The Wingham Times, 1885-10-02, Page 8LOCAL N EW S
WT.Crrt�s.•--Referring to the appoint. DE Dsaxn.--asst Friday a telegram
ment of as, A. Cline to the captaincy of received from Chicago by Geo. Mo-
-- our fire department, the Seaforth Expos- Mullen, of Lower Wingham, which stated
FRIDAY, OOT. 2Np, 1880, tor says: "We notice that the Wingham that hie son, John McMullen was very low
council have appointed Jas, A. Cline cap- in the hospital there with typhoid fever.
twin of the fire brigade of that town. Mr. Mrs. McMullen immediately started for
Cline was at the head of the Seaforth fire Chicago, but arrived too late to see her eon
department for many years and we know alive, as he died before she arrived on the
from experience that the Wingham people following day, The remains were interred
could not have selected a better man, and in that city% The deceased was only 22
if they do not have an efficient brigade it years of age, and was a tinsmith by trade,
will not be the fault of the captain. having served his time in McGrattan's tin
HAann's Wizard Oil Concert Co. have shop in this town. John was well-known
been attracting large crowds nightly on here as a steady and industrious young
our market square. The concerts are the man, and many Wingham friends will re-
besir:dee, have heard for some time, and as gret to learn of his sudden death.
an adyortising medium it is really good— CO:CEI .—A grand concert will be held
almost equaling a newspaper. The singing in the Congregational church, atGemmill's
is excellent, "Sweet Alpine Roses," as j corners on Tuesday, evening next, when an
rendered by Mr. Oakley, is one of the 1Jexcellent programme consisting of solos,
prettiest aougs we ever listened to, Fred. duetts, quartettes, etc., will be rendered.
Stansfield makes a tip-top comedian, and The vocal talent will comprise Mr. and
Prof. Sanders as au organist, and Mr. Gal- Mrs. S. Smith and Jas. A. Cline, of this
lagher as a comio singer are well worth town, Mise Rogers, of Gerrie, Miss Brown
listening to. and G, F. and Thos. Gibson, of Wroxeter.
/QUOITING.—On Tuesday a game of quoits The instrumental part will be sustained by
was played between Geo. Hughes and Jas. Mrs. Geo. L. Whitney, of this town, and
McAlpine for the light weight champion- Miss Annie :Fraser, of Shakespeare S.
ship of the Wingham Quoit club and the Gracey tytil also be present and give some
Meyer gold medal, and resulted in a vie- of his finest dialect readings. The admis-
tory for the former by five points, the sion is only 15 cents, and a cordial invite -
score standing: Hughes, 31 ; McAlpine 26. tion is extended to all..
The medal has to be won twice before !b GEOGRAPHY EXAM.. -33810W is the result of
becomes the property of any player, and
this is the first time Mr. Huges has cap-
tured it. We understand that Mr. Mo -
Alpine has challenged him to pitch another
game for $25 a side, and if the challenge is
accepted the game will likely come off the
early part of next week.
THE NEW FIRE Co.—For some time past
Capt. Cline has been busily engaged reorg-
Tw Smut Rats wastes, Ria etastbsrwsle sod
was Mots, Mss /Id, NIpl $t ewes pall. Cillsir,
at *lona! We.
Stevan girl wanted. Apply to Mrs, E.
R. Talbot.
Fon SALE, --A first-rate second-hand sad-
die--cheap—apply to Dr, Towler, "
Tits regular moutbly meeting of the
•counoil will be held next Monday evening.
"fa Dominion Express Co, has opened
()an office in this town, tvith 0., E. Willis.=
'as agent.
Tax fall show of the East Wawanoah
Agricultural Society will be held at Bel -
grave next 'Thursday.
OPE: air concerts are given every even-
ingon the market square by the Wizard
'Oil Co. The concerts are intended to at-
tract purchasers for their medicine.
LAsx Sunday a .number of Wingham
Foresters went to Luoknow where a special
sermon was preached to the order in the
Presbyterian church by Rev. Mr. Cameron.
THE cheapest and best place in Wingham
fir funeral• furnishings is at S. Graoey's.
All the necessaries kept in stook. S.
'Gracey, Practical Undertaker and Furni-
ture Dealer, Wingham. *
TnEa was not a quorum at the Wing-
lham curling club meetiug last Friday
evening, so that nv business was transacted.
'The officers will be elected at the next
meeting, which will likely be 'held some
time next week.
�THE salt well has reached the depth of a
little over 900 feet, and the indications ar(
that salt will be found before long. The
stuff brought up by the sand pump has a
bitter taste, which tends to `show that the.
gait bed is nearly reached.
ALL FOR 25 CENTs.—Parties wishing to
take THE TIMES ontrial van have. it sent to
aauy address, or delivered at their doors in
town, until Jan. 1885, for the small sum of
25 cents. Send along the money and try
the beat local paper in town.
-THE Bluevale brass band furnished the
music at the rink on Wednesday evening,
And it wasn't music to be sneezed at,
either. There are sotto tip-top players in
the band, and with e, little more practice it
bids fair to rival sotte' more pretentious
.organizations. Bluevale has every reason
to feel proud of its band.
MrN. T. MoClymout pad eon have gone
op a visit to friends at Port Colborne.
R. returned from Uamiltou
on Mondaj*,'where lie,pas beep visiting a
short tithe.
/Ire. D. McCormick, of Tilsonburg, is
home on a visit to her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Jas, Shaw,
Mies Tena McDonald, who hats beau
visiting in town for some time past, has
gone to Toronto,
Miss Sarah H. Hutton is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. James Henry, rear Queensville,
and intends staying for sometime.
James Inglis, of Coutts & Inglis, is suf-
fering from a displaced bone in cue of hie
lege, and is able to walk about but little.
on the market. Private or companies' funds to
Loan on farm security ate, e} and 7 per Dent.
.Apply to
Opposite the Market Square, Wingham.
Wingham Oct. 2,,11885
Flour p,.rcwt. $2 25 to 2 50
an examination in geography over North Flour per bbl 4 50 to 5 00
America, held on Friday afternoon last at - Fal I 11 peat per bus.... 75 to 80
the central school. There was 94 marks Spring '• ... i 5 to
obtainable on the matter of the parer with Oats "" " ... 28 te
16 added for neatness, making a total of Barley "" " •
• 45 to
110 marks: Gussie Elliott 100, Clara Ris- Peas ". "" • 55 to
25 to
12 to
14 to
800 to
don 98, Annie Habkirk 90, Jennie Elder 90, Potatoes new
Willie McKay 86, Maggie Cargill 85, Harry Butter per lb
Scott 82, Martha Tip1i»gi, 82, A. H. Carr Eggs per don......
anizing and seleotimg members for the fire 81, Lidy Youbill 79, ;Robert McClymout 'Hay per ton new
company, and he, no* has things about 77, Geo. McClymont 77, Mary •tiadler 76, Wood
Teat for aetiejn _' The members enrolled Etta Gordon 76, Wm.Dallas 72, Jessie
are Joseph Hurttbese, Wm. Moore, Walter McLaren 71, Rosa 'Ilio-muth 70, Marion
Green, '!hos. Moore, James Holmes Thos: Inglis 69, . Joseph Mo-;:Dgnagh 69, Mary
Drummond, Freda inghes, paV,r ,tris , Y0; Hanna B8 ;Lizzie Fleuty55, Wm. Johnston, _
and•F. RoderusOne more is yet to bo 45.
selected, whenihe roll will be complete. HEY,LL BEEP IT =A vote of the congre-
Capt. Cline has gathered together a body gation of the Presbyterian church was
of men who are runners and workers, who
will take an interest fn the organization,
and who, with a little practice together,
will make a perfect fire company in every
RINE.—The great attraction at the
roller skating rink this week has been the
appearance of Profesor Wyman, of Phila-
delphia, the champion of America, who
gave exhibitions on Wednesday evening
and yesterday afternoon and eveniagjOn
each occasion the rink way crowde and
the;audieuce had no cause for feeling die-
appointed. ,:The prafese-or. ,yessarInagni-
Scent exhibition of'fancy.,and trick skating
but his specialties were skating with toy
wagons attuned to his :feet, skating on
stilts four feet high, and fanny and acro-
brtic skating, and sonie$of his feats were
marvellous. It was. eesithout doubt the
finest skating ever witna'sed in this town.
y°SUDDEN DEAta.—The friends of Mrs.
