HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-11, Page 5wows UOVNCIL, The regular monthly meeting of the council was held on Monday evening. All the members were present, except (ouncillors T. McC1yneont, Smith, Kerr and Bowers, The finance committee reported, re- commending the payn.ent of the fol- lowing nr'courrts. O. E. Williams, telegraphing, 84 ets.; Geo Blackwel , p'nstering aim cementipg wheelhouse, $18,76. J. 13. Ferguson, paid Regis- trar for registration of salt well bows by-law and copy of tax by-law, $3.25; Elliott Bros„ 175 i,ric!k tile for water write, $2 45; Wm. Ilolntes, ir• u gars, etc., $:1.25; Geo. Powell, charity order, $2; Henry Potter, work on streets, $7.10; Mr. Foxen, work on streets, $1 25; R. Martin, repairing harness, $1; Joe, Hurtibese, repairing fire alarm, $2.50; Thos Moore, draw- ing gravel, etc., i14 02; J. J. Ander- sen, lumber. x+20,30; :McGregor extra Work on whee house, $11; Jos. Bul- lard, work on streets, $19; J•. Saint, dray, 25 ete.: J. Stephenson, repairing 040 cart, 84.40; Watt & Kerr, material and work for water works, $18,01; II. W. C. Meyer, commission on sale of salt well debar tures, $7.50. The re port was°acd pted. The chairman of the fire and water committee presented a report showing that the present fire company had tendered its resignation, which the committee recommended should be accepted and a new company formed consisting of a captain and ten good men, the captain to be appointed by the council. and to have the privilege of choosing his own men, and be re• sponsible for their proficiency, the care of certain fire apparatus, etc., that he should receive $50 per annum and each of the firerren .$15; that Jas. Cone be captain; that $80 be paid re- tiring company in accordance with resolution of old council: that the thanks of the council are due Captain Coutts and his company for the very efficient manner in which they per- formed their duties. The committee also reported the new brick wheel- house completed and machinery and hydrants in best possib e condition; that they would have levelled the grounds around the wheel house and erecte a force had the finances per- mitted, and recommended such were to their successors next year; and that as all the hose were bought at the same time, consequently would give ou i about the same time, and if they had to he rep aced in one year it would be very serious; that the finance com- mittee consider. the 'iadvisatility of ap• propriating a sum yearly and deposit. ing it to a special account for the purchase of new hose when required. After the reading and discussion of above report it was moved by the Reeve, seconded by Coun. Black, that a by.law be drafted embodying the recommendations contained in the fire and water committee's report respect• ing the appointment of a capt'tin and the government of. a fire company. Carried. Moved by Coun. MoIndoo, seconded by Cone. Gannett, that Mise Murphy be refunded $4 out of the $5 she ad. vaaced as rent .of the town hail fdr purpose of a lecture to be delivered by Rev. Mr. O'Connell, in which case the hall was not used. Carried. Moved by Conn. Willson, seconded by Couu. Black, that the cemetery committee be requested to present a scheme to the council at its next nicer- ing for putting in order and improving the cemetery and fixing a yearly sum to be paid by ownere of lots for keep ;ng the same clippei and in orde r• Carried. Moved by Coun. Willson, seconded by the Reeve, that the sum of $30 be placed to the credit of the board of health. Carried.. Mr. Morcon addressed the council soliciting the free 'r+se of the town hall for the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario, in which to hold their annual meeting on the 16th and 17th inst3i On motion the same was granted;.' The council then adjourned. Tho fol'owing figures show that Ireland is ,,making substantial indus- trial progress under Mr. Gladstone's litnil legislation : Irish agrrcnitural Statistics ehoty that tbereare5,000,000 • acres of land under crops in Ireland, an increase of 81,000 over the aver- age of 1884; that there are 10,000,250 acres of grass land, a decrease of 200, 000 acres, and that bog, barren and mountain..laud has decreased 27,000 acres, There were 2,132 new eases of cholera, and 510 deaths to Spain on Sunday. Sir Andre v Clark has diagnosed Mr. Gladstone's condition, and reports the Vornieo soun4 io health; but ear. is,�s.eeessar,'% to prevent a, relapse., S GRAO:Br, HARRY HISCOCKS The LADING UNDERTAKER. Groceries, Provisions, and Fruits, Has just opened out a fresh and choice stook of "VT IN" G-i� A.1V1_ FALL WINTER SUITS. 000-000— A 'BELL, THE TAILOR Has just received from New York the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. A large number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them. e 000-000-000 1F YOU WANT A STYLISH 'OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A GOOD FIT CALL ON W. A. CAMPBELL SCOTT'S OLD BANK. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF -- urniture�-= Of every description, call and see our stock at the Wingham Furniture raty We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDROOM & PARLOR`3UITES .}. before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders for Car Load. Lots always hate our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex- change for Furniture. SCOTT SuBELL W' N 11 A M. Don,t fail to attend the 1 '7i in ci Tig. . • AT A. 11 = L Z, S' For 20 days at cost. oxoxo Come Brig Your Mney and Du Cheap Goods, No ReMerve and No Humbug. T Wingham, Anoost 12; 1886. MILLS. In the stand recently occupied by C, M. Newans, and solicits a share of the public patrpnage, 000 000 --- CALL • AND SEE HIM. -THE PHARMACY - A. Fine and. New Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance„ Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographrc Pens, Pure Paris Green, and Eve-, ything in the Line of ( Drugs And. Druggists Sundries you want at —THE PHARMACY -SW INGIIAM THE NEW FIRM OF 3ar:�=Gy & :�c�rim�on 1 re Offering GREAT V .LUE in Stoves, Tinware and House' Furnishing Goods FOR THE NEST THIRTY'- 2aAY8 —JUST RECEIVED -- A LARGE CONS1GNMENT OF NN Mae!, Jewelry ete At Lower Prices than Ever Refoi: Offered in Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as any House in Canada, Try me, and see.. for yourselves. HALSEY PARK 9$0 44,11.4isoil '- Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indiycscaon, Biliousness, y y�,s�k Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, 1 jai #'(? n, , Botches, Boils, llumors,Salt Rheum, eunm, ;Scrofula, '� ._,rys!•pelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stton ach, or irregular actian of the Bcwels. rt'„ atztM Go ivy' 'L ioustota,la] figs '� `' ' . THIS RESERVED FOR Wm. ELLIOTT,, Who will have something of impor .' tante to say to the readers. of the Timm next week.. •