HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-09, Page 8LOCAL NEWS tiaMAL Winghamqueitera expect to go thHarrietiell next Tuesday and Wednesday — tO ea a chielting tournament there, VIUDAY, 00T, 1880. —Qn Burnley morn. ing Georgie, the little sou of Wm. Sadlerr READ THIS. ovum of Alfred and Sluter etreeta, met with a most painful aud dietreesieg dent. While Nrs, Sadler was preparing breakfast, aud while her book was turned for a xnemeet, the little fellow took hold of the coffee pot etanding on the stove and upset the contents (stair one side of hie head and bed , scalding him terribly from bead to foot Dr. Macdonald was lamed- Geo. Hughes starts on Monday for Glas- lsum...AA .0 moned and did. all that WaS gow, Scotland, with a cargo of live stook. possible for the little patieet, who IB now ....haer3.s Gusisie Duffield, of London, is on a fair way to veoovery, 'visiting in town and is the guest of Mrs. Mums' Hotaz.—The members of St. Whitney. Paul's church have arranged to bola a tiovieaa. — se Norma Dingle has returned from "Nervest House" on Thursday next, Oct, -- Chicago, where elle has been visiting fel, a 15th. Divine service will be held in the cuuple of weeks, church commencing at 4 ca.:look, p, rn.a, 4Mire• R. afoludoo has returned from Rev. j. B. Richardson,of ltlemorisl church,,a4o-' Brantford, where she has been visiting for Loudon, will deliver the discourse. After Divine service tea will be served in the aCouple of weeks. town hall until 7, after which the minieters, John Kerr has returned from Loudon of the town will deliver short addresses and Masonville, where he has been visiting There will also be vocal and instrumental for a couple of months. music, The Wingbam town band will also, ,,..arpite Moses wisher 1u26 Miss sineb„rwe ,goods business of Win. Holmes, and will he present. to enliven the proceedings. The in St. Catharines this week attending a take possession iu a couple of months. offertory and proceeda of the eutert in- convention of the Baptist Women'sForeign Tun regular meeting of the school board ment will be applied to the rectory fund. Missionary Society. avill,be held next Tuesday evening, when Admission to tea and entertainment 25, exclirs. Pethick, of Stratford, is visiting the teacherwill be engaged for the °usu.., rents her daughter Mrs. J. Carr, and Mrs. Cody Tnn Hoo Nraanticoe e.—On Monday A. R ing year. and two chidren, of Woodstock, is visiting of the Queen's hotel, was charged before her mother, Mrs Carr. Tnz cheapest and best place iu Wingham Mayor Neelands with maintaining a Cali- fornuis- funeral furnishings is at S. Gracey's. Smith is preparing to go to auce within th All the necessaries kept in stock. S. meaning ° of the la — fornia to spend the winter with her (laugh - e by- e P • -Gracey, Practical Undertaker and Furui. ter Mrs Sovereign, who with her husband, arrivec. there a short time ago. Mrs. 8ov, fected every day. He was found guilt) There are quite a number of our eub- soribera who aro in arrears for their Times and from whom we 'svould, like to hoar in substantial manner. Wo have to pay .cash for =aerial and wages, in order to • do which it is necessary that (Ahem should pay us. If all who are ia arrears would settle at once they would not Imes the email amouut, while it would give us several hundred dollars to ORM' 04t con- tensplated improvements Let all combine to settle for their paper within the net )nek, 151 liervaS) Chia wanted. One Chambermaid and leis Dieing Room girl. Highest wages, paid. Enquire ,st Central Betel. SERVM ANT girl wanted, Apply to rs. E. R. Talbot. Jona Sent, Licensed Auctioneer, Wing - lam, Patronage aolicitecl. NEWANS luta purchased the dry fat 414bBEIVIrtu tT. pointed a conittee to ascertain at times what the iudicationa of salt are at the Went and to see that the actual depth bor- ed IS aeeerdIng td contract. • The treasurer was instruoted topay over to the parties authorized by $t. Pauha °hurt% society to reeeive attine, the 0100 paid to him by the 1,Viagliem Herti. cultural eta:slaty for widouiug street in lieu of streets closed. Tho treasurer was also