HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-25, Page 1IMES.
VOL XIV. ---NO, 39,
tflcatuglpui ciao
B. W. GALBRAITH., PaorausTon.
Tun WINoualf Tram, published every Friday morn-
ing, is a live local newspaper, and had a large
circulation n Winghatn and surround.
ing country, making it a valu-
able advertising
$1.25 per Year -31,00 per year if paid in advance.
Space. I 1 yr, I 0 mo. I 3 mo. 1 mo.
One. 00hrl, I 300 00 $35 00 ate no 88 00
Half 33 00 20 00 12 '.4,3 Fcg
Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7
(Inc Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 00
Local notices 8 cents per I no for first insertion; 5
seats per line for each subsequent insertion. Births,
=Imago and deaths inserted free.
Correspondence of a newsy nature and comment-
catious upon live topics respectfully solicited.
I) MOULTON. Commissioneas for taking affida
vita tor Manitoba, Private funds to lend n straight
loans at lowest ates. Offices —Kent's Block, Wing
Lin, 'Duals= and Gerrie.
WInghtun Nov.18 1880 1.1v
WInghaen Ont
nmoe, co: a Centro and _ atrick streets, Wingham
).LEX. BETHUNE,11,1. D., W. J. YOUNG 31.
M. 0. I'. .
Etaliange Hotel,
1 4.
This house has lately been re -modelled
to considerable extent, and is thoroughly
comfortable in every respect. Always
sets a GOOD TABLE. Gues s well
pleased and Come again. Rates reason.
able. Good stabling in connection and No.
1 hostler,
Veterinary Surgeons,
Rennet et titter coneideratton of the
Variouu FrvOcie
Last week THE TIM ie was unable
to give even a brief otibinie of tele re -
Butt of the de iberatiolte of the °uteri
Fruit Growers' Association which met
in this town ou Weduesday and
Thursday However We do so this
week and h will doubtless prove in
wresting to raisers of fruit and vege-
9uestious relating to apple culture
being of greatest importance received
lira attention, Uecier the head of
varieties or shipping, the Ba.dwie,
Northern Soy, King of Tompkins
County, Outlet io, Niann Greening and
Ribeton Pippin were strong y recom-
mended as most like:y to sustain the
growing reputation of the Canadian
trade. Caeaclian va.ieties are in
great demand, aud it'was freely said
that it wou d not be possible with the
increasing deinauci in the foreign
market to overproduce in this country
if the proper kiuds were adhered to.
In this pert of the Proviuce the Nor-
thern Spy Peened to we very largely
'grown, with satisfactory results.
From the testimony of men coming
from various parte of Outario, it was
definitely shown that interest ire thie
very tempting class wee dying out.
The ravages of the black knot over
the western section especially, and the
trying nature of the recent winters
has completely discouraged growers.
There was but one variety that rteeiv-
ed much commendation, and that was
the pure Green Gage. The Lombards
were too lately to overbear. No rem-
edy beyond replanting was suggested
for the black' knot.
Cherries. were also considered with
very little of an encouraging nature.
The Early Richmond', howeyer, seem-.
ed to thrive well -alid-boailiburidnitly
almost anywhere.
Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary
College, and registered members of Veter
inary (Alcoa A.ssocuttion, are prepared to
treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on
lie latest and moss Scientific Principles.
Calls attended to day and night. Horses
1.qought and sold on commission. nffice and
infirmary in the stand lately occaped by
T. Kerr, V. S., opposite Merrifield's Hotel,
josephine Street, Wingham.
r •
Fans & Lamas
Do you want to borrow money ? To buy
enoreland for Yourself or Your Sons. To
build a House or Barn. To Fence, Cleat
Underdraln, or otherwise improve Land
To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0
for any other Purpose, If you do the, un
&reigned are able to Loan at the lowes
rates of Interest and more reasonabl
Terms than any one else in this section o
the country.
Balristers. Wingham
Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton.
Sock Farm. °
SAVAGE & F.ARNUNI, Proprietors
Grapes were dealt with at great
length, showing the activity that ex-
ists in this branch of fruit culture.
Many in eiresting experienceswere
recounted, and from the testimony
presented it is fair to :mention the fol
Iowi favorites:—Worden, Brighton,
Champion, Telegraph, De:aware,
Loii, and Salem.
