HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-02-26, Page 5''IE3W $ AZ FEBRVAnY 26,1953 CLINTON MWS -RECORD WANTADS Classified Rates CASH RATE --- (If paid by *Wednesday f eilowing date of in- oertiozn)--,-Two cents a word first Insertion (minimum 50 Cent -0; ktrObdegtient insertions 1' cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 ,eeiils extra for box .number or 1lor direction to NEWS -RECORD Ofadee, IF CHARGED --15 cents extra, 'DEADLINE, --I2 noon, Wednes-, 1, Co,e.1951 G..y4lnn,R Along, Happy Harold's smiling now He used to frown and sneer Since he discovered classified Life is naught but cheer. ACCOMMODATION for RENT FURNISHED, HEATED ROOMS, :.all conveniences. Adults only. Util- ities paid. Available on March 1. Box "G", 'Clinton News -Record. 7-8-b TWO ROOM APARTMENT, par :tially furnished. Heated. Phone ,Clinton 768W. 8-b .APARTMENT TO RENT IN Sea - forth. Heated, furnished, self-con- tained, one -bedroom apartment, complete with frig. and stove. Ap- ply to 3. H. Grant, phone Sea - forth 31. 8-9-b •APARTMENT, THREE ROOMS, on Highway 8. Furnished. All • conveniences. Share bath. Phone Goderich 931r16. 8-9-10-b :HEATED, FURNISHED APART- ment, suitable for a couple. On •James St., Seaforth. Phone Sea - forth 3703. 8-b WANTED, ONE BOARDER. .Phone Clinton 246R, 8-p Accommodation Wanted :HOUSE FOR YOUNG COUPLE with two children, steady employ - ;malt, will pay any reasonable rental. Apply to W. H. Robinson, Bank of Montreal, phone Clinton 10. 3-b HOUSE OR APARTMENT, mini- ::tnum two bedrooms, refrigerator, stove. In Clinton, Bayfield, God- erich, Seaforth area. Steady in- come. Phone Clinton 382, local .252.. 8-p YOUNG COUPLE DESIRES UN - furnished apartment or small house to rent. Apply to Box "W", Clinton News -Record. 8.p 'THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, no children. Would like possession by March 23. Apply to Box "A", Clinton News -Record. 3 -b ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO COAL AND WOOD Stoves, small linoleum rug; one baby's commode chair. Apply to Cpl. Shoults, above Simpson's. 8-b SUNSHINE BABY BUGGY, blue, convertible. Runners to fit. Ex- cellent condition. $12. Phone Clin- ton 648J. . 8-b COOKSTOVE, MEDIUM SIZE, burn coal or wood; dining room 'table; a trunk; an Axminster rug, four yards square; a seventeen foot ladder. Also some dishes, Apply at Clinton News -Record. a -b 1948 VIKING FIVE Horsepower outboard motor. Excellent condi- tion. $125. Terms if necessary. Galbraith Radio and Television, phone Clinton 482. ,3-b KODAK DEVELOPING KIT, $15; Marconi mantle radio, $25; double bed, felt mattress and springs, $25. Gordon Shoard, phone Clinton 293R after six o'clock. 8-b SPRING COAT; COLOUR: Cherry red; size 14-16. In excellent con- dition. Reasonably priced. Phone Clinton 349J. 8-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN, green. Good condition. $1,075. Box "Z'', Clinton News -Record. S -p 1947 HUDSON SIX in good con- dition. Reasonable. Terms or cash. Phone Ralph Barkhouse at Clinton 631r13, or the Sergeants' Mess, RCAF Station, Clinton. 8-9-p 1952 DODGE REGENT. DARK metallic grey. Air conditioning heater. Overdrive. Low mileage, Apply at Clinton News -Record Of- f -ice. 7-b 1949 ANGLIA. BLACK; green leather upholstery. A wee small car for a wee small price. Motor in good shape; gas heater. Good for a lot of miles at low cost. Phone Clinton.4. 7-x BARGAINS BARGAINS --- We invite you to inspect our "Buy of the Week" display; one huge island loaded with real buys. Come in, browse around, your choice for half price. Don't nn_iss this folks, It's good. Ball and Mutch, Clinton. S -b BABY CHICKS O.l?,D1;R YOUR BIG -4 CHICKS here. Canadian Approved Chicks. Agent can save your time by quot- ing prices and ordering. Hatchery aerating for over 30 years, has confidence of leading poultry- keepers. bayolds, started, also capons, Agent — Charles Scott, Auburn. Phone Blyth 43r23. 8-b LOST AND FOUND LOST --LADY'S GREEN Leather wallet, on Saturday evening. Main Street, Clinton. kinder please re - quilt to Mrs. Roy Wheeler. 