HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-16, Page 8LOCAL NEWS iu St Paul'it church, on 13tinday, the 25th port of the harvest home festivities of Ttlu Lord Bishop et Huron, will Broach Wt; aro this weak, ttnable to give a, re-. I»•1tIDa&Y, 00T. 15Th, 1865. Tao; ----t Giro wanted. one Chmoiberta>tld mad » vac claims Roomy On, Richest wages paid. Eaniltre . rt Ceatrzl Matat. s:cvA*tx girl Wanted. Apply to Mrs. E. fleets great credit upon, Dart, ro,ttpwl.9,n, 11.2aibot- the artist. When it comma right down to •=71'iru town bell is being rung Duca more artistic work Dau gets there every' time • on Sunday morning and evening far wit both feet. t2 church service, had., morning and evening, anti in the afternoon at 3 o'elook he Will address the Sunday school toaehore and scholars. Tim Torre hal had a new sign painted and gun„ at its front chlor. ' It is the Auest and most attractive sign in town ant fe• 3t. Paul's church, held yesterday after- noon and evening, but it cviU appear in 11r tt0l3t issue. Tun Willing'Workers' Foreign Mission 13and wi11 celebrate their third saunrver•• nary le 1Yillilesns' kali, 9» Tuesday even-, ing next,whou ata excelleutprogramme 'Will be reudered by local talent. as well es telaut front u distance. A pleasing and profitable time is anticipated, and, .a cor-' r - •AT the school beard meeting, Tuesday dhatin ation is extended to all to be Now is the time to loop through Qor- eveuin" Miss Duncan tendered her resin- presenfr�, e, don t M:Indoo's largo stock of new, sty- nation us teacher iu no sixt`lr departuteri rias t ' B v h , 1 'a a 1 t . IICIIANA ° . ave ust receiveo 1isir aticl cheap,Ovoroeets, aucl her place was ailed by the appoint 1;;; merfeatii`,tiubborstincl Overshoes of the. 'firs entrance examinations will be held neat of Miss Cutler, of Parkhill. D-aring .+ $t'y;iutost styles, the finest ever seen in in Wingham, Clinton and Seaforth. on .hiss Duncan's connection wit our seboal Wingham. ,:all And gaamine there. Iii :.;uudey, Tuesday and Weduoeday. Deo, she has taught with great acceptance and' the harness dept. you will find everything 2.bt, 32nd and 23rd. has proved herself an efficient teacher and complete as usual, An immense stock of Lames, before purchasing your Fur accomplished scholar, and many will re- horse blu>Ikets,just received, A,1l accounts Goods this season call and examine the gree :handsome sets that Gorden R; McIudoo•ar now offering at very low prices, " learn of her resignation.,xpsctod to be paid t hs inpntlr• J. B. Fenousotr, town clerk, has recejy'-°' N.aasafk,,C r 'York at the salt Well -ed from Robb. Birmingham, of ;.,;ori,,to, has been proceeding nicely during the past t•ange week and now a depth of a trifle over Ledge- 1,000 feet has been reached.•'here is Tim cheapest and best place in Winglrum Grand Secretary of the Grand, , for funeral furnishings is at S. Gracoy's, Lodge of Ontario West, an ati' o� t in tock s. went of the address presented by ii)te Dor- every indication of salt, the contents of Lodge the sand pump having a bitter taste, and eeting the prospects are that a bed of salt niay n to be struck at any time. At all events it is not far off. 'this town, who is a student at McMaster pitable rooeption accorded the members of .Ball, Toronto, preaebed an able and me. the Gratin. lodge, and states that the Personal. .ceptable eermou to a large congregatiuu in agreeable •. eeolleotions of their visit will Mrs. Dan McCormick leaves to -days for the Baptist church here. not soon be forgotten. ; Losr.—On Sunday evening, between the ANNIVERSARY SERMON.