HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-10-02, Page 1ay INGHAM VOL. L. XIV, --NO, 40. �c Ming5 am (ioet 8. W. C -ALB tteITH,1.'uo1 iu lou. TNli W NouM Toms, published every Friday morn+ tug, is a live lueat newspaper, and has alargo eIrcul,.tioninlYi,n hamandeurrouna- ing country, waking it a Yalu,, able advertising medium, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.25 per year. -81.00 per year it paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: Space. I 1 yr, , 6 me, 13 mo. 1 mo. One Column ' I $oo. Qo $35 00 820 00 $8 00 Halt , 35 00 20 00 12 00 0 00 quarter " I 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 MA Inch b o.0 8 00 2 00 1 00 Local notices 8 cents per I ne for first insertion; 5 coats per line for each subsequent Insertion. Births, marriages and deaths inserted free. Correspondence of a newsy nature and communi- cations upon live topics respectfully solicited. MEYER at DICKENSCN 1]A1m1STF.Rs, rte. SOLICITORS FOR BANK OF UU HAMILTON. Commissioners for taking afada its for Manitoba. Private funds to lend in straight ones at lowest Ate&. Oflieee—]tent's Block, Wing, bran, Lvckne and Gorrie. {[. W. 0. MISVISR. E. G. e{OKIN8ON. Whit:ham Nov.18 1380 1 -Iv J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER Wingham Wit ai1tS. HS?HUNE & YOUNG, IIIYSICIANS AND` SURGEONS, Odlce, cor r Centre and , atrick streets, Wiugham Ou.ario. ALEX. BETHUNE,M, D., W. J. YOUNG til, Y.n.0, F. K. M.O.P.. Sinkage Holey, WINGTIAM, - ON'fi. This !louse has lately been re -modelled to considerable extent, and is thoroughly comfortable in every respect. Always sets it GOOD TABLE. Gues s well .pleased and come again. Rates reason- able. Good stabling in connection and No. 'I hostler, • J'..' PATI'ERSUN..,:. J. Sr. J. WILSON YeteEinary Surgeons; Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered members of Veter inary edioal Association, are prepared to treat alldiseases of Domestic Animals, on he• latest and.moss Scientific Priuoiples. Calls attended to day and night. Horses bought s,ndsold on commission. Office and infirmary in the stand lately occuped by T. Kerr, V. S., opposite Merrifield's Rotel, Josephine Street, Wiugham. • Farmers & LaIidOWDCFS Dc you want to borrow money ? To buy moreland for Yourself or Your Sons. To build a House or Barn. To Fence, Clear Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0 for any otber Purpose, If you do the un dersigns d' are able to Loau at the lowes rates of Interest and more reasonabl Terms than any one else in this section o the country. MEYER & DICIENSON, Boa risters, W mgham Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. ISLAND H41'! EE . S'ock Fa►m, Olt );,E ILe, WAYNE CO SAVAGE & FARNUtt, Proprietors, -- impurtelt— .,.PERCNEH9Y HORSES. All stock selected from the get of (Jire4 au dams of estoblirhed reputation and registered in the French. and An.erican stud books. ISLAND HO}IIE Is beautifully situated at the heal of •Grosso Ile in the Detr it river, ten miles below the city and accessible by rallro'td and 'steamboat. Visitors not familiar ?with the looation may call at city office, 62 Campau Building, and an escort w 11 accompany them to the farm. Send f r catalogue post free by malt. Address, SAVAGE & [?ARN UM. Detroit, Mich. Mr, Altrul .Y.l,ixaa9, l.tte of liirniing- ^ham, e.aerand, havltg taken up his reai- donse itt tows, is prepared to receive a limited number of pup.le for instruction is instrumental. music, piano and organ. For terms, eta.. apltyr at hlsresidenoef, .Sepeld ttroot. 11 1) WrN GRAM, ()NT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1885. MAKING READY. The East Huron Reformers Organize for the Coming Campaign. An enthusiastic convention of Re - 'formers of East Huron was held at Brussels on Thursday of lusts week for the purpose ot electing office .bearers for the ensuing year, and for taking steps towards checkmating the efforts of the revi. ing barristers at the next election. The chair was taken by Thomas utrachau, reeve of Grey to,wnship, and on the p atform were Thos. Gibson, M. P. P.; Dr. Macdon- ald of Winghaln; W. T. R, Preston, secretary of the Provincial Reform Association, and W. H. Kerr, secre- tary of East Huron Reform Associa- tion The chairman in opening the meeting dwelt upon the necessity for immediate and earnest work in the matter of the voters' .lists, and stated thatat was by close attention to the revising of• the lists that the next election in East Huron had to be won. Not only the candidates, but every i.i- telligent and 4hht-minded votershuuld/The Grey Plowman's