HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-11, Page 80,1r
, a , aasaa-7.....7"7"•••••••••••••41F.
ON Mopaay next the Grand Trunk reil,
way will run aspecial train, leaving Wing. address was an exhaustive and exceedingly
ham at 7 at ra., for Toronto. The fare ter
FRIDAY, SEPT. Ilan, 1886.. the. round trip will be 02.95, and tickets carried conviction with it. Ife reviewed
Taylor on rising received an ovation. His
clever one, and every word he uttered
will be goad until the 2ist iuot. The at.
A. DAY HABLIAll, tractions at Toronto will be manand
varied, and doubtless, trot a few of our oat,
Tnvi Twits appears a day earlier this sena will avail themselves of this oppor-
week. The majority of our hands play in tunic tUUy to visit Ontario's °Vital.
the band, and the band. had to play at the0 dAniale formerly of Blueys,le, who
'Caledonian games, hence the change foe was lately received as a Christian worker
-twit se as to allow them to get QM by the Saugeen Presbytery, has beeu
Next week not 'Inas will contain a full sent to labor in the e14 known as Corbet.
report of the games. ton, where a Presbyterian church is in
course of erection, The student in charge
Teta Ssral
elt Ottla wilted. bps Chaml•srusld ass
lase 0104 ls awgirl' MO" wages Wit' "11"', preaching with great acceptance. Mr.
" :ffp.aiu was converted by the Lord's ArinY
it CsIr. Notel. About ant months sine?.
Wenn No was wholly unrepresented at
<council meeting on Moudey evening. New FIRE Cu, The old fire company
Qurra a number of our townspeople tendered its reing iation to the council on
I Monday evening, which was accepted. The
went to Wiarton on the Forester's excel--
sum of ii80 was appropriated to it to pay
for past services. It was deoided to Orrin.
IZE) a new company composed of a captain,
and ten efficient men, the former to re-
ceive a50 and the latter a1.5 each per an-
num., The commit selected Jas, A. Cline
as captain, and he is to have the privilege
of seleeting his own me The new corn -
neat and reflects credit upon THE TIMES .
where they were priuted. pan) will he organized immediately.
Tan Caledonitn games at Brussels on
Tuesday weer; declared off, on account of afternoon Chief Pettypieee received a tele -
`the rain. Phe games at Luoknow on Wed- gram from K. Kerr, on behalf of the Cale-
nesday were postponed for the same reas- doniau Society, asking for the use of the
on. town hall here, to hold a concert the fol.
TIM Council has agreed to give the use lowing evening. The games at Lueknow
of the town hall, free of charge, to the proved a fizzle on remount ot rain, and the
Fruit Grower's Association of Ootario,
which meets here on luesdity and Wed-
nesday of next week,
soon Tuesday.
-444THE salt well bonus by-law debentures,
amounting to 01,500 have been disposed of
-to the Sunlaife Assurance Co., of Montreal
at per ceet per annum.
THE Guelph Mercury thinks that the
Caledonian Society programmes are very
THE cheapest and best place in Wiugham
for funeral fureiebings is at S. Grocers.
sail the necessartee kept iu stook. S. Graoey
Practical Undertaker and Furniture Deal -
or, Winghs,m.
Ties Trees acknowledges with tbauks
the receipt of complimentary tickets to
the Luckuow Caledonian games. Our,
thanks are due to Secretary Murchison for
the same.
Ws understaud that the Salvation Army
is about to (men out in this town. Last
Saturday evening a couple of female
officers arrived in town and are taking
steps with this object in view.
Tms Brussels Poet says: It is reported
'allot a couple of of our townsmen lost con-
siderable money at the Winghara races on
'Wednesday. Men who practice sharp
gam s, must expect sharp puuishment.
HAS. SCHMIDT, of the Central hotel, has
a gang of men at work making extensive
improvements on his hotel proeerty. A.
new roof hee beetuant on whole house,
aud a new stable 70x20 'feet, and a driaini
shed 40x24 feet are in course of ereetion.
