HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-18, Page 84 'LOCAL NE -A'S atRIDAY, SEPT. 18Tu, 1886, REMOVAL. THE TIMERtWitl be removed to -day to the. cs3fiices in the eteue block formerly occupied' eby us. The location is central, the offices are well lighted and Dicely arranged., and in every respect well suited for a news- -paper and.publishing business. True TIMES • will bare the model offices ,of the county` ivllich to receive its friends and patroue. •Iwo^=srvssf'Oltte wasted. ens Chambermaid and sou Melee hoop ski. IIIghsst wag* phi. Enqulrs at Central Holsl. To RENT. —if dwelling with 6 reams, rto1C ,Apply,at this office. Semmes will be held in St, Itatul'a Nuore g i next Whitney & Duffield's advertise - 3r/ eqa$; t another column. They have F t. • special to offer, count of pressure of other matter ,f our correspondence and looal• news een, crowded out of this issue. W. Duna is erecting a new britt to his residence, wbioh will greatly appearand`e and comfart. , of tbe marble works, is this oat a large date stbne for the ownship hall in Gorrie, children and teachers were • ay last Thursday in order witness the Caledonian; Des first annual sale of carriages and wagons by Nickel & Dore will be held et their factory, on Victoria street, tomorrow when a large number of now and second, hand. vehicle$ will be disposed of. ALL sea 25 CENTs.--••Parties wishing to take Tux Tuns on trial oan have it sent to any address, or delivered at their doers in town, platin Jan. 1885, for the small sum of 25 cents, Send along the money and try the best local paper in town. /Won at the salt well progresses from fair to middling, but the hole is gradually growing deeper. Some days quite rapid progress is made, while others it is slow and tedious. The hale is now in the neigleborbcod of 800 feet down. W. Henderson, in the een refitted b nd painted now presents • a band- it •of Comerford ws. the assizes in London meat was given for d casts, st.tilass excursion to urn next month, and' g should call on E, gent for particulars. ular meeting of ttie s Liberal Club will hall next Monday ed there ;wall be a place In Wingham s at S. G•racey' stock. S. Graney Furniture Deal- :and T-- Drum - their place's of now located in man is up near comp=, ti •,+ at Brussels. re, A. R. Morrie, of this thefirst prize, a beautiful -here were a dozen .compet- e contest was very close and' A. CLINE has accepted the position ,of captain of the fire company, tendered frim by the counoil, and is aft present en- gaged in selecting .elf -efficient foe of fire - mea, .Cline is an old hand at this busi- iesa, and Willett:0u will soon have a first - 'claim fine companyy, - Bospvreany Seine time during Wednes- day aright burgulems entered the woolen imill,wf Inglis & Chi. and made away with six bundles of finished goods valued at ;about 8100. The deed was evidently committed by parties who were acquainted with the lad'- of the mill. A clue bas been obtained and itlisexpected the guilty Anes will be speedily brought to justice. S. f'rlu,CEr has a Urge stook of eideboa rds fled room sets, parlor smites, sofas, lounges, ,mattresses, &c., that wan be bought at veru low prices for sash, Special reductions to parties burying ih q, q,utities of over 850. Parlor suites assay down, almost at cost. It will pay you. to come 10 miles to buy at #1, t:lracey'e Furniture Rooms. 'tern ember the place, directly opposite T. A. Mills' store and next d000r south of Brunswink Hoose, Bid CATan.—Oa llforxday morning Jos. Hurtibese succeeded in capturing, a mud. turtle below Johnston dt Turner's dam, which weighed 14 pounds. Joe seoured a pot and built a fire at the river for the pur- pose of boiling the preatiire to get the shell, but the pot was to small or the cook m g., awl as a consequence the thing was btfrned to nothing, Joe, however, ifr prepared. to swear on a whole ate* 'of bible that he:djd capture the turtle ;and that itweif hed .1.4 pounds. ANoira n HIST.—As TOE Torre has before remarked, ithe band has giveh its; lterviats free at nearly every garden party held in town this summer, and from which the churches reaped handsome returns, Is it net about time that these churches tombined to give One for the leettefitaof the hand? The boys are badly in need of funds, and they a -o deserving e( some slight recognition at the halide of those who Toped the benefit of their services. Who will be the first to move in the tnsitpc'? s AME9. LOIITIT, with Jas. A. Cliue & Co„ has growing in his peunden a magnificent thoroughbred Scotoh thistle, which stands six feet :high and ia,00vered with blossom.The seed was planted last spring by Mr. Loutit as an experiment, and the result has exceeded his fondest antioieations. It nractioally illustrates the motto, "Nemo me inlpune laoesset"—Touch me