8-p BUSRNESS OPPORTUNITIES l i7SINESS OPPORTUNITIES business trades listed; restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing, L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Thomas Steep, salesman. 30 -tib FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE MASSEY HARRIS 11 -HOE Fert- ilizer drill. Al shape, grass seed box attached, Team or tractor drawn. Phone Clinton 628r33. Nor- ris Sillery, R.R. 3, Seaforth, 8-p RE REFINISHING FURNITURE INISHING FOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G, Pickett, Box 351, Clinton, 819-10-11-p HELP WANTED—FEMALE PART TIME HELP/ with house- work in town. Phone Clinton 729 or apply to Box "3" Clinton News - Record. 8-p REQUIRE LADY WHO WISHES good home in exchange for light duties. Apply to Box "T", Clinton News -Record. 8-p HELP REQUIRED FOR ROOMS and laundry. $20 for 48-hour week, with board. No Sunday work. Commercial Hotel. 8-b HELP WANTED --Male WANTED FOR HURON County, young married man, 21-28, who wishes to better his position. Must have car, be alert, clean-cut and aggressive. For personal interview write Box "B", Clinton News - Record. All replies strictly con- fidential, ST LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CHINCHILLAS. GET INTO THIS fast, growing, profitable industry. Registered breeding stock. Mated pairs. Males or females for herd improvement. For further partic- ulars, call Clinton 269M, or write Box "R"; Clinton News -Record. 7-8-9-10-b MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE WANTED, TO FEED. Beans, wheat and oat straw. Com- fortable shed. Low charge. Phone Hensel' 699r33, Richard Robinson, Zurich, Ont. 8-9-b FOR RENT, 40 ACRES OF LAND fall ploughed. Apply to Homer Andrews, phone Clinton 778R. 8-9-p MEN OR WOMEN. Can you spare two hours an evening, five even- ings a week to make $50. No door-to-door selling; no experience necessary. We train you, Write or phone, Mrs. Laraine Brocic, Crediton. „ 8-9-10-p TWO YOUNG MEN desire good home -cooked supper in the even- ings after work and on Saturday and Sunday if possible. Box "Y", Clinton News -Record. 8-p CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- lieves quickly. Your Druggistfselis Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief too. 8-b BALED HAY AND ENSILAGE wanted; Raymond Forbes, Kippen, or Neil Campbell, Clinton. 7-8-p WHY DID USERS OF 36 LONG - tube milking machines change to Surge in this district last year? Send inquiries to Lovell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, Phone 593W. 5-6-7-8-p PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! Get LOVELY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductory, "get -acquaint- ed" size only 60c. All druggists. 2-4-6-8 -b PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE, WELL LOCATED, SIX rooms with bath and garage. Rea- sonable terms. For further details, phone Clinton 795R. 8-p FRAME HOUSE, one and one-half storey, 35' x 18'; slate roof; in good condition; suitable to move. Box "X", Clinton News -Record. 8-p WOOD FOR SALE HARD LIMB WOOD AND mixed winter wood; also slabs and cedar kindling. Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5. 4-tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. .lust call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 43 tfb SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED for RAWLEIGH business. Sell to 1,500 families, Good profits for hustlers. Write today, Rawleigh's Dept. B -169-S, Montreal, 8-n TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE NI W PORTABLE REMINGTON typewriters at Groves Electric. Phone 688J. ,1-tfb. MONEY WANTED WANTED TO BORROW -42,000 as first mortgage on Clinton house. Wilt pay good interest. Anyone interested apply to Box "C", Clin- ton Newa-Record. 8-9-b eo.o-.w b-.. .-et-e. 0-449-4-95-4-•-41.