The Wingham Times, 1885-10-30, Page 8LOCAL NEVA"
FRIDAY, OOT. 30TH, 1885.
Calcium tea sad :roiled eggs at the
vCmoral. •
Beer tea and prairie chickens at the
girl irl wanted. A 'ly to Mrs- E
Coox and ohaalber maid wanted, at once.: ' Mas. GRAHAM has sold her residence. on occasion of evincing Christian liberal.
Apply at the Brunswick douse. •
Gaps for sale cheap at S. Graoey's. A
$4 gate for 112.50. Farmers call ' and 'get
One, 0
CHARLEY SCHMIDT bought the Central and
has first class accommodation for 120
horses, •
• Ar Charlea Schmidt's Central hotel y ou
will find the following celebrated brands of
• Talbot. •
R "High.
OYSTER cocktails and Bret cissa [Heals at cigars: "La Carona,""Satisfaction,'
laird l,aesie' '+l!icisy Boys," and "Pure skates,"
Scott street to 1iev. 1i,1 . Black, the new
Congregational minister, for.. BOO,
• WILL Diener skated in a five -mile roller
skating race at Hsrriston last Mondiry
night, but he came iu one lap behird; the
winner. The Harriston Tribune mays
that "although young at the busineaa ye
well as young in years, Diusier showed up
to good advantage, and will uo doubt
Shortly be able to show a clean pair of
n -the central. • Stook," •
aaveent-,14004ivigiOloce,*-211re. Herdsman,
RENUMBER the entertainment in thus Exchange hotel is at present under:; who had her right arm broken near ti,e
Presbyterian chinch to.uight, going a much-needed improvement A " wrist a week ago Sunday hap been able to
be about the store all this week and attend
to business as usual. The arm is mending
nicely and gives but little pain. John
McConnell, who had his collar bone broken
about the salve tjme, is also rapidly recov-
ering, and expects to be able to attend to
business in the course of a few days.
William Hauch, the young man in Turn -
berry who had a terrible gash out in his
knee with a draw -knife, is mending nicely.
rt was feared at brat that he might lose
bis leg, but all danger in that direction is
past, and a -stiff leg will probably be the
worst result of the accident.
LAST Sunday Bishop Baldwin preached
both morning and evening in 8;, Paul's
church, in .this town, and it is not surpris-
Tree regular monthly meeting of the
+couuoil will be hell next Monday evening.
Tis Methodists of this town are making
arrangements to hold an entertainment in -
'the ohurch on the evening of Thanksgiving
THE Hanover Post informs us that the
-gentleman who is about to open out in the
''store vacated by Mr. Andrus is William
The ,regular session .of the Division
'Court was held in this town, on . Monday,
Judge Doyle presiding, A large number
'of oases were disposed of.
"Pat soft well is down a depth of some
"1,160 feet and the salt bed has not yetbeen
reached, altdtough it is expeotod every day
now. Yesterday the indications were very
favorable. a humorist. He .believes in makin� nnoI anxious to bear him. At each service
new foundation is being placedunderneath
the entire building. it is being re -floored
and otherwise substantially improved.
wytTrit ritterrift APPOnerze.-At a meeting of the
-board of license commissioners, heldin the
Queen's hotel on Monday evening, Id, Per-
kins,of Gerrie, county Orange master; was
appointed secretarytreasurer and chief
iuspeotor for Huron under the Scott Act.
WHEN Funeral Furnishings are wanted
leave your order with S. Graney, whokeeps
all the necessaries for !Funerals, Hat Crape,
Gloves, &3., all furnished and Funerals at.
tended to promptly. Chargee reasonable.
B. Gracey, Undertaker, Wingbam. •
Pecx's S ,t, published at Milwaukee.
