-. Pipes, Purses, Violins, -ACCORDEONS,- Spectacles, Cutlery, &c. My goods are bought for cash from the best firms in America, therefore you can save money by buying from a man who handles hid own goods. Repairing in all its Branches. Best and oheapcst in Wingham, prices to suit the times. I mean husineis. Call and sea for yourselves. E. F. BLACK, WATCHMAKER. P. S. -Also Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Salo notes discounted. Money to loan cheap. Nov. 5, 1885. Sheriff's Sale of Lads, • COUNTY Or HURON, I. TO WIT I By virtue of several Writs of Fieri Facids issued out of Iler Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and dolivered,against tho Lands and Tenements of Charles Tait Scott at the suits of The Molson's Bank and William B. Hutton and Peter Fisher, I have seized and taken in Exeoutionall the right, title, Interest and touety of redemption of the above-named defendant, Charlet Tait Scott, in and to the following lands and tenements situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, and Province of On- tario, viz... lst. Lots Eleven, Fifty -Two, and Three IIundred and Forty -Five, running numbers, Government Sur- vey. 2nd. Lot Twenty-Threo, Foley's lst Survey, Ed- ward Street West. 3rd. An undivided half interest in the West half of Lot Thirty -Ono, Minnie Street East, Griffon's Survey. , 4th. Leta ThirtyFour, Thirty -Six, Thirty -Seven and Thirty -Eight, Scott survey. 5th. Lots Twenty -Nine and Thirty -Five, on South side of Scott greet. , Oth. Lot Four on Westside of Josephine Street, save and except 'Ten feet in width sold off the North- erly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine Street. Sth. That portion "of Block B commencing opo hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction along the South side of Victoria Street from the North - Westerly angle of Lot Thirty ono, Foley's Survey, better known as the Exchange Hotel proporty,thence in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Via• toria Street; Twenty feet by One Hundred and Nine- teen feet, ii, a'Southerly direction, and parallel with Josephine Sttket, all said properties being le Scott' Survey,and aro Subdivisions of a portion of Block B Government Survey. Which hands and Tenements I ahall`pflor for sale, at my office, in the Court House, ,in.x}Tgtyn of Goderlp}; ,on.Tuesday, the First day of December, 1885,' at the hour of Twelve. of the clock, Noon. ROBERT GIBBONS; Sharif , Muton. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, Aug. 21nd,1885. NEW PI10TO0RAPII GALLERY, J'_:M:AS01\1", LATE QF TOIIONTO, begs to announce to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that ho has openal a now photograph gallery In the premises formerly occupied by Mr, Cochrane, above A, W. Webster's store, and solicits a share of their patron. ago, All work done in the highest style of the art. PRIDES -Cabinets from 113 and upwards; Card Photo $1.50 and upwards ; Panels 04,50 and upwards; Ambrotypes, tour tor 50 cents. . Special attention paid to the photographing of residences, factories and machinery Chhdlone photo a specialty, Remember the Now Photo. graph Gallery, above Webster's store, opposite the Bank of Hamilton, J. MASON, —TO— Farmers TO---_ farmers & Laridoncrs Do you want to borrow money ? To buy Inoreland for Yourself or Your Sons. To build a House or Barn' To Fence, Clear Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0 for any other Purpose, If you do the un dersigned are able to Loan at the lowes rates of Interest and more reasonabl Terms than any one else in this section o the country. MEYER & DICRENSON, Bairistera, Wingham Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. PECK'S SUN. N. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Geo. W. Peck EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, THE FUNNIEST PAPIIR IN AMERICA. WHAT VACCINATION IS TO SMALL-PDX, PECK'S SUN IS TO THE BLUES, PECK'S SUN Is one of the most widely read and popular papers in the country to- day, and stands without a peer iu its specialty. The originator of the celebrated BAD BOY PAPERS. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE TO ANY ADDRESS.' Bear in mind that by sending a postal card to this office, a sample copy of Peck's Sun will be mailed you free. Don't neglect to send at once, and tell your neighbors. 1 worth of fun for le, ADDRESS GEORGE L. LORD, BUSINESS MANAGER, MILWAUKEE, - WIS. s. G-RgcEY-, The LEADING UNDERTAKER. tam BUS HOUSEWIFE AND THE THOUGHTFUL H0US4 ,HOLDER SHOULD PItOVIDE FOR CHANGING WEATHER, BY SELECTING TTIEIR GOODS NOW, AND INSPECTING •----'TUB IMMENSE STOCK DISPLAYED BY---.— WHITNEY S DUFFIELD Give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK -STOVES .1- • FURNACES, AND ItA.NGE1.I, TINWARE', Lamps, Lamp Coeds, Cut!ery and Woodenware And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. Aiu- orican and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesale and retail. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Also solo agents for the Celebrated Rochester Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but call and inspect -our stock and get our prices.. WHITNEY & DTTFFIELD,, STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM, A Fine and New Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance - Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographic Pens. Also a fine lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and EVERYTHING IN THE LINE Of DRUGS And Druggists' Sundries you want at THE PHARMACY, Br. TIMER'S MU STORE; WSNGIIAM HARRY HISCOCKS Has just opened out a fresh and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits, { In the stand recently occupied by 0, M. Newans, and solicits. a share of the public patronage. a 000 -000 --- GALL AND SEE HIM. CLEARING SALE —OF { Watches, Clocks, Ji1o;y, Silverware &c. { IN ORDER TO MARE ROOM FOR MY LARGE CHRIST- .{ R Id. IST - MAS PUROHAbES I HAVE DECIDED TO OFFER ABOVE GOODS AT AN ENOIIMVIOUS REDUCTION 1 at, il x ,i l tai it I , II, DURING THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CALL. FOR BEST • SAT G- II AM_ FALL P,► WINTER SUITS. c 2 J1 000-000 ELL, THE TAILOR Has just received from New York the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them. 000-000-000 IF . YOU WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A GOOD FIT GALL ON W. A. CAMPBELL SCOTT'S OLD BANK.. CHOICE. FALL HALSEY PARK. IMPORTATIONS,. C Immense Bargains at the Corner Store. 0 Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is complete, and at Greatly, Reduced Prices. in Dress Goods will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman, and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitings, Wool Plaids, Special Bargains in Ulster Cloths, Blue, Brown,. Black and Grey. A. large stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination Suits. A fine selection of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. hL Ready Made Clothing a large assortment,. Stylish and quality u,nsu.rpassed.. A large consignment of Overcoats just to hand in N en'sBoys and Youths!' Knitted Wool Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, &c. Boots. and' Shoes from the best makers. A large stock of Pure and Fresh Grocer- ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in New Designs. OnQ stock was never better assorted than at the present time. From now, until the lst of January we will give Special Bargains in every depart- ment. Don't forget to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We mean business and will not be undersold, 1Vo have large stock and want to sell the goods. W. ELLIOTT, Corner Store, Wingham,