authorized to place te the credit of the treasurer of the school board the sumof 01,200 for school purpeees. The quarterly (Vitiation of 025 was (Ordered to be paid to the band, and the Council also agreed co furnish siding and nails sufficient to lino up the Weide of the building used by the band for their ac- coinintalation as a practice room. Mr. Groves, principal of the public school requested the frog use of the town hall on 'Thuraday, tile 22nd inst., hi which to hold a concert to be given by the Nortl) Huron Teachers' Asseciatiou, which meets here be the 22ad Ana 23rd. The request was granted. By-law No. 106 for the formation of a new fire company, appointing a eaptaiii, and remealiug by-law No. 89, was read three Woe and passed. The isouncil then adjourned. a we go to press we learn that a report boiug oiroolated in tho neighboring tevrn. ellips to the effect, that there is small pox Wiugliahas aud as a 00l1130‘1110DOQ many farmers are afraid to come here to do business, They need not be at all alarm. ed, as there is no indication whatever of the disease here. The report is wholly Without foundation. Peltalental. ich 'd h I tore Dealer, Wingham. s hog pens must bo weaned out and disin- " s Os Wednesday morning Philip McKibben and sentenced to pay a fine of 05 and costs ereign issomewhat improved in health, ;7broke ground for the erection of a new res- —mitking inoll $8.10. Now that a start but Mr. Sovereign is apparently no better. idenco on the corner of Center and Patrick has been made to Gerry out the provisions R. P. Simmons is in London this woek sstreets. The buildiug will be f brick and - of the •by-law it 4s looped that the good attending to ciroulatiug a petition there costaabout 9-1,500. . es. work will be kept up until the town is for a commutation of his son's sentence. • , LAST week we eiijoyed some finoturenser clear of thesofilthy and loud -smelling pens. weather, and this week WO have experiene. Thereta lotR of them arouod and it don't .ed the other extreme. The weather has require much hunting to find then.. Tho ;been very cold and there have boon several able-bodied smell arrising from them gives thein dead away. .snow balls since Sunday. • CARNIVAL.—A grand carnival will take TOE editor •of the Toronto News thus papers place at the roller rink, this evening, at svrites: "While talking -about local which prize § will be given for the best Tuesday for Milammy, where Mr. McKel- let me tell you. to take . your local paper .whether you take the News or not. A. fancy and comical dresses in ladies' and vie enters as.a partner in a new woolen 1 We understand that he is meetingwith en - D ARF411ANOE..-80 acre forth; some timber ; the malting of a nice home; delightful s:tuation, 31 - nines soucti of Vassar, Alicnigan, sandy loam; spring broolc ; Reboot and state roau near ; 0. my. switch on corner. Also 320 twee Southern itlantobe. 100 acres highly linproved feria, lot 80, eon. 5, and 100 acres lot 9, con. 8, Oultoss. Free deeds. Sale or exchange on easy terms. Gso. 5leffunsox, Wingham, P. S.—Private funds on real estate at 7 per cent no expenses. , Oct. 9, '85.3•In; DENTISTRY. G. 1.8!!-'13 L. D, S., neer Gradual!, SW Member oI Royal Distal Celle,11. • ; Taranto. Attends his office ovdr Gordon' .5 Dirindoe's store every Wednesday. Bent of reference andeatisfaction given. The varlet% on:esthetics used in, ea:trading teeth. Prices moderate. couraging success in his canvass, haying — secured the signatures of the city officials and the loading citizens to the doeument. B. MoKelvie, who has been foreman in Inglis & Co.'s woolen mill for the. past four years, left town with his family on ' man who is too poor to take a local wine gent's costumes, and children's costumes, manufacturing firm starting there. He. is 0 is either toopoor or tomean to keep a for children under 14 years of age, There an energetic and pushing young man, and es alp a' will also be a five -mile race, olien to Wing- his many friends in Wingham will wish . a a , Odd Fellowe othis talenwe pun. ham enly, the prize to be a silver cup val. him the prosperity he merits