Wisconsin; lathe moat humorous paper in
America today. Geo. W. Peck, its editor ing that the church was not sufficiently
and proprietor, stands without an e nal as large enough to accomodate all who were
THE Clinton NeW Era says that the happy, and no one can be otherwise who many were compelled to go away for want
•other day T. Tipling, of that town, drove reads his most excellent paper. Our of room. Those who were fortunate enough
this Texas pony to Wingham and back, a readers are invited to read the proapectus to obtain seats listened with rapt attention
'distance of over 40 miles, in hours. The of Peck's Sun, in another column. Sample to the earnest and eloquent Bishop as he
animal only weighs 700 pounds and i&'a copies• to any address. • ably and clearly expounded the truths of
food traveler. God's His sim le earn•
Alt effort is being made on the part of the P
.AST Friday evening Mr. Malloch, of Horticultural society to induce the Cale- est and eloquent,and many devoutly thank-
Clintou, inspected the Wingham Mechlin- (Ionian society to take an interest in their ed God for the helpful and comforting words
:ice' Institute and found everything in good property, and we believe that very liberal that fell from the lips of the zealous
condition. He expressed himself as being terms hove been offered. The require. preacher. Bishop Baldwin is well known
very touch pleased with the manner in ments of both societies are alike, so far throughout Canada and the United Stirtes
Which our Institute is kept. grounds are concerned, the property • is as au able expounder and preacher of di -
ins week Messrs. George McRibbon, eminently suited to their purpose, and by. vine truth. No person can listen to him
Walter Scott and John Anderson received uniting their forces the grounds could be without being deeply impressed with his
notice from the Ontario Goverument that beautified and fixed up generally without intense earnestness. He is thoroughly
they have been appointed Justices of the any great expense to either. It is to be conaeorated to the cause of his Divine
'Peace for this town, in place of Messrs, hoped that the arrangementwilibe carried Master and his blameless life beautifully
P. Fisher and John Dickson, resigned. out. • exemplifies the power and love of Christ.
i On Sunday afternoon he delivered an ex -
W. -G. 0., REA,scva has removed his book ;yM EnVMais=i3eiretee.-We understand cellent aifulresti its the Sunday eoliool
and stationery stock to•the store recently` that it is the intention of the G. T. R. au• teachers and scholars, on which occasion
vacated by Alex. Dawson, on the west side thoritiea to again place fast running trains
'of Josephine street. Will. has now a fine on the London, Huron & Bruce division the church was also filled.
-store, in a good location, and has ample instead of the morning atd evening 12- Personal.
room to properly display his large stock of mile-ap-hour trains we have had to put. up
Mrs. Thos. Crisp, of Londesboro, was
visiting at Mayor Neelands'the early part
of this week.
Miss Jennie Morrow, of. Kleimburg, 15
visiting in town and is the guest of Miss
Bella 11ioi3utehdop: -„" -
Chas. Sumner, of. Goderich, a watch
Y 'maker and jeweler of considerable expert
goods. with. •I No definite announcement as to the
Scorr ACT CAsss.—Thin morning at 10 time of running has been made, but In all
•o''ciock, Chas. Schmidt, of the "Central Probability thetrain leaving London in the
lintel, and J. Patterson, of the Exchange,
morning will start a couple.of, hours later
heretofore, 'making up time before
will be tried on a,oliarge of -selling liquor... _tha-than-,
in opposition to the Scott Act. Quite a reaching Wingham, and south bound train
'number df witnesses have been summoned will Iikely leave Wingham at about 8 p.m:
:and a divel'y time is locked for. The change will be hailed with delight ,b
the people of
'Som.—Arrangements are being
'completed whereby Wm.Johnston disposes
;Seamus AcbrnENT.--Leat Saturdaw even-.
of his half interest in the flouring mill of .ung while John Burgess. of Bluevale, was
-Johnston & Turner to T}ioa. Agnew, of;, ,-returning home from Mildmay, and when
East Wawanosh. Tine; price of the half a short distance north of Wroxeter, the
interest in the mill is fixed at 88,500, and horse he was driving became' frightened
Mr. Johnston receives Mr. Agnew's farm and ran away. Mr. Burgess was thrown
in Eset Wawauo»h as e8,250, and the hal-, out of the buggy, and, becoming in some.