and I'll kick you, or something to the same effect —for' it is o avered from stem to stern with formidable looking spears. SOMETHING new in the line of furniture is now being manufactured by Snott & Bell, of the Wingham furniture, factory. It consists of solid mahoganyr'bedroom suites, of modern desig)#, and isls'borately mounted and finished. They,;atthe'hand- somest suites we bays ever seen. The firm have received letters from some of the most prominent dealers in the Dominion, congratulating them upon their enterprise in introducing this new feature into their business, which is the beat evidence of the popularity of these goods. The entire suite only costs 850. Ten roller skating rink was opened to the publio on Wednesday evening of last week. since which time it has been well patroniz- ed. The floor is in excellent condition,and the noise caused by the rollers is compare- tively little. Convenient seats have been erected both for spectators and skaters, and no pains or expense have been spared to make it a first-oloss rinir in every respect. D'Clute & Burns, the proprietors,thorough- ly understand their businoes, and the new rink promises to become the'most popular pia", of amusement in town. ',,,"' . ',LNE Mian.—The friends of John Gregory will be pleased to learn that he is meeting with splendid success in his mill- ing operations in the Northwest. Re has blailt•a stone mill at Whitehead, 2$ miles frolirapdori,tehneh.cost _complete 844,- 000. Since open "t'$ as' been rune' iYg night and day,' and farmers come ell the way from Dakota and from a radius ":of 50 miles with their grist$: Since the- first of June Mr. Gregory has got 2,000.'bags of wheat from tolls, which gives the initiated an idea of the immense business he is d'o- ing. ibis mill is said to be the finetit and most complete one in the Northwast.� CATHOLIC BERVICEs.—Services `W311 be held in the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in this town, on Sunday next, At High Mass the subject will be: "Tranepb- stantiation,or the immense love of Josue for us," and Vespers; "Reasons why Catholic have a right (1) to be allowed ;lo worship God according to the d states of their con- science, (2) to request ministers everywhere t study the doctrines of the Catholic re- llgioaa and make the same known to the members of their congregations, that no one may falsely think the Catholic belief is unreasonable and anti -scriptural, (3) tri-- ask rask Protestants to ;treat them kindly and to love tile[»." SCHOOL BOARD.—The regular meeting of tits school board was held on the evening of tiee 8th let, Several small accounts' were presented and ordered paid, and orders were directed to be drawn on the treasurer tor 8587.50, teaoherr' and Jani- tor's salaries. On motion of Mr, Inglis the teachers were granted e. holiday on ;• the 10th. Moved by 11Ir. Scott, seconded by Mr. Inglis "that this board require the election for school trustees in the town of Wingham, be hold on the same day and in the same manner As the municipal coun- cillors are elected." This resolution • was' adopted, and the secretary ordered to at once send a eertined copy of the came to the town clerk, The board then adjourn - Tele lest excursion of the eeaon to Niagara Falls, Rochester and Chautaugply Lam, via Buffalo, will take plane on Thuraday next,:24tle,inet,, under the AAna- pines of the Preston L. Assosiatiopi and Peeeton Alpsical Society. The train leave Wingham on the W. G. do B. at 7 iA. t7!. The faro Os Niagara Falls and return is i .85; to tllaautaugpa and return 83 ; to Rochester and recurs WOO. Niagara Fal,ri tickets good for two days; Rocliestei' and Chautaugttiitickets are good for five days. Parties slating to visit Buffalo eau buy a Chaptanqua ticket and stop off at Buffalo and return by any regular train, Overt arrangement has been made for the comfort of visitors. This is the last ex- cursion of the season, and one of the moat llalightfpl woos, • For peertioulitre See bills. BAND TounNAsusNT,—The Doherty Organ, Co. baud, of Clinton, are making extensive arrangements for bolding a band tourna. meat in that town on Friday of next week, at which 8400 in prizee will be competed for, We understand that qnite a number of bands have already entered, The Wing - ham band will be there, and doubtless will bring home one of the big prizes. A Goo]) Move.