HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-16, Page 5TUE S011OOI, BOAItD, Epgutring Teachers tor the Ensuing ifeA .--An Increase et $12li in $Manses allowed. The regular monthly meeting `of the school beard wits held on `puesday, t sere iBeing present Messrs. Scott, Jobb, Moore, Iu^lits, Iianna and Cummings. Principal Groves presented 11it•;roport giv- ing the attendance of put ila in the various. departments for last mouth. Since his last report he had the pleasure of announc- ing the result of the entrance examina- tion held in xuly. Eighteen of our pupils wrote and all wore successful with but one exception, and he failed by seven marks in history. The 17 candidates obtained 500 marks or .over, being 661 of the total.. Tho names of the successful ones uro Mag- gio ,--Donald, Nellie Paulin, Willie Cor- nyn, 111iltou Snell, John Davis, Archie Fisher, Annie McLaren, Nellie Grey, Thos. Comm James Campbell, I`i11ie Johnston. May Pirio, JtLmes Lakin, Lottie Mc- Culloch, Joseph Eakin, NVi11io Dinsley and Emilie Itoe. Goderich passel 17 candidates, Clinton 5, Scafort1i 5, Exeter 3 and I. that a S3, Mr. Groves also q cern- este.. FALL ` WINTER SUITS. mended that all the teachers be requested FALL ��>,�' to subscribe for some educational paper or p•:riodioal, or that the board make a do- j i nation of a year's subscription to each ono. Hu also called their attention to the fact that the new Scripture aolectious are re- quired to be on the desk of each teacher by Now Yoar, and the board is required to furnish them. On motion of Mr. Cummings it was de- I aided to request all the teachers to procure! some educational paper, in accordance with Principal Groves' recommendation. The following accounts wore ordered S. C�-RgCEY • 1IJ1�; I3IJSY 1IOUSEWJFi: AND THE TI.IOUGIIT AUL TIOUSj MOLDER SHOULD PROVIDE FOR OHAN(*INCI. WEATKER 9 BY SELECTING THEIR 0001)S NOW, AND INSPECTING —TIDE IMMENSE STOOK I)ISPLAYET.) 14Y-----. The LEADING UNDERTAKER. WHITNEY{,1� DTTFFI:�LI� ,sl � cr�� • �ulti4afA • WiN0-1- AM_ fr'ti paid ; Smith & P.lthick $21.90, Robinson cR Boag$500, Jas. A. Cline & Co. $26.33, Wm. Day;oa $26, Walter Sloan $41.40, Scott & Bell 610.27, Prod Hughes $4, 'Whitney & Duffield 616.75, Ed. Hastings ;°3.75, 11. Clark 512, Angus McGregor $7.- 30, 0, Chas. Stilitli 61.88, Inglis & Co. 61.45, Cleo. Blackwell $2, L. 13. Mories $23.02, R. G. Wellwood $12.07, Chas. Smith $10. Applications were tlicu received for po- sitions as teachers for the ensuing year. PrincipalGroves was rcengaged at a- sal- ary of. $650 ; Miss Case at $400 ; Miss Gat. ley at $500; i%(iss O'Neil at $300: Miss licvnolds at $250. Miss Duncan sent sir :hs her resignation as teacher and requested a testimonial from the board. On motion of Mr. Inglis the same was accepted, and the chairman aid saccretary were appointed a committee to draft tri° testimonial. Applications were received for the po- sition of teacher in trio sixth department from 1\tiss M. Catley, of Parkhill, et a sal- ary of $275, and from Bliss Steels, of God- crich, at a salary of $260. (lc motion of • Mr. Inglis Prliss Catloy was engaged for the position at 6275. Tho principal was instructed to write an article for the newspapers in regard to pu- pils frequenting the roller rink and other places of amusement during school hours. Moved by Mr. Hanna, seconded by Mr. Inglis, that this board, in acknowledging the services of Duncan ,%leTavisli in as- sisting, the janitor in starting the steam in the 5011031, be paid $5. --Carried. On motion Mr. Scott vacated the chair which was taken by Mr.Inglis, when it was moved by Mr. Jobb, seconded by Mr. Moore that Mr. Scott receive the Sum of $25 for his services as overseer iu connec- tion with the heating of the school.—Car. ried. Mr. Scott in returning thanks for the expression of the board in regard to his services, declined to receive any pecuniary consideration whatever. Theboard then 'adjourned. Sheriff's of Lads, COUNTY OF HeRON, TO WIT : By virtue of several Writs of Ficri Faeids issued out of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and delivered against the Lands and Tenements of Charles Tait Scott at the sults of The Molson's Bank and William B. Hutton and Peter Fieher,1 have seized and taken in Execution all tho right, title, interest and cquety of redemption of the above-named defendant, e:•iarlo I Tait Scott, in and to the following lands and tenements situate, Lying and being in the Town of Winghan, County of Huron, and Province of On- tario, via: 1st. Lots eleven, Fifty -Two, and Three Hundred and Forty -Five, running numbers, Government Sur - 2nd. Lot Twenty-Thrco, Foley's 1st Survey, Ed- ward Street West. 3rd. An undivided half interest in the West half of Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, Griffon's Survey. 4th. Lots Thirty -Four, Thirt .Six, ThirtySeven and Thirty -Eight, Scott survey. 