ance of 8250 will 1e paid to naafi. way entangled about the rig. was dragged
quite a distance aling the road. We un-,
THE electric lighting apparatus which. der»tand that his injuries are of quite a
was placed in Inglis & Od's milt last week = serious nature, one of his ears having been
is giving perfect satisfaction, and the ma-
'ohinery will be retained permanently by
the firm. In addition to the new light
Inglis .& Co. are having the mill fitted
throughout with new steam pipes to further
improve the beating appliances. When
these improvements are completed it will
be one of the most complete mills in this
:section of the country.
scraped completely off, besides which his
nose and face were terribly lacerated. i1
was carried to a farmer's near by where
he remained several days before he was
able to be taken home.
THE Kincardine Dramatic Club are mak-
ing arrangements for the production of
Gilbert & Sullivan's world-renowned comic
AN entertainment will be held in the opera "H. M. S. Pinafore," in the town
basement of the Presbyteriau church this hall here on Tuesday evening, Nov. 10.
evening, the proceeds of which yvi11 be de- The club has a membership of 80, and
Voted to the -benefit of the Sunday school. - comprises representatives of some of the
Itefre+lltmentswfll be served from ?until best familiea:in Kincardrue, who evidently
take pride in their localdramaticorganiza-
:g o'clock, immediately after which a pro -
don. The caste in "Pinafore" is said to
gramme consisting of vocal ardiustrumon- be equal if not superior to any professional
:'tai music,' readings, 'recitations, etc., will troupe, and they are exhibiting iu a few
be gone through with. Admission 20 cents;
surrounding towns and villages just to
children 10 cents. All are cordially in -
show what can be accomplished by local
sited. talent. We think we are safe in predict -
Do you want to get a Bureau, Sofa, ing that they will receive a hearty welcome
IiolingetBedstead, Mattress, Bedroom Set, in'Wingearn
or a Parlor Suite this fall or winter? If r .. ,H DEATfi.-James Simmie, a
you do go to S. 'Gracey's Furniture Em .young man who is well knows' in Wiug-
pori.ieh, where you oanyet almost ;myth ing ham, and who several years ago was em -
in the furniture li tel Cold weather is pioyed in the Lower Wiugham saw mill
o°ming on. We keep a sire going all the as engine driver, met with a horrible death
time.- Come in and warn yourselves and
',sea what wo keep. Bring along your at Harriston on Tuesday morning. Mr.
pictures end get them framed. S. Graney, Simmie has for some time beep employed
as fireman in nd
Furniture beater and Undertaker, Wing
shortly after tut flax
g theo mill
ham, directly opposite T. A. Alliin stere, •Tuesday morning be attempted to put on
Tom BAND Roont --At the Last meeting of . the- primp belt when his clothes cauplit on
the council our town band was provided the shafting. He was immediately made
with the necessary material to fix up and fast to tine revolving shaft, and during the
thoroughly renovate the old band hall, - revolutions his head was brought against
'which was in pretty bad condition. Since the floor with such force as to break the
that time the boys have been busily engag- floor into splinters. It was some tirne be-
'ed•dting the work themselves wbichis now foie the other employees of the mill be -
cc inple•tcd. t1'he is now in good came aware of the accident, and when the
c c.ilditi•en encu is a most comfortable prat• discovery was mode Simmie was quite]
tice roc m, and the only thing that the boys dead A His head Miffs terribly mangled and
i•equmro to top the thingoflissome pictures it is supposed that every bone in his liody
to grace the walls of their room. Who was broken, Detested leaves a wife and
will be the first to donate?
one oitild,
ence, came to'Wiugham tliiti week to ae•
cept'a'•position in Park's jewelry store.
