HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-23, Page 5Turaboriy, Mrs. Jno. McDermott, of North East IIope, and Mrs Hugh Nichol and daughter, of Stratford, are visit- ing friends and relatives hero. There seerna to be a lot of potty thieving going on just DOW in this and neighboring ss•ctions. Several farmers complain of losing fowls lately, and it isn't four legged anima.k that are talc. ing thele eit.ier. If these depredation: are not ptit a stop t) pretty soon we would suggest that a vigilance com- mittee be formed to ferret out the mis- creants and briug thein to ,justice, ,,r ' Boundary Lino. fi•' f— Thomas Currie and family started forAlgoma on Wednesday last. Irs. Pugh, who had a cancer removed from her breast a short time ago, is on the highway to recovery. We are glad to intimate that some of the prominent farmers in this vicin- ity have been making some improve- MI '' j�j' - -. �'Y meats upon their buildings this season, 1' _,Li=j. ANS' ' WINTER S V ITS Jose h Mcl{inney has raised up his barn and put an addition to the went i 000--000 „wing....-.. THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE AND THE T1iOUGIHT iajUL HOUSE; er.".PV.,,e4i„0M. HOLDER SHOULD PROVIDE FOR CIIA.N(�r1N:1 \YEA:CHER. ••�–•:,•1 BY SBLEC'TING 'THEIR, GOODS NOW, AND INSPECTING. ----THE IMMENSE STOOK DISPLAYED BY The LEADING- UNDERTAKER, WHITNEY� 1� EY �� DITFFIELD end of it. Uildei• the whole size of the bui'ding formed, he has placed a stone foundation which makes a com- plete job. On Wednesday the 14th test., a sllootuh match tot k piece, on the Bounda y Line, between ali the game- sters of Morris bank and vicin- ity. 'Iwo young risen of that coin• "mnnity, whose respective names are ,.3. Moffat and D Miller, were chosen captains, As the. -day was very un. favorable, the score of both sides com- biried being in tho neighborhood of 1300. 1Va understand, however, that victory wmv declared for Cap. Miller's side hi 140 points. Supper was pre- pared - for the competitors at Geo. 'Moffat's. The rivals who had entered the wedded state took their wives with them to partake of the supper and these who had not assumed that furca of life, but likely soon to do so, to,ifc their exp'cted ones. After the supper was over, Mr. Moffat gave the juveniles the liberty of his hou'se for a -dance. Those who were " skilled in gestic lore" wool 1 no doubt have their desired satisfaction in this respect. On the following • Friday another shooting snatch triol: pace on the Boundary line The capta111 of the match/gee-re John Fowler, jr , and Jas. Henderson, son of Chas. Henderson. Victory was in favor of Henderson by 801 points Supper was provided at Thos. Henderson's near Wingham. J. & J. WILSON Vetioay Siirgcoos, Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered members of Veter inary edical Association, are prepared to treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on lie latest and moss Scientific Principles. Calls attended to day and night. Horses bought and sold on commission. Office and infirmary iu the stand lately occuped by T. Kerr, V. S., opposite Merrifielrl'p. Hotel, Josephine Street, Wingham. Shuiff's gale of Luis, COUNTY OF HURON, t TO WIT : CAMPBELL, THE TAILOR Has just received from New York the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them. By virtue of several Writs of Fieri Facids issued out of IIer Majesty's High Court of Justice,. queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to otic directed and delivered against the Lands and Tenements of Charles Tait Scott at the suits of Tho Molson's Bank and William B. Hutton and Peter Fisher,.I havo seized and taken in Execution all the right, title, interest and equoty of redemption of the above-named defendant Cherie; Tait Scott, In and to the followin • lands and situate, lying and being in the Town of Whigham, County of Huron, and Province of On- tario, viz.: let. Lots Eleven, Fifty -Two, and Three Hundred and FortyFive, running numbers, Government Sur- vel d. Lot Twenty -Three, Foley's 1st Survey, Ed- ward Street West. 3rd. An undivided half interest in the West half of Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, Griffon's Survey. 4th. Lots ThirtyFour, Thirty -Six, Thirty -Seven and Thirty•Eight, Scott survey. 6th. Lots TwentyNine and Thirty -Five, on South • side of Scott Street. 6th. Lot Four on West side of Josephine Street, save and except Ton feet in width sold off the North- erly side of said Lot. i th. Lot Five Wust side of Josephine Street. 8th. That portion of Block B commencing one hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction along the South side of Victoria Street from tho North - Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's Surrey, better known as the Exoliaugo Hotel proporty,thenee in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Vie- toria Street, Twenty feet by One Hundred and Nine- teen feet, in a Southerly direction, and parallel with Josephine Street, all said properties being in Scott' Survey, and aro Subdivisions of a portion of Block B Government Survey. Which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale, at my ofiide, in the Court House, in the Town of Ooderioh, on Tuesday, the First day of December, 1885, at the hour of Twelve of tho ' clock, Noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Office, Godorioh, Aug. 2:nd,1880.' • ?.fr. Alfred Williams, late o4 Birming. ham, l egland, Laving taken up his rest.. • donee in town, is prepared to reactive a limited number ofpupils for instruction, in instrumental music, piano and organ. Por terms, oto.. apply at We rosidonoo, ll.eopoid street. ; • 4 -000-000-000 IF YOU WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A GOOD FIT CALL, ON W. A. CAMPBELL Of • SCOTT'S OLD BANK. IF YOU ARE 1N NEED OF ::Furniture,:= Of every description, call and see our stock at the 7flnghaFrtt;Q Factory We cannot be undersold, as we make Buell large quantities at one time that we are Enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDF„OOM & PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders fix Car Lead Lots always lacil,e our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex change for Furniture. SCOTT & BALL WsN4611 AM. FALL Immense IMPORTATIONS. 0 Bargains at the Corner Store. 0 Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is complete, and at Greatly Reduced Prices. In Dress Goods will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitings, Wool Plaids, Special Bargains in Ulster Cloths, Blue, Brown, Black and Grey. A largo stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination Suits. A fine selection of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. In Ready Made Clothing a large assortment, Stylish and quality unsurpassed. A large consignment of Overcoats just to hand in Men'gBoys' and Youths' Knitted Wool - Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, &c. Boots and Shoes from the best makers. A large stock of Pure and Fresh Grocer- ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in Sew Designs. Our stock was never better assorted than at the present time From now until the lst of January we will, give Special Bargains thievery depart- ment. Don't forget to call and examine our stock belin-e purchasing elsewhere. We mean business and will not be undersold. Wo havil a large stock and want to sell the goods. Give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK -STOVES 1 CALL AND SEE HLM. FURNACES,- AND 'r� [� RANGES, TINWARE, Lamps, Lamp Coods, Cutlery and Woodenware And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. Ali_. erican and Canadian Coal Oil, whulesa e and retail. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing neatly and promp ly done. A'so sole agents for the Celebrated Rochester Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but call and inspect our stock and get our prices. W PITNEY &L�TTFI�'I .COLD,, STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. 1, —✓ A Fine and New Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance-. Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographrc Pens, Also a tine lot of sponges, Perfumes, Tuilet Soaps and EVERYTHING IN THE LINE Of DRUGS; And Druggists' Sundries you want at THE PHA.IRIVIAC'y, Dr. T OLE L1 DRi. STORE, `tisriNG-iIAi�/1 HARRY HISCOCKS, Has just opened out a fresh and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits, In the stand recently occupied by C, M. Newans, and solicits a share of the public patronage. 000 -000 --- A f CLEARING SALE 1 if Watolics, Clocks Silt1orw��e c, � f .lY: i.r_ s. i•L ul, r�i-rl.L. i- ... w&I l,. •..i iii i. i.•i�► (\� IN ORDER TO MAKE R0011 FOR MY LARGE CHRIST- r MAS PUROHAbES I HAVE DECIDED TO OFFER ABOVE GOODS AT AN ENORMOUS REDUCTION DURING THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CALL FOR BEST CHOICE. xALsEP PARK: • ss.m-,,_., Don,t fail to- attend the f - T ] •-. ar J.Lai..11111 T_ _ M 1..,. , For 20 days at cost. --oxoxo Come, Brrog Vow Money and Buy. Cheap GOdg, No Ree erve and No Humbug... "W., ELLIOTT, Corner pp„` tore. 1tw ing haiv AUrtrst 12, 111R5