-19-41- Gordon +-+-+--4-+ii-r Gordon It, Hearn Optometrist I Is discontinuing hit practice of Optonv. etry in Clinton. Any of his patients who have d breakage, etc, may write htim at 1028 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Thank You,' •4..4.1-!- 4- r•4-#. BIRTHS DYK---In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, February 25, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dyk, Clinton, a son, LAURIE ---In Clinton Public Hos- 0, 1953, ton o Mr. and Friday, FMrs. a Jam s Laurie, Blyth, a daughter, NEWLAND --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, February 23, 1953, to Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Newland, Clinton, a son. SNELL—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, February 22, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell, Londesboro, a son. DEATHS FOTHERINGHAM--In Clinton, on Friday, February 20, 1953, Mary Emma Burdge, widow of the late Dougald Fotheringham. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Monday, February 23. GANDIER—At the home of her sister, Lady Falconer, Napanee, .on Monday, February 23, 1953, Miss Lilith Gandier, daughter of the late Rev. Joseph Gandier. Funeral service on Wednesday afternoon, in Napanee. McASH—In Varna, on Thursday, February 19, 1953, Elizabeth Ann Thompson, widow of Thom- as James McAsh, in her 90th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral hone, High St,, Clinton, to Baird's Ceme- tery, on Saturday afternoon, February 21, 1953. MUTCH—At his home, Langmuir Ave., London, on Thursday, Fen. ruary 19, 1953, Joseph E. Mutch, formerly of Clinton, in his 66th year. Funeral from the Crans- ton funeral home, Goderich, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, February 23, SAUNDERCOCK In the Metro- politan Hospital, Windsor, on Tuesday, February 24, 1953, Charles George Saundercock, be- loved husband of Mrs. Saunder- cock, in his 655th year. Funeral service under the auspices of the Masonic Order in Windsor, on Wednesday, February 25. STEWART—In Clinton, on Mon- day, February 16, 1953, Fenwick Stewar', beloved husband of Alice E. Rathwell, in his 85th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High St., Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, February 19. iv v . 0.,•••••1.•••••0••••••• Irflc woman1..... $owls€ Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI 1 FARM FOR SALE 90 -ACRE FARM with an 8 -Room Dwelling Barn, 36'x40'; henhouse; Hydro. Situated about five miles from Clinton. Price: $3,500 H. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251 8-b m1 -'q• s PERSONAL ATTENTION Given To All Details eaftit' lYkiCx`2li r - 'it.f111L1' 0951 -,C59- , - Yee HALLADAY, ROBINSON & Co. Chartered Accountants Bo* No. SEE» CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Middlesex Seed. Fair Sets New Records Present indications are that the 1953 Middlesex Seed, Fair at Lon- don will be the largest in its 15 years' history. The entire ground floor, as well as the usual up- stairs space in the Manufacturers' Building, Western Fair Grounds, will be used for exhibits, .displays and programmes, Displays of Ag- ricultural machinery and supplies, along with cars, trucks, etc., will be the, most extensive on record. Education features, including tiro - eV programmes will be outstand- ing. In addition to the usual town- ship and county classes, wide int- erest has developed in the classes, open to 11 Western Ontario coun- ties, with .over-all championship awards. Hog producers had an ex- cellent turnout at Coleman's un February 18, when hogs for the bacon competition were selected. Other features of the food show will be of interest. The things to see at the fair, along with the well-known speakers and interest- ing entertainment, merit the at- tendance of all rural and urban residents. Extensive new seating facilities have been arranged. The Middlesex Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association extend an invita- tion to everyone to visit this fair, which has built an enviable repu- tation through the years. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and Feed at Lot No. 25, Concession 6, Hul- lett Township, on No. 4 Highway, Wednesday, March 4 at 1.30 p.m., the following: IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; Ideal mower, 53 ft. cut; cultivator; 12 -hoe drill; 4 -section harrows and draw bar; 10 ft. hay rake; hay loader; set of sloop sleighs and rack; grain grinder; fanning mill; 6% h.p. Brantford engine; riding plow; 2 -furrow gang plow; gravel box; wagon box; double trees; forks; shovels; log- ging cliain and numerous other articles. PLED: Approximately 34' ton of hay. TERMS—CASH LOUIS CAItBERT, Proprietor EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 8-b Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements at • Lot 20, Concession 9, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles west and %y mile south of Varna (Babylon Line) on Tuesday, March 10 at 1.30 p.m., the following: CATTLE: Hereford cow, 7 yrs. old, due May 20, bred Hereford; Hereford cow, 8 yrs. old, due May 25, bred Hereford; Hereford. heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Sept. 1, bred Hereford; Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, recently freshened; Dur- ham cow, 6 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein x Poll Angus cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 20, bred Durham; 2 Hereford heifers, approx. 550 lbs. (fat) ; 2 yearling steers; calf 1 month old. POULTRY, etc.: 60 Rock x New Hampshire hens, (laying); 3 chicken crates. IMPLEMENTS: F a r m a l l A. tractor with 1 furrow plow and 1 row scuffler (if not sold before sale) ; set of 4 section drag har- rows (newly sharpened); M. H. 11 -disc fertilizer drill; Deering mower, 6 foot cut; rubber tire wagon; flat rack; 10 ft, dump rake. FEED: Approx. 150 bus. of mix- ed grain; bus. of red clover seed; quantity of Timothy seed; quan- tity of feed beans. Miscellaneous: De Laval electric cream separator; 4 milk pails; 2 milk cans; electric brooder; 250 chick capacity; i% h.p, electric motor; 45 ft. extension cord; gas pump; electric fencer; 2,000 lbs. scales; wheel barrow; feed barrels; boxes; forks, shovels, feed troughs, logging chains; numerous other articles. FURNITURE: Dining room suite; dining room table; 2 cellar cupboards, TERMS—CASH LLOYD HEARD, Proprietor EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer JOE BRANDON, Clerk 8-9-b •+-r-4.4.4+•4 a -a -0-+-o- r a-+'0-+-+•a•+-0'4-4-+- with members of the ORIC0IMIlt!.Y.CAST} ALSO Danny Kaye's NEWEST ItECOIW of Hans Christian Anderson Which includes: "No I.`wo People" "Anywhere I Wander" "Ugly Diieliling" "Tinitabs.lina" AVAILABLE NOW AT GA.LI3RA► ITII uA nf6 & 7CE+ L f VISION ."Clinton's Only Record Bar" Phone 482 ruketo SERVICE SPECIALISTS ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now playing (Feb. 26-28) "BRONCO BUSTER" hi colour With John Dimd MON., TUES., WED. (March 2-4) "Plymouth Adventure" One of the most dramatic and ex- citing sea -tales ever filmed, comes to the Roxy in a blaze of colour and glory, Spencer Tracy, Gene Tierney, Van Johnson and Dawn Addams THTJI$S., FEL, SAT. (1Vlarch 5-7) Maureen O'Hara, Peter Lawford and Finlay Currie The magnificent story of hard- bitten men and lovely women in a rugged era, Filmed in Australia. "KANGAROO" Coming; "DEVIL MAKES THREE" with Gene Kelly PARK THEATRE GODE.I TC11-,-1."iione 1150 N'ovy, Jeff Chandler and Srhsan Cabot in 01M1) BAIL gmeniNsis,, MON., TUES,, WED, Robert Taylor - Eleanor Parker James Whitmore Presenting one of the screen's fin- est films, an exceptional dramatic hit that has just been selected as one of the Year's Ten Best, by the .National Board of Review. "Above and xteyond" THURS., FIi)G., SAT. Ginger Rogers - Clifton Webb Anne Francis Comedy,' but certainly, as a one- time movie star becomes popular all over again when his pictures are revived for TV. "DREA►MI3OAT" CAPITALTHEATRE GQDEktICH ,-- Phone 47 Now playing: "VOODOO TI+S1iR" a thrilling and unique adventure dranxa MON., TUES., WEU. Jean Porter - Tom Neal and Iris Adrian It's a comedy with music, all about a Television producer who faints and, while unconscious, dreams up, a mythical army camp. "G. I. JANE THURS., FRJ., SAT. .Adventurous: Thrilling: ,Unusual: . Up in the unbroken white wastes of the Northland, a group of ad- venturers maintain watch over a sinister threat. "ALASKA' PATROL" Cards of Thanks The family of the late Fenwi' k Stewart wish to. thank their friends and neighbours for kind expressions of sympathy for flow- ers sent and anyone who assisted in any way during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the superintendent and staff of Clinton Public Hospital who cared for him during his long illness, 8-p My sincere thanks to all who sent flowers, cards and treats to me while I was a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Personal and telephone calls were also apprec- iated.—DAVID ELLIOTT. 8-p MRS. O. L. PAISLEY and son wish to convey their sincere thanks and" appreciation to friends and neighbors for floral tributes, ex- pressions of sympathy and other kindnesses received during their sad bereavement. 3-p *441844444e4+1 44.1, +ark aaa-afi+ HeN+44-ka ' s« SalesmanCtg«« +t. 4t4 4 Wanted...f z! 4 4. 4 4 j44 i! 4 4. . + 4 For Clinton and 4t4 ]District ±.. ♦♦ 4t« Age 25-40 ;« ;eIf you are dissatisfied% X ,. with your present 4 X position write X ! BOX "T"4. giving full details :_ ,t4 All Information Strictly .t, Confidential ,7 ._. ,t« H!«>Hsj-.k41:+15 kl14 449 4,41424TH H H 9 4.t.4:P The family of the late Mrs. Elizabeth McAsh wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement; for the beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy and those who called. Special thanks to Rev. T. J. Pitt, the bearers, and all those who helped in any way. 8-b The family of the late Mrs. D. Fotheringham wish to convey their sincere thanks and appreciation t friends and neighbors for thei kind expressions of sympathy re ceived during their sad bereave ment. Special thanks to those wh sent cards and flowers through he illness; also to the nurses of th Clinton Public Hospital; Dr, E. A McMaster and Rev, W. J ,Maine —To lose your wealth is much To lose your health is more To lose your soul is suck a loss That nothing can restore. The Lord Said -- I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, (God) but by me. —John 14 : 6 Receive Christ into your heart today. Charles Fuller -- 123 Los Angeles, Calif. --- Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) 8-10-12-b +0•4-0+41-10-6-4•*•e-9•.,.+-4.4-0-$1 CASH SPECIALS, at JOHNSON'S February 26-27-28 LONDON HOUSE CHEESE -H/2 2 lb. bar 27c SALADA TEA—(Brown Label)—V.? ib. . , 53c KLEENEX (Reg.) 2 for 39c TIP TOP TOMATOES --(28 oz. tin) 2 for 45c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES• -•-12 oz. . . . . 2 for 49c HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 27c ;PINEAPPLES — CAULIFLOWER -- RHUBARB CELERY — LETTUCE — CARROTS W. L. JOHNSON Phone 286 Free Delivery -.-•-4-4.4.9-e-4-6-a-o-+ Yes! We We Are Mt In order to facilitate our mov- ing to our new location, we are of- fering a final Round -up of Specials. Shop now and save. OVERCOATS Out Complete Stock Must Go! 1/2 Save up to $35.00 TOPCOATS Special rack of Tweeds, Coverts, Gabs., some with zip -in -lining 1/4 Save up to $15,00 STATION WAGON COATS Men's and Boys' Sizes—Complete Stock 1/3 UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE Penman's 95 Combs . , .. 5.95 Penman's 95 Shirts, DrawerS 3.75 Penman's Preferred Combs, 4.50 Penman's Preferred Shirts, Ilravvers 2.75 Penman's 71 Combs , 9.25 Penia mics 71 Shirts, Drawers 2.00 Penman's Meer -0 Combs 3.25 Penman's 1r'leece Shirts, Drawers . , 1.95. Turnbull's "88" Combs .. , 4.75 Turnbull's "E 88" Combs . 5.25 Turnbull's "E 88" Shirts, Drawers 3,50 Stanfield's Blue Label Shirts and DraWers, 3.95 Stanfield's heel. Label Colrtbs, 5.95 'Stanfield's Been Label Shirts • . and Drawers , r , r 3,51 PIC ETT 1 CAMPBELL PHONE 2S (opposite the theatre) --r- CLINTON