The question box was foiled to con-
tain queries altogether relating to the
insects preying upon the cabbage and
onion. The cab' age fiy was a serious
pest to combat, which an emulsion of
coal oil around the plants or pyreth-
rum was recommended, and hot water
was said to be en excellent preven-
tive of thebutterfly, providing the
temperature did not excel d 1600 Fahr.
In the onion paint the worm should
be dealt with meohanically. Keeping
tho flies away from the young 'plants
in the frame by spreading gauze over.
It, and then putting tin or other sub-
stantial protection; around them when
set out, was agreed upon as an excel
lent protection.
The discussion on pears brought
, out strong preferences for ClaPp's
Favorite and Flemish Beauty. Blight
—11MpOrtea— seemed to be disappearing in some
sections, and overbearing, was being
PERE:H[110N HoRsEsi recdoginiilzed as a potent cause ot trouble
All stockseleeted from the get of sine Goosberries were discussed fully,
an i dams of established reputation and
registertd 'in the French and ArEerican
and Smith's Improved, Whitesmith,
stud books. a .Uowntno. and Houghton were elected
(ouster, end Greg it To theme mitiIt.-
men i rota thee ports et the Previte:,
eilegesten -lie addition of Cuthbert R. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era,
Early Ohio, or houtiegan, and Shatite 'e occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
Colossal, The latter w $ grown by n buret), Blytli, last. Sunday =rising
few here, and from all parts came ild evening.
good of intuits of it. dedSh
thn aw, of Brusiels, has been
CATALPA SPECIOSA. appointed principal ot the illy 0
The specimens of ' the Catalpa public school, in place of R. Hendee
Speciosa tree sent out by the AsSOC1- eon, resigned.
al ion were growing to be fine trees. 1he Methodists of iluevale have
Leaves fram it were shown aild i purchased a lot upon which they in -
size were nearly as large as a palm tend to erect a pareonage. The build-
leat fan. iieports from several del- ing will eost $800
egates confirmed the expectation that de
the tree would be hardy and grow Wel
A Brussels young DISJI has offered,
eee to donate $250 towaris the erection
1.,e_Ly.1)TO .2-0)1LE
as the most reliable varieties red stir-
est of bearing a crop.
IS beautifully situated at tho head of
Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, ton miles ,
below the eity and accessible by rallroad A number ot testatiomee wore heard
and steamboat. Visitor's gmob. familiar regarding this luscious class of fruit
52 Outman. Building) and 9,0, escort w,11 •n
from local inembere, and they left eio
with the loeatiou may call at city office,
1 o 1 fir any other opinion than that
accompany them to the farm., Send for . A "'
catalogue, post free by mail.., 4thireas, Huron is well suttee to the growing
SAVAGE & BARNUM, Detroit, Mich. ritspberriee. The Soil caused thrifty
Mt. Alfred Willlatest, late of tirminee, growth. fuel the deep snow prevented
barn, England, having fatten...Up Ids reed. Winter killieg. No Special form of
denoe In town4 Is prenatal to receive n cultivation, beyond judicious pruning,
ilnelted number of pupils for instruetIon wag urged, The verities which
'n instrumental Music, piano ',and organ. seemed to do beet in the neighborheod
For terms, ota.4 apply at Ide resident)°, ,
:'Were Philadelphia, Anomie Mammoth
ittlattmild street.
An • interesting discussion took
place on flowering shrubs, which are
tieing onitivated in all parts of the
Province. The Hydrangga Peniculata
was described as among the most
handsome that succeeded in Canada.
In the Spireas the Van Heutts and
Preinafolia were recoinmended.
though delicate in some localities,
members were advised to set out the
corenaris of the Syringe, family. It is
a handsome flowering shrub. T
Persian lilac was described as
most beautiful of that class and quite
of a skating rink, ie. ovided $1500 can
be raised for that purpose.
A county temperance demonstration
wel be tield at Clinton, on Tuesday, Oct.
13, and will be addressed by prominent
teaiperance workers from a distance.
Hale, of 01:nton has ueen elect
ed vice-president by the American
Society for the Advancement of Sci-
ence, which recently met at Ann
Arbor, Mich.