E. F. Parker, of Detroit, private secre-
tary to Geo. Masson, chief engineer of the
Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee rail-
way, is in town visiting John Norris.
�rlilrs. Reynolds returned on Monday from
Walkerten, where she has been visiting for
a couple of months. She was acdompauied
by Mrs. Jas. Reynolds, jr., who will remain
in Wingham a short time.
111elson Griffin returned from the North
West on Tuesday evening and is once
more in his accustomed place behind the
counter in `Viii: Elliott's store. ttlr.
Griffin has been working ou hie farm, 20
miles south of Brandon all summer, and
has returned home to put in the winter.
Some Thoughts on St. Paul's.
MY DEAR T4fnnsf—Might 1 crave a
small portion of your space wherein I
may ventilate some thoughts of mine
touching St. Paul's and its surround-
urround.ings? To begin, it is by farthe most
commanding church site in town, for
we find the other churches either hid
away in hon ows, or built upon the de.
clining slope of the rising grounds.
But there are two eyesores- ot mine,
which have -vexed my soul •for eume
years. Vitst there is the gravel pit.
The vestrymen are public spirited, I
4rav tr no manner of doubt. Why not
acquire the. property, level the escarp-
ment to the' angle of repose, as geolo-
giats phrase it, sod it over, plant
maples, firs; and a sprinkling of ever
green shrubs? Then as to the cavity.
It might be utilized tats a site for a lec-
ture hall, acid an easy tariff for the
use of the same would soon recoup the
outlay. AS to the eyesore .No. 2, 1
refer to tTie bell tower. Why, your
salt well's wooden ,jerkin does not
offend the eye half so much. Take a
lesson from the bees, that glue over
with a.eoating of wax what they can
not remove. Let Lombardy poplars
be planted, and in a few years the
abortion would be hidden, and the
beauty of the ohurch site would be
enhanced ant;. heightened. I observed
that portions of the brick work were
showing signs of decay, Let the
lishop'b presence hi our midst be the
ity for repairs, aud let the Sunday
school scholars have the honor ot buy
ing their own cherries (vide., organ).
I submit the following tohelrle for
their consideratior,;
10 Scholars at $1.00 $10
20 " .75 15
$0 .60 15
40 " 25... 10
Total , . . ,$50
A month would eufllce for carrying
out -the scheme, and the young folks
would like, the music of an instrument
procured ty'their own efforts.
Wingham, Oct. 26, 1885.
ale teacher wanted for Section No. 11, Turnberry
holding third class certificate and having tough% et
least one year. Apply, stating salary, to
A. 8wINDsiiivasT,
Secy. and Treas.
Wingham, Oct 21, 1885. Winghaoa P. O.
The undersigned offers for sole the engine, boiler,
end all the machinery used in connection with a saw
and shingle mill. The machinery Is all In flret•elass
condition and will bo sold at a bargain, as rt meat be
diepeeed of at once. For further particulars address
Oct. 27, 1885,-5t Whitechurch, P. O.
Carne to the premises of the subscriber, lot 16,
(north 0 con. 1 Morris, on Oct. 7th, an aged Ram,
of.thelong-wool breed. The owner can have the
same by proving property and paying expenses.
Jona Ferman,
Morris, Oct. 19, 1885,
Buchanan Bros.
Have determined to sell Off their !tock of
ootg OW
In order to make room fur other
lines of goods.
Now is your time to secure bargains
as Boots and Shoes will positively
do Sold at Cast
For cash, and under.
Nolo SORB Of thc PT�48S:
Men's Long Boots from $2,00 arid' up.
Boys' Long Boots from 1.26 and up,
Men's Low Boots from 90 ane up.
Women's Laced ' from 1.00 and up.
Women's Goat from 1.50 -and up.
Women's, 0 Nisi from 1 00 snit up.
Men's Felt from , 1.60 and up.
Qhi)drenei Boots:' from- 30 and lip,
Remembolr this 8410,•
1st of December
gt After which we will change to our
regular prices, so come early
and secure best choice.
