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VOL. XIV. -NO. 38.
ONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEM13ER 18, 1885. WHOLE NO. 714,.
Cly Utingblin (inn 1 THE ‘218‘MES.
S. W. GA.LBRAITH, Paeasitren.
WINOIIAM TIMM, Published every Friday morn.
• ing, lo a live local newspaper, and as a large
circulation Iii Wingharnand surround.
ing country, making It a vain.
able advertising
81.25 per year -411,00 per year if paldan.advanoe.
---13Pacet ?. yr. 6 mo. 3 ano, j 1 mo.
Ono Column 1400 00 885 00 880 00 88 00
Half " 3500 20 00 12 00 600
0triarter " ,I 2008 12 00 aeo 4 00
.0tie Inch , 5 00 8 00 00 1 00
First Gathering of the Clans in, Wing-
' Magnificent Day, Fine Games
and a Largo Gathering of Compe-
titors and Spectators.
The first annual gathering under
the auspices of the recently organized
Wingham Caledoniau Society was
held in the Horticultural park, in this
town, on Thursday of last week. To
say that it was a grand success in
every respect belt mi1dy ex,presses the
truth. The weather could not have
been finer nor the grounds in better
condition. For over a week previous
the weather was terrible, scarcely a
day or night passing without a heavy
fall of rain. On Tuesday, the day of
the Brussels games, it rained from
morning until night, and the games
had to be declared off. The foliowing
day the games were to have been held
in Lucknow, but the same fate await-
ed them there. About midnight of
Wednesday, however, it began to
-clear up, and Thursday morning the
sun rose in an unclouded sky, and
heaven itself seemed to smile upon
the Want effort of the Wingham Cal-
edonian Society. Not a drop of rain
fell the whole day, the atmosphere
was just pleasant, and when thegames
were called the ground was perfectly
dry and people could sit on the grass
and Niew the proceedings with com-
fort. Notwithstanding the fact that
reports had been sent out to different
points by certain individu.ale announc-
ing that the games would he postpon-
ed on account of the weather., which
natuyally had a tendency to keep
many away, the crowd's clad come by
railway and highway4 and it is esti-
mated that not less than .3,500 people
witnessed the games. The array of
professional atheletes included the
leading ones of Canada and many
from the United States, and was as
fine a one as ever congregated on any
grounds in this Province. Then there
was a splendid turnout • of lads and
Local notices 8 cents por 1 no for Oret insertion; 5
emits per line for each subsequent insertion. Births,
marriages and deaths inserted free.
Correspondence ot a newsy nature And communi•
cations upon live topics respectfully -solicited.
HAMILTOH. Commissioners for taking allida
its for Manitoba. Private funds to lend in straight
loans at lowest ates. Offices -Kent's Block, Wing,
wan, Luckric and Gerrie.
ji.W, 0. MRS. 8. DICKINSON.
Winichain Nov. 18 1880 1.1v
Wingham Ont
office, co r r Centre and , atrick streets, AM:Ingham
Oil oirio.
P. R. 0. P. S. 0. M. 0. 1'..
This house has lately been re -modelled
'to considerable extant, eJ,Ui is thoroughly
.comfortable an every =wet,. Always
-sets a GOO15 'TABLE. Gues s well
pleased and come again. Rates reason-
able. Good stabling in connection and No.
,I hostler,
Veterinary Surgeons,
• Tionored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary
College, and registered members of Voter f
i nary edical Association, are prepared to f
treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on
lie latest and moos Scientific Principles.
Calls attended to day and night. Horses
bought and sold on commission,. Dffiee,a,nd
infirmary in the stand Lately oceuped by,
T. Kerr, V. S., oppoeite Merrifield's Hotel,
sephine Street, Wingham.
Best dressed Highlander -M, 5.
Patterson, Hamilton, $6; A, McPher-
son, Lucknow, $4.
Highland fline, boys under l5 -
John Eattray, London, silver medal;
Frank Wilson, London, $2.
Scotch reel, boys and gids, prize te
belong to girlie -Miss K. McPhereon,
Woodstock, silver medal; Miss Lizzie
Sinclair, Hamilton, $2.
i Sword dance -James Anderson, $6; ,
James Moon. $4; T. Massie, $2.
Best dressed boy newer 12 -Hamish
McCrimmon, Lucknow silver medal.
"* * that wear
The bonnet, d1t and feather,"
i wota. who had come to participate in
the less muscular, though just as at-
tractive, events. A nong the prominent
guests present we noticed Col. Ross,
provincial treasurer; -Hugh McKinnon
chief of the Belleville poliee force; Mr.
Gillies, M. P. .P., of Paisley; F. W.
Johnston. of Goderiseh; John Murchi-
-son, secretary, and D. E. Cameron,
tieasur•er, of the Lacknow Caledonian
Society; F. S. Scott, secretary of the
Prussels Caledonian Society; Dari Mc-
Gillicuddy, editor of the Goderich
Signal; Mr. Cameron, Loudon Adver-
tiser; W. R. Davis, of the Mitchell
Advocate, and others. Everything
passed off swimmingly and those who
are in the habit of atteniing such
gatherings voted the first gathering of
the Wingham Caledonian Society a
most successful one and equal to any
ever held in the Province. The fol-
lowing is the prize list:
°peer oceeenerrions.
Patting heavy stone -J. D. MCColl,
Forest. 35 ft. 5 in., $8; John McPher-
son., In '
teknow 34 ft 5 in, $4: C.
Currie, Lobo., 84 ft 8 in, 82.
Putting light stone -J. D. McColl,
44 ft, 3 in, $8; C. Currie, 42 ft 9 in,
$4; G. Barrie, Brussels, 42 ft 7 in, $2.
Throwing heavy hammer -D, Smith,
Woodstock, 06 ft 10 in, $8; J. D.
McColl. 89 ft 7 in, $4; G. Perri°, 89
ft 2 in. $2.
Throwing light hammer -D. Smith,
115 ft, 9 in, $8; J. D. McColl, 106 ft
7 in, $4; C. Currie, 106 ft, $2.
Tossing caber -E, W. Johnstone,
llarrie, $8; D. Smith, $4; J. D. Mo-
C/oll, $2
Pihroeb-Robt. Ireland, New York,
$6; James Moen. Woodatock, $4; G.
Smith, litimilton, $2,
Mareb-Itobt. Ireland, $6; James
Moon. $1; 4. Sinith $2,
Strathapey and reel-Robt. Ireland,
$6; Jame* Moon, $4; T. Massie, Ham-
ilton, $2.
Highland ding -James Moon, $6;
lames Anderson, Lucknow, $4; James
Fotheringliam, Toronto, $2.
Bcel of Tul'oeh -James Anderson,
$6; lames Moon, $4; James Fother.
farmers & Ladowurs
Dc you want to borrow /money? To buy
moreland for Yourself o,r Your Sons. To
build a House or Barn, To Fence, Clear
Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land
'To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0
for any other Pairpose, If you do the un
,dersigned a,ne able to Loan at the lowes
rates of Interest and more reaeonabl
"Terms than any one else in this section o
the country.
Bai rioters, Wingham
Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton.
Stock Farm,
SAVAGE (Si FARNUM, Propriettere.
All stock selected from the get of Biro
ant dams of established reputation and
reoftered in the French and American
stud nooks.
ISL)17g Hoyz
Is beautifully situated at the heat: of
Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, ten mile
below the,city and accessible by railroad
and steamboat Visitors not familiar
with the Ideation may call at city office,
f Carepau Building, and an eacelt will
accompany them to the term. Seed for
eatelogue, pest fate by mail. ii.dulteag.
SAVAGE & FAANUM, Detroit, Mich,
Mr. Alfred Williams, late of Diming
Dam England, twang taken up his resi-
dence in town, is prepared to receide a
Halted number ofplipile for ilistruetioti
instrufnental Mule, Piano and organ.
Ifor term,- eta., apply at his relidonoo,
40400pOld Week
Putting light stone -Donald Gaunt,
Kinloss, $3; Thos. Beecroft, Wing -
ham, $2.
Throwing heavy hammer -D.
Gaunt, 75 ft. 10 in., a $5 silver cup;
John Wilson, Winghatn, 73 ft 6 ;
Highland fling -Murdoch Flem-
ing, Wingham, $3.
Half mile race, members only -•Jos•
eh flurtibese, Winghana, a $5 silver
cup; T. Beecroft, $3.
Irish jig -John Ellis. Lucknow, $3.
Calvin Sinclair, Hamilton, $2; John'
Rattray, London, $1.
Sheen treus, girls under 15 -Miss
K. McPherson, a silver jewel case, , -
value $15.
Highland fling, girls under 12 -
Miss Bella McPherson, Woodstock, a
toilet set.
Standing long jump -D. M. Sulli
van East Saginaw, 10 it 10 in, $4;
A. Scott, Brussels, 10 ft 7 in., $2; E.'
W. Johnstone, Barrie, 10 ft 3 in, $1.
Standing high jump -D. M. Sulli-
van, 5 ft 5 in, $4; A. Scott, 5 ft '2 in,
$2; E. W. Johnstone, 4 ft 8 in, $1.
Running high junap-R. Dowse,
Chicago„ ft 11 in,
$4; A. Doupe,
Kiricton, 5 ft 10, $2; D. M. Sullivan,.
5 ft 8 in, $1.
Standing hop, step and jump -D.
M. Sullivan. 31 ft 10 in, $4; A. S,ott,i
30 feet 9 in, $2; E. W. Johnstone, 30
ft 8 in $1.
Vaulting with pole -R. Dowse,10
ft 8 in $4; D. M. Sullivan., 10 ft7 in,.
$2; G. Gibb, Blenheim, 10 ft $1.
One hundred yard rstee-T. Bur-
rows, Worcester, Mass., 101 sec, $6;
P. Loughnane, Mitchell, $3; A. C.
Reid, Lucan, $2.
Ono mile race -E. Case, Hamilton,
4 min, 45 sec, $8; Be B. Herriman,
Owen Sound, $5; D. Bennett, Hamil-
ton, $2.
Old man's race, over 55 -George
Perry, Wingham, $3; Robert Hast-
ngis, Wingliseu $2.
Hurdle race- A. C. Reid, $4: T.
Burrows, $2; A. Scott $L
Commercial traveler's race, with 20
lb. satchel in hand -Andrew Mann.
Hamilton, gold medal: W. Y. Sand
ers, Galt, silver medal.
Quarter mile race, firemen only.-:
W. Y. Sanders, a $10 silver eup;. 11.
B. Herrimun, an $8 revolver.
Bicycle race' -.T. Quirk. Kincardine,a
$0 silver' medal; Thos. Beeoroft,
Wingham, a $6 silver medal.
Runnine hop, step and jump -T.
Burrows, 47 feet 7 in, $3; G. Gibb,
46 ft 6 in, $2.
Running long jump -T. Burrows,
26 ft in„ $4; G. Gibb, 20 ft 9•1- in,
$2; A. Doupe, 19 ft 10 in, $1.
Exhibition jump by G. Gibb, 21 ft
Scotch wrestling -E. W. Johnstone,
$6; A. C. Reid, $4; W. Robertson,
New York, $2.
Band competition-Wingham 131
points, $50; Clinton 89 pcints.
Arehery, for ladies -Mrs. Alexan
der. Brussels, 61 points, a $10 china
het; Misa Hornell. Lucknow, 53
points, silver fruit dish: Mrs. William
son. Stratford, 52 points, a $5 card
receiver; Mrca. A. R. Morris, Wing -
ham, 45 points, a $2.50 out glass
fruit set.
Archery, for girls -Miss Gussie
Wingham, 88 pointe, a $5
gold neeklaae; Miss Rachel Alexander,
Brussels, 87 points, a $3 pair of vases;
Ifise A. Town, Brussels, 66 points, a
$1.75 fanny bracket.
Quoits, heavy weight -John Mc-
Queen, Beverly, $10; Frank Patter.
son, Innovate, $4; M. Corrigan,, Luck-
now, $3.
Quentin light weight -Jos. Lawson,
Edmonton, $10; R Campbell, Ed-
monton, $5; W. Allen, Lucknow, $8.
Best Quoiter, light and heavy, open
to members of Western Quoiting As•
sociation-Frank Patterson. Bluevale,
a gold medal.
Hose reel race -The Mitchell cern.
pany was the only oesteto,enter, and
teenred the $50 prize by giving an ex-
hibitIon. They ran 300 yards, laid
100 feet of hose and made toenections
in 53 seconds,
Hop step and jump -D. Gaunt, 26
ft. 11 in,, $2.50; T, Beecroft, 25 ft, 8
in., $2.
Vaulting with pole, members' or
members' sons -T. Beecroft, 8 ft. 7
in., $3; D. Gaunt, 8 ft. 6 in., $2.
Bunning long jump -D. Gaunt, 16
ft. 7 in., 3; .Angus McCormick, 14
ft. 5-11 in., $2.
Boy'a race, under 15, mem er's
sons -Thomas Scott, Wingham, $2;
Milton Snell, Wingham, $1.
Girl's race, under 12 -Annie Eng-
land, Wingham, a $2 hair brush.
beld in the roller rink on the evening
of the games was also a most sjaccess-1
ful affair and largely attended. The
concert consisted of music by the prize
pipers and band and dancing by the
prize dancers, besides which exhibi-
tions were given of fancy, trick and
speed skating by J. E. Lee, the chain
pion skater, and others.
The processional athletes all voted
the games a decided success, and
they're the fellows that ought to'
Col. Ross, provincial treasurer, was
there looking quite happy beneath a
vast bonnet surmounted by a large
red ball.
THE TIMES extends its congratula-
tions to the infant Caledonian Society
en the success which attended their,
first gathering.
Mayor Neelands did a good act in
forbidding fakirs of every description
to open out in town. For this reason
we have failed to hear of one visnor
being "taken in" by them.
Dan. McGillicuddy, of the Goderich
Signal, was the only solitary repre-
sentative of the county press there.
But Dan. was nevertheless happy, for
he saw something worth wbiieearning
to see.
Over 41.000 in cash, medals. etc.,
were distributed in prizes, aed after
paying all expenses the Society will
have something of a surplue, which,
under the circumstances, is an exceed-
ing good showing.
The 'Society will enter with greater
zeal into the games anotheryear. They
have now seen wnat can be done, and
next year they will have even a larger
prize list and will eclipse anything of
the kind in this section of the country.
The offieers of the society deserve
credit for the manner in which all the
arrangements were carried out. Of
course there were a few minor things
at fault,,, hut by another year the
officers will be better posted in the
matter of conducting games, and a
repetition of the shortcomings will be
provided against.
Chief McKay, Secretary Robertson,
Assistant Secretary Morton, Manager
McC/Iymont and other officers of the
Society had their hands full, but they
were equal to the oeeneion. It is in
action that an officer's skill is shown
to the best advantage, and in this
ease the officers proved themselves
well worthy the positions they hold.
H. McKinnon, chief of Belleville
police tome was there am a guest of
the Society. He is 0, noble looking
specimen of a man, and 18 a tower of
strength. He gave an exhibition of
his strength by throwing the light,
hammer, with apparent ease, 122 feet
8 inches. The best professional in the
light hammer Competition threw it
115 feet 9 inches,
A very attractive feature of ti e
pames, het which wael not on the pro-
grentine, was an exhibition cf fencing
by Prof. McGregor, cf tho Toronto
Fencing Club and Prof. Reid, of
Philadelphia, champion of the United
States. These gentlemen displayed
great skill in handling the sword and
gull at close quarters. ,The exhibition
was quite realistic and exciting, and
the vast assemblage testified their ap-
pre.eiation by frequent rounds of ap-
The tug of war between Perth,
Huron and Bruce., for $30 in priees,
did not come off for the reason.
many of the competitors did not show
up. The hose reelerace between the
fire companies of Tilsonbuig, Exeter
and Kincardine, .for a purse of $300
and the championship of Western
Ontario, was not called. Nene •-of
these companies presented themselves,
as they doubtless expected the track
would•be heavy and unfit for racing'
on account of previous wet weather.
D. E. Cameron, the accomplished
and talented young politician from
Lucknow, was there and looked too
handsome for anything in the Glen-
garry tipped jauntingly upon his rinlit
ear. We'll bet almost anything that
not one out of every dozen o$ the
sweet lassies who fell in love with him
at first sight knew that he had 'recent-
ly become a benedict. But D.E. can-
not help his good iooke and whinin„g.
ways any more than we can help ours,
and it lassies will persist in falling in
love with us they must stand the ,con-
FaU Shows in 1885.
North Western, Wingham, Sept.
29th, 30. and Ont. 1.
1 South Huron, Exeter, Sept, 28, 29.
Industrial, Taronto, Sept. 9. 19.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 2ele
Tuckeremith, Seaforth, Oct. 1,
Mitchell, Sept. 22, 23.
Hullet, Clinton, Sept. 24, 25
: -
West Huron, Godetich, Oct. '1 2.
Hay. Zurich, Sept. 22, 23.
Mornington, Milv,erton, Oct. '7.
Wallace, Listowel, Oct. 8, 9.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 24, 25•,:
Morris, Blyth, Oct. 18, 14. n
The members of the I. Oet1•• T. „
Lodge have remove,' their morn b J.
D. Smith's hall, 'behind the brick
The almost incessant rain during ', • es.
the past two weeks has been veiy dis- • e
oouraging to the farmersethe major-
ity of them not havinv, their grain ail ' • :
housed yet. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mestere, guests'
of Mrs, J. R. Williams, of this: villageee . ' '
he-ve returned to their home in Al- ,
rena, Mich. Mr. and Mein 1.
Leech, of Toronto, are visiting in
4 • , 0 ,
town. Mr. and Mise McLaughlin ate •
away on a visit, to friends in Michi- ‘‘,
gan. Mrs. Dr. Armstrong is visiting ,
at Bayfield. Miss E. James bas re •
turned home, after spending sib ..1
weeks rusticating near Mitol ell.;
'Ihe annual meeting of the Ontario Fruit
Growers' Association was held in the town •
hall here on Wednesday and yetteiday,
and was well attended.. Thei'e wail a geed ; '
representation of prominent'friiit grower,
among whom were Wm. Saunders, of Lot- ".•
don, President; P. C. Buoke, I Wein, ,
Vice•President„; D. W. Beadle, St, CatIle,r- • •
ines, Secretary; A. M. Sreith St. Catbar-,
ines, Saran Gold* Guelph; W. Milburn, •
Arkona, ; Sobn Little, GrautoAl A. A..?
Wright, Renfrew Goderich
5. Croil, Aultsville; Dr. Sleet, Blyth B.: • "
Gott, Arkona; Thos. ReaclienLiteietty; dn., ,
McGill, Oshawa; P. (3. DenipeieWTrentnn;
- Gowanlock, Seaforth, an otb,dri.
ing the session intere8tinto4i4 eltjte
to the trade and euMation `of fititireict,t;
brought up and dismissed ,but vie are 4vrable „
this week to give even a oyncpaisi.,...Th.)
election of officers for the eneniiig'yecer'ece •
aulted as follows: -President, W.' t3atei-
dem, London; Viee-Prosielent, :IC 14d).
Goderich; Direetoren-Sohn broil, •
Aultsville; Wright, Renfrew"; R. 5. boatel's,
Ringeton; P. C. Dempsey, Tieetoe; Tries.
Lindeael; W. E. Wellington, /go.
t'; M. Petit, Winona; Al flitithe Ste
Catharines; P. Mitchell.
Morten, Wingbam; J. M. Denroll, Lonetirt
W. WI' Rillburn, Aron& ii ,
Efickhne, Barrie.
, • '
. •