Association take a personal interest in the per will hold its annual plowing match on fecting of the lists, and no legitimate the 2] st ilial. effort should be left undone to counter- act the machinations of Sir John.James Davis, of Blyth, has /leen Macdonald's revising barristers. At appointed public prosecutor under the the last Dominion elections the- Re. Scott As;t for Huron. formers had not been successful in The children in Londesboro are all ousting the Tory party, but since that being vaccinated in anticipation of the time a change had come over popular small pox striking that burg. sentiment, and there was every reason to believe that the corrupt Govern- A flew grocery store has been start- ment which bad held sway since 1878 ed in Blyth by John A. McDonald.— would receive itsdeath-blow at the not Sir John, but another John A. next general elections. The means '''''There is a large quantity of grain that had been resorted to`by Sir John unharvested in the vicinity of Varna and his colleagues were well known, on account of the recent -wet weather. and it was not' necessary for the About $42 was reallzie , speaker to enter into details before aAt a mus - meeting of intelligent Reformers such cal and literary entertainiiient held in as the convention war •'composed of. Duff's church,, MoKiliop, on Friaay The Tory ],arty had resorted to the evening last. frost unscruptllnus methods - toehold. The net, proceeds of a._.fancy„_fair. The funeral took place on Thursday office in 1882 and had been successful held b� tli'iy bftdree.•Aid Society e4 $t, -the 24th inti, and was largely attend - for a time. But the day of reckoning George's church, -Goderich, amounted was coming when the broken promises, to over $200 the corrupt' expenditures, and the in - Phipps legislation would rise up in has Phipps, of Gorlerich township, ludgmer.t against them. Reform leas seven acres of wheat sown on the principles had been trampled under 27th of. August which averages 14 foot by the Government at Ottawa, inches in height: Chancery sittings. and the Liberal leaders had A horse belonging to Henry Alcock, been belittled in the Tory prints, of Grey, ran 'away recently and in ;ts but nevertheless their principles were mad career jumped over the bank of held dear by a large section of the , a creek and was drowned. Canadian people, and the leaders of The executive committee of the. our party still had a high place in the Huron Scott Act Association will hold'• hearts of the R. formers of the Domin- a mammoth temperance demonstration ion. (Applause.) In Ontario,tho great- in Clinton on the 13th inst. est Province, Liberalism continued to hold sway, notwithstanding the dead The members of the Women's set which has been made upon it by Christian Temperance TJnion in Corrie the powers at Ottawa and• their satel- have presented the public school with lites, and Ontario continued to ,some valuable books on temperance; prosper with a Reform Provincial / W. Mellis, express agent at Luck - Government under that able and ener- now, has shipped over 1000 bushels etie defender of provincial lights, of plums this season. The prices Hon. 0 iver Mowat. (Applause.) And ranged from 25 cents to $1,50 tier as with Ontario, so would it eventua - bushel. • ly be with the entire Dominion. For r' The imported Clydesdale colt "Ch�al- = McLean vs. Quebec Bank. Ad - the day was coming when corruption lenge” beloinging to McNeil, Shien & and extravagence in high paces would be no more, and when Liberalism would prevail througi.out the land. .(Applause, ) Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, moved that one sat of officers be appointed for the East Riling of Huron for the Local Ilei; e and the gerrytnanaered Emil Riding for the Cowuinhs. Carried. The election of officers was then proceeded with and resulted as fol- lows: Pres dent, E. E. tl ode, Brns sets; first vice.Presideut, Geo. McKay, '.1 inghanl; second vice president, J. R Govenlock, McKillop; secretary - treasurer, W. H. Herr, Brussels. The following Chairmen for muni- cipalities were oleo aPpoiuted: How - ick, Chas. McLaughlin; 'I'urnberry. Geo. Fortune; Wroxeter, G Paulin; alorris, Geo. isl,ist••r; Brussels, P. Thomson; aicKillop, W in. Cash; Blyth. Jl. H. Youub; Hallett, Jobe eicMiilan. After the work of organizati. n hart been duly proceeded with, W. T. R Presto n, secretory of the Provincial ' Association, was cal ed upon to ad- dress the meeting, and in a vigoront 'speecht explained the working of the FM11011ise Bill, and pointed out the 'sea tneans of successfully fighting the