HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-09, Page 1INGIIAM
VOL.. SIV.---NO.41.
Trim WINoHAe 'Tom, published every Friday moth. I
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) HAMILTON. qummissioners for caking affida
its for Manitoba. Private fonds to lend n straight
L icket, and Gerrie.9.
Complete List of the Fortunate izblbi•.
tors at the North Western
Fair held Last week.
When THE T1INE3 went to press
last week the list of prize winners at
the North Western Fair was not com-
plete and we were therefore unable to
publish it. This week, however, we
give the complete list, which is as
follows :
Heavy Draught. • Brood mare and
foal, Wm. Wellwood ; 2nd Thos.
Agnew. Spring horse foal, Thos.
Agnew. Spring mare foal, Wm.
Wel l wood Two-year-old gelding, G
Thompson; 2nd, Thos. Verson. Two-
year-old filly, Oliver ; 2nd A.
Andereou. One -year-old gelding, A.
Hamilton Ono -year-old filly, Thos.
Agnew; 2nd W. Vellwood. One-
year -old stallion, Peter Fowler ; 2nd
Dans at west ate Oman —Kent's Block, wing. John Currie. Span horses, Thos.
11. W. E. Vault.
Wtneham Nov. 18 1880 1.1v
E, L, DI0K15003.
Wingham Ont
LRS. B`..i`$UN 2 YOUNG,
Dolce,co: z Centre and . atrick structs, Winghau
P. 0. 0. P. H. 0.
This house has lately been re -modelled
to censiderabio extent, and is thoroughly
comfortable in every respect. Always
Feta a ,G091) TABLE.. Goes s well
pleased and come again.. Rates reason.
-able. Good stabling in connection and No.
1 hostler;
Veterinary Surgeons,
Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary
College, and registered members of Veter
inary ecfical Aesooiation, are prepared to
treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on
lie latest and moss Scientific Principles.
Calls attended to day and night. Horses
bought said sold on commission. Office and
infirmary in _ the stand Lately occuped by
T. rr, V. S., opposite Merrifield's Rotel,
Josephine Street, Wingham.
farmers & LhDdowiicrs
Do you want to borrow money? To buy
Inoreland for Yourself or Your Sons. To
build a House or Barn' To Fence, Clear
Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land
'To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0
far a, y otter Purpose, If you do the un
dorsii wed are able to Loan at the lowes
Fates of 'Interest and more reasonabl
Tern s than any one else in this section o
'the country.
Bio rioters, VVingham
Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton.
Sock Farm,
SAVAGE & FARNUM, Proprietors,
All stock'seleoted from the get of sire%
gra 1 dams of established reputation and
registered in the French and American
stud books.
%S44j g Hox.E
Xs beautifully situated at the heap of
Grosse Ile in the Detrrit river, ton milds
below the city and accessible by railroad
and steamboat. Visitors not familiar
with the location may call at city office,
52 Cairrpau T3uilding, and an escort will
accompany them to the farm. Send for
catslogne, post free by mail. Address,
,SAVAGD &; FARNTIM, Detroit, Mich,
Mr. Alfred Williams, late of Binning.
ham, England, leaving taken up ]tib resi.
done in town, is prepared to rcooivo a
linaited number of malls for instruction
rn lnstrumontai mualo, piano and organ.
roe terms, oto,, pp}`ly g 14;M1"3en .,
laD7pcld 5t'o01,
General Purpose. Brood mare and
foe', P. Fowler ; 2ud Chris. Mathers.
Spring horse foal, Thos. Jenkins ; 2nd
Arch. Anderson. Spring mare foal,
Chris. Mathers ; 2nd Jas. Lowry.
Two-year old gelding, Thos. Jenkins ;
2nd Geo. Thompson. Two -year -ole
fi ly, W. H. Cruickshank ; '2nd Thos.
Verson. One -year-old gelding, W.