4/0/The Lucknow Caledonien Society
has decided not to hold the annual
games this year. It will be remem-
bered they were postponed un account
of ad weather,
The question ot transplanting ever-
greens received considerable attentio
and from the experiences related it
would seem that the spring, just when
the buds begin to swell, is the best
time for making the removal. Tho
'chief precaution to be observed is in
seeing that the roots do not become
dried by the wind, which shuts off any
chances of the tree living.
In the matter of orchard cultivation
only one new point came out, are
that related to root pruning. The
merit of this plan lies in the fact that
roots that are iut off send out in-
creased numbers of fibrous feeders
tepcleeeeyee 4.1,ucb,,, to 'dim al at e
fruit growth.• The mode of doing it
is siinple. A trench is dug about the
tree, rind a sharp spade used to sever
the roots. ..One prominent grower
said he had by this means brought
trees in bearing iu four years which
under ordinary circumstances, require
fifteen. He had also grown fine sp
miens of apples from a Hawthornden
tree only twelve inches high. The
time of year.to do this pruning is in
the latter part of September or the
beginning of October.
• Celery growing was brought up for
discussion, but nothing new was elicit-
ed beyond some interesting accounts
of winter protection. The out door
• plant seemed in favor. A trench is
dug ir. the garden and the celery
stood in it with sawdust about it
high as the tips of the foliage. Over
this straw is thrown and the show pro-
vides all the additional covering
needed. 111 this district, with its
heavy snow falls, but little trouble
v, as experienced in keeping it. ,
Fall Shows in 1866,
North Western, Wingham, Sept,
29tie 30. and Oct. 1,
South Unroll, Exeter, Sept. 28, 29.
Ncrth Perth, Stratford, Sept. 2d,
Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Oct. 1, 2.
Mitchell, Sept. 22, 23.
Hullet, Clinton, Sept. 24, 25.
• West Huron, Goderich, Sept. 29, 80
Mornington, Milverton, Oet. 7.
Wallace, Listowol, Oct. 8, 9.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 24, 25.
Morris, Blyth; Oct, 13, 14.
A party of nitnrods went for a
shooting exeursiou the other day, tak-
ing a horse and rig a part
of the way with them. They left
their pony tied to a tree, white they
wept in pursuit of their game. The
animal, it seems, got tired of its lone -
ler position, broke loose and started
hinting on its own account, leaving
our brat e hunter. to "plod their way
hoinewitedu on foot. They got their
pony next day after bariog gnite
hunt or lam,
• e ,
On Tuesday John McLeod, Hugh
Robb and Robert Thompson packed at
the egg emporium of D. D. Wilson. in
Seaforth 105 barrels of eggs, 50fdozen
in eachbarrel, in five Lours,.
A. G. Va'nEgmand's Sons, of 'the
Seafoith woolen mills, have been 'no-
tified that they receive a bronze medal
for their exhibit of tweeds at the Ant-
wep international exhibition.
Iiss Jennie A. Swan, of Brucefield
me for two years in succession carried
off the first prizes at the Lender,, fair
for horseback riding, This yesir she
took two first prizes and the Dominion
me t.
eee Reeteeetl, „Cartwright will.,,,pny
!his annual • visit to . his constituents
during next month, and will address
meetings at Seaforth, Clinton Brus-
sels, Brucetield, Londesboro, Zurich
au Heusall.
Thos. Wyatt, a G. T. R. employee,
was instantly killed in the yard at
Goderich lase Thursday while trying to
put a brake chain on the brittle. No
blame is at Welled to anyone. He
lea ..es a wife and large family.
The Londesboro creamery has man-
ufactured and scld this season 30,000
pounds of butter, the last sales realiz-
ing 181 cents per pound. The cum -
Deny also sold 22 hogs which were
fed at the creamery, for 4 I cents per
po d.
Mrs H. C. Pugh, of Bluevale, who
has for many years., been a severe suf-
ferer from a cancer in her side, got
relief a week ago, when it came out
clean by the roots. A man frcrn Ber-
lin, Waterloo county, effected the
cure and removed the cancer by means
of a plaster.
WHOLE N0,216,
' •
The Presbytery of Mahland niet 171
lVille eburob, Brussels, on Tuesday
tie 16th hist, Twenty inituuters
ween present and n out fifteen Eudora.
Leave to moderate in a call WWI
granted to the congregations of Ash -
geld and Molesworth. Application
Was n.ade to the Augmentation Fund
for supplements to Pine River, St,
Andrew's, Lucknow, Dungannon,
Langside, Bergrave, Fordwicn and
Gorrie. Papers were red from the
Free Church Colonial Committee,
Edinburgh, Scotland, certifying Rev.
