HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-18, Page 5T 001,1Nrir rtzNs. The Murpliv block, in Seafarth,• bas been sold to M. Williams, of Oromar•. S. a-z&&aErY ty for $5,200.. Strome, of I+ordwioh, wrd Its• The LEADING `r �.J .lu DE�.TA� Wild his steam saw and plowing Mill Which was recently burned, 1 hos, Currie, Bluevale, has sold his hundred gore kiln to k, K. MO- Allister, aAllister,of Grey, for $55000: , Duff, of Bluevale, with the mill 'team, drewa load of stone from a quarry in Grey, 18 miles, which weighed 8,700 pounclit. asd`Tbree cars of cheese and one oar of butter were shipped from Brussels station to London, Eng., last week, 1ti,.value was about $8,000, 'With a view to keeping up the Price of salt, the manufacturers at Goderich and Kincardine 11a ,,formed an association, with headquarters at Goderich. Mr. Craig, who resides on a .farm near Clinton, threshed about 200 bushels of spring wheat last week, the grain being of a moderately fair sample. Wo have not beard of any "4101elsfk, who bap yet threshed their spring grain, most farmers saying that' it is not worth the expense. Mr. Craig's crop is evidently an exception. A. MoD. Allan, the well-known au- thority or fruit, of Goderich, is en- gaged along .with other members of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa- tion in collecting specimens- for the great Colonial Exhibition. Many samples have been • bottled in a sol- ution of salicylic acid; in which they 'retain their naturtl`l appearance He has in consideration a proposition from bir Charles Tupper to accomp- any the Canadian fiuLt exhibit to Engla d. Scarcely a better man could be procured. The Seaforth Expositor says that Sergeant Alexander Wilson,. of the IF ,Y017 WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT firm of Lumsden & Wilson, of that AND A GOOD FIT CALL ON town, has secured a record as al marks. man' of which he may well feel proud. He has twice served on the Wimble- don team, and has again won a posi- tion among the first marksmen of the 'Doirl'iuion. At the Dominion Rifle Association's match in Ottawa the won ovsr $205'in prizes, one of them being ar merit badge accompanied by $150, and. he was only two points, behind for ti. e• Governor,General's medal and $250 in money. He also won the third place among'the sixq to com- pete for a position on the Wimbledon team, and he came very near being first., as he was ahead until the last shot in which, owing to a sharp breezA which sprung up at the time, he made a miss. Had it not been for this ac- cidental occurrence he, would in all' probability have stoe t first p the 1iIhaI ' t competition list for the .team represen- r7 tstion. As it now is he now possesses az record unsurpassed by, :any other marksman in Canada. This is all the more.••sflrange also, in view of the fact that he is so- near sighted he has to use spectacles continually. FALL c lit\ P u.�ll iu,ti, "VT Ii c-IIA_2/1,. WINTER SUITS. 000-000 FALL, t; L 1 A. Has just received from New Fork the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them:.. 000-000'-000 W. A. CAMPBELL SCOTT'S OLD BANK. IF YOU ARE 1N NEED OF ur�n.tture,-_ Of every description, call and see our stock at the : BORN. Hnf+o.—rn Win+ham on the 17th inst., the wife of'` Frank Hogg, ' nner, of aeon. Boz1 .�In Turnberry on the 17th inst., the wife of John Boedin of a son. Locat Markey Reporfr. Wingham Sept. 18, 1885 Flour pa cwt. $2 25 to 2 50 Flour per bbl...,..... 4 50 to 5 00 Fall Wheat per bus.... 75 to 82 Spring I. ... 75 to 80 Oats 11 35 to 40 Barley "' •.. 45 to 55 Peas '/ ••• 55 to 60 Potatoes new • • ••• 45' to 50 Butter per lb... 12'.to 13 Eggs per doz......11 to 11 Hay per ton new 6 00 to 8 00 Wood ..... 1 OC to 1 50 FOE, SALE. Two lots on J'esephinrretrcet, adjoiningthe Bruns. wick House, with a frontage 0124 feet; also four back • lots—two in rear of Brunswick and two in rear Of A. W. Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scott street, • containing ro ertnwillbe oldcnine heapasvtheere Ownertene. Tho iseleaving, property country. For further particulars apply to idas. GRAHAM. Wingham 2 ug.18,1885. Scott Street. NI ALT S Late of Birmingham, England, having taken up his residence in in town, is prepared toae.- ceive f1 Lirni ec",numZ er cf pu- p7Zs f or 171st7^72,07,07t in In.rumentaI. Mask, ?I'ANO*AND O1tGA.N. Ftir • terms, etc., apply., at iia resr;: cicnoel ,Leoppld •streets We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders for Car Load Lots always' have our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex• change for Furniture. SCOTT&13EDD ivy NGd l AM. THIS RESERVED FOR Wm. ELLIOTT, will have aomething of impor. tance to say to the readers., of the Tniss •next.weekt,. ......�,..,.P.� -.�,, r THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE AND THE THOUGHTFUL FBOTfS" +" I - HOLDHR BIliOULD PROVIDE FOR OliANWNG WVA.TfU E Bid SELEOTING THEIRt GOODS NOW, AND INSPEOTING _... THE INIVENSZ STOt71c D1SPLA. t WHITNEY DU.L' PLEL ? Give all classes a cleanse to invest their means to the best advantage COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK -"STOVES r' YLP7l.¢11Ir,l:tl, r+ t7 RNix. ES; AND RANGES,.. TIN ANGES,- TIN WA1u'r Lamps, Lamp Goods: Cut!ery'and W QGdenware And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. Anti• erican and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesale and retail. Eavetroughing a specialty. repairing neatly and'lpromptly done. Also sole'agents• for the Celebrated Rochester Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but callt'and inspect our stock and ga'ti our•prioes. WHITNEY A DU'FI1L;, STONE BLOCK, WINGH'AM. intamidatorama —THE PHARMACY -- A 'ine and .New Stock of, Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder• Braces, Laurance - Spectacles and Eye.Glasses;••A•T Cross Stylographic Pens, Pure - Parks Green, and Eves' thing in the Line of 1Qrugs. And Druggists Sundries you want fat —THE PHARMACY— "W' I N G II ...AAS/L HARRY HISCOOKSe Has just opened out a fresh and -choice stock of'' Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits,, In the stand recently occupied by C, M. Newansy and -solicits a share of the public patronage. 000 -000 -- CALL AND SEJiI HtZ1lI.. —JUST RECEIVED -- A LAR&E CONS1GN4MENT OF totes, ` de - At Lower Prices than -Ever D.efo. Offered in Wing;liaxn. Self AS CHEAP as any House in Canada, Trkrme'ancil§ee' for yourselves. HALSEY PARK, Don,t fail to attend the 1 `_1~_ 1_ y ilii' 1.r r1' 4.1 A�-, ��■■TTyy.. elp For 20', days at. cost... -�.—os2taeo- Conti ri Yuur Mneyand Blit,Cheargatoi,, No Re anal. V''a.liuxnl g'..., S inghatni.Augaat i2y1 885y