HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-25, Page 5NEWS ITEMS, The North Shore railway has been purchased by the Vanadiau Pantie. There were 110 cases on the To. ronto police court docket on Monday, Wm. Kyle it Co,, the well known Toronto wholesale. liquor firm, have assigned. "Anut Dabney,' a negress, aged 87 years diad at Millersburg, Ky., re- cently, leaving a hash Ind aged 19. Hon. Tlioa McGreevy, M. 2, for QQuebee West, has been called to the senate in place of the late `lir. aha pais. There are in England 357 female blacksmiths, who actually swing heavy hammers, and 9,138 women employed in malting rails for horse shoes. On Monday night burglars entered the residence of alias. o. Hyman, iu London, and made away with silver plate valved at between $300 and 6'400. There seems to be no abatement of r'.41--) the small pox in Montreal. Li five days, from the 17th to the 31 st inclus- ive there were 234 deaths in the city and surrounding villages from this cause. The special corps organized in the .Northwest territories during the in- surrection have all been re eased with the exceptiou of Lieut •Col. Scott's battalion at Winnipeg, and that of Lieut. -Col. Smith. A. Baptist church at Park River, in Dakota, has devised a new scheme to raise money. A liberal member do- nated a large tract of land to it, and the people got up a ploughing bee Next season the church will have seven thousand bushels of wheat if the weather is propitious. • The hide has been removed from Jumbo, Barnum's big elephant which was recently killed on the railway track at St. Thomas. Iu weighed 1587 pounds. When his stomach was opened there was found therein a miscella eous collection of cartrid- ges, buttons, nails, screws, stouts, coins, etc., about half a peck in all. Esther Arseott, formerly a resident of London East, has secured judgment in the Court of Appeal, before Judge Cameron, against ex Mayor Lilley and County Crown Attorney Hutchinson, of London, foe $2,430 and costs. Plaintiff in the ap$eal ease was arrest ecl by order of the defendauts after havii g been discharged tinder a writ of habeas corpus. Judgment for nearly $3,000,000 was rendered by Judge Iieisley on Monday against the New York, Chi- cago & St. Louis Railway Company., The claim against the railway com- pany was presented in the shape of three cognovit notes, the largest of which was for $2,000,000. It was executed Dec. 1, 1884, to W. H. Van- derbilt, president of the road. E. E. Sheppard, editor of the To- ronto News, was tried in Montreal this week for libeling the 65th regi- ment. The jury returned a verdict of guilty of publishing an inflammatory libel, knowing it to be untrue. T,.e Judge sentenced N1r. Sheppard to a fine of $200, which was at once paid, but did not impose the year's impris- onment which the law allows. When Sheppard was leaving the courthouse a young man named Normandeair went up to him and attempted to hit him with a whip. Mr. Sheppard warded off the blow with his umbrella and immediately drew a revolver, whereupon he was at once arrested and taken to the central police station, but he was subsequenqy discharged. Tae French Canadians showed great ani- mosity towards Sheppard, and it was feared he would be badiy dealt with. A. young lad named Peter Miller, who was committed to Walkerton jail recently on a charge of cattle stealing was tried by the judge last week. The boy pleaded guilty and was sent to penitentiary for three years. Both parents and one or two brothers of the prisoner died of consumption a few years ago, and left a family of young children to face the world, Without relations and friends. This boy wandered arou. the country, em- ployed occasionally by farmers, but frequently out of work, and being tempted by necessity, picked up a steer by the roadside and sold it. The judge being acquainted with all the circumstances of the case, gave the lad some kindly advice, and said that whilst it was necessary for him to enforce the law, yet in the interest of the prisoner hnreelf, he was sand- ing lam to the 1 penitentiary for such a time, at would enable him to letTii a trade whereby he could earn an 'meet liviig after coning out, S. &R&O , The LEADING UNDERTAKER. WHITNEY 01 DUFFIELD THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE AND. THE THOUGHTFUL HOUSE— HOLDER sHOULD PROVIDE FOR CHANGING WEATHER BY SELEO'!'INO THEIR (400]S NOW, AND INSPEOTfNG —THE IMMENSE STOOK DISPLAYED BY.— Give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in WIN-G- A1/1 FALL OWINTE R SUITS. 900-000 A, THE R Has just received from New York the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them. 000-000-000 IF YOU WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A 000D FIT (TALL ON W. A. CAMPBELL SCOTT'S OLD BANK. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF --EurnitureI-= Of every description, call and see our stock at the Wingliamrtnituro r1iy We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders far Car Load Lots always hate our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex- change for Furniture. SCOTT & 13EDIJ TV'NGHAMVI. THIS RESERVED FOR Wm. ELLIOTT, Who will have something of impor.', tante to say to the readers of the Tries next week. COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK -STOVES POI.PH,OPITP-Ot FURZtiAOES,, AND RA NGES, TINWARE, Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cut!eryand Woodenware' And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. Am erican and Canadian Coal 0i1, wholesa; a and retail. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing neatly and promp'ly done. Also sole agents for the Celebrated Rochester. Electric Larnp, Don't make any mistake but call and inspect our stock and get our prices. WHITNEY &-DTTFFIELD,. STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. A. Fine and New Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylograpbic Peas. Also a tine lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and EVERYTHING IN THE LINE Of DRUGSI And Druggists' Sundries you want at THE PHARMACY, Br, T O LERT ORIN MIRE, WINGIIAM n HARRY HISC®CKS Has just opened out a fresh and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits;., In the stand recently occupied by 0, M. Newans, and solicits a share of the public patronage. 000 -000 --- CALF, AND SEE HIM. —JUST RECEIVED -- A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF atehes, Jewelry eta, At Lower Prices than Ever. BefoieX Offered in Wingham.. Sell A.S CHEAP as any House in Canada, Try me and see • for yourselves. HALSEY PARK' Don,t fail to attend the. 1Tai r11 .1 1 ' M r.; .011 .AT is— P 1 I. JI,. For 20 days at. cost.. 0 Come9 Bring Your Mooey:and Bu -Cheap Goods, Na Reserve and No.Humbug>. Winghatn, Ausrust 120835 T. ILLL