Butter and Eggs Taken.
Strayed from boundary line, lots 7 and 8, Turnborry,
three steers, red and white ; one white steer and one
white heifer. All the animals are one year old.
Any person furnishing information that will lead to
their recovery will bo suitably rewarded.
Wingbam, Oct. 21, 1885. Wingham, 1'. 0.
FOUR BACK LOTS—two in rear of Brunswick
House and two In rear of A. W. Webster's; also e
private dwelling on Scott strcot, containing nine
rooms, with every, epnv5nienco. The property will
be sold cheap as the owner 30 leaving the country.
For further particulars apply to
Wingham Aug.18,1885. Scott Street.
LATE OF TORONTO, begs to announce to the people
of Wingham and surrounding country that lie has
opened a new photograph gallery in the promises
formerly occupied by Mr. Cochrane, above A. W.
Webster's store, and solicits a share of their patron.
age. All work done in the highest style of the art.
PRICES—Cabinets from 83 and upwards; Card
Photo 81.50 and upwards ; Panels $4.50 and upwards;
Ambrotypes, four for 50 cents. •
Special..ottani:on .paid.,,ta,ahc photegraehing, of
reildences, factories and machinery Chhdrons
photos a specialty, Remember the New Photo.
graph Gallery, above 'Webster's store, opposite the
Bank of Ratnilton.
goknag V .Mc1Nnoo,
Sign ofthe Red Anchor Wingham,
Would respectfully invite—as
• they hereby do—every citizen of'
the town, and every person visit-
ing or trading in Wingham, to in-
spect their immense stock of gen-
eral merchandise before making
their purchases. Our stock is the
largest, the best assorted, the best
selected and the best value ever
offered by the house in Wi6gham.
This is no "catchpenny puff," we
just mean what we say, and cor-,
dially ask an intelligentpublic to
C. W EttL.asn,
--:0:- • e•
v GREAT S�-gF'TFIGL �ivj
• ( 1, if l'1
(:' BOOTS A'Nlli -§NOfig.
Jt v
In order to make r'ura F,r a larger
stock of Staph
Goods, C. W b
Has decided
old bailey Dry
ash off
his ilaltne1 stock
of Boo. and
Shoes, at a
This stock must
be rushed° off at
once and at whatrver
figure it will bring. Now is
the time to tike your fall and
winter selections' of Boots and $hoes.
to select from, and at rock bottom ,
figures. We are laying in a large
and select Steck of the finer
classes of DRY GOODS
and purpose malting.
our store the
for this-elass of goods.
t • C? CDCJ , 4� <? CP CY'
.A: w •' :v:.
come . and prove our assertions. 'BEAVER BLOCK, - . WINGH4 r.
We are not strangers to the town
or country surrounding it, nor are
we going to leave In a few nionths,
but we intend to be one of the
permanent institutions of the town,
thus affording our patrons ample
opportunity of testing our veracity
and business integrity •-- points
worthy of the thoughtful consider-
t%tion of a discriminating public.
Come and see us,
Gogh & Maio,
.A tfhor House, Wltlghato.
Scour—RAMBLE.—At the residence of John Colclou •H
Blyth, 'bn Monday ;Oct. -20th, by the Roy. }loin
Finer, Walter Scott of 'Myth, to Mrs. Ramble of
Clinton . , .. ,
Winghaui Oct. 30, 1885
Fionr p,,r cwt. - $2 25 to, : 2..50
l:lour per bbl 4 50 to 5 00
Fall Wheat per bus.... 82 to 85
Spring 82 to 85
Oats it " ... 25 to 28
Barley , " ... 45 to 55 .,
Peas " ... 56 to 58•
Potatoes new , .... 20 to 25
Butter per lb,..,.,,,,. 12 to ' 1,1
Eggs per doz............ 14 to 14
tArty per tots nett/ 800 too 9 00
' 1. OC ttl 1.60