Roach ; 2nd Robt Reilly. One -year-
old filly, R. Uoultis; 2nd C. Mothers.
Oue.ys'ar cld stallion, W. Kee ; 2nd
T. Agnew. Span horses, M. Had -
wen ; 2nd Alex, McKee. Three-
year old gelding, highly recommend.
ed, Alex McKee.
Carriage 16 hands high and over.
Brood mare with foal, Jas. Henry; 2nd
.Jchn Reid. Spring foal, John Reid;
2nd Jas. Henry. Two-year-old filly
or gelding, Dr. Macdonald. One-
year old filly or gelding, D. Stewart:;
2nd John Reid. Span horses, 'Ilex.
Gemini 1.
Roadsters. Brood mare and foal,
Geo. McKay ; 2nd D. Stewart.
Spring foal, D. Stewart; 2nd Thos.,
Gilmore. One yearald filly or geld
ing, A. Tindall ; 2nd Jns. Wilson.
Saddle horse, John Wilson.; 2nd John
Dopp. Span horses, R. 'Tennant ;
2nd F. Henry,
Durham. Cow, Geo. Nicholson ;
2nd Jas Putter. Two-year-old heifer,
Geo. Nicholson ; 2nd Jas. Potter.
One -year-old heifer, Jas. Potter; 2nd
Jas, Potter. Heifer called in 1886.
Tiros. Rosa ; 2nd Jas. Potter. Bull
calved in 1885, Geo. Nicholson ; 2nd
Geo. Nicholson. Herd, Geo. Nichol-
Grade. Cow, Tiros. Ross; 2nd M.
Lamont. Two-year-old heifer, Ab.
Proctor ; 2ud R. McGowan. One-
year -old heifer, Thos. Ross ; 2nd T.
R so. Heifer or steer calved in 1885,
Twos. Ross ; 2nd R. McGowan.
Fat and working cattle. Yoke
year-old steers, R. McGowan ; 2nd
T. Wilkinson. Yoke two-year-old
steers, T. Ross ; 2nd John Pelton,
Yoke three-year-old steers, Thos.
Ross ; 2nd J. Cochrane. Yoke work-
ing oxen, John Gotby ; 2nd R. Cur-
rie. Fat cow, ox, steer or heifer, R.
McGowan; 2nd T. Gilmore.
Leicesters and their grader Aged
ram, Ed. Gaunt; 2nd Andrew Link -
later. Shearling ream, Ed Gaunt.
Ram lamb, Ed. Gaunt ; 2nd Jomi
Robertson. Aged ewe, Ed. Gaunt •
2nd R. Coultis. Shearling ewe, Ed.
Gaunt ; 2ud Ed. Gaunt. Ewe lamb,
Ed. Gaunt ; 2ud Ed. Gaunt. Pen,
Ed. Gaunt.
Cotswolds and their grades. Aged
ram, Jas Potter. Ram lamb, Jas.
Potter; 2ud Jas. Potter. Aged ewe,
Jas Potter ; 2nd John Robertson
Ewe lamb, Jas, Potter ; 2nd Jas Pot-
Downs and their grades. Aged
ram, John Pelton ; 2nd R. Currie.
Shearling ram, Thos. Jenkins ; 2ud
Peter Campbell. Ram' lamb, John
Pelton; 2nd Robs Currin. Aged ewe,
R. Con.tis ; 2nd R. Currie. Shear.
ling ewe, J. Pelton ; 2ud A. Forsyth.
Ewe lamb, Thos. Anderson; 2nd John
Robertson. Pen, R Currie, diploma
Fat sheep. Fat ewo or wotller,
n,!3. Jas. witsm,
Large breed. Boar pigged prior to
1885, It, Currie, Boar pigged in
1885, R, Currie ; 2nd C. Henderson.
Breeding eow, J. Gillespie ; 2nd C.
Henderson. Sow pigged in 1885, C.
Henderson ; 2nd U. Henderson.
Small breed. Breeding sow, 0,
Henderson. Sow pigged in 1885, C.
Henderson ; 2nd C. Hendetson. Best
small breed pig any age or sex, C.
Henderson, diploma.
Pair turkeys, bronze, J. Harrison;
2nd John Robertson. Pair tur-
keys, light or dark, T. Gilmour, 2nd
C. Henderson. Pair ducks, Pekin, C.
Henderson ; 2nd J. Harrison. Pair
geese, Toulouse, Jas. Harrison
Pair Brahamas, light„ W. }I, Mc-
Cracken. Pair Dorkings, silver gray,
Jas• Harrison. Pair game, black or
brown breasted, red, G. Hughc.,; 2ntt
Jas. Harrison. Pair Hamhurgs, Jas.
Harrison. Pair Leghorns, brown, H.
Meyer ; 2ud Jas. Harrison, Pair
Leghorns, white, F. Patterson ; 2nd
F. Patterson. Pair Plymouth rocks,
Jas. Harrison. Pair spanish, black,
Jas. Harrison ; 2nd Jas. Wilson.
Collection of chickens, different kinds,
not less than 1 cockerel and 2 pullets
of each kind, Jas. Harrison. Two
Canadian bred canaries, F. Patter-
atter.son; 2nd F. Patterson. Pair rab-
bits, John Robertson.
Vehicles. Lumber wagon, wood
axle or patent arra, John Brunsdon ;
2nd Nickel & Dore. Two horse open
carriage, John I3runadon ; '2nd Coutts
& Inglis. Covered single buggy,
Nickel & Dore; 2d McClymont Bros.
Open sing e buggy, Nickel & Dore; 2d
Coutts & Inglis, Plieeton, McClymont
Bros.; 2d Coutts & Inglis. Com-
mended, cutter wood work, Ooutts
& Inglis. Village eart,.Nickel & Dore.
The exhibit of Nickel .& Dore :wee
.,fir. exceptionally,tne one, and is de-
serving of special mention. It was
wade up of nine jobs, comprising top
and open .buggies, a carriage and
wagon, a light open road wagon and a
village cart. All these vehicles ap-
pear to have been built with a view to
combining lightness of draught,
strength, durability and style. The
Buffalo gear, of which Nickel & Dore
are the only manufacturers in this
section of the country, was shown in.
one of their jobs and was much ad-
mired. The village cart is something
new and displayed excellent taste and
workmanship, reflecting great credit
upon the firm. '!'hose who ought to
know said it was equal to anything
exhibited at the Toronto, London or
Hamilton fairs. Taken altogether
the exhibit was one that would have
reflected credit upon a much more
pretentious firm than Niokel & Dore.
Plow, double mould, Robinson &
Boag. Plow, sod, Robinson & Boag.
Plow, general purpose, Robinson &
Boag. Iron harrow, Robinson &
Bong. Rack lifter. Joan Perdue.
Field roller, Robinson & Bong. Farm
gate. W. H. Wells, Turnip stuffier,
Rob:nson & Boag. Garden roller,
Robinson & Boag. Wooden lift
pump, H. Clark , 2nd 11. Clark.
Wooden force and lift pump, H
H. Clark, of the Wirgham pump
works, had an exceedingly creditable
display of his manufactures, among
,which an attachment for operating a
dash churn is especially worthy of
mention here. By means of this
attachment a woman or child can
sit down and do a heavy churning with
perfect ease, doing away entirely with
the old and tiresome mode. It should
be in every farm house.
Set single harness, Fiank Billings-
ley, Pair men's sewed boots, F. It
Eoderus. Pair coarse boots, T.
Abraham ; 2nd F. H Roderus. Wool
door mats, W. J. Chapman. Ono
dozen .sheepskin linings, W, J. Chap.
Suit of c'otlies, William A. Cam•
Abell ; 2n1 Alexander W. Webster.
Five yards 9annel, home glade, Ab.
?motor, 2nd R. Johnston. Pair
nIte!cete, •l tin or/111 %loll, Afir
ertson, 2nd Thos. Wilson. Pair
blankets, union, Ab. Proctor; 2nd T.
Anderson. Five yards rag carpet, J.
Henry; 2nd A1rs. Dr. Tainlyn. Skein
horna spun yarn, A. Linklater; 2nd
G. Moffat.
Counterpane, Dr, Brownlee; 2d Mrs,
T. Ainley. Cover et, Geo. Bryce; . d
T. Anderson, Quilt, piece, Mrs. Dr,
Brownlee, 2d Mrs, Dr. Tamlyn. Quilt
patched, Mrs. T. .Ainley; 2d Mrs, W.
McKenzie. Qui t, knit, Mrs. T. Ain-
ley. 2d Mrs. J. Watson. Quilt, cabin,
Mrs. T. Ainley; 2d Mrs. W. H.
Wells. Quilt, tufted, Mrs. T. Agnew.
Man's fine shirt, hand made, Mrs. W.
McKenzie; 2d Mrs. Dr. Brownlee.
Man's fine shirt, machine made, Mrs.
Dr. Brownlee. Man's coarse shirt,
ar.y make, Mrs. W. McKenzie; 2nd
Mrs. Geo. Moffat. N ight dress or shirt
1st and 2d Mrs. J. Brooks. Straw
hat, W. 11. Wells. Paid wool socks,
Mrs. W. McKenzie. 21 Mrs, W. 11.
McCracken. Pair wool stockings,
Mrs W. McKenzie; 2nd Mrt3 W.
H. McCracken. Pair wool mitts, Mrs.
G. Mlotfat; 2d Mrs. W. H. McCracken.
Pair gloves, Mrs. G. Moffat; 2d Mrs.
W. H. ;McCracken. Pair cotton stock-
ings, 1,1rs. DL. Brownlee; 2d Mrs \\
McKenzie. Rag mat. Mrs. T. Ainley;
2d Mos, T. Ainley. Three patches on
pair of pants. Mrs. T. Anderson,
Colleotion of pottery, J, Bradwin.
Assortment. of ' cooper's work, W.
Taylor. Panel doer, Watt &
Kerr ; 2nd Watt & Kerr. Hand-
made axe handle, M. Lamont; 2nd
J. E. M' ore, Extra entries, O.
Gilchrist, sideboard, diploma,
Two bl,shels fall wheat, democrat,
James. Elliott ; 2nd Thos. Anderson.
Two bushels tall wheat, 'Scott, Geo.
Moffat ; 2nd C. Henderson. Two
. biiishels fall wheat, any other kind,
Thos. Wil'sor ; 2ud Peter .Fowler;.
Two' bushels spring salient, Thos.
Anderson. Two bushels peas, small
white, Thos. Wileir.sm ; 2nd Adam
Henderson, Two bushels peas, white.
large, Geo. Moffat; 2nd R. Currie.
Two bushels pons, any other kind,
Ab. Proctor ; 2rul R. Currie.(, Two
bushels oats, white, Geo Mofflt ; 2nd
Jas. Henry. Two bushels oats,
black, Jas. Henry ; 2nd Thos. Wil-
kinson. Two bushels barley, six
rowed, G. Moffat, '1'wo bushels bar-
ley, any other kind, Jas Cochrane.
One peckbeans, putter, Geo, Nichol-
son. One peck beans, white, Gee.
Moffat ; 2nd R. W. Adams. One
peck beans, any other kind, Mrs. R
Robertson ; 2nd Pobt Rielly. Corn,
field, 6 ears, Thos. Wilson ; 2ud W.
H. McCracken. Corn, collection,
W. H. MoCrarken..
Six turnips, Laing's improved pur-
ple, Robt Currie; 2nd Jollit Salter.
Six turnips, any other swede, Jas
Cochrane; 2.;d Alex. Young. Six
Turnips, yellow fleshed, John Currie ;
2nd Jas Elliott. Six mangold wurt-
zels, long, W. H. McCracken ; 2nd
Ab. Proctor. Six mangold wurtzels.
short, W. H. M3Cro oken ; 2nd Thos.
Anderson. Six beets, long, blood,
Walter 'Taylor; 2nd John Gillespie.
Six beets, turnip blood, Ab. Proctor ;
2nd \V H. McCracken. Six carrots,
white. Belgian, W. H. McCracken;
L. Lovell Six carrots Altringhan,,
!Walter Taylor; 2nd W. 11. Mc-
Cracken Six carrots, intermediate,
W. H. McOraoken ; 2nd D. McKiL_,
ley. Six parsnips, W. H. McCracken,
2nd John Gillespie. Half bushel
potatoes, Beauty of Ilebron, Isaac
Metcalf ; 2ad 1). McKinley. Iia f
bushe's potatoes, Chicago market, J.
4. Morton. Half bushel p'tatues,
Dempsey or Ontario, C. Henderson ;
2nd G. Fortune. Half bushel pota-
toes, Halton seedling, C. Henderson ;
2lid J. A. Morton. Half bushel po-
tatoes, Mammoth Pearl, W. H. Mc-
Cracken ; 2nd C. Henderson. Half
bushel potatoes. Rose, early. Robt,
Currie ; 2ud \Vin. 1sbistor, Half
bushel potatoes. Rose. late, I;ubt.
Currie , 2nd Win. Ishister. Half
bushel potatoes, rose., white, J. A.
Morton. Half bushel potatoes, Whtue
Elephant, Alex. Getntnril; 2nd
Rolmetson. Half bushel potat.oee, any
other Lied. 1) ';tt`.Ki1d' l .
Henderson. Collection potatoes, one•
peek each, O. Henderson.
Onions; 12 red, from seed in 18861,
W. H, N1oCrauken; 2nd R. W.
Adams. Onions, 12 yellow, W. H.
McCracken. Onions, 12 Giant
Rocca, W. H. McCracken. Onions,
12 from top- sets, W. H. McCracken
2nd Robt Reilly. Onions, 12 from.
Dutch sets, F, H. Roderus ; 2nd W.
H. McCracken. Onions, 12 one quart,
tops, R. W. Adams ; 2nd. W. H.:
Wells. Onions, one quart Dutcha
sets R. r► , Adams ; 2nd W. H. Mc-
Cracken. Cabbages, 4 heads, flat;
Dutch, D. McKinley. Cabbages„
Henderson's summerW. H. Me-•
Cracken; 2nd D. i\ic1inley. Caba
bage•., red pickling, W. H. Mo..
Cracken ; 2nd Thos. Jenkins. Cab.
oages, Winnerstadt, R. W. Adams
2nd T. Wilkinson, Cabbages, any
other kind, W. II. McCracken, To-
matoes, early May -flower,. W. Taylor..
Tomatoes, 12 perfection, W. H.
Welts ; 2nd J. A, Morton. _Toma-
toes, 12 plum or cherry, J. A, Mor,
ton ; 2nd 1R.obt. Rielly. Tomatoes,,
12 trophy, L. Tiudnll; 2nd S You -
hill. Tomatoes, l2 any other ]urge,
James Henry ; 2n W. H. ;McCracken..
Corn, six ears, green, sweet, J. A.,
,&'torten ; 2nd L. Tindall. Cauli
flower, 3 heads, S Yuuhili;. 2nd W.,
H. Wells Cucumbers, 6 ripe, R. D,.
Adams ; 2nd Geo. Moffatt. Cncum
bets, fit for table use, Ab. Proctor;
2nd W. H. McCracken. Melons, 3
mask, W. H. Wells; 2nd W. H. Mc-
Cracken. Melons, 3 water, W. 11
McCracken ; 2nd Thos. An'erson.
Celery, 6 heads, dwarf, red, Thos.
- Ainley ; 2nd S. Youhill. Celery, 6
beads, dwarf, white, S. Youbill ; 2ud
R. W. Adams. Citrons, 2 round
shaped, Thos. Wilkinson ; 2nd F. H.
ttouerns. Citrons, 2 long California,
W. H. IicCracken; 2nd F. H.
Roderus,. - Pumpkin, C Henderson s
2ud D: Vanalsttne. Squash, W. H.
McCracken ; 2nd Geo, Moffat. Scotch
Kale, J. W. Inglis ; 2nd S. Youhlll.
Collection of garden prodnce, W. Ii
Grape, 2 clusters, black, J. A, Mors
toi, ; 2na W. F. Brockenshire. Grape,
2 clusters, red, J, A. Morton.. Plums,
2 dozen. blue, E. F. Black ; 2ud E.
F. Black. Pears, 1 dozeu, fall, R.
kieilly ; 2nd Jas. Elliott. Pears, 1
dozen, winter, E. F. !clack ; 2nd J.
Wilson, Apples, 5 Aesopus, Spitzc:n-
berg, Robt. Reilly Do., Baldwin,
Geo. Furtua.e ; 2nd A. Young. Do ,
Duchess of Oldeuberg, C. Henderson ;
2nd A. Young. Do., Grimes' golden,,
Robs, Reilly. Do., King of Tomp-
kins Co., Thos. Anderson. Do ,
Maiden's Blush, Hobert Rielly ; 2nci
41ex, Young. Do., Northern Spy„
Ab. Proctor ; 2nd John Peruue..
Do., .Rhode Island Greening, I. Met-
calf ; 2nd Thos. Anderson. Do.,
Ribston Pippen, Ab. Proctor ; 2nd
Robt. Reilly. 1)o., Russet's golden,
L. Tindall ; 2nd Thos. Wilkinson.
Do., Russets Roxboro', I. Metcalf ;
2nd Robt. Barfly. Do., +t:ek no Fur-
ther, Thos. \Viikinscli ; 2nd G. For-.
tune. Do., Snow, Robt. Johnston n
211d Robt. Reilly. Do., Swart. T.
Anderson ; 2.,d Robt, Reilly. Do.,,
Swayzie pomme ;;rise, Thos, Ander-
son ; 2nd Ab. Proctor. Do., War,
J t.s. Wilson ; 2nd Thos. Ander-
son. Do„ Uolvers, Thos. Anderson a
2nd Robt. Reilly Do., Seedling, A,
Noting 21rd John Perdue. Collec-
tion of app;es, Robt. Reilly ; 2nd A.
Henderson. Crab apples, D. Vanals.
tine ; 2ud L. Tindall.
Barret of flour, Hutton, Price &
Carr ; 2nd Button Price & Carr.
Cheese„ dairy, L Lovell .; 2nd Thos
Anderson. Butter, 50 lbs., I. Met-
calf ; 2nd 72.. Johnston. Butter, ?,i
lbs., 1'11os, Wilson ; 2ud ltich. Wal-
ters. ]cutter, 15 lbs • Tilos. Wilson ;
2nd Rich, Waiters. Butter, 10 lbs.,
Mani 1] endersou ; 2ud I'etcl' Mc •
Levee, Money in eoltib, J. Salter,
Honey extracted. j. A Morton,
Bread, baker's, W. D. Pringle. Bread,
liorne made, litter Fowler ; end P.
McLaren. Oat calve, Gen. ;toilet; 2..d,
Alr. Proctor. Wuae, Due bottle, f,;'ape,
G. Hughes ; 2nd illus a;. B,ohert•i ort.
\Vi1'n,.wny'oihr•r 1 rad. W. H. 14. c
;cn:Inu d .r. " Durst rel ty