Mr. McKenzie to'the Canadian church
ivho was accordingly received as a
preleationer of the church, Mr. Mc-
Rae was instructed to take necessary
steps to reunite Mulesworth and Trow-
bridge. Committees for the cur -exit
ecclesiastical year %'r' appointed
on the state of religion, home
missions, Sabbath schools, temperance
and finance. Mr. McNaughton laid his
resignation of the pastoral charge ot
alton upon the table, which, after
hearing delegates from the congrega-
tion, was at his own urgent request
Accepted. Mr. Muir was appointed to
declare the congregation vecant on
the 20th inst., Mr. Ross to be moder-
ator of,.seesion daring the vacancy.
It was decided to send all delegates to
the General Assembly by rotation. .A
conference was held in the evening on
.the question, "How to secure regular
attendance on church ordinances ?"
when addresses were given by 1VIessre:
McNabb, Brown and D, Cameron.
The next regular meeting of the
Presbytery will be held in Wingliatn
on the 15th December.
A new method of conducting the
services has been introduced in the
Maim street 'Methodist churth, Exeter,
which renders the exercises more in-
teratieg and impressive. The sermon
is divided into three parts, and be-
tween eech division the choir sings a,
selection appropriate to the subject.
R. McGrath, owner of the Gerrie
livery stable, had the m,storttine to
lose a good DAM last week. It is
supposed some one threw a stone at
the mare when she was grazing on the
'roadside just south of the village,
strikiug her on the log and breaking
it above the nook. Dr. Armstrong
was called, but pronounced it a hope-
less caw, and therefore ordered her
At the assizes in London last Thurs
day Behjeinain Simmons was placed ou
trial foetthe murder of Mary Ann,
Stokes. Mr. Hutchinson appealed
for the crown and Mr. Taylor con -
:ducted -the defence.. '_..Detective
Schram repeated the, story told by hint •
at the inquest about Simmons running
down stairs with the broody knife in
his hand and holding it out to him,
with the remark: "I killed her, that's
the knife I aid it with."
A number .of other witnews gave.
corroborative testimony as t011ie kill-
ing. and the condition of the woman at
the time of the murder.
The jury 3ache in with a verdict of
The judge asked the prisoner if 1:e
had anything to say why the sentenee
of the mite shOuld not be pronounces
The Goderich Signal says: Oar
Huron -boys aro coming to the front
in every walk of life, Jas. Stritehan,
brothei of I). K. Strachan, and it foe -
met resident of Goderich, has been
appointed superintendent of engineers
on the new tunnel bow being bored to
supply Neat- York City with puee
waft*. The ,job will take abettt four
years to dOinplete, and Mr. Straehati
is engaged foe that Nelda At $150
per motith,
011 1 im.'
The prisoner, in a clear, loud tone,
'el have nothing to say, my Lord. 1
have one.request to make, if you wilt
gr int it to me, and it is .0 give me es
long a time egyou,can before my ex-
ecution, that'll may be prepared t'
meet my maker,"
The judge said he had nothing to
say but to pronounce the sentence of
the court, which was that he Benja-
min Stimmons, be taken to the 'eke, -
from whence he came there to remain
nntil Friday, the 27th day of Novem-
ber, when he would be taken to the
. place of execution and there hailed
by the neck until he was dead.
'The primer took his sentence vevy
eooly, and did not appear to be at ail
A petition asking for a commuta-
tion of the sentence is being circulated
about London and is being largely
signed by leading citizens. A simnel -
petition is also being circulated
Wingliam aud has been signed by on.r
mayor, councillors and business me!.
At an early hour Wedneaday more-
ing a man mimed Elwell Adams
discovered running about the strain,
in Montreal in his night clothes, anti
his wife tying to pursuade Juan
retnrii home, It appeare wee
found to have smallpox on ?3,eturdey
last, and grew worso u til that nigh:.
when in a frenzy of delirium he
out, of the house and beettn to rile
around the streets. The neighbor*
Were afraid to render assietanee, and
the police refused to do so. Ile writ
helped home by it stranger 'who WIt't
passing, and died on the doorstep
rely initiatee after beihg he`ped the: