HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-11-06, Page 1VOL. XIV. --NO, 45. WINGITAM, ONT, :FRIDAY, NOVE1VIBER 6, 1885.
Ic OttuglJant Cintes !
.., There are several cases of tYphoid,
S. W. C141.13.4ITII, r Atmeonoe. ityor in seoorth,
• er Brussels' rate of taxation has been
TOEWIEOO/PIT1016011shad 04147. 1PridaY EWE. struck at a shade below 2 cents on
nig, ins. iik tonal neWspO
aper, a nee a large the dollar
eireuseassis Whighant Andorround- 4
. lug country, making if It valm
Ole advertising H. Happel, of Zurich, the other day
, s inseam . shipped to New York 700 sheen and
47 calves in one lot.
s ' Ss. • iinsenurriosi RATES:. Ed. 0reiglitonl of Brussels, has been
0145 per yflar-41.00 per year if paid in advance.
promoted to assistant station master
;501:ERTISLNO RATES: 02i the G. T. R. at Galt,
..apaiii; i \4 yr. i 6 in4, 1, 3 ino, 1 1 mo. W111. Babb, of the Ocean house,
ens essenn: , sin 0‘ $25 04 00 as ss 00 Goderich, has been appointed captain
not n us ea so 00 12 00 a 00 of the life saving •service at that point.
. 14flarbor ". 20 SO 12. 00 7 00 4 00
Ono lob. , 5. 00 :3 00 1 2 00. 1 00 Burglars attenspted to break open
Local netiOns Bennis pori ne for firs ineertion; s the safe in the Odd Fellows' hall, at
wed per lino for eabh bscOrtlltriOPOrtiori• -Birth;
marriages mat deaths inserted free, • Lneknow, one night last week, but
OOrreSponcleneu of tvnewsy not tire and communi• failed.
cations:Open live tePlit- respectfully salielted,
The Brussels school board has en.
/XEYEE entoEENscli , gaged Miss Sayers, of Blyth, es teach-
ThsainsTerris, Am, SOLICITORS Fon nom or er in the second department, at a salary
J.," its:sum:0N. Commissioners for taking, Old& a 825. •
its for Manitoba. Private funds to lend in straight
cubes at , lowest des. Oillees –tent's Block, WingLucknow's rate of assessment has
esm, Luckne and Gerrie.
Iv, O. METER. 11. Diognom. been placed at Iwo cents on the dollar,
wipes= Nov .5 180 1-11, an incireaee of over two mills on last
year's assessment
J.Jt ¥O1tTO) 0 Crabb, of Goderich, shows a
iLikanisTER, turnip grown on his farm, ,whioin
winanarn Out
rules were stretched and ehe was al- Turnberry.
Jawed adInifiSiOn. She had been work -
WHOLE NO. 1421 •
f f On t William ken has disposed of 50
ing or a eraser near in on, andbad!
acres, being south half of lot 15, eon.
become engaged to a neighbor's son,
He betrayea'. her under promise of 12, to J. Cook for the sum of $1,200.
We're having lots of weather just
marriage, and then lett the country.
She went trs Londe; having nowhere now, but none too favorable for the
else to go, and at the time she applied ' taking up of turnips, of which the crop
weighs 24 pounds and measures 32
inches in circumference,
The Clinton New Era machinery is
URS. BIGTHUNIE & YOUNG, • now run by a new engine, manufac.
?raver/ass AND SURGEONS, tured at Berlin, and which took first
°sloe, co r x Centre and . atria streets, Wingham'pr. at the Hamilton fair.
Archibald McIntosh, for some years
• •
1.., it. 0. r., s. K. 31. O. e.. proprietor of the Albion hotel, Gerrie,
has leased the Royal hotel, Isistowel,
and will remove to that town.