I clef eetionable features of the Asst, As he scored point after point against the iniquitous mama he was loudly and enthusiastically applauded, The speak, er pointed out amongst other things that individual effort wait necessary on the part of the Reformers if they aim- ed at success, for the revising barris ter would take good care to louk after the Tory tnterestsi At the conclusion, of hie address a vete of thanks was unanimously tendered to Mr. Preston. Short speeches were also made by Dr, Sioan, of Blyth; Dr. 1lacdoneld, of Wiugham; Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., Wroxeter, and others. At the close of the meeting resolu- tions warmly approving of the reforiu leadership of Hon. Edwartt Blake and Hon. Oliver Mowat in the Domiuiou and Local House were unanimously adopted. County Items. There are 25 students attending the high school at Clinton. The potato crop in Morris this year is said to be proving a failure. Moundary Line, Miss Annie Thine is home from Port Dover where she has beenvisit- ing friends, Misses Nellie and Annie Webster, of i.,ralt, are up visiting their friends in this vicinity. Mies Mary A. Prout, of Elmvllle. sister of Mrs. R. Tuuker, of this line, ie up on a visit to this part of the country. We surmise she has become fascinated with this part as it is whispered round that a young gentle- man from the vicinity of Elmville was in search of a farm in this locality, A. Patterson, of Bluevale, bad removed his cider works to his own ,shop, which is the second building on the other side of the bridge, opposite Leech's saw mill. He has now his maehiliery in first-class running 'order and is ready to attend to customers at any time. Patterson is a fine fe;low and we question not the least that his only purpose is to give satisfaction in every respect. /We are very sorry to intimate that another of our friends in the person of James Andrson has passed away to his iong home. The departed was a resident of the 6th cun. of Turn - beery, and was known as one of the pioneers of that township, He was a native of Lanarkshire, Scotland, and in 1852 emigrated to this country. Be,tuok up his residence in Roger- ville and remained there for -two years. In 1855 he removed to Turn - Jerry, where he remained until the time of bis death, which took place on Tuesday, -22nd alt Ylr. Anderson was an npright ma in every respect, and ail persons with whom he was acquainted respected him as a friend. With regard to municipal affairs, he was the first treasurer of Turnnerry. In religion he was a strong Presbyter- ian and a strict adhereut to the rules in Connection with that denomination. ed. The remaius were conveyed to the Bluevale cemetery for interment. He leaves a loving wife and family and many other relatives to mouru his sad demist;. The Chancery Sittings was held by the Honorable the Chancellor, at Godericli last week, and proved one of the briefest courts yet held. There were six cases on the docket, which were disposed of as follows: Leech vs. Leech was an action to recover dower and balance of legacy. Settled between tie parties. Garrow for plff.; Barrett for deft. Carleton vs. Carlton.—An action for alimony. Settled between the parties. Garrow for the pili'.; Barrett for deft.,. McO tighery vs. Gray.—Action on prommissory uete. Judgment fur plaintiff. Holrnestead for plff.; Gar - row for deft. Datgntty, of Grey, captured second prize at the Industrial fair in Toronto this year, .ets There was threshed on tl•e farm of George Greenslade, near Hills Green, a few days ago 25d hu bels of full wheat, being the pioduct of 5 acres of land. This is c .iisidered a ver) good yield. On Fiidsy evening of last week, the f'rieuds of Rev. Mr. Mentugbtoh, of W ]ton, met at, the manse and pre seated hue with a purse of $75, on i he occltsien of his departure from amongst thele. Wm Scots, of Tuokeremith, one of Huron's eldest pioneers, died on Sun day the 21st ult., in bis nista year He settled in Tuekersmith' in 184 . rind took up the farm on winch he re - 'bellied until the time of his death. Mr. Ro.i{tld, of the Brussels engine tvc ries, it{ gstchig ready two of hi., celebrated el.gtnes, together wish the aec•.tupauy,ti) hose re, Is raid , thei apparatus for full lite protc ction, f r the towns of L utenburg and Lockport, NOVit Sootin. '.L'Iie engines are new nearly ready f it shipment and the contract prise for thewholeis over $10,000, journed to next settings. Cameron foiep ff.; Garrow for deft. Platt vs. Grana Trunk. Adjourn- ed to sittings at T routo. Cameron ;or Ott ; Garrow for dit. Gregory vs. McGuire.