The Wingham Times, 1885-09-18, Page 2_..,..w -.0•••01, it JOURNALISM IN THE WEST. ed within five miles of there. Ho was still . alive at 3 o'clock next morning,. By those Graphic Story ot lull Nye's First Experience murders about twenty children aro left IIn. the West. orphans. "My first experience in journalism was A later despatoh says a mob of 75 per. • in a Nesters town in which I was a total sons, a few nights afterwards, went to the stranger. I went there with 35 cents, but I jail, demanded the keys of the sheriff, had it concealed in the linings of my olothes and entered the jail and took out Lookie, so that no one would have suspected it if They hanged him after having obtained from they met me. I had•no friends, and I no- him a statement in regard to his crimes.. ticed that when I got off the train the band Lookie declared lie intended to kill all the was not there to meet me. I gota chance to members of three or four families besides work on a morning paper.. It used to go to those he murdered, and was prevented from press before dark, so I had my evenings to doing so only by his cartridges giving out. myself, and I always liked that part of it first rate. t worked on' that paper a year, PERSONAL. and might have continued if the proprietors had not ohanged it to an evening paper, Tho heir to Mr. W. E. Gladstone's Hewer - Then a company incorporated itself and den estate in England was born only last started a paper of which I took charge. The month, paper wag published in the loft of a livery Itis said that Baaoousfi Old hal Sir Cherie stable, That is the reason they called it a Dilke in his eye when he drow the character stook company, You could come up the of Waldershare in Endy7nion, a stairs to the office, or you could twist the A Canadian poet, M. Freohette, who is tail of the iron -gray mule and take the ole- also the author of a play which was produo- vator, ed not long ago in New York, has been deo- "It. wasn't much of ajoaper, but it cost orate& with the ribbon of the French Legion . $16,000 a year to run it, and it came out six of Honor, days in the week, no m7.tter what the Dr. Brouardella distinguished Frenoh phy- weather was, We took the Associated sician, thinks that the epidemic at Marseilles Press news by telegraph part til the time, . is Asiatic oholera. It began in the houses and part of . the time we relied on a COPY nfected last year, and was caused by local of the Ohyenne morning papers, which we uncleanliness. got of the conductor on the early freight, In spite of his great age, Mr. George Ban_ ' We got a great many special telegrams croft still rides horseback gracefully. His , -from Washington in that way, and when horse in jet black, and when the venerable the freight train was in late I had to guess historian is on it the two are the observed at what. Congress was doing, and fix up a of all observers. ' column of telegraph the best I could. There Lord Tennyson has Bent the following dis- was a •rival evening paper there, and patch over his own name, to the people of some tinies it would send a smart boy down the United States : "I am deputed to ask to the train and get oar special telegrams, whether America will organize a aubsoeip. e and sometimes the conductor would go away tion for our national Gordon Home for Poor on a picnic and take our Cheyenne paper Boys," with him. " An announcement was made not long ago " Sometimes the Indians would send us that Mr, Gladstone intended to visit this in an item. It' was most generally in the country in the Autumn. But there appears obituary line. With the Sioux on the north to be no truth in the report. Similiar an- . and the peaceful Utes on the south, we were nouncements are made in reference to many pretty sure of some kind of news during the- distinguished persons of Europe every sum - summer. The parks used to be occupied by mer, nearly always without good reason. white men winters and Indians summere. In the wedding presents of Mlle. De Bra - Summer was' really the pleasantest time to vura,a young lady connected with the prince - go into the parks, but the Indians had boon ly Russian house of Suwaroff, who mar - in the habit of going'there at that season, ried the Hon. L. Stanhope recently, was a and they'were so-clanish that the white inns quaint little model of a Russian house in couldn't have' much fun with them, so they gold, with a door of emeralds and diamonds, decided that they would not go there in the which, when it is opened, diadems a por- summer.` .Several of our best subscribers trait. were killed by the peaceful Utes. Tho mother of Mr. Bartley Campbell, an " We he`d as rising young horse -thief in American dramatist who has battled many Wyoming in those'daya who got into jail years for success, and who has finally' won • • ' by some freak of justice, and it was so odd it, died several days ago at the age of eighty- , ,.•• for a horse' -thief to get in jail that I alluded three. She died, oddly enough, during the to it'editorially. ' Tlils horse -thief had dis- first week of her son's career as a New York ;,`' ...tingtlishe3 himself from the common, vulgar manager—a career that Mr. Campbell had ' e, - ' horse -thieves of- lifetime by wearing E. large looked forward to a long time, . mouth; a kind of full=dress, eight-day mouth. At Mr. Cyrus W. Field's dinner at the -t .r • rt ..He'very seldom smiled, but when he did he Star and Garter, Richmond, there were pre- • , had t6 holtl•the top of"hia head on with both sent, among two hundred and fifty guests, - hands; sI remember that I spoke of him in representatives of all the the great English the papers forgetting that he might criticise railway nd telegraph companies, and repro- . ♦ a *a• . ing,on Fight, -but friends advised me not to itors of many newspapers and magazines ' • • ••have his blood,on my hands, end I took their were aloe in .the list of guests. • - advice So I haven't a particle of his blood on Mr, Labouchere says that Prince Edward my hands. 'For two or three months I didn't Albert Victor, the eldest son of the Prince 'know but he would drop into my office any of Wales, has a countenance in which his minute and criticise me, but one day ie friend father's and mother's facial peoularitiea are told that he'had been hanged in' Montana, strangely mingled. The Prince of Wales, thein I began to mingle in aanioty agein, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the young y • and didn't have to get in my coal with a , .e• double-barrel shot -gun anymore. After that Prince Edward Albert all resemble their I was always conservative in regard to horse burly ancestor, Henry VIII, But Prince thieves Mitawe got the report of the vigi- George, the Prince of Wales's second son lafice committee. has not a trace of the Gueleh or York or -ta.;' • . HE KILLED SEVEN PEOPLE. , :Thin Atiermps to Illi his wife and Afar• ..- • wai^ds'Cats his Own Throat, - A man'from Johnson'City, Blanco county, g#ves-:.slepeile=of a terrible tragedy • which occurred there recently. Al Leckie, an a old citizen,of extensive connection, had a `' etepdaughxer. Living with him, whom it is alleged be seduced eisyeral'years ago. Late- ,ly'his .relatives 'had•imputeti to him the same ' . a . • `crime ,With, hie own ds ghter. Leckie . yesterday afternoon,left home, intending, as ° • be•'avoyced„tq go; tq John' Green's place to herr* monels,-e Green sand family were awayseal He , entered, .the hopae and took .Green's'xifle,and•,poturned to the residence • ,of his blrotheraBerry Lockie. He, then shot and kiiledyBtlri4r•snd hie (Berry's) wife, John oXichol o1h.a'ncighbor, rode up just ' then.,, .a,,tortled 3tiicholnon to go with hint to li,e4, $tokelda, where, lira shot and killed Stokeeis;,k 'here Niarlsolson,was lot eight of. His horesempas tied, there when found, and it ie suppoleds that he was also killed. From there Lealvie;went,tphis own house and sant - and ottt fljie' throat Wf Mrs. Henry Lookie of Llano' county,%wife'of his stepson, who was ' . bit a Kirit to hired p Jte also; shot. and killed ' Mrs, Stokes, wife. o. f the Stckee whdrn he had • alre ady killed. Thea he killed hie daughter. ockie nett attempted to kill iiia wife, but, hie cartridge. heing'exhauettld, ilei oould not ' nip multhgr,al;otf and' elle ee4sped; , He then cut•liis Otrni throat, mountedhiu hol;re,, and started In the direction of Johnson City. After riding a few yards he met Thomas Brunswick, whom, he attacked with a knife, inflicting fatal wounds. The murderer then rode towards Johnson City, but was arrest- ti me when he got out of jail. When he did sentatives of all the leading classes and finan- get out again, he stated .thathe would shoot offal corporations of Great Britain. The ed - 0 , • • • • Lancaster in his face. "HEEDLESS OF THE DEAD." The Tramcin Human Bones. I remember how disgusted we all were when among the vast supplies of bones brought to certain milts fran:RLussian slaugh- ter houses, it was reported that human bones collected from Crimean battle -fields were freely mixed with those of cattle, and were all ground up together to enrich Brit- ish emit 1 Still more hideous was the recent digging up. of that vast human quarry which lay at the back of our national gallery ; those hors.rible pits wherein all the dead of London, .victims of the GreatPlaguo, were cast whole- sale ; thence, after only two centnrtes, (and while many of the bones yet retained some setnblanoe of human form), to be dug up and spread over 'Kensington Gardena as a pleasant fertili'zing agent to enrich roses and lilies l Thus speedly do all things find their 11900. Doubtless the fields around Paris will for many a year be all the greener by reason of the blued of her murdered sons, poured out like water upon every side. Within three bhort woektl of those dread days the decree was teener'. that all those ghastly eemetories, where hundreds of corpses haul been piled in "gruesome" heaps, should be covered with fresh ` soil, and sown' With quick -growing grasses, mustard, and tall snnflowera such - crops 00 might yield hoth forage and fuel. I may he that joyous children, toddling knee. deep 'mid those rich grasses, may deem it no rare thing to fled a whitening skull up turned by the plough, may even carry i home as some choice play thing, But it is atrango indeed to find a nation such ae Egypt was onoo—the greatest and most civilized of all people—now so literally proving herself (as Ezekiel foretold she would become) ” the basest of the nations ;" that, not content with converting the bones of thousands and tens of thousands of her ancestors Tato oharooal, to be used in refin- ing sugar for their degenerate descendants and their foreign taskmasters, she must needs aotually'makomerohandise of her dead These preoious mummies, which in the days of her glory were accounted worthy of anoh exceeding honour that they were considered the very best security on which to lend mo- ney (inasmuch as the Egyptian who had been driven to pawn his deceased father or mother would sooner die than fail to redeem his pledge), now in the hour of Egypt's degrad- ation are valued at so much per ton, and sold to strangers and aliens as a suitable manure tor foreign soil 1 As you journey towards Memphis you might very recently have chanced to meet long strings of camels heavily laden with human bone dust from the tombs. Here, too, from these old Alexandrian catacombs to the merchantvessele in the harbour, barg- es laden with brown dust ply to and fro; their cargo is carried on board in baskets, and thrown into the hold. and the vessels deliver their choice goods in British ports at £6, 10s, per ton, to be mixed with the guano of Perm and sold at a considerable profit. Several eye -witnesses have told us how they visited the ancient sepulchres while this work was going on, and saw pieces of hu- man bone, small earthenware lamps, and tear -glasses among the dishonerned dust of these myriad Egyptians who were to be carried over the seas to fertilize English fields. We turned away from Alexandrian catacombs mar vellinghow many generations may elapse before the coming race deals thus with England's dead. Gipsy Fortune -Telling. Too many of us have so pronounced a vein of superstition that, in spite of the protests of reason, we ascribe some weight to omens, dreams, and utterances of the fortune-teller. The latter, however, is always allowed. a le- nient judgment by his victims ; like the or- acles of old, he may deliver,ambiguous state- ments, which the credulous are only too an- xious to twist into conformity with facts. A gentleman about to deliver in London a le store on glpsies was accosted, on entering the public room, by a respectable -looking man, who at once referred to what he con- sidered the miraculous power possessed by gipey women, of revealing future events. "I know that.tb'ese gipsiea can reveal the future," he declared, "for I had my fortune told by one of their girls in Greenwich Park, more than twenty years ago." '=That is a long time since. If yon have not forgotten what the gipsy told you I should like to hear it.'' - "Well, sir," began the man, "then I will tell you that twenty years since, I was single, AT A OORROBOREE. A, Wild and Fantastic Scene in the Colony of Australia.. An eye witness of an aboriginal corroboree which took place at the Adelaide Oval, Aus- tralia, thus describes it : —" The black m en painted in fantastic, fashion with white stripes all ovor their bodies, went through a pantomimic kangaroos hunt with a good deal of clever burlesquing of the marsupial mannerisms. They hopped and grazed, and sat up as kangaroos do, and then treated the spectators to a show of hunting the ani - male. Next they planned a shah tribal at - tack and fight with some effect, and then Dame that grotesque dance in which the warriors, wearing curious lsglets of gum- leavee, stamp and give their lower limbs a rapid tremulous motion while the lubras keep up an incessant nasal chant and per- petual thumping of opossum skins. The spectacle was undoubtedly a strange one, seen beneath the blaze of torches and the fleeting dazzling glare of blue, green, or red lights. An incongruous element was introduced by the appearance of .some na- tives in overcoats, helmets, and trousers and their women in skirts and orinolinee, but this was a sign of the social advancement of the people. The dancers, however, worn little more clothing than a breechclout and a coat of paint, a custom calculated to keep the domestic draper's bill down to the mini - num. The affair might appropriately be called a whitey -blank oorroboree, because of the utilization of appliances of oivilizationin the display. The blacks were frequently ap- plauded, and certainly the scene was not without its picturesque accompaniments and weird effects, the glare of the fires reveal- ing dozens of active, musoular darkey figures strangely painted and bedizened, dancing in wild fashion to an accompaniment of a barbaric chanting, and the whole picture was shown against the darkly shadowed distant background. • The majority of the natives are more muscular, plump, and are better formed than the usual type ofabor- iginee, and most of them came from the Coor- ong, the Murray, and the lake districts, where their mode of life is healthful and where food is abundant. Most of them, from their training at the missions, speak excellent English, and are in every respect superior to the rest of their race." but one say 1 nappenoa to see a young man whose appearance and manner produced such an impression on my heart that I re- solved to make further acquaintance with her, let her know the state of my feelings, and ask her to become my wife, Just about that' time, 7` was one day in Greenwich Park, when a gip', woman wanted to tell my fortune. I consented, and gave her a piece of silver, which, you know, thy al- ways expect before they begin." "Oh yes, that is their custom. But tell me what the gipsy said to you." "She said," continued the man, "I should bo married to a young woman who was good- looking, and very fond of me, and would make me an excellent wife. - But this was to me the most remarkable and strangest thing, that the description she gave of the hair, eyes, nose, mouth and complexion of my future wife answered to that of the young woman I had seen, and ot whomI spoke just now." "But did you marry the person the gipsy described to you Y" "I am happy to say did ; and so you see, sir, the gipsy was right to begin with." "But what more did she tell you?" "A dozen things besides," he replied , "She told me I' should prosper in business' and become a man of some importance -for instance, a town councilman; and that my children would marry well ; but also tha t I should have a good deal of trouble." "You married, it appears ; have you any children, and have they married well ?" "Well, now," said the man, hesitatingly, "on that one point, the gipsy, I must admit was not quite clear. We had but one child and that died in its infancy ; and I regret to say I lost my wife about six years since. s • i3at as to my rising in the world, 1 think I in a fair way for that. I'have been messen- ger of the parish vestry during the last twelve years, and I on aesnie you, I've Seen In my time as many ups and downs as arts= body bf nay own age ; so that you sea these gipeiee must know more of the future than Other folks do, or how eotelds that girl have pictured thy future life so •truly ?" It Hun%annattere is, indeed full of weakness ; too often it believes what it wfehos to believe. • A silver dollar weighs very nearly an t ounce. This is what makes printera look so bow -logged on pay days. The Blues. Despite all we can do, they occasionally come and cast in dark shadow our aims, hopes and expectations. Avoid disappoint- ment by not expecting too much; avoid waste of money by never purchasing the worthless ; avoid sore spots in the heart, or where the heart should bo, by always using Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor,the only cure, safe and painless remedy in the world for porns, .Reward of substitutes, counter- feits and imitations. Sold by druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. Mr. Bessemer's steel process patentahave yielded him $600,000 a year for twenty-one years. Ill humor often comes like chemical pre- parations, from a retort. The first of living French Canadian poets is M. Louis Feohetto. $500 Reward. The former proprietor of Dr. Sage's Ca: tarrh Remedy, for yearn made a standing, pub- lic offerin all Americannewapapersof $500re- ward for a case of catarrh that he could not - cure. The present proprietors have renewed this offer. All the druggista sell this Rem- edy, together with the " Douche," and all other appliances advised to be used in con- nection with it. No catarrh patient is long- er able to say "I cannot be cured." You get $500 in case of failure. Oil producers know how to get along well, All they have to do is to drill it deep• • • • • Stricture of the urethra in its worst forms, sreedily cured by our new and im- proved methods. Pamphlet, references and terms, two three -cent stamps, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Thought is the first faculty of man ; to ex press it is one of his first desires ; to spread it his dearest privilege. Brown's Little Joke, " Why, Brown, how short your coat is,' said Jones one day to his friend Brown, who wittily replied : " Yes ; but it will be long enough before I got another." Some men spend so much for medicines that neither heal nor help them, that new clothes is with them like angels visits—few and far be- tween, Internal fevers, weakness • of the lungs, shortness of breath and lingering cougha, soon yield to the magic influence of that royal remedy, Dr. R. V, Pierce s " Golden Medical Discovery." To the vixens belong the broils. Everybody IIo 2 Ho 2 Read this carefully. If you or any friend are suffering from any kind of pain. inter- nal, local, or external, try Poison's NERVI - LINE, the sure pop pain cure. Nerviline is one of the moat elegant combinations ever offered to the public for the relief of pain. Pleaaant to take, powerful in effect, sure in results, and cheap because the strongest, purest, and most certain remedy in the world. You can teat this great remedy by going to a drug store and buying a 10 cent sample bottle. Try it at once. • Nine monuments to Grant will be erected unless some of the breaont projects fall. Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Ont., has full staff and oomplete ,courses in Lit- erature,'Musle, Fine Arts, and Commercial Sctence. Re -opens Septetnber 10, 1885. For 50 pp. announcement, address, Princi- pal Austin, B.D. A scientific journal Saye "few fishes die a natural death." That is not our fault. Just as many die a natural death as if we didn't go is -fishing. There is not and there cannot be. any amoking tobacco superior to the "Myrtle Navy" brand. A wrapper of brighter appear mine and higher price it is pc, miblo to get, but all wrappers are- very poor smoking tobacco, and but a single leaf ie wrapped ground a phig. The stock used in the body of the "Myrtle Navy" plug is the very best whish money pan purchase, The powers of the Virginia soil can produce nothing better, and no other soil in the world can produce as fine tobacco as that of Virginia. The highest type of charity is charity ton, wards the charitable. Prevention Better Thain Cure. Many of the diseasesso prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containing impure and infectious matter: Avoid all risk by using PERFECTION Laundry Soap, which is absolutely pure. Ask your -grocer for Panay -mon Manufactured only by the Toronto Soap Co. M e?„ k'. 244. la'1e1ta2S "scut SALE, °GRAF.— Allktnda,—Jouu J. De -max, Guelph. AS11 YOIIR GROCER FOR IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING 1,IIRE BRED AYRSHUtES for ani awe Cows, I earlteg heifers and one bull. Write for derorip t price and pedigree to G. E. BAKED., Trafalgar. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, 83 miles east of the city of St. Thomas, For particulars, address J. J. Lewis, New Sarum, Ont. 44 1,4 it fe conceded by all that tho DOMINION kat BUSINESS Cowson, Kingston, is deserved- lv the most popular business training school in Canada. ('CLEAN GRAIN—SEND TO MANSON CAMP_. kJJ BELL. Chatham, Ont., for circular. Fast clean- ing fanning mills. Bcst in Canada. Alec warehouse mills and dustless separators. CNICK4 for Sale, fr+mthorough•bredimport- a ed Stook, hose and Stngte Comb Brown and White Loghores, Plymouth Rooks and Wyaudottes, 1V. C. G PETER, Angus. Untario Agricultural College WILL RE -OPEN ON FIRST OCTOBER EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMIOBION ON 2ND UCTOIIRR, ' ouree of Instruction SPECIALLY ADAPTED b wants of farinore' sone For circular giving informs, tion as to terms of admission, coat, course of study, eto., apply to JAMES MILLS, M.A., (NanitARMo thisFOt paper.) President, Guelph. SaLIC CONSISTINU Or' NINETY - F efx sores, in the county of Essex, the Garden of Canada, lot 27, 4th concession Of Maidstone, about 2 miles from the flourishing town of Essex Centre ; ovor 80 acres cleared and under cultivation, and the rust bush; the quality of tho soil is excellent, being a rich play loam; the outbuudtngs, barna, etc., aro comparatively new, also the dwelling house which is a good storey and a half log; there fe also a splendid orchard of over 130 apple trees ; pr'ce $4 500 on easy terms; eheapoat farm yet offered in this locality. Further particulars, apply to JAB. OLIVER, Essex Centro. JAMES PARK & SON. Pork Packers, Toronto. L. 0, Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. 0. Bacon, Glasgow Beef Hams, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried Beef, Breakfast Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mose Pork, Pick'. ed Tongues, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork, Lard in Tubs end. Palls. The Beat Brands of English Fine, Dairy Salt in Stook. CANADA PERMAN ENT LOAN & SAVINGS CO. Incorporated, A. D. 1880. Subscribed Capital $3,000,000 Paid up Capital 2 200,000, Reserve Fund..., 1,100 000 Total Assets 8 600,000, O F F I O3E1 Company's Buildings, Toronto St.,, Toronto. The Company has now on hand a large• amount of English money which it is pre- pared to lend on first-class securities at low rates of interest. Apply to J. HERBERT MASON, Mannninr Director. The Eagle Steam. Washer is the only Washing Machine in- vented that a weakly woman or girl 14 years old without the use of wash• board, can with ease wash 60 to 100 pieces in ono hour. Agenta wanted all ever Can- ada. Sample sent for trial and territory given. Ladles make sod agents; no wear on clothes, and every tidy will buy niter trying it: warranted to wash calicos in five minutes, cotton goods in 20, bedciothea 10, or no ealo. Address, FERRIS it 00. Patentees sad Mana- f.N.nrors. 70 .Torula Strait. TORONTO.Cannda UItNEY & \YAItE'- STANDARD SCALDS .Aire the Rest, At- tested i,y the Filet that team arc more of our scalae 1n use In the Deminfou than of all other makes combined. May. �- Steek and Coal Seal's, Farmers' Grata and Dairy Scales. Grocerrs'st UtntC141111'., Scales, Scales for Domestic Use. ilousekeepers� Cbllsnit Tour Best Ilateresis By pnrch8sing b scale, and In buying ono be sure. to get the boat. Our scale's are fully warranted in every partioular. All s12oe Statieead, Warehouse - and Mill Truelts. Alarm Monty D*a*ore. For ealo by the Hardware Trade generally, 11. Instrated Catalogue and Prion List forwarded upon 5 application. GURNEY & WARE HAMILTON. WARlnerses—Montreal and WInnliiog,