in his new ,1 . a c f t: Adjoining the Brunswick house, from Mrs. party of winner in three matches, time to ton, takes Mr. McKelvie's place as foremau- I chased the vacant lot ou3otesploine„ street, ., ued ite0/.0. This cup will become the pro. field of labor. Lewis Robbins, of Hamile Li o 0600We t bo named by the donors. The rink will be in Inglis & Co.'s mill. Graham, for . understand iis ' open to the public before and al, er the asesTaos. Howarth, fOrtnerly leader of the . . . t b Wingham band, has become deservedly popular among the citizene of oiy .to building with &lodge room hpstaitcompetition. Tho Wingham Town Band' ra and' — - • will be present and furnish the rnuaio. sterefl boueith. • Those in costume will be admitted free. ANNIVERSARY SERMON. — Next Sunday Ae this' will he., the firat carnival in the afternoon at 3 o'cicick Rev. R. lalcCosh will 'roller rink it is expected that there will be preach the anniversary sermon te the a large atteudance. Foresters of this town, in St. Paul's BAND Bzeerrn—The band benefit enter - church. The Members of the Curt will tainrneut heldrin the Horticultural hall, oo, meet in their room at 2:30 p.m., and march Tuesday evening, was a most successful to the chtireh in a body. affair. It was gotten up by the ladies. of IS. GRACEY has a largo stock of eideboards the various churches in town as a. 'dad of bed room sets, parlor suites, sofa, lounges, sot -off for the generous services of the band mattresses, &c.. that can be bought at very aktheir socials during the summer, and it low prices for cash. Special reductions to was one of their best efforts. Tho build- -parties buying iu quantities of over 050. ing was tastefully decorated and comfort - Parlor suites away down, almost at cost. ably heated and proved,a most suitable It will pay you to come 10 miles to buy at place for holdiug such a gathering in cold S. Gracey'aFuruiture Rooms. Reineinber weather. The ladies turned out in full the plaee, directly opposite T. A. Mills' force to make the affair a success, and the store aud next d000r south of Bruntovick best evidence of their generosity was. the House. s many baskets of 'loaves and fishes' gather- TEMPERANCE.—i . temperate convention ed after the multitude had been fed. Dr. Tamlyn acted the part of chairman, and evader the auspices of the Scott Act 'As- he makes a most excellent one, too. The Sociation of this county, will be held in 'the programme was an impromptu one, and town hall, Clinton, on Thursday next, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. F. . consisted of a song by Mr. Croyden, recite- S Spence, of Toronto. secretary of the On- tient; by Dr. G. B. Foster, of Detroihmusin tario branch of the Dominion Alliance for by the motrai organ baud and several selections by the town band :Led orchestra, the suppression of the liquor traffic, will bepresent and address the couveetion• 00 j at the conclusion of which dancing was in- dulgal in for a Short time by those pros - the present aspect of the temperance exit. The handsome sum of 060 was re- alized from, the entertainment. 'SRIPPED.—Last week IDE TIMES gave the facts of ft case of bigamy which had question. Every temperance worker in the county is cordially invited to attend ilatd ake part in the proceedings. aaa.atameaw ..Estaste.—A few days ago just came te light in this town, without cael4t2' 'Freddie, a four-year-old son of Mrs. Saint, ' however divulging the names of the inter - had a very narrow escape from being estecl parties. The much married man brained with an axe in the bands of an began to feel that he Was between the older brother. It seems that the two were borne of an unpleasant dilemma and con - playing together, when the elder ran after' eluded that his beet course would be to Freddie with the axe upraised iu his hands, skip ou6betweeir two days. This he has when he inissed his footing and fell, the clone, and he is now.in pastures new, prob. axe deseenditig with considerable force ably looking for a third wife. aloe name upon Froddie'a head. A. large gash was of this gay deceiver is David Dunnage, a cut in the little fellow's head and Reverel blacksmith by trade, who has beon work- stiteltos were required to draw it together. ing for some time for Wm. Gannett. Ile He liad a very narrow escape from instant came to Wingham a year or two ego, rep- rice tli, resenting himself to be a widower, although Dicecat BIDINO.