4th. Lots Twenty -Nina and Thirty -Five, on South side of Scott Street. eth. Lot Four on Wast side of Josephine Street, save and except Ten feet in width sold oif the North- erly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine Street. 8th, That portion of Block B commencing one hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction along the South aide of Victor:a Street front the North. Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, 1'o1ey's Survey, better known as the Exchange Hotel proporty,thenee in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Vic- toria Street, Twenty fact by Ono Hundred and Nine• teen feet, In a Southerly direction, and parallel with JosephineStreet all said properties being in Seat',Survey, and are Subdivisions of a portion of Block I3 Government Survey, Which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale, at my office, in the Court House, in the Town of Ooderich, on Tuesday, the First day of December, 1885, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, Noon. ROBERT OI1130NS, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Uflice, Codorich, AUR, 2.nd,1885. Mr. Alfred vV1111aria, lato of Birming- bans, England,. having taken up his resi- dence in tosrrn, is prepared to •reee8'e a limiters nttniitndr of pupils for instruction in instrumental music, piano and organ. Por terms, rte.. apply at hie rostis1oleo, ).14.3z:431.1 ttrect. 000-000 CA.0 def ELIL, THETAILOR Has just received from New York the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them. 000-000-000 .IF YOU WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS .SUIT AND A GOOD FIT CALL ON W. A. CAMPBELL SCOTT'S OLD BAIS K. IIF YOU ARE 1N NEED OF �� urniturez-_ Of every description, call and see our stock at the VYnha Funit Factory We cannot be undersold, as we make such Large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDROOM &; PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders ftr Car Lead Lots always hab.e our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex- change for Furniture. SCOTT az B EJIJD • W' NGH IVI. FALL IMPORTATIONS. 0 Immense Bargains at the Corner Stores 0 Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is complete, and at Greatly Reduced Prices. In Dress Goorls will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitin,s, Wool .Plaids. Special Bargains in Ulster Clotho, Blue, Brown, Black and Grey. A large stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination Suits. A fine selection of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. In Ready Made Clothing a large assortment, Stylish and quality unsurpassed. A large consignment of Overcoats just to hand in Men's Boys' and Youths' Knitted Wool Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, &c. Boots and Shoes from the best makers. A large stock of Pure and Fresh Grocer- ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in New Designs. Our stock was never better assorted than at the present time. From now until the ist of January we will give Special Bargains in every depart- ment. Don't forget to call and examine our stock before purehasing elsewhere. We mean business and will not be undersold. We have a large stock and want to sell the goods. W. ELLIOTT, Corner Store. Wing ham a - - Give all classes u chance to invest their means to the hest advantage in COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK -STOVES Lamps, Lamp 1601.1:6;6M1,14..6. Goods, Cut!ery and FURNACES,. AND RANGES, T?✓N WAPE, • Woodenwa re:. And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar :n our line. Ann- • ericau and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesi a and retail. E,avetrougbing it specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done, Also sole agents for the Celebrated Rochester Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but call and inspect our stock and get our prices. WHITNEY" & 7DTTFFI:ELD 9' STONE BLOCK. WINGHA i\1'. A Fine and Naw Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance' Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographlc Pens. Also a this lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and EVERYTHING IN THE LIRE Of ORUG.; And Druggists' Sundries you want at THE P EIAI; MI A_ C Y-; Dr, ° a wa DM STO M, VrTI11-GI1.AJ HARRY HISCOCKS Has just opened out a fresh and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits, In the stand recently occupied by 0, M. Newans, and solicits . a share of the public patronage. coo-0oo CALL AND SEP HIM. —JUST RECEIVED -- a. LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Jeweby etc At Lower Prices than Ever Befoliea Offered in. Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as. any House in Canada, Try rue and sett• • fur yourselves. HALSEY PARK Don,t fail to attend the 2: A i 1.111 j 1.1 AT T_ ......_ _. L•. � For 20 days at cost. - - --0X0%0--. Come, Bring Your Mone and Buy Cheap Coo No Reserve and. No Humbug. Wl llg119ttn, Aurae. I. '.dulls 0 I) ,loll;.. �,1 ILAN