-0 ARE opitXcE.--S0 ore farm; some tim ; the
it, making of a ince home; delightful situation, 81. A besr which weighed 300 pounds
sews south of Vassar, Michigan, sandy loam ;spring
brook; school and state wait near ;M. C. lly. switch was caught in a trap last week on the
00 corner, ,aso 320 sores Southern Manitoba. Ise forte of Isaac Bevil', in Grey town•-
ssres highly improved farm, lot SO, con. 5, and 100
rwres lot On. 8, Cuirass. Free deeds. Sale or ship, near the boundary of Elma.
exchanen on easy terms. Ono. gegmeon,
• Wingham. Mrs. Sanders, of Exeter, has a snuff:
S.--nrisato funds on real estate at 7 per cent ;
oknon000. aot. 0.15.34n. box which is made of brass, is neatly
hand carved and is over 200 years old.
Mrs. Sanders has refused $50 for this
ancient relic.
G. L. 13ALL,L. D. S.,
. The Bluevale Orange Young Britons
itEmor gm616;" "t11010 kV" IhRtal 611kgeb recently presented Rev. Mr. Cook with
• a valuable set of knives and forks in
Attends hie office over Gordon & Mandoo's store
every Wednesday. ',Rest of reference and satisfaction recognition of the cheerful service
given. The various =esthetics used in extracting
teeth. Prices Moderate. rendered by Mr. Cook last 12th of
num CHEAPEST. July.
David Dorrauce, of Seaforth, has
MONEY been engaged in the pork packing bus -
mess for fifty yearn and he is prepar-
on the Market, Private or companies' funds to ,
Loan on farm security ate, quad 7 per cent ed to challenge any other man, young
Apply to •;. or old, to a trial to cut and pack a
H, DAVIS, dozen hogs.
The new telephone lines between
Opposite the Market &Mare, Winghatn.
London, St. Marys, Stratford, Mitch.
CENTRAL HOTEL, ell, Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich,
LATE MaR121141Mee. and the line from Stratford to Berlin
WitataZttn SSZatfial0
• Mame Scutum, Proprietor. couple of valuable mastiff dogs belong -
Join WILLIAMS, Mahager.
Am Baumann, Stable Mon. ing to Wm. Mellis, of Lucknow, one
night last week. One of the animals,
Exchange Rotel"N, Mel is va ue the ot ier one, m o,
id , $75, w.„1 jridle
A, - ONT. at 800.
At tue annual meeting of the On'
Tnis house has lately been re -modelled tario branch of the Royal Canadian
considerable extent, and is thoroughly curling club, held at Toronto last
comfortable in every respect. Always week, the Listowel club was admitted
sets a GOOD TABLE. Gues s well .
pleased and come again. Astes reason- into the assootatin, and pitted against
able. Good stabling in donneotind and No. the Kincardine club for the medal coni -
1 hostler,petition during the coming winter.
J. PATTERSON. The Goderich Mechanics' Institute
v OTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF p„kmappl//p. will hold a series of evening classes
,Lsl during the winter at which book -keep.
ing, arithmetic, drawing, shorthand
stores is hereby given that the partnership hereto. ankindred subjects will be taught.
fore subaitting between us, the undersigned, its
arriage and wagon Inakord in the Town ofWinghm Thos. McGillicuddy, of the Signal, has
s‘,„1,,bas been dissolved by muting_ consent since the
• day of October, instant. All debts owing to the said been engaged to teach the shorthand
pkthership are to be paid to &Mud Nickel, by elms.
eI% tt iAtiandg.cMVs the
Mr ptinorlribep
A large and influential meeting of
•-• OM to the said Samuel Nickel, by whom the tame
be tattled. the ratepayers of Blyth was beld
Dated at Whighain this 20th day of October, A. D. threOrange hall last Friday night to
&UM Noon. take into consideration the propriety
WILIAM DOB. of granting a loan to Mr. Forsyth, of
Richmond, Mich. to establish a wool-
en factory in Blyth, When it was unan-
imously resolved that the corporation
loan Mr. Forsyth $8,000 for that pur-
The other day a girl of 17, who was
in a delicate cOliditiOn, applied for ad.'
mission to the general hospital at Lon.
don. She stated that she had come
from a short drat/sloe north °fainters,
but as slie had no order from the
countyauthorities of Huron, it was
not strictly correct to admit her. Her
;dory, howeverWas so pitiful that the
and Guelph. via New Hamburg and
Baden, are finished. and ready for bus-
Some spiteful wretch poisoned a
The Undersigned, in relation to the above, would
thank these who have so kindly dealtatthis establish-
ment in the pad, and trusts by square 'dealing to
merit 8 continuance of the public favor, not only of
Mum who hive dealt with theta heretofore but of
nuntbds of Others who will find it to their advantage
to trade with us. Any PrOltit808 Made to any of our
patrons by the firm, the undersigned will consider
himself bound by.
Oe*. 20, ISO.
Kr. Alfred Villifinnfi, late of
barn, England, having taken tip blot reat.
steno, in town, la prepared to receive
limited number ofpupflu for intstrnetion
inotrutneritall Intuit°, platto and Organ.
Per terms. etc.. apply itt hie rbliden00,
latttneeist 'treats
is excellent admission ta the hospital had only
$2 in the world. Thfarm
James has rented his far,
A laughable incident occurred lot 19, con. 11, to Mr. Crittenden, f or
the residence of a Colborne farmer the. a term of three years at a yearly
other day.. Hearing some unusual rental of $85, with improvements,
noise in one pi the rooms of the house, otatoes, eepecially those that were
he went in and to his surprise found a dug early, are still rotting bad. lf
two-year-old colt in the f‘sitting,•room," this state of things continues we
resting its head upon the family bible, would not be surprised to see them
and a SIX months! old colt stamping scarce enough before ,spring.
with might and main upon, his weekly
paper. The paper was torn into tatters,
but the good book was uninjured:. The ilso,r
Boundary Line,
animals were got out without ells Joseph jenkins has gone to Michi
f tl • • h'
oth damage bung done,. , Tan or le purpose ofdistinguis ing
At the last regular meeting of Courlsefas a pedagogue'
Douglas, C'asiadian Order of Foresters. -Mr. Willson who has the contract
at 13luevalet the following efficerci were of cutting down the boundary is mak
elected 0. R„ F. Pattersen; ing splendid headway with his jolu.
John R. Miller ; Chaplain, W Misa lifaecne Rob, who has been
Smith ; R.46.; John Burgess ; seriously ill and under the treatment
at Wawasioals,
The residence of Brovrn, 10th
oon„ East/ Wawanosh, lied a narrow
escape from being destroyed by fire
last Friday evening. One of the
children let a Maoris fall when it ex-
ploded and set fire to one of the din-
ing room windows, burning the frame
totally out and damaging the carpet
and, some furniture considera,b0Mr.
Brown was absent, but through the
exertions of one of the employees AA
the saw null the flames were extins
guished. "I'he damage amounts to
abo t $200
Ae following is the standing of the
pupils, of S. No, 11, East Wawa.
nosh, for the month of October:
Fourth class, marks obtainable 1416—
Sarah Irwin 845, Emma Hanna 707,
Agnes King 563. Third class, sen
=rife obtainable 1$50—Charlie King
1184, Minnie Roach 878, John Lind
787. Third class, jr„ marks obtain-
able 1082—Maggie Robertson 1380,
Percy Coed 1057, Addie Roach 887.
Second elass, jr., marks obtainable
1729—Willie Lind 1044, Alex. King
Jas. Elliot.; Treasurer Geo, Alta le- of Dr Tamlyn of Wineham is conva- 910, Matilda Cunningham 895.
I b
Albert •• B , John Germs. , OnThursday evening, 29th ult. a The Poor SWIM 01113346)1:
son;- S. John Gardiner; We,rleelpent.