—Ouo of the greatest at- iho had justdeserted a wife in Murvale, tractions at the roller rink this season will Addington county: lie commenced look. he an exhibition of bicycle ridnig, on , ing about Winghain for an eligible partner Thnrachty evonieg next, by Clarence ri, i to share lois joys and sorrowa, and finally Smith Paid Minnie 1h:suction% the chain- ; settled on asavicfaiw named Mrs. Moir, to pion lady and gent double bicycle ridditireife whom he was married last winter. He America. home of the feats petfotineaWart the setkob of his infidelity to himself thin duo are truly wonderful, among 'until he ascertained that wife No. 1 was being the very dangerous and diffieult feat- on his trail, when he akipped out to.eseape of riding on one wheel, balancing the the unpleasautnegh which was likely to bicycle on two eheirs, and others equally follow. He has left .both wives eutirely diffioul a This will be the finest ealiihition ' deatitlite. It is a pity that such a scone. 14 bioyeleellip ever gem in Wingliare, Mid dm! has ishedeeilea in escapiog the pitniti1l- hhoult7 valve a rliNitti,1:4 023:d.n. t ent Lo :.ichly deserveS, i where he ,has ,air:seided since -loving this. town a few years Ago. We notice by the Oakville Independent thatlie was teuder- ed a grand reception by the citizens there lath week on the occasion of his return from a visit to England, and was enter- tained at a supper at which MO of his friends took their seats. "Tom." is leader of the baud there, aud at pears to give the best ofsatisfaction. . Stop I Read This. Are you going to attend Blyth Fall Fair, October 13th and 14th? Blyth has been noted for having the best fair in the county and this year promises to excel. Metcalf the Jeweller, Stationer and 'Fancy Goods dealer, has made arrangements with a wholesale jewelery house, to send on sale for fair days an enormous line of Watches and Jewelery over 920,000 worth'), and to advertise and extend our business we have decided to let our customers select from this enormous stock at prices that will astonish the closest buyer. Yeti are in- vited to call and see our display;if you are prepared to buy or not you will be made welcome. Respectfully yours, FRANK MEZCALr, Blyth. Town Council. The regular monthly meetiugof the coun- cil was held on Monday evoniug. A communication from G.1kIcKibbon re- lative to widening Josephine street, be. twoen John and 'Victoria was read and, placed on file, as waa also a communica- tion from the school board containing a copy of a resolution that the election of trustees take place at the same time and in the same manner as municipal elections. The finance committee presented their report, which was adopted, recommending the payment of the following accounts: Chas. Smith, work ou streets, $7.50 ; J. T. Ainlerson, plank, etc., for streets, 915.77: H. Clark, wooden piping for waterworks, e2,50; J. B. Fergneon, quarter's salary, 962.50; Goo. Pettypiece, do„ 9106.25; John rptek8on, 6., 020; D. Buell, work on bridge, 93.12; ;los. Reading, stationery, 92.00 ; W. F. Brockenshire, railway Mad for indi- gent, 01,15; Smith & Petbick, iron spike and water lime, 95.38; Chas. Barbee, filling seed, 02e.; Geo. Powell, balance charity order, 91. A report from the property oonimittec rolatitis to the cemetery *as referred back for fiddler particulars. On inotioa the rave avol Csktf. UC.,40,10*-4) Wrirt, apt FeRf SALE Two lots on Josephine atreet'adjoining the Bin* wick nonSO, With O. itenteee 0124 ketlit100 Nur leak lots—two in rear of Brunswick anti two rear et W. Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scott fittest, cOntalning nine rooms, with every convenience, The property will he sold cheap as the eviller je ibhVing the country. For further particulars apply to Mac Gsaitau, Winelism ave. 18.1880. Stott ensue RH E tJMATiSM RV' Sufferers front Blieumatism either of fate Aeute,Ohronle, Inflammatory, or ilonorrlinea type,. Rheumatoid Arthrisie, etc., ran find a v0012115 M.; In the Royal Rheumatic Remedy. Sure, safe and' rg liable, No fraud or euro all, but a new and import, ant core for all ltheninath• diseases, Beware of vile drugs containing idereury anti other Jgrison a. Ger. nein cure guaranteed Oniv 4/1 a bottle, sent by awl prepaid. Address .1. 1100Per Shia Proprietors, .e 55,O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Cam tf hffZalo COVear/To(Swerr ) By virtue of several Writs of VIM Faehis out of "fur Modesty's High Court of Justice, queered, Bouch iuooi.Ulisiouert llivislons,inul to Mil:owl/Ma umivertfd ag..dust we halms and Tenvinentsef Chlt):itis reit Scutt at the suits of The 5101stMe Batik and William B. Hutton alai Peter Fisher, liars seized and 100.001 in Execution all the right, title, Interest et") equety of redemption of the abovemanted defentlarir, U1131.10 Tait Seat, 011 and to the folitiwing.lands mei tenements situate, lying and being in the Town .4 County of Boron, and Prothice. l 0)i- tario, via: - 1st, Lots aloven, rifty•Two, and Three ilturiOM anti Forty.Five„rouning numbers, GovernMenti stir vey. 214 Lot Twellty•Tliree, Foley's let Suelmay,.. ward Street West. 3rd. An undielded half Interest in the West hall of Lot abirty-One, Minnie Street East, ()dames.. Saertve.Y isLots Thirkt-Four, Thirty -Six, ThIrty-SeVor: and Thirty•Right, Scott surVey. 5th. Lots TwentaoNinv and ThIrty•Five, on South side of Scott Street., Oth. Lot Four Old wcat eters of Josephine aireea iiac and except Ten feet in white sold off the :seta erly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine Street. 80. That portion of Block 13 commencing mu - hundred and two feet in a Westerly directm» al. • ; - the South side of Victoria Street from -the Ni Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's hotter knows as the Exchange Betel property,thent Westerly eh -tattoo, along the South side of 'tort*, Sheet, Twenty feet by Ono Hundred MIS Mat. t,en feet, in a Southerly direction, and parallel JuSephine Street, all said properties being in 'Seat' eoot.ontet 'cryn,unnOasruerSv4.b.divisions of a portion of Block II a Which Lands and 'renantents 1: shall offer for sale, at my °dice, in the Court Bonne,. In the Town ef Ooderich. on Tuesday, the First day bifoDeict,Noon.ceinber, 1885, at the hour of Twelve of the ROBERT GIBBONS; Sheriff, Buren.. Sheriff's Office, Goderieb, Aug. 2.tul, 1885. • - 1L11111121 Late of Birmingham, England, having taken up:his residence in in town, is prepared to re— ceitee a . . COD ' . .. ,* , • .110;t:P;Pxs 7e time td ceore 7/07,67' stook as 7.iofb will 'save money by getting- dry clean Coal. Cash must ac - c ota,_p any all orders, as we will nooo7-c Coal. JAS. A. CLINE & CO, 00.A.1.1_ COLD 00A_IJ Limited nttmber . . p7.681:16'.1"117t8i.i.,7,-&,ctzion. 7.72, intrumenta; Music, PIANO AND ORGAN Por terms, ete.a apply at his resiz: • clenceelolopold street. While Rose Cream FOR THE COMPLEXION. . itEWARD $100 for any preparation that will equal White! Rom Cream to remove Tan, Freckles,. Pimples, Soften the Skin and Beautify the Complexion. Every bottle guaranteed to bo as represented or money refundrd. Price 75 cents per bottle. THE P.11ARMAUY Sole Agent fox- ' Wingham, Ont. w 0-003DS. 0— For Bargains in any li ne which 'makes a BOOK, STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS HOUSE Complete, call and See W. Cla G. READING. Having bought a firsz•class stook of wall paper very cheap, 1 will fn.11 it clioap for Mill, Ind will sell the older stock of wall 'paper and other gowle at cost price. 8 pieoes of Irving's Sot. music for 10 ots, Dress Patterns at cost. A lino -tock of Artificial leaves and flowers just, in. My ro paining, stock of cops, saucers, ti,;c , very cheap The best and cheapest line in note paper and envelopes in town. Wingliain Depot for school supplies. Stand opposite the Post Office. Parties wishing gilt parlor paper would do men to call and see my new samples, W4 CI. Gi APiim