ON the 25th raid 26th inst. speeial re-
turn tickets will be issued by the Gragd
Trunk railway to Port Huron, Detroit,
Chicago, East Saginaw, Bay City" and
other western points, at very low rates.
..'•ia;licaets ;will be good to return until Out.
'5th,•For particulars see posters.
' Taos comical hag asked the cemetery
'corntiiittee to suggest some menus whereby
the cemetery can be beautified andkept
order, and the committee will report at the
next apnea meeting. It is to be hoped,
some scheme will be devised to carry out
this object. so as to make the cemetery
snore attractive.
Wz have received a pamphlet entitled
''Volunteer Land Grants, Sarin and -Pen-
Hions," by Capt. C. W. Allen, late of the
Department orthe Interior, which has
been opportunely published by the Term. -
to News Company. The main object of
the author is "to protect those entitled to
benefit by the bounty of Parliament from
being persuaded to sacrifice their interests
from lack, on their part, of trustworthy
information," but he goes farther, and
'undertakes to show not only the true rela-
tive value of land grant and scrip, but the
most advantageous way in which the guar-
antees may transfer their interest if they
desire to do so.
S. Gnacey has a largo stock of sideboards
bed room sets, parlor suites, sofas, lounges,
mattresses, &a.. that can be bought at veru
low prices for cash. Special reductions to
parties buying in quantities of over a,50.
Parlor suites away down, almost at east.
It will pay you to come 10 miles to buy at
'5. Gracey's Furniture Booms. Remember
the place, directly opposite T. A. Mills'
store and next door eolith of Brunswick
ANAltilOW ESCAPP/10/1 Monday inern.
ing aceidnat happened at the new roller
skating rink in which Bob. Eakin and
Ped 'Wright had a narrow escape from
being seriously iniured if not killed, They
Were both on top of a scaffold, 110 feet high
putting on e new siding, when the staticture gave way. Wright was carried to
the floor below tono,la the aebris, but be.
yodel having one of" his arms sliehtly
bruised he was uninjured. When Eakin'
felt the scaffold beginning to go he grabbed
for tiro siding to Wilds he clung until a
ladder was sent up after Wig Tt was
;about as dose it shave as anyone could en.
lay with Any degree of coreferf,
the bistory of Canada front the time of
Coafederation up to the present, pointed
ont the hopeless copdition of our finances,
thrtaepul and extravagant increase of our
annual expenditure under Conservative
rule, and the shameless manner in which
the, Gerrymender, the Franchise ,A,et, and
the briber) of tlfti press had robbed the
laweasee.eati Winghain, Sunday morning, Septa
k n. 001/4 ow wife et 141;,:a].:Zoe or a doughter.
re "'
Imeknow, on Sunday the Otls inst.!
Barbara, beloved wife of Michael Robertson, age 4
Under and by Tittle of a power of sale contained in $4 years and Months.
A Mortgage made by the late —vinWaltn ILMALla
default haying been made in payment thereof,
therezl 1cs• sold by pubilc auction et
HOTEL BLUEVALE, Local. Market Reports
people of true representation, He pointed uesday Sept. 22nd '85
out tile necessity of thorough organization
in order to defeat' the schemes of the Gov.
eminent. Mr, "rk10 Or is a young man, but
he proved himself thoroughly conversant
With our public affairs, and was not at a
loss for words to express himself, At the
conclusion of the address vote of thanks
was moved by F. Holloway and seconded
by S. Gracey, on behalf of the club, 4Vhich
was unauimously carried, when the Meet -
lag broke up. ;
iss Minnie Elford, of Holmeaville„ 4s
visiting her uncle, John Holloway,
Mrs. Ifielserd Moore and Miss Moore, of
Guelph, ate the guests of Mrs. E. J. Small -
Will. MeClutelmon, with Jas, A. Cline
Co., is laid up with a felon on his left
tht nb. •
hos. Bell, of Scott & Bell, who •has
beer: in the Northwest on business •-for
several weeks, returned on Monday even-
'llobert Farrow, of Ottawa, son of Tbos.
arrow, M. P., is spending a couple of
weeks holidays visiting friends in Wing -
object of the moiety was tei tate advantagra, ha and aleinity.
of the of yea being at the games Llibrjjd A. Fisher, of Paisley, has beeu visiting
hold au ,oppo ation concert the same even- iu tuwn this week. At present he carries
ing, it'isidlSenefit themselves by Muting, the bis left arm in a sling, and watches with
Wingliam soeiety. A dispatch was sent ji er care a felon on his hand.
from Lucknow by a Winghamite, hisses Rose ,Chapman and Elbe Lowrie,
of Morris' tailoring establietiment, left on'
Wed scla, for Tilsoiiburn. where they
how the Lucknow folks intended Ioo act,
and the somata here at once engaged the bays secured more lucrative positioue.
hall, and the Lucenow parasites were just
about three miuutes behind time in apply-
ing. The Lucknow folks merest enured
that their action in this matter is looked
upon as at contemptible,piece, 'of business
by the society here.
• A. Fooxass Fstnow. _ cording to the
Clinton New Ere, some of the boys down
there have been trying to have some sport
with our own and only Jim. Addley, by
persuading him to walk the, tight rope,
stretching a tope for the purpose in one of.
the hotet stables, and nightly getting him t'itide,tancl; atODO place not less than
° ten feet deep. Not a fragment of the
exneptinp tlie tongue, was to
he'seen, but, the hones which w era
hurled 5G feet from the spot, were
lying one on each side of the road in
• thesivatim.. torn and mangled beyond
esciripion. The &eel were...e. (Anal I y
'torn froni. their hoofs mid the liernes
stripped hito shreds and watered far
and near. A search in. the bushes
alifuseelf by the aid of a, long pole, a large however, brought to light
number watching him, ilia rope was kept
ghasay, althonali in :prods of tha terrible fatfragments so of
taut by a couple of upright hoards, but he the men
had lio sooner attempted to walk than one
of these slipped, causing him to clumsily
fall to -tile grouud, Oue, at his feet was
pretty severely spratneal encIhe has since
been nursing it Ana, wonder/pee 1 he is as
!yards from the Beene' of the exp oston,
foolish as people telthim lie is.
the 80 ilp eNne.of the vietirus oove.red
IMPORTANT ro M/LEMER.—The "Adulter- I with ;deck hair was foiled. The parts
ation otlood" Actposed during the last I of the bodies w're scattered so far
session of Parliament, contaius a few pare -1 tliattitWci was so small in Btu, that,
oonliliky gave no clue. whataveras to
graphaof intereil to miladeaters and
sumers. It is provided that if iniac is sold I who the Melt Were. • The wager', eon
or offered, or exposed for sale, after aria tair.ed twenty eases oi the ekplosive,
valuable constituent has beeu abstracted, euro of which is :believed to have Con'
Last Friday a wagon load of dyne,
mite exploded pear Lakefield, not far
from Peterborq, liil ingthe horses arid
two men named Morton and Simi -Rios,
1:elonging to the village of Tweed.
The shock was felt for rules. The
force of the terrific concuss.on made
an ,eXcavation the road and the
surrounding swamps fully 150 feet
aapractise on it. The amusement was
brcinght to a climax on Friday last. The
ifly fellow really thought he mild "clothe
gradeffil,"aea, in a leak a rope Wes stretch-
eaff'roM the Grandtrnion ilag-staff to the
telegraph, poltatietur Kennedy's livery stable
7aVeraerariVatiaarf- taitafthaground. Addley
was togged °vitae a fantaatie masquerade
tali; borrowed for the occasion, ad he
riscenitC'el the rope and prepared to balance
sniali that some difficulty Was caper-
ieneed in finding them. tat One p101 -id,
morn than a Iniklred ya,rdo from the
spot, tlie 'remnant of a band torn froni
the arill with pWteil up; and fully -00
or if any water bas beeu added, or if it is taieei 100: pounde.
the product of some diseased imbue], or of
an animal led upon some unwholesale food TURNBERRY.
it shall be deemed to have been adulterated
in a manner injurious to health, and suchA severe hailstorm passed Over a
sale, offer or exporute for sale, shall render section of Turnherry last week, doing'.
the vendor liable for penalty; except that a consideraole amount of •dainage to'.
skimmed mirk may be sold as such if eon- outstanding grain, • in some oasis
tabled in cansbearing upon their exterior, leaving more than the seed on the
-within twelve incheaaof the top of such field. I. ernip leaves were ridd ed
1 I •
At awe,* p, no., the following property:—
The north-west corner of Lot number 81 in the let
Common of the township of Morrie In the county
of Huron, containing one equare acre InOre or les%
desoribed as Wows; commencing at a certain stake
planted on the north-west corner of said Lot 81;
thence in a southerly direction along the west bouti-
dray of said Lot 3 chains and 10 links more or less ;
else commencing at the said stake planted at the
north-west corner of saki lot; thence in an easterly
direction along the north boundary of said Lot 8
chains and 10 links more or led; the other two sides
to be equal to and Parallel with the above uesciibed
sides. On the above property there hi a 2 storey
Frame Dwelling House 20x88, in good state of repair,
and Frame Stable, The land is well drained and on
it le a well with pump, Adjoining Village of Blue -
annesi—The purchaser shall pay a deposit of $100
evince thue of sale, the balance of one halt et the pur-
chase money in two weelcs thereafter ; the remaining'
one.half in eakh, or Secured by a mortgage payable
in from 3. to 5 years et the option of the purchaser,
For further particulars, apply to
Oltelain, Mcxa & OnsaAlt,
87-39 • • Vendors' Solicitors, Hamilton,.
Winghain Sept, 11, 1885
Flour p, r cwt, 82 25 to 2 b0
Flour per bbl 4 50 to .5 0
Fall Vv -heat per ons.... 75 to 80
Spring " .,, 75 to 80
Oats " " 35 to 38
BAtley " " ... 45 to alt
Peas " ... 55 to 00
Potatoes nes r ...., 45 to 50
Butter per ,, . 11 to11
Eggs per doz....... ..... 11 to 11
Hay perlon new 6 00 to 8 00
Wood . . 1 OC to 101)
OATTLE ESTRAY.—Cama to the promises of D.
Campbell, lot 11 •Ie 14, Com 1, Township of
Morris, on or about the ist or may, one steer and bne,
heifer, mod respectively 2 and 3 years. ,a,ny.,person
proving property and peo ing expenses cam have the
sarne. SenNoAs iffAMpilabb.
Felt SALE.
1g Salg of lio,11,1zII lots—two In rear of Brunswick and two in rear of A, Two lots on .70sephine street, adjoining thielhams- •
wick House, with a frontage of 24 feet; alse:frithf 441E0
W. Webster's; also it privet° dwelling on Svott•titreet
containing nine rooms with every convenience. The
COUNTY OF nunolv,
By virtue of several Writs of Fled Facids Isourd
'04Ier mejostya High Court of Justice, queen's
Benth Lind Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and
01 Charles
William B. Dutton and Peter FishertI have seized and
tejren iii Examtion till the right, title, interest and
eguety of redemption of the abovo.uanied defendant,
Cherie Tait Seott, in and, to the following lands and
tenements situate, lying and being in the Town of
Wingham, County of Huron, and Province of On.
at o,
Id. Lots 'sloven Fifty -Two and Three Hundred
and Forty•Five, running, numbers, Government Sur-
Ittik Let Twenty -Three, Foley's 1st Survey, Ed -
Ward Street 'West.
8rd. An undivided half interest In the West half
of Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, GriCen's
4th. Lots Thirty -Font, Thirty -Six, Thirty -Tenn
and Thirty -Eight, Scott serve).
5th. Lots Twenty.aline and Thirty -Five, on South
1id33 of Scott Street.
gth. Lot Four on West side of Josephine Street,
MVO and except Ten feet in width sold off the 1,i cmth-
erly side of said Lot.
7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine Street.
8th. That portion of Block 13 commencing one
hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction along
the South side of Victoria Street from the North -
Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's Survey,
better known as the Exchange Hotel property,thence
in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Vic-
toria Streef, Twenty feet by One Hundred and Nine -
ten feet, in a Southerly direetion, and parallel with
Josephine street, all said properties being in Suott's
S tliNt.iy, and the Subdivisions of a portion of Block It
Government Survey. 'Which Lando and Tenements I
shall oiler for sale, at my office, in the Court House,
in the Town of Coderieh, on Tuesday, the First day
Of December, 1885, at the hour of Twelve of the
clock, Noon.
Sheriff, Huigi,
Sheriff's Office, GoderIch, Aug. 2,md, 1885.
property will be sold clieap as the owner. is leaVing
the country. For further particulars apply to
Wingham Aug.18, 1835. Scott Street.
Late of Elirmingl.am,
having token up his resideiteeiie.
00 town, is prepared to rea-
a oat
_Limited 717.,t,7r2,be7' Of pZ4h
pas for7.71.9'67-11.t. Cei 072
Instrunienta!' yrusia-
l'or terms, etc., amply at his real:
deuce, lo-opold street.
Restores grey
hairto. its us. -W
tural coidr, re
=ayes Dandruff,
stops the hear aa;
-from .fallinit ont
;growth, and williata
• not soil the skin.taaa
. As a hair dresabalt
• . sing, it has
superior. Guar
$103 70,EWATED $100
Mt' any pronaration that will equal White
Rose Oram to remove Tan, Freckles,
Pirnples, Soften the Skin and Beautify
the Complexiori. Every bottle gottrenteaal
to be as representea or money refunded.
Price '75 cents per bottle.
THE PHAB,MAOY Sole Agent for
%Vingham, Ont.
Industrial Fair!
vessels, the word a skiniinocr in 1 etters of not pretty ,badly, making appear as though
less than two inches in length, and served tee -Aced withstood a siege. 9 . .
in measures also airniliarly marked; but. W hat came near tAng a fatal acci- Agrieutural EuiVtion
any parson supplying skimmed milk, dont, happened a few days ego near
unless such qualtty of milk has been asked wnitee hurch. t appears that Chas.
for by the purchaser, shall not be entitled Miller, sr, and wife, were starting out
to plead the provisions of this section as it to visit a friend, when their horse,
defence or extenuatiou. Nothing in this
which was a young oneebecarion
sectimetehrill tie interpreted to permit or manageable and ron away thrtiwin
r tint the mixin of water with milk oi t of the.
/ g
r g iot i oe.cupa.nts out rig. Mt.<
any other process than the removal =1" Miller fa ling so as to break three of
cream by skimrning. Tho penalties vary , her ribs and sustaining other l•ruises.
from 010 to 4100111m. ' Ao, while Mr, Miller was severely injut ail
internally. We understand they arm
LIBERAL Gkritssuve.The first public
I gathering under the auspices of the Wing- progressing as favorably tts could be
ham Young Men's Liberal Club, was held exlitaPteal.
in Williams' hall on Friday evening last, ,- Vairy of 'our readers will regret to
the occasion being the aelivery of an ad, learn of the death of Jane, the eldest
dress ett "The Duty of the Hoer," by A. M. daugh ter of J ohii Fortti ie, sr., which
Taylor, el Brussels, The meeting was took place on Saturday evening last,
well attended and truth enthusiasm pre- at her fdlie.r's residence, 9th ton, at
Veiled S. W. Galbraith, the president of the early' age of 25 years. The 'de -
the club, occupied the chair, and on the teased hott only been ailing lint a
platfc rtn wore mated Mayor Neelanas, De, 1 Mort time, 'scarcely a week, nf in-
Macdonald, rresident ef the East Biding flainination of the bowels >vh IA ailment
Reform. Association; J. A. Morton, nresi. I torminaten her life iii this world in
(lard of the Wi hatt Moral ASSOO 11 ti ti I , TI 1
, mt. sateda ioi5 funern
faint othetp Dr. tritedonaid made a few I took place on Monday afternoon fo J. WIT r1ROW, It. 3. III
straiten appropriate remarks, enc. intro- , the %Wester cemetery ail& Was 4arge' Preidoiit, anti go r
4nded the cpcaltor of the evening. Vtrb ' 1y Attended: 4'e
S ept Pth to 1,9th
The largest Prizes and the beat show of
Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs. Poilltry. Agri-
eultaral, Horticultural and Dairy Prod -
nets, Machinery, Implements and Menu:
features of all Ire ds in the Dominion of
Canada. Prize Lists and entry forma can
bo obtained from the Secretaries of all
Agricultural Societies aed Meellanics' In.
stitutes, or they will bi sent anywhere on
apnlication by post card to the Secretary
at Toronto. •
BNlittIES. CLOSE AtTG. 22tao.
A large number oT Special Attractions
are. being prepared for that time,
for full pattioilltu•s of which
p. 1 Prngian1rres
Cheap rotes and Pxonrsions on nil
railways. The nest Wile to visit the
city of Toronto,
Prepared by
Harkness Ec Co.
I.ondon, Ont. y
Sr Id by all Drtrzeistf 340,, °
and Patent liedleint P'` ItSE*3.-; rTfRir-7,
and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erystpeath.
Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Car-
buncles, Bolls, and Eruptions of the Skint
are the direct result of au impure state of the
To cure these diseases the blood must be puri -
1 Eed, and restored to a healthy and natural condi-
tion. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA has for over forty
years been recognized by eminent medical au-
thorities as the most powerful blood purifier in
existence. It frees the system from all foul hu-
mors, enriches and strengthens the blood, rembves
all traces of mercurial treatment, and prove h it-
self a complete master of all scrofulous diseqses,
A Recent Cure of Scroildons 'Sqreet,
" Some months ago I was troubled with man -
Ions soros (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were,
badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores dist
charged large quantities of offensive mutter.
Every remedy 1 tried failed, until 1 used AYER'S
SA RSA PAitiLLA, of which 1 nave now taken three
bottles, with the result that the sores are healed,
and 10)'general health greatly improved. I feel
very grateful for the good your medicine 11308 11005
me. Yours respectfully 1111513. AIN 043331Ax."
44.8 Sullivan St., New York, June '24, 1852.
LW' A11 persons interested are invited to
call on Ifirs. O'Brian; also upon the Rev. Et
P. Wilds of 88 East 54th Street, New York
City, who will take pleasure in testifying to
the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarsaparki- k; •
la, not only in the cure of this lady, but id P""ut,,
his own case and many others within hie
Tho well-known writer on the Boston Herald* B.
W. BALL, of Roche:der, N.11,writes, June 7, nem
" Having snifered severely for sonic years with
Eczema, and havingralled to find relief from other
effected a complete cure, 1 consider va maga,
Cent remedy for all blood diseases."
• Ayer's Sarsaparilla
stimulates and regulates the action of the di.
gestive and as3similative °Italie, renews and
strengthens the vital forges, and speedily eines
Ithettmettism, Nettralgia, Rheumatic (cont,
Catarriir General Debility, and ell diseases
arising frons an impoverished or corrupted condi-,
Mon of the blood, and it weakened
on necount of its Concentrated strength, ram groat
power over disease.
1,11EPAIttne nit
DI% J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
sow by all Druggists; price el, six bottles for Set