Hughes/ •
eines esser. re ,Court s large number of youthful friends' and
getting along splendidly, There are acquaintanceassembled together at
now over $900 in the treasury, and it John
IS intended to devote this to the. erec- Morris in order to havers goodnight's
tion of a new haIl.. A lot 4006 feet merriment on the occasion of moving
has been purchased from James Jones into his new bouts!? We understand
for the sum of $50, and an efficient those who were occustonsed to dame
committeehas been, appointed to pip- mg had desired satisfaction and those
erintend the work of building the new who were not enthusiastic in that re
boil, which it is e:xpected will be finish- epee. had other amusements. - Mr.
and Mrs. MoVetty are a jovial couple
. et. Augustine. and we believe their heart's desire was
for all to have a copious fruition.
the Catholic separate
of the let con. of
ed in about a month.
school - inspector, has given the' follow•
ing report of the separate school, Noii;;'. Thos. Cameron and family have
pupila exa d th
1, Meet Wawanoshr Standing o lett here for Hensall.
mine , on ewhoie—excel-
When in Wingham drop into Tim
lent. State of discipline, order and
managernenrss_insisechooliss:SiO011•31141,:,P3"S -9•V two months gratis
,0 • order -PePer. for
8-86 with .
Whether the school is making satisfac-
tory progress or not, it is decidedly. 11 Hallowe'en ushered off the sad -
'At Goderich this anmmer three pupint lees sign/ broke in the cobbler's
frornthis school passed the entrance
door and the truants hlocks,dect.No. 10
exisninatienitn the high school, one bf school, the village constabulary having
whom, of the 47 successful candidates, retired early and slept soundly.
stood the second highest.
-The ground was covered with snow
on' esday.
'Miss Charlotte Bengough slowly
recovering, but Walter Allison is not
r. Rose, of Londesboro, has re-
moved to Belgrave. He has rented
Mrs: Brooks' dwelling.
A. Taylor wants all kinds of poultry
but old chickens. tle ships twide a
l'While sawing a pine log at Found'
Cols mill the other day, the saw
came in contact with a hard stone em-
bodied therein, playing havoc with its
leetbl and with the men's nerves,
Large quantities of pctatoes are
being bought by H. D. Henderson
and J. C. Grundy and shipped away
for local consumption. The latter, a
Luoknow merchant, has been taking
in car load lots of grain at the etation,
one farmer having delivered in two
days 560 bushels of peas at a saving
of six days' teaming, equal to $12.
week to Niagara Falls and Toronto, Moral: Why pay a bonus for a privii.
Dr. McKenzie has receried'a fresh ege and take it out in hard weer and
supply of pure vaccine and every per- tear 2 Grangers, put up a arainhouse
13011, young and old, is being vaccinat- end attend to the business:*
The literary society, which has been
ting good wages. under consider tenon for some time
pat, has now been fully organized.
Several loads of apples in barrels
were delivered here on Monday and The Officers are: Rev. J. A. Anderson,
were shipped on Tuesday to Montreal honorary president; R. Dalgarno,
by George Steen, who has purchased president ; A. H. Plummer, first vice
several car loads tor the European President ; Wm. Roach, second vide
markets. president ; Miss Dunbar, secretary ;
Miss Bone, treasurer; executive arm -
R, lifcCominins, our new tailor, is
giving universal satisfaction, and as nuttee, Misses Baker, Agnew, Rob -
he works reasonable he de ernes to be ertson and Shiel and Messrs. Tyndall,
patronized. He has rented Win. Dun -
Baker and Beecroft.
can's building and we may expect him The Marnoch correspondent gets a
to got a help mate shortly. great dose in 'Tun TIMES two weeks .
t the last meeting of Court Bel- ago. "One who knows" says he is too
grave No. 48, 0. O. F., the following fast, and then goes on to show that
officers were installed: L. Pearen, O. what he had said was only true. The
R.; John MeCool, V. a R.; Wm. correspondent was fully aware of the
Wightman, Chaplain; A. Taylor, R. facts as stated by "One who knows,"
S,; Joshua Pearen, 1`,. S..; Sohn 0, but seeing that that worthy insists on
Campbell, Treasurer; 13. Wilkinson, motives being shown for the action of
S. W.; Wm. Adair, J. W.; A. Brooks, the trustees in the matter does not
S. B, Jas. Tyner, 1. B. think that "One who knowa" flatters
The cheese factory is closed for the them. As his statentent. When Sum.'
seas012. Their last three months' used up, simply amounted to We: that.
make of cheese was sold for 10 cents in their opinion it is not wise to en.
per pound, which proves Mr, Ross is courage talent too liberally; or that a
a good maker, and we trust he may third class certificate teacher is Worth
be engaged next year, es the factory as much per annum as a highly qualis
will pay better another year under his fled second. Second class tethers
management, and there will be more May hope that the day is not far dis.
milk given to it as farmers are introits- tant wben such mon are to tule our
ing their stook of milch ceWsschool board,
George Barkley and James Mc,
Gregor have gone to Muskoka to work
in the lumber woods. They are ge
iVrY DEAtt Tiairs,—As an old man
and a poor one, as wehl
of our common humanity,1 thank you
for the spirited attack on the gross
outrage of having poor men,unstaixted
by crime, cabinid. oribp'd, confin'd
along with felons. Terence,the heath-
en dramatist, would have blushed at
the hideous enormity; for he makes
one of his characters say, "I am •a
man, and I reckon nothing human
foreign to me." The outrage trans-
cends the brutality of the Pagan enn.
peror, who caused dead. bodies to he
attached to poor Christian prisoners.
What would Howard have had to say
about it? Luckily for the honor and
good name ofHuron, Earl Shaftesbury
was dead and buried weeks before
our remarks appeared in print. Wiiiitt —
Shall Huron, rich in natural resources,
and boasting of its wealth, allow the
escutcheon of its fair fame to be be-
smirched and befouled with such a
stigma t Clergymen of Huron to the
rescue! Have a semen ann a collee-
tion, all on the one day, and let the
proceeds go to aid in the erection of a
home for the poor and the destitute.
Wingham, Nov 3, isss,
Povorty and Crime,
From the Toronto News.
Tnn WINGHAM TIMES says that ite-
cording to the presentment of the
grand jury at the recent assizes in
Goderich, poverty is a crime in the
wealthy county of Huron. It deplores
the feet that persons, both old and
young, whose only crime was poverty,
should be subjected to prison fare, as-
sociations and discipline, and justly
characterizes it RS "inhuman and un-
christian." Possibly the grand jury
didn't really mean to catalogue pov-
erty as a crime'but they should have
said so if they didn't. But- whether
the jury blundered or not, the fact
that in many counties the pauper is
treated thtr same as a lawbreaker still
remains, and it is time this disgrace-
ful anoxia* in our system was nine" -
ea. While the victims of poverty are
often irresponsible for their condition,
the criminals aro almost invariably re.
sponsible for their criminality. Is it
not unjust that with Bitch unequal ro.
sponsibility there should be equal con-
demnation ?
A SIMPLE SMALL Pox Cunt. —At the
present time it might not come nation for
people to know some simple remedy for
small pox, and we give the following one
from a well-known correspondent of the
Liverpool Mercury, which is certainty
simple enough: "I am willing to risk ns
reputation as a public man if the worst
ease of small pox cannot in three days be
effectually cured simply hy tram of tar.
tar. One ounce of oeam of tartar dissolv-
ed in a, pint of 'boiling Water, to be drank
when old at short intervals. It lasscurell
thousands of cases without a failure. It
may also be takes as a preventative*,
have restored thousands by this means
without leaving a mark. Don't talk about
the simplicity of the reniscly, Trs, is.- .