—On last Sunda 1 her home in withThe burg, after spending a Presbyteriau church and the stone block, a Y few weeks her parents in town. yafternoon the members of the Canadian has Minnie Snell loft on Tuesdai for gold bracelet with :shells attuche9cl. The Order of Foresters of this town, to theu/' finder will be suitably rewarded, by leaving number of . about 150 assembled at St. Clinton, where she will attend the high .the seine at Whitney .PL Duf field's store. * Paul'i `church to hear the anniversary LAECis' numbers of our citizens are•t4long sermon delivered by Rev. R. McCoslr. time by the forelock by getting vaecinatod There was a vety large audience present, as a preventative against small pos. As a J the edifice being crowded to the door. .consequence you do not see as many sail- i The rev, gentleman chose for his text ing countenances as usual. But they'll 1 the words of Daviel: "Are there still env moon get over it. remaining of the house of Saul that I Dmin:o last month a groat number of may show them kindness," and deliver. the ratepayers of this town took ac.vantage ed a most able, eloquent and touching of the discount allowed off taxes paid be- discourse, which was listened to with fore the lst inst, and over f 8,000 was added All the necessaries kap ,oration of Win ham to the Gran • Gracey, Pa:ctrcat UFund and urui.- I Wing ham Dealer, wingllatn. * on t.1.14 occasion of their recent bore, f Mr. Birmingham takes ooasslt Oe Sunday evening John M. Kelly, of thank the mayor and. council for the rapt attention throughout. to the town treasure There will bo TEACHERS' AssocrarioN.--The regular .another rush next week to get the discount semi-annual meeting of the North Huron on payments made before the end of tho Teachers' Association will be held in the, present month. central :school, in this town, on Thursdg# *Tun band boys are having their'practice and Frtda3 next. - On the evening of }1a31.boarded and fitted up 'generally in- Thursday an entertainment will be given Aide; so as to make it fit for winter use. in the town hall by the best local talent. 'The council furnishes the lumber and On the afternoon of Thursday, or forenoon nails and the boys de the fitting up them- of Friday, Dr. Towler will deliver au ad - selves at night.,' it will be quite a coni- dress on "Hygiene," and Rev. R. MoOosh fortabio practice hall when they get will also deliver a short address on mat - :through with it. NEXT Sunday morning and afternoon Rev. D, C, 11cbowell will preach in the x.. Methodist:Ai-moll at Whitechureht, .u- the .occasion of their anniversary services, and tot:'Monday, evening he will: 'lecture on '"what a Canadian saw iu Europe,', iu the .satrie clturch• uThe.ohoir of the Wingbam .methodist church will also be there ou ' Tnudity eve: ing. • epw,T,asus.—Mr. Hendershot, of Dunn- / viIle; has lees 3d Mr. McKibbon's vaeant •etorr, in the Beaver block, and will open up.ie afew days with •010,000":.worth of •staple end fancy dry goods The store ref - tors of interest. The following will be.the programme:,,, President's address, Mr. Blallocli; delegu.te,'s.report, Mr. Linklater; grariliiiarmaperci. seceed.end third . class, 1885; Pl i ''riirn•bi3.1r; some' Theories in Physics, Mr. Robb; essay on Music, Miss Reynold:V.; essay on Poetry, Miss Catley; "Mutters and Things", Mr. Gloves ; Love of Soheidili r. Stewart';;Abithmetio—slim and Connoctiou in'Tettehiog, Mr. Lough. •, ) st t3.30 o'olock, Sunday morning, a fire broke out iu a : stable on Edward street, near the Baptist•.ahurch, belonging to George Pettypiece, and in which 19 ,barrels of coal oil were storAn alarm wed as immediately sounded, the firemen ,cantly vacated by -firs Andrus is also being were promptly on band, and in the shor t fitted up and will bo opened. on Nov. let by space of six minutes from the' first sound ,a gentleman from Hanover, who will carry of the bell a stream of water was playing :a generiyl stock: . . upon the flames. Every one of the new xN call recently extended by the Con- firemen were at their poet and worked :grogatioiai church here.:;f.e iiev. R. K. With 'telling effect, and notwithstanding Black, of Granby, P. Q.; h'6:'1•Aen accept- the combustible nature of the building's ,ed,' and the rev. gentleman will enter contents they Succeeded in keeping the upon the discharge of his duties on Sun- flames under control and fro reading day ne4.Previous to his leaving Gran- to adjoiuing frame buildings.:, Mr. Petty - 'by the members of his congregation ten- ( pisco sustained a loss of about 9150 on •derect him a farewell social, the p:lrtueu- building and a quantity of hay stored fare of which we give in auothercoiumn. therein. Sas. A. Cline & Co. lose 9100 on school for the remainder of the fall term. Mrs. Goudreau, of Chatham, who bas beer visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Hurti- bese, for several weeks, has returned re. James Shaw has returned fr.,m home. London where she has been undergoing medical treatrneut for si+ino time. There is no improvement in her condition. Mrs.' P. Clapp, mother of Dr. Clapp, of Mildmay, and of D. Clapp, inapoetor of schools for Wellington, has been i,stir town vi icing her nephew, Philip McKililon. 