HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-09, Page 5Cdtiint ''items, Vin Dano has puephased the Ger* 'rie gist mill from Stinson. Broa. v'i' iot�hrt Wray, of Garria, has a cow whioli gives enough milk in four days to •rn ke six pounds of butter, 00.4 2 pother largo township drain is to bo dug through a portion of West W avanosh Two deaths froin typhoid fever have taken place hi Clinton, and two or three other parties are laid up with the amo complaint. Some inean fellow in Brussels eflp- tured •.a neighbor's hen ' and after Plueking it thoroughly sent it home withlut any cloths on. It hill to be killed. A voatig man in Clinton who was deaf time his :Revving restored lest.' week by undergoing a surgical opera- ( ion in which a small membrane was moved from the roof of his mouth. Scott. Broca, and Thomas • Govenlock, FI ALL of Seaforth, have purchased a largo :grain .elevator at Griswold Station, i Manitoba. It has a capacity of 30,- I. •000 bushels, and was erected last year Iiy the Farmer's Union at a cost of 110,000 and was purchased for $2,- a... 700. S. ELAOETY, TII141 BUSY HOUSEWIFE .AND TIIE THOUGHTFUL HOOS4.' HOLDER SHOULD PROVIDE FOR CHANUIN;:1 WJ ATII2R BY S.ELEOTING THEIR GOODS NOW, AND INSPECTING iaZ1!4ENSE STOCK DISPLAYED BY The LEADING UNDERTAKER. W HIT1 E D U, F E 'VT i -G-ii M_ A WINTER SUITS. FP) 000--000 BELL, THE TAIL R €s just received from New York "`'��I Lockhart, teacher in School Section No. 6, East Wawanosb, in- tended selling his property and re• moving to the States, but en recon- sidering the matter has aecided to re- main in Wawanosh, and reengaged in the sa ,same section at the me salary. He has been employed in this section for a' number of years, and his still ccn"tinuing in the same school epealcs well, :Or hien and the people, Three cases 'of,-iilleged violation of ilio provisions offiie Scott Act came Mayor „ 7.t'orrester, Clinton, n;,:,i,riday of. last week. The com• i,t;tiftta were made by constable. Davi; r .7tlyth, prosecutor for the Scott Ac' kssocia ion. The charges were agains ; 4= Spooner, menton, Mr. Schaffer, ppen and R. Reynolds, of.Hensail. '1'•ie Inst two named wise each tined it) and costs, $7,25. The case -i- .al.,atinst Spooner was dismissed. 'a' ie n,port of the Burenau'1f• Statis- sties Toe the Province 1,f Outartd, for the past, year, has just .been issued. Therein is a table giving' tin) ''assessed valuation of real property in counties n i m the past 11 years In 1873 Huron a•a5 assessed at $10 01 per a^re, and in 1883 it had risen to $30.94,;' it has been slightly over $80 for the last five nearsHat ton, Pref and Perth are well in the thirties, slightly higher than Huron; while Oxford, Brant and 'Fort: go over the forties. Tne popul- ation of the townships in Huron, in 1872 was 50,387, and in 1884'; -only. 48,934. the populations of the towns I'. aunt Fv,'ill'>'lges, in 1884 was 1'i,430, a to;rfU pdpulatior, in the county of 4h7,869 Tieing 3,000 less than the as- sessor's returns gave it in 1878. the latest. fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- EVEYTHING IN THE LINE OF DRUGS; lect from. Don't fail to see them. Give all clesaoaa chance, to invest their means to the beet advantage is COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK -STOVES FURNACES, • AND RANGES,. TINWARE, Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Woodenware' And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. Ain• crican and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesa e and retail. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing neatly and proulp ly done. A so sole agents for the Celebrated Rochester. Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but call al inspect our stock and get our prices. WHITNEY & D CTFFIELD,r STONE BLOCK, W'INGHAM, A. Fine and Naw Stock Df Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographtc Pens. Also a fine lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and U00-000-000 ilhF YOU WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A GOOD FIT CALL ON W. A. CAMPBELL Born. ' Paocroa.—In Bolgrave, on the 21st ult., tho wife of C. Proctor, carpenter, of a son. BnLns.—in Bolgrave, on the 20th ult., the wife of G. Bolos of a daughter. Betgrave, on the 28th ult., the wife of L. .1. Bell, of a daughter. "CAvt.on.—In Bolgrave on the 4th inst., the wife of A. Taylor, merchant, of a daughter. mm nAto.—In Wingham, on the 7th inst., the wife of Jos.:Hincald, of a son. Married. yrlRAY—MEnmiLr.Y.—By the Rev. D. C. McDowell On the 22nd ult., at the residence of tho bride's father, Alfred Gray, of Wingham, to Kato, daughter of Vm. Morkloy, of Turnhorry. ' t0Ar,LowAY—Par5RMAtt.—By the Rev, D. C. McDowell on the 7th Inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, %inghaum, Win. Galloway to Miss &mmaPeterman, alt of Howlck. Died. Cubo.—In Morris, on tho 28th ult., Patrick Smith, father of A. R. Smith, of Brussels. THE CHEAPEST MONEY ,on the market. Private or companies' .funds Loan on farm security ate, 1.4 and 7 per cent. Apply to H. DAVIS, Opposite the Market Square, Wingham. .WINGHAM itt&RKETS. to 1Vinghain Oct. 9, 1885 ,Flom! p, r cwt. $2 25 to 2 50 Flour per bbl ....,... 4. 50 to 5 (.0 • Fall tiVheat per bas.... 80 to 80 Spiirng t' .,. 80 to 82 Oats , 't a ,.. 25 to 28 Barley it 45 to 55 Peas tt11150 to • 57 Potatoes new Butter per lb Eggs per doz4-........... 1h 0 .. 14 Hay per ton new 800 to 0 00 I1": �t1 ,..... ...,..,..,. 1 0(` t, 1 50:: SCOTT'S OLD BANK. • IF YOU ARE 1N NEED OF = uruture,_� Of every description, call and see our stock at the Vn!ha Furniture Factory We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are Enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can 1 get it. Orders fur Car Load Lots : always bate our prompt attention. ' Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex- change for Furniture. SCOTT &.B JLL; W'NGiH tM. FALL IMPORTATIONS. IONS. 0 Immense Bargains at the Corner Store. 0 Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods Is complete, and at Greatly' Reduced Prices. In Dress Goods will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitings, Wool Plaids. Special Bargains in Ulster Cloths, Blue, Brown, Black and Grey. A large stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination Suits. A .Eine selection 'of Scotoh and Canadian Tweeds, In Ready. Made Clothing a largo assortment, Stylish and quality unsurpassed. A large consignment of Overcoats just to hand in Men's Bova' and Youths' Knitted Wool Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats. Caps, &c. Boots and Shoes' from. the beat makers. A. large stock of Pure and Fresh Grocer- ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in New Designs. Our stock was never better assorted than at the present time. From now until the lst of January we wiidl give Special Bargains in every depart- ment,. Don't forget to call and examine our stoeli before purchasing elsewhere.; We mean business and will clot be undersold. Wo have a Largo stock and want to sell the goods. 20 to 231 12 t0 J;, 'We ELLIOTT,.. And Druggists' Sundries you want at T H. E PFIAIIMAC ) Br. TQ LRR S R STWIZ w=NG-11 HARRY HISCOCKS Has just opened out a fresh and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits,), In the stand recently occupied by 0, M. Newaris, and solicits 'a share of the public patronage. 000-000— -- °CALL AND SEE HIM. —JUST RECEIVED-- . LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF s «hes, Jwefry etc At Lower Prices than Ever Befoi. e� Offered in Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as any House in Canada, Try me• and see• fur yourselves. HALSEY PARK Don,t fail to attend the' • �.kiLt] SA -CST T. ...,�... 1 �::., S'' For 20 days at cost. ----010X0— Cope, Brig Your Money and: Bby Cheap Gbodst Na Reserve and. No Humbug.. Corn.er Store„ , ingamt. Vli7t;ltfl�r'A.tlt"tiDt' Ig, l$8ii MILLS