— There has been a grow, ing tendency on the part of butter makers to bold their butter in the cellar until CLEARIZ% THEIR SKIRTS. Toth$ Editer of Toa Win a x Tien: Sill, --In your issue of the 11th int., appears an item headed ".A con. temptible trick," accusing the Luck;. now Caledonian Society of endeavor- ing to injure the Wingham Saciiot;r by holding what you call an opposition concert on the evening of the games. The item reiPets so severely on us as a society, that we, who have always We in the season, when it has lost its .been noted for our courteousness to flavor, besides being too late for shipment young sister societies beg leave to cor- to the old country markets. In order to rect the gross misrepresentation that put a stop to this usage the business mea has gone before the public. First, we of this town have determined not to take most emphatically deny either know- ; butter on account after Oat, fat each year, ing or thinking of such a thing. if but will only take it for goods sold over those taking part in our concert desired the counter at the time of delivering but- to hold one in Wingham, we were not ter. responsible, as our engagements with them were closed the evening of our EBBYTERIAN „Conor,; Oaoax,—Latlt Concert. However, i may say we March it was decided by a vote of the were aware of no such intention nn congregation of tile.Vresbyterian Church their part. As to how it could be an here t0 try an .organ in tbe church services opposition concert we titil to see, for six months, to see how it would suit, seeing you ;advertised none. ISTo The six months will have expired next • doubt music and song were ae muell week, and on Sunday, the 27th inst., an- i the ancient pastime of "old Scotia" as other vote of the congregation will be a "roller !Skating rink," though at the taken to decide whether to mit it out or present tt•.ir ie•.they ilgure a little more ti. retain it permanently. As far as we can prominelr"tly on the expense account. learn 'there ie a kindly feeling in the con. Beferriug•to your kind (?) expression, iregion towards • the instrument; and savouring somewhat of the jubilant— here appears to be every likelihood that it i "the games at Lucknow provingto be •wtll• be retained, but the question cannot a fizzle,"—we beg leave to inform be definitely settled until a week from nest you that Ave have met all engagements Sunday. with 100 cents on the dollar, and parted with all athletes, singers afid i those who annually participate in our games, on just as good terms as the Wingham Society did. We exceed- ingly regret to hear such expressions from sister societies or their apologists, finest in the county, was the only oue to ' for with the exception of one we have enter the competition besides the heal letters and telegrams from all ex- • band. The selections rendered by each pressing their sympathy in the true were beautitul and difficult ones, but when spirit . of ancient Caledonia. "The the points came to be footed up it was Lucknow • Parasites"—How ? For in found that the Clinton band scored but 82 allour' correspondence for railway while the Wingham band scored 131. 4 facilities , we advocated your teaa3e., the lead and heavier parts the Clinton boysand especially the extension of time, were fine but the body of their playing was simply for your .benefit. And you, by light besides which there was a "harmer; fixing your games immediately aftek ious discord" in several of their. inatru •ours, show conclusively you -depended ments. The -old instruments of the Wing- somewhat on as. How did you ham boys had,been toned nicely, and. the happen to get Professors McGregor absence of discordant notes was quite and Reid to exhibit, ? Was it not by noticable. The contest was conducted THE BAND CONTEST —• %A will' be Been by the prize list of the Caledonian games, the Wingham band succeeded in carrying off the first prize and 1150 at the contest last Thursday. The Clinton band, one of the picking up some of the crumbs of upon a fair- and equitable basis, ane%•'tits fizzled Lueknow games ? Jn con- partiality -whatever was shown, Prof elusion, We cannot help feeling that Steinhoff, of Bothwell, acted as judge and the whole tenor of your comments are scorer. He was located behind a screen a calculated to engender feelings alto - short dietanoe from the stand, and was not gether different from the nature and aware what band was playing: The result aim of all true Caledonian Societies. -of thneContest should ba 'erygiatifyi g to Respectfully yours, _. our eitizene, and iteertaiuly reaeata great" M. CAMPBELL, • credit upon- our band and leader. Ever) ChiefLuc,:now O. S. member is a native of the town; Dave Lucknow, Sept. 15, 1885. Kincaid, the leader, was raised here, and P. S.—Every family of our Society his knowledge of music, which he has been • was represented at your games. --M. C. so successful in imparting to the boys, was picked up here. He is a natural born (It is with pleasure -we place before our readers the tnuBfetan,- - Wiligham has every reason to, 'contradiction of the chief of the Lueknow Caledonian feel proud of her band, which is without society, Tun mire would bo very sorry indeed to doubt one of the best in the Provinee. make the serious charge it did without baying good .grounds for doing so, and we claim we were justified at time in taking the stand we did. These were PJS$SON1lL, our•grounds: The day of the Lucknow games was a• very wet one, which naturally detracted from the Jas. A. Cline and family }ave. returned event and caused loss to the Society, A scheme was from Oakville, where they spent a- week hgtahc4 by certain parties to bring the singe* and among friends, othets trom Lucknow to hold a concert on the even. ing of t+segames here, A member of our Society "Mrs, Smith and Mise Maud IdoCosh was up there and beard the ech. me disleussed, when have retprned home after sojourning in he seat the following telegram to the ono and secre. Toronto, Paris and other planes for: six tory ot our Society. LocSNOW, Sept. 9, 1:20p.m. weeks. Secure town hall for to morrow night; urgent; at once. Opposition concert proposed. Miss Lecia Wait, who has been visiting —• —• at Watford for the past month, returned The advice was acted upon, and a few minutes later the following aetloborative testimony came by wire: home yesterday, She was accompanied LUCRpainNOW, Sept. 9, 1:45 p by Mrs. and Miss liinoaid, who will visit f To Manager tpwa. Hall, ' Can we sergri hall for to -Morrow night? State fries ds in town for a time. price. Is there piano in hall? Answer. K. KEaR, Jos. $urtibeso bas gone to. Chatham to. As, wo utlderetard, 9$, Korr" is a member of Ahe bring home Mrs. IL, who has been visit- Lucknow Caledonian Society, and as Caledonian So- ing there for several weeks. Mrs. *outdocities as a rule handle their own concerto, the nater. Gooellarow, a sister, will accompany the al interennv:� drhwn was that the canoed was to be under the s iipicee of the Lucknow Society. Chief party•and visit here for a time. CAinpbell's ceinnlunieation, however, clears theskIrtt } 1 of the Society, bot it makes our comments none the Albert Davern, a smiling countenance lase justifiable ufdrr the circumstances. The aeper- loome up once more from behind the cion regain¢ togpoet of a "roller skating rink'. counter in Wm. Holmes' store. He, spent concert An complrrd with, the kind they get up we len enjoyable two weeks' holidaying at • can afford to pasp Aver, end if the Lucknow Society Belleville, Brighton and other points, paw one hundred =DI on the dollar it Is under obit - rd pptione to no ono, We deny that the,-Lueknow So - ,e -Among the Wingbarnitoa who took in clety had anything to do with securing an extension the Toronto exhibition this week, wore of railway tickets to accommodate Wingham. Their own bills only announced that tickets would be good Mayor NarjllAleda and Wife, De, Tamlytt Soave f/l& g . _Cot j until the 10th, whereas to suit Wingham they had to sad wife, and. wife, -COMM. $tended until the lith. This extension our So. lel., Davis, J, McGuire. J, A. Norton, Will tot" scented Itself, and L under obligations to no H. M3putobeon, and many ethers, one, save the railway company, for the same. WO *night also add in a postuript that 300 Winghamites B, W. Galbraith, formerly a well. att.,nded the Lucknow games last year, and about as known newspaper man of this city, and many on previous occasiout,and It is natural that we well remembered as one of the ablest and sthathoulthid es oonxpoot themozerey tobse patroniarben,ze ourssad,now Wtho reat gretthete most popular men in the profession here, Luoknow Society has cleared its Aide of any connec• has recently became , publisher of thetion with the proposed donned, It hi to be hoped that Wingham, Ont„ Tibia, `a paper with' no hard feelings wffi be engendered en either side, which he was connected before coming to and that the sister 'Soelatlee will in future Itve le Fljut,--Flint, Minh„ Globe, harmony.—En. Tcrea. ord has been received of the the ar- rival of t1 r, and Ars. Sovereign at Los Angelos, Cal., whither they went in quest of health. Mr, Sovereign stood the loan, ev nicely, bat Mrs. lilovereign'a many friends in this town will belpained to learn that she bas had ail ✓Attack of hemorr. hap of the lungs. It is hoped that the balmy air of California will soon buiid up ° and etrougtben the invalid*. Rif E UMV[ATIS1V. LJ'' Sufferers from itheumatlem either of the Acute, Chrnnio, Indammatory, or Gonorrhoea type, Rheumatoid, Artbrieie, etc., can and a positive cure in the ;loyal Rhoumatic Remedy. Sure, safe and re- liable. no fraud or ouro•ali but a new and impot- ent cure for fell Itheumatiodieoaeee. Beware of vile drugs containing Aloroury ani other poisons. Cer. tsin cure guaranteed. Only el a bottle, sent by midi prepaid. Address J. Hooper & Co,, Sole Proprietor,, ill 4r e$ O'Connor Street, Ottat►a, Can. t! —SALE Off'—• Ya1a1i Pilla;�pty1 Under and by virtue of a power of aalo contained in a mortgage made by the late EriwARo Tie»Ara, default having been made in payment thereof, there will be sold by public auction at Ca1`IOVli',R'S kIOTEL I3LULVALEr Tuesday Sept lind 185, At 1 o'clock p. m„ the following property:,--- The roperty:-The north-west corner of Lot number 37, In the 1st Concession of the township of Morris in the county ot Huron, containing one square acre more or less, described as follows; commencing at a certain stake planted on the north-west corner of said Lot 31; thence ill a southerly direction along the west beim- dray of said Lot 3 shams and 16 links more or less : also commencing at the said stake planted at the north-west corner of said lot• thence in an easterly direction along the north boundary of said Lot 3 chains and 16 links more or less; the other two sides to be equal to and parallel with the above described sides. On the above property there is a 2 storey Frame Dwelling House 26x36, in good state of repair, and Frame Stable. The land is well drained and on it is a well with pump. Adjoining Village of Blue - vale. TsIuis:--.Tho purchaser shall pay a deposit of $100 at the time of Bale, the balance of ono half of the pur. chase money in two weeks thereafter; the remaining one-half in cash, or secured by a mortgage payable in from 1 to 6 years at the option of the purchaser., For further particulars, apply to/. t'"� ' ;'i CRERAR, Mena A`, ORSRArt, ' 87-39 Vendors' Solicitors, Hamilton, hi;iffi of Lads, COUNTY OF HURON, To WIT : By virtue of several Writs of Fieri Feelds issued out of Har Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and tome directed and deliveredagainat the Lands and TeneMentsof Charles Tait Scott at the suits of Tho Molson's Bank and William B. Hutton and Peter FIsher, I have seizedand taken in Execution all the right, title, Interest and equety of redemption of the above-named defendant Charles Tait Scott, in and to the following lands and tenements. situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County 01 Huron, and Province of On- tario, viz.: let, Lots eleven, FiftyTwo, and Three Hundred and Forty -Five, running numbers, Government Sur- vey. 2nd. Lot Twenty •Three, 'sky's 1st Survey, Ed- ward Street West.' Srd. An undivided halt interest in the West half sof . Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, Griffon's urvey, 4th. Lots Thirty -Four, Thirty -Six, Thirty -Seven and Thirty -Eight, Scott survey. 5th. Lots Twenty -Nine and Thirty -Five, on South side of Scott Street. 8th. Lot Four on West side of Josophifl 7' S rnet, save and except Ten fent in width sold oft the North- erly side of said Lot, a' 7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine Street. 5th. That portion of Block B commencing one hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction 'along the South side of Victoria Street from the North. Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's Survey, better known as the Exchange Hotel property,thenco ins Westerly direction, along the South side of Vic. tortaStreet, Twenty feet by One Hundred and Nino. teen,feet, in aSoutherly direction, and parallel with Josephine Street, all said properties being in Scott's Survey, and tho Subdivisions of a portion -of Block B Government Survey. Which Lands and Tenaments I shell offer for sale, at my office, in the Court House, in tbe Town of Goderich, on Tuesday,, the First day sof Denen,ijor, 1885,, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, 'Noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Huron, Sheriff's Office, Goderieh, Aug. 22nd, 1865. WHITE ROSE CREAM. FOR THE COMPLEXION., $too . REWARD $100 for any prenaration that will equal White Rose Cream: to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Soften the Skin and Beautify the Complexion. Every bottle guaranteed to be as represented or money refunds d. Price 75 cents per bottle. THE PHARMACY Sole Agent for Wingham, Ont. CANADA'S GREAT Industrial Fair ! AND Agi icu uiol E po$ition 1885 WILL BE HELD AT THE CITY OF TORONTO Sept 9th to 19th {. The largest Prizes and the best ehete of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs. Poultry. Ami - cultural, Horticultural and Dairy Pend - nets, Matihinery, Implements and Mann; factures of ail kinds ih the Dominion of Canada. Prize Lasts And entry fortes eon be obtained from the Secretaries of stili AgriculturalSooieties and Meollantoa" In. stitutes, nr they will be sent anywhere on apblfoation by post card to the 'Secretary at Toronto. ENT1.RIES OLOSE AUG. VIM A large number of Special Attrnictione :are being prepared for that time, for full particnlnrs of which see Special Progrannres. Oheap rates and gxeureions +ori n11. railways. The befit tinge to milt the, dity of Toronto. J../ WIT allow-, II, J. HI12L, l'resident, llianager and 5ec., Toronto, •a tau