7ohn Rutherford. who bus been enploy- in Wm. Elliott's store for the past ten months, previous to which he was with Scott & 13e11 for throe years, left town yes- terday morning with his family for Glas- gow, Scotland. It is Mr. Rutherford's In- tention to settle in that neighborhood and go into business in his native shire. Dur- ing his residence in tflis town he has won many warm friends, who will regret his departure and at the same time wish him Tate Roller Caunlv,'nl, DO of the mortssuocossful carnivals ever hold in Wingbam Was that field in the roller sigttiug rink last Friday evening. Tile lar64 building was well ;filled, there being between 400 and 500 spectators, and a big turnout of merry Inaskers in various ootitun,os end eheractote, presenting to, very avianatecl appearance, A list of those who appeared in rostume .vt ill.lie feund bolo' The prizes for costumes were awarded as follows. .For ladies, Miss'VIolet Fields, as "Sultana of Turkey;" for gents, Will. Dinelev, as "Indian, Chief;" fat' girls under 12, Pdith Burns, as a "Squaw;" for boys under 12, Davie i)ineley, as "Tom Thumb.' The event of the evening w.is the five mile skating ince, for 910. silver 'cup. There were seven entries, but the race was really between Sas, Coruyu and Will. Dinsley. 3t was exceedingly eloau and exciting to tite end, when .Dursley came in ahead with but a, short distance to spare, Altogether the first narnivai ou the roller rick was a. sue- ceas in every respeot. `.1'he following aro :the namss of those who ,appeared iu cos- 'tume, together with the character they ,representecajer • GENTLEMEN. Will. Dinsley, Indian Chic!'. Doyle Dinsley, Tourt Thumb. ' J. „Hiscooks, cavalry Officer. Sextus Hent, Sir Walter Raleigh. Geo. Roe, Clown. W, A. Campbell, Clown. • • Robert. C:ornyn, Kuight. Allis Dinsley, 'Squaw, Thos. Kinsman, 33rd Batt. Volunteer. Wm. Audersou, Jockey. Geo. Shaw, Wingluam Dude. Frank 'Holl; way, Sailor. James .Cor'uyn,`St, Andrews. Ed. Winfield, Chief White Cap. Art. Carr, Frank James, Francis Bradwin, Jessie James. LADIES, Violet Fields, Sultana of Turkey. Edith Burns, Squaw. 'May Nicholls, Folly, Ella Cornyn, Grandma -at-home. S. Keele, Italian peasant, Jennie Dallas; Highland Lassie.' Melia Dawson, Fancy 'Thought. Maggie Rose, Banner Girl, Janine Cargill, Vanity. Maggie Cargill, Good Luck. Norma Dinsley, `.Cherub. Minnie Kincaid, Tim TIMES. Flora FleutY Red Biding Mood. •Susan Pettypieoe,. Country Bride. Minnie Adams, Housemaid. Maggie Halliday, Flower Girl. Adella Halliday, Red, White and Blue Louisa.b'leuty, Lady in White. Clara Johns, Queepliz,.beth,• Elva Hession, Gipsy. Mrs. D. McCormick, Whiter. Kate Nettei$Eld, Paper Girl. 1. autumnal re:rest Culture. "good luck" iu his undertaking, To. the Editor of THE tnces. - Sift The fall is the time for_ tree A Pastor's:l irewoll. planting. Evergreens, indeed, do i'reyfous to the departure of Itev. R. K. better in early June, but with are Black lion) Granby, P. Q.. to take chargethey will du well now. The great ad - of the Congregational church tri this town vantage of shelter be.ts, or what A' the members of his congregation tendered better, broader plantations of forest him a farewell social. 'The Montreal Wit- tree9, en the expOscd'sides of a farm, nese speaking of "At Granby, on mernhers of the ;Co air says: are now so well know.l that rn wany sday evening, the localities planting has of late been Fegatiobal church, large •The farina without such :Las a gatik' ed in a thbrongh 3':filled house for a oarren and Withered aspect, and will fare`'Jeli social to Ibeir wester. The Rev, not soil, if the owner wished to dis It. I ;:Black has been a sithful and honor--; pose of it, nearly so' all. ed pastor of these people for nine years. It i Persons near woods, where young is a m -atter of sorrow on the part of both I trees are to Le had, neither heed wait paatgi'.and people that the tie must be l to ;row frog seeds, or to go to nur- sev. red. The Granby field is a double i sexy men fu. plants. There are great one; and Mr. Black Ands the effort to min_ I quantioies still to be secured, in fact ; ister to the two churches more than his 1 Nursery men and large planters have strength will allow, so he withdraws to a drawn their principal supplies front field that will tax his strength less. •Ho the woods, and as they have always goes to Wingbam, Outario. The large been able to secure their stocks with - gathering and the warmsllrearteduessof tho out much trouble, less attention has people showed how much they would miss here (leen paid to growing from seed. their pastor and his good wife. But the The Lest, trine is after a fail rain, say about the fifteenth of October. In damp situations the plar.t can easily be pulled without injury, but here they will not draw easily it will be necessary carefully to chg them up. 1t is \veil than to' pack them tightly into the wagon box, and, by the way, until your are ready to do this, 1. cep tltelu covered with moss or leaves, - and keep the roots well oovered with the same in the wagon. if we take - theal only one or two feet lung, cut genuineness of their affection was not evi- Ws take pleasure in calli•ig our readers' eight barrels of oil; Whitney 8: Duffield : ;~?lent .in words alrsne. 'Cu a platform in one attention to Dr. Kergan's advertisement ,. $45 0u. six barrels, and a. Loudon -7,-firm of the lee ro-room where thewith- which appears in other columns of this about440 ou.fivo barrels which they had ering was held, 'dere was displayed .a paper, also in recommending those who are stored in•the buildh The fire was, cru- 'handsome phreton andsilver-mounted hat - in need of skillful Medioal :,r Surgical doubtedly sof incendiary origin, and .WO cess. During the evening this was pre- treatment to ea11 on his Surgeons during understauc hue to die hatltatles line sented to the debarring pastor with au, ad - this visit. Consultation with them costs been t" mined. dress signed by the contributors, a long noth;ng and. their opinion regarding any !NIA' ,-14Liroa.tSArrr1, On Monday after- list. The ministers of the other churches .disease or deformity may be relied on as n Mayor Neels took a run arci.�tud of Granby were present to testify their es- corrcct. * I o the salt well to see how work was sire- teem and their 6euse of loss, and there gressing. Ile didn't stay long. He stolid were preselit,-also some from out of the S. CxiucEY•has a largo stock of sideboards beside the barrel which receives the dirt towirwho showed that the pastor's influ- Olt the top root, leaving eboat SIX bed room sets, frailer suites, safes, lounge, brought sip by the sand pump, but on1 enco resthedlbeyoi'id the borders of parish, inches, plant thein in beds at heats, . matteesses, &:e.: that can be bought at very . q I and 111"LL season or two taut again ftir a moment." Ho saw the innocent look•, the Rev. Geo, Willett and Deacon Carter,p b .b low prices for cash.. bpecral reclucuons. to fire hump brought up from the bowels of from Cuwausville, Dr. Stephenson and ,y artier buying in quantities of over •$50.• the cutch, but he felt not in tho least u» - Parlor sdites away ,clown, almost at cost. `peacon Black froin,..Eiri Haenel church, easy; he saw it placed with its mouth • Montreal, and the Reit. 11. 'M. Hilt, from it will pay' yen to come 10 mixes to buy at the woods at olive. Ceelar, spruce, H. •t, racey's Furniture Rooms. Remember pointing at the barrel, yet wee he entirely • ()Ovary church, lllogtreai, It was an fm•> p r the •,lase, riimetly opposite T. ...lofts• innocent of any clanger; he saw Bell•uru priasive evening, As the -tributes were Norway sprtise, pines, lhetr•.luuk, larch, 1 pl screw the valve, y ret %lered by the chi !"otit sa eskers, it show• luny all lAt Planted now, its, of ,euurde, at did, he not move a fl'�• stare Satltl next doom: south Of i;tuntstVitik ,step': he saw the dirt just commencing to ed that the Province of Quebec was mak• way be the'dociduoua treed. Where 'Rosso, step': out of the pump like a shot, but that in a good gift to- her sister Ontario; we we 11n4 it possible to get large young Tne, school board at its last session decided was all he saw for several minutes after. wet it porfeet reciprocity in this. TO servotrees with spreading dense,, hbroud to recommend all parents to keep a sharp Ho wondered what hath; Ntruck %rim. Ho a people nine years in the varied service a ruots,we uaii talo them, they will lookout 011 pupils to goo that those dentin- presently got all the dm. out of his eyes faithful pastor can render is to make warm grow at once. But with there trees ed for taloa really roach there. 'Clre and began to see again. He saw that ho friends. '1'o sever tho bond gives pairs* wiiicli halve but few roots and a"long board hag iia its posession evidence d, a was completely covered from head to foot Such cxperiencoi show the pulpit is, not tap root, there is more truutle.• ]1 number of parties w1o,instead of attend. ! with dirty brine, and he decided to ,to 1&ing its sewer. Such a decade of orrice Wo take these very small, and trans ing school, spend ti few forenoons naw and home. The sand pump is no respeeter of alieut in.faithfitlly preaching the rare' Poi- plant twice, ss e scall it ive the lies, "roll," t5oi of C stat is a feeding of souls who grow civilian. We We should remember to . again et the mazy roll, on the rink. I Venous, and it 'would just as lief squirt en ;better u der it, though Choy tlo not rerrretri- -fluuh parties may not bo surprised should the mayor as ib would on ,lohn Hanna.. ber the tarmons they havo heard Bitch a talcs all the leaves off: the deciduous ' they f}nd tliemgrlves in an unpleasant po- fltruycl'' Noolanels, however, has the grin life loaves ati afterglow of holy influenoo.. trees Liam %) panting, kitten moo long,.gr find thomselrves:divq,u l 117ay rich blessings follow the family to • Yours deo atlteil�rt nivinlrla dir.uicne0 of i•c,l.:.::fors to O. 10,-.0 ,rt•tti. l , the „ salt k l.a.ly hop:: U I; ; gttisfaotron of lrnowurg that rt is notevery ' their new hotno." A. vigorous rhni+c}i~''hs aux! wnv eau lravo the first bath 111 briYi'o'It. W, 1 urPrs. . hitt Waiting for an earaeet Tuan; it is earn- '1'or'otTto, Oct. hili, 1.885» e.. '-t a from ro iS in�ham s 1 well* • 1'i cd the f 'er.e u 1:n will where we want them, we will often 'Amite mute rapid progress than if 'we 'bud planted trees ten feet high Prow b: ah rr.." C. VT: }NPL • GRl.AT SACRIVIC:12 ' - IN • `::; • BOOTS AND SHOES. c:ll In order ta make room for a. f;tri;or stook of ~,tapir+ and Valley Dry Goads, G. W, iiL;\ D 'li jQN Has'decided to rush otr his immense stock of Boots and Shoes at n grt'ab • socrltice. This stock must bo rushed oil' et once. and ;It what"»»'er fgare. it will being. Now as the time to make your full grid winter st;lbctions of Boots. and Shoes. A LARGE; STOQK t+;, - to select from, tad at rook •.bnttotu figures. We aro laying hi a large and select stock of the filler .classes of DRY GOODS. and purpose malting • our store the 730CADIIVARTLrRS ZZ•T WINGHi..14 fi,r this class of goods. A rl... Y 4 4 DRESS GOODS A SPECIAIJTi'. 1' V 4 CPC,tiC7 <u>CWTC>C?<?Cr :V: ---:o: -- G W. HENDERSON; BEAVER BLOCK., • WINGHtliq. 004 r_ CO�__�_,_ ' J'Tow' is tiie time to oe07117'e cZjo7hr Stook as yo -u, will save 77Loney by getting dry' clean Coal. Cas?, 7727.1.st ao- 00a10%1172,7/ all orders, as we will not .7.00k. Coal, JAS.;.. CLINE & CO. COA.=t_ CO COA�t_ INGILA \Vingharn Oct. i0, 188c Flour p. r cwt. $2 26 to 2 50 Flour per bbl 4 60 to 5 00 Pall W Vat Or bus..:. 82 to 85 Spring , : . .,» 82 to 85 Oats • ter' • is .,. 25 to 28 Barley i' rc 45 to 55 Peas 'r' r, ... 5l; to 57 Potatoes new, • .... 2Q to 25 Butter per lb 12 to rI Eons per doz..........t14 to 14 Haji per tot hew ....,y 804' to 0 00- 'ottsl,.,»,l»..,,,,0,.101 OC to 1 50