'Jane Riley were painfully •surprised on
learning of the death of that estimable
lady, which occured on Wednesday
morning at the residence of her brother,
Robt. Hastings, on,Francis street A week
ago Mrs. Riley was •'in perfect alth, but
on Saturday afternoon she complained of
not feeling vent well. Being no better on'
Monday she •each from Turnberry, where
she has bettitelf sing for some time, to stay
with her brother for a few days. Medical
aid was sumecioped, and the case was pro-
nounced one of'oongeation of the bowels.
She gradually grew worse until death put
au end to her sufferings 'on Wednesday
morning. The deceased• was the 'wife of
the late Dr. Riley, of Walkerton, and was
46 years of age.
Loin His NONEY.—Davffi. Campbell, late
baggage master at the station here, started
for Chicago last Friday morning, and when
he reached,London it wae.,�diseevered that
lie had lost soma -$22 in mole* aid' fie
railway ticket. He at once telegrt p:ted
home for, more money, upon receipt of
which he continued on his journey.
CAMPBELL, the tailor took first prize for
the best made suit of clothes at the .North
Western Fair held this week. His dis-
play was an exceedingly good one, but no
more work was put ou the clothes exhibit-
ed than is put on the suits he turns out
every day. If you want a neat fitting and
well made suit try Campbell, the prize
STAGE STOPPED.—On Wednesday after-
noon the daily stage that has run between
this town and Teeswater these many years
made its last trip. In future the mail and
passengers will be ,carried by stage to the
Canadian Pacific iding, and thence by
rail. The mail stage will leave Wingham
12:15 p. m. daily, and returning will leave
the siding at 3:15 p. m.
S. GnAosv has a largo stock of sideboards
bed room sets, parlor suites, sofas, lounges,
mattresses, &c., that can be bought at very
low prices for cash. Special reductions to
parties buying in quantities of over $50.
Parlor suites away down, almost at cost.
It will pay you to conie 10 miles to buy at
S. Gracey's Furniture Rooms. Remember
the place, directly opposite T. A. Mills'
store and next d000r south of Brunswick
House. • *
ja A.soeu ieVTCTo1u .—The Wingham brass
sar band scored its second victory within two
week; by going to Clinton last Friday and
securing second money in theDoherty Or-
gan Co. competition, the famous Waterlt{u'
band taking first. TheGoderieh and Blytli'
bands were present but declined to com-
pete when they saw what kind of music
wts being furaishe3, The prizes were
aWarded as follows: Waterloo band, 530
points, 1st prize a $280 organ, Wingham 1
• band, 473 points, 2nd prize, $75 caale Ciin.
to , town ban i, 411 points, 3rd prize, $40
cosh. The ju lges were W. E. Hiseott, of
London, Pref. De P udry, of Goderich,
and Chas. Blacks me, of Clintou./They
expressed themselves a delighted with the
(playing of our band and the profittienay
displayed b .t{ leader, Whou the boys
arrived home on the evening train they
were Met by a host of admiring friends
and wore conduct td down .Josephine street
he tiled by a torch light procession, when
they executed several of their bait pieces
in the finest possible manner. There is
no $oubt now but that Wingham has the
hili ti nd in the county tf EEuron.
AN ABLE SEBMoN.—The Blyth Advocate
of last week ways: ' "As announced, a
special sermon was delivered by the Rev,
Mr. McCosh. of Wingham to the Foresters
in the Presbyterian churehs on Sunday
last. ibe large edifice was literally pack-
ed. There were present 'about 120 mem-
bers of the order from Wingham, Clinton,
Brussels. Londesboro and other places.
The speaker ealectet1 as the basis of his re-
taken on Sunday to decide whether to re-
tain tie organ in the church service, which
has been on trial for six months. The
organ party carried the point by a large
majority, only two in the congregation
having voted to expel the instrument. As
the result of having the organ, :the music
during the six months has been the finest.
the Presbyterian church in this town ever
had/Three organs are now on trial -the
Karn, of Woodstock, Bell, of Guelph, and,
Dominion of Bowmauville—and to this
number the Kilgour, of Hamilton, will,,
likely be adde$7 The ' organ • comtriittee
will give each a fair trial, and in the course
of;aihioi h will select ant, complete the
panellise of one of them. • '
BIGAMY.—A ease of bigamy has just
come to light in this town, tho too much
married party being a mechanic who is
not a very remote addition to our, popula-
tion, and wbo recently took unto himself
a Wingham bride, but whose name it
would hardly ,do tb publish at present. A
short timeAt#o' Mayor Neelands received a
letter from a woman in Murvale, Adding-
ton county, who claimed to be wife No. 1
of this scion. She stated that she was
married to him 33 years ago, that he had
deserted her and left her to shift for her,
sell, and that she was not particular about
living with him again provided he would
support her. That was all that concerned
her. If he agreed to furnish her with the
needful, she would agree to let him live in
peace with wife No. 2, otherwise, look out.
for squalls! Thus far we have not heard
of any settlemeet having been arrived at.
efil 1ATRIMONfAL.—It is out pleasant task
this week to chronicle an event of much
interest to our m,.ny readers in that ter-
ritory known as the Bluevale circuit of the
Methodist church. This event is no less
than the marriage of the popular pastor of
that circuit, Rev. J £i. Cook, to Miss Susie
Caufield, the accomplished daughter of
Roswell Can'eld, of Odelltown, Quebec,
which was celebrated on the 24th Septem-
ber in the historic Methodist church, near
marks, the words forming the 13th sense of her father's residence, and of which the
the 3rd chapter of Ili Thessalonians—"Be bride was a member. . T1 e ceremony was
not weary iu well doing," •from which an performed by the Rev. Jaynes Awd. B. A.,
excellent and most alaprepriate address of Montreal l'bo church having, been
was delivered. At eclose of the service tastefully ecorated with $ewers, and
a collection was to tens up in aid of the crowded to the doors by the many friends
order, when the handsijnte sum of $17 was of the bride, who were sorry to know she
raised." Speaking of t is'same sermon the was to leave them, but heartsly joined in
Seaforth Expositor -says, "The sermon wishing her the greatest l.appiness and
was able, earnest and forcible. It was prosperity in her western home. Among
wth suited to the occasion, and at the the presents, which by the way, were num-
san.e time broad and Com:roheusive; just Brous and costly, was a very ele;ant silver
such a sermon as might be expected from fruit plate, which was the gift of the class
a pteacbee of Mr. McCosh's reputation aid in the Theological College hi Montreal, .if
known ability. The reverend gentleman which the happy bride was a member.
touched lightly --but without naming it— After the large number of invited guests
upon a riuestion that is everyday becoming hal done ample justice to the splendid
inure arid More a living !some, tiauiely, dinner prepared it the palatial !tome t f
the question of capital :tied labor, or the Lilo bride's father, the happy couple started
social relationship existii,g between the for home, visiting Ogdensburg, N. Y.,
rich ei.d the very poor. out of which tho iorcuto, Guelph and other places rat the
evils of socialism, and kii,dred "iatrts" haveway. W. 1.o peek for them a very hearty
in recent 3 ears Rprung up. , We should I welcome to their home in Biuevato, and '
like to see the serretai published," { wish them every aucc its and happiness.
9 00
1 OC to 1 50
J1Tow, is the time to
secure your stock as
you will save money
by getting dry oleate,
Coal. Cash must ac-
coapanz/ aZl orders, as
iue wiZZ not book Coal.
Two lots on Josephine street, adjoining the Bruns-
wick house, with a frontage of 24 feet; also four back
lots—two in roar of Brunswick and two in rear of A.
W, Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scott street,
containing nine rooms with every convenience. The
property will be sold cheap us the owner Is leaving
he country. Forlurther particulars apply to
Nas, ORAUAai.
Wingham Aug.18,188 , Scott Street.
Sufferers from Rheumatism, either of tau
Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory, or gonorrhoea typo,
Rheumatoid Arthrisis, rte., can find a positive cure
In the Royal Rheumatic Remedy. Sure, safe and re-
liable. No fraud or cure-all, but a now and import-
ant cure for all ltheuutatic diseases. Beware of vile
drugs containing Mercury and other poisons. Cer-
tain cure guaranteed. Only $1 a bottle, sent by mall
prepaid. Address J. Hooper b Co., Solo Proprietors,
C8 Si 45 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Can. tf
Skiff's Sale of Lads.
To WIT; i
veyBy, virtue of several Writs of Fieri Faetds issued
out of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's
Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and
delivered against the Lands and Tenements of Charles
Tait Scott at the snits of The Molson's Bank and
William B. Hutton and Peter Fisher, I have seized and
taken in Execution all the right, title, interest, nue
of redcnp `tion of the tbovo.nanted defendant,
Charge: Tait S.t, In and to the following lands' and
tenements situate, lying; and being in the Town of
Wingham, County of Huron, and Province of On.
tario, viz.:
1st. Lots doyen, Fifty -Two, and Three, pundred
and Forty -Five, running numbers, Government Sur -
2nd. Lot Twenty -Three, Foley's.let Survey, Ed-
ward Street West.
3rd. A.n undivided half interest in tho West half
of Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, Grlffen's
4th. Lots ThirtyFour, Thirty -Six, Thfrty-Sevtu
and ThirtyEIght, Scott survey.
5th. Lots TwcntyNutc and Thirty -Five, on South
side of Scott Street.
eth. Lot Four on West side .of Josephine 'Street,
save and except Ten feet in width sold off the Nettle
erly side of said Lot.
7th. Lot Five West/dile Of4Peopbine Watt.-
treet.8th. That portion of Bleck If .cOmmencipg Ane
hundred and two foot in a • Welderly direction etone.
the South side of Victoria attest front the North -
Westerly ungle of Lot Thirty one, Foley a Snkvey,
better known as the Exchange Motel property,thcoee
in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Vic-
toria Street, Twenty feet by Ono Hundred and Nino:
teen feet, in a Southerly direction, firm psraliel with, •
Josephine Street, all saki properties being in Scott'
Survey, and aro Subdivisions of a portion of alma it
Government Survey. Which Lands ani! Tenements 1
shall offer for sale, at my otiicc, in the Court liens°,
In the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday,. the First dtty
of December, 1885, at the hBoERur LOGISTwBeeriOlve
ntoethe.clock, Noon.
Sheriff's Office, Goderich, Aug. 2-'nd, 2885.
Late of Birmingham, England,
having taken up his residence in
in town, is prepared to re—
ceive a
Limited number cfpu-
piZs for znstructiom in
Intrumental usic,
1!'or terms, etc., apply at Ms resit
dente, Leopold street.
Site Rase Cream
$tOO 2tZWARD illld
for any preparation that will equal White
Rose Cr -nem to remove Tan, Freckle*.
Pimples, Soften the Skin and Beautify
the Complexion. Every bottle guaranteed
to be as represented or money refundtd.
Price 75 cents per bottle.
THE PIIARMAOY Sole Agent fur
Wingham, Ont.
Having purchased frol J. READING his stock of
GOOD', Sze.
And added thereto new goods in all lines bought at very low prices, 1.
will offer thein at a
Small Advance on coat for cash,
And trust that by pitying strict attention to business tip merit a share of
your patronage. Call aril ser;