—Action on prou{nlissory note. Judgment for 1.alu,iff by consent. Meyer & Dick screen for Off.; Cameron & Co. for dft M.trnoch. A proposal to start a football club was ret a feat seine time ago. It w scantly wet with gre it favor, so the bah has been procured and was kicked for the first uine on the eve,.iug of Monday tl.e 28th .lit. The buys mei t, t, urg,tllize a regular club lemma ately. Looe Ifuntin j seems to be the favor- ite amusement of the boys these uights. Up to date their sucueao has unduly been ihu'tt•d to the c{ipture of a few suuy'L'honias cute., though the tx.•ite- meet of the Mists has been cuusluer- ,b:y bei homed by eeverul imagining enu.,unteis with beats and wild vats. There are coluideut it ticipatious of the last time of :fie 0. P. R. Western S 0tlail being driven 011 the 20th ot October. 11 iI WHOLE I NO. n6 TUE NORTH WEST]e$N FAIR. The annual Mall fair was held at the. Horticultural park, in this town, oil Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday df' was week, The weather was all that could bo wished for, and the attend- ance each day was very large. Tuesday was principally taken up in getting the exhibits in order. Ott Wednesday everything was properly arranged and the fair open to the public. Upwards of 1,200 people were on the grounds on that day. But yesterday was the farmer's day, the greatest day of them all, when all the live stock was brought out for exhibition There was a very large attendance, there being some 1,600 peop e on the grounds. The show bus in every re- spect the finest that has ever been held in this town. The exhibit of live stock, and especially of sheep, was exceptionally 1 trge, there being nearly double the number of entries that there were last year. The display of buggies, waggons and agricultural im- plements. was else large, and some magnificent vehicles and machines were shown.. The crystal pelage was cnmfortaitty filled. with exhibits. The showo'LLfruits and root crops was magnifieeutr fid the competition in Lina department was very keen and close. In ladies' woliks and fine arts there was a very failn exhibit. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings the crystal palace Wasopen to the public, when the band furnished music and concerts were glyen. The attendance was very '0011 on 'tee first night but on the se`eslnd. night the 'building was crowded. Taken altogether the fair this year was a most decided success. The prize list was not completed at the hour of our going to press, and therefore we are unable to publish it this week. Morris Connell. • The Council - inet Pursuant- -to- ad=', '" journment, at the Council Room on Sept. 21st. Members all present;. the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The fol owing accounts were ordered to be paid. For gravel—Jas. Martin, $6.05. D, Farquharson, $2.55, R. England, $2, Mrs. Tucker, $2, J. Cloakey, $8.75, E.. Wright, $6, J. Sellars, $3, Jas. Sh urrie, 90c., R. Lees, $4.60, W. Whiteford, 85c., W. Burgess, $2.25, Jno. McMillan, $3.50. D. Geddes, $3.40, A. K. Robertson, $1.15, C. McLelland, $10.25, Simeon Eaket, repairs on Ruttan's bridge, $17 50, Joseph Leech, lumber, $25 20 : P. Murphy, work $5; Wm. Wilson, re- mission of dog tax $1: R. • Shortreed, do., $1; Jas. Timmins, spikes. $6.47; . John Smith, repairing culverts, 50c ; H. Gosmau, lumber and work. $12; Misses Exford,• charity, $10 ; James Tyner, plank and nails, $°49.30; S. Vannorman, inspecting and spreading gravel, $8.25 ; Cantelon and Ellis, ditching, $32; W. H. Kerr, printing, $26 25; James Sharp, eulvelt, $19; c. McLelland, lumber and nails, $9 50. Weed by C A. Howe, seconded by E Bosman that John Mooney be ap- pointed collector of taxes for this township.—Carried. Moved by 13', Mooney seconded by Win. Wray, that, the reeve be instructed to have a new approach batlt to Ard's bridge.---• arried Moved by Wm. Wray, sec- onded by H Mooney, that bylaws No. 6, 7 and 8 as now read be passed. —Carried Moeed by H. Mooney, sec nded by in. Wray, that a by- law be pissed auuexieg the n. e. of I ,t 7 and n. of lot 8 in the 8 h eon. to W. S S. No. 8.—Carried. The tlouneil then adjuurned to meet attain s' on Qct. 26th. WONDEaPuL DISCOVERY —By a new and important descotery a positive cure hay., limo found for all kinds of rhnu►uatism. Hundreds of sutierers are beitlg cured; S',eud $1 for the Royal Rheumatic I teeedy to J. Down kit & Co., 55 U'Oant,or St., Ottawa, Out, ,.li Serious anti -vaccination ><'iof Broke out en Monday eight ill Mon. treal